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2009-08-17 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring


Talk to me about the difference between doing triathlons in fresh water versus salt water.  I feel like I swallow a reasonable amount when I swim, what is the salt going to do my system?  What do I need to change to deal with it?  Bunch of my BT cronies are doing Lonestar and want me to be there.

Tomorrow is my last G Big Training Day in Lake Geneva before my HIM.  1 hour swim, full bike and 30 minute run.  Weather is supposed to be perfect.


2009-08-18 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2354363

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
SSMinnow - 2009-08-17 5:30 PM


Talk to me about the difference between doing triathlons in fresh water versus salt water.  I feel like I swallow a reasonable amount when I swim, what is the salt going to do my system?  What do I need to change to deal with it?  Bunch of my BT cronies are doing Lonestar and want me to be there.

Tomorrow is my last G Big Training Day in Lake Geneva before my HIM.  1 hour swim, full bike and 30 minute run.  Weather is supposed to be perfect.


I recommend that you slow your swim pace to the point where you are able to swim without swallowing large amounts of water. You don't want salt water in your gut during a triathlon. If you do swallow water then you'll want to start your bike nutrition with a bottle of water to help dilute that.Similar to your question about heat, we need to slow our effort to the reality of the conditions we are facing.Enjoy the big day,g
2009-08-18 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2349439

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
cjhild - 2009-08-14 2:22 PM

Back on Monday

Hey G, when you get back, how much stretching (in minutes?) do you recommend for a first year triathlete?  There was a thread on the main forum about stretching and a lot of people seemed to do no stretching before the workout.
How much are you doing each week right now?
2009-08-18 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2355743

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
GordoByrn - 2009-08-18 9:43 AM
cjhild - 2009-08-14 2:22 PM

Back on Monday

Hey G, when you get back, how much stretching (in minutes?) do you recommend for a first year triathlete?  There was a thread on the main forum about stretching and a lot of people seemed to do no stretching before the workout.
How much are you doing each week right now?

I only stretch before and after workouts, so 10 before and at least 10 after, approximately an hour and a half?
2009-08-19 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2356880

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
cjhild - 2009-08-18 5:56 PM
GordoByrn - 2009-08-18 9:43 AM
cjhild - 2009-08-14 2:22 PM

Back on Monday

Hey G, when you get back, how much stretching (in minutes?) do you recommend for a first year triathlete?  There was a thread on the main forum about stretching and a lot of people seemed to do no stretching before the workout.
How much are you doing each week right now?

I only stretch before and after workouts, so 10 before and at least 10 after, approximately an hour and a half?
So you can probably get a bit more bang for you buck from variation rather than adding more time.In my book there is a Hip Progression that starts on page 208, 2nd edition -- takes 15-20 minutes to do well. 2x per week.Bobby McGee -- has a book on warm-up and dynamic stretching -- you could use that 2x per week before your most important key sessions -- takes about 15 mins.Swim Cords -- you could add those 2x per week for 15 mins.Calf Raising -- 3x per week, 10 mins each time -- video linked inside the strength article in my library (see link in sig file)Two hours per week -- probably more bang for you buck than your current routine and WAY more than your competition is likely doing. The combination of the above will greatly reduce your risk for injury and enable you to train more comfortably.Good question.g
2009-08-19 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2358545

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
By the way, sorry about the formatting -- Safari 4 isn't feeling the love from the board software.g

2009-08-21 10:52 PM
in reply to: #2072085


Subject: Fall Training
Hi Tri Pals,Been away for most of the summer but home now for fall semester. Had a good 2nd tri season - 6th in Boulder, CO, 5th in Rochester, MN, and 3rd in Ithaca, NY. Now I'm training for my first Olympic distance the MiamiMan Nov. 8th. I've downloaded the Beginner Oly plan. Hope I can work it all in while teaching. This is going to be a real challenge but that's the point isn't it? An advice anyone? What should I expect for my first Oly?Thanks for your support and I hope everyone had a good summer tri season. Good luck to all with races coming up.
2009-08-24 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hope everyone had a great weekend!


I'm thinking of traveling for my first tri in April which would mean shipping my bike.  I have heard horror stories about the airlines misplacing them so was curious what other options are out there.  What do you do?  Was also wondering if you had any thoughts on bike cases?  I'm not looking to invest a fortune in one, but would like it to be good quality.

2009-08-24 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2366960

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
SSMinnow - 2009-08-24 11:57 AM Hope everyone had a great weekend!


I'm thinking of traveling for my first tri in April which would mean shipping my bike.  I have heard horror stories about the airlines misplacing them so was curious what other options are out there.  What do you do?  Was also wondering if you had any thoughts on bike cases?  I'm not looking to invest a fortune in one, but would like it to be good quality.


Good Q...

Lost luggage -- that's an external so I don't worry about it much.

Shoes, pedals, helmet -- goes in my carry on so I can borrow a bike if mine is delayed.

Mode of travel -- tend to drive to most my races.

Specialty Companies -- for the major races there are a few firms that provide transport (Wheels on Wheels, TriBikeTransport...)

Bike cases -- I have used a wide range of brands as well as cardboard boxes.  If you are based in Madison then rental/borrow could be a useful option.

These days with bike fees at upto $175 each way -- driving, or paying a friend gas money to drive -- starts to be come pretty attractive for bike transport.

Hope this helps,
2009-08-26 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring


A couple of biking questions for you today. 

I did another hour long CT TT yesterday using the same course as last month.   Last month= 135W, AHR=153, this month=150W, AHR 166.  I think I did a better job of managing my effort over the entire hour, including on the hills which hurt me last time around.   I did not have a lot of fun doing this

1. How do I judge the increase in Watts and HR?  Is 15W ok?
2. Can you explain the concept of Functional Threshold? Is 150 mine? Since I am not racing with power this year, I am not sure how to think about it.
3. Suddenly my Running LT and Biking LT are virtually the same. I always thought your running numbers were about 10 beats higher than biking.  Does that point to the fact I am a more efficient runner than biker?


2009-08-27 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2371510

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
SSMinnow - 2009-08-26 9:04 AM


A couple of biking questions for you today. 

I did another hour long CT TT yesterday using the same course as last month.   Last month= 135W, AHR=153, this month=150W, AHR 166.  I think I did a better job of managing my effort over the entire hour, including on the hills which hurt me last time around.   I did not have a lot of fun doing this

1. How do I judge the increase in Watts and HR?  Is 15W ok?
2. Can you explain the concept of Functional Threshold? Is 150 mine? Since I am not racing with power this year, I am not sure how to think about it.
3. Suddenly my Running LT and Biking LT are virtually the same. I always thought your running numbers were about 10 beats higher than biking.  Does that point to the fact I am a more efficient runner than biker?


1 - you increased power with higher HR - so you worked more intensely and yielded more power.

2 - FTP -- best power you can produce for an hour -- while they have ways to estimate it from shorter duration workouts, in my experience, most athletes tend to over-estimate when they use shorter duration tests.  More info if your google... "Power 411" -- lots in that article (not mine).

Efficiency, generally, refers to the oxygen cost of a given output -- so you might be meaning something different.

What you might be seeing is your ability to create cardiac stress (expressed as HR) is similar when on a computrainer to when running.  Not really sure that means much in isolation other than you do a good job of drilling it on the CT (which isn't easy).

Appears pretty clear that you are learning how to push very strongly on the CT for an hour -- should translate well to Sprint and Oly distance race performance.

Hope this helps,

2009-08-31 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hi G--

I am 13 days away from my HIM and did my last long 4 hr bike yesterday.  It was supposed to be primarily a Z3 ride (4x45) to simulate the race.  The problem was I couldn't get my HR into that zone no matter how hard I worked unless I was climbing. My legs would burn long before my cardio system was taxed. Any idea why that might have happened? I don't think I was dehydrated, ate and slept well the night before. The only possible explanations I can think of is my zones are new (and higher) after my TT test and I can't manage them, I am coming off my two biggest volume weeks (20/15) and it was freezing, 40-50F.  Would any of that matter?


PS I thought Friel's comments regarding "going long" were really true.  Last year, I hadn't even finished my first sprint and everyone was pressuring me to sign up for IM '09 which I thought was crazy. Different strokes...

2009-08-31 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Hi everyone - Suzy I know you asked G-man but heck that doesn't stop me from chiming in about having a hard time staying in Z3: I am thinking you have accumulated some fatigue in those legs - you have been training hard.

Also re: the going long mania - I was in the same boat, having finished my first tri, (with a 400m pool swim). Then it was: oh you should do a HIM at the end of next season. For some people I guess that's fine but the volume of work for someone not used to it, was too much. When the training became unfun and I wasn't keeping up, I bowed out. Plus, racing to beat cutoff times does not sound like 'racing' to me. Doesn't mean I won't think about a longer race in the future, though, we'll see how it goes. 

I'm back to running and thinking I can sneak in one more Sprint before my Big Race (Oly in Oct)

Gordo, you race this weekend, correct? How did it go? Was it great to be back out there on the course?

2009-09-03 3:35 PM
in reply to: #2380500

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
SSMinnow - 2009-08-31 10:54 AM Hi G--

I am 13 days away from my HIM and did my last long 4 hr bike yesterday.  It was supposed to be primarily a Z3 ride (4x45) to simulate the race.  The problem was I couldn't get my HR into that zone no matter how hard I worked unless I was climbing. My legs would burn long before my cardio system was taxed. Any idea why that might have happened? I don't think I was dehydrated, ate and slept well the night before. The only possible explanations I can think of is my zones are new (and higher) after my TT test and I can't manage them, I am coming off my two biggest volume weeks (20/15) and it was freezing, 40-50F.  Would any of that matter?

You could be tired and have that combining with low air temp to drive HR down -- it's pretty normal.  In these situations a powermeter is pretty useful because you can see your work as well as your HR.

You should set your zones from performance in similar conditions -- sounds like you are using a single indoor ride to set outside zones -- you'll probably do best to shift back to your normal outside zones.  When a material shift is zones is suspected then best to shift slowly, rather than radically.

2009-09-03 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2380995

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
BabsVa - 2009-08-31 1:55 PM

Gordo, you race this weekend, correct? How did it go? Was it great to be back out there on the course?

I enjoyed my race -- had a lot of fun out there. Here's the race report and power file...Oly race report includes HR data and power file: in my training log... well as my twitter feed.... are progressing nicely -- you'll see that I'm doing a program similar to what I recommend for you.g
2009-09-03 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2388160

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Edited by GordoByrn 2009-09-03 3:38 PM

2009-09-08 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hi g--

Four days to go until the HIM, what's the best advice you usually give your first time HIM'ers?  Also, I was planning on following a similar pre race 3 day nutritional protocol to marathons, basically a greater concentration on high quality carbs, less protein, less fat.  Also don't stuff myself the night before....make sense?

2009-09-08 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2394125

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
SSMinnow - 2009-09-08 6:24 AM Hi g--

Four days to go until the HIM, what's the best advice you usually give your first time HIM'ers?  Also, I was planning on following a similar pre race 3 day nutritional protocol to marathons, basically a greater concentration on high quality carbs, less protein, less fat.  Also don't stuff myself the night before....make sense?


I'll be writing an article for XTri this week that will help you -- so read that as well.

#1 thing would be to pace your entire race so that you can run the final 10K very fast.  The most difficult aspect of triathlon is putting our minds forward to how we are going to feel on the run.  So smart pacing works backwards from the run.

I'll give you an example using myself... at my Oly race I averaged 167 bpm for the run.  So for the Half IM, let's assume I'll average ~163 bpm.

So working backwards...
last 10K 163-168
first 10K 158-163
Last 45K of bike 150-155
First 45K of bike 145-150
Swim -- relaxed with a gradual build 

It's easy to map this out by near impossible for people to execute because they lose their minds (literally) when stressed by water and a fast start.  So the main thing is staying in control of your mind so you can execute a reasonable plan that has your effort increasing across the day.

Expect your mind to come up with all kinds of reasons that it is OK to deviate from plan.  Best to ignore those thoughts and simply stick with a reasonable plan.

The run is a lot of fun when you pace this way -- it also results in your best energy pacing for the day.

Have fun - I'm racing a Half on Saturday as well.

2009-09-08 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2394856

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Oh yeah... for food... I just eat normal -- whatever worked for your longest training days will work for your Half IM.
2009-09-09 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hey Thanks

Sounds like a good strategy for Saturday. If I can keep my wits about me on the swim, I can follow the plan you outlined.

I found out this morning the HIM swim is a mass start in the dark so that means about 200 people all starting at once.  It is a beach start/out and back/bouys on the left.  Knowing my swim background, where do I seed myself? Typically I go towards the back on the outside to avoid people, but I don't want to completely lose feet in case I can't see any shoreline to site. 

Good luck on your race this weekend!

2009-09-10 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2396078

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Sounds like a good strategy for Saturday

How are you feeling just one day out from the race?  Best of luck!

2009-09-10 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
My training has nearly fallen off the face of the earth.  I am bummed out about it.  The kids started soccer and we are coaching their three teams, so we have six practices a week and start games this Saturday, plus I am on the board of directors for our soccer league.  Coaching is very rewarding and being involved in their sports is completely worth it.  I just wish I could somehow squeeze out some more time to get in the training too.  I have just been pretty tired after those nights that we have practice and I still have not started my fall quarter which will be full time this go around.  I had hoped to get in a race on Thanksgiving weekend but that is looking unlikely.

Anyway enough complaining.  I did an awesome hike with the family and my wife's friend's family.  I had a great time.  I am hoping to get in more hikes, it was a blast.

G- what keeps you from getting on your bike weather wise (rain, snow)?  I did a ride a couple weeks back in the rain which is pretty uncommon for us here in the SoCal high desert.  With you being in Boulder I assume you guys deal with a ton of weather concerns.
2009-09-10 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Well Barbara sent me a message and I guess I should let you guys know what I have been up to. Pretty much stopped training for a month or more and haven't gotten back on a schedule. Trying to balance it with the realities of family and work life are pretty hard. It is kinda funny because now that school has started for the fall I can fit in a swim between classes on Wednesday and bike to class on Mondays. That makes it a little easier to be motivated for another couple workouts in the week even though things are more hectic with school.
We actually just came back from 4 days at the beach last weekend. We did a lot of biking, both family and by myself, and even an OWS along the beach. Lots of fun and if I lived there I would be biking and swimming almost daily. Not trying to make excuses here, just looking at the reality. 
Looking to the future. Hopefully a running event on New Years Eve. This was my first event last year.  This time when we look at scheduling next summers events we will have a lot more realistic idea of the time commitment it takes, both training and race weekend.
Sorry nothing more exciting here. I have been enjoying reading about everyone elses successes. Good luck in the HIM Suzy.
2009-09-10 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2396078

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Where to seed?

You can't have it both ways... :-)

Suggest at the back on the side.  That way you'll miss the mess in the middle.

If anything, you will gain time from not wasting a ton of energy wrestling early in the swim!

2009-09-10 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2398861

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Justin asks, what keep me from riding?++Snow, wind, rain... :-)Main thing is to do something -- make a habit of daily exercise. If it is poor weather for a ride then you can swim or run.Train first thing in the morning -- those late workouts are the easiest to miss.g+++trying to reformat...

Edited by GordoByrn 2009-09-10 2:44 PM
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