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2014-07-13 7:41 PM
in reply to: krings82


Subject: sore spot...
As I mentioned in my first post, I am full of questions!

Here's the first. I have been having some difficulty with cramping in my legs - mostly my calves. I get them mostly at night - not when I am exercising, But I got a really bad "charlie horse" in my right leg after my last swim. It took a couple of minutes to work it out. Now that calf muscle is still sore - not when I walk, but going up and down stairs. I did run the next day, and then today is my rest day. So hopefully able to bike/swim tomorrow.

But I am looking for suggestions on how to keep from getting these cramps. I do drink tons of water. I do warm up before I start and do some stretching after exercise (maybe not enough).

I appreciate any ideas

2014-07-14 10:31 AM
in reply to: krings82

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Masters Focus Triathlete Forum--OPEN!
Welcome Katherine! Where are you from and when is your Sprint?
2014-07-14 10:38 AM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: RE: Heat Advisory in Western Washington
Originally posted by QueenZipp

Originally posted by EchoLkScott The national weather service has issued an extreme heat advisory this weekend for Western Washington. The humidity is expected to be up around 50% and the temperature will spike near 90! I can hear you folks laughing! Scott I.

Well, that may be extreme for you....but living in Richmond VA--that weather is nice.  We are usually 90-100 degrees and 80% humidity by now.

I won't laugh though.  A few years ago we had an earthquake and all my west coast friends laughed at the near panic that set in over a 3-4 on the Richter scale.   I reminded them that we had a hurricane coming into town and did they want to learn how to live through that?   Within days we had Hurricane Irene and some tornadoes blow through.  Irene left my neighborhood without power for 8 days.  Yeah, my husband and I bought a generator after that.

Judi I agree with you that this humidity in this area is tough to deal with. The only good thing is that all the other athletes in this area are in the same sticky boat. We have a generator too, had to use it after last week's storm as well. 8 days without power wow! That is way tooooo long to go without power. I'm hoping this year will be a much milder year.
2014-07-14 3:02 PM
in reply to: krings82

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: sore spot...
Originally posted by krings82

As I mentioned in my first post, I am full of questions!

Here's the first. I have been having some difficulty with cramping in my legs - mostly my calves. I get them mostly at night - not when I am exercising, But I got a really bad "charlie horse" in my right leg after my last swim. It took a couple of minutes to work it out. Now that calf muscle is still sore - not when I walk, but going up and down stairs. I did run the next day, and then today is my rest day. So hopefully able to bike/swim tomorrow.

But I am looking for suggestions on how to keep from getting these cramps. I do drink tons of water. I do warm up before I start and do some stretching after exercise (maybe not enough).

I appreciate any ideas


I've had similar issues with cramping in my calves, most particularly during swim training. Several coaches and friends have suggested that it might be a hydration issue, but I really don't think that is it for me. From what you wrote, that doesn't seem to be your issue either.

I think the issue for me--perhaps you as well--has to do with the flexed foot position during the swim kick. I'm not that flexible anyway from a lifetime of running and I found that after swimming for about 20 minutes I would start getting very nasty cramping in my calves. I would often have to shut down the workout because I simply couldn't swim through it. Hard swimming made it worse and it always would kick in after a bit of swim training when I was getting close to the last of a workout.

For me, the symptoms lessened (or at least were delayed) as my swim fitness improved. The cramps that used to hit at 20 minutes moved out to 25 minutes, then 30, then 40. I still get them, but the training effect seems to have pushed them out a bit. So, perhaps just swimming more will help. The other thing that helped me was to just keep a pull buoy handy. When the cramps set in, I would grab the buoy and just swim for a while with arms only, letting my legs relax and float behind me.

Good luck.

2014-07-15 6:45 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: sore spot...

I have very little experience with calf cramps in the pool, but I do sometimes get the cramping at night.  One trick you can try is to stand up.  The cramping sensation will stop immediately.    Granted, this is easier said than done when you are only half awake and/or the cramp has already started.   There have been a couple cases where I have felt it coming on and jumped up - my calf immediately relaxed.    

2014-07-15 6:51 AM
in reply to: dcon

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: sore spot...

I got some nice weather today for my long ride - 90 degrees and 60% humidity with a little wind to help keep me cool.   I did 4.5 hours, 112 km with 945 meters of climbing.  I'm bushed.


2014-07-15 8:50 AM
in reply to: krings82

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: sore spot...
Originally posted by krings82

As I mentioned in my first post, I am full of questions!

Here's the first. I have been having some difficulty with cramping in my legs - mostly my calves. I get them mostly at night - not when I am exercising, But I got a really bad "charlie horse" in my right leg after my last swim. It took a couple of minutes to work it out. Now that calf muscle is still sore - not when I walk, but going up and down stairs. I did run the next day, and then today is my rest day. So hopefully able to bike/swim tomorrow.

But I am looking for suggestions on how to keep from getting these cramps. I do drink tons of water. I do warm up before I start and do some stretching after exercise (maybe not enough).

I appreciate any ideas

I used to get awful cramps in my calves after running. They completely went away when I started taking electrolytes to replace the minerals lost in perspiring. Water is not enough to hydrate. BTW I was told you do perspire while swimming; you just don't know because you're wet. ( I use Hammer brand, but there are many others. Don't use plain salt pills.)
Before I discovered the electrolytes, I tried compression sleeves for my calves. (like knees socks with no foot, very snug). I still put them on sometimes because they feel great.
Just a couple more ideas. Keep trying until you find what works. Something will.
2014-07-15 12:09 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: sore spot...

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by krings82 As I mentioned in my first post, I am full of questions! Here's the first. I have been having some difficulty with cramping in my legs - mostly my calves. I get them mostly at night - not when I am exercising, But I got a really bad "charlie horse" in my right leg after my last swim. It took a couple of minutes to work it out. Now that calf muscle is still sore - not when I walk, but going up and down stairs. I did run the next day, and then today is my rest day. So hopefully able to bike/swim tomorrow. But I am looking for suggestions on how to keep from getting these cramps. I do drink tons of water. I do warm up before I start and do some stretching after exercise (maybe not enough). I appreciate any ideas
Katherine-- I've had similar issues with cramping in my calves, most particularly during swim training. Several coaches and friends have suggested that it might be a hydration issue, but I really don't think that is it for me. From what you wrote, that doesn't seem to be your issue either. I think the issue for me--perhaps you as well--has to do with the flexed foot position during the swim kick. I'm not that flexible anyway from a lifetime of running and I found that after swimming for about 20 minutes I would start getting very nasty cramping in my calves. I would often have to shut down the workout because I simply couldn't swim through it. Hard swimming made it worse and it always would kick in after a bit of swim training when I was getting close to the last of a workout. For me, the symptoms lessened (or at least were delayed) as my swim fitness improved. The cramps that used to hit at 20 minutes moved out to 25 minutes, then 30, then 40. I still get them, but the training effect seems to have pushed them out a bit. So, perhaps just swimming more will help. The other thing that helped me was to just keep a pull buoy handy. When the cramps set in, I would grab the buoy and just swim for a while with arms only, letting my legs relax and float behind me. Good luck. Steve

My experience has been similar to Steve's.  When I first started swimming, I'd get cramps in my calves and feet after only about 20-25 min.  I still get them sometimes, but it's usually towards the end of a 45-50 min workout.  I can usually hold them off some by not pushing off too hard on the wall when I start my laps.  Don't know if that's related but it seems to work some for me.

2014-07-15 4:35 PM
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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: sore spot...
Oh calf cramps, a subject near a not so dear to my heart! Wish I had the answer but I have been searching for it for quite some time. Most of the answers I get are its due to lack of fitness, that I am sure plays a part, but definitely not the whole story. I have tried electrolytes ( many types), Magnesium supplements, I eat plenty of Bananas for potassium and still get them, mostly swimming. I have learned that I cannot push off of the wall or it comes on fast, but even then I will get them on many occasions. Just got one the other night in the middle of the night and was pretty tight for several days after. I have heard a lot of people have had good luck with "salt sticks" I have only used them a little so I cannot say for sure.
I've also been told that an electrolyte before bed may help with night cramps, Gatorade or something similar. All I know fore sure is it can be a miserable experience!
Funny story, at least now, I was doing a Half Iron aquabike after about a month of little to no training due to a back injury, hence the aqua bike, I made it through the swim easy enough, but when I hit the bike I knew i had better take it easy on the first lap. Starting the second lap I decided it was time to push it and started up a small hill, I stood up to push it out and my legs locked up like a couple of 2x4's, it was all I could do to unclip, then I stood on the edge of the road laying on my handle bars trying to get my legs to loosen up, I couldn't get off my bike, all I could do was stand there. Everyone was asking if I was ok, I just smiled and laughed and said just a cramp. It took 15 - 20 minutes before I could resume the ride and even then all I could do was take it easy, every time I picked it up a little the legs would start to lock up so I just enjoyed a nice easy ride. Morale of the story, Cramps Suck!

Good luck and Hopefully we can find a solution for all of us?

Edited by Mountaindan 2014-07-15 4:39 PM
2014-07-15 5:35 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office
Well, I had my 5 week post crash follow up visit with my doctor today. The bad news: I'm dying. The good news: I'm dying very slowly. So, with a little luck and good health he thinks I should be kicking 'round for another 30+ years.

He checked my collar bone, moved it all around and said he was pretty happy with the way it is healing. He gave me the full green to start cycling on my indoor trainer. He also suggested that I could probably hit the pool for light workouts using breast stroke only. I can't freestyle yet because of my shoulder injury. He even said I might be able to try light jogging as my ribs allow. Push ups and pull ups will be off limits for a while.

So, looks like I can start working up to 2015....look out 60-64 year old age groupers.

2014-07-15 5:36 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: sore spot...

My experience is similar to Steve's. I get calf cramps during swimming but they seem to be getting less common as my swim fitness has improved. Here are a couple (painful) lessons:

1. Don't try to swim through it. I did that a few weeks ago during an OWS training session and it took several days for the cramping/tightness to subside.

2. For me, it seems to be related to pointing the toes. If I flex my angle the opposite directions while I swim, the cramp will frequently subside. Unfortunately, that slows me down a lot.

3. Go easy if you try to stretch it out while it is cramping. I got a little too aggressive once and strained the muscle.

4. I've tried all the standard advice - hydration, electrolytes, stretching, etc. - and I can't really say any of them helped me. That doesn't mean it won't help you, but don't feel too discouraged if it doesn't help. Time in the water seems to help eventually.

Scott I.

2014-07-15 8:57 PM
in reply to: EchoLkScott

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: sore spot...

Here's something you might want to try for those sore calves:

2014-07-16 8:57 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office
Originally posted by lutzman

Well, I had my 5 week post crash follow up visit with my doctor today. The bad news: I'm dying. The good news: I'm dying very slowly. So, with a little luck and good health he thinks I should be kicking 'round for another 30+ years.

He checked my collar bone, moved it all around and said he was pretty happy with the way it is healing. He gave me the full green to start cycling on my indoor trainer. He also suggested that I could probably hit the pool for light workouts using breast stroke only. I can't freestyle yet because of my shoulder injury. He even said I might be able to try light jogging as my ribs allow. Push ups and pull ups will be off limits for a while.

So, looks like I can start working up to 2015....look out 60-64 year old age groupers.

May thy challenges be great, And thy courage even greater
O' keeper of the Triad of Sport

Could your signature quote be any more appropriate?
2014-07-16 8:57 AM
in reply to: dcon

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Subject: RE: sore spot...
Great video Dan! Tennis ball is a good idea.
2014-07-16 9:08 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office
That's great news Steve!

Scott I.
2014-07-16 3:51 PM
in reply to: EchoLkScott

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Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office

Great news Steve!  Glad to hear that you're healing well.

I finished my race report from Sunday's race.  It's posted in the Race Reports forum if anyone wants all the details.  Here's the main points: 1) I did better than I had hoped.  My goal was to finish under 1:45:00 - I came in at 1:38:07.  2) The swim went really well considering my lack of swimming lately and worries about the OWS.  The water was very pleasant at 82* so being cold was not a concern.  It wasn't a pretty swim or a fast one, but I did it without trouble.  3) The bike leg went great.  I was hoping for around an hour for the 15 miles, I finished in 56:36 with an average speed of 15.9 mph - a couple mph over my normal average.  Very pleased with this.  4) I had planned to walk most of the run leg because of the issues with my ankle/calf lately but was able to run quite a bit of this.  It still wasn't fast (I'm not fast to begin with ) but I was able to do it pretty easily.  5) I missed 3rd place in my AG by 13 seconds!  If I had known I was that close I would have pushed a little harder at the end.  

Overall, it was a great race and I hope to do it again next year. 

2014-07-16 5:12 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office

Congrats Janet!!  What's next?


Steve: great to hear that the doc gave you the go ahead to start some training.

2014-07-17 10:18 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

New user
Wooster, Ohio
Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office
Great job, Janet.
Glad to hear that you are on the mend Steve.
My training is very slow to say the least. I have been doing the run-5k and feel that I could do more but am afraid to push it.... I don't want to get hurt. Biking is actually feeling good and fun. I am not quite sure what kind of training I should be doing but I feel that I need to train so I can train.
Have a great day.... I'm off on my bike.... Hoping for 20miles today.
2014-07-17 1:07 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office
Originally posted by lutzman

Well, I had my 5 week post crash follow up visit with my doctor today. The bad news: I'm dying. The good news: I'm dying very slowly. So, with a little luck and good health he thinks I should be kicking 'round for another 30+ years.

He checked my collar bone, moved it all around and said he was pretty happy with the way it is healing. He gave me the full green to start cycling on my indoor trainer. He also suggested that I could probably hit the pool for light workouts using breast stroke only. I can't freestyle yet because of my shoulder injury. He even said I might be able to try light jogging as my ribs allow. Push ups and pull ups will be off limits for a while.

So, looks like I can start working up to 2015....look out 60-64 year old age groupers.


Hey Steve this is very good news! I know patience is a virtue and you are doing very well with it. I love your "go get them" attitude for next year. You are gearing up to wreak havoc on that age group!!

And Janet congratulations on a solid race performance!!
2014-07-18 12:41 PM
in reply to: Terps421

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Spencer, New York
Subject: At last, a successful lake swim
I am just pleased with the latest result of years of effort and learning, and wanted to share it.
Our tri club sponsors twice-weekly 1.2-mile swims in Cayuga Lake (big, deep, cold, often choppy). Half the group paddles escort canoes for the swimmers, and then the groups switch off at the destination point for the return.
3 years ago, I first attempted to do some of these. All stubbornness, I did manage to finish a couple, totally over-exhausted and finally realizing that I didn't, in fact, know how to swim.
Two years ago, I was pulled out of the water halfway, panicked and puking, learning that I can get seasick swimming in chop.
Last year, I decided in advance that since I only needed to swim a half-mile anyway, I'd just get out of the water and into the canoe midway. I did a couple like that and was ok. I'd been taking lessons steadily that year, and was improving.
This year, I was confident that with my increased "swim fitness" from all the yardage in the pool & my pond, I would have no problem swimming the whole thing. Indeed, the evening was beautiful, the lake was calm, I had my tempo pretty well nailed down. Although my pace (2:30/100) puts me in the slow group, I felt strong from beginning to end, and never had to pause to rest or look around. Yes, near the end my stroke was starting to deteriorate and I was really ready to be done, but I have to call it a well-earned success. I need help here patting myself on the back.
I was intending to do another one next week: my next tri, a sprint, is in Cayuga Lake in 2 weeks. I'm not sure though if it serves a training purpose to do another of these long swims. Anyone's input on that?
Also, the only negative part was that afterwards, last night, my nose was running so badly that I really lost a lot of sleep. I did some research and will try a neti pot after my next swim. (I often get this condition but not to such an extreme). If anyone has input on this, please share. I already take allergy meds, both singulaire & claritin. I read that nose clips work, but since I exhale through my nose when swimming, that might be the last resort.

Good luck to whoever's racing this weekend, and congrats to Janet on her first race!

2014-07-18 12:53 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Upstate, New York
Subject: RE: At last, a successful lake swim
Deb, I am SO impressed by your progress and determination. I have absolutely no experience or knowledge but I would only assume that accomplishing that distance can only make you more confident in all of your swim portions - no matter what the distance. Thank you for sharing your story - I had a horrible swim last month and needed an inspiring boost!

2014-07-18 2:17 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office

Originally posted by lutzman Well, I had my 5 week post crash follow up visit with my doctor today . . . So, looks like I can start working up to 2015....look out 60-64 year old age groupers. Steve

That's the best news I have heard in a long time -  that you are aging up out of my age group - I mean that you are feeling better!

In all seriousness, glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. 

2014-07-18 2:45 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Report from the Doctor's office

Originally posted by soccermom15

Overall, it was a great race and I hope to do it again next year. 


Congrats Janet! 

2014-07-18 2:53 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: At last, a successful lake swim

Originally posted by ok2try

I was intending to do another one next week: my next tri, a sprint, is in Cayuga Lake in 2 weeks. I'm not sure though if it serves a training purpose to do another of these long swims. Anyone's input on that?


Hi Deb,

In general I don't recommend long training swims except for a time trial and there are alternatives to long time trials.  That said, a long swim with a specific goal in mind, such as the knowledge that you can complete the distance, or an OWS clinic, are probably OK once in awhile.  In your case specifically, you just did a 1.2 mile swim in the lake.  Your getting ready to do a sprint, which is slightly less than half of the distance you already have done.  You have already swam in the lake in question.  I see no reason to do another long swim there.  You will be much better served doing intervals before the race.  The morning of the race, I strongly encourage you to get in the water to warm-up.  That will allow you to familiarize yourself with conditions.

Just my humble two cents.

Enjoy the race!

2014-07-18 5:05 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Subject: RE: At last, a successful lake swim
Congratulations Deb!

The most challenging milestones are the most satisfying. You should be very proud of your accomplishment!

Good luck on you sprint tri!

Scott I.


"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..." Dory from Finding Nemo
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