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2010-06-16 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2924894

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-06-16 9:40 AM

Good morning everyone-not sure if anyone is interested but I am going to sell a HED Jet C2 version 60/90 wheels.  Bought them last August. Raced them in a sprint and olympic and a lttle training.  Maybe 200 miles max-they are like new.  Started training with powertap in October and can't lace powertap hub to the HED wheels.  Just got a new set of wheels in with PT hub for racing.  They 60/90 set runs about $1650 new.  Would like to get $1100 or so.  They are clincher with shimano hub.  Just thought I would see if anyone here was interested before I put on classified forum.


That's a nice set of wheels.  I got lucky last year when my MOm was feeling flush with cash and I had just done her a bunch of big favors -- I was rewarded with a set of race wheels.  Not as nice as those, but with a wheel cover on the rear, I'm happy with them.

By the way, I can't recommend the wheel cover enough.  They have been shown in the wind tunnel to be all that a disc wheel is (minus the cool sound that disc wheels make) but at around $100, they are some of the cheapest speed you can buy after the basics.  I love mine.

2010-06-16 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2926021

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-16 2:50 PM
sstucker - 2010-06-14 10:40 PM Finally completed my Race report. I have a notebook that I keep track of things and after this race I made myself a wishlist of things I need, it's very long. Time to save up and get them one-by-one. On Saturday I over analysed last years results and made myself believe I had a chance to win my AG, so got a little excited. But after the swim problems I had I was sure I lost all my chances of placing so I just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the race. Boy was I wrong. Oh well! it was a good experience. First race is under my belt and now I know what to focus on. Sylvain
I had mentioned in my Race report on the bike session that my tires were at 80psi (max psi of compressor at home). If I remember correctly the max pressure for my tires is 120psi. My question is what pressure do you all set yours at? Do you normaly max out at what is marked on your tires or less? I do know that the harder the tire the less surface is exposed which means less friction which means less energy required. But if your riding on a rainy day, do you decrease pressure to have more grip. I guess that can depend if a lot of turns on the course.

I used to think that the higher the better, but it turns out that's wrong.  On the one hand, coefficient of rolling friction goes down (that's a good thing!) as the pressure goes up.  However, beyond a certain point, the tire spends too much time 'bouncing' on the road because of the tiny (or where I ride, not so tiny) bumps in the road.  (These bounces are very tiny -- you can't really tell it is happening, but it is.)  In other words, the tire momentarily loses contact with the road.  The result is a loss of efficiency -- you are putting power into the pedal but it is just spinning the wheel and not getting transferred to the road.

So you have to find a compromise.  Where that compromise is will depend on your weight.  This chart (from here) is a pretty good starting point:

And yes, if you are concerned about slick roads, you can increase the friction between the road and the tire (thus decreasing the chance of slipping) by lowering the pressure a bit.  It doesn't take much.
2010-06-16 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Since we've talked about swim motivation recently (and thanks everyone for the thoughts on that -- they were very helpful), I thought I'd share this, from my blog today:

So I was not feeling very motivated today, and it didn't help that for some reason it was just me and the morbidly obese crowd. (I mean, these people were HUGE.) Sometimes doing drills gets me in the mood, so I did the drills (two each of catch-up, one-arm, fingertip drag, underwater recovery). Nope, still feel crappy.

I started the 100s and was coming in pretty fast (1:33 or so), but after two I was ready to pack it in. I've done that before, and just didn't want to do it again, so I promised myself I'd finish the 100s, albeit slower (coming in around 1:40 -- still pretty quick for me). I was happy with myself after finishing the set, and decided -- for what reason I have no idea! -- that I'd try butterfly.

Well, I've never done butterfly. The closest I've come is watching it on TV. So I thought about it for a minute, then launched. I made it 25m! Then another 25m. Then "heck", I thought, "let's do another 50!" Well, after about 10m I was really getting tired -- my arms were barely clearing the water for recovery, and then about 5m from the other end of the pool my calf cramped up badly. I hung on the edge of the pool and tried to massage it. I must have looked awful because the lifeguard walked over with her floaty thingy and looked at me for a few seconds. I guess she decided I was OK because she then walked away. After I got the cramp out I swam -- easy freestyle! -- the last 25m and called it a day.
2010-06-16 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
My personality is such that I am looking down the road at the next goal before I've completeted the current goal on the radar screen. My wife thinks I might be obsessed, but I have started to think about next year already.

I was thinking I might want to do a HIM next spring. Based on my logs, I wanted to get some thoughts on weather I am building a strong enough base to make that goal a reality. I do plan on doing another 1/2 mary in the fall as well as 2-3 sprint distance tris. I almost think I'm all ready putting in enough time now. Just need to work on the distances.

2010-06-16 3:49 PM
in reply to: #2926303

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-16 4:30 PM My personality is such that I am looking down the road at the next goal before I've completeted the current goal on the radar screen. My wife thinks I might be obsessed, but I have started to think about next year already.

I was thinking I might want to do a HIM next spring. Based on my logs, I wanted to get some thoughts on weather I am building a strong enough base to make that goal a reality. I do plan on doing another 1/2 mary in the fall as well as 2-3 sprint distance tris. I almost think I'm all ready putting in enough time now. Just need to work on the distances.


Thinking about next year is not obsession!  (My wife could tell you some stories...)

Yes, you absolutely can do a HIM next spring.  Heck, if you said you wanted to do one next Fall I'd still say yes.  You are at 10+ hours per week right now, pretty consistently.

The main differences between what you are doing now and HIM training are (a) long run and (b) longer long bike.  Since you've done a HM, you already know what (a) is all about.  Your long bike should ideally (but this is not absolutely necessary) get up around 60 miles at least a few times.

I think that the best thing you could do for yourself this summer in preparation for starting a HIM plan that ends next spring would be to try some longer rides.  It doesn't have to be every week.  So now your long rides are around 30 miles.  Try a 40-milers some time.  You can do it.  Then 50.  Then 60.  Heck, why not 75?

My point is that you will find following the plan much easier if you've already experienced those distances once.  If you are dealing with the increased volume of a HIM plan at the same time that you are experiencing a 60 mile ride for the first time, it'll be tougher.  Not impossible by any stretch, but tougher.

Personal anecdote:  My first 75 mile ride was an accident (I got lost), and my longest ride up to then was around 40 miles.  I felt pretty awful at the end.  My quads were screaming.  I couldn't bike for days.  A couple weeks later I did it again (on purpose that time) and it felt fine.  You can generally get away with that on the bike.
2010-06-16 6:08 PM
in reply to: #2926303

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-16 4:30 PM

My personality is such that I am looking down the road at the next goal before I've completleted the current goal on the radar screen. My wife thinks I might be obsessed, but I have started to think about next year already.

I was thinking I might want to do a HIM next spring. Based on my logs, I wanted to get some thoughts on weather I am building a strong enough base to make that goal a reality. I do plan on doing another 1/2 mary in the fall as well as 2-3 sprint distance tris. I almost think I'm all ready putting in enough time now. Just need to work on the distances.


I too am always thinking of my ultimate goal which is 4 seasons from now, including this one, which is an IM. Actually, this weekend I was trying to decide where will I be doing that race. I was thinking it would be beneficial if I were to plan some of the shorter races at same event to get more familiar with the surroundings and course.

From my view, all your doing is analysing your long term goals with current achievement. How far you've gotten and how close you are to it. This year I kept thinking that maybe I can throw in an Olympic race at end of season. But, unfortunately for me I didn't build enough base. For you on the other hand, as per Michael, you're just a few steps away.

Think big, break it down in small pieces and go for it.

2010-06-16 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2926156

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-16 3:39 PM
I used to think that the higher the better, but it turns out that's wrong.  On the one hand, coefficient of rolling friction goes down (that's a good thing!) as the pressure goes up.  However, beyond a certain point, the tire spends too much time 'bouncing' on the road because of the tiny (or where I ride, not so tiny) bumps in the road.  (These bounces are very tiny -- you can't really tell it is happening, but it is.)  In other words, the tire momentarily loses contact with the road.  The result is a loss of efficiency -- you are putting power into the pedal but it is just spinning the wheel and not getting transferred to the road.

So you have to find a compromise.  Where that compromise is will depend on your weight.  This chart (from here) is a pretty good starting point:

And yes, if you are concerned about slick roads, you can increase the friction between the road and the tire (thus decreasing the chance of slipping) by lowering the pressure a bit.  It doesn't take much.

Michael, you're a human encyclopedia with a GOOGLE search engine. Just type in your question and voila, a perfect precise answer. I love it.

Thanks Michael, google would have given me thousands of hits with useless information.

I official call this mentor group the "EXPERIOR SEARCH ENGINE"

Edited by sstucker 2010-06-16 6:17 PM
2010-06-16 10:24 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Michael, just read a thread you started on tire pressure Tire pressure - is this really right??? Found it by accident when I searched for Specialized Mondo tire pressure. Very interesting and informative read.
2010-06-17 5:32 AM
in reply to: #2926712

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-16 7:16 PM  Michael, you're a human encyclopedia with a GOOGLE search engine. Just type in your question and voila, a perfect precise answer. I love it.  I official call this mentor group the "EXPERIOR SEARCH ENGINE"


Have you considered Jeopardy! Michael?  I think there is a pile of cash waiting for you at the tournament of champions :-)

[Edit]  LOLOL... after writing this, I came across this article in the NYT... Michael, let's see how you do against the Watson Supercomputer!  [Note... thanks to the rules of the game, you do have a pretty good chance]

Edited by juneapple 2010-06-17 5:51 AM
2010-06-17 6:19 AM
in reply to: #2927049

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-16 11:24 PM Michael, just read a thread you started on tire pressure Tire pressure - is this really right??? Found it by accident when I searched for Specialized Mondo tire pressure. Very interesting and informative read.

Yep, that's when I learned that higher is not necessarily better.  The thread over on ST that Bryan mentions is helpful too, though he cross-posted the more useful response.
2010-06-17 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2927169

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
juneapple - 2010-06-17 6:32 AM
sstucker - 2010-06-16 7:16 PM  Michael, you're a human encyclopedia with a GOOGLE search engine. Just type in your question and voila, a perfect precise answer. I love it.  I official call this mentor group the "EXPERIOR SEARCH ENGINE"


Have you considered Jeopardy! Michael?  I think there is a pile of cash waiting for you at the tournament of champions :-)

[Edit]  LOLOL... after writing this, I came across this article in the NYT... Michael, let's see how you do against the Watson Supercomputer!  [Note... thanks to the rules of the game, you do have a pretty good chance]

Ha ha.  I might know something about training, but ask me a question about pop culture and I"ve got nothing.

There are a few questions I'd like to ask that computer though...

2010-06-17 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
EXPERIOR Engine: How to do sighting in swimming?

During the race the biggest chalenge I had with sighting was breathing. I don't think you're suppose to breath when you sight, which is when I swallowed all the water Basically what happened to me is I could not get into a breathing rythm I had in the pool. Also, I know I need more practice in OW so I know how to correct the pulling the right I experienced so I don't need to sight as often. I wonder if I practiced a drill in swimming with eyes closed in the pool and only open to sight if I were to get same feeling as OWS.

2010-06-17 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2927376

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-17 6:03 AM EXPERIOR Engine: How to do sighting in swimming? During the race the biggest chalenge I had with sighting was breathing. I don't think you're suppose to breath when you sight, which is when I swallowed all the water Basically what happened to me is I could not get into a breathing rythm I had in the pool. Also, I know I need more practice in OW so I know how to correct the pulling the right I experienced so I don't need to sight as often. I wonder if I practiced a drill in swimming with eyes closed in the pool and only open to sight if I were to get same feeling as OWS.

My 2cents...The way I practice in the pool is to pick out one portion of a series of hundreds and for one 25 yd I sight the entire time just to practice bring my headup and being able to breath during the same stroke and pick a point on the pool deck to find.  I generally bring my head up straight and sight first and then breath as I come back down to the side; almost lurching forward to gain some height to see better.  In open water I sight about every 8-9 strokes and then most of the time I have to make one adjustment back to the left.  However, in my last tri I found I was drifting left (toward shore) so I was making my adjustments to the right all the time.

I swim with my eyes open in OWS anyway so for me closing my eyes in the pool wouldn't simulate anything for me.

Edited by TriGuyBri 2010-06-17 9:59 AM
2010-06-17 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2927376

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-17 9:03 AM EXPERIOR Engine: How to do sighting in swimming? During the race the biggest chalenge I had with sighting was breathing. I don't think you're suppose to breath when you sight, which is when I swallowed all the water Basically what happened to me is I could not get into a breathing rythm I had in the pool. Also, I know I need more practice in OW so I know how to correct the pulling the right I experienced so I don't need to sight as often. I wonder if I practiced a drill in swimming with eyes closed in the pool and only open to sight if I were to get same feeling as OWS.

Eyes closed in the pool is a good way to find out whether you swim straight, and to work on correcting it.  Nothing beats actual OWS practice if you can get it.

Look at this video.  She gives excellent advice in my opinion.  You can very easily practice the sighting motion in the pool.
2010-06-17 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2775149

Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
When do you apply sunscreen?  Before swim, during T1 (and reapply in T2 for long races)?  What if you are wearing a wetsuit?

Do you not put it on top of your race markings?

Does Sprint versus longer races matter?  How about if you are trying to medal?
2010-06-17 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2928167

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
bartimaeus - 2010-06-17 1:02 PM When do you apply sunscreen?  Before swim, during T1 (and reapply in T2 for long races)?  What if you are wearing a wetsuit?

Do you not put it on top of your race markings?

Does Sprint versus longer races matter?  How about if you are trying to medal?

Anything from sprint to HIM, I put on a generous layer of strong 'sport' sunscreen before I get dressed.  (The 'sport' part is that they claim it is resistant to sweat and water.)  That's it.  I've gotten a bit more sun than I would have liked in a HIM following this method, but nothing awful.  I've never gotten noticeable sun in a sprint or Oly.

For IM, I reapplied in T2.  It didn't matter though -- I still got burned.  Frown

2010-06-17 2:31 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Had a very difficult "easy" run today. I think I should of had a recovery run instead. I thought two days of full rest would have been fine but I guess lack of sleep didn't help my recovery. I know better. I started with an easy pace then started feeling, just like during my marathon races, the need to walk. I talked myself out of it and just decreased my pace to a recovery level, had a hard time slowing down for some reason my legs, just like the energizer bunny, kept going and going and going

Anyway, I struggled physically and psychologically. I practiced mental toughness. I finally slowed down, HR came down and about ten minutes later I started feeling better and was able to hold the recovery pace without fighting the urge to walk. To me, this is a breakthrough. I have a goal to finish a marathon without walking and eventually IM. What I've learned today, maybe I should say what my body and mind has learned today is that I can recover while still in motion (greater then a walk pace).
2010-06-17 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2928647

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
sstucker - 2010-06-17 3:31 PM Had a very difficult "easy" run today. I think I should of had a recovery run instead. I thought two days of full rest would have been fine but I guess lack of sleep didn't help my recovery. I know better. I started with an easy pace then started feeling, just like during my marathon races, the need to walk. I talked myself out of it and just decreased my pace to a recovery level, had a hard time slowing down for some reason my legs, just like the energizer bunny, kept going and going and going Anyway, I struggled physically and psychologically. I practiced mental toughness. I finally slowed down, HR came down and about ten minutes later I started feeling better and was able to hold the recovery pace without fighting the urge to walk. To me, this is a breakthrough. I have a goal to finish a marathon without walking and eventually IM. What I've learned today, maybe I should say what my body and mind has learned today is that I can recover while still in motion (greater then a walk pace).

Way to go Sylvain!  Sounds like a very valuable workout.
2010-06-17 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2926355

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-16 3:49 PM
StlPhil - 2010-06-16 4:30 PM My personality is such that I am looking down the road at the next goal before I've completeted the current goal on the radar screen. My wife thinks I might be obsessed, but I have started to think about next year already.

I was thinking I might want to do a HIM next spring. Based on my logs, I wanted to get some thoughts on weather I am building a strong enough base to make that goal a reality. I do plan on doing another 1/2 mary in the fall as well as 2-3 sprint distance tris. I almost think I'm all ready putting in enough time now. Just need to work on the distances.


Thinking about next year is not obsession!  (My wife could tell you some stories...)

Yes, you absolutely can do a HIM next spring.  Heck, if you said you wanted to do one next Fall I'd still say yes.  You are at 10+ hours per week right now, pretty consistently.

The main differences between what you are doing now and HIM training are (a) long run and (b) longer long bike.  Since you've done a HM, you already know what (a) is all about.  Your long bike should ideally (but this is not absolutely necessary) get up around 60 miles at least a few times.

I think that the best thing you could do for yourself this summer in preparation for starting a HIM plan that ends next spring would be to try some longer rides.  It doesn't have to be every week.  So now your long rides are around 30 miles.  Try a 40-milers some time.  You can do it.  Then 50.  Then 60.  Heck, why not 75?

My point is that you will find following the plan much easier if you've already experienced those distances once.  If you are dealing with the increased volume of a HIM plan at the same time that you are experiencing a 60 mile ride for the first time, it'll be tougher.  Not impossible by any stretch, but tougher.

Personal anecdote:  My first 75 mile ride was an accident (I got lost), and my longest ride up to then was around 40 miles.  I felt pretty awful at the end.  My quads were screaming.  I couldn't bike for days.  A couple weeks later I did it again (on purpose that time) and it felt fine.  You can generally get away with that on the bike.

Michael thanks. Referring to your endless knowledge, maybe we should start calling you "Moogle." LOL

Putting the HIM on my list. I looked at Branson this year, but the hills on the bike are BRUTAL. I'm not ready for that. I'm just going to lengthen things out. Concentrate on getting back to long runs 12+ miles and extending the bike and swimming.

There are a couple of oly distance races close to here. One in July and the other in August. I have a HM in October. I'll try to work in a couple of sprints in between and focus on next spring for the HIM. Maybe Kansas.

Had a good bike ride last night. Not really a TT, but I did 24 miles really trying not to fade in the last 20 minutes. I have a BAD habit of trailing off. I really sucked it up and pushed the last 20min and finished with a 18.4mph avg. Felt good.

2010-06-18 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Hey everyone. I'll be offline for the weekend.  I've got a really exciting lineup!

Saturday morning:  sprint tri
Saturday afternoon:  mountain biking in the mountains of North Carolina.  (I've never done that before, so I'm pretty excited and nervous about it.)
Sunday morning:  long run (10 miles or so) along a beautiful river near Asheville, NC.
Sunday afternoon:  bike 80 miles to the summit of Mount Mitchell (highest peak in Eastern U.S.)   The elevation chart for this ride is daunting!
Sunday evening:  fall down in a heap of exhaustion!

Have a great weekend everyone.  I'll check in Monday.  Good luck to all racers!
2010-06-18 12:53 PM
in reply to: #2930480

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-18 1:35 PM

Hey everyone. I'll be offline for the weekend.  I've got a really exciting lineup!

Saturday morning:  sprint tri
Saturday afternoon:  mountain biking in the mountains of North Carolina.  (I've never done that before, so I'm pretty excited and nervous about it.)
Sunday morning:  long run (10 miles or so) along a beautiful river near Asheville, NC.
Sunday afternoon:  bike 80 miles to the summit of Mount Mitchell (highest peak in Eastern U.S.)   The elevation chart for this ride is daunting!
Sunday evening:  fall down in a heap of exhaustion!

Have a great weekend everyone.  I'll check in Monday.  Good luck to all racers!

Sounds like a fun weekend, I wish I could join you. Enjoy!

Good luck to all racers.

2010-06-18 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2930480

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-18 12:35 PM Hey everyone. I'll be offline for the weekend.  I've got a really exciting lineup!

Saturday morning:  sprint tri
Saturday afternoon:  mountain biking in the mountains of North Carolina.  (I've never done that before, so I'm pretty excited and nervous about it.)
Sunday morning:  long run (10 miles or so) along a beautiful river near Asheville, NC.
Sunday afternoon:  bike 80 miles to the summit of Mount Mitchell (highest peak in Eastern U.S.)   The elevation chart for this ride is daunting!
Sunday evening:  fall down in a heap of exhaustion!

Have a great weekend everyone.  I'll check in Monday.  Good luck to all racers!

Sounds great! However, after reading all that you're going to do, I got tired. I have to go lay down now. Wink


Edited by StlPhil 2010-06-18 1:06 PM
2010-06-18 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Good luck to the racers this weekend!!


2010-06-19 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2930480

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-18 1:35 PM Hey everyone. I'll be offline for the weekend.  I've got a really exciting lineup!

Saturday morning:  sprint tri
Saturday afternoon:  mountain biking in the mountains of North Carolina.  (I've never done that before, so I'm pretty excited and nervous about it.)
Sunday morning:  long run (10 miles or so) along a beautiful river near Asheville, NC.
Sunday afternoon:  bike 80 miles to the summit of Mount Mitchell (highest peak in Eastern U.S.)   The elevation chart for this ride is daunting!
Sunday evening:  fall down in a heap of exhaustion!

Have a great weekend everyone.  I'll check in Monday.  Good luck to all racers!

Michael, post the elevation profile on that ride if you get the chance... I can only imagine!  Have a great time.

Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend!
2010-06-19 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Turns out my sister does have internet (I didn't think she did), so I grabbed a few minutes to post a race report, here.

(1st in AG!  I definitely did not expect it this time -- there was someone who I thought was faster than me in the race.  I'll take it though!)

More later.  I look forward to everyone's report!

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