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2011-01-19 10:36 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
So Kelly, you said something the other day about doing all aerobic workouts right now in HR zones 1-2.  Why?  And for how long do you do them?  Is it the whole capillary thing and building mileage even if it is slow?

2011-01-20 5:42 AM
in reply to: #3310064

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
rizer22 - 2011-01-19 9:30 PM

"Not trying to be a D-bag, but your workout concerns me a bit: What plan are you following that calls for very short running intervals following a ride, particularly if you have little experience doing bricks and especially during a base time like now?  I think you are better off doing an easy run of 10-30 minutes to help your body get used to bricks.  Keep your RPE/HR low on the run. 

It is very typical to have calf cramping or side stiches when first doing bricks.  they will go away."[/QUOTE]


No one's a D-bag here.  I appreciate the honesty more than anything else.  To be honest, I just felt good after I got off the bike.  Initially I was sluggish, but once I completed the bike part, I just felt like running.  I don't really have a plan yet, truthfully.  I know I need to stick to one.  The sprint plans are too short it seems.  SO I have no clue where to start with a plan.  I looked at some of the Olympic plans, but can;t figure out how to import it.  I think I have to be a bronze member to do so.  I should just do that.

check to see if there are free oly plans but a bronze or silver membership (gives you access to all plans) is worth it.  you can also get any number of plans elsewhere or in books (Time Crunched Triathlete is a good obne).... No issue with you doing bricks, you should, i just dont want you to get hurt and short running intervals are the best way to get hurt.  When you feel good you should go longer.  One of the best runs I had was a planned 5 miler that turned into a 15 miler because I was on vacation in a beautiful place and I felt good so I just kept going.
2011-01-20 5:45 AM
in reply to: #3256199

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
last night I fell off the wagon.  ate clean all day, then was starving when I got home.  had a healthy dinner, but then i hit the chocolate hard, and the bad kind to boot, milk chocolate.  Oh well, like any adict, back on the wagon today. 
2011-01-20 6:09 AM
in reply to: #3310243

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2011-01-19 11:36 PM So Kelly, you said something the other day about doing all aerobic workouts right now in HR zones 1-2.  Why?  And for how long do you do them?  Is it the whole capillary thing and building mileage even if it is slow?

From my coach's blog (

During the base phase since almost every single workout is a zone 1/2 effort, there is no real risk of injury. The whole purpose is to build aerobic capacity and durability. 

1) Build great durability, physical and mental toughness - running and being on tired legs all the time teaches you to keep form together when the going gets tough and prepares you for the demands of IM racing. Since intensity is low and there are no best effort workouts, its okay to have a fried peripheral system most of the time; you don’t need your legs to push on previous bests during key intensity days. Instead, the intent is to just pass the amount of oxygen through your body by workout volume that your season plan calls for.

2) It teaches you to recover faster - due to the frequency of workouts, your body is forces to adapt and learn to recover faster from workouts. This is a great quality to have once into the build phase as the higher intensity work begins to kick in and you need your peripheral system for key workouts day after day.

3) It allows you to build volume safely at a slope much steeper than could safely be done with intensity training or few very long workouts per week. Typically the long workouts are placed at maximum of 35%, 35% and 45% of the week’s swim, run, and bike volume respectively.

4) It prepares you for rigors of the high intensity build phase where key workouts are almost every other day. The volume base that has been laid down through workout frequency, including weight training has prepared the soft tissue for higher intensity work with great resistance to injury.

2011-01-20 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3309975

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2011-01-19 8:41 PM
jsklarz - 2011-01-19 5:01 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-19 4:30 PM
rizer22 - 2011-01-19 4:11 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-19 1:58 PM
uhcoog - 2011-01-19 1:51 PM I got more of a rubber legged feeling when I first started bricks or when I don't do them for a while.  How was your hydration pre/during the workout?

More specifically how was your electrolyte intake?

I guess that could be the problem.  I usually use HEED when Mountain Biking, never even thought to use it on the trainer.  I need to pick up some more, unless everyone has a better product to use.

I'm not a Heed fan but if it works for you that's what matters.  Personally, I use Infinit ( where you can customize your drink according to your neds (you take a survey, its pretty cool).  If you take the BT survey there's a code at the end for 20% off Inifint too.

If you did CF you would never get dehydrated.
If she did CFE she'd podium

I'm going to podium without CFE, thank you very much! :-)
2011-01-20 6:11 AM
in reply to: #3309975

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2011-01-19 8:41 PM
jsklarz - 2011-01-19 5:01 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-19 4:30 PM
rizer22 - 2011-01-19 4:11 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-19 1:58 PM
uhcoog - 2011-01-19 1:51 PM I got more of a rubber legged feeling when I first started bricks or when I don't do them for a while.  How was your hydration pre/during the workout?

More specifically how was your electrolyte intake?

I guess that could be the problem.  I usually use HEED when Mountain Biking, never even thought to use it on the trainer.  I need to pick up some more, unless everyone has a better product to use.

I'm not a Heed fan but if it works for you that's what matters.  Personally, I use Infinit ( where you can customize your drink according to your neds (you take a survey, its pretty cool).  If you take the BT survey there's a code at the end for 20% off Inifint too.

If you did CF you would never get dehydrated.
If she did CFE she'd podium

I'm going to podium without CFE, thank you very much! :-)

2011-01-20 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3309247

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2011-01-19 2:23 PM Couple things I would offer up with aqua jogging and dealing with injury (I still have IT pain):

On running:
-  Since you are injured, if you can get a run in, DON'T do a brick (do as I say, not as I do), because that is extra stress on the injured area doing bricks.  Try to do the run alone and don't bother even trying to do 2 workouts spread out.  Your body needs the rest right now.
-  Don't worry about your pace, just get the runs in.  Your pace may be too quick right now, maybe try slowing it WAY down.  You just want to get your legs used to running right now, you can work on pace later.

On aqua jogging:
-  I usually based my effort on HR. So wear a HR monitor in the pool and try to achieve a rate that you want when you run.  Don't worry about how many laps you can do, although keep track for progress.
-  If you are feeling good enough, try to get some speed work in.  Move your arms and legs alot quicker.  I can only do 25's at a time and I do 25x10 and go back to jogging.
-  Base your aqua jogging on time. If you run a 10 minute mile and you are scheduled for a 3 miler, aqua jog for 30 minutes, and so on

Also, don't be suprised if your core is super sore after the first couple of time aqua jogging.  You are working your body in a different way.

Thank you for this, carrie.  I'm going to give the aqua jogging a try tomorrow morning.  

Physical therapy today.  Otherwise I am taking the day off.  My mother is taking my 3 oldest kids for the weekend, and I have to meet her this afternoon, after Conrad's school day is over.  I will have more freedom to workout this weekend with only the baby at home, so I'm hoping to get in some solid bike & swim workouts.  

What do you put in your favorite recovery shakes / smoothies?  Just asking......I like almond milk, ice, and chocolate protein power, but I was thinking I might be missing something that could help me.  

Hit 144 on the scale today  
2011-01-20 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3310225

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2011-01-19 10:25 PM Well my IT band issue was quite serious after my 1/2 mary end of Nov, so I ended up not really running for a month, but as you can see I have really come a long way and am putting in good mileage.

Here is what I have been doing (from ortho Dr. and PT)

1. I am not sure which has done it, but I am regularly taking 1 mobic per day (anti inflammatory) and 2 500 mg of vitatmin C per day (read an article that it can help and can't hurt).

2. ice when it is sore

3. PT does ultrasound at the beginning of our session then he puts some medicated pad thing on the IT band area and hooks me up to a battery and zaps the area

4.  Strength training - we found that not only did I have very tight IT band and hip flexors, but my glutes and hams were seriously deficient.  When those go the IT band has to pick up the slack. So here is my routine for strengthening, all are 3 sets:
-  calf raises off a step - 3x30
-  side leg raises - 3x30 or 3x40 on each side
-  clams - 3x30 (these use a band wrapped around your knee and you open your leg (, this will work both hips and you will eventually feel it in the glutes
-  Hams exercise - don't know what you call it, but lay on your back with your feet on the stability ball, do a butt bridge then bring the ball towards you with your feet while you butt is in the air, works the hams - 3x15, or 3x20
-  1 legged lunges - 3x10
-  stability ball squats - either 3x30, or 1x30, but each time you go down hold it as long as you can

5. stretching:  1. quad - standing pull your leg behind you to your butt and lean forward for better stretch 2. hams/glutes - laying on your back, put your foot on your opposite knee and puts your hands behind the knee and pulll up

Foam roll the IT band every day - make sure you are hitting it correct, as it seemed I was foam rolling the outer quad and not the IT, so it took me 3-4 weeks until I could foam roll with my feet totally off the ground with no support.

Also, if you are doing bricks, or hard or long bricks, lay off the bricks or only do a minimal 10-15 minute run, if anything at all.  Nothing hard or long as it put additional stress on the IT band.

If some or not all of this makes sense, ask, I feel like I might have been vague.  Or maybe I can get examples off the web if it doesn't make sense.  Assuming, you don't see the Dr. or PT, if you start the rest of this, I would expect you could seem some pretty fast results and get back running soon.  I have also reduced my speed (more for HR training), but I am sure that has helped as well.

Let me know how it goes, but don't let it get out of hand as it will take you out or training completely

Perfect.  Thanks.  I've been doing a lot of this for the past 3 days and had my first pain free workout in a week or so this morning.  Going to give it another couple days before I hit the road again to run.
2011-01-20 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3310422

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New Haven, CT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-20 7:11 AM
uhcoog - 2011-01-19 8:41 PM
jsklarz - 2011-01-19 5:01 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-19 4:30 PM
rizer22 - 2011-01-19 4:11 PM
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-19 1:58 PM
uhcoog - 2011-01-19 1:51 PM I got more of a rubber legged feeling when I first started bricks or when I don't do them for a while.  How was your hydration pre/during the workout?

More specifically how was your electrolyte intake?

I guess that could be the problem.  I usually use HEED when Mountain Biking, never even thought to use it on the trainer.  I need to pick up some more, unless everyone has a better product to use.

I'm not a Heed fan but if it works for you that's what matters.  Personally, I use Infinit ( where you can customize your drink according to your neds (you take a survey, its pretty cool).  If you take the BT survey there's a code at the end for 20% off Inifint too.

If you did CF you would never get dehydrated.
If she did CFE she'd podium

I'm going to podium without CFE, thank you very much! :-)

But if you did CFE you'd KQ and solve all of the world's problems and generally be a better person.
2011-01-20 9:30 AM
in reply to: #3310432

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-01-20 7:26 AM
carrie639 - 2011-01-19 2:23 PM Couple things I would offer up with aqua jogging and dealing with injury (I still have IT pain):

On running:
-  Since you are injured, if you can get a run in, DON'T do a brick (do as I say, not as I do), because that is extra stress on the injured area doing bricks.  Try to do the run alone and don't bother even trying to do 2 workouts spread out.  Your body needs the rest right now.
-  Don't worry about your pace, just get the runs in.  Your pace may be too quick right now, maybe try slowing it WAY down.  You just want to get your legs used to running right now, you can work on pace later.

On aqua jogging:
-  I usually based my effort on HR. So wear a HR monitor in the pool and try to achieve a rate that you want when you run.  Don't worry about how many laps you can do, although keep track for progress.
-  If you are feeling good enough, try to get some speed work in.  Move your arms and legs alot quicker.  I can only do 25's at a time and I do 25x10 and go back to jogging.
-  Base your aqua jogging on time. If you run a 10 minute mile and you are scheduled for a 3 miler, aqua jog for 30 minutes, and so on

Also, don't be suprised if your core is super sore after the first couple of time aqua jogging.  You are working your body in a different way.

Thank you for this, carrie.  I'm going to give the aqua jogging a try tomorrow morning.  

Physical therapy today.  Otherwise I am taking the day off.  My mother is taking my 3 oldest kids for the weekend, and I have to meet her this afternoon, after Conrad's school day is over.  I will have more freedom to workout this weekend with only the baby at home, so I'm hoping to get in some solid bike & swim workouts.  

What do you put in your favorite recovery shakes / smoothies?  Just asking......I like almond milk, ice, and chocolate protein power, but I was thinking I might be missing something that could help me.  

Hit 144 on the scale today  

Yours looks good.  The only thing I would add is a few more carbs (maybe in the form of a banana).  Post-workout, your body is primed to accpet and use protein and carbs to rebuild muscles and refill energy stores, so its iportant to get both protein and carbs.  Also you may want to think about adding glutamine or BCAAs (branch chain amino acids) to the mix as well to help with muscle repair -- both aretasteless calorie free powders that you can pick up at a place liek Vitamin Shoppe. 

2011-01-20 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3310432

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Good for you.  Let me know how it goes.

Favorite shake:  I can make an "orange appeal" pretty close to how Jamba Juice makes it.  It includes:  crushed ice, 1 banana, frozen stawberries, about 1 cup of orange juice and 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein.  I sometime add blueberries. 

Just delicious!

2011-01-20 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3310525

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
The only thing I would add is to consistently keep these strengthening exercises in your workout plan, not only because of your IT band but because they help overall strengthening and help keep us from injury.

Good luck and I am glad you are able to start running again.
2011-01-20 9:56 AM
in reply to: #3310814

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2011-01-20 9:30 AM
Yours looks good.  The only thing I would add is a few more carbs (maybe in the form of a banana).  Post-workout, your body is primed to accpet and use protein and carbs to rebuild muscles and refill energy stores, so its iportant to get both protein and carbs.  Also you may want to think about adding glutamine or BCAAs (branch chain amino acids) to the mix as well to help with muscle repair -- both aretasteless calorie free powders that you can pick up at a place liek Vitamin Shoppe. 

Don't know I'd call bulk BCAAs tasteless.  Blech.  Crystal Light covers them well though. 
2011-01-20 1:52 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
OK people put my adamo racing saddle back on and made a few tweaks but felt pretty good.

IT band pain:  I just figured out during the fitting that constantly clicking in and out of the pedals will irritate the IT band badly, so if you are having any pain, don't click in and out for awhile as that really tweaks the knee joint (especially an already crappy one)
2011-01-20 2:26 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Got in my first swim of the year (and first since around Thanksgiving!) today.  
2011-01-20 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3311650

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2011-01-20 2:52 PM OK people put my adamo racing saddle back on and made a few tweaks but felt pretty good.

IT band pain:  I just figured out during the fitting that constantly clicking in and out of the pedals will irritate the IT band badly, so if you are having any pain, don't click in and out for awhile as that really tweaks the knee joint (especially an already crappy one)

2011-01-20 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3311650

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
carrie639 - 2011-01-20 2:52 PM OK people put my adamo racing saddle back on and made a few tweaks but felt pretty good.

IT band pain:  I just figured out during the fitting that constantly clicking in and out of the pedals will irritate the IT band badly, so if you are having any pain, don't click in and out for awhile as that really tweaks the knee joint (especially an already crappy one)

do you like the Adamo?  Any thoughts on pros/cons?

Edited by kaburns1214 2011-01-20 2:36 PM
2011-01-20 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
Bib short recommendations?
2011-01-20 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3311759

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
I have this saddle and love it.  It is a nice saddle for those that like to move around and the cut out in the middle elminates jamming up the middle.  My problem is with cutouts, it makes the nose (or lack thereof in this case) a little wider, so it rubs a little on the sides.  We have used heavy duty zip ties on the metal bars underneath to close the nose piece a little and it works great.

Never any any trouble outdoors with this saddle.

I really liked this vs. others as I have a pretty aggressive tri position, where my arms on the bars are about an 80 degree or so angle.  So being in that position I want as stable a position as I can get.

DEMO ISM Adamo Breakaway Saddle
2011-01-20 4:31 PM
in reply to: #3311650

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Extreme Veteran
Price, UT
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED

I am finding that out as I use these Keo's clipping in on these is fine, but the twist to get out is irritating my knee. I have been using a pat strap to run for years now and I strap it below the knee. I had stopped using it and my IT band got a bit sore and I thought maybe it would help it too even though an IT band strap goes above the knee. It  did help so I am making sure I am using that. I am going to add some of the exercises mentioned for sure.

2011-01-20 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3312037

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
And as I just found out, I have to do 1-legged drills both clipped it. That is probably what aggravated my IT band the constant clipping in and out . . . which you rarely do once you get out on the road . . .

2011-01-20 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3256199

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
ok.....saw the physical therapist today.  She thinks I might have a stress fracture or labral tear.  She said I had the most bizarre sacrum she's ever seen (doesn't know if that's normal for me or not).  She put a call in to my GP, and he ordered some x-rays to be taken tomorrow (wanted an MRI but not covered). 

Very interesting appt.  She basically told my my gluteal (sp?) muscles are really, really weak, and my hips are imbalanced.  Crazy stuff!!!  She gave me some stretches and a strengthening routine to do at home, and she wants to see me 1 x per week for 6 weeks or so - longer if the x-rays show anything. 

I just want to know what the hell is going on with my body.  This has taught me that I need to listen to my body more.  If I feel tired, then I need to rest.  If I feel unusual pain, then I need to stop.


Thanks for the smoothie suggestions.  I'll try the orange one this week.  Sounds great!
2011-01-21 4:50 AM
in reply to: #3312523

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2011-01-20 10:15 PM ok.....saw the physical therapist today.  She thinks I might have a stress fracture or labral tear.  She said I had the most bizarre sacrum she's ever seen (doesn't know if that's normal for me or not).  She put a call in to my GP, and he ordered some x-rays to be taken tomorrow (wanted an MRI but not covered). 

Very interesting appt.  She basically told my my gluteal (sp?) muscles are really, really weak, and my hips are imbalanced.  Crazy stuff!!!  She gave me some stretches and a strengthening routine to do at home, and she wants to see me 1 x per week for 6 weeks or so - longer if the x-rays show anything. 

I just want to know what the hell is going on with my body.  This has taught me that I need to listen to my body more.  If I feel tired, then I need to rest.  If I feel unusual pain, then I need to stop.


Thanks for the smoothie suggestions.  I'll try the orange one this week.  Sounds great!

Stress fractures suck.  If it ends up being a stress fracture, be nice to yourself and let it heal. 
2011-01-21 4:54 AM
in reply to: #3311772

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2011-01-20 3:42 PM Bib short recommendations?

There's an article in Triathlete magazine this month about bib shorts -- including reviews -- I looked for it on-line but can't track it down.  I'll take the magazine to work today and post a PDF.
2011-01-21 5:33 AM
in reply to: #3311772

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2011-01-20 3:42 PM Bib short recommendations?

I just picked up my first pair of bib shorts yesterday - there's a Pearl Izumi outlet here in Dillon Colorado.  Even at outlet prices I paid $66 for them.  I won't have an opinion on them until early march.  (BTW, for the Connecticut people and the rest of us "Yankees", there's a Pearl Izumi outlet in New Hampshire)

Keep an eye on and both sites have decent deals and Nashbar will have customer reviews of their stuff.

Edited by bwingate 2011-01-21 5:34 AM
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