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2012-02-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

I first read your post of 44 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies but no 44 cases that is a lot.

Thin Mints....yum yum those are my favorite.

I don't know how all you do the early training, work then family time. I'm fortunate to not work so I train when kids are in school. The idea of getting up at 3:59-5:00 am every day would be challenging.

You early risers do you guys go to bed early? How much sleep do you get most nights?

2012-02-08 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4035725

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-02-08 11:12 AM

I first read your post of 44 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies but no 44 cases that is a lot.

Thin Mints....yum yum those are my favorite.

I don't know how all you do the early training, work then family time. I'm fortunate to not work so I train when kids are in school. The idea of getting up at 3:59-5:00 am every day would be challenging.

You early risers do you guys go to bed early? How much sleep do you get most nights?

I'm usually getting to sleep about 10 PM, sometimes a bit earlier, sometimes a bit later, but usually never earlier than 9 PM. A couple days a week I get an extra hour or so in the AM as my swim class starts a bit later than my run/bike schedule. So I'm usually good for 6-7 hours/night. Weekends is more, sometimes as much as 8.

I'm glad I'm a morning person

2012-02-08 12:22 PM
in reply to: #4035725

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

I am usually in bed by 10p, up between 4-5 (so I can fit everything in before getting the kids on the bus). Sometimes I'm fortunate enough to have a bit of a break in my workday and I'll try to run/bike if possible. Swimming takes too long to do in the middle of the day (driving to the pool, changing into the swim suit, swimming, showering, changing into regular clothes, driving home all takes at least 1.5 - 2 hours), so that happens in the winter during the kid's swim practice. During the summer, the pond down the road from my house is always open!

You all might remember that I was out most of last season due to a mispositioned cuboid bone in my right foot. I have been slowly ramping up my mileage with a pad on my foot during runs (recommended by my physical therapist). This has been going pretty well - but I have noticed in the last week or so that my foot would hurt *after* my runs (felt fine during the run). I have decided to 1) take a little time off this week, no run Tues, Wed and maybe Thur and 2) scale back my mileage plans until after the April 7 half marathon on my plan. Specifically, for the next month, I'll run about 34 miles a week, with a long run of 10 miles and then start a 10% increase each week until the last week of March (for a total weekly mileage of 50 miles - and long run of 15 miles)- where I will take a taper week and race. After the race, I'll continue with the 10% increase for another two weeks - holding at 60 mpw until the HIM in mid-June. Does that sound like a decent plan? I am hesitant to do too much because I don't want to get hurt again and lose another season, but I am also hesitant to lose any fitness gains I have made over the last couple of months...what a fine line we walk! Suggestions/comments would be sincerely appreciated.

2012-02-08 10:52 PM
in reply to: #4035725

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-02-09 1:12 AM

I first read your post of 44 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies but no 44 cases that is a lot.

Thin Mints....yum yum those are my favorite.

I don't know how all you do the early training, work then family time. I'm fortunate to not work so I train when kids are in school. The idea of getting up at 3:59-5:00 am every day would be challenging.

You early risers do you guys go to bed early? How much sleep do you get most nights?

Strewth!  How many boxes of cookies per case?  That is a lot to shift.  Girl Scout Cookies to me are quintisentially American.

I'm up at 5-5.30 am most mornings - I am not a morning person and when I went back to work, had to take the decision to either become one or give up training.  The longer I do it, the easier it gets and it's now just my routine.  I'm in bed between 9-10pm so about 7-8.5 hours sleep most nights.  I usually find I'm out as soon as I hit the pillow.  My hubby is a night-owl though and does work at home until the wee sma' hours.

Jennifer, I can't really help with your dilema - I've been there so often myself and tried to second guess the losing fitness/worsening an injury balance with variable results!  I now leave it to either my PT or podiatrist to tell me what I should/shouldn't be doing.  They are all sports dedicated so can devise an active recovery plan whenever possible.

2012-02-09 1:57 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hi Everyone,

my life is finally is finally slowing down a but and if my plan does not change (fingers crossed) I will be home for the next 2 weeks until we leave for Germany and then Abu Dhabi on Feb 24th.

I really like the routine I am getting and it helps so much with good nutrition and workouts if you are not constantly on a go.

Last weekend went awesome and I stayed within my calories and did not have a single drop of alcohol! I was so proud of myself! and of course the scale is rewarding me and I hope tomorrow at my WI I finally see a number with "7" in front (in kilos). That means I would only have 6lbs to get to Abu Dhabi race weight

Here are the things I like to do to get there during February

  1. Stay within my calorie range of sub 1300 and NO cheating!!
  2. Follow the training plan 100%
  3. Drink more water (I was so good at that but have been slacking lately)


OK just a few comments to some of you and then I will try to write more tonight after workout which will be a 30minutes ALL-OUT TT Test on the bike and I have been stressing about it for a few days now! I know I will suffer.....right now I just need to figure out what which wattage I should start the suffering lol

@MIKED, you are definitely my new HERO today! Getting up at 3:59am every morning?? For me getting up early is 7am LOL Thats incredible!!

@JENNIFER, I think its a good idea to give the foot some rest. Mine was never hurting DURING the run but usually after and slowly it was hurting all the time when I was not running. It usually went away during the first mile into the run. So take it easy. But isn't your mileage also way high (even if you were not injured?) especially when it comes to HIM training later. I think during my all my HIM training my 2 peak weeks where 25-30miles total those weeks. My husband right now runs about 30-35 miles a week and he hardly does more for HIM Training and he is a sub 4:30 Half-Ironman and a sub 1:20 Half-Marathon Runner!

Just wondering....

OK sorry all your other have to wait til tonight...I am off to work.


Have a great day everyone

2012-02-09 6:09 AM
in reply to: #4037268

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Joblin - 2012-02-09 2:57 AM

Hi Everyone,

my life is finally is finally slowing down a but and if my plan does not change (fingers crossed) I will be home for the next 2 weeks until we leave for Germany and then Abu Dhabi on Feb 24th.

I really like the routine I am getting and it helps so much with good nutrition and workouts if you are not constantly on a go.

Last weekend went awesome and I stayed within my calories and did not have a single drop of alcohol! I was so proud of myself! and of course the scale is rewarding me and I hope tomorrow at my WI I finally see a number with "7" in front (in kilos). That means I would only have 6lbs to get to Abu Dhabi race weight

Here are the things I like to do to get there during February

  1. Stay within my calorie range of sub 1300 and NO cheating!!
  2. Follow the training plan 100%
  3. Drink more water (I was so good at that but have been slacking lately)


OK just a few comments to some of you and then I will try to write more tonight after workout which will be a 30minutes ALL-OUT TT Test on the bike and I have been stressing about it for a few days now! I know I will suffer.....right now I just need to figure out what which wattage I should start the suffering lol

@MIKED, you are definitely my new HERO today! Getting up at 3:59am every morning?? For me getting up early is 7am LOL Thats incredible!!

@JENNIFER, I think its a good idea to give the foot some rest. Mine was never hurting DURING the run but usually after and slowly it was hurting all the time when I was not running. It usually went away during the first mile into the run. So take it easy. But isn't your mileage also way high (even if you were not injured?) especially when it comes to HIM training later. I think during my all my HIM training my 2 peak weeks where 25-30miles total those weeks. My husband right now runs about 30-35 miles a week and he hardly does more for HIM Training and he is a sub 4:30 Half-Ironman and a sub 1:20 Half-Marathon Runner!

Just wondering....

OK sorry all your other have to wait til tonight...I am off to work.


Have a great day everyone

1300 calories a day? Is that enough? seems like a really low number.

I feel like I'm hitting my 'stride' so to speak with training. I'm looking forward to daily workouts, and seeing what the day brings. Should be fun to see how this attitude works out over time.

Yes, 3:59. But you get very proficient at finding the snooze button at that time as well .

Still thinking about the half mary next month. If I do it, which is what I'm leaning toward, it will definitely be a run/walk pacing event as several of you mentioned prior. Likely a 10/1 combo as KathyG suggested. My only goals are to start & finish. Time doesn't matter.

2012-02-09 6:18 AM
in reply to: #4037322

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike_D - 2012-02-09 12:09 PM

1300 calories a day? Is that enough? seems like a really low number.

I feel like I'm hitting my 'stride' so to speak with training. I'm looking forward to daily workouts, and seeing what the day brings. Should be fun to see how this attitude works out over time.

Yes, 3:59. But you get very proficient at finding the snooze button at that time as well .

Still thinking about the half mary next month. If I do it, which is what I'm leaning toward, it will definitely be a run/walk pacing event as several of you mentioned prior. Likely a 10/1 combo as KathyG suggested. My only goals are to start & finish. Time doesn't matter.

Yes thats low but thats up 300 calories from what I ate for the last 2 months I continue this until the week before Abu Dhabi (to loose as much as possible until then) and then race week I will increase calories until after the race and then it is back down to around 1100 for the following 2 months after that which should put me hopefully at goal weight before the season starts!

Unfortunately this seems to be the only thing that is working for me. I pretty much tried everything else!

I am glad you are getting into training.

You have a whole month until the HM. Just see how running goes for the next 4 weeks and then decide. If I feel I have not been running enough to complete it AND come out injury free then I wouldn't do it but otherwise I would say go for it but maybe start with the 10/1 right away during your long training runs as well.

2012-02-09 6:49 AM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hey everyone!  Today is another beautiful day to train!  I'm looking forward to the trainer ride late afternoon!  I'd rather workout in the morning but I'm trying to get the body use to later workouts.

2012-02-09 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Hey everyone!

Missed my run yesterday with too much work, but today I will do it instead - no harm. I've been doing really well on the challenge at logging my food, and that accountability helps me keep intake where it needs to be.

And, DH decided to get on the bandwagon about nutrition - which is great because he makes the dinner. However, he's got his laser focus on it, and calls me now to talk for 20 minutes about how he's decided to buy veggies in bulk to eat at the office when he feels snacky and such.... AND...he's lost 6 lbs in less than a week already - MEN!

Mike_D - when I was running lots I used to be stuck at 12min/mile no matter WHAT distance - 3 miles or 30 miles. I think your body can get dialed in to a pace and it's hard to get past that. THe only thing that really worked for me was track work and intervals, with a coach if possible. The way to run faster is to run faster :-) You have to get your body out of it's comfort pace zone.

Everyone - thanks for being here and sharing all your training and stuff - it's really good for me and I appreciate it so much!

HAPPY favorite day of the week!
2012-02-09 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Morning everyone!

There is an fun thread on tri talk, about what is the coolest thing(s) you have done outside of triathlon. Curious what cool our group has done?

2012-02-09 9:17 AM
in reply to: #4037694

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-02-08 10:05 AM

Morning everyone!

There is an fun thread on tri talk, about what is the coolest thing(s) you have done outside of triathlon. Curious what cool our group has done?

That thread is making my response below:

Along with being married for 19 years (along with the coolest thing - this is also the smartest thing I've ever done) with two girls:

-first flutist in state my senior year of high school

-concerto performer (soloist with an orchestra) on a national tour with a high school honors symphony

-rode my bike from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 7 days

-professional pastry chef for a meal for Julia Child


2012-02-09 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4037694

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-02-09 10:05 AM

Morning everyone!

There is an fun thread on tri talk, about what is the coolest thing(s) you have done outside of triathlon. Curious what cool our group has done?

in no particular order:

- wife & I just picked up & moved to London in 1997 for a year so I could go to grad school. Quit jobs, sold stuff, bought airline tickets, and were off. No firm plans on where to live, etc. All worked out great.

- Played lead guitar in a band who occasionally had well known (national/international level) singers sit in. Played a few times in Las Vegas @ the Hard Rock & lived the 'rock star' thing for a bit. I was a total unknown, but hey I was the lead guitar player, so that counted for something

- Married 16 years with 2 awesome daughters who are more excellent than I could have ever possibly imagined. Actually delivered #2 (played catcher, anyway), as the doc asked if I wanted to. Heck, yeah!


2012-02-09 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Mike and Jennifer those are pretty cool other things you have done.

I'm still thinking about mine and will post mine later.

2012-02-09 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
I posted in response to someone injured about walking the run in an IM, and some of the folks on Slowtwitch really were quite judgmental that I was taking a slot from someone else and it was morally wrong.
2012-02-09 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Oh good lord Kathy - I have heard enough about that ST site that I never want to visit there. It's your money, and entry and if you want to do skip to my lou for the whole running part, who CARES!?!! It's your business!

For cool things I've done:

1. When I turned 30, I rode my bike (in a group) from Maine to Florida, 1600+ miles in 21 days.

2. When I turned 40, I had a baby. (my only one)

3. For 50, I'm building a house in Belize and eventually moving there full time.

Life is whatever the heck you make it - I'm gonna rock mine out!
2012-02-09 3:17 PM
in reply to: #4038575

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

KathyG - 2012-02-09 3:16 PM I posted in response to someone injured about walking the run in an IM, and some of the folks on Slowtwitch really were quite judgmental that I was taking a slot from someone else and it was morally wrong.

Sheesh, a couple of those clowns need to get a new perspective on things. Glad so many were on your side, and were honest with those two knuckleheads who were giving you static.

2012-02-09 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4038575

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

KathyG - 2012-02-09 8:16 PM I posted in response to someone injured about walking the run in an IM, and some of the folks on Slowtwitch really were quite judgmental that I was taking a slot from someone else and it was morally wrong.

I just read through that thread (did not even know the page) and although it got quite ridiculous towards the middle I think he got now what it was all about because you explained it well.....

Just don't think about this and let it go and don't you ever feel not worthy of doing an IM. No matter what or how, you are as worthy of filling one of those spots than any other person!


Sometimes I wonder how people like him come up with stuff like he wrote....??

Edited by Joblin 2012-02-09 3:58 PM
2012-02-09 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hey everyone-

Routine MIW today.  Not the best work out mostly because I had to hop out of the pool at 6:30 to make it on time to an all day CLE.  It is hard to sit all day but the subject matter was timely and it was a good networking opp.

Flying to NH tomorrow to celebrate my mother's 82nd birthday.  Love NH and look forward to being in New England again.  The landscape speaks to me in a way the midwest never will.  Of course this means I will probably struggle to get in a few good runs.  My mom and sister are fairly understanding but stress to no end that I am too thin (which I am NOT) and that my immune system will be further dangerously compromised.    I figure I can't let my situation slow me down and that I have to live fully.

My life by way of comparison to the thread Kathy posted is so lame!  Yes, I have been married for 22 years, had five kids, finished my MA, and earned my JD, but these all seem so routine.

I guess the most exciting thing I have done is get married in Salzburg while my husband and I were on a bike trip through Europe.  It was perfect for us.  No religion, no fancy stuff, just the two of us in shorts and the officiant and his aid who observed. 

2012-02-09 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Flying to New England tomorrow? You'll be just in time for a few inches of snow on Saturday, so says the weatherman!
2012-02-09 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
the coolest thing I think I've done and the memory I would choose to live in forever is a day climbing with my beloved on the sea cliffs at Aberdour in Scotland 12 years ago.  It was his birthday and we took the day off work so had the cliffs all to ourselves.  The weather was beautiful, the sky blue and the sea clear.  I climbed like a demon that day, pulling off moves and climbing routes that had previously defeated me.  It was quite early in our relationship and there's a big age difference but on this day, we both realised that we wanted to be together and that we really could make it work.  We are now 10000 miles away and our son turned 8 today.  We have built many more wonderful memories but that day was incredibly special.
2012-02-10 1:28 AM
in reply to: #4039158

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

daisymouse - 2012-02-09 8:18 PM the coolest thing I think I've done and the memory I would choose to live in forever is a day climbing with my beloved on the sea cliffs at Aberdour in Scotland 12 years ago.  It was his birthday and we took the day off work so had the cliffs all to ourselves.  The weather was beautiful, the sky blue and the sea clear.  I climbed like a demon that day, pulling off moves and climbing routes that had previously defeated me.  It was quite early in our relationship and there's a big age difference but on this day, we both realised that we wanted to be together and that we really could make it work.  We are now 10000 miles away and our son turned 8 today.  We have built many more wonderful memories but that day was incredibly special.

Gwen, that was an incredible read! Thank you for sharing that. It brought back memories of when my wife and I were in our 'formative' stages. Please extend warm birthday wishes to your son on my behalf! The world needs strong young people to get it back on track.

2012-02-10 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Daisy - the climbing sounds fantastic!

I'm more convinced than ever after 4 weeks of HIM training that this sport is 50% physical and 90% mental. Today was a perfect example. It was really hard to convince myself to get out of bed to run, but I did, and it was *SO* worth it. Liked being out and running, looking at the moon shining on the ocean, and did nearly 5 miles. When I was done, I felt happy I had done it, and it gives me a real positive outlook on the day.

2012-02-10 12:54 PM
in reply to: #4039501

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike_D - 2012-02-09 7:16 AM

Daisy - the climbing sounds fantastic!

I'm more convinced than ever after 4 weeks of HIM training that this sport is 50% physical and 90% mental. Today was a perfect example. It was really hard to convince myself to get out of bed to run, but I did, and it was *SO* worth it. Liked being out and running, looking at the moon shining on the ocean, and did nearly 5 miles. When I was done, I felt happy I had done it, and it gives me a real positive outlook on the day.


So, so true for me too! I find if I can just make myself get started - it's good 90% of the time, and I'm ALWAYS glad I got it done.

2012-02-10 5:37 PM
in reply to: #4040491

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
itsallrelative_Maine - 2012-02-11 3:54 AM
Mike_D - 2012-02-09 7:16 AM

Daisy - the climbing sounds fantastic!

I'm more convinced than ever after 4 weeks of HIM training that this sport is 50% physical and 90% mental. Today was a perfect example. It was really hard to convince myself to get out of bed to run, but I did, and it was *SO* worth it. Liked being out and running, looking at the moon shining on the ocean, and did nearly 5 miles. When I was done, I felt happy I had done it, and it gives me a real positive outlook on the day.


So, so true for me too! I find if I can just make myself get started - it's good 90% of the time, and I'm ALWAYS glad I got it done.

Couldn't agree more - you never come back after a training session and say to yourself "I wish I hadn't done that" - even if it's total mince, you still get something out of it and are glad you went.  This morning I was lucky on my run - the river was like a mill pond and I watched a flock of pelicans landing on it with barely a ripple.  Further along, a couple of dolphins were frolicking only 5 feet from the shore - gorgeous and uplifting, great start to the weekend and I hope you all have a good one.

2012-02-10 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hi Everyone!  Finally got home this evening.  I was not able to get on the internet while I was gone.  (I don't have one of those smart phones and I didn't bother to take my computer.)  It was kind of liberating to be out of touch with technology for over a week.

I am all done with my Yoga Teacher Training!  Woo hoo!!!!! Laughing  It was hard work but absolutely worth the effort.  I'm going to go further with my teacher training in a couple years.  For now, I will learn as much as possible as an infant Yoga teacher.

After the training weekend, we headed up to Portland, OR to take care of some final stuff from my Grandma's estate.  She passed a year ago.  It was a lot more work (physically and mentally) than I expected.

I ran while I was out of town.  In fact, the only planned workout I missed was today's 25 minute run!  Success!!!!  I'll update my log soon.  I hope everyone else has been doing good.  I'll catch up with all of you soon.  Cheers and Namaste!

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