Other Resources Challenge Me! » Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3 Rss Feed  
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2009-10-21 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Catching up "toppage"

2009-10-21 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2471818

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
serendipity - 2009-10-21 2:43 PM There is no way to keep up with this thread and run too.

You need one of those fancy phones so you can get on the internet to read and run at the same time

Or you can read Julie's summary of the last 100 pages or so, whichever is easier
2009-10-21 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2471830

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
serendipity - 2009-10-21 2:45 PM I was at the gym, so I knocked out 2 more miles warming up for my strength training.  AND I paid my bills before I went to the gym.  On time and everything.

Nice productive day you've had there.
2009-10-21 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2471851

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-21 2:53 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-21 2:06 PM

kimk - 2009-10-21 4:51 AM Good morning team! I'll be back....only ummm 17 more pages! I will never be talking in real time to you all!


here is your run down:

Stacie has sick kids...that are getting better..but her husband may now be sick

Bill has an ITB injury and is now no longer running with us...just running his mouth! and that is why you are 17 pages behind now!!!

Katie is a work-a-holic and working 50 hours or more a week...has some tasty meals...and had a bad recent run...but we know her next one will be a GOOD one!

Debbie - our Yoga instructor...has had some frozen pipe issues...and is in th process of buying a new home...she now is a CHAMP at building fires and has a neighbor that swims n the lake near her no matter what the temps!]

Tracy is home talking baby talk to her little midget if she is not personal training....she is sad because she cant keep up...but that is a feat in itself! dont tell Paul from the other team I said so!!!

Neal...ran a Marathon the first of this month...he is now finding his legs again and ran a nine miler yesterday....this is after he had to endure a week of BORING focus groups and SUCKY sandwiches...he did get one day of free YUMMY COOKIES...but the rest of the week...there were none!

Julie...thats me...ran a half marathon the first of this month...and lost her legs somewhere along the course! I am about to be finish with work for the year ( my job ends Sunday) and then I will be travelling for the next few months! woo hoo!

Ann...has a SUPER clean house - and from the picture of her avatar...looks to be a rather large home!!!...She would like to spend more of that cleaning time with the kiddos...I say let the house fall down around you! family first! and just give me your husbands phone number!!! we can fiix him... Ann is such a giver...she has agreed to take naps for me! can I just say...Im a bit tired Ann...hoping you have one planned for the afternoon! U DA BEST!

Melissa is our newest med student! she is just getting wet under the gills and is also doing a challenge. My hat is off to her for competing in this challenge at the same time as med school started! YOU GO GIRL!!! plus she is running...and she is checking in...KIU Melissa! and when you are that big doctor making all those big bucks...dont your forget all us little people!! ok?

KimK can not keep up with our thread...but who can?? she is hoping to declutter her life, but cant because she has no time after trying to keep up on BT with us!! did you know she is a trap shooter???? my great uncle was one of the best! lets talk Kim! 

Kim C....our joisey (new jersey) girl....wants to hang out with us...but darn work is getting in her way...she has to run meetings and do other things then sit and chat with us! no fun when she's not around, either...so who do we need to call KIM??? who's your boss?

Amy has a daughter who rips the computer right out from under her...and the daughter wants the computer when Amy is doing really REALLY important stuff on it....like chatting with us!! Amy has been doing lots of construction around her home...she has learned that paying a contractor in advance may not be the best idea...and to make sure to babysit their every move...because otherwise you may be tearing down walls to start over from square one again! she now has a new carpeted basement, too! sounds like a place for a PARTY PARTY PARTY for our winning team at the end of this challenge!!?? what you think Amy...ready to break in that carpet??

Ceilia...stops in on occasion...she has some great dinners she has shared with us all..and must be out running lots...we have not heard from her as much as we would like to!

we have two kendras...both whom have seemed to fall of the face of the earth...I think they are out running....at least I hope! I have sent a PM to them...but no response! HOW RUDE!!! but understand when life gets in the way!

Lucy also seems to have left us!??? LUCY COME BACK!

we have a heckler Paul VanPaulus....he keeps telling us we are going to win! what a nice guy...guess he never took heckling school!

we have Dee who seems to always pop in when her name is mentioned...and always ALWAYS has her taser in hand! although, she didnt seem to break it out on us...guess she has no time after all the tasing she is doing on her team to get them to the lead for this week ONLY! we wanted to be nice and let them take the lead for this week..next week...we may allow another team to lead the challenge...but in the end....its all about SHOW US YOUR GHOULIES! we will dominate this challenge!

Scott...we have a running fool...who decided to run 100 miles this month! that is frickin incredible! he is knocking those miles out left and right! not sure how many bottles of beer are left on his wall...but if I know Scott...he's knocked off another ten or more today as I am typing this...so, Scott how many bottles are left?

BTW: WHATEVER YOU DO... dont ask Electrici-DEE about the jacobs ladder....NO REALLY DONT!!!

we also have a few that I think we scared away...looks like most are adding to the spreadsheet...so they are just our ghost teamies! seems appropriate seeing we are ghoulies!!! we do hope that you are getting lots of amazing information from all the chatting we are doing! thread 4....HERE WE COME!!!!

10 days left and this challenge is over...we started with a bang...and have a feeeling we will end with a BIG BANG! time to run and document those runs! do it for the team!!!

LETS GO GHOULIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how do you do that Jules?

my head hurts just reading all the details that you remember/covered.

holy crapoly!

X2.  Most impressive.  I can hardly remember what I had for dinner just two hours ago.
2009-10-21 8:25 PM
in reply to: #2471905

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
skrtrnr - 2009-10-21 3:14 PM

went to chiropractor today.

theyve been in the process of doing some re-evaluating.

like i shared, my hip/pelvis are not level.

my right hip sits higher than my left.

they've been doing weekly adjustments, and ive been wearing levelers to try and bring more balance, structurally.

after several months of adjustment, theres been almost a 50% improvement in the degree of unbalance.  GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS....

but theres still an imbalance.

the Doc said today that since the issue wasnt completely resolved by adjustments alone, theres a good chance that anatomically my right leg is shorter than my left leg....not by much, but enough that it was making an impact and probably the source of my foot problems last year.

ok.  no big deal.  were all a little OFF....

the upside is that they have 'lift' that they added to my leveler to help w the imbalance.

the whole thing just made me crack up.  when he said that my leg is probably shorter...

all i could think was...

not only i am a cock-eyed lil triathlete.

now im the cock-eyed lil triathlete w the shorter right leg.


at least theres something to be done about the imbalance, and hopefully the lift will alleviate some of the IT/SI joint/lower back issues...

im all about being more BALANCED/LEVEL.


Sounds like you're figuring things out and on the way to implementing solution.  That is ALWAYS a good thing
2009-10-21 8:27 PM
in reply to: #2472004

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
aspeelma - 2009-10-21 3:50 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-10-21 2:58 PM

Oh I get a question of the day:

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor peeps?

Peanut Butter. It is at it's best with a warm brownie, some Hershey's syrup and chocolate sprinkles.

Mmmmmmm.  I just had to get a napkin to wipe the drool from my chin.

2009-10-21 8:28 PM
in reply to: #2472050

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
iowagander - 2009-10-21 4:11 PM Wow... I've got some catching up to do. In the meantime, I'll report that I got my 5k done today in 22:06 - PR by 1:50! (granted I've been gradually improving my then-non-existant fitness since the last time, but still...)

I'm off to go meet with the kids' principal. At least it's not for anything bad this time. I'll check back with you all later. GO GHOULIES!!!

That is a great improvement for a 5k!  Congrats on the PR!
2009-10-21 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2472053

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-21 4:12 PM

wgraves7582 - 2009-10-21 9:19 AM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-21 12:15 PM and ive been INTENSELY CRAVING PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES....

Nutter Butter Peanut Butter are great on a bike ride.  A little blue g-rade (or whichever brand is on sale at the store that day ) and a 4 pack and the energizer bunny is all fed.

Today is a food day definitely!

funny...we too love to take them along for our rides....I also, love peanut butter hydrox..but not too fond of the new oreo cookies with peanut butter filling! nope doesnt touch Hydrox!!!

They make oreos with peanut butter filling?  Why was I not aware of this? 

Of course maybe that's okay if you are not recommending them.
2009-10-21 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2472082

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
ceilidh - 2009-10-21 4:22 PM Chocolate icecream.. YUM
Night Ghoulies. Hope to catch up with you (grinning) tomorrow.

No, pumpkin recipies are easy. Just steam or roast and smush or eat whole. I add it to stir fries too (after steaming a bit) Oh and I make a killer soup that is baked inside a pumpkin.  Fun for all

Soup in a pumpkin?  Man, that just sounds cool.......and delicious too!
2009-10-21 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2472209

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-21 5:33 PM

disturbed275 - 2009-10-21 12:12 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-21 1:43 PM OH MY GOSH.


LOW 70s.



just unbelievable.

a 15 mile i just couldnt resist going outside ride.

hope all is well in the VILLAGE.

Fantastic!  It's warm and sunny here too (it was supposed to be cool and rainy).  Might sub a ride for a swim myself

you mean sub it for a run...right! this is a run challenge, mister, may I remind you!!!

but if you must ride or swim...then...by all means you do so. but I do really think you meant to say run...right???


Oh yeah.  Run.  Of course I meant sub it for a run. 

Of course I didn't do either today.  Not sure what the dealio is with the knee but rest seemed prudent.
2009-10-21 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2472463

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
disturbed275 - 2009-10-21 6:28 PM
iowagander - 2009-10-21 4:11 PM Wow... I've got some catching up to do. In the meantime, I'll report that I got my 5k done today in 22:06 - PR by 1:50! (granted I've been gradually improving my then-non-existant fitness since the last time, but still...)

I'm off to go meet with the kids' principal. At least it's not for anything bad this time. I'll check back with you all later. GO GHOULIES!!!

That is a great improvement for a 5k!  Congrats on the PR!

Thanks Neal! I'm pretty happy with how far I've come this year, but I'm also excited to see how much faster I can get. Being accountable to all you guys has definitely helped!

2009-10-21 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2472217

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-21 5:40 PM

mndymond - 2009-10-21 12:15 PM Got my flu shot today (seasonal)...woooooo....Im crossing my fingers for not feeling yucky because of it!! (yucky is an official medical term) lol

doesnt that happen within an hour or two if its going to!? We get them at work...one day  a few years back...they made an announcement there was free food /drinks in the kitchen...so we all went racing in to find NO FOOD...except some oranges, crackers and water....there instead was a doctor with A HUGE NEEDLE waiting to give us all flu shots! DIRTY DOGS! they knew the way to get us to move was thru our stomachs! didnt work the next year...except for a few...like me! can I just say I love food...and free food is the best!

LOL!  I'm pretty sure that would get me every year too.  I'm a sucker for the promise of free food.
2009-10-21 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2472227

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-21 5:47 PM

serendipity - 2009-10-21 12:45 PM I was at the gym, so I knocked out 2 more miles warming up for my strength training.  AND I paid my bills before I went to the gym.  On time and everything.

good job! glad you found the time between running and this chat! does that mean you are volunteering to be next to do the team summary?? I think we need not a weekly one but hourly!

Perhaps whoever gets toppage needs to provide a summary of the previous page.  Any takers??  Huh? Huh?
2009-10-21 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2472233

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
iowagander - 2009-10-21 5:57 PM
iowagander - 2009-10-21 3:45 PM Afternoon Ghoulies. Time to catch up on our ridunkulous amount of posts today and figure out my "extra effort" distance for the day.

3/4 mile extra effort today running to the car after work and then to-and-from my kids' school. I'm still back on page 15, but way to go everyone so far this week. KIU, and let's get back to our rightful place on top of this challenge. GO GHOULIES!

Way to go above and beyond, TOM
2009-10-21 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2472264

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
kcarroll - 2009-10-21 6:12 PM BTW, I got in 5 miles today.  Extra 1/2 mile in the kitty.

Great job Kim!
2009-10-21 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2472271

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
kcarroll - 2009-10-21 6:15 PM Omelet wins!

Excellent choice!

2009-10-21 8:45 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Whew, all caught up.
2009-10-21 8:46 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
That's becoming a nightly project, going through all the chatter.
2009-10-21 8:47 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
It's all good though.  At least it entertains me.
2009-10-21 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
So I went and bought a sofa and a love seat after work today.  I moved into a new apartment  in the beginning of August and have been furnitureless since.
2009-10-21 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Plus I get to leave work early tomorrow to be here when it gets delivered!

*playing hooky toppage*

Edited by disturbed275 2009-10-21 8:51 PM

2009-10-21 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Yay for a short work day!  Bill isn't the only one slacking off
2009-10-21 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2468979

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
Hopefully I can squeeze in a run too.  It is supposed to be raining so that should be fun.
2009-10-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2472443

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On a lake in the Adirondacks in NY
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
disturbed275 - 2009-10-21 9:20 PM
serendipity - 2009-10-21 2:43 PM There is no way to keep up with this thread and run too.

You need one of those fancy phones so you can get on the internet to read and run at the same time

I have a phone like that, but I can't imagine trying to run and read at the same time.  I almost fell off the treadmill today trying to increase the volume on my iPod. 
2009-10-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2472505

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Page #3
disturbed275 - 2009-10-21 6:50 PM Yay for a short work day!  Bill isn't the only one slacking off

Short work days are the best. It's like a day off but you still get to feel like you did something productive. Any plans after the new furniture arrives?
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