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2010-07-19 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Well, POOP!  I knew not to trust the unofficial results!  The official results just posted online and I was 4th overall Cry (still top of my AG Laughing)!  I'm still really proud of my accomplishments, don't get me wrong, it took the wind a little out of my sails.  Drat! 

I still need to post the race report, but my dirty floor is calling me and the kids are at camp.  Gotta get something done while they're gone!

2010-07-19 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Northern Ohio
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

Congratulations to you and your husband!


2010-07-19 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Robin, tops in your age group?!?  That is amazing!  Way to go.  I can't wait to read the race report!
2010-07-19 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Here ya go, folks!  BTW, I didn't get to do my floor.  I was too busy looking at event pics and analyzing the results!

Edited by sungirl919 2010-07-19 12:57 PM
2010-07-19 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Congratulations to Robin and Noel on fantastic races this weekend!  Amazing results!  I commented directly on both of your race reports!  I can't wait to race this weekend, I'm inspired now! 

Crissy.....  I would do the race!  You earned it and owe it to yourself and if the DH says do it, well then do it!  Maybe it will light a fire under him and get him in the water more often? 

I think we should have a Nutrition conversation if that is cool with all?  I'm refering specifically to race/training nutrition.  With a number of us doing Olympic distance tri's and some longer I am curious to know how everyone approaches nutrition on race day.  From breakfast pre-race, to fueling on the bike and the run to avoid the dreaded BONK!  I bring this up because I am in an experimentation phase and trying a few different things to avoid the run bonk and it has come up a few times. I also bonked hard on a 10K run yesterday  

So Noel, you just did an oly this weekend, how did you approach it?  Robin, you have Cleveland coming up, have you thought about what you will do differently in the Oly than the Sprints?  Everyone else, what is your approach on long training sessions? 

2010-07-19 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
I am totally clueless on race nutrition.  For both of my Olympic races here's what I did:
  1. Ate breakfast (a little bit larger than a normal breakfast) a few hours before my race (i.e. 6 am)
  2. Ate a banana about 20 mins before my race
  3. Drank water on the bike and drank water & a few sips of Gatorade on the run.

That's it. 

The day after my race I was talking with a friend of mine who has raced bicycles for years and he asked me how much GU I took during my race.  When I responded with zero, he was in shock.  He was like, "Dude, Nole, you will gain so much by having some nutrition.  I guarantee you'll be able to go faster for longer." 

Oops.  I guess I really need this discussion! 

2010-07-19 10:49 PM
in reply to: #2990133

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-07-19 10:56 AM Here ya go, folks!  BTW, I didn't get to do my floor.  I was too busy looking at event pics and analyzing the results!

hey Robin, just read your race report.  You did so awesome! 

I have a couple questions as I am planning on doing a sprint race with a pool swim next month.  Did you wear a wetsuit in the pool?  And can you explain how the serpentine swim worked?

2010-07-19 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2991537

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
n.k - 2010-07-19 11:49 PM
sungirl919 - 2010-07-19 10:56 AM Here ya go, folks!  BTW, I didn't get to do my floor.  I was too busy looking at event pics and analyzing the results!

hey Robin, just read your race report.  You did so awesome! 

I have a couple questions as I am planning on doing a sprint race with a pool swim next month.  Did you wear a wetsuit in the pool?  And can you explain how the serpentine swim worked?


No wetsuit.  The pool was warmer than bath water!  It was soooo warm!  That might be different where you're located. We also had to climb out of the pool so a wetsuit might be a hinderance. 

I don't know if all serpentine swims are the same, but here's how mine worked:  It was a 400m swim and 8 lap lanes were available.  It was a TT start, so you had to seed yourself in the appropriate spot.  You were told when to jump into the pool then you swam one lap (down and back) in the same lane.  When you finished that 50m, you moved to the next lane (down and back) moved to the next, etc.  It was nice b/c you didn't have to count laps, you just progressed until you swam all the lanes. 

There were only 2 downsides to this swim:  1.  seeding  if you ranked yourself as a slower swimmer, you had to wait a long time to start and 2.  passing:  luckily, I had two women tell me to pass them and that happened on the wall each time.  Watching the men swim, they were passing mid-lap, so there were times that a tangle of swimmers was in a lane. 

It was a neat experience.  I'll be very interested to hear your opinion.  Hope this helps!

Edited by sungirl919 2010-07-19 11:06 PM
2010-07-21 1:11 AM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Never done a race yet but I wouldn't mind advice or suggestions on my nutrition last Monday.

Got up at 5:30 and outside and mostly awake and ready by 5:45.  Ran (well jogged with a few walk breaks) for just shy of 40 minutes.  Pretty hot/humid out, I was plenty sweaty.

Got home, took a shower and drank a carnation instant breakfast 130 calories mixed with a cup of 2% milk 122 calories.  Total for breakfast 252.

Went to work and had lunch about 12 pm.  I was lazy and had grabbed a frozen meal. 320 calories for a turkey meal.  Oh yeah and a nectarine.  70 calories.  Total for lunch 390.  1 small glass of water with lunch.

Went to the club and swam 2500 lcm.  Was about 95 degrees out and the pool temp was 84!!!  Gross.  I like my pool water in the 70's.  Absolutely wiped after this.  Usually swimming is refreshing.  This was not. 

Got home and weighed and I was almost 4 lbs lighter than in the am when I weighed before I ran.  So I know that was all from sweating and at this point in the day the only things I had to drink was the breakfast thing and 1 glass of water.   I drank about 3 tall glasses of water right after I weighed and then pretty much couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep on the couch.  

Woke up an hour or so later and I was ravenous.  Binge time baby! I was like shove it in and don't even chew, just swallow hungry and sooooo thirsty!  After eating 2  shredded beef and cheese burritos (I had crockpotted a roast the day before with green chiles for about 15 hours, so it wasn't fast food) and downing a coke (I know, BAD!) I followed it up with some deli swiss cheese that I rolled around a piece of roast beef.  I drank another 3 glasses of water.  Basically, I ate and drank till my stomach hurt all in a 15 minute span.  Rough estimate of about 900 calories for food and 150 for the pepsi.

Pretty much fell into bed exhausted that night.  Rough estimate, I ate about 1800 calories for the day.

So, I know there's alot to work on.  I know first and foremost that I don't drink near enough water. I never do.  In spin class last wed., everyone was out of water at the end of the hour, but I had over half left of a 16oz bottle.     I need to figure out the minimum I need to drink and start getting that down.  I know frozen meals are processed with alot of sodium and aren't great but in a pinch, they beat eating out for me because I don't make good choices, I go to In-N-Out.   I just felt half dead most of the day and I wonder how much was from my not so great nutrition choices.  I don't like how much I ate at dinner and how light the early part of the day was calorie wise.  I was starved by 12pm.  That little breakfast drink didn't go too far.  I'm not happy about 2 burritos for dinner, not to mention the chaser of a meat/cheese roll up!

So 1800 calories roughly and about an hour and forty minutes of exercise that left me exhausted when it should have been a fairly ok day.  No where near enough water. 

Rip it apart.  I can take it.  I know my eating habits are horrid.

2010-07-21 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

1st off, In-n-Out! Bestill my beating heart!  I lived in LA for 3 years back in the early 2000's and I hated every bit of it, all except In-N-Out!  Do you think you can pick me up a double-double animal style and overnight it to me?  I read that in your post and my stomach went nutz!    

Honestly, your eating isn't that bad, and your calorie intake for the level of activity you put in is right on mark, if not maybe a little low.  You definitly need to drink more water, but this you know already.  Keep a bottle with you all day and sip from it frequently.  

Just a few suggestions..... 

It seems that your early day calorie intake didn't come from the best sources.  The calorie count was low, but a frozen meal and instant breakfast don't provide the appropriate nutrition to fuel your level of activity!

Try to eat real food when you can, I'm specifically refering to the meal replacement drink in the AM.  I might use that as a suppliment, or mid-morning snack, but a real breakfast I think will really start your day off right. Oatmeal, eggs (or egg whites) a nice balance of protien, fats and carbohydrates will get your furnace burning!  Noel's breakfast burrito's are a perfect example of this balance!  Research shows that people who eat a protien rich breakfast feel satiated longer and consume less calories throughout the day! 

Swimming makes me absolutely ravenous too!  I love it!  The one reason I really like to get my swims done in the morning is that I can eat all day, however I try to spread it out as much as possible.  It usually looks like this.....
5:45AM Banana, 6:00 Swim 30-60min, 7:30 eggwhites, turkey & Cheese on whole wheat & Coffee, 10:30AM Oatmeal with 1/2 banana and Peanut Butter (Best snack EVER!), 12:45PM run 30 - 60.  That oatmeal at 10:30 keeps me super satiated and fuels my mid day run.  I eat lunch at 2:00, fruit snack at 3:00, yogurt at 4:00 then dinner around 7:30. I'm eating ALL DAY! 

The binge is inevetable and you didn't make a terrible choice, the portion size may have been too much.  Next time maybe try to fuel 30 min prior to your swim and if you feel a binge coming on, have those 2 glasses of water before you eat, it will help make you feel fuller.  

Bottom line is your nutrition isn't bad. Try to spread out your eating, and eat more frequently throught the day, especially on days you are working out twice.  You put nearly 2hrs of excercise in, you need fuel!   

Edited by mchubri` 2010-07-21 8:52 AM
2010-07-21 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
As you all know, I am by no means an expert on this stuff.  But my two cents for you Ronda:

First, as you already stated, you need more water.  I find that by drinking a lot of water I am hungry less.  I heard somewhere that people often confuse hunger with thirst.  So its good to stay hydrated so that when you feel hungry, you know its a real hunger.

Second, I would eat a bigger breakfast.  I have know idea how you can work all morning (let alone getting in a workout!) just having those milk things for breakfast.  I found a way to get my breakfast burritos down to around 350 calories by using whole wheat tortillas, egg whites, mushrooms, and really measuring out my cheese.  I would suggest trying something more hearty for breakfast. 

Third, I would include some snacks.  I used fruit as my snacks (high in calories, but they tasted great and are good for you).  I would eat a grapefruit, apple, banana, orange, or something similar halfway between breakfast and lunch and halfway between lunch and dinner.  That helped me portion control my meals and kept me energized throughout the day.

Honestly, your nutrition for the day is really good.  Probably much better than most people and likely better than had you not been thinking and working on it.  Keep up the great work, tweak somethings to help you feel more full, work on drinking more water, and mostly importantly: DON'T GIVE UP!  You are doing a killer job!

2010-07-21 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Brian and Noel...thanks guys.  I thought I by drinking a meal, I would cut some calories and hopefully lose some more weight.  You guys are right though, I have nothing in the gas tank doing that though.  I could prolly do oatmeal some mornings and maybe a breakfast burrito the other days. 

I will make a bigger effort on the water too. 

As for fruit for a snack, I can do nectarines, plums, oranges, strawberries, blackberries, and grapes but I really don't care for bananas or apples. 

I like the idea of eating something small every couple of hours. 


Oh and Brian, sorry about triggering the In-N-Out craving.  I always forget that the rest of the country is so deprived! Tongue out

Edited by Swimfreak17 2010-07-21 3:53 PM
2010-07-21 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
In and out....Oh my!!!!  I haven't had an amazing, huge,  juicy, dripping In and Out Burger with fresh cut fries in about 10 years!!!   I REALLY miss In and Out!!!!!!!!!! 

As for nutrition, mine SUCKS and I have no idea where to begin with it!!!  I know that I'm not eating enough most days and pigging out others.  With all of the training I'm doing, I'm losing NO weight and after going down two or three lbs, the next day  I'll be up 4. It's frustrating!!!  I know that I'm just one of those people that have to log each and every calorie and ensure that my diet is CLEAN to even start losing weight.  It's just so darn hard with everything else to find the time to plan it all out!!  I know I have to so I guess that can be my goal for this week/weekend...Plan out an eating plan!  

2010-07-22 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2995961

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
crisi13 - 2010-07-21 7:31 PM In and out....Oh my!!!!  I haven't had an amazing, huge,  juicy, dripping In and Out Burger with fresh cut fries in about 10 years!!!   I REALLY miss In and Out!!!!!!!!!! 

As for nutrition, mine SUCKS and I have no idea where to begin with it!!!  I know that I'm not eating enough most days and pigging out others.  With all of the training I'm doing, I'm losing NO weight and after going down two or three lbs, the next day  I'll be up 4. It's frustrating!!!  I know that I'm just one of those people that have to log each and every calorie MEAL and ensure that my diet is CLEAN to even start losing weight.  It's just so darn hard with everything else to find the time to plan it all out!!  I know I have to so I guess that can be my goal for this week/weekend...Plan out an eating plan!  


Chrissy, it really is the best place to start, you only have to do it for 2-3 weeks (it takes 2 weeks to create a good habit and 1 min to create a bad one!) to get a grip on what you are taking in.  I personally guarantee that if you start doing this, stick to it for 3 weeks and make changes where you need to the lbs will melt off!  You can do it!!!!!!  If you keep the log, I would be happy to go through it with you and make suggestions on where you can improve. 
2010-07-22 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Brian - I'm working on putting a plan together and we're going grocery shopping this weekend (car's still broke for another week for so, so have to make the hubby grocery shop)!!   

Edited by crisi13 2010-07-22 7:59 PM
2010-07-22 11:11 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Found this article in (on facebook).  Food for thought...  (yes, the pun was intended)...

2010-07-23 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2999298

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
sungirl919 - 2010-07-23 12:11 AM Found this article in (on facebook).  Food for thought...  (yes, the pun was intended)...

Awesome article!  Make every bite count!  No Empty Calories! 
2010-07-23 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2987425

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED

hi all!!!

I've been MIA (again) Great job at the races everyone!

I'm slowly getting back to my training, I had planned to do a tri this saturday but I am not feeling up to it yet, and I have continued to get some pain in the back of my left knee.
I have a couple of good/bad things happening right now

The good:
-  the new coach at my masters swimming class has a special training for me to start bumping, I no longer have to the same plan as the fast/good swimmers.  Did my first 1000 m time trial and have set new goals for the next month.  He did say I needed to be consistent and get there more than 2x/week!

-  local tri club did a 9.2 mile time trial this week again, first time ever doing something on the bike.  I was kind of nervous, did not know how fast to go or how different paces feel.  Finished (dead last I think), and was really excited about the thing.  This is as close as I will feel to a sprint of TdF!! jajaja  I pushed for a big kick in the end

- my dear wife has been cleared to run again, and this is really great for me, she has been my training partner ever since we decided to take up some running, and since she got injured, I was struggling to get out the door!  

the bad:
- leg is still hurting, I had a physical therapist see me on the bike for the TT this week, he suggested some adjustments which I will try.  I hope it gets better, I do not want to pay for a bike fit on my old bike, wanted to get it done on the new one
- it seems like everyday is over 90F around here, and the humidity is just a killer!

hope you all have a great training/racing weekend !

Edited by Chezz 2010-07-23 2:04 PM
2010-07-23 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
More food for thought...  finally, an easy explanation as to why whole grains are good for you, unprocessed foods are bad.

Edited by sungirl919 2010-07-23 1:47 PM
2010-07-23 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Great articles Robin!!  Chezz,  Sorry about the tri and the knee, but good job on the swimming!!

I've had a good week of workouts (loving my new plan)!!  I did over 1300m in the open water this morning!! was amazing!!  I almost stopped at 1000, but I wanted to push out two more laps and I did it!!!

I took my bike in to get looked at today...good news and bad news!  The good news is, the guy completely understood the problems I was having and was able to make the necessary adjustments in about two seconds!  It feels like a completely different bike!!  The bad news is, the first words out of his mouth were "Is that your bike?...It's way too big for you".  Apparently, my bike it almost two sizes too big so I will never be truly comfortable!!  He also said that's why I've been having the fear issues since I have to jump off the saddle when I'm stopping.  He lowered my saddle quite a bit, so I think that's going to help out too!!  Oh well, I'm going to try out the new setup and hope it works better for me!!!  I can't afford a new bike so this one is going to have to work!!!   

Hope everyone is having a great training weekend!!! 
2010-07-26 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Morning all!  Just finished my race report from yesterday.  Toughest race I've ever competed in due to the heat, it was BRUTAL!  Here is the report(fixed the link)

How was everyone's weekend?  What is on tap for this week? 

No reprive for me, scheduled to put in 9.5hrs this week and I need to put in 75 miles on the bike before Sunday to hit 300 miles for the month and break 1000 road miles for the year. That plus another 10 mile run on the schedule is going to make this a tough week! I'm sore as hell right now!

Edited by mchubri` 2010-07-26 8:43 PM

2010-07-26 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
Awesome race Brian!  For some reason, it wouldn't let me reply in the actual race report, but oh well!!  Your bike training is definitely paying off!!!  I understand the heat, I've ran into the same problem here!!

Edited by crisi13 2010-07-26 6:09 PM
2010-07-26 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2769357

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
5 days and counting!  I'm starting to get a little nervous!!  Any suggestions on tapering, preparing, food this week?  
2010-07-26 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2769357

Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
@ Brian...great job on what sounds like a tough race...that run description is brutal.

@ Crissy...good luck, I know you'll do fantastic! 

2010-07-27 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3006076

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Subject: RE: mchubri's Crazy Awesome Training Group - CLOSED
crisi13 - 2010-07-26 8:30 PM 5 days and counting!  I'm starting to get a little nervous!!  Any suggestions on tapering, preparing, food this week?  

Chrissy, keep your workouts brief, but include some bursts of race pace intensity in each.  Keep your nutrition balanced and don't do anything drastically different.  The day before a race, I try to take in water all day, carry a bottle and sip regurarly.  There is much controversy about "carb loading" the night before, and for a sprint distance race, definitly not a necessity, but I do it anyway (whole wheat pasta, veggies and grilled chicken)  because it is easy to make, I don't have to think about what I'm going to have for dinner and it tastes good!   

Relax, get some sleep and remember to have fun!
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