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2013-07-29 10:00 PM
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Hingham, MA

My first Triathlon race report:

Totally awesome I am so happy I took this on. I felt the race I swam, biked, and ran was the best I could do today. For this newbie I couldn’t be prouder of my accomplishment. With injuries and not training fast enough due to using a heart rate approach I am really happy with my 1:32 for my first Tri race ever. I was hoping for 1:30 but definitely learned a few things that will make me better. Yes, I am officially hooked and yes I think I can immediately knock 10 minutes off this time when I suit up again.

Quarter mile ocean swim – Waited a few seconds and hit the water on the outside to avoid the crowd, immediately felt a little out of place, Tried to use my stroke but my breathing was all off. All the stuff I had been working on at the pool and open water swimming went out the window and I was in survivor mode. Onto my back I went and started using my Wild Goose Boy Scout Summer Camp backstroke. When I felt I was breathing OK I would go into my freestyle stroke again and would just go 15 stokes breathing on both sides then look up to sight the buoy and do it again, I was amazed at how much distance I was covering. I just know next time is going to be so much better. The good news is I wasn’t the last out of the water and was surprised to see 13 minutes on my watch when I hit the sand.

T1- Ran from the water got to my bike and the person next to me must have knocked it over onto a metal bar and just left it there plus I got a nice scratch. I guess not all triathletes are nice. Oh well, the wetsuit came off fine, put on the helmet and got moving. Mounted the bike and saw 4 minutes go by. I thought I was faster than that, so there is something to work on.

Also note I had the worst possible location, farthest away from entry and exit points.

11 Mile Bike in the rain – Road out of the parking and saw a guy pumping pretty good and decided to try and stay with him and I passed about 20 bikes within the first couple of miles. It was raining a little bit and the roads were wet but I did a 25 mile bike ride in a torrential downpour before so this was nothing. Finished in 38 minutes at a 17 mph clip in the rain so I was pretty happy with my bike. Oh by the way, note to self take water bottle out of bag and put on bike next time. Too funny, I actually reached down for it and it wasn’t there and I said oh! oh!

T2 – A little better, 2 minutes, I almost forgot to take off my helmet. Ran down the line of bikes a few steps and noticed I didn’t have my number on. I had to run back. Luckily I had it on a number belt and just clipped it on and took off again.

5k run on hard-packed sand – Did I just say I took off in the previous paragraph, what I meant to say is I think I started moving my legs but they felt so heavy I actually wondered if I was moving at all. After about a half mile I actually started to get a little stride going. Felt like I pushed it as much as I could and only did an 11 minute mile pace. This past year I ran an 8:30 pace for a 5k so I am a little disappointed but I learned something. I was trying to do heart rate training and in the 90F degree heat it would just shoot up and I trained too slowly. The thing I learned was if you want to run fast you have to train fast.

As a funny side note while on the run I thought the 3.1 miles up and down the beach looked awfully long and when I was putting my gear in my car I said to my friend I couldn’t find my prescription eyeglasses. He said you must have forgotten to wear them on your bike. I just started laughing and said I also forgot to wear them on my run too, that must have been why I thought it looked like the longest 3.1 miles of my life, too funny.

Believe it or not I finished with a smile on my face and I am hooked.

All in all very happy that I trained for this and pleased with my performance. Already looking forward to the next one.

From this day forward: I am a TRIATHLETE and no one can take that away.

By the way thanks to my friend Michael for waking up early and coming to offer his support, it was really appreciated.

And lastly I would like to thank our fearless leader and all the members of this thread for all your great advice and helpful words of encouragement.

Thanks everyone!!!


Edited by JREDFLY 2013-07-29 10:28 PM

2013-07-29 10:41 PM
in reply to: Bull

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Last lap of summer
Originally posted by Bull

Got my sixth and final tri of the season August 31st. Then a 200 mile Bike MS ride in New Bern, NC the following weekend. This old tired body is worn out and tired, after this one it's time to rest, recuperate, recharge and start training for next season. In the meantime I'll do bike rides and 5 and 10Ks with the wife and take some time to enjoy my grandchildren. There are few family runs coming up this fall and we plan on making them family days.

All in all for my first season not too bad (IMO), one first place finish in my age group (8th overall), this was in early June where I peaked, my performance has been down hill since then and I've been nursing a calf injury, two 3rd place finishes, and one dead last in my age group in my last triathlon (TRIANGLE TRIATHLON August 20th). From the first triathlon in March, to the most recent, it's been a journey and experience I wouldn't trade for nothing. I've made some great friends and plan to continue to do triathlons as long as my health holds out. My dream is to someday enter a triathlon alongside my grandchildren. My four year old grand-daughter has already run a couple of children's fun runs, she's already good swimmer, takes after her mother who was a high school and collegiate swimmer.

Hey Rick:

All things considered, it sounds like you've had a very successful racing season this year. Here's hoping your race on 8/31 goes well as the 200 mile bike ride you'll do as a recovery!

The only way I go 200 miles with my bike is when it's loaded on the rack on the back of my car!

Good luck!

2013-07-29 10:49 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Originally posted by JREDFLY


My first Triathlon race report:

Totally awesome I am so happy I took this on.


Hey James--

Fabulous race report. I've got a nice glass of white wine that I used to toast your success. Well done!

It's only been a couple of years since my first race and I can remember really clearly how everything went out the window when the gun went off and I hit the water. I didn't really think I was going to drown or anything, but that little self-preservation voice part of my brain was telling me the whole swim that drowning was a distinct possibility! And that first run off the bike can only be experienced, never truly described.

Congratulations again. It was a joy to read your race report.


2013-07-30 1:11 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Welcome to the club. That brought tears of pride to my eyes. relived my first race last year!!!
kinna bike ?................ wow u r fast.
We will show em next year on the run right James?
2013-07-30 1:18 PM
in reply to: dustytrails

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Subject: OWS
Got two people from Masters swim team out on lake today. I did more swimming than would hv accomplished alone. It was very breezy an starting to white cap when we finished. Just did 25 min. but it was tiring with the wind.
Rehabbing ankle so cant really run beyond walk/run a mile or two or and avoiding bike hills.
I figure it was nice of my ankle to cooperate so I could do my race. I am being nice to it now!

It will be 85 degrees and same humidity all week. prolly do a LOT more swimming than biking this week.
2013-07-30 9:50 PM
in reply to: dustytrails

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New user
Hingham, MA
Originally posted by dustytrails

Welcome to the club. That brought tears of pride to my eyes. relived my first race last year!!!
kinna bike ?................ wow u r fast.
We will show em next year on the run right James?

Started reading the book Steve recommended "Run Less Run Fastert". Hopefully that will get me started in the right direction.

Think I am going to try and get one last Sprint in during near late September and may even try to get that half marathon done in October that I couldn't do in May due to my injury. There is a half and full maraton (I will just be doing the half) near Boston in a town called Lowell MA that people come to from all over because it is one of the fasted courses in the country for qualifying for Boston.

Injuries just plain stink, I hope your ankle starts feeling better. Sounds like you are being very smart about it taking it slow. Hang in there!!!

2013-07-31 6:44 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Book suggestion
Here's another book suggestion titled "Younger Next Year. Fabulous book! Used copies on Amazon are a couple bucks north of free!

There is a version targeted to women as well:
2013-07-31 8:45 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Book suggestion
Originally posted by lutzman

Here's another book suggestion titled "Younger Next Year. Fabulous book! Used copies on Amazon are a couple bucks north of free!

There is a version targeted to women as well:

Thanks Steve - I love YNY, I think that book got me started on this quest.

Nice how the doctor talks about the scientific side and the elder athlete talks more about the personal side of staying healthy.

I want to be living in my 80's not just breathing.

Great read!

2013-08-01 5:55 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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New user
Subject: RE: track workout
Originally posted by lutzman

So, I had a pretty good track workout today that I thought you might want to try. It's really designed as an Olympic distance workout, so you can cut the distances by half if you're focused on a sprint distance and run 400's instead of 800's. Also, just modify the lap times to fit your race pace. For me, I'm working off a current race pace capability of +/-7:00 miles or 3:30 800's. Be honest with yourself on your "current capability" vs. what you would like it to be otherwise your intervals will be too fast and you'll either not finish the workout or risk injury, or both .

So, here's how I break the intervals based on my 7:00/mile race pace. Here's the workout:

20 minutes warm up at 8:00 pace with a few butt kick, high knees drills mixed in to loosen up. This should be at least a minute/mile below race pace and comfortable, but not slow

Main Set--3 reps

800 @ 10K race pace (for me that was about 1:45-1:47 on the first lap, 3:30-3:35 for the 800)
2 minute recovery/easy run
800 @ 10K race pace minus 20 seconds (for me that was 1:35-1:37 on the first lap, 3:10-3:15 on the 800)
1.5 minute recovery/easy run
1 minute at a "hard" pace. You define what hard is. But it should feel like a minute where time has suddenly slowed.
1 minute full resting recovery.

Completed this workout today. Thanks for posting.
Repeat 2 more times.

Cool down--800 to one mile.

Total workout time is about 1 hour. If you haven't run on a track in a while, be careful. It's easy to over do it and pull a muscle. And if you get any developing pain, end the workout. Track running is very stressful on the body--especially for us gray guys/girls--because we're not accustomed to the effort levels and the constant turning in one direction. What feels like a slight tweak of a muscle/joint can blow up into a full blown injury.

Have fun out there and good luck. As a wise coach once said, "To race fast, you have to train fast."

2013-08-01 5:56 PM
in reply to: Kay Ewing

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New user
Subject: RE: track workout
Sorry, my post was in the middle of the quote.
I completed this workout today. It was a good one, thanks for posting.
2013-08-01 6:08 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Drool Alert!
Originally posted by lutzman

Originally posted by k9car363

Don't know if anyone saw this, Trek released pictures of their new Speed Concept 9 Series bike yesterday.

A little bike porn to get the drool flowing before the weekend!

You know you are a triathlete when you spend more on your bike then on your last car.

Call me old fashioned, but racing bikes should be either black or red....just like a Porsche.

NICE bike!

2013-08-01 6:10 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Last lap of summer
Originally posted by lutzman

Hard to believe we're on the cusp of August. That can only mean one thing...the last full month on Triathlon season (at least for us northern folk) is upon us. While the weekends are now populated with multiple events to choose from, in a little over 30 days the lakes and temps will chill and tri-sport event calendars will empty.


Yes, not so in Texas. Still looking for my final race of the season. They go into October here. So my last one will either be September or October.
2013-08-01 6:16 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Extreme Veteran
Originally posted by JREDFLY


My first Triathlon race report:

Totally awesome I am so happy I took this on. I felt the race I swam, biked, and ran was the best I could do today. For this newbie I couldn’t be prouder of my accomplishment. With injuries and not training fast enough due to using a heart rate approach I am really happy with my 1:32 for my first Tri race ever. I was hoping for 1:30 but definitely learned a few things that will make me better. Yes, I am officially hooked and yes I think I can immediately knock 10 minutes off this time when I suit up again.

Quarter mile ocean swim – Waited a few seconds and hit the water on the outside to avoid the crowd, immediately felt a little out of place, Tried to use my stroke but my breathing was all off. All the stuff I had been working on at the pool and open water swimming went out the window and I was in survivor mode. Onto my back I went and started using my Wild Goose Boy Scout Summer Camp backstroke. When I felt I was breathing OK I would go into my freestyle stroke again and would just go 15 stokes breathing on both sides then look up to sight the buoy and do it again, I was amazed at how much distance I was covering. I just know next time is going to be so much better. The good news is I wasn’t the last out of the water and was surprised to see 13 minutes on my watch when I hit the sand.

T1- Ran from the water got to my bike and the person next to me must have knocked it over onto a metal bar and just left it there plus I got a nice scratch. I guess not all triathletes are nice. Oh well, the wetsuit came off fine, put on the helmet and got moving. Mounted the bike and saw 4 minutes go by. I thought I was faster than that, so there is something to work on.

Also note I had the worst possible location, farthest away from entry and exit points.

11 Mile Bike in the rain – Road out of the parking and saw a guy pumping pretty good and decided to try and stay with him and I passed about 20 bikes within the first couple of miles. It was raining a little bit and the roads were wet but I did a 25 mile bike ride in a torrential downpour before so this was nothing. Finished in 38 minutes at a 17 mph clip in the rain so I was pretty happy with my bike. Oh by the way, note to self take water bottle out of bag and put on bike next time. Too funny, I actually reached down for it and it wasn’t there and I said oh! oh!

T2 – A little better, 2 minutes, I almost forgot to take off my helmet. Ran down the line of bikes a few steps and noticed I didn’t have my number on. I had to run back. Luckily I had it on a number belt and just clipped it on and took off again.

5k run on hard-packed sand – Did I just say I took off in the previous paragraph, what I meant to say is I think I started moving my legs but they felt so heavy I actually wondered if I was moving at all. After about a half mile I actually started to get a little stride going. Felt like I pushed it as much as I could and only did an 11 minute mile pace. This past year I ran an 8:30 pace for a 5k so I am a little disappointed but I learned something. I was trying to do heart rate training and in the 90F degree heat it would just shoot up and I trained too slowly. The thing I learned was if you want to run fast you have to train fast.

As a funny side note while on the run I thought the 3.1 miles up and down the beach looked awfully long and when I was putting my gear in my car I said to my friend I couldn’t find my prescription eyeglasses. He said you must have forgotten to wear them on your bike. I just started laughing and said I also forgot to wear them on my run too, that must have been why I thought it looked like the longest 3.1 miles of my life, too funny.

Believe it or not I finished with a smile on my face and I am hooked.

All in all very happy that I trained for this and pleased with my performance. Already looking forward to the next one.

From this day forward: I am a TRIATHLETE and no one can take that away.

By the way thanks to my friend Michael for waking up early and coming to offer his support, it was really appreciated.

And lastly I would like to thank our fearless leader and all the members of this thread for all your great advice and helpful words of encouragement.

Thanks everyone!!!


James, That is awesome! Love your race report and am glad you enjoyed the race. That's what it's all about. You may never be the fastest, but so what if you get joy out of what you are doing. Congratulations!
2013-08-01 7:38 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Powertap Price Drop

Just saw this on another forum here on BT.  CycleOps has announced a SIGNIFICANT price reduction on the Powertap.  Great opportunity for anyone thinking about entering the power market.

2013-08-02 3:03 PM
in reply to: Bull

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Last lap of summer

Originally posted by Bull

My dream is to someday enter a triathlon alongside my grandchildren. My four year old grand-daughter has already run a couple of children's fun runs, she's already good swimmer, takes after her mother who was a high school and collegiate swimmer.

That would be the coolest thing since sliced bread!  My grandkids are still so little that entering a race with them is quite a long ways off, but I guess it is never too early to start planting the seed!

2013-08-02 3:11 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member

Originally posted by JREDFLY


From this day forward: I am a TRIATHLETE and no one can take that away.

James -

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!  You earned it my friend!

What a great race report.  Gave me chills reading it.

Hmmm - Can you say Kona? Smile

Sorry I didn't offer up congrats earlier, has been one of those work weeks.

2013-08-03 2:23 PM
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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: Allergies are killing - But whats up for the weekend?
Allergies have been killing me this week along with work commitments.

Going to start using the Run Less Run Faster approach. I think I am going to bring this quality over quantity to my swimming also.

Signing up for a 5k on August 23rd to get a good base-line to start my training. In the mean time as the book suggests I am going to run on the track using their 2 week approach before attemping to time myself.

Off to an open water swim early tomorrow morning with the Crusty Barnicles then a family bike ride.

Hope everyone is doinh well.

What else are people doing this weekend?

Edited by JREDFLY 2013-08-03 2:45 PM
2013-08-03 2:24 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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New user
Hingham, MA
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by JREDFLY


From this day forward: I am a TRIATHLETE and no one can take that away.

James -

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!  You earned it my friend!

What a great race report.  Gave me chills reading it.

Hmmm - Can you say Kona? Smile

Sorry I didn't offer up congrats earlier, has been one of those work weeks.

Thanks Scott!!!
2013-08-03 7:04 PM
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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: Run Less Run Faster
Hi Steve,

I went out and did my first Run Less Run faster workout. I did the 4x800 with a jog in between. It felt really good and I thought I had an excellent start. Here are my splits off my Garmin. I thought I had slowed down towards the end but I actually ran negative splits ( I don't think I had ever done that before). Pretty cool, it was tough but I felt like an athlete and I also thought I was running with a purpose. I think this is going to be a lot fun and I promise not to over-do. Please let me know if you have any concerns or comments on my splits.

Thanks again, James

Edited by JREDFLY 2013-08-03 9:19 PM

(Track Run 8-3-2013.jpg)

Track Run 8-3-2013.jpg (41KB - 22 downloads)
2013-08-03 8:40 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Run Less Run Faster
James!! You are my hero!!!

Congrats man, you're a triathlete!
2013-08-03 9:14 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Run Less Run Faster
Originally posted by juneapple

James!! You are my hero!!!

Congrats man, you're a triathlete!

Thanks Stu!

2013-08-04 9:18 AM
in reply to: 0

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Run Less Run Faster
Originally posted by JREDFLY

Hi Steve,

I went out and did my first Run Less Run faster workout. I did the 4x800 with a jog in between. It felt really good and I thought I had an excellent start. Here are my splits off my Garmin. I thought I had slowed down towards the end but I actually ran negative splits ( I don't think I had ever done that before). Pretty cool, it was tough but I felt like an athlete and I also thought I was running with a purpose. I think this is going to be a lot fun and I promise not to over-do. Please let me know if you have any concerns or comments on my splits.

Thanks again, James

I was reading Steve workout and I realized I am already not doing my timeing right. This was the frst time I ever used the lap counter and I was hitting it every 800 and I think I should be hitting every lap, is that right? Seems to make sense so you can see if you are slowing down on the last 400 of the 800.

Edited by JREDFLY 2013-08-04 9:18 AM
2013-08-06 11:25 AM
in reply to: 0

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Run Less Run Faster

Good stuff. Looks like you had a solid workout. I like the progression of your HR as you worked through the workout....gradually pushing it up. Hopefully, when you finished you felt like you could run one or two more 800's and weren't totally spent. But you've nailed the basic idea...prepping your muscles and cardio system to perform at a higher level. I know this sound counter-intuitive, but be careful not to push the interval too fast. I read somewhere that once you're near your V02 max there is little training effect (but higher injury risk and an inability to run as many intervals) by pushing the speed. So, in your case, if the 8:00 interval is the right interval, there is little value to pushing below that pace.

My guess is if you substitute one of your running workouts each week for something like this you'll see a pretty dramatic improvement in your 5K and 10K times in 10-12 weeks.

Nice work.

BTW--like you, I hit my lap counter on the 800 and not every lap. I look down at the first 400 and check my pace, but my goal is to record my speed and HR for the full interval. So, I think you were doing it right. If you check your time by looking at your watch at the end of first lap you can tell if you're slowing down just by doing the calculation in your head when you complete the interval.


Edited by lutzman 2013-08-06 11:26 AM
2013-08-06 11:42 AM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Race Week
Well Gray guys/girls. it's race week again. I'm already back in the midwest. I came back early to visit my son in Minneapolis and then traveled down to Chicago with my wife to visit her sister and family. Friday, we'll head for Milwaukee. My race is Sunday.

So, I'm in taper mode. I did a light run today (35 minutes with few high paced pickups) and I'm heading for a local pool now for a short swim.

Unless there is mass flatting on the bike course for everyone but me, it won't be a question of getting my butt kicked, only a question of by how many. There are some seriously good athletes at this race. I think there are about 90 registered in the 55-59 age group. I'm hoping for a top 20 finish. We'll see.

Train safe. Have fun. Race well.

2013-08-06 12:00 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Race Week
No races planned this weekend for me. My next is August 31st, which will probably be my last for the season. September 7-8 got a 200 mile bike ride and planning to do some 5 and 10Ks with the wife. Haven't posted in awhile ben busy with the grandkids. Finally decided to take it easy on my pulled calf muscle, haven't run in a week but I have been walking the dog, swimming and riding. After my last triathlon, which was a dismal performance and a let down after my peak performance in June, I decided that I probably needed to rest and recuperate. So for the last couple weeks my workouts have been light. By next week I think I'll be back at it full steam ahead again.
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