BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010! Rss Feed  
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2010-02-10 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Looks Like our group is just having a Half merry party LOL!!  By the end of the year I hope to be completly merry :-)

I'm with you on the hating the cold... When I winter fish I wear a ski suit and a motorcycle helmet. some of my friend have laughed at me cause a few times I have kept the helmet on for a little bit after we get to the fishing spot to stay warm. I'm sure I look silly fishing in a motorcycle helmet... But it works. 

2010-02-10 8:46 AM
in reply to: #2665261

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-02-10 8:35 AM Looks Like our group is just having a Half merry party LOL!!  By the end of the year I hope to be completly merry :-)

I'm with you on the hating the cold... When I winter fish I wear a ski suit and a motorcycle helmet. some of my friend have laughed at me cause a few times I have kept the helmet on for a little bit after we get to the fishing spot to stay warm. I'm sure I look silly fishing in a motorcycle helmet... But it works. 

I hear you.  Running and riding a bike in the cold is one thing but riding down the lake at 70 mph in the 25 deg weather is brutal.  The fact that you dont get to warm up for 8-10 hours is the hard part..
2010-02-10 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Knew a guide on Sam Rayburn that had a house boat with a cutout in the floor and he went out and parked over brush piles and they fished for Crappie while the heat was keeping them warm.  Now that is how to winter fish...
2010-02-10 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Just checking in....ran 5 miles on the treadmill Monday and 3 on Tuesday but my right lower leg was hurting a bit after the 3, so did the recumbent exercise bike Tuesday 21 miles in just a bit over an hour, not sure how that would rate against riding but it was what was available.

Oh the cold I cann't say I really hate it but I am read for some warmer temps also.  But the best way I know of warming up is still a hot bath.
2010-02-11 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2666246

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

Jonkj - 2010-02-10 2:06 PM Just checking in....ran 5 miles on the treadmill Monday and 3 on Tuesday but my right lower leg was hurting a bit after the 3, so did the recumbent exercise bike Tuesday 21 miles in just a bit over an hour, not sure how that would rate against riding but it was what was available.

Oh the cold I cann't say I really hate it but I am read for some warmer temps also.  But the best way I know of warming up is still a hot bath.

Good to hear from you buddy. Way to listen to your body and cross train.  I have been able to remain injury free for some time taking the ZERO tollerance to pain approach.  If I get a pain or soreness, I know that it is a warning that I'm doing too much to soon or I need to figure out the cause.  Only soreness or pain I usually get is what you described lower leg Shin or ankle.  I always follow onset of this with crosstraining that is non impact for at least 2 days and always restart running with a easy run.  At least up to this point in my life it has worked.  The body is incredably adaptive given proper time and balance. 

Last night I rowed 30 minuits 6000 meters and then ran 2 miles on the treadmill.  Running after rowing is a bit harder.  Great workout finished feeling good.

2010-02-11 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I started running again today...10.5k.

Back at it.  Gonna try & my mileage over next few months.  When the snow disappears, I tend to cycle much more. 


2010-02-11 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Re: Higdon's novice plan.

This fellow is well known in running circles & I probably have no right to critisise, nevertheless...I agree with most of the plan listed. It should be stressed that this plan is to finish. It is not heavy in mileage. I would not count on a particular time with this. Although he claims "don't worry about the final 3 miles. Excitement will carry you". Do not kid yourself...this last 5k is hard. This is where I typically need mental toughness. My demons plague me here. Personally, I like to have finished the distance prior. Actually, I like to train over it, for a Half mary, to have mental fuel in the tank. My point is if you are training at a certain speed & assume you can maintain it in the last 3 miles, you may be sadly mistaken! A marathon is different. The effect on your energy stores is a different beast, but that's another story.

It is all in your mindset. If you go in with no pre-concieved finishing time & just run to comfort & walk, if tired, this plan will do well & you will finish. If you are set on a time, you may not!

Anyway, I don't want to be a downer, but thought I would share the experience of my last 6 Half marys. For my first Half Mary, I trained above & believe in it!

*zips his mouth* & stops dissing a running guru!


I am not saying to change your training plan, just be realistic with your goals! As bwingate says...have a plan!

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-02-11 6:35 PM
2010-02-11 6:51 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Hey team! I'd like to welcome you to Planet Hoth....Yes, it snowed, again. And a lot. Final count at my house was an additional 18 inches. This is on top of the 28 dumped on us this past weekend. Amazing.Problem this time was that it happened during the week and it was much heavier. Kids have been off since Weds and don't go back to school until Tuesday thanks to P-day. Philly has set a new snow record for the season at 72 inches and according to weather pro's there could be a few more storms this And, this ruined the trip to Florida my wife and I had planned to celebrate her 40th and our 15th wedding anniversary. (which was today, 2/11...we dodged the snow bullet back in 1995....not this 2/11)We lost power at 4:30 yesterday so we spent a pretty cold night indoors, huddled by the fireplace. Woke up to try to get out the driveway (since I had shoveled the first 10" off on Weds) but no luck. Plows had pushed it shut. Sooooo, I break out the shovel and get started. I realize I should just use the snow blower since it's not as high as Weds snow...turns out you have to have a KEY to start the snow blower! I had somehow dislodged the key between when I had stopped on Weds and putting the blower must have fallen onto the driveway...after a futile and frantic search I realize I'm the wife and I shovel and shovel and shovel..I break down and borrow the neighbors snow blower about 2/3'rds of the way through. Finish the job and take the fam out to lunch.....turns out PECO (local utility) says no power to us until Fri at 5:00 PM. Damn. We decide to book a local hotel 5 minutes from our house w/ a suite and free hot breakfast. I figure we can get our $129 worth at breakfast if I get all the kids to chow down and stuff some in their shirts. LOL.Anyway, pack up at home and head to the hotel...guess what, we check in and get settled...I check my Facebook account via my iPhone about 15 minutes later and turns out our power is BACK ON! So, we decide to keep the adventure going and stay at the hotel. They offer free pizza, wine and beer for dinner. So, no gym yesterday or today but the snow shoveling gave me a nice workout. (though I ate like a champ tonight...)Looking like the forum is pretty active and I enjoy the conversation about running....Phil
2010-02-11 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Whooh, Phil, you have a a busy few days!!!  Frown

Funny you mention Florida, I am in process of booking a couple of weeks R&R in April for me & the family.  Shorthen the winter just a little.  Problem it takes me a few days to acclimatise to running in 80deg!!!


Edited by GoGoGo 2010-02-11 7:08 PM
2010-02-11 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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New user
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
haha phil that's rough! I feel your pain though living in south jersey. bummer about the vacation though

So I haven't signed up for the half marry yet (waiting for that extra cash in the bank account,) but today I was bored and decided to go on the website. While reading the rules I run into an says no head phones allowed on the course at any time. I have always worked out with my headphones, especially running. I got through my tris because running was the last and it was like the light at the end of the tunnel, and the momentum got me through it. I just don't know how I'm going to run 13 miles with nothing. Websites says they will have bands lining the course, but I'm still concerned. I know a lot people think music takes away from running, but really it's the only thing that gets my legs going. Thoughts??

2010-02-11 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2668894

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Kristen8040 - 2010-02-11 9:16 PMhaha phil that's rough! I feel your pain though living in south jersey. bummer about the vacation though

So I haven't signed up for the half marry yet (waiting for that extra cash in the bank account,) but today I was bored and decided to go on the website. While reading the rules I run into an says no head phones allowed on the course at any time. I have always worked out with my headphones, especially running. I got through my tris because running was the last and it was like the light at the end of the tunnel, and the momentum got me through it. I just don't know how I'm going to run 13 miles with nothing. Websites says they will have bands lining the course, but I'm still concerned. I know a lot people think music takes away from running, but really it's the only thing that gets my legs going. Thoughts??

If I run alone, I have tunes.

If I run with a group or race I don't. Doesn't bother me.

I wouldn't worry about it, The race experience will probably make up for it.

More & More races have this requirement, so just as well to suck it up!


2010-02-11 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Good advice on the 1/2 Marithon.  My intent is just what you said to finish.  Using the sensible side of my brain this early in the game tells me the smart thing to do is to make this the year of the finish. Concentrating on building a strong base and remaining injury free.  I feel if I spend the majority of this time building milage up to a fall Marithon next year I can start working on more advanced plans and inprovements in time.  I do agree with you that It is wise to cover the distance at leat once before the race which is what I plan to do givin I have enough flex in my time frame to do an extra workout before taper and get to 13 miles. 

As always I welcome any advice and comments on this.

I feel for you buddy I wish you and your family the best and I'll pray for some hot weather for you guys up there. 
2010-02-12 6:35 AM
in reply to: #2668844

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
GoGoGo - 2010-02-11 7:32 PM Re: Higdon's novice plan.

This fellow is well known in running circles & I probably have no right to critisise, nevertheless...I agree with most of the plan listed. It should be stressed that this plan is to finish. It is not heavy in mileage. I would not count on a particular time with this. Although he claims "don't worry about the final 3 miles. Excitement will carry you". Do not kid yourself...this last 5k is hard. This is where I typically need mental toughness. My demons plague me here. Personally, I like to have finished the distance prior. Actually, I like to train over it, for a Half mary, to have mental fuel in the tank. My point is if you are training at a certain speed & assume you can maintain it in the last 3 miles, you may be sadly mistaken! A marathon is different. The effect on your energy stores is a different beast, but that's another story.

It is all in your mindset. If you go in with no pre-concieved finishing time & just run to comfort & walk, if tired, this plan will do well & you will finish. If you are set on a time, you may not!

Anyway, I don't want to be a downer, but thought I would share the experience of my last 6 Half marys. For my first Half Mary, I trained above & believe in it!

*zips his mouth* & stops dissing a running guru!


I am not saying to change your training plan, just be realistic with your goals! As bwingate says...have a plan!

To be fair, I think Higdon's novice plans are "just finish" plans designed for people doing their first or second race.  If you're not worried about a time, Higdon gives you enough volume and rest to get it done.  If you're aiming for a particular time, step up to an intermediate plan and the training gets harder.

2010-02-12 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I ran the 1/2 Marathon distance backin 2006 and finished it in 1:54.  This was not a formal race just me training up to that distance and seeing what I could do.  Starting over in November of last year puts me squarly back in the Novice catigory.  I'v also had to sort out the whole Asthma problem and I'm still 10 pounds heaver than I was in 2006 so I'm guessing my best bet this year is build volume with lots of easy runs and an occasional harder run or race thrown in.  Would you guys agree with this for my first year back into runing after that sort of lay off. 
2010-02-12 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2668844

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
GoGoGo - 2010-02-11 6:32 PM Re: Higdon's novice plan.

This fellow is well known in running circles & I probably have no right to critisise, nevertheless...I agree with most of the plan listed. It should be stressed that this plan is to finish. It is not heavy in mileage. I would not count on a particular time with this. Although he claims "don't worry about the final 3 miles. Excitement will carry you". Do not kid yourself...this last 5k is hard. This is where I typically need mental toughness. My demons plague me here. Personally, I like to have finished the distance prior. Actually, I like to train over it, for a Half mary, to have mental fuel in the tank. My point is if you are training at a certain speed & assume you can maintain it in the last 3 miles, you may be sadly mistaken! A marathon is different. The effect on your energy stores is a different beast, but that's another story.

It is all in your mindset. If you go in with no pre-concieved finishing time & just run to comfort & walk, if tired, this plan will do well & you will finish. If you are set on a time, you may not!

Anyway, I don't want to be a downer, but thought I would share the experience of my last 6 Half marys. For my first Half Mary, I trained above & believe in it!

*zips his mouth* & stops dissing a running guru!


I am not saying to change your training plan, just be realistic with your goals! As bwingate says...have a plan!

Gogogo and others
What ever you do, please don't stop with the advice and recomendations.  I cant speak for some of the other new folk here but it is exactly what I came here for.  I can read 1000 plans on the internet but YOUR actual experience is what I am looking for.  Don't think for a second that one of you can say something to me that will hurt my ego or feelings.  I promise you, I don't have either. hahahaha..  Keep it coming gogogo, it is vital..

Now.  I had the day off yesterday but did a 90 min ride on the spin bike Wednesday afternoon.  I wanted to ride outside but I am too much of a little girl to ride in the 35 deg weather and a 25 mph north wind.  So, I hide inside.  Nice ride, did some heart rate management and tried a "gel" for the first time after 45 mins on the bike.  I figured I would try it in the middle of my ride to see how it affected me and if my body "liked" it or not.  I did the Power Gel I believe.  No problems from it and I did see an increase in my speed over the last 45 mins of my bike.  Mental or physical?  Not sure yet.

This morning, I was up at 4:00am for swim in the pool.  Did some new drills and swam a couple of 300's after.  I was not humping it on the 300's but my times were around 6:15 for each of them.  I seem to be in that ball park for now.  I really feel like I need more time in the pool and need some longer swims.  Maybe I am being impatient but it just fells that way.  I will be patient and do as I am told.  LOL

Tonight is a light run for me then a spin class tomorrow. My first one.  I will let you know how it goes. 

Diet has been good.  I am still losing about a pound a week and feeling strong.  I think it may be the one thing that I do best for now.  Working with a nutritionist for a year did a lot in the category for me.

You Veterans please keep the info and recommendations coming.  It is what us green folk need.  

Thanks for it as well

Peace out

Oh yea, one more thing.  Going to get snow here today.  I don't know what you northern folks are doing
up there but it is not funny one bit!!!!!!!

Edited by LanierSpots 2010-02-12 8:02 AM
2010-02-12 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

Left the door open and all that cold is getting out... Hey GoGoGo Close the door up there buddy LOL!!

2010-02-12 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2669313

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-02-12 8:01 AM

Now.  I had the day off yesterday but did a 90 min ride on the spin bike Wednesday afternoon.  I wanted to ride outside but I am too much of a little girl to ride in the 35 deg weather and a 25 mph north wind.  So, I hide inside.  Nice ride, did some heart rate management and tried a "gel" for the first time after 45 mins on the bike.  I figured I would try it in the middle of my ride to see how it affected me and if my body "liked" it or not.  I did the Power Gel I believe.  No problems from it and I did see an increase in my speed over the last 45 mins of my bike.  Mental or physical?  Not sure yet.

This morning, I was up at 4:00am for swim in the pool.  Did some new drills and swam a couple of 300's after.  I was not humping it on the 300's but my times were around 6:15 for each of them.  I seem to be in that ball park for now.  I really feel like I need more time in the pool and need some longer swims.  Maybe I am being impatient but it just fells that way.  I will be patient and do as I am told.  LOL

Tonight is a light run for me then a spin class tomorrow. My first one.  I will let you know how it goes. 

Diet has been good.  I am still losing about a pound a week and feeling strong.  I think it may be the one thing that I do best for now.  Working with a nutritionist for a year did a lot in the category for me.

You Veterans please keep the info and recommendations coming.  It is what us green folk need.  

Thanks for it as well

Peace out

Oh yea, one more thing.  Going to get snow here today.  I don't know what you northern folks are doing
up there but it is not funny one bit!!!!!!!



Don't worry too much about getting faster at the swim, yet.  Get comfortable knowing that you can do the distance.  Then, when you want to get a little faster:  (1) form and drill, drill, drill and (2) shorter intervals at a slightly quicker pace with very little rest.

Keep playing around with nutrition.  Its not the first gel that will do you in, but usually the third or fourth when you stomach decides that the party is over and throws everyone out.  I usually put 2 gels in a 6 oz fuel belt bottle and disolve it in water.  Then I sip that alternately with plain water.  Also, try different brands and flavors in case you get to a race with a different brand.  You kind of want to know if you are sensative to different gels.
2010-02-12 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thanks Bruce, that is an excellent point.  I actually tried the Hammer Gel.   I did it straight.  I had not even thought of mixing it with water..  Interesting.  

I have a list of the stuff the HIM will provide and I will take my own nutrition.  I will get water and gatoraide from them but bring my own sort of speak

I have a few long rides coming up and will try to do two or three during the time and see what happens.  I have to say that my stomach can take about anything.  I have never had any issues with anything other than no soda in the heat.  I work on a boat and spend 12 hours a day at times in 100 deg water with zero shade.   I can take the heat and never had and stomach/system problems...  But I want to test it all out first. 

Thanks again

2010-02-12 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2669331

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-02-12 9:17 AM GO

Left the door open and all that cold is getting out... Hey GoGoGo Close the door up there buddy LOL!!

It's not me, we are above freezing today!!!Innocent

2010-02-12 1:29 PM
in reply to: #2669029

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-02-11 10:44 PMGo
Good advice on the 1/2 Marithon.  My intent is just what you said to finish.  Using the sensible side of my brain this early in the game tells me the smart thing to do is to make this the year of the finish. Concentrating on building a strong base and remaining injury free.  I feel if I spend the majority of this time building milage up to a fall Marithon next year I can start working on more advanced plans and inprovements in time.  I do agree with you that It is wise to cover the distance at leat once before the race which is what I plan to do givin I have enough flex in my time frame to do an extra workout before taper and get to 13 miles. 

As always I welcome any advice and comments on this.

I feel for you buddy I wish you and your family the best and I'll pray for some hot weather for you guys up there. 

With what you are saying, I think this plan should be good for you.

My point was...don't underestimate the half marathon distance! It can be tough!

All that being said, you guys will have a good attitude!

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-02-12 1:30 PM
2010-02-12 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2669895

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-02-12 12:50 PMThanks Bruce, that is an excellent point.  I actually tried the Hammer Gel.   I did it straight.  I had not even thought of mixing it with water..  Interesting.  

I have a list of the stuff the HIM will provide and I will take my own nutrition.  I will get water and gatoraide from them but bring my own sort of speak

I have a few long rides coming up and will try to do two or three during the time and see what happens.  I have to say that my stomach can take about anything.  I have never had any issues with anything other than no soda in the heat.  I work on a boat and spend 12 hours a day at times in 100 deg water with zero shade.   I can take the heat and never had and stomach/system problems...  But I want to test it all out first. 

Thanks again

Most of gels need to be taken with water to act as a solute. Whether you mix them in or take water after the gel, is academic...same end result. Most gels are meant to be taken every 45 mins & need about 20 minutes to really take effect. I like them. Have really only tried Gu & quite like it. I have tried numerous flavours, but my favourite by far is "Espresso love". Sugar & caffeine!!! I am a caffeine addict, so this works well for me! To plan our gel needs, time yourself with the 45 mins in mind.

Good Luck with Spin class. I like it in the off season. I will be going for 75 minute spin in the morning. If my legs are good, will run 5k immediately after. This is my common Saturday morning brick.. As spin is not true cycling, as soon as the roads become clear, I go to the road & quit Spin, until the late fall again.


Edited by GoGoGo 2010-02-12 1:49 PM

2010-02-12 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2668897

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
GoGoGo - 2010-02-11 8:23 PM
Kristen8040 - 2010-02-11 9:16 PMhaha phil that's rough! I feel your pain though living in south jersey. bummer about the vacation though

So I haven't signed up for the half marry yet (waiting for that extra cash in the bank account,) but today I was bored and decided to go on the website. While reading the rules I run into an says no head phones allowed on the course at any time. I have always worked out with my headphones, especially running. I got through my tris because running was the last and it was like the light at the end of the tunnel, and the momentum got me through it. I just don't know how I'm going to run 13 miles with nothing. Websites says they will have bands lining the course, but I'm still concerned. I know a lot people think music takes away from running, but really it's the only thing that gets my legs going. Thoughts??

If I run alone, I have tunes.

If I run with a group or race I don't. Doesn't bother me.

I wouldn't worry about it, The race experience will probably make up for it.

More & More races have this requirement, so just as well to suck it up!


If I run alone, I use my tunes.  In a group, I don't either.  I have not worn any headphones for a race either though I've seen those rules. Usually the momentum of the race is enough for me. Even during my marathons.

But...I will tell you that in all the races I've been involved with I've seen people running with headphones. Unless you think you are going to be in the winners circle I'm sure you are fine. Do what makes you feel good!


2010-02-12 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I am a bit of a magazine junkie...but I digress.

The latest issue of Triathlete magazine has a beginner section. Discusses some gear one might want. An article on long runs, etc.

If you are a magasine junkie, pick it up..a good read!

2010-02-13 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2670311

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
GoGoGo - 2010-02-12 2:38 PM
LanierSpots - 2010-02-12 12:50 PMThanks Bruce, that is an excellent point.  I actually tried the Hammer Gel.   I did it straight.  I had not even thought of mixing it with water..  Interesting.  

I have a list of the stuff the HIM will provide and I will take my own nutrition.  I will get water and gatoraide from them but bring my own sort of speak

I have a few long rides coming up and will try to do two or three during the time and see what happens.  I have to say that my stomach can take about anything.  I have never had any issues with anything other than no soda in the heat.  I work on a boat and spend 12 hours a day at times in 100 deg water with zero shade.   I can take the heat and never had and stomach/system problems...  But I want to test it all out first. 

Thanks again

Most of gels need to be taken with water to act as a solute. Whether you mix them in or take water after the gel, is academic...same end result. Most gels are meant to be taken every 45 mins & need about 20 minutes to really take effect. I like them. Have really only tried Gu & quite like it. I have tried numerous flavours, but my favourite by far is "Espresso love". Sugar & caffeine!!! I am a caffeine addict, so this works well for me! To plan our gel needs, time yourself with the 45 mins in mind.

Good Luck with Spin class. I like it in the off season. I will be going for 75 minute spin in the morning. If my legs are good, will run 5k immediately after. This is my common Saturday morning brick.. As spin is not true cycling, as soon as the roads become clear, I go to the road & quit Spin, until the late fall again.


I like thinning the gels out with water because its a little easier to eat.  Nothing like having a mouthful of gel and inhaling a little too hard. 

Tried running outside this morning and it was just to dangerous.  There was a little too much traffic and no shoulder.  Cut my run short at 3 miles and will finish up on the treadmill at the gym.  Looks like this whole week will be spent on the gym's 'mills.  Tough one is going to be tomorrow - 14 miles on the treadmills.  A little over two hours for me.  Maybe Monday I'll try the roads again and see if its easier with less traffic early in the morning.
2010-02-13 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
So...any cool valentines plans? Anything special for your sweetie?!?
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