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2010-06-19 6:06 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Great job Michael!!Again


Edited by slornow 2010-06-19 6:29 PM

2010-06-19 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Way to go Michael on another 1st place!

Going through final checklist for the race tomorrow. It's going to be very warm. Race time is suppose to be close to 90 degrees. Should to interesting.

A discovery I made today that should really help with my bike time tomorrow. I've been riding on grossly underinflated tires. Like 80 psi. I bought a new pump today and jacked those babies up to 120 psi. I rode around a litttle and could not belive the difference in speed. Another newbie discovery. Sometimes I feel like Homer Simpson. Doh! Tomorrow should be fun.


2010-06-19 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2932121

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-19 9:39 PM

Way to go Michael on another 1st place!

Going through final checklist for the race tomorrow. It's going to be very warm. Race time is suppose to be close to 90 degrees. Should to interesting.

A discovery I made today that should really help with my bike time tomorrow. I've been riding on grossly underinflated tires. Like 80 psi. I bought a new pump today and jacked those babies up to 120 psi. I rode around a litttle and could not belive the difference in speed. Another newbie discovery. Sometimes I feel like Homer Simpson. Doh! Tomorrow should be fun.


Whoa!  Free speed is always great!

Have a great race tomorrow!  I'll look out for everyone's results tomorrow.  Off to bed now...
2010-06-20 12:04 AM
in reply to: #2932145

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-19 6:57 PM
StlPhil - 2010-06-19 9:39 PM

Way to go Michael on another 1st place!

Going through final checklist for the race tomorrow. It's going to be very warm. Race time is suppose to be close to 90 degrees. Should to interesting.

A discovery I made today that should really help with my bike time tomorrow. I've been riding on grossly underinflated tires. Like 80 psi. I bought a new pump today and jacked those babies up to 120 psi. I rode around a litttle and could not belive the difference in speed. Another newbie discovery. Sometimes I feel like Homer Simpson. Doh! Tomorrow should be fun.


Whoa!  Free speed is always great!

Have a great race tomorrow!  I'll look out for everyone's results tomorrow.  Off to bed now...

Way to Go Michael!!!  Good luck to you tomorrow Phil!!!  Put those new discoveries to work for you and shave off those minutes and sec.

2010-06-20 6:18 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Happy Fathers Day, guys!
2010-06-20 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2932380

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slow turtle - 2010-06-20 4:18 AM Happy Fathers Day, guys!

Thanks Heidi.  My son and I are Video Gamers.  He went out with his mom and bought me Call of Duty; Modern Warfare.  Totally Surprised me.  Let just say he (my son) will not be playing or watching me play this for some time.  Mature rating....Surprised

Got a two hour ride in this morning.  Very hilly ride on purpose.  Next two Sprints (same course) have a hilly bike leg that I want to bring down my time from last year.

Happy Father's Day.  Off to visit with the family.

2010-06-20 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Happy Father's Day all fathers!  (And thanks to Heidi for the well wishes.)  I look forward to hearing about races!

My father's day was actually spent with my sister and her husband and their baby.  Well, actually, most of it was spent by myself.  Here's a report of the 'main event', copied from my blog.  As per Stu's request, elevation is there.  Just looking at it again makes my legs hurt!

The ride up (and back down) Mt Mitchell was stunning.  Here is the elevation:

Mt Mitchell Elevation

Total climbing was right at 6000 feet going up, and as you can see, a little bit more tacked on to that (some of it far from trivial!) coming back down.

Going up, I did a lot of this

Road up

and this

Road up

It's hard to tell from the pictures, but the gradient in these shots is around 5%, which is already getting pretty steep.  At those same spots where I stopped, I also took pictures to the side, and that looks like this

Way up

and this

Way up

As you can see from the elevation, miles 25 to 35 was one long climb with no breaks at all.  But the hardest part by far was the final climb.  You can't see it in the elevation, but the switchbacks were murder -- gradient on those easily went well over 10%.  I was in the granny gear on my road bike stomping on the pedals and barely moving.  I didn't dare stop because I wasn't sure I'd get going again!

The long climb was rewarded with beautiful views from the highest point in the U.S. east of the Mississippi.  The Smoky Mountains lived up to their name -- mist was rolling around from several directions.  But there were some moments of clarity:

Top  Top

The long climb was also rewarded with a delicious granola bar secretly snatched from my sister's cupboard.  And then, what goes up...

Edited by Experior 2010-06-20 6:08 PM
2010-06-20 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Michael-great post.  I've been on those roads before and I had no trouble with the climbs.???? Toughen up buttercup!!!  Well, I was on a motorcycle and it had a much better engine than my current "cycle" does.   Sounds like you had a great weekend.  Not sure that I could make that sort of climb-too much time down here in the flats.

Spent some of the weekend putting on race wheels and general bike maintenance.  Want to have some time to tweak before race in 3 weeks.  Will try to attach a photo.



CerveloP1.jpg (83KB - 5 downloads)
2010-06-20 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Just a quick report on the race. It was hot, very hot. The swim was 500m in pool snake course. Really sucked. They do platform diving there and I got a little freaked going into the deep end. At one point I had a guy GRAB and HOLD my ankle as he passed. That trough me off a little. finished in 15:45

I  had a great time on the bike. The extra wheel preasure made it a lot quicker. My watch had 1:00:20 for the 20.5 miles. Official time was 1:09:00 I have no ideal how they came up with that time. I actually passed 7 TT bikes. Yes I counted.

The run was miserable. Got off the bike, put on shoes and started running. Develope a stitch in my side within the first 5 minutes. I had to stop several times. Finally I stopped and stretched. That really did not help. Finally I stuck my thumb in my side and help it there for the rest of the run. That actually helped and my legs started working the way they should. Time was 58min for 4.8 miles.

I finished "officially" 2:21:?? my goal was 2:15:00. Again, the bike time was wierd. Overall I had a lot of fun, but I am somewhat discouraged. I really thought I would have a better showing. My wife always positive says look how  far you've come in the last year. She's right, but I'm still a litttle disappointed. 

I just need to work on strenghtening ny weaknesses. I'll post a full race report when I'm in a little better mood.

2010-06-20 7:07 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Oooh.  Pretty bike Randy.
2010-06-20 7:16 PM
in reply to: #2933033

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-20 8:06 PM Just a quick report on the race. It was hot, very hot. The swim was 500m in pool snake course. Really sucked. They do platform diving there and I got a little freaked going into the deep end. At one point I had a guy GRAB and HOLD my ankle as he passed. That trough me off a little. finished in 15:45

I  had a great time on the bike. The extra wheel preasure made it a lot quicker. My watch had 1:00:20 for the 20.5 miles. Official time was 1:09:00 I have no ideal how they came up with that time. I actually passed 7 TT bikes. Yes I counted.

The run was miserable. Got off the bike, put on shoes and started running. Develope a stitch in my side within the first 5 minutes. I had to stop several times. Finally I stopped and stretched. That really did not help. Finally I stuck my thumb in my side and help it there for the rest of the run. That actually helped and my legs started working the way they should. Time was 58min for 4.8 miles.

I finished "officially" 2:21:?? my goal was 2:15:00. Again, the bike time was wierd. Overall I had a lot of fun, but I am somewhat discouraged. I really thought I would have a better showing. My wife always positive says look how  far you've come in the last year. She's right, but I'm still a litttle disappointed. 

I just need to work on strenghtening ny weaknesses. I'll post a full race report when I'm in a little better mood.


Phil, don't be discouraged!  Sounds like a tough race.  Where to start...

First, grabbing in the water is never OK.  Whoever did that should be flogged.  OK, well, maybe not flogged, but given a good talking to, and definitely penalized.  In a pool swim, there is no reason that officials cannot be watching for that sort of thing.

Second, yes, pool swims suck.

Third, don't worry about the 'official' time on the bike.  I've heard of all sorts of weird things happening.  At IMKY last year, they got all (or maybe just some?) of the swim times off by 1 minute.  Who knows how that could have happened, but it did, apparently.  Bottom line is:  you had a good bike.

Finally, stitches.  They happen to everyone.  I have found two things to be helpful.  One is exactly what you did -- 'deep massage' (poking a finger or thumb in) to try to relax the offending muscle.  The other is to exhale very forcefully.  So, you breathe in normally, then breathe out quickly and forcefully, like you are trying to blow out a big candle.  But no matter how you slice it, stitches will slow you down.

So here's how I interpret what you say: swim conditions were tough (pool, grabbing) and you got through it.  Run conditions were tough (hot, stitches) and you fought through it.  Bike was quite good.  I don't see anything to regret here.  We learn from every race.

Nice job!

Edited by Experior 2010-06-20 7:16 PM

2010-06-20 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
WHOA! Correction.......I mis-read the bike time. I was looking at the accumulated time. Bike time was a freaking 56:11 or a 21.89mph pace! My goal was to finish the bike under 1 hour and I CRUSHED that! Suddenly I am in a much better mood!
2010-06-20 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2933058

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-20 8:25 PM WHOA! Correction.......I mis-read the bike time. I was looking at the accumulated time. Bike time was a freaking 56:11 or a 21.89mph pace! My goal was to finish the bike under 1 hour and I CRUSHED that! Suddenly I am in a much better mood!

Awesome!  Way to go!
2010-06-20 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2933051

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Well, the Tri gods have atoned for the bad weather in my first race, as yesterday was absolutely picture perfect - 72 degrees air, 74 degrees water, and the lake was almost like glass. 

And I met my goals - I finished and was not last in my AG.

So far, so good.  Now the list of things to work on for next month's race...

There's no way to sugar coat it... My swim sucked.  I was 207 out of 212 total racers and was severely chicked (no offense Heidi - the ladies just took off after us, so they were the only ones left to pass me!) in the water.  I knew I was in for a tough swim when my legs (yes legs!) started to cramp before I made the first turn.  Actually, I knew I was in for a tough day as my fibromyalgia-induced abdominal cramps kept me up the night before.  The painful cramping I had for several years mostly subsided after I started training, so I was surprised by its return on a race day. 

In any case, I did rally for a better bike (170 / 212) and run (179  / 212).  The leg cramps weren't as bad on the bike, but they did return on the run.  Regardless, I had a great time and am looking forward to next month's race.

I'll work on a full race report tomorrow.

Have a great father's day everyone!
- Mark

2010-06-20 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Mark/Phil-good races!  Each race provides experience to build on.



2010-06-20 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: ---
Nevermind. Laughing

Edited by StlPhil 2010-06-20 8:53 PM

2010-06-20 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2933007

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-06-20 4:52 PM

Michael-great post.  I've been on those roads before and I had no trouble with the climbs.???? Toughen up buttercup!!!  Well, I was on a motorcycle and it had a much better engine than my current "cycle" does.   Sounds like you had a great weekend.  Not sure that I could make that sort of climb-too much time down here in the flats.

Spent some of the weekend putting on race wheels and general bike maintenance.  Want to have some time to tweak before race in 3 weeks.  Will try to attach a photo.


2010-06-20 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2933130

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
slornow - 2010-06-20 6:28 PM

Mark/Phil-good races!  Each race provides experience to build on.



Mark and Phil Way to go guys.  I guess you can never get better at what we do unless you experience it and try again.  Swims are always the toughest especially in the beginning.  It takes a year to just get used to swimming in Open Water; never get used to the pool.  It is what it is; too many outside factors to control and you just have to roll with it.
2010-06-21 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2933075

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
OneFastMule - 2010-06-20 8:38 PM

Well, the Tri gods have atoned for the bad weather in my first race, as yesterday was absolutely picture perfect - 72 degrees air, 74 degrees water, and the lake was almost like glass. 

And I met my goals - I finished and was not last in my AG.

So far, so good.  Now the list of things to work on for next month's race...

There's no way to sugar coat it... My swim sucked.  I was 207 out of 212 total racers and was severely chicked (no offense Heidi - the ladies just took off after us, so they were the only ones left to pass me!) in the water.  I knew I was in for a tough swim when my legs (yes legs!) started to cramp before I made the first turn.  Actually, I knew I was in for a tough day as my fibromyalgia-induced abdominal cramps kept me up the night before.  The painful cramping I had for several years mostly subsided after I started training, so I was surprised by its return on a race day. 

In any case, I did rally for a better bike (170 / 212) and run (179  / 212).  The leg cramps weren't as bad on the bike, but they did return on the run.  Regardless, I had a great time and am looking forward to next month's race.

I'll work on a full race report tomorrow.

Have a great father's day everyone!
- Mark

Way to go!  Fighting through cramps is HARD, and it sounds like those were bad ones.  I'm glad you had better weather.
2010-06-21 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2775149

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Mark, glad to hear you had a perfect day for your race. Great job fighting through the pain and finishing.

Phil, great race. Sorry to hear about the leg pull, that would be very frustrating. Then fighting through a side stitch is not a easy feat but you got through it. Excelent bike leg, amazing at how just a simple thing (tire pressure) can have on your speed.
2010-06-21 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2932928

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Experior - 2010-06-20 7:01 PM

Happy Father's Day all fathers!  (And thanks to Heidi for the well wishes.)  I look forward to hearing about races!

My father's day was actually spent with my sister and her husband and their baby.  Well, actually, most of it was spent by myself.  Here's a report of the 'main event', copied from my blog.  ......

Michael, you're having a banner year. Another AG win, with an injury, just amazing. Beautiful ride you had on the mountain.

2010-06-21 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2933819

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED

Michael and Phil - Great job on your races!

If you want all of the gory details on mine, here's the link:

Overall, I met my (admittedly conservative) goals, so I am happy with the results.  It definitely leaves room for improvment... :-)

- Mark

2010-06-21 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2775149

Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
Good job Mark.  It's good you got a race in without a major weather phenomena.  Way to stick through the race.
2010-06-21 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2933058

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
StlPhil - 2010-06-20 8:25 PM WHOA! Correction.......I mis-read the bike time. I was looking at the accumulated time. Bike time was a freaking 56:11 or a 21.89mph pace! My goal was to finish the bike under 1 hour and I CRUSHED that! Suddenly I am in a much better mood!

2010-06-21 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2933075

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Subject: RE: Experior's Group, Take Two -- CLOSED
OneFastMule - 2010-06-20 8:38 PM

Well, the Tri gods have atoned for the bad weather in my first race, as yesterday was absolutely picture perfect - 72 degrees air, 74 degrees water, and the lake was almost like glass. 

And I met my goals - I finished and was not last in my AG.

So far, so good.  Now the list of things to work on for next month's race...

There's no way to sugar coat it... My swim sucked.  I was 207 out of 212 total racers and was severely chicked (no offense Heidi - the ladies just took off after us, so they were the only ones left to pass me!) in the water.  I knew I was in for a tough swim when my legs (yes legs!) started to cramp before I made the first turn.  Actually, I knew I was in for a tough day as my fibromyalgia-induced abdominal cramps kept me up the night before.  The painful cramping I had for several years mostly subsided after I started training, so I was surprised by its return on a race day. 

In any case, I did rally for a better bike (170 / 212) and run (179  / 212).  The leg cramps weren't as bad on the bike, but they did return on the run.  Regardless, I had a great time and am looking forward to next month's race.

I'll work on a full race report tomorrow.

Have a great father's day everyone!
- Mark

That made me laugh, Mark. Last year, my husband and I did our first tri together. I chicked him on the run, but he completely overpowered me on the bike. We gotta get you guys when we can

Great job hanging in there, even though you weren't feeling well.

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