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2010-04-20 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2805282

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tnguyen1 - 2010-04-20 2:45 PM

Question about HR training.....I am new to HR training, and this is my first time to train by zones. Last season and my half marathon plan I went off of RPE. I have a very hard time keeping in Z2 (steady state) on the run. I am NOT fast by any means but Z2 is a walk for current zones are:

Zone 1 (WU) 121-137
Zone 2 (Steady State) 138-160
Zone 3 (Tempo) 161-171
Zone 4 (Interval) 172-178

I understand that other variables and factors can contribute to HR like nutrition, stress, weather, ect......but I had to walk to bring my HR back down from the high 170's. I didn't feel out of breath and I wasn't hurting, just trying to stay in my "zones". Does this sound right? I just have no clue.....

How did you determine those zones?

did you do a test or just use the 220-minus your age?

2010-04-20 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2805546

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-20 5:55 PM
tnguyen1 - 2010-04-20 2:45 PM

Question about HR training.....I am new to HR training, and this is my first time to train by zones. Last season and my half marathon plan I went off of RPE. I have a very hard time keeping in Z2 (steady state) on the run. I am NOT fast by any means but Z2 is a walk for current zones are:

Zone 1 (WU) 121-137
Zone 2 (Steady State) 138-160
Zone 3 (Tempo) 161-171
Zone 4 (Interval) 172-178

I understand that other variables and factors can contribute to HR like nutrition, stress, weather, ect......but I had to walk to bring my HR back down from the high 170's. I didn't feel out of breath and I wasn't hurting, just trying to stay in my "zones". Does this sound right? I just have no clue.....

How did you determine those zones? did you do a test or just use the 220-minus your age?

VO2 test, two weeks after my half marathon.
2010-04-20 5:58 PM
in reply to: #2805380

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tri808 - 2010-04-20 3:11 PM

robingray_260 - 2010-04-20 11:56 AM So... I went on vacation all last week to D.C./Baltimore. Weighed myself yesterday and today and though I only gained 1 pound, my body fat went up 10%!!!! I thought maybe it was due to dehydration causing my scale to act up but when I weighed myself today it was still 10%. OK - I confess I did consume enough crab cakes and beer for a small army - but 10%!!! Anybody else experience this before and how long did it take to get back to your pre-vacation body fat %?

Oh, and if you could tell me that my scale is broken that would be greatSmile! Robin

Body fat scales are totally inconsistant. Especially for people like me who are short and stocky. I normally weigh about 162 now. I think last week it gave me my body fat as 20.5% and a yesterday it was like 17.8% at the same weight. And my scale supposedly accounts for dehydration as it also gives you a hydration percentage. Either way...the scale is off. Last time I got caliper tested, I was closer to 14%.


i got on one last year right after a lab test (which did both hydro and dexa scan), the BF scale said i was at 17%........... Both lab tests were 6-7%
2010-04-20 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2805282

My Race Log
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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tnguyen1 - 2010-04-21 5:45 AM

Question about HR training.....I am new to HR training, and this is my first time to train by zones. Last season and my half marathon plan I went off of RPE. I have a very hard time keeping in Z2 (steady state) on the run. I am NOT fast by any means but Z2 is a walk for current zones are:

Zone 1 (WU) 121-137
Zone 2 (Steady State) 138-160
Zone 3 (Tempo) 161-171
Zone 4 (Interval) 172-178

I understand that other variables and factors can contribute to HR like nutrition, stress, weather, ect......but I had to walk to bring my HR back down from the high 170's. I didn't feel out of breath and I wasn't hurting, just trying to stay in my "zones". Does this sound right? I just have no clue.....

Doesn't sound right.  I would be suspicious about either your HRM and/or whether your HRM strap is making the right contact.   Zone 2 should be conversational.  I can't imagine having a conversation at 170bpm.   My zone 2 (per Friel/RPE) is 125-133 and although I'm no speed demon, I'm not walking.  

2010-04-20 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2805551

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-20 6:58 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-20 3:11 PM
robingray_260 - 2010-04-20 11:56 AM So... I went on vacation all last week to D.C./Baltimore. Weighed myself yesterday and today and though I only gained 1 pound, my body fat went up 10%!!!! I thought maybe it was due to dehydration causing my scale to act up but when I weighed myself today it was still 10%. OK - I confess I did consume enough crab cakes and beer for a small army - but 10%!!! Anybody else experience this before and how long did it take to get back to your pre-vacation body fat %?

Oh, and if you could tell me that my scale is broken that would be greatSmile! Robin

Body fat scales are totally inconsistant. Especially for people like me who are short and stocky. I normally weigh about 162 now. I think last week it gave me my body fat as 20.5% and a yesterday it was like 17.8% at the same weight. And my scale supposedly accounts for dehydration as it also gives you a hydration percentage. Either way...the scale is off. Last time I got caliper tested, I was closer to 14%.
same, i got on one last year right after a lab test (which did both hydro and dexa scan), the BF scale said i was at 17%........... Both lab tests were 6-7%

I've got one too.  Never done the lab test, but mine's fairly consistent (+/- 1.5%) when I do it same time under same conditions (I always do it right after waking up).  Did you make sure you're in "athlete" mode? I'm about 10% non-athlete and about 5-6% in athlete.  Last season at about 148 lbs I was about 4.5%.  Now I'm about 157 and 5.5%.  So it seems to at least be precise, if not accurate, which is more important to me so I can see trends.  Eating, drinking, having to go to the bathroom all throw my reading off.
2010-04-20 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Ok, swim question.

What do people mean when they tell you not to "fight the water"? I'm having a hard time figuring out what the difference is between push myself to go faster & fighting the water.

When I try and go faster, I'm not gliding as much (don't know if this makes sense-I don't know any swim terms). My form doesn't seem as good. Any suggestions?

Also, when I try and go fast, my times are between 2:03 -2:08 for 100M. What is a good goal to have for myself in a few months time if I swim 3xs a week doing 1000-1500M at a time?

2010-04-20 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2805861

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
this is why many swim coaches advocate shorter sets on little rest vs straight swimming.
You get just enough of a break to keep form together, and then go again.

in simple terms, not fighting the water means relax, and let your form/smooth pull do the work, vs just flailing around, and wasting energy on useless movement.

what does a normal swim workout for you look like right now? and times for the distances in that?
2010-04-20 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2805861

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jpbis26 - 2010-04-20 4:35 PM Ok, swim question.

What do people mean when they tell you not to "fight the water"? I'm having a hard time figuring out what the difference is between push myself to go faster & fighting the water.

When I try and go faster, I'm not gliding as much (don't know if this makes sense-I don't know any swim terms). My form doesn't seem as good. Any suggestions?

Also, when I try and go fast, my times are between 2:03 -2:08 for 100M. What is a good goal to have for myself in a few months time if I swim 3xs a week doing 1000-1500M at a time?

I'm sure you already know that swimming is 90% technique.  I think the "don't fight the water" is a way of saying that to go faster, use better technique...not to use brute strength. 

As for goal times...I would just let it come...I notice that in the pool, your gains come in bunches...just because you stay at 2:05ish for a while, it doesn't mean that a breakthrough to 1:55ish is not right around the corner.  Don't get discouraged if you don't make constant progress in your swim times.
2010-04-20 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2805890

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-20 4:49 PM this is why many swim coaches advocate shorter sets on little rest vs straight swimming. You get just enough of a break to keep form together, and then go again. in simple terms, not fighting the water means relax, and let your form/smooth pull do the work, vs just flailing around, and wasting energy on useless movement. what does a normal swim workout for you look like right now? and times for the distances in that?

I took your advice earlier about trying 10x100's...omg, I was about to die after that...but it felt oh so good to finish.  I had to take 40 second breaks though.  I'll try to trim that down...but is 40 seconds way too long?  Should I go slower on the swim and take shorter...say 15-20 second rest intervals?
2010-04-20 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2770346

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!! />
That's my race report for Nats this past weekend.

As for my dehydration, I'm not really sure how it happened.  I guess I since we were all in cars for two days prior to the race, I wasn't drinking enough to being with.  I bought a 64oz Gatorade to drink for a few days but that wasn't enough.  I felt fine during and after the race also.  I was drinking before, and I pounded 20oz of Gatorade directly after the finish.

When we were driving home on Sunday(supposed to be a 14 hour drive) I was feeling nauseous and I thought that I just needed food.  W eventually stopped at Panera and took it on the road.  I had a few bites but then couldn't hold my stomach together anymore.  Long story short, I made messes all over myself and our van for the next several hours.  I couldn't keep anything down.  A teammate was doing the same thing also.  Our vans took us to emergency rooms and they gave us IV fluids and sent us on our ways a few hours later.  We both went to separate hospitals in Illinois after driving from Tulsa.  My van picked up my prescription and eventually made it home to Ann Arbor at 3AM on Monday after leaving the hospital at 7PM on Sunday.

I hydrated for the rest of the ride and throughout Monday.  I started eating solid foods on Monday and ate a ton today.  I feel perfectly fine now except for some general body soreness.  I did a little core work and continued hydrating.  Tomorrow I plan to go on a nice 40 mile ride.
2010-04-20 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2805963

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-20 5:23 PM />
That's my race report for Nats this past weekend.

As for my dehydration, I'm not really sure how it happened.  I guess I since we were all in cars for two days prior to the race, I wasn't drinking enough to being with.  I bought a 64oz Gatorade to drink for a few days but that wasn't enough.  I felt fine during and after the race also.  I was drinking before, and I pounded 20oz of Gatorade directly after the finish.

When we were driving home on Sunday(supposed to be a 14 hour drive) I was feeling nauseous and I thought that I just needed food.  W eventually stopped at Panera and took it on the road.  I had a few bites but then couldn't hold my stomach together anymore.  Long story short, I made messes all over myself and our van for the next several hours.  I couldn't keep anything down.  A teammate was doing the same thing also.  Our vans took us to emergency rooms and they gave us IV fluids and sent us on our ways a few hours later.  We both went to separate hospitals in Illinois after driving from Tulsa.  My van picked up my prescription and eventually made it home to Ann Arbor at 3AM on Monday after leaving the hospital at 7PM on Sunday.

I hydrated for the rest of the ride and throughout Monday.  I started eating solid foods on Monday and ate a ton today.  I feel perfectly fine now except for some general body soreness.  I did a little core work and continued hydrating.  Tomorrow I plan to go on a nice 40 mile ride.

I think you hit it right on the nose.  A 20oz gatorade is not much IMHO.  After my first marathon, I drank probably about 32 oz of fluid immediately after...and I drank about 40 more ounces the rest of the day.  I still don't think it was nearly enough as I felt sick that afternoon and night.  I could eat...but my appetite was not nearly what it normally is.

2010-04-20 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2770346

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I think I worry too much about hydration during training when I should pay more attention to hydration in general including throughout the day every day.  I don't usually make an effort to hydrate prior to exercise.

I was talking with one of my teammates after the race about how lately I keep getting stomach aches when I run.  He asked if I have been doing core work and I admitted that I haven't done any core work in months.  I'm a lean bean pole and as of late have relied on swimming for core strength.  He told be that he had the same problem but it went away once he started to do core work.  I thought about it and it kind of made sense.  What do you guy think about that?

I have googled tons of topics about running stomach aches and it is usually described as "runner's trots".  It is said that GI distress is usually caused by blood being diverted to working muscles instead of the stomach.  I don't know if this is the case but I had planned on starting core work for my summer training anyways.  Hopefully it helps my problems.
2010-04-20 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2805929

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tri808 - 2010-04-20 8:06 PM

newbz - 2010-04-20 4:49 PM this is why many swim coaches advocate shorter sets on little rest vs straight swimming. You get just enough of a break to keep form together, and then go again. in simple terms, not fighting the water means relax, and let your form/smooth pull do the work, vs just flailing around, and wasting energy on useless movement. what does a normal swim workout for you look like right now? and times for the distances in that?

I took your advice earlier about trying 10x100's...omg, I was about to die after that...but it felt oh so good to finish. I had to take 40 second breaks though. I'll try to trim that down...but is 40 seconds way too long? Should I go slower on the swim and take shorter...say 15-20 second rest intervals?

how fast are you swimming?

and part of this has to do with workout goals

I can swim 10x100 on 5-10 sec rest and go one speed, or do it on 1 min rest and go much faster, both are good workouts, but get very diff things done.
2010-04-20 10:13 PM
in reply to: #2806020

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
in that short of a race, dont both with a gel on the run. maybe a bit of sports drink at the aid stations but its going to take 20-30 min to even start to do anything.

sounds like you do need to be drinking more consistently through the day.

also maybe look to another sports drink.

I know G-ade messes with a lot of peoples stomachs (its the only one i cannot do well).

I switched to HEED for that reason. if you can stand the taste its close to as simple as sports drinks get.
2010-04-20 10:19 PM
in reply to: #2806034

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-20 6:02 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-20 8:06 PM
newbz - 2010-04-20 4:49 PM this is why many swim coaches advocate shorter sets on little rest vs straight swimming. You get just enough of a break to keep form together, and then go again. in simple terms, not fighting the water means relax, and let your form/smooth pull do the work, vs just flailing around, and wasting energy on useless movement. what does a normal swim workout for you look like right now? and times for the distances in that?

I took your advice earlier about trying 10x100's...omg, I was about to die after that...but it felt oh so good to finish. I had to take 40 second breaks though. I'll try to trim that down...but is 40 seconds way too long? Should I go slower on the swim and take shorter...say 15-20 second rest intervals?
how fast are you swimming? and part of this has to do with workout goals I can swim 10x100 on 5-10 sec rest and go one speed, or do it on 1 min rest and go much faster, both are good workouts, but get very diff things done.

I started off at about 1:34, then slowly faded to about 1:40.  That's pretty fast for me.  I think my fastest all out 100yd so far is around 1:24.  My fastest 50yd is around 38 seconds.  Fastest 200yd is like 3:06.  My "swim all day" speed is around 2:00-2:10.

I have been progressing the past 2 months.  I could barely go 100yds straight in my benchmarks are pretty volatile.
2010-04-20 11:00 PM
in reply to: #2806060

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
next time try doing this:

swim 4x100 on 40 sec rest
swim 4x100 on 30 sec rest
swim 4x100 on 20 sec rest
If you are still swimming,
swim 4x100 on 10 sec rest.

try and hold 1:40 for all of them.
it should progressively get harder as you go.

another way to do this, is swim the 100s on a 1:50 send off (every min and 50 you leave).
with the pace clock you leave the first time on the min, and back up ten sec for each one after.

so if you swim 1:40, you have 10 sec rest. if you swim 1:35 you have 15 sec, etc).

2010-04-20 11:05 PM
in reply to: #2806057

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-20 11:13 PM in that short of a race, dont both with a gel on the run. maybe a bit of sports drink at the aid stations but its going to take 20-30 min to even start to do anything. sounds like you do need to be drinking more consistently through the day. also maybe look to another sports drink. I know G-ade messes with a lot of peoples stomachs (its the only one i cannot do well). I switched to HEED for that reason. if you can stand the taste its close to as simple as sports drinks get.

The thing is that I don't use any type of sports drink when I run.  So far my runs have only been long enough to rarely warrant water.

Edited by carlwithac 2010-04-20 11:08 PM
2010-04-20 11:11 PM
in reply to: #2806127

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-20 10:05 PM

newbz - 2010-04-20 11:13 PM in that short of a race, dont both with a gel on the run. maybe a bit of sports drink at the aid stations but its going to take 20-30 min to even start to do anything. sounds like you do need to be drinking more consistently through the day. also maybe look to another sports drink. I know G-ade messes with a lot of peoples stomachs (its the only one i cannot do well). I switched to HEED for that reason. if you can stand the taste its close to as simple as sports drinks get.

The thing is that I don't use any type of sports drink when I run. So far my runs have only been long enough to rarely warrant water.

what did you take in on the bike?
2010-04-20 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2806137

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-21 12:11 AM
carlwithac - 2010-04-20 10:05 PM
newbz - 2010-04-20 11:13 PM in that short of a race, dont both with a gel on the run. maybe a bit of sports drink at the aid stations but its going to take 20-30 min to even start to do anything. sounds like you do need to be drinking more consistently through the day. also maybe look to another sports drink. I know G-ade messes with a lot of peoples stomachs (its the only one i cannot do well). I switched to HEED for that reason. if you can stand the taste its close to as simple as sports drinks get.

The thing is that I don't use any type of sports drink when I run. So far my runs have only been long enough to rarely warrant water.
what did you take in on the bike?

I had a mixture of Gatorade and water in my aerodrink but I barely drank any because I swallowed a little too much water during the swim.  I drank a few sips of water on the run, but I already had developed a little stomach ache before that.

The stomach aches are frequent for my regular training runs.  However, on the bike, my stomach is fine.

Edited by carlwithac 2010-04-20 11:33 PM
2010-04-20 11:40 PM
in reply to: #2806159

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
could have been just how hard you were racing, could very well have been the water you got during the swim (i spent an entire HIM before i dropped out on the run puking up water from a swim).

could also be your normal diet. high fiber/fruit? that will mess up running often.
2010-04-20 11:41 PM
in reply to: #2805890

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-20 8:49 PM this is why many swim coaches advocate shorter sets on little rest vs straight swimming. You get just enough of a break to keep form together, and then go again. in simple terms, not fighting the water means relax, and let your form/smooth pull do the work, vs just flailing around, and wasting energy on useless movement. what does a normal swim workout for you look like right now? and times for the distances in that?

When I first started, I was just swimming 1000M straight at a relaxed pace.

Since starting this group, I've followed the advice I've been given and started doing a 100M warm up followed by 8x100 (where I push myself to go faster) then a 100M cool down to equal a total of 1000M.

I understand what your saying about the form breaking down of form at the end, this is when I see it happening.

Edited by jpbis26 2010-04-20 11:46 PM

2010-04-20 11:47 PM
in reply to: #2806164

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-21 12:40 AM could have been just how hard you were racing, could very well have been the water you got during the swim (i spent an entire HIM before i dropped out on the run puking up water from a swim). could also be your normal diet. high fiber/fruit? that will mess up running often.

About a week ago I started doing some research and tried skipping dairy for a few days but I'm not sure that was the problem.  I do eat a lot of fresh fruit, but I wasn't aware that it causes problems.  I don't seem to be eating large amounts of fiber.
2010-04-20 11:49 PM
in reply to: #2806166

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
you need a bit more warm up.

If you are only doing 1000 total, i would do like 200 or so warm up, break it up, 4x50 or something.
mix up the workouts, sometimes do shorter ones, like 12x50, sometimes 6-8x100, now and then do 200 or 300s.

if the form is good it will come along.

like someone else said, they often come in chunks.
when i got back in the pool this year (long injury layoff), i was swimming at X pace, two months of work only dropped 3 sec per 100 off that.

made one small change, and kept hacking away. 2 weeks later i had knocked 12 more sec per 100 off.
2010-04-20 11:51 PM
in reply to: #2806171

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-20 10:47 PM

newbz - 2010-04-21 12:40 AM could have been just how hard you were racing, could very well have been the water you got during the swim (i spent an entire HIM before i dropped out on the run puking up water from a swim). could also be your normal diet. high fiber/fruit? that will mess up running often.

About a week ago I started doing some research and tried skipping dairy for a few days but I'm not sure that was the problem. I do eat a lot of fresh fruit, but I wasn't aware that it causes problems. I don't seem to be eating large amounts of fiber.

myself, and a lot of others, have issues running after some fruit. i tend to just rearange when i eat certain things.

one way to narrow this down, and see if it is food related or not, is try going for some runs on an empty stomach, or just have something simple (maybe a gu), and see what happens.

2010-04-21 12:10 AM
in reply to: #2806174

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-21 12:51 AM
carlwithac - 2010-04-20 10:47 PM
newbz - 2010-04-21 12:40 AM could have been just how hard you were racing, could very well have been the water you got during the swim (i spent an entire HIM before i dropped out on the run puking up water from a swim). could also be your normal diet. high fiber/fruit? that will mess up running often.

About a week ago I started doing some research and tried skipping dairy for a few days but I'm not sure that was the problem. I do eat a lot of fresh fruit, but I wasn't aware that it causes problems. I don't seem to be eating large amounts of fiber.
myself, and a lot of others, have issues running after some fruit. i tend to just rearange when i eat certain things. one way to narrow this down, and see if it is food related or not, is try going for some runs on an empty stomach, or just have something simple (maybe a gu), and see what happens.

I've been doing lots of field testing and I just can't figure it out.  I tried going on a run right after I woke up with only eating a Clif Bar and a couple sips of water and I still ended up with a stomach ache.  It is the weirdest thing ever.

I'm not sure if it's how I'm eating that is causing me issues, but it's difficult to alter my eating methods because it is difficult for me to go several hours without eating and yet I never put on any weight.  It's rather confusing because each time I try something new, I end up with the same result.
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