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2014-03-05 2:50 PM
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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Very quick update from me.

I have been super busy since my adventure race on the 23rd of February.  We didn't do as well this year as past years - long story, but involves not finding a check point and me slipping and falling on a big patch of ice on a section of single track and buggering up my neck.  I'm fine - nothing broke, just a muscle spasm - and a HUGE thigh bruise I'm still trying to get rid of.  We helped a gal with a flat tire who needed assistance so that slowed us down as well.  And one check point just did not want us to find it for a great length of time.  Needless to say we ended up being one of the last teams in (not like us at all).  A little different from last year's race when we were the 2nd team to finish the race.  It was cold, mildly windy (12 mph) and hilly, and a mix of mud, gravel and patches of ice, but it felt nice to complete it.

I have taken up some weight training in place of swimming the last 3 weeks (since my indoor tri) in an effort to drop some fat and replace it with muscle.  Appears to be working as I am down 3% body fat in 3 weeks - so YEAH!  And my posture has never looked so good.

Headed to Florida Friday morning to Disney for spring break with the family.  Not sure what effect this will have on my training.

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.  I'll see if I can't catch up on posts.

Edited by crissy_jo 2014-03-05 6:04 PM

2014-03-05 6:36 PM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by uhcoog

Alright guys.  I'm thinking of putting on a Intro to Triathlon or Triathlon 101 type of class.  I know we have a few newer triathletes here so I was going to see what topics you'd like covered if you were to attend a class like this.

All the different types of triathlon - indoor, outdoor, off road, super sprint, sprint, etc and what the distances are for each.

How scarey open water swims are for nearly everyone, but any swim stroke is OK.

Where to line up for the swim.

Crazy rules -no ear phones/music, drafting, helmet on & buckled before removing bike.

Running with your bike helmet makes you faster.  Oh, no that's not right.  Remember to take it off.

All the mistakes other people have made during a triathlon (humanizes the sport and plus it's just funny and you feel less bad when you do an something idiotic).

Stay to the right.

Dismount/mount line

Your legs may feel numb when you get off the bike - it's normal.  Keep going the nerves will work again.

Bike comfort/saddle alternatives/proper bike size.  Aerodynamics can make a big difference in speed.

How to mount a bike.

Length of time to train (3 months for sprint etc).

Required equipment, nice to have equipment, equipment that is frivolous but fun to have/play with

List of beginner friendly races.

Costs involved

Addiction quality of the sport

2014-03-05 10:09 PM
in reply to: #4916036

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
I don't keep a record of my mileage/hours spent. However, I did log just over 297 miles at my gym from Feb 6-28th. They were having a contest during those dates and I took first place. My time is fairly split between SBR. I was rather shocked when they told me I was in first place mid-way through b/c I was only logging for fun with my son (who was also logging his distances) - like getting a gold star for the day. But I won some free trainer sessions (bonus, since I already pay for a trainer), an hour consult with a nutritionist (which my ego says I don't need, but since my weight is up 5 pounds, maybe I do), and an hour-long massage (it will be my first, ever).

Dunn Right - You got in 3,775 yards/hour swimming?????? I. am. in. awe. (And when can I come watch you???) Do you swim straight through (as in, no sets)?

CrissyJoe - I like your list for Tri101. Those are great things, definitely come up, and aren't just the basics that my mind could remember.
2014-03-06 10:15 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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New user
Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by kathleenkp
Dunn Right - You got in 3,775 yards/hour swimming?????? I. am. in. awe. (And when can I come watch you???) Do you swim straight through (as in, no sets)?

Always in sets! Feel free to check out my logs if you want to see what I've been doing. I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years so that does help. And I got in with the club kids at my pool on Tuesday night and actually put most of them to shame. I guess all this training is paying off!
2014-03-06 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4960465

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
I bet you put them to shame. I love to watch the fast swimmers. And your times for run/bike are incredibly fast, too. Yup, guess your training is paying off.

My swimming is getting a bit faster - especially when one guy shows up. Our coach has put us on a 1:30 send-off during some recent 100's sets, but we are good to get 2700-3000/hr in when we factor in the rest between sets, trying to breathe, talking, drills, talking, warm-up/cool-down, more talking, easy swims between sets. I can't go as fast on my own, although I can still get the overall yardage in (did 3100/hr yesterday). I swam competitively for a few years until I was 13. Then we moved, I gained a lot of weight. If I had not stopped swimming at 13, I likely would have been able to swim in college. But I only swam a couple seasons in high school, not year round at that point. I hope to get back to my high-school times. I was good on the team - kind of the best of the mid-pack, but not a star.
2014-03-06 1:53 PM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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New user
Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Haha thank you!

Sounds like you're putting in a quite a bit of work with your group. I always find that team practices motivate me more than training on my own. Keep it up!

2014-03-07 10:06 AM
in reply to: 0

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by crissy_jo

Very quick update from me.

I have been super busy since my adventure race on the 23rd of February.  We didn't do as well this year as past years - long story, but involves not finding a check point and me slipping and falling on a big patch of ice on a section of single track and buggering up my neck.  I'm fine - nothing broke, just a muscle spasm - and a HUGE thigh bruise I'm still trying to get rid of.  We helped a gal with a flat tire who needed assistance so that slowed us down as well.  And one check point just did not want us to find it for a great length of time.  Needless to say we ended up being one of the last teams in (not like us at all).  A little different from last year's race when we were the 2nd team to finish the race.  It was cold, mildly windy (12 mph) and hilly, and a mix of mud, gravel and patches of ice, but it felt nice to complete it.

I have taken up some weight training in place of swimming the last 3 weeks (since my indoor tri) in an effort to drop some fat and replace it with muscle.  Appears to be working as I am down 3% body fat in 3 weeks - so YEAH!  And my posture has never looked so good.

Headed to Florida Friday morning to Disney for spring break with the family.  Not sure what effect this will have on my training.

And now back to your regularly scheduled program.  I'll see if I can't catch up on posts.

Sorry to hear the adventure race didn't go quite as well as planned, but glad you are okay after your fall! And your weight training sounds like it's really helping. Have fun at Disney world with the family!!

Sounds like some others are killing the swimming lately. Way to go you guys!

After nearly two weeks off, I went for a nice hour run last night and discovered my lungs are definitely still full of junk. This has been the worst cold I've had in years. I cannot wait for it to be fully gone and to have my normal voice back. Let alone be back at training. I'll be back on the bike this afternoon (hopefully outside if the rain holds off) and I think I'll go back to the pool on Monday.

Half marathon tomorrow. Not sure yet if it'll be a long training run or a semi-race - I know full on racing it would be a bad idea, but I'm very bad about taking it easy in a race setting. My plan is to take the first 10k easy, evaluate, then if feeling good, step up the next 5k and push it a bit on the last 5k and see how it goes.


Edited by MechEChick 2014-03-07 10:07 AM
2014-03-08 2:05 AM
in reply to: #4916036

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Good luck on your half marathon tomorrow!
2014-03-08 2:14 AM
in reply to: #4961756

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Training question: In my book, the workouts are time based, not distance. Since I am a slower runner, should I increase the time I spend on the run portions? For example, I suspect when he schedules a one hour run, most people would be getting in 6-9 miles. Right now, I would only get in 5.5 miles or so in that hour - so maybe I should be running for 75 minutes instead? If I go only at the time he has planned, I won't ever get to the distances that I need to be ready to do in the event.

(Yes, for the local HIM/70.3, I could be in the top 5-20% in my age group for swimming, do fairly well on the bike, and be the. very. last. person. in the running section. I *am* that far off on my running.)
2014-03-08 5:41 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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New user
Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by kathleenkp
Training question: In my book, the workouts are time based, not distance. Since I am a slower runner, should I increase the time I spend on the run portions?

What I've heard in the past, when people ask similar questions, is that many plans are based on the middle of the pack. So it's kind of up to you to figure out how you need to adjust your plan to better suit your abilities.

So I guess short answer to your question, yes! You're the only person who really knows where you are at in each of the three disciplines.
2014-03-08 3:07 PM
in reply to: Dunn Right

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, Florida
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Christina - how did your half go??

Got in a nice, but breezy 27 mi bike ride this morning. You gotta love hills but the wind can be relentless. No doubt some of you live where there are hills AND wind! After taking a 2.5 week break, I went for a short 3.5 mi run yesterday and my knee is still giving me some pain. Going to plan a very relaxed half marathon next Sunday and save up for my next one in April.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Cheers, Brenda

2014-03-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: Dunn Right

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Sorry about the absence lately.  Geeze life has been kinda crappy lately well hectic and crappy.  Kids birthdays, had to put one of my dogs down, training, yada yada.  Good to see everyone here is progressing well.


Originally posted by Dunn Right
Originally posted by kathleenkp Training question: In my book, the workouts are time based, not distance. Since I am a slower runner, should I increase the time I spend on the run portions?
What I've heard in the past, when people ask similar questions, is that many plans are based on the middle of the pack. So it's kind of up to you to figure out how you need to adjust your plan to better suit your abilities. So I guess short answer to your question, yes! You're the only person who really knows where you are at in each of the three disciplines.

ALL long course training plans should be based on time and either HR or power.  What you NEED to be tracking is the amount of stress you're putting your body under.  Power and/or HR tell you how much stress your body is under and time gives you the duration you're stressing out the body.  


Now are all canned plans are targeted at the median athlete.  They don't take into account your strengths, weaknesses, time constraints, etc.  For instance Allen probably needs to swim less and bike more because swim isn't his limiter.  So tinkering with the plan isn't a bad thing.  Keep an eye on your recovery though.  

2014-03-10 9:28 AM
in reply to: uhcoog

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by uhcoog

Sorry about the absence lately.  Geeze life has been kinda crappy lately well hectic and crappy.  Kids birthdays, had to put one of my dogs down, training, yada yada.  Good to see everyone here is progressing well.

Sorry to hear about your dog. That is never an easy thing.

I ran my half this weekend, and... PR'ed by 10 minutes!!!! Granted I haven't run a road half while actually training in a few years, but still. 1:47:28 for me. So excited!!! My heart rate was sitting higher than normal the whole time (averaging 173), so I had thought about slowing down in the first six miles, but was still holding a conversation. Ended up being a fairly consistent pace the whole time, so not sure what that was all about. And I'm feeling nearly back to 100% from this sickness, even my voice is almost back to normal.

Brenda - I hope that knee keeps healing up and quits giving you trouble.

2014-03-10 9:56 AM
in reply to: MechEChick

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by MechEChick
Originally posted by uhcoog

Sorry about the absence lately.  Geeze life has been kinda crappy lately well hectic and crappy.  Kids birthdays, had to put one of my dogs down, training, yada yada.  Good to see everyone here is progressing well.

Sorry to hear about your dog. That is never an easy thing. I ran my half this weekend, and... PR'ed by 10 minutes!!!! Granted I haven't run a road half while actually training in a few years, but still. 1:47:28 for me. So excited!!! My heart rate was sitting higher than normal the whole time (averaging 173), so I had thought about slowing down in the first six miles, but was still holding a conversation. Ended up being a fairly consistent pace the whole time, so not sure what that was all about. And I'm feeling nearly back to 100% from this sickness, even my voice is almost back to normal. Brenda - I hope that knee keeps healing up and quits giving you trouble. -Christina


It's a tough deal on Killian, but it's a long time in the offing.  He had cataracts in both eyes and tumors in both ears.  He was fairly happy until recently, but he started snapping at our infant.  Tough deal for our other kids.


Good job on the race.  10 mins is a huge PR

2014-03-11 12:21 AM
in reply to: #4961757

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
For the appropriate posts, since I still can't find/use a quote function on this site:

Fantastic job on the half marathon!!

Sorry about your dog even if it was time.

I'm excited to be starting my plan next week although it means giving up one of the bike classes I have been attending. I suspect I'll still try to sneak in a few of them as extra workouts, though. I know I could physically do the class, but I think it would mess with the schedule enough and affect the running portion. I can't let the running portion suffer for previously mentioned reasons. The plan isn't much different from what I already do, but I'm hoping some tweaks in my routine (=day shifting) will have good results.

2014-03-11 9:54 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by kathleenkp For the appropriate posts, since I still can't find/use a quote function on this site: Fantastic job on the half marathon!! Sorry about your dog even if it was time. I'm excited to be starting my plan next week although it means giving up one of the bike classes I have been attending. I suspect I'll still try to sneak in a few of them as extra workouts, though. I know I could physically do the class, but I think it would mess with the schedule enough and affect the running portion. I can't let the running portion suffer for previously mentioned reasons. The plan isn't much different from what I already do, but I'm hoping some tweaks in my routine (=day shifting) will have good results.


An extra hour (I'm assuming) on the bike shouldn't mess you up unless you're just knocking out huge power intervals the whole time.  A typical bike/spin class isn't like that so I wouldn't worry too much.  

Just a quick note to the group.  Running to your potential in long course (HIM and IM) and to a lesser extent Oly tris is about what you did on the bike.  The bike is the longest segment, you take in most your nutrition here, and you have the potential to totally screw your run.  IF you pace, hydrate, and eat correctly on the bike you will get off and once the initial discomfort of running passes you'll be fine.  If you burn too many matches on the bike, by burning matches I mean go anaerobic for long periods of time and/or leave your body with no fuel in the tank, you will start off slightly slow on the run and start to crumble.  As Macca said a few years ago on the Kona broadcast (paraphrase) "You can be the best marathoner in the world but if you get off the bike with an empty tank you're not going anywhere."

2014-03-11 3:45 PM
in reply to: #4963196

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks, Scott. I really appreciate your info and help on the bike.

Maybe I can get some of those classes in still, especially in the earlier weeks. The problem, though, was that on that particular day I will be adding a run (45 min, working up to 90 min over the plan) to my swim session that day (I was doing Master's Swim + bike class = set schedules) - so it would put me at 2+ hours already before the bike class for the day. I think where it messes things up is in trying to fit in the rest of the day with kids, food prep, housecleaning (and maybe a nap to recover from my weekend working job) - I probably would end up missing the run altogether that day. That's the workout I need to protect more than the other two (ie make sure it happens, since it's my weakness). If only I could have a few extra hours in my day. I did have to run an errand that required a 45 min wait today, which I had anticipated, so I went in my running clothes, found a trail nearby, and got a run in at the same time (and came back a bit late). With that and regularly eating my breakfast in the shower at the gym, I think I'm figuring out how to squeeze extra workouts in.

I really don't know how a "typical" spin class is at a gym. ??? I do wonder if what I'm doing is enough. I usually get in just under 20mph average, and my legs/hips feel it after class just as much as they do when I am in the weight room doing squats and lunges. Effort feels about how I did when I was doing 16mph out on the road (maybe a little more in class since I have people there reminding me to stay focused and push hard, and I don't give myself the breaks that I got outside on the downhill slopes) - but I haven't been outside in so long that I'm going on memory. I will get out there soon - when my back-ordered bike arrives. I'm actually a little afraid to ride the bike sitting in my garage - the one I crashed on - since it appears it's too big for me. I have to face that post-crash anxiety. It's easy to face it when it's still a far off plan, but as the outdoor riding gets closer, the anxiety goes up. I just have to get out there.
2014-03-11 4:09 PM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

The good thing about spin class is it is as hard as you make it.  The bad thing is it's generally only an hour.  Sometimes you could probably use about 30 minutes more.  

I have a friend who teaches spin and does Ironman races.  She teaches Wednesday and Friday and rides outside Saturday or Sunday depending on her kids' schedules.  This is ALL the riding she does in prep for IMs and she'll come in 11:30ish.  She races smart though.  She could probably ride 20ish mph for a half ironman, but she rides 18.5 to 19 and is able to run her a$$ off when she gets off the bike.  

Look for all us parents who do HIM and IM distance it's a juggling act.  We miss workouts because of kids, or lack of sleep, or work, or any number of other conflicts.  The key is to just be as consistent with your training as you can and race smart come race day.

2014-03-11 8:22 PM
in reply to: uhcoog

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, Florida
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Way to PR by 10 min on your half Christina!! Sounds like you had everything come together for you.

Sorry to hear about your dog Scott....touch time for sure. Really do appreciate all the tips and comments you give....I'm always learning from this forum.

Cheers, Brenda
2014-03-12 1:20 AM
in reply to: #4963707

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks for writing about your instructor friend. That's encouraging.

I think if we *don't* miss some workouts (or at least have them rearranged) due to other people that our priorities are mixed up. The more I do (time with workouts), the more I am in awe of others who have been doing this for so long. Triathletes really are an amazing bunch of people on so many fronts.
2014-03-12 9:27 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by kathleenkp Thanks for writing about your instructor friend. That's encouraging. I think if we *don't* miss some workouts (or at least have them rearranged) due to other people that our priorities are mixed up. The more I do (time with workouts), the more I am in awe of others who have been doing this for so long. Triathletes really are an amazing bunch of people on so many fronts.


I CAN NOT stress this enough.  Type A triathletes get all bent out of shape when they have to miss workouts.  You have no idea how many athletes I have to tell to just "let it go."  If they miss a workout I get "should I make up the workout tomorrow?", "should I replace workout A with workout b?", etc, etc.  The answer is generally "let it go."  We're not pros, life happens.  Most type A triathletes obsess and borderline over train so if you miss a workout just look at it as a bit more rest than your body normally would be allowed.  

2014-03-13 2:10 PM
in reply to: #4963897

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
I don't think of myself as Type A, but my coaches/trainers tell me that I am. I once took a foam rolling class and the instructor picked me out of the whole room in the first few minutes and asked if I was Type A. It's also pretty rampant in my profession. And I suspect it's why so many triathletes are - for the most part, you have to be dedicated, not slack off. So I probably am, although it's all that I know, so...I think of myself as a "laid-back Type A". I'm OK with rearranging my schedule, but not so much with missing workouts altogether. When I read things like "stick to the plan, you have to do it this way", then I have to do. it. that. way. But I am trying to make sure my family and other people take priority over "me". And I keep getting told that I need to take rest days b/c I am guilty of over-training and not getting the rest that I need. (I skipped swimming yesterday so that I could have an easy day with just bike!!) I'm sure I'd drive you crazy if you were my coach, too, Scott. I think your clients appreciate the reassurance, and they just need to hear that over and over. You are the one with the experience, and what they read online and in books and magazines sends them conflicting messages.
2014-03-13 2:54 PM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Oh trust me you wouldn't be any more of a pain than any other triathlete.  Most have definite ideas about how they should be training that either come from magazines or reports on how pros train.  Top level people sell their "program" like it's the only good way to train.  Fact of the matter is that there is more than one way to skin a cat and each athlete has a slightly different "best" way to train.  It's a coaches job to find what works best for the athlete and not try to jam a round peg into a square hole.  



2014-03-15 10:20 PM
in reply to: #4964763

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
This new week (starting tomorrow, on Sunday) is the start of my HIM plan. Yay! It's going to start with less work than I usually do, but I'm going to try my best to follow it to give my body some recovery. I noticed my last run was considerably easier and faster since I backed off on the workout duration these past couple of days.

I have reworked the schedule of my book's plan so that I can have Sundays as my rest day. However, I have to work an extra shift on Monday, so thought I would move the Monday run to Sunday (tomorrow). My husband looked at me and said, "That makes perfect and logical sense for you. You are going to kick off your new plan of not working out on Sundays by going for a celebratory run on the first Sunday." Oops.
2014-03-16 6:42 AM
in reply to: #4965888

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
I'm definitely one of those type A's. My wife tells me that whenever she asks me to do something or about weekend plans she can tell that my brain immediately starts to figure out how I get my workout in around it.

To my credit I made every kids soccer game and never said no to running the kids to and from the orthodontist. I did find creative ways of getting my workout in too. I rode my bike to my daughters soccer games or would get there early and run on the track for an hour.

I was looking for some advice to help me with my running. I am training for my first marathon and have started doing some longer runs of 15-17 miles and have run into issues with chafing around the groin area and was wondering what people do for prevention. Body glide?
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