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2011-03-09 6:23 PM
in reply to: #3389479

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

Dropped down the pace and did some speed work tonight. 1/5 of a mile track did sets of 5, first set 1 hard 1 easy. second set 2 hard 1 easy. third set 1 hard 1 easy.

It was fun to run fast again and I felt good like I could have done another set but I was smart and didn't push it. Since I'm doing sprint tri's for a while I think its something that will be good for me to get a little bit faster work in.

2011-03-09 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3256799

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

I was supposed to do a brick today.  I had my alarm set for 4, but I did not hear it until 4:30.  I decided to do a run, then I was going to bike 45-1:00 tonight.  After my run this morning and how I have felt lately I decided to grill chicken tenderloins, have white wine and enjoy my family this afternoon.  I think I needed it.  I actualy need a recopvery week, but I want to push anothe week and half so I can cut down the week of the Kemah Oly, then ramp back up after. 


Btw, my baby has a tooth and my 4 year old had 4 "hits" in his first t-ball game.  Lets enjoy life as we have it, not as we want it! 

2011-03-09 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3389479

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

cam111 - 2011-03-08 10:03 PM Schedule challenges for me...Texas 70.3 is out.  Anyone doing New Orleans 70.3?


Ritter has it on his log.

2011-03-09 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3391047

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
TriPatrick - 2011-03-09 8:29 PM

I was supposed to do a brick today.  I had my alarm set for 4, but I did not hear it until 4:30.  I decided to do a run, then I was going to bike 45-1:00 tonight.  After my run this morning and how I have felt lately I decided to grill chicken tenderloins, have white wine and enjoy my family this afternoon.  I think I needed it.  I actualy need a recopvery week, but I want to push anothe week and half so I can cut down the week of the Kemah Oly, then ramp back up after. 


Btw, my baby has a tooth and my 4 year old had 4 "hits" in his first t-ball game.  Lets enjoy life as we have it, not as we want it! 


Sounds like a plan to wait a week or so and then cut back a bit right before that race. Enjoy the family time!

2011-03-10 6:19 AM
in reply to: #3391047

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
TriPatrick - 2011-03-09 7:29 PM

I was supposed to do a brick today.  I had my alarm set for 4, but I did not hear it until 4:30.  I decided to do a run, then I was going to bike 45-1:00 tonight.  After my run this morning and how I have felt lately I decided to grill chicken tenderloins, have white wine and enjoy my family this afternoon.  I think I needed it.  I actualy need a recopvery week, but I want to push anothe week and half so I can cut down the week of the Kemah Oly, then ramp back up after. 


Btw, my baby has a tooth and my 4 year old had 4 "hits" in his first t-ball game.  Lets enjoy life as we have it, not as we want it! 


Good job Patrick, for even teaching guys like me a lesson

2011-03-10 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3391094

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
TriPatrick - 2011-03-09 8:07 PM

cam111 - 2011-03-08 10:03 PM Schedule challenges for me...Texas 70.3 is out.  Anyone doing New Orleans 70.3?


Ritter has it on his log.

No, I was only considering it when I was working on my schedule. I am doing Texas 70.3 and not New Orleans 70.3.

2011-03-10 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3391047

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
TriPatrick - 2011-03-09 8:29 PM

I was supposed to do a brick today.  I had my alarm set for 4, but I did not hear it until 4:30.  I decided to do a run, then I was going to bike 45-1:00 tonight.  After my run this morning and how I have felt lately I decided to grill chicken tenderloins, have white wine and enjoy my family this afternoon.  I think I needed it.  I actualy need a recopvery week, but I want to push anothe week and half so I can cut down the week of the Kemah Oly, then ramp back up after. 


Btw, my baby has a tooth and my 4 year old had 4 "hits" in his first t-ball game.  Lets enjoy life as we have it, not as we want it! 

I appreciate your closing comment Patrick.

The next month will be tough around my household as we (I) work diligently to finish our basement remodel and completing tax returns for my clients by 4/18.  Morning workouts this week have been nonexistent, but hoping to get 1-2 per week over this span. 

Update on my swim challenge.  After today's swim I'll be at 7,900 yds.  That puts me on track for 23-24,000 for the month of March.  I'm wearing my new jammers for the first time today.  I'm interested to see if there will be any difference from my normal swim attire of running shorts.


2011-03-10 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

I am at 7350m for the month right now.  I have also been trying to focus on getting faster in the pool as well as on the run.

I was at the pool a few weeks ago for a kayak pool session and swam a lap in board shorts and a tech T shirt. It felt like I was dragging someone behind me. I think you are going to like the Jammers trout

2011-03-10 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3391946

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

Just got back from the pool and the jammers made a world of difference.  I dropped ~:10/100 with relatively no more effort.  Now if I shave my head and goatee I might be able to drop another 10 right?

2011-03-10 1:57 PM
in reply to: #3392106

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Trout - 2011-03-10 12:16 PM

Just got back from the pool and the jammers made a world of difference.  I dropped ~:10/100 with relatively no more effort.  Now if I shave my head and goatee I might be able to drop another 10 right?

Or put on a swim cap and tuck your chin?

2011-03-10 2:04 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

Big news in my world!  Last night I did my first sub 10mm training run this year.  I'm still quite a bit behind where I was when I ran my first HM in November, but I'm creeping back.

Smaller news, after my hour long trainer ride I left the sun room thinking my son was sitting on the couch watching tv (I can see the back of the couch from the bike, but not over it) as he hadn't come around to play or talk to me but he wasn't there.  Instead I found his clothes and diaper piled on the ottoman with his glasses neatly set on the end table.  The boy himself was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter eating a fruit cup that he'd opened, without spilling, by himself with a spoon that he got from the drawer.  He's 2.  He can't pee on the potty but apparently that's about the only skill that is alluding him.

This is why I usually train during nap time.

2011-03-10 2:12 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

Thanks for the tip on the swim cap!  I'm still thinking of dropping the goatee.  I've had it for 15 years and I feel like a change.

Hearing your story reminds me of my almost 2 year old.  We found him hanging half out of his crib the other morning.  Life as we know it is about to get even more interesting with this little bugger.  Our oldest (3.5) has been a saint in comparison.

2011-03-11 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

I haven't had my goattee since 2005, when I had to shave it for work, bc they liked clean cut guys. 

Me and my S.O. have made it 3 months which is approaching the length of my longest relationship and she is into round 3 of auditioning to the be the new trainer for the "biggest loser" tv show.

This weekend for training I have on tap is

Friday: Pool threshold session

Saturday: Brick session 4 hour bike w/ some long intervals and run off the bike at 70.3 effort

Sunday: 1 hr 45 min long run w/ some steady efforts and masters swim since I missed  pool session earlier this week.

2011-03-11 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3392383

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
thndrcloud - 2011-03-10 2:04 PM

Big news in my world!  Last night I did my first sub 10mm training run this year.  I'm still quite a bit behind where I was when I ran my first HM in November, but I'm creeping back.

Smaller news, after my hour long trainer ride I left the sun room thinking my son was sitting on the couch watching tv (I can see the back of the couch from the bike, but not over it) as he hadn't come around to play or talk to me but he wasn't there.  Instead I found his clothes and diaper piled on the ottoman with his glasses neatly set on the end table.  The boy himself was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter eating a fruit cup that he'd opened, without spilling, by himself with a spoon that he got from the drawer.  He's 2.  He can't pee on the potty but apparently that's about the only skill that is alluding him.

This is why I usually train during nap time.

Well, when you think about it, who doesn't like to enjoy a fruit cup au naturel once in a while?  I know Little Dude is a bit older than Mr. Baby, but the closest we are to any sort of meaningful potty training is once in a while I show him a pull up and he takes it from me, throws it on the ground, and stomps off in a huff.  I'm starting to think boys are different from girls.  Harhar.

X2 on the naptime only sitch...

Congrats on the strong run.

2011-03-11 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3392395

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Trout - 2011-03-10 2:12 PM

Thanks for the tip on the swim cap!  I'm still thinking of dropping the goatee.  I've had it for 15 years and I feel like a change.

Hearing your story reminds me of my almost 2 year old.  We found him hanging half out of his crib the other morning.  Life as we know it is about to get even more interesting with this little bugger.  Our oldest (3.5) has been a saint in comparison.

We have this giant tent thing that goes in the crib and is held in by the mattress...we call it baby supermax.  He could still get out if he wanted to though...I suspect it will be soon.  I worry most about what large, damaging, valuable item is going to get flushed down the toilet...and the fact that he can open several doors to the outside.  He's 2 and some change.  

On a completely different note, I'm closing in on the end of the 4th week of training.  This is my first "recovery" week which is a good thing because I felt like somehow the increases in running last week were too much.  If I do this plan again, I may modify that slightly.  I did the math and it violated the 10 percent  As the times increase, it shouldn't happen again, but I am going to pay closer attention to increases just in case going forward.

Today is a sprint/race pace swim workout and high rpm spin on the bike.  Saturday is a 45 min run, Sunday 1.5 hr bike and Monday closes out the "weekend" with a 45 min long run all in Z2.  All of this stuff will need to be fit in around having friends over tonight, and a formal "ball" for DH work tomorrow night.  Busy busy busy.

Gotta go wrangle the kids...violin lessons before school!  Have a great weekend all...


2011-03-11 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3393306

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
quincyf - 2011-03-11 7:48 AM

Today is a sprint/race pace swim workout and high rpm spin on the bike.  Saturday is a 45 min run, Sunday 1.5 hr bike and Monday closes out the "weekend" with a 45 min long run all in Z2.  All of this stuff will need to be fit in around having friends over tonight, and a formal "ball" for DH work tomorrow night.  Busy busy busy.

Gotta go wrangle the kids...violin lessons before school!  Have a great weekend all...


Don't forget Daylight Savings happens Saturday night.  We lose an hour.  If I start my 1:30 run at 1:59am on Sunday do I still get to stop at 3:29am?  Cuz that would be awesome.

So yeah, doing the same swim as Q today along with a 45min run.  Tomorrow is a 2hr ride and Sunday is that aforementioned 1:30 run. 

2011-03-11 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3256799

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

10 mile run this morning

80-90 mile ride tomorrow with a :45 minute run off the bike

Sunday: AM 15 miles

              PM: 1.5 hour easyspin on my bike ( I hope in the hood, but my wife wants to take the boys to the livestock show in Houston)

I also plan on about 2 hours off napping and eating the rest of the time.

Next week I think I will go overboard on cycling.  I have a week off work because of spring break and the weather looks nice. 

2011-03-11 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3394134

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
TriPatrick - 2011-03-11 2:24 PM

10 mile run this morning

80-90 mile ride tomorrow with a :45 minute run off the bike

Sunday: AM 15 miles

              PM: 1.5 hour easyspin on my bike ( I hope in the hood, but my wife wants to take the boys to the livestock show in Houston)

I also plan on about 2 hours off napping and eating the rest of the time.

Next week I think I will go overboard on cycling.  I have a week off work because of spring break and the weather looks nice. 

I was about to feel like a slacker but then I checked your race schedule and realized I shouldn't compare my 4 months out HIM training to your 2 months out IM training.  Phew!

2011-03-11 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

This week was going well but I have been having a nagging pain in one of my shins.  I think it is a shin splint and although I ran through it without a problem I am going to TRY to take it easy. My training has been a little inconsistent over the last month when it comes to running and I also suspect my shoes. I only have 500km on them but I am hard on shoes, I had someone at the running store look at them but thinking about it now the wear may be minimal because I run indoors quite a bit.


SO - Shin splints - Biking and swimming okay?

2011-03-13 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3394282

Longmont, Colorado
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
DaveL - 2011-03-11 2:39 PM

This week was going well but I have been having a nagging pain in one of my shins.  I think it is a shin splint and although I ran through it without a problem I am going to TRY to take it easy. My training has been a little inconsistent over the last month when it comes to running and I also suspect my shoes. I only have 500km on them but I am hard on shoes, I had someone at the running store look at them but thinking about it now the wear may be minimal because I run indoors quite a bit.


SO - Shin splints - Biking and swimming okay?

You know this already, but DO NOT TRAIN THROUGH THIS INJURY!!!  Compensate with swimming and biking until it heals (sounds like it is the result of over training on the run).  Cross-training on the elipitical will also help.

I wish you a speedy recovery.

2011-03-13 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
Yup, I went out this morning in new shoes and some compression socks to see if it would help. It didnt and I walked back. I am going to bump up my swimming and am looking forward to that. I really hope it heals up quickly as I have a 1/2 marathon in 6 weeks.

2011-03-13 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3396041

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

DaveL - 2011-03-13 8:47 PM Yup, I went out this morning in new shoes and some compression socks to see if it would help. It didnt and I walked back. I am going to bump up my swimming and am looking forward to that. I really hope it heals up quickly as I have a 1/2 marathon in 6 weeks.

I'd say a couple weeks i went through shin splints in high school when we were doing track workouts every day on an asphalt track.

Take care of them, and don't train through it, I used to use Ibuprofen to get through races when I had achille's tendonitis and now I have to watch that very closely to make sure I don't get it again. Take care of your body, no race is that important. 

2011-03-13 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3396041

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

DaveL - 2011-03-13 7:47 PM Yup, I went out this morning in new shoes and some compression socks to see if it would help. It didnt and I walked back. I am going to bump up my swimming and am looking forward to that. I really hope it heals up quickly as I have a 1/2 marathon in 6 weeks.

Give yourself time to heal.  I ignored my shin splints and ended up with a bad stress fracture, almost had to have surgery.  I was on crutches for about 3 weeks and off running for months.  

2011-03-13 11:26 PM
in reply to: #3256799

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED
My sister saw her/my chiropractor last summer for shin splints.  One visit and she was running pain free the next day.  Maybe worth a try?
2011-03-14 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3256799

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Subject: RE: Tri Ritter's Mentor Program "Smashin' it 2011" CLOSED

All good advice on the shin splints. You also may want to look in some strengthening exercises like toe tapping and calf raises and quit landing so hard on your heels.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!  I am super busy with training, school, and work. I am racing a half marathon this weekend in small town Longview, Texas.

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