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2009-01-27 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1931010

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2009-01-27 6:42 AM

 Same hill spiked my heart rate again. I finally figured out this morning that maybe I should just walk that sucker to keep my heart rate down.


 There's a famous long run above Boulder called Magnolia Road (Old Man Mags...); my PB for that run was set (by a long way) from walking all the hills.  I PB'd in both directions so the walk breaks improved my uphill time as well as allowing me to rip the downhill.


2009-01-27 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1930856

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-27 12:32 AM  

Build a timetable that shows the slots that you have to train -- block out time for everything other than triathlon.

Choose the plan that best fits the time that you feel comfortable allocating.

Aim for a little less than you think is possible -- so you have room to outperform.

Focus on the training knowing that you have made a considered decision.

Do your best, have fun and let the results take care of themselves -- the people close to us don't really care about our splits, they just want us to be happy.

 Don't plan the summer in January... none of us think straight this time of year!



thanks gordo.  points well taken, clarifies my thinking....and your right, my husband and three boys could give two hoots about my splits, theyre proud of me no matter what.  no medal or PB can replace THAT feeling...

as for trng today, taper week

18 mins on the indoor trainer....

worked on quickness - low resistance, high cadence

and then did some seated climbing.

5 min warm up, 5 min cool down


START:  90

10 MIN:  114

20 MIN:  121

23 MIN:  122

END:  71

heading to the Y after lunch to get in a 23 min swim - 3 stroke breathing throughout.

steady as she goes. 

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-01-27 9:46 AM
2009-01-27 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1930853

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-27 12:25 AM
Writebrained - 2009-01-26 2:34 PM


Enlighten me on the low HR training, 180 minus my age?  I'm struggling with the idea.  I've always heard (after developing a strong base) intervals, quick turn-over, lactic threshold, etc. makes one go fast.  Are you stating my sprint-tri time will be faster through consistent training at a low HR (and intervals are not needed) or just that I'll condition myself to complete a sprint tri by training at a lower HR? 

Just trying to clear up the foggy thoughts....thnx!

 The 180 - AGE is a starting point -- you can, and should, fine tune as you learn more about your physiology and fitness.  However, I've found that our collective psychology will try to trick us to constantly go harder, go faster -- people never come to me and argue their number down!  The tendency to go until we break, or quit, works directly against what is required to improve as athletes and enjoy our athletic lives -- call that collectively "wellness".

 If we are on a wellness path then we will be more consistent and, over time, do far more training than a program that has an intensity basis (that most of us are not biomechanically able to tolerate).  So... you get sick, you torch your ITB, or you just bounce from starvation/binge; peak/trough wondering why you're struggling to stay on track -- the reason is typically excessive stress in our lives.

 So our capacity to sustain high intensity (in a race) and increased load (in training) is set by our base, economy and biomechanical fitness.  You can improve for years (safely, healthy, and having fun) while focusing on these points.

 If you drill it for 12 weeks then you will show progress -- that is very well documented in populations similar to BT.  However, you will likely struggle to maintain the changes that are truly required develop as an athlete over the next 3 to 5 to 10 years.

 Win little now, win big later -- I've always been a win big later sort of guy.


 PS - there is no ONE way, there are a lot of way's to play it.  At the end of the day, we rarely believe things that we haven't experienced for ourselves.  So if you ignore my advice then we'll either learn something new, or, you gain a deeper understanding of why my recommendations make sense.  Win-win!


I'm 100% on-board.  Just trying to reconcile some thoughts in my own mind.  I've been consistent with my workouts since the mentor group 's, Day 1 (before Christmas).  NO injury or sign of injury and the energy levels are balancing out after a few days of pulling back (again, your recommendation).   To the best of my knowledge, I've mindully followed your recommendations and will continue to do so......

I'm extatic to be continuing with the Gordo experience and glad to have this rare and unique opportunity!   Slow (HR Zone 3) and steady (consistency) wins the race in the long run.   It's starting to sink in, no doubt. 

Please don't mistake my inquiries for insolence or an ignornat pride... not intended that way.



2009-01-27 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
59m 41s 14.40 miles 14.48 Mi/hr
10:00 AM  

Nice ride this morning. Back to normal southeast Florida weather. Wind was blowing pretty good. Didn't push it real hard but it was a workout. Trying to backoff a bit in preparation for the weekend. HR figures:

@15 128
@30 123
@45 118
2009-01-27 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

23 min/800 yd swim

2x25, 2x50 warm up

25, 50, 75, 100, 75, 50, 25 yd ladder

2x50 right arm

2x50 lft arm

2x25 cooldown

3 stroke breathing throughout continue to extend relaxed swimming endurance envelope.  laid baseline for playing 'golf' - 46 strokes in 60.5 secs.  (50 yds.)

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-01-27 2:16 PM
2009-01-27 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Just a quick note to the G-crew that I have changed my screen name (thanks Marmadaddy).

the artist formerly known as mh37909
and now known as FierceTortoise!

Edited by FierceTortoise 2009-01-27 3:17 PM

2009-01-27 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1931966

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-01-27 1:14 PM

23 min/800 yd swim

2x25, 2x50 warm up

25, 50, 75, 100, 75, 50, 25 yd ladder

2x50 right arm

2x50 lft arm

2x25 cooldown

3 stroke breathing throughout continue to extend relaxed swimming endurance envelope.  laid baseline for playing 'golf' - 46 strokes in 60.5 secs.  (50 yds.)

 Nice with the golf base line.

 With the single arm -- recommend non swimming arm flat against side, breathe away from your swimming arm every other stroke.

 I like the pattern... 25 left, 25 right, 50 swim, 25 right, 25 left, 50 swim // focus on pulling straight back with the single arm.  Chin up, chin down with the breathing (or else you'll serpentine).


2009-01-27 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1932077

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
FierceTortoise - 2009-01-27 2:07 PM

Just a quick note to the G-crew that I have changed my screen name (thanks Marmadaddy).

the artist formerly known as mh37909
and now known as FierceTortoise!


Matt - Great profile shot!

2009-01-27 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Snuck out of the office for a while to swim this afternoon.


1600 yds\45:34

First 10 minutes of the swim it was hard to breathe. It felt like my lungs wouldn't open up all the way. After the 10 min mark it went back to normal and I got into a groove.

2009-01-27 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1931324

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

John --

 I love your questions.

 What you will find as your fitness increases is that it gets more challenging to train in your aerobic zones.  For example, 150 may feel easy early in our career -- if you take a guy like Craig Alexander... he'd be ROLLIN' at that heart rate.  So building the capacity to do work at a moderate intensity is critical.

 The fact that long slow distance is neither slow, nor easy, becomes apparent once we seek to hold that easy effort for more than a couple of hours.


2009-01-27 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1898853

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
otter_sh - 2009-01-09 8:36 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-01-09 3:49 PM
otter_sh - 2009-01-08 7:00 PM

Haven't been doing anything this month so far.

Was sick at the beginning of the month and today I had an abnormal EKG.  So No exercising until I have a echo cardio stress test.

I should get back on track once this is all settled by the doctors.


do take care and be sure to let us know what the docs/test findings are....

Ended up in ER, but got clear Stress Test there.  Follow up with Dr next next week, so I am going to do a light week, but do something.

Took almost 10 minutes on tread mill to get to 85% (148).  Basically ended up jogging with a real good incline to get to this mark.  So my exercising has definitely been working.

Still dealing with Chest Pains, have not dropped out of group.  I am doing some treadmill work and walking.  They performed a scan looking for blockage yesterday.  They keep ruling out things, but no real answer yet.

2009-01-27 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1932444

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-27 6:07 PM

John --

 I love your questions.

 What you will find as your fitness increases is that it gets more challenging to train in your aerobic zones.  For example, 150 may feel easy early in our career -- if you take a guy like Craig Alexander... he'd be ROLLIN' at that heart rate.  So building the capacity to do work at a moderate intensity is critical.

 The fact that long slow distance is neither slow, nor easy, becomes apparent once we seek to hold that easy effort for more than a couple of hours.


Never thought of it that, you have built up and eliminated much of the injury risk.  It's starting to click for me.  Paradigms are shifting.   Thnx for your patience.

    What's this mean for a double-Ironman?


Swam 35 minutes - 1500 yrds


Trainer ride 20 minutes

Edited by Writebrained 2009-01-27 9:33 PM
2009-01-28 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1919998

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

 Again to sum up where we are trying to get.

Finger to palm entry at surface of water. Wrist drops straight down  towards the bottom of the pool, elbow raises, pull forearm toward you  and straight  back keeping elbow up. Arm will then pull straight down  and back with a finish down by your upper thigh. ( not hip )

A very circular motion.

G, focused on your tips and the above and it was great thanks. Swam steady but fairly hard 1500m non stop and managed 28:41 which is a full minute off my previous best. Even more surprising was that I could have maintained this pace no worries so am very happy. back to long and slow on friday it is obviously helping with the endurance.



2009-01-28 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1932429

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-01-27 6:03 PM

 Nice with the golf base line.

 With the single arm -- recommend non swimming arm flat against side, breathe away from your swimming arm every other stroke.

 I like the pattern... 25 left, 25 right, 50 swim, 25 right, 25 left, 50 swim // focus on pulling straight back with the single arm.  Chin up, chin down with the breathing (or else you'll serpentine).


G.  thank you thank you thank you for the 'different' approach to the lft/rt arm sets.

the plan i was using has me extending my non-stroking arm out in front of me and using a pullbouy.

it was frustrating.  it seemed like regardless of what i did, i just couldnt keep my 'form'/balance.  i was 'tossing and turning' the whole time. i couldnt for the life of me stay centered or balanced....i just figured i needed more practice...

your approach makes sense.  and i like the switching from rt to lft to the swim too.  thanks for the directives/what to keep in mind  [im mantra kinda person]

im in the pool on Thurs.  ill try your approach and let you know how it goes.

as for the golfing base line, thanks.  ive nothing to compare it to (yet) but im looking forward to playing.  FORE!

and this.  this is a keeper, you posted to john:

"The fact that long slow distance is neither slow, nor easy, becomes apparent once we seek to hold that easy effort for more than a couple of hours."

helps to keep in mind where i'm headed, and why im doing what im doing.  im not always mindful...

ill remember this when im getting passed up the indoor track at the Y, or when im not 'keeping up' w the intermediate group of the running club  [both of which arent really 'true', but illusions.  doing some major deconstructing/paradigm shifting...what is a beginner, intermediate, advanced runner anyways?  learning lables are seldom beneficial]

thanks, for all you offer to us.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-01-28 10:26 AM
2009-01-28 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1932664

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
otter_sh - 2009-01-27 7:50 PM

Still dealing with Chest Pains, have not dropped out of group.  I am doing some treadmill work and walking.  They performed a scan looking for blockage yesterday.  They keep ruling out things, but no real answer yet.

steve.  WHAT a process to go through.  heres to gaining some clarity as to what is going on/what is causing your chest pain, sooner rather than later.

glad youre sticking it out with us and still moving [TM and walking...]

take care.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-01-28 10:24 AM
2009-01-28 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
23m 800.00 meters 02m 53s /100 meters
10:00 AM  

Didn't have alot of time in the pool this morning but got in 800 meters. 2x400 reps. with 1 minute rest between. I'm feeling much more comfortable in the pool

31m 3.00 miles 10m 20s/Mi
10:30 AM  

Great to know that the other day was an anomaly on the treadmill. Felt super this morning. Could of gone much further and my HR was back to normal run levels. The HR numbers were:

@10 142
@21 146
@31 140

Run/Walk ratio 10:0.75. Treadmill setting were 5.9 run, 4.4 walk.

2009-01-28 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

ice&snowbound.  winter storm here, north of the Burgh.   

the Y is closing early.  i didnt get my run as planned, but not a total loss -

10 mins on the indoor trainer.  working on  quickness again - 30secs 'on'/30 secs 'off', when im 'on' low resistance, quick cadence. 

the challenge: to remain consistent/focused.  its easy to just 'let loose' and let your legs 'fly'.  harder to keep your rpms within range [90-94].  great exercise.

and 20 mins of abwork - 2, 10 min segements on DVD.

the snow and ice is beautiful, through the window.  im content not to be out in it.


2009-01-28 1:56 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
I got a new (used) tri bike... couldn't pass it up. My first ride on it was on a group ride and in traffic, so I stayed on the bars with breaks the whole ride. This Saturday will be a group ride on a trail, so no traffic... Do you have any advice on when to use the aerobars... I'm a bit nervous about it, as the bike doesn't seem as stable on them. Also, it will be our first brick work-out... we're supposed to do a 70 minute bike ride, then 30 minute run. So, any advice I can get on keeping the bike ride "easy" will help. Thanks!
2009-01-28 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1932664

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
otter_sh - 2009-01-27 6:50 PM 

Still dealing with Chest Pains, have not dropped out of group.  I am doing some treadmill work and walking.  They performed a scan looking for blockage yesterday.  They keep ruling out things, but no real answer yet.

 I went through this last year -- we spent five months ruling out items (none of which were particularly appealing) about why I had blood in my urine.  We eventually figured it out (irritated urethra).  

Hopefully, you will be able to figure out your cause.  At a minimum, it is good to rule out major items.


2009-01-28 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1933230

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Pashda - 2009-01-28 7:55 AM

 Again to sum up where we are trying to get.

Finger to palm entry at surface of water. Wrist drops straight down  towards the bottom of the pool, elbow raises, pull forearm toward you  and straight  back keeping elbow up. Arm will then pull straight down  and back with a finish down by your upper thigh. ( not hip )

A very circular motion.

G, focused on your tips and the above and it was great thanks. Swam steady but fairly hard 1500m non stop and managed 28:41 which is a full minute off my previous best. Even more surprising was that I could have maintained this pace no worries so am very happy. back to long and slow on friday it is obviously helping with the endurance.



 Good to hear the swim went well for you.

 "Steady but fairly hard" -- that made me smile, a good description of your effort.  For reference, that's what I call threshold. Being able to sustain that effort for 1500m is a BIG milestone.


2009-01-28 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1933955

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Cardholic - 2009-01-28 12:56 PM I got a new (used) tri bike... couldn't pass it up. My first ride on it was on a group ride and in traffic, so I stayed on the bars with breaks the whole ride. This Saturday will be a group ride on a trail, so no traffic... Do you have any advice on when to use the aerobars... I'm a bit nervous about it, as the bike doesn't seem as stable on them. Also, it will be our first brick work-out... we're supposed to do a 70 minute bike ride, then 30 minute run. So, any advice I can get on keeping the bike ride "easy" will help. Thanks!

 Great questions.

The two most important things to remember are: (a) no aerobar riding in the group; and (b) never overlap wheels.

 To avoid having to brake all the time -- match the cadence of the rider in front.  You'll find that a quicker cadence is easier to moderate speed.

 Ride with people that change speed SLOWLY.  In groups with lots of new riders, there is a ton of pace changing -- this isn't how experienced riders do endurance training.  Aim to change speed very slowly and remember that everything is magnified back through the group.

 For light braking, use your rear brake -- don't slam both brakes.

 In every group training situation you are in (for the rest of your life) there will be people that want to hammer straight off the bat.  Know you personal goals for the session, bring a map & spare money, stick to your own strategy.

 I love your sig-file.


Edited by GordoByrn 2009-01-28 2:46 PM

2009-01-28 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Lunchtime weights (my least favorite part of this plan, but I can tell it helps).

Evening run - 45 mins. Longest run in a while. Felt awesome.

Z1(115-128) :30

Z2(128-142) 42:37

Z3(142-155) 8:54

Overall best session running for controlling heartrate. Walked the hills. Z3 time was when I started daydreaming and didn't focus. Looked down and I was 145-150. Nice cruise...



2009-01-28 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

50 min. snow shoveling - fun

20 min. trainer ride

Question:  Would setting up my old road bike on the indoor trainer instead of my tri-bike be a negative?  I'd like to have a permanent set-up indoors for bad weather but don't want to lose tri-bike specific conditioning.  Hope this makes sense....

2009-01-29 5:12 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Morning Run - 20:45.

Z1 - 0:44

Z2 - 18:35

Z3 - 1:32



2009-01-29 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
20m 700.00 meters 02m 52s /100 meters
10:00 AM  

Did 1x500 meter rep followed by 1x200 meter rep. Felt good. Working on the same techniques (3 stroke breathing, arm pull, chin in - chin out, etc..). I also tried a nose clamp for the 1st time. Didn't like it so I think I'll chuck it in the trash.

40m 54s 4.00 miles 10m 14s/Mi
10:20 AM  

Good run. Felt super. HR got a little high during one segment but it leveled back down to normal. 10:0.75 run/walk ratio. HR data:

@10 146
@21 150
@32 144
@40 144

Friday will do an easy bike ride and Saturday before the race a short easy swim followed by a short easy run.
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