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2011-03-20 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3405956

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

TriGuyBri - 2011-03-20 8:49 PM Sorry  to jump in our your mentor group forum.  Noticed some BTer's from earlier Mentor group.  Quick Shout Out to Slow Turtle and Juneappple.  Happy to see your still at it.Surprised

Hi Brian! I looked at your logs- it looks like you've been getting some great workouts in! Stop in anytime!


2011-03-21 6:37 AM
in reply to: #3405614

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

rustymom - 2011-03-20 8:46 PM Reporting back on my first 5K of the year. My previous one was in late Sept and my time then was 44 something. It was hot and I walked more than I wanted.

Today was nice and cool. The temp was around 45. There were over 2000 runners. I lined up to the side most of the way back. It took a few minutes to get to the start but it was chip timed with a mat at the start and finish. I wore my watch with a timer so I could get an idea of splits. There wre some gradual hills both up and down but nothing too drastic. I chugged along throughout the race and only thought of walking a few time. I ran every single step of the course! I'm pretty proud of that.

I beat a "long term goal" of 40mins. My official time was 39:52. First mile was approx 12:30. Second mile was approx 13mins. There was no 3 mile marker. I think my time gives me an average of 12:50 per mile. Time to set a new 5k goal. My next solo 5k is 5/1. I'm running one with my son on 4/9, but running with a 6 yr old can be unpredictable.

That's great!  You must be so proud that you've beaten that goal.  And you kept going the whole way, that's fantastic.  It's so great to have a measureable improvement.

2011-03-21 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Great job Andrea!  Running the whole way is a fabulous accomplishment.  Whatever your mantra was, it worked!  Well done.  From here on out, it is all about slowly adding distance during the week and you'll find that the time keeps coming down.

Rach... wonderful to see that hard work paying off, isn't it.  That free weekly race approach is a great idea... we should do that over here, although at least locally there's a running race almost every weekend and they all are helping charities, so I guess that works too!  The duothon workout is a great one to add into your bag of tricks working toward the HIM.

Anne, you are the definition of perseverance again this week.  Hope you're feeling okay this morning.  The run/walk approach as you add your miles is a great way to get your distance up.

Three inspiring stories to get our week started... well done, Jugglers!!


2011-03-21 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3405956

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

TriGuyBri - 2011-03-20 8:49 PM Sorry  to jump in our your mentor group forum.  Noticed some BTer's from earlier Mentor group.  Quick Shout Out to Slow Turtle and Juneappple.  Happy to see your still at it.Surprised

Brian!  Great to see your face this morning... so it is HIM for you this year :-)  One of our group is doing their first HIM this summer too... you should stop by more often and trade advice and training tips.  I'm now 8 weeks out from mine and not much ahead of last year's training pace.  Hope there's something to cumulative effort / training as I would really like a better result than last year.


2011-03-21 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3260273


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Hey Guys!!!! I am sssooooooooooo sorry I have abandoned the group and my logs.... I don't have internet at my house and it is so frustrating to try to write back to each and every person the encouraging comments I would like to make...that is my goal for the rest of march is to encourage at least on person a week because each of you deserve it so much for the hard work and dedication you are putting in for your events...everyone is doing so well reaching goals and getting over their bumps in the road.

as for me I am ssssssooooooo excited to announce I can officially call myself a triathlete. I finished my first triathlon saturday and met both of my goals which were finish in under an hour and a half and I finished in 1:28:51 and to also run the entire 5k which I did and I did it in under 30 minutes which was a HUGE shock!! The swim was 500y, bike 10 miles, and run 5k. My swim time was not so good at 13:17 but that was expected because I just started really trying to swim at a fast pace and also I got a few mouthfuls of water during the race which was very entertaining.

The best part about it all was my husband and son were at the side of the pool and followed me and after each lap my 3 year old son would yell out an encouraging word and my husband would give me my time as well as how many laps I had left. Then at the end of the run my son and husband were there cheering me on and my son gave me a high five right before I crossed the finish line. I don't think my day could have been anymore perfect. Laughing

Hope everyone has a terrific day!!!

2011-03-21 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Make that 4 inspiring stories!  WTG Jennifer!  Congrats on becoming a bon-a-fide triathlete :-)

Races are so motivating... finally get a chance to see how all that hard work over the long winter pays off.


2011-03-21 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3406412

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
jcoble1209 - 2011-03-21 9:41 AM

Hey Guys!!!! I am sssooooooooooo sorry I have abandoned the group and my logs.... I don't have internet at my house and it is so frustrating to try to write back to each and every person the encouraging comments I would like to make...that is my goal for the rest of march is to encourage at least on person a week because each of you deserve it so much for the hard work and dedication you are putting in for your events...everyone is doing so well reaching goals and getting over their bumps in the road.

as for me I am ssssssooooooo excited to announce I can officially call myself a triathlete. I finished my first triathlon saturday and met both of my goals which were finish in under an hour and a half and I finished in 1:28:51 and to also run the entire 5k which I did and I did it in under 30 minutes which was a HUGE shock!! The swim was 500y, bike 10 miles, and run 5k. My swim time was not so good at 13:17 but that was expected because I just started really trying to swim at a fast pace and also I got a few mouthfuls of water during the race which was very entertaining.

The best part about it all was my husband and son were at the side of the pool and followed me and after each lap my 3 year old son would yell out an encouraging word and my husband would give me my time as well as how many laps I had left. Then at the end of the run my son and husband were there cheering me on and my son gave me a high five right before I crossed the finish line. I don't think my day could have been anymore perfect. Laughing

Hope everyone has a terrific day!!!

Hey Jen- Great job! Congrats on being a Triathlete, and meeting both your goals!

2011-03-23 11:14 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Hi All,

Another long day for me today.  Only was able to get a short run in after work today.  Kind of bummed that my back has been acting up this week.  Not sure what was the cause, but still not right.  Maybe a little better today.  Will do a light bike and maybe a swim tomorrow and then take a day of rest on Friday before Saturday's race.  Between the forecast and my back, a PB on Saturday is looking like a long shot.

We're also seriously into spring here.  Daffodils and fruit trees are blooming and getting some major crazy weather... up to 85 one day, next night 25.  Big thunderboomers rolled through tonight.  Kind of fun :-)

Anyone else racing this weekend?


2011-03-24 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

I'm jealous of your weather, Stu.  I just almost slid my car into a tree on my driveway.  Time to put some ice melt out there for my next trip down.

I've had some road blocks this week.  I've missed or will miss both of my exercise classes.  I may not get in my swim (maybe tomorrow).  At least I've gotten in my runs.  I'm happy to report that I've dropped run/walking.  I've done 2 2mile runs, 1 3 mile run and a 5K in the past week without walking.  I'm hoping to get a "long" run on Sunday outside, but the temp may be in the 30's.  Brrrr, I need to see what I have in my closet that I could wear.  Maybe I'll be OK if I just add knit gloves.

2011-03-24 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hey guys...looking forward to my first race next month...Not the Wildflower but it will be in Napa on the same weekend.  I am in the process of entering the data for a new 12 week plan.  Combining a downloaded one from the site and the Olympic that is listed in Triathlete mag...looks tough and with my schedule three swims from the mag will be tough to fit.  Apprehensive about the new training but looking forward to it.  Found that I do a lot better with a plan in hand during training.  So my first Olympic is in 13 weeks!  Good racing all!

Edited by SportzVision 2011-03-24 4:46 PM
2011-03-25 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3411710

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
juneapple - 2011-03-24 5:14 AM

We're also seriously into spring here.  Daffodils and fruit trees are blooming and getting some major crazy weather... up to 85 one day, next night 25.  Big thunderboomers rolled through tonight.  Kind of fun :-)

We're also thoroughly into spring.  Daffodils all over the place, and the weather this week has been lovely, although it seems to be coming in overcast every afternoon.  Been enjoying the morning walks with the dog in the sun.

Andrea - sorry to hear you're still suffering through the snow.  Hopefully it'll pick up soon.

Have had a good rest week this week.  Really needed it.  I've been struggling with training and shifts, and have really enjoyed a few days of just being able to concentrate on getting enough sleep and not feeling bad about not training, although it's been weird at times not having anything to do before/after work.

Do the clocks change for you guys on Sunday?  That's going to mess me up a bit as I'm on early shifts at work, which means Sunday morning I'm going to be getting up at what feels like 4am before a 10 hour shift.  Hopefully I'll be able to motivate myself to do stuff after work anyway...

Good luck to anyone who has exciting plans for the weekend.  Keep us updated :-)

2011-03-26 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Finally in my closet are a pair of Italian leather, hand sewn shoes....rode bike shoes!  Woot woot got my bike shoes and pedals today!  I have only been on the trainer at  the bike shop with them and it was awesome!  So excited to get out on the open road and give the new shoes and pedals a try.  Snow storm is coming in, last of three, tomorrow but should be nice after that. 

Share what your favorite gear or training item is your favorite.  For me? Right now of course are my new Sidis...they make me pedal faster, I am sure!

2011-03-26 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Just a quick note before hitting the hay.  Had a great run (for me) in the 10 miler today.  Came in 4+ minutes faster than last year's time, and other than the first mile and mile 9 which is all uphill, my pace was under 8 minutes / mile.  Very pleased with the results.  Feeling much stronger at the end of long runs these days... yay!  Back held up well enough not to affect performance.

Bike shoes are definitely up high on the favorites list, but I still have to go with the Garmin.

I spoke too soon about spring.  We're expecting 5 inches of snow here tonight and tomorrow.  Seriously?  Dang.

Have a great rest of the weekend... hope you get a super workout in tomorrow!


2011-03-27 3:06 AM
in reply to: #3416031

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Congrats on the run time!  Always nice to see the improvement.  Garmin is on the wish list.
2011-03-27 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Stu-Great run time! Congrats.

The bike shoes sound awesome. I have a cheapo pair fro EMS.

My favorite piece of training gear- has to be my bike trainer. Outside riding is not possible for me from Oct/November until mid April. Plus, the trainer allows me to get in a workout after the kids go to bed, on all the days when getting to the Gym o out for a run, is not possible.

Thursday was beautiful here, so I decided to go to the nearby town where my daughter and I ran a 5k on Thanksgiving. I had the course map in my pocket, and was going to see what my time would be. Unfortunately, the map is faded, and some of the turns were not clearly marked. I got lost twice, and ended up doing 4.5. That's my longest (no walk break) run since I broke my foot last March!

Have  a great day, every one!

2011-03-27 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Fav training item? My pink run vest. It's bright for day running, reflective for early morning or early evening running. and it's PINK. It also FITS, which is rare for most of my clothes. I'm trying to overhaul my swim/bike/run clothes. I guess because this is 4th season (holy cow! 4th season of training- the year I was pregnant with Jojo, year 2, I trained but could not race)- I'm a bit tired of most of my stuff, especially since most of it was purchased by my husband. Not to knock him, or his taste, but quite a bit of it is dude stuff in a smaller size, and I tend to look at things and go OH what a cute run skirt AND matching top! So cute! or I need this bike top because it matches my tri bike! Totally different ways to shop.

I had a great training week and will really enjoy my day off tomorrow- I have masters swim tonight at 5, then I get a day off!!! Yesterday was an 11 mile run. I'm still doing my run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute thingee and it is really helping me mentally. I like that it breaks the super long runs into shorter increments. I also am taking Sport Beans with me and eating one sport bean during each 1 minute walk break and it is helping me avoid the long-run-GI-issues i have had in the past. my half marathon is coming up soon- 3 weeks! So next weekend is my 12 mile run, my very last long run, then taper to race day.

My uncle, who is 57, will be running the FULL marathon the day I run my first half. It is his first time in a LONG time running a marathon and I'm so excited he will be doing it here.

Hope everyone else had a great weekend- it is sunny but COLD here and yesterday's run was windy. Please, Spring, come soon and STAY.

2011-03-27 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
It looks like a weekend of good runs for our group. Congrats to all!

I jogged 4 miles today. My furthest run to date. It was less than 40F and windy. I chose a "flat" but open route and almost stopped before I'd gone a mile due to cold hands. Luckily the sun was strong and I warmed up. There were other windy portions but I lumbered on.

It amazes me that I can run 4 miles without stopping. Prior to this my longest distance non-stop was a 5K. It seems strange to me that I can make a jump like that with little trouble.
2011-03-27 7:13 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Love to hear about everyone's favorite piece of gear...gave the new shoes and pedals a whirl!  Pretty windy again when I did my last 30+ miles but I could do 9-10mph in the head wind when a few weeks ago I could barely push 4mph in the wind!

Had a great swim and I feel like a wet noodle...fell asleep while my daughter was talking to me on the drive home!  Yeah that is a good training day.  So, now its homework for a couple of hours, dinner and sleep. No way can I let my self take a nap for a few minutes or I will be up all night.

Oh, reached a goal! Finally, no red on my training calendar! But I cheated...ha ha.  I made up yesterday's swim today but I have never been even able to do that.  My next week I have no scheduled training as I am trying a new program in April so I am test driving this upcoming week to see how things workout; still can't figure out how I will get that third swim day in since I can only swim on weekends bc of my drive to work...maybe two workouts on the Saturday?

2011-03-27 7:21 PM
in reply to: #3416246

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Yeah, I had to save up for my Sidi's for a long time.  Everytime I had left over cash from something I put it in my "secret" savings box.  Just like some little old lady with her life savings in a coffee can. 

A trainer is on the wish list too!  I was on one for the first time this weekend and it was amazing.  It sure would help on these cold winter days to get in that extra ride.  What kind of trainer do you use? 

I actually would like to add one of those Tuff Shed type of buildings onto my property and make it a workout room, but that will take many deposits into the coffee can! Aaah, the wish list goes on and on!

2011-03-27 11:59 PM
in reply to: #3416789

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

rustymom - 2011-03-27 11:45 PM It looks like a weekend of good runs for our group. Congrats to all!

I jogged 4 miles today. My furthest run to date. It was less than 40F and windy. I chose a "flat" but open route and almost stopped before I'd gone a mile due to cold hands. Luckily the sun was strong and I warmed up. There were other windy portions but I lumbered on.

It amazes me that I can run 4 miles without stopping. Prior to this my longest distance non-stop was a 5K. It seems strange to me that I can make a jump like that with little trouble.

That's awesome.  I felt like my running did that.  I was struggling along at the low distances, just trying to get used to running again, and then one day I realised I could do it, and started gradually adding the miles.  I'm up to about 9 miles now and feeling like if I keep doing it steadily I can just keep going.  So keep up the fantastic work.  It's all onwards and upwards now. Laughing

2011-03-28 12:04 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Yesterday I cycled home from work.  It was a kind of proof-of-concept ride to see if I could manage after a long day at work.  The cycle was actually pretty good.  It's 18miles, and not flat, but none of the MAJOR hills that we usually cycle on.

It was kind of ridiculous because my husband then drove me back to work so I could pick up my car.  But when the alarm went off at 5am today I really didn't regret the decision not to get up at 4am to cycle back, especially as I'm tired from losing an hour's sleep from the clocks changing yesterday.

However, I've now proved that the cycle to work isn't too bad.  So looking ahead to April's goals, one of them is going to be to cycle each way to work at least once during each set of shifts (going to have to decide whether night shift is a good idea...).  I'm probably going to take the bike in the car, cycle home and then cycle back the next day to start with, so I'm not doing both directions in one go, but I'll see what I can build up to.  This will be a really easy way of getting my bike miles in without feeling like I'm juggling around work quite so much...

2011-03-28 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3417234

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Good job on the ride home from work...its always daunting to try something new; so it wasn't redic to have your husband drive you was what felt like the right way to try something new!  Congrats to you! You have one half the battle, making like Nike and just doing it!


2011-03-28 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

Started tracking my nutrition on BT and ummm well I get too many calories from fat; not really a surprise.  Not changing my eating habits today but happy just tracking.  I guess I did change my habits a little; because I knew I would have to log my meals it did keep me from mindlessly eating trail mix all day! So this is a goal for April, continue tracking my meals and for this week only, keep each day under 1900 calories.  The training this week is going to be light before I start with the amped up training next week.  I will worry about the fat on another day...slow but sure on this one.  Small changes starting with being aware of what I eat then make adjustments. Slow but sure on this one!

2011-03-29 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3412980


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

SportzVision - 2011-03-24 5:45 PM Hey guys...looking forward to my first race next month...Not the Wildflower but it will be in Napa on the same weekend.  I am in the process of entering the data for a new 12 week plan.  Combining a downloaded one from the site and the Olympic that is listed in Triathlete mag...looks tough and with my schedule three swims from the mag will be tough to fit.  Apprehensive about the new training but looking forward to it.  Found that I do a lot better with a plan in hand during training.  So my first Olympic is in 13 weeks!  Good racing all!

Olympic OH MY!!! Good Luck with your training! can't wait to hear how you do!

2011-03-29 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3416543


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

AKR18 - 2011-03-27 2:21 PM Fav training item? My pink run vest. It's bright for day running, reflective for early morning or early evening running. and it's PINK. It also FITS, which is rare for most of my clothes. I'm trying to overhaul my swim/bike/run clothes. I guess because this is 4th season (holy cow! 4th season of training- the year I was pregnant with Jojo, year 2, I trained but could not race)- I'm a bit tired of most of my stuff, especially since most of it was purchased by my husband. Not to knock him, or his taste, but quite a bit of it is dude stuff in a smaller size, and I tend to look at things and go OH what a cute run skirt AND matching top! So cute! or I need this bike top because it matches my tri bike! Totally different ways to shop. I had a great training week and will really enjoy my day off tomorrow- I have masters swim tonight at 5, then I get a day off!!! Yesterday was an 11 mile run. I'm still doing my run 10 minutes, walk 1 minute thingee and it is really helping me mentally. I like that it breaks the super long runs into shorter increments. I also am taking Sport Beans with me and eating one sport bean during each 1 minute walk break and it is helping me avoid the long-run-GI-issues i have had in the past. my half marathon is coming up soon- 3 weeks! So next weekend is my 12 mile run, my very last long run, then taper to race day. My uncle, who is 57, will be running the FULL marathon the day I run my first half. It is his first time in a LONG time running a marathon and I'm so excited he will be doing it here. Hope everyone else had a great weekend- it is sunny but COLD here and yesterday's run was windy. Please, Spring, come soon and STAY.

What training plan are you using for your half?

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