Other Resources Challenge Me! » The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-02-22 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2676918

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Ooh! Did I tell you I got to talk to my hubby last night? He called--a whole 6 minute long phone call. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least. And he's textng me right now. Yay!

2010-02-22 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2686027

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:43 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:37 PM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:18 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:14 PM

ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:01 AM

The Carolyn Jessop one. I was just ticked off the entire time I was reading it. It is all just a bunch of brain washing. And the amount of abuse that goes on is just appalling.

Her oldest daughter is now living on the YFZ ranch in Texas. Oprah went and interviewed her last year.  I was lucky enough to meet Carolyn when she first came to SLC with her kids, and then I saw her again about a year later. She amazes me. She was so normal both times. Her kids had an interesting drawl. But then again I guess we all have an accent, right? I own that book, simply because I wanted to help support her in some small way. There are people (like her oldest daughter) who claim she is lying in the book about what happened to the kids when they went to Colorado City for visits. She's not. It does make you want to go tear someone's eyes out, doesn't it? 

As I was getting near the end of the book I knew the daughter would go back and it upset me. I just don't understand how anyone could be so blind to the abuse, or think that that is how things are supposed to be. I was totally amazed that she was able to safely get away, with 8 kids, and make a life for herself.

After reading the book I was amazed that when the YFZ ranch in Texas was raided a few years ago none of the women, at least that I know of, took that opportunity to break away.

Only the most brain washed cream of the crop were taken to YFZ. That's probably why. In the daughter's interview with Oprah, there were a couple moments when she seemed, I don't know, afraid to say the wrong thing? 

So basically she lied to Oprah and all of her viewers because she was afraid to say the wrong thing. I'm just shaking my head.

She seemed pretty convinced and sure of most things. It was actually quite creepy. I wish I could remember the specific questions she was hesitant about. I'll have to check my DVR tonight when I'm on the trainer to see if I have it recorded. 
2010-02-22 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2686054

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:48 PM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:43 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:37 PM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:18 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:14 PM

ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:01 AM

The Carolyn Jessop one. I was just ticked off the entire time I was reading it. It is all just a bunch of brain washing. And the amount of abuse that goes on is just appalling.

Her oldest daughter is now living on the YFZ ranch in Texas. Oprah went and interviewed her last year.  I was lucky enough to meet Carolyn when she first came to SLC with her kids, and then I saw her again about a year later. She amazes me. She was so normal both times. Her kids had an interesting drawl. But then again I guess we all have an accent, right? I own that book, simply because I wanted to help support her in some small way. There are people (like her oldest daughter) who claim she is lying in the book about what happened to the kids when they went to Colorado City for visits. She's not. It does make you want to go tear someone's eyes out, doesn't it? 

As I was getting near the end of the book I knew the daughter would go back and it upset me. I just don't understand how anyone could be so blind to the abuse, or think that that is how things are supposed to be. I was totally amazed that she was able to safely get away, with 8 kids, and make a life for herself.

After reading the book I was amazed that when the YFZ ranch in Texas was raided a few years ago none of the women, at least that I know of, took that opportunity to break away.

Only the most brain washed cream of the crop were taken to YFZ. That's probably why. In the daughter's interview with Oprah, there were a couple moments when she seemed, I don't know, afraid to say the wrong thing? 

So basically she lied to Oprah and all of her viewers because she was afraid to say the wrong thing. I'm just shaking my head.

She seemed pretty convinced and sure of most things. It was actually quite creepy. I wish I could remember the specific questions she was hesitant about. I'll have to check my DVR tonight when I'm on the trainer to see if I have it recorded. 

I wonder if it's on youtube or anywhere online where I could watch.
2010-02-22 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2686036

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:45 PM Ooh! Did I tell you I got to talk to my hubby last night? He called--a whole 6 minute long phone call. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least. And he's textng me right now. Yay!

2010-02-22 11:57 AM
in reply to: #2676918

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Before I forget

Happy Margarita Day!!!
2010-02-22 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2686081

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:57 AMBefore I forget

Happy Margarita Day!!!
Whaaat? This is a most happy day, indeed! Never heard of Margarita Day before, but me likey!)

2010-02-22 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2676918

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Happy Margarita Day TOPpage ^^^^
2010-02-22 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2684992

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
disturbed275 - 2010-02-21 7:33 PM Group workouts this afternoon were fun!
Run was a little over 4 miles worth of hill repeats.  I haven't run on anything even resembling a hill since last fall.

Main set of the swim was 4X500 with each set getting progressively faster.  We smoked the last one, clocking in at 7:45.  That's officially the fastest I have ever swam a 500.

So good day, but painful.  I am ready for bed

Awesome job on the swim time. 
2010-02-22 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2676918

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!

just flying in/by....

got a great run in today.  im FINALLY feeling back in the groove with my running.  thankfully.

gonna be starting my 1/2 MARY training next week.  man.  to think that race is just right around the corner.  woosh.  im jsut glad my running came back together before i had to start trainng.  that would've been sucktastic if it hadnt.

the swim meet was yesturday.  WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!  seriously.  it was awful and wonderful all at the same time. 

awful in a IM GONNA HURL kinda of way.

i woke up in the morning, having decided that was NOT going to swim.  i was just overwhelmed by soooo much anxiety about the whole thing.

i lost a weeks worth of practicing my backstroke flip turns and starts off the block and i just didnt feel prepared to race.

and im ALL ABOUT being prepared going into a race.

i posted on FB about the meet and woke up to a BUNCH of messages of encouragement from my friends....THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

my one friend in particular HIS MESSAGE got me to the meet (he's work towards qualifying for Kona this year)

he said that he'd 'be there' for me when i started and finished - he was timing for the races....

there was something SO REASSURING about that.

then several of my runner friends said how they wouldnt have the guts to EVER do a swim meet and how impressed/proud/and inspired they were of me/by me.

i dunno.  it was soooo helpful.

so i SHOWED UP.  still feeling like i was gonna hurl.  but i showed up and finished well. two 1st place AG finishes and one 3rd place finish.

not bad for a triathlete.

my first event - 100 yd backstroke - i seated myself really slow - so that i could just get the squirrels out.  and i crushed the race.  even i was impressed with my time (starting to wonder if backstroke is my stroke....)

then Jamie, the head of our team, signed me up for 25 yd freestyle race.  i thought about not racing...is it just ALL OUT FAST....but i toed up and swam....again, totally surprised myself and how fast i swam.

thats one of those races, you just put your head down, dont even lift your head to breathe, and just swim....i smashed it.

then my event came up....its definately different to swim 200 yds in a swim meet, then to swim 200 yds in practice or for triathlon, for that matter.

200 yds is in odd distance cuz your still sprinting it to a certain degree, but you have conserve as well.  VERY technical that way.

i did well. and it was great first learning experience....

it was awfully nice to be in a place where you doing something different than what you typically do, day to day, even training wise....swim meets are definately different than tri training.

so im really happy for the experience.

and so so so glad i didnt chicken out.

its all good!
2010-02-22 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2685716

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 9:46 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 8:40 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 10:36 AM Good news gouhlies: I finally slept halfway decent last night. The bad news? It wasn't until after 3 AM that the good sleep finally came. Dang kids and the requirement that I send them to school every day...)

WOOHOO for sleep!

Let's look at the bright side here Amy, if you didn't send them to school every day they would be home ALL THE TIME!
SO true. And we have this weird year-round school thing here with the elementary school kids. They are in school for 9 weeks, then out for 3 weeks, in school for 9, out for 3... you get the picture. I have 2 more weeks until my son is home with me for 3 weeks. The middle schools use a traditional school calendar, so it's just the 2 of us when he's "off track". Then for most of my daughter's summer break, he's still in school. The weirdest part is that not all of the schools in the valley do this. Just the school district I live in.

That is crazy.  It can sure mess up a family's vacation planning.
2010-02-22 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2686191

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
skrtrnr - 2010-02-22 11:40 AM HEY EVERYONE.

just flying in/by....

got a great run in today.  im FINALLY feeling back in the groove with my running.  thankfully.

gonna be starting my 1/2 MARY training next week.  man.  to think that race is just right around the corner.  woosh.  im jsut glad my running came back together before i had to start trainng.  that would've been sucktastic if it hadnt.

the swim meet was yesturday.  WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!  seriously.  it was awful and wonderful all at the same time. 

awful in a IM GONNA HURL kinda of way.

i woke up in the morning, having decided that was NOT going to swim.  i was just overwhelmed by soooo much anxiety about the whole thing.

i lost a weeks worth of practicing my backstroke flip turns and starts off the block and i just didnt feel prepared to race.

and im ALL ABOUT being prepared going into a race.

i posted on FB about the meet and woke up to a BUNCH of messages of encouragement from my friends....THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

my one friend in particular HIS MESSAGE got me to the meet (he's work towards qualifying for Kona this year)

he said that he'd 'be there' for me when i started and finished - he was timing for the races....

there was something SO REASSURING about that.

then several of my runner friends said how they wouldnt have the guts to EVER do a swim meet and how impressed/proud/and inspired they were of me/by me.

i dunno.  it was soooo helpful.

so i SHOWED UP.  still feeling like i was gonna hurl.  but i showed up and finished well. two 1st place AG finishes and one 3rd place finish.

not bad for a triathlete.

my first event - 100 yd backstroke - i seated myself really slow - so that i could just get the squirrels out.  and i crushed the race.  even i was impressed with my time (starting to wonder if backstroke is my stroke....)

then Jamie, the head of our team, signed me up for 25 yd freestyle race.  i thought about not racing...is it just ALL OUT FAST....but i toed up and swam....again, totally surprised myself and how fast i swam.

thats one of those races, you just put your head down, dont even lift your head to breathe, and just swim....i smashed it.

then my event came up....its definately different to swim 200 yds in a swim meet, then to swim 200 yds in practice or for triathlon, for that matter.

200 yds is in odd distance cuz your still sprinting it to a certain degree, but you have conserve as well.  VERY technical that way.

i did well. and it was great first learning experience....

it was awfully nice to be in a place where you doing something different than what you typically do, day to day, even training wise....swim meets are definately different than tri training.

so im really happy for the experience.

and so so so glad i didnt chicken out.

its all good!

Yay Stacie!! Not bad for a triatlete, indeed! (Look out Meloony, she's coming to get you!)

2010-02-22 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2686199

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
kns57 - 2010-02-22 11:43 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 9:46 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 8:40 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 10:36 AM Good news gouhlies: I finally slept halfway decent last night. The bad news? It wasn't until after 3 AM that the good sleep finally came. Dang kids and the requirement that I send them to school every day...)

WOOHOO for sleep!

Let's look at the bright side here Amy, if you didn't send them to school every day they would be home ALL THE TIME!
SO true. And we have this weird year-round school thing here with the elementary school kids. They are in school for 9 weeks, then out for 3 weeks, in school for 9, out for 3... you get the picture. I have 2 more weeks until my son is home with me for 3 weeks. The middle schools use a traditional school calendar, so it's just the 2 of us when he's "off track". Then for most of my daughter's summer break, he's still in school. The weirdest part is that not all of the schools in the valley do this. Just the school district I live in.

That is crazy.  It can sure mess up a family's vacation planning.
Vacation? What is this word? That is one of many reasons we have only taken 2 family vacations. Total.
2010-02-22 12:49 PM
in reply to: #2685947

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Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 11:15 AM Boy, I'm sounding a little agitated today aren't I? The party at Neal's must've taken its toll more than I thought. Maybe I just need a nap. Or another party at Neal's. Yep that's it. I need another Gouhlie get-together.

Sounds like you should have stayed longer at Neals.  It was supposed to last a week or two. 
2010-02-22 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2686191

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
skrtrnr - 2010-02-22 1:40 PM HEY EVERYONE.

just flying in/by....

got a great run in today.  im FINALLY feeling back in the groove with my running.  thankfully.

gonna be starting my 1/2 MARY training next week.  man.  to think that race is just right around the corner.  woosh.  im jsut glad my running came back together before i had to start trainng.  that would've been sucktastic if it hadnt.

the swim meet was yesturday.  WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!  seriously.  it was awful and wonderful all at the same time. 

awful in a IM GONNA HURL kinda of way.

i woke up in the morning, having decided that was NOT going to swim.  i was just overwhelmed by soooo much anxiety about the whole thing.

i lost a weeks worth of practicing my backstroke flip turns and starts off the block and i just didnt feel prepared to race.

and im ALL ABOUT being prepared going into a race.

i posted on FB about the meet and woke up to a BUNCH of messages of encouragement from my friends....THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

my one friend in particular HIS MESSAGE got me to the meet (he's work towards qualifying for Kona this year)

he said that he'd 'be there' for me when i started and finished - he was timing for the races....

there was something SO REASSURING about that.

then several of my runner friends said how they wouldnt have the guts to EVER do a swim meet and how impressed/proud/and inspired they were of me/by me.

i dunno.  it was soooo helpful.

so i SHOWED UP.  still feeling like i was gonna hurl.  but i showed up and finished well. two 1st place AG finishes and one 3rd place finish.

not bad for a triathlete.

my first event - 100 yd backstroke - i seated myself really slow - so that i could just get the squirrels out.  and i crushed the race.  even i was impressed with my time (starting to wonder if backstroke is my stroke....)

then Jamie, the head of our team, signed me up for 25 yd freestyle race.  i thought about not racing...is it just ALL OUT FAST....but i toed up and swam....again, totally surprised myself and how fast i swam.

thats one of those races, you just put your head down, dont even lift your head to breathe, and just swim....i smashed it.

then my event came up....its definately different to swim 200 yds in a swim meet, then to swim 200 yds in practice or for triathlon, for that matter.

200 yds is in odd distance cuz your still sprinting it to a certain degree, but you have conserve as well.  VERY technical that way.

i did well. and it was great first learning experience....

it was awfully nice to be in a place where you doing something different than what you typically do, day to day, even training wise....swim meets are definately different than tri training.

so im really happy for the experience.

and so so so glad i didnt chicken out.

its all good!


YOU ARE A TOTAL ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-02-22 12:55 PM
in reply to: #2686191

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2010-02-22 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2686210

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:47 PM
skrtrnr - 2010-02-22 11:40 AM HEY EVERYONE.

just flying in/by....

got a great run in today.  im FINALLY feeling back in the groove with my running.  thankfully.

gonna be starting my 1/2 MARY training next week.  man.  to think that race is just right around the corner.  woosh.  im jsut glad my running came back together before i had to start trainng.  that would've been sucktastic if it hadnt.

the swim meet was yesturday.  WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!  seriously.  it was awful and wonderful all at the same time. 

awful in a IM GONNA HURL kinda of way.

i woke up in the morning, having decided that was NOT going to swim.  i was just overwhelmed by soooo much anxiety about the whole thing.

i lost a weeks worth of practicing my backstroke flip turns and starts off the block and i just didnt feel prepared to race.

and im ALL ABOUT being prepared going into a race.

i posted on FB about the meet and woke up to a BUNCH of messages of encouragement from my friends....THAT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

my one friend in particular HIS MESSAGE got me to the meet (he's work towards qualifying for Kona this year)

he said that he'd 'be there' for me when i started and finished - he was timing for the races....

there was something SO REASSURING about that.

then several of my runner friends said how they wouldnt have the guts to EVER do a swim meet and how impressed/proud/and inspired they were of me/by me.

i dunno.  it was soooo helpful.

so i SHOWED UP.  still feeling like i was gonna hurl.  but i showed up and finished well. two 1st place AG finishes and one 3rd place finish.

not bad for a triathlete.

my first event - 100 yd backstroke - i seated myself really slow - so that i could just get the squirrels out.  and i crushed the race.  even i was impressed with my time (starting to wonder if backstroke is my stroke....)

then Jamie, the head of our team, signed me up for 25 yd freestyle race.  i thought about not racing...is it just ALL OUT FAST....but i toed up and swam....again, totally surprised myself and how fast i swam.

thats one of those races, you just put your head down, dont even lift your head to breathe, and just swim....i smashed it.

then my event came up....its definately different to swim 200 yds in a swim meet, then to swim 200 yds in practice or for triathlon, for that matter.

200 yds is in odd distance cuz your still sprinting it to a certain degree, but you have conserve as well.  VERY technical that way.

i did well. and it was great first learning experience....

it was awfully nice to be in a place where you doing something different than what you typically do, day to day, even training wise....swim meets are definately different than tri training.

so im really happy for the experience.

and so so so glad i didnt chicken out.

its all good!

Yay Stacie!! Not bad for a triatlete, indeed! (Look out Meloony, she's coming to get you!)

x2 on the awesome job swimming.

2010-02-22 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2686213

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:49 PM
kns57 - 2010-02-22 11:43 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 9:46 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 8:40 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 10:36 AM Good news gouhlies: I finally slept halfway decent last night. The bad news? It wasn't until after 3 AM that the good sleep finally came. Dang kids and the requirement that I send them to school every day...)

WOOHOO for sleep!

Let's look at the bright side here Amy, if you didn't send them to school every day they would be home ALL THE TIME!
SO true. And we have this weird year-round school thing here with the elementary school kids. They are in school for 9 weeks, then out for 3 weeks, in school for 9, out for 3... you get the picture. I have 2 more weeks until my son is home with me for 3 weeks. The middle schools use a traditional school calendar, so it's just the 2 of us when he's "off track". Then for most of my daughter's summer break, he's still in school. The weirdest part is that not all of the schools in the valley do this. Just the school district I live in.

That is crazy.  It can sure mess up a family's vacation planning.
Vacation? What is this word? That is one of many reasons we have only taken 2 family vacations. Total.

Well, when our kids were young, our vacations were always to visit family.  I don't think we really started to vacation vacation until the oldest was out of the house and the youngest was in high school.  Now hubby and I make sure we have at least one fun vacation a year (if not two or more, LOL).  Life gets better as you get older, its just the body that can't keep up.
2010-02-22 1:00 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
Going to the gym tonight for a swim and workout.  So, back to cleaning out the guest room that becomes my junk room. 
2010-02-22 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2686247

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
kns57 - 2010-02-22 1:58 PM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 12:49 PM
kns57 - 2010-02-22 11:43 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 9:46 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 8:40 AM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 10:36 AM Good news gouhlies: I finally slept halfway decent last night. The bad news? It wasn't until after 3 AM that the good sleep finally came. Dang kids and the requirement that I send them to school every day...)

WOOHOO for sleep!

Let's look at the bright side here Amy, if you didn't send them to school every day they would be home ALL THE TIME!
SO true. And we have this weird year-round school thing here with the elementary school kids. They are in school for 9 weeks, then out for 3 weeks, in school for 9, out for 3... you get the picture. I have 2 more weeks until my son is home with me for 3 weeks. The middle schools use a traditional school calendar, so it's just the 2 of us when he's "off track". Then for most of my daughter's summer break, he's still in school. The weirdest part is that not all of the schools in the valley do this. Just the school district I live in.

That is crazy.  It can sure mess up a family's vacation planning.
Vacation? What is this word? That is one of many reasons we have only taken 2 family vacations. Total.

Well, when our kids were young, our vacations were always to visit family.  I don't think we really started to vacation vacation until the oldest was out of the house and the youngest was in high school.  Now hubby and I make sure we have at least one fun vacation a year (if not two or more, LOL).  Life gets better as you get older, its just the body that can't keep up.

Then I'm SOL my body can barely keep up now.
2010-02-22 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
I'm signing off for a bit. 2 loads of laundry down, my mm called and she's picking up a few things at the store for me (one less trip I have to make, yay!), but I've still got lots to do around the house and otherwise. And it's a balmy 30* F here right now. Brrr. No cold beverage with lunch today! Later Gouhls!
2010-02-22 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2686258

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 2:03 PM I'm signing off for a bit. 2 loads of laundry down, my mm called and she's picking up a few things at the store for me (one less trip I have to make, yay!), but I've still got lots to do around the house and otherwise. And it's a balmy 30* F here right now. Brrr. No cold beverage with lunch today! Later Gouhls!

See ya Amy

2010-02-22 3:14 PM
in reply to: #2686083

Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
givemashot - 2010-02-22 11:59 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:57 AMBefore I forget

Happy Margarita Day!!!
Whaaat? This is a most happy day, indeed! Never heard of Margarita Day before, but me likey!)




2010-02-22 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2010-02-22 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2676918

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!


That's the good news.

The bad news is I only had a month to you know, get padded shipping envelopes and make labels, so they're not done yet.

I'll have them in the mail Saturday!!!

If you haven't sent me your address yet shoot me a PM.
2010-02-22 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2686641

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulies are taking off the pounds in February part 2!!!
skrtrnr - 2010-02-22 4:14 PM
givemashot - 2010-02-22 11:59 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-02-22 10:57 AMBefore I forget

Happy Margarita Day!!!
Whaaat? This is a most happy day, indeed! Never heard of Margarita Day before, but me likey!)





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