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2007-03-26 6:09 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
hey guys went for a run today 6.7kms 4.156 miles

target 36 mins actual 35.50 with a killer head wind!

im happy

2007-03-26 6:48 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
I just went on online conversion site:,they say that this is the mile to yard conversion: 1 mile = 1 760 yard. I am not sure on laps, but it might be worth a call to the tri people and the pool manager to check the correct tri distance AND the pool laps. Any good pool manager can tell how how many laps a distance is in there pool.

going for a swim now. Great for relaxation and cramps.

Have a great day!!
2007-03-26 8:18 AM
in reply to: #735894

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
Phoenix -

RE: Glutamine

Through another transamination process, it serves the immune system by providing key ingredient for white cell production while at same time inhibiting excessive cytokine production characteristic of autoimmune disorders. The transconversion to Glutathione makes it a significant component in the bodys' own antioxidant arsenal.

An article about exercise and runners susceptibility to upper respiratory infections. Hmmmm....

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid (building block of protein) in the bloodstream. It is considered a "conditionally essential amino acid" because it can be manufactured in the body, but under extreme physical stress the demand for glutamine exceeds the body's ability to synthesize it. Most glutamine in the body is stored in muscles followed by the lungs, where much of the glutamine is manufactured.

Also, I used to have a lot of problems with my sinuses due to allergies to pollen, dust, etc... and I finally came upon this thing called a Neti Pot. It is an old Indian (eastern) practice of cleaning out the sinus passages using water. I purchased a more modern version that uses a squeeze bottle and a saline mixture to buffer any irritation of the nasal passages and I can testify that it has worked miracles. I now hardly have any problems with allergies and I haven't had a sinus infection in two years.

Check out the NeilMed Sinus Rinse kit. I found mine at Walgreens but the site gives all the stores that carry it. Be sure to get some distilled water and to warm it up for comfort. If you use chlorinated tap water it will burn due to the chlorine.

Hope this helps.


Edited by Sp3c0ps27 2007-03-26 9:45 AM
2007-03-26 10:48 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
Sorry I didnt do the totals! I worked most of the weekend and when not working I was busy test driving cars and celebrating my husbands b-day. However, I did get a FEW workouts in and did my first run in over 2 weeks. It was short but I felt Ok so I think Ill go longer tomorrow.

I was trying to add my stuff to weekly totals but I did notice like the professor did that the bike total is screwed up and I tracked it down to our newbie, Monkeyboy, so Monkeyboy let us know the actual amount you biked and we can fix it!

Swim: 76, 526 yds ( i added 5550)
Run:340.5miles ( I added 1.5)
Bike: ?? ( I biked 9.6 miles)

phoenix, i was thinking about you at the Chi seminar while I was running my tentative run on Sat. I will look at their website, I just havent had time yet. I also have heard of a form of running called "Poise" ( I think) that is to prevent injury too. I was going to compare them.

For all of you who are wondering how far they are running outdoors, there is agreat online pedometer map program from google :
Type in your home addresss to get to the right starting point. Click on start recording, then take your mouse and double click the starting point on the map. Then just click once for each segment and it starts adding up your distance. If you do and out and back route, you can click on Complete on the left adn it will automatically double the distance so you dont have to go back to start. You can also turn elevation on too. Its an amazing tool, I used it even when I went to Europe last year and had to do training runs. I tracked myself a route thru Paris and new exactly how long I had ran!
Ok. got to run. Im starting my 12 week countdown to my first Olympic Tri program today! Ill try and list my workouts for the week next time so I can be held accountable.
2007-03-26 11:25 AM
in reply to: #736565

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...

Hey Robb - if you're experimenting with what will give you more power, I noticed a HUGE difference in both my biking and running after taking up one-legged squats.  You stand on a bench and well, squat - let the straight leg dip below level - hold a couple of light dumbbells out in front of you for balance.  Really toughens up quads, glutes, hams. 

btw, I wasn't able to do even ONE of these at first - worked up to it by doing 2 cheats - one-leg squats standing beside bench (in case I fell on my butt), and the same thing, with the non-squatting leg's foot up on the bench behind me.  Now I can do a big 4 of them - still working up - but the difference in endurance is noticable.  Good luck!

2007-03-26 12:57 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
SEAN--Awesome information! Thank you so much!! I'll be heading somewhere to get Glutamine VERY soon. How is your martial arts belt coming along? I really admire you for doing that. I'd love to get all my kids into Karate, but it was in conflict with the swim lessons time-wise, so we'll have to wait on that. I just think the whole focused energy thing is really important and beneficial. I bet it will help you with the tri's in surprising ways.

Helen--WOW! Way to go with the long run. Yep, I think you are going to do JUST fine with your marathon.

Robb--you sound just like me--this going outside thing is going to be a learning curve! And I want it all NOW, too! I get very frustrated with myself. We'll have to just keep building eachother up because Helen is kicking our redbike, and so are some of the others. I think you and I are like VERY new to some of this. And my lungs are having a really hard time keeping up with what I want them to do I'll do a little cheer for you, if you do one for me!

Thanks Prof and BGT for the swim clarification! I know, don't fret the small stuff, right? It was just very daunting to think I was close and then have my bubble temporarily burst!

Watergirl--let me know what you think about the Poise run. You know me, I'll look into about anything if it appears helpful! Nice pedometer info, too

Okay--my swim coach told me that Newsweek said the very best drink to have post workout is---da ta da-----chocolate milk!!! It's supposed to have everything in it that you need as far as minerals, vitamins, proper protein and fats, etc. I'll probably go get some dark chocolate bars and eat them with my whole milk. Hate that watered down crap. Would be best to get the milk unpasturized from some of my local farmers, but it doesn't keep very well and it's a lot of running out to the country to get it. Still.........

Anyone know of any gels with Stevia in it rather than sugar? Stevia is supposed to go into your bloodstream slowly and not cause the highs and lows of regular sugar (and my blood sugar tends to be low anyway, so sugar doesn't do well with me, even though I crave it).

The other Q I have is about protein. Sean pointed out how important Glutamine is, and that's an amino acid (protein). I tend NOT to crave the proteins much, maybe left over from my vegetarian days (which left me weak and anemic so I quit). But, I'm not much of a carnivore. So, just what percentage of your diet should be protein, and is there a way to figure how many calories for your weight, etc. that you should have? I don't want to exercise my way into a serious deficiency and have all my hair fall out or something..........

GREAT WORK EVERYONE!! I'll send you all a little mental hug

2007-03-26 1:16 PM
in reply to: #736942

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
Watergirl, a friend of mine did Poise, and now is looking into ChiRunning and finds them very similar. We keep comparing notes, and are talking about doing a seminar down in the Cities sometime.

I think I figured out what was up with the totals; I think our new friend (Hi, Monkeyboy! Funny name!) accidentally added his bike total of 60 to the swim yardage and put that in as the bike total. Refigured after that we've got:

Swim: 76526 (+1200 mine... missed a swim last week) = 77726 yds.
Bike: 1534.5 (+60 Monkeyboy +9.6 Watergirl + 35 me) = 1639.1 mi
Run: 340.5 (+6 mine) = 346.5 mi

I was much relieved to get out on my bike and realize the trainer really does throw your speed off. And it's a beautiful day here and I'm excited at the prospect of double workouts... how weird am I?

I'll have to start swimming in the a.m. Do any of you do morning workouts? (Besides Robb, of course, whose extremely late workouts could probably count for early for most of us.)

2007-03-26 1:22 PM
in reply to: #713050

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
kanders - 2007-03-06 9:24 AM

Swim: 33,500 yards
Bike: 1850 miles
Run: 410 miles

I felt like checking our progress against my predictions and we have blown away our early month swim totals. Way to jump into the pool, everyone!

Biking we are a little behind (a smidge under 200 miles to go) and our run total is lackng a bit, too (60 odd miles). However, I know that when Mark Stanley adds his bike numbers in we'll be in better shape... unless he's on vacation or something. Mark? Mark?? {sound of crickets}

2007-03-26 1:40 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
Kanders--You are our little group Mathematician! Not sure how that would be for the hunter/gatherer society, but they probably needed to keep track of something!! Maybe write chalk tallies on the cave walls or something! So---since you are so good at math, maybe you can do the geography thing, too and tell us where we went and where we are going with these totals. Maybe we all started in Canada by Helen and Rob and went down to Florida to visit Sean? Or maybe we went from Pennsylvania at Prof's house and made it to the Bermuda triangle and got lost/ thrown into a time warp and made it to the lost cities of Atlantis or Mu?

Sorry, had a little latte for lunch...............makes me sort of silly
2007-03-26 4:49 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
Kanders - Thanks for figuring it all out. Yeah, newbie screwed it up.
2007-03-26 6:18 PM
in reply to: #737653

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
My mileage for last week:

Swim: 0
Run: 23 miles
Bike: 310 miles

Fingers still broken (!) So no swimming but had an excellent ride on Saturday when Satan went to see Dolly Parton! Hence the additional 50 miles. Totally different doing a distance like that in one go rather than the usual 23 mile commute twice a day! Anyway, I am on holiday in the Lake District in the blazing sunshine with the family so only running this week (round the lake at the bottom of the garden) so won't be much contribution next week.

How's everyones brick sessions going and has anyone taken a night off yet?

2007-03-26 6:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...

ok - this is embarrassing, but I'm posting it anyway, last week's totals:

Run 10

Bike 8.12

Swim 0

2007-03-26 8:50 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
I will post mine from last week, maybe one of the math bee's can give us a grand total
swim: 400 yrds
bike: 9.6
run: 0

As for me, the temp in MN was 70 with dazzling sun and a cool breeze. I swam at the YWCA this morning and went for a leuisure walk with friends and their new babies. It was great. I only drooled a few tri bikes. SO I think I did one none tri event with friends. Now I need to get in a brick workout. Tommorow I am going on a big AM ride, I can not wait. BGT
2007-03-26 10:07 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
I am new to the tri.
I am an excelent swimmer, an O.K. biker and a terrible runner.
My friend triple dared me to do a tri in Chicago, the Accunture Tri in Aug.
Any suggestions on a begginners jogging schedule? Have you heard of yin running?
Where your feet are more under you than in front of you? Does this work better?
What do you reccommend for a good beginer style of jogging/running?
Thank You for your recomendations.
2007-03-26 10:41 PM
in reply to: #736942

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
Hi watergirl,
can you explain the chi and poise running to me.
I greatly appricate any help with forms of running.
Thank You!!
2007-03-27 1:08 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
Jeanette, welcome to the board! here is a brief intro on chi running I found

Basically as far as running goes, its about leaning forward so that you are running forward, not up and down. Taking the stress off the heels and knees. I haven't taken the course and I am sure phoenix or someone will fill you in more!

Pene, the outdoors is harsh! But I enjoy it so much more. I just went out for a "quick" bike ride which turned into an hour, where sitting in the gym for an hour makes me almost lose my mind. I just need to learn to pace myself better with the running, but I look forward to this summer. I am cheering for you too hun!

Also look forward to the family's pool opening up. I used to hate <80degree temps, now I am looking forward to high 60s and I will be in there!

cmckee/prof, thanks for the advice on the bike speed. I think I just need to put it the miles on the bike and switch it up often. I am going to try those squats too.

Oh, and about chocolate milk, its actually BETTER for you than milk. It has more antioxidants and like you said, is a great post work-out drink.

Well its off to bed after I finish watching Space Balls (great movie). Going to hit the trails tomorrow morning :D

2007-03-27 4:45 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but you can still sneak in...
I received a note from another group about swimming, and highly recommend that you give that forum a look.

Go to Older & Wiser's group, page 7, and read the collective wisdom on swimming. Good tips for drills, motivation, etc.

And thanks for fixing the math error on our bike total!
2007-03-27 6:39 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
t is 6:36am, central time. I am leaving my house, pre dawn to go ona bike ride. I am giddy. Leaving the husband at home and taking my gym buddy. I hope he can handle a 15-20 mile bike ride!!!! BGT
2007-03-27 7:25 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Jeanette---Here's your pep talk: REPEAT AFTER ME--I AM a runner! Not a jogger, not a crappy runner. You ARE a runner. Period. There is no room for humility in triathlons. Unleash that competitive, driven, High D (dominant personality type), or type A or whatever and go out there and KICK REDBIKE!!! I started all this at 40, with a body that was recovering from a major illness, post horrific divorce, with THREE little kids, self-employed with a mountain of "marital debt" that I am left with, and absolutely NO history of athleticism whatsoever. I needed to do this to develop the endurance necessary to raise these kids alone. And I'm doing it!! If I can do it, you can do it! Now, stand in front of the mirror, smile at your reflection and say this, "I am one hell of a woman!". Say this over and over, a minimum of 10 times a day, every day until you start to believe it. Then keep saying it, but add "I am one hell of a TRIATHLETE". And "I am one hell of a RUNNER!". Got it? I'm the group's motivational speaker, living in a van down by the river

Alright now, Rob, keep calling me "hun" and I'll have to move to Canada You sweet talker, you.....(jeesh, I just can't resist any opportunity to flirt. It's a disease, I know)

BGT--Yeah! I'm so glad you found a way to get outside in the dark! Very resourceful of you! You are conquering your fears and I'm proud of you Those who never lived in certain "parts" of a city won't understand, but I do completely! I could never afford to live in the "good" parts of the Quad cities (Davenport, Iowa where the chiropractic college is). I lived where there were lots of shootings and pawn shops and the homeless people frequented the little laundromat where I worked part time. They were the nice people. So were the Harley dudes and the strippers. The strippers liked me until they found out I was going to school to be a chiropractor, then they wouldn't talk to me anymore. It was their problem, not mine! I also lived next door to the drug dealers who would call me at midnight and talk dirty to me when my husband left to work the midnight shift. We solved that problem by waiting until they were outside on the porch, and going out with the rifles so they could see that I was learning to use one and petting the vicious dog the downstairs neighbor owned. They never bothered me again. I still keep a 9mm with a light to use in the dark in my home locked away. But, I know how to use one! Yep, I'm a tough boxer chick Not really, but it sounds good....

Prof--it was sort of cool to look on someone else's forum! The swim tips were EXACTLY what Carlos is doing with me, so that was affirming to read. You are still the best, though, El Capitain!! I didn't like her little checks--very annoying And what's UP with the swatch award????
2007-03-27 10:12 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

BGT - hope the ride was a blast! 

Jeannette - you are lucky, IMO - running is the easiest of the three - I have the most trouble with swimming and not knowing what I'm doing, biking 2nd - reading posts, it seems this is the case for most people - so you are waaay ahead of the game already!

Robb - didn't know you were bricking most of your w/o's - wow.  I shouldn't be giving you any advice!  btw - I passed up Space Balls for Galaxy Quest ;-D

prof40 - thank you for the swim forum heads-up - I really need help with this.

2007-03-27 3:24 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
cmckee, I have been doing my workouts at the gym so they are pretty much back-to-back, maybe 2-3mins between to stretch a little. I find the bike actually helps after a run to loosen me back up.

I really want to go for a swim tonight, but my body is telling me other wise. I just rode 66km in the past 12 hours, 40 of those km, being on a really steep, really muddy trail. It was such a blast though and felt so good to do it in shorts! Its like 75 degrees today and I love it so much. It was a 3 hour ride and didn't bring enough water however, so I will need to get another cage. I ended up hitting a variety store and downing 2 bottles of water in front of the cashier (I think I scared her).

Oh well. Maybe I'll go see a movie and find someone to go for a walk with me tonight.

2007-03-27 3:53 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thank You for the information on chi running. I am going to try this tonight.

Thank you for the pep talk. I AM A RUNNER!!!! How is the chiropractic college going? Chiropractic and acupuncture saved me! Keep up the great learning experience.
When you are at the bottom there is only one way to go... up to success.

I feel exactly the same way you do but in reverse... You are so lucky running is easy that is the hardest part. I ran/ jogged 3 miles and felt sick. I am going to try it a different way today.

It's Official I mailed my race entry and paid the fee so I am commited. The deadline is in April.
I am trying a tri for accenture triathalon.
2007-03-27 5:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Jeanette--Good job signing up for the tri! Actually, I've been a practicing Doctor of Chiropractic now for 14 years. I was just refering to my years living in the city years ago. Now I live in a little village of 1000 people, most of them farmers and Amish. It's like the polar opposite, but I have three kids, so I'm glad I'm not in the city anymore. I'm sure there are safer cities, Madison, for example, that wouldn't be bad to live in. But anyway, welcome to our little group!!
2007-03-27 8:37 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I need to change my workout plan for the week. I was going to ride my bike to work, lesuire ride BUT it is going to rain for several days. I am going to swim my laps like I said but I am going to drive to work. I might do a brick BUT I am not sure yet. like to confess my mess before and not after, product of 12 step girl in me. BGT
2007-03-27 9:38 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Tonight I did NOT feel like doing anything tri related. Sucky attitude. Didn't sleep well due to sinus and sweated the night out, waking up sore all over. Was super tired all day and emotionally very frustrated with my life. I'm a much better cheerleader for others than myself.

So--I made myself do the brick, but broke it up so I could repeatedly feel the wobbly legs deal. I did bike 30 minutes, run 15, bike 30, run 15, bike 30, run 15 and a 3 minute walk cool down. It was raining outside and there isn't enough time at night with my kids to do stuff outside (who's gonna watch them for 2 hours?). So, I reluctantly did the brick indoors and rented movies for the kids and fed them their favorite snacks as bribery. It worked.

Brick down, movie and pizza on Sunday with my three darlings--that's a promise
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