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2010-04-22 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-04-22 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I wear tri shorts (Aevero) and a tri shirt (LG), as seen in my avatar.  For shoes, I still just use my running shoes on platform pedals.  One of these days, I'll make the jump to clipless pedals
2010-04-22 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I bought a HRM a few weeks ago, and it worked well for the first few times I used it, but the chest strap hasn't been communicating with the watch for the last 4-5 times I've run with it.  I was looking at other HRMs today, and say a timex one for $110, but I'm torn.  It's hard to rationalize spending $110 for just an HRM, when a little more would get me a Garmin.  Thoughts?
2010-04-22 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2811180

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-04-22 7:47 PM I used to use completely free float pedals (speedplay). I am actually much happier with the more limited float of the Look pedals. Anyone else have preferences in this area?

I'm confused - wasn't the float 100% adjustable on your speedplays?
2010-04-22 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I have '09 Specialized Trivents and I like them a lot. They have the shimano cleats and the shimano 105 pedals.

As far as tri wear I have a DeSoto Forza top and DeSoto Forza 4 pocket short. I've only done 1 tri in them but they were comfortable and I didn't even think about what I was wearing which I guess is good.

Other things I have is Swim: Aquasphere XP tinted goggles, Xterra Vortex 3 full suit   Bike: Specialized Allez Elite road bike with clip on aerobars, Bell solar helmet, Road Id ankle    Run: Brooks shoes w/ yankz laces, Headsweats Visor.

The only thing I'm missing is speed. Can I buy that?
2010-04-22 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2811309

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-04-22 7:08 PM

The only thing I'm missing is speed. Can I buy that?

Yes, but unfortunately not with greenbacks... it costs time... and lots of it.

2010-04-22 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2811079

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-04-22 4:20 PM
zionvier - 2010-04-22 6:19 PM
PennState - 2010-04-22 3:58 PM
What type of shimano pedals do you have?

Do they have any float or are they fixed?

They are the ones with float.  I haven't gotten to the point in my fit on this bike yet to start cranking them down and seeing if I like it without float.
2010-04-22 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2811214

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Wooden Bell - 2010-04-22 6:10 PM I bought a HRM a few weeks ago, and it worked well for the first few times I used it, but the chest strap hasn't been communicating with the watch for the last 4-5 times I've run with it.  I was looking at other HRMs today, and say a timex one for $110, but I'm torn.  It's hard to rationalize spending $110 for just an HRM, when a little more would get me a Garmin.  Thoughts?

Personally, for the extra money I say just got for the Garmin 305.  I had just a HR monitor before it, but having the other data of terrain, pace/speed, cadence, etc to compare to what my HR was doing at the time is more beneficial to me.  I don't train with HR (unless I'm doing a pure recovery day and keeping it sub-160), but looking back at my HR for runs I do frequently and comparing it to the pace I was going at the time gives me an indication if I'm getting fatigued and could use a rest day or if I'm feeling good and can go real hard the next day.
2010-04-22 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2811443

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-04-22 10:25 PM
Wooden Bell - 2010-04-22 6:10 PM I bought a HRM a few weeks ago, and it worked well for the first few times I used it, but the chest strap hasn't been communicating with the watch for the last 4-5 times I've run with it.  I was looking at other HRMs today, and say a timex one for $110, but I'm torn.  It's hard to rationalize spending $110 for just an HRM, when a little more would get me a Garmin.  Thoughts?

Personally, for the extra money I say just got for the Garmin 305.  I had just a HR monitor before it, but having the other data of terrain, pace/speed, cadence, etc to compare to what my HR was doing at the time is more beneficial to me.  I don't train with HR (unless I'm doing a pure recovery day and keeping it sub-160), but looking back at my HR for runs I do frequently and comparing it to the pace I was going at the time gives me an indication if I'm getting fatigued and could use a rest day or if I'm feeling good and can go real hard the next day.

Yeah i would say spend the extra cash and get the 305. Look in the classifieds on BT or on ebay. I saw a classified the other day for a used 305 for $110 shipped
2010-04-22 10:14 PM
in reply to: #2811180

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-04-22 7:47 PM I used to use completely free float pedals (speedplay). I am actually much happier with the more limited float of the Look pedals. Anyone else have preferences in this area?

I have only tried the Look pedals. My shoes and pedals that i bought when i first started tris (1.5 years ago) are the only ones i have ever used. Im very happy with them
2010-04-23 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I got my Garmin 50% off on! I looooooove it.  I don't train with HR, but hot damn, I can see when I'm starting to get out of shape.  Like, after taking a week off from training, my first run at 10min/mile had my heart rate up around 180 for the first FIVE minutes!!!! INSANE!

2010-04-23 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Slow day so far. What are peoples training plans for today/weekend?

I have my weekly Friday Night ocean swim
Sat i am heading down to ride the Wildflower bike course...and a bit of the run course.
Sun is a s/b/r day. then i can REST for the HIM which is a week from tom!

Fred, you are right this thread has been very bike/gearing focused. To change topics for a minute...what would you/or any others say is an optimal way to try and determine IM marathon pacing?
2010-04-23 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2812242

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
dharris13 - 2010-04-23 9:35 AM Slow day so far. What are peoples training plans for today/weekend?

I have my weekly Friday Night ocean swim
Sat i am heading down to ride the Wildflower bike course...and a bit of the run course.
Sun is a s/b/r day. then i can REST for the HIM which is a week from tom!

Fred, you are right this thread has been very bike/gearing focused. To change topics for a minute...what would you/or any others say is an optimal way to try and determine IM marathon pacing?

Plans:  Today is calling for rain (it's currently raining out... so good job weatherman), but turning into snow this evening (up to 3").  I scheduled a group run up Lookout Mountain for tonight, but I've sent out an email seeing if I'm the only idiot willing to still go through with it.  So that's in the air.  If no one is willing, then I guess today is turning into a swim workout... and if it's snowing as opposed to raining I might still get out for an easy 3-5mile run.
As for the weekend.... Saturday, group run ~6 miles.  Weather isn't looking good all weekend, so I probably won't get much (if any) biking in.  Sunday is a 20 mile trail run with 10k ft of vertical climbing involved over in Boulder.  That I am pretty sure will go on regardless of weather since it's hosted by an ultra friend who's insane.

As for IM marathon pacing... I have no idea, I'm interested in what people do based on their HIM times and even though it's dependent on their bike fitness... their solo marathon times.
2010-04-23 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I'm supposed to do a metric century tour in Scranton, PA on Sunday.  We're supposed to get rain and my husband doesn't want to have to haul @ss up the climbs and be miserable. Don't know what we're going to do!  I don't like breaking in rain, but I gotta learn if we get our downpours in Lake Placid.

Pacing on the marathon...this is going to be a good veteran question.  I'd post it on the IMLP thread, but I think I might start getting flamed if I ask any more questions about time for my first IM!!! 

I think we're going to hear feedback that says "it depends on your bike pacing" go at your own RPE, etc, etc, etc
2010-04-23 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Not trying to bring it back towards the bike here, but it just happens to be what went on yesterday.

Do others sometimes make bad decisions in regards to the weather when they go out to train?  Yesterday was my typical twice/week ride up Lookout Mtn, except it was raining... and raining pretty good.  There was a tornado watch in effect for the surrounding areas, one was spotted about 50miles west of where the ride is.  Being against the mountains (on the mountains) tornados are not much of a threat, it's more in the flatlands, so not too worried about that.  But, about half way up we realize there is no thunder/lightning in the general area, but the 4 of that showed up look at each other and just continue to pedal on up the mountain.  Get to the top and it's pretty "foggy", we turn around and come back down.  Everyone is drenched and cold, but no big deal.  I realize on the way down it's not fog... it's actually that we are IN the clouds.  Thinking back, being in a cloud when there's thunder/lightning in the area is probably not the smartest idea, luckily everyone is safe, but it was a pretty stupid thing to risk for a 12 mile ride.
2010-04-23 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hubby and I are starting to err on the side of caution.  On race day is a different deal, but I've ran out side with tree branches flying around and I just don't want to be the dead girl on the front page of the newspaper with everyone saying "WHY was she so STUPID?!". Yanno??  If we have an option to use our trainer instead of take a risk, then we go for it.

As an aside, I just sent this to Dylan and thought I'd share:

OMG, I loooooooove aquajogging!!!! My minor in college was Aquatic Management and so I learned all the uber cool benefits of it!! The water keeps you cool, the pressure of the water helps with swelling, you work against resistance in BOTH directions (strengthening=fewer muscle imbalances=reduced risk for injury!), no impact on the joints, doable regardless of rain or snow (if you can do it indoors), etc!!!

I actually scheduled in aqujogging when I was training for the Philly marathon. My body just can't handle running 5+ days/week. BUT, my body CAN handle running about 3-4 days/week. The aquajogging is either used as recovery to help loosen up when I'm tight or sore or is used for strengthening. I jog, cross country ski (<- that is REALLY REALLY good for you!) and do other "things" like pretending I'm a football player running through tires or I do different leg moves in the shallow end to work on range of motion around my hips!.

2010-04-23 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2812289

Thornton, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
WittyCityGirl - 2010-04-23 9:50 AM
I think we're going to hear feedback that says "it depends on your bike pacing" go at your own RPE, etc, etc, etc

My thought is go until you throw up or die!   I think too many people think that you shouldn't focus on time for your first IM.  Personally, I know I can get the distance done (barring any catastrophes) within the time limit... but I have a goal time I'm trying to make.  Not comparing myself to a pro, but I doubt Chrissie Wellington did her first IM without an idea of what kind of pace she thought she could hold.  Going into a race without a plan sounds more like a recipe for disaster for myself, even if I have to modify that plan on the fly, I like to have a plan in place to modify.
2010-04-23 11:00 AM
in reply to: #2812268

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier -  Sunday is a 20 mile trail run with 10k ft of vertical climbing involved over in Boulder.  That I am pretty sure will go on regardless of weather since it's hosted by an ultra friend who's insane.


WOW! that sounds amazing/insane/awesome/crazy
2010-04-23 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2812293

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-04-23 11:52 AM Not trying to bring it back towards the bike here, but it just happens to be what went on yesterday.

Do others sometimes make bad decisions in regards to the weather when they go out to train?  Yesterday was my typical twice/week ride up Lookout Mtn, except it was raining... and raining pretty good.  There was a tornado watch in effect for the surrounding areas, one was spotted about 50miles west of where the ride is.  Being against the mountains (on the mountains) tornados are not much of a threat, it's more in the flatlands, so not too worried about that.  But, about half way up we realize there is no thunder/lightning in the general area, but the 4 of that showed up look at each other and just continue to pedal on up the mountain.  Get to the top and it's pretty "foggy", we turn around and come back down.  Everyone is drenched and cold, but no big deal.  I realize on the way down it's not fog... it's actually that we are IN the clouds.  Thinking back, being in a cloud when there's thunder/lightning in the area is probably not the smartest idea, luckily everyone is safe, but it was a pretty stupid thing to risk for a 12 mile ride.

Good thing you are alight. I generally do not make bad weather choices for biking bc im too lazy to decide to bike in the rain bc i hate cleaning my bike. However, for running i have made several bad choices where i end up slipping on ice/running in hail.
2010-04-23 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2812317

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
zionvier - 2010-04-23 11:59 AM Going into a race without a plan sounds more like a recipe for disaster for myself, even if I have to modify that plan on the fly, I like to have a plan in place to modify.

Yeah that is my sentiment as well. I would like to have something in the back of my head that tells me what i should be shooting for. If i need to ammend my plan, that is fine, but i would like to have a plan...or an idea as to what to expect so i am not shocked by my mile splits.
2010-04-23 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-04-23 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-04-23 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2812379

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-04-23 12:24 PM Run pacing the marathon is a GREAT QUESTION! 1. As mentioned, it depends. Depends on your fitness and your bike pacing. 2. If you are well-trained and paced the swim and bike appropriately, and didn't mess up nutrition, then: 3. Best Ironman marathon pacing is usually one of two things. A. Take your stand-alone marathon time and add 30 minutes. OR B.Using your long run training pace add 30-40 seconds per mile on pacing. Ie; if your long runs are at 9:00 min/mile, then expect 9:30-9:40 pace IF ALL GOES WELL IN THE POINTS LISTED IN 2. Above. The VAST majority of people during their Ironman marathon pace much slower than this because of issues with fitness, nutrition and pacing. Ultimately if you ran at the paces I listed above, then I would say you executed your Ironman flawlessly. Questions?

Thanks Fred. Exactly what i was looking for!
2010-04-23 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2812317

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Not to mention...I barely make above minimum wage in New York State.  To register for an Ironman, pay to get there/stay there and eat...this is costing a bit and Mr. Visa needs to get his payment every month.  I see this as a one shot deal.  If I'm going to go in debt for something, I'm going to try to haul a$$ and make the most of it.  Too many people have said "Enjoy the first one, do better on the second".  Dude. I. Don't. Have. A. Second. (!!!!!)  Hubby says we have to get responsible with our $$ and that means that triathlon needs to take a serious backstep from my life after this season.  So... if people had wondered "WHY is she so hung up on this?!" I'd almost rather push myself and suffer the consequences than say "Damn, I could have done better" and not have that opportunity for a long, long, long time.  It's a rich man's sport and folks like myself just want to live it up once to cross it off the bucket list which means to go hard or go home.

zionvier - 2010-04-23 11:59 AM
WittyCityGirl - 2010-04-23 9:50 AM
I think we're going to hear feedback that says "it depends on your bike pacing" go at your own RPE, etc, etc, etc

My thought is go until you throw up or die!   I think too many people think that you shouldn't focus on time for your first IM.  Personally, I know I can get the distance done (barring any catastrophes) within the time limit... but I have a goal time I'm trying to make.  Not comparing myself to a pro, but I doubt Chrissie Wellington did her first IM without an idea of what kind of pace she thought she could hold.  Going into a race without a plan sounds more like a recipe for disaster for myself, even if I have to modify that plan on the fly, I like to have a plan in place to modify.
2010-04-23 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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