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2011-02-04 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3338855

South Central PA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Looks like some of us are in for a little more snow and ice tonight/tomorrow.  Be careful if you're heading out. 
And I hope everyone has a productive weekend.

2011-02-04 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3339613

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
DP120107 - 2011-02-04 2:33 PM Looks like some of us are in for a little more snow and ice tonight/tomorrow.  Be careful if you're heading out. 
And I hope everyone has a productive weekend.

This mess heads our way tomorrow PM. Josh's snow photos will need updating on Monday.
2011-02-04 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3339635

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mike_D - 2011-02-04 3:53 PM
DP120107 - 2011-02-04 2:33 PM Looks like some of us are in for a little more snow and ice tonight/tomorrow.  Be careful if you're heading out. 
And I hope everyone has a productive weekend.

This mess heads our way tomorrow PM. Josh's snow photos will need updating on Monday.

Should I even tell you about Thursday?

2011-02-04 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3339639

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Boston Beginner - 2011-02-04 2:59 PM

Mike_D - 2011-02-04 3:53 PM
DP120107 - 2011-02-04 2:33 PM Looks like some of us are in for a little more snow and ice tonight/tomorrow.  Be careful if you're heading out. 
And I hope everyone has a productive weekend.

This mess heads our way tomorrow PM. Josh's snow photos will need updating on Monday.

Should I even tell you about Thursday?

It may be best not to at this point. ;-)
2011-02-04 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

OMG Josh!  That looks expensive to move…  What is it you wanted to tell about Thursday?  What about that video we never got to see?

Well done Mike!  You only do half the time I take to swim about the same distance. LOL  Feedback from the coach was that my technique just needs a little work but that I definitely need to improve my endurance.  I wonder why he said that…  I swam a whole 75m non stop and then I only had to make brief pauses every 25m gasping for air!! LOL.

Nice job Marcus!

Thank you Dan P, you too.

Jackie, I never found the thread about your accident.  Where is it?

I hope you all have a great weekend!  Smile

2011-02-04 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone, I hope you all are having a good week, Mine has definitely been busy! Getting back in the swing of this work thing after playing nurse to my wife, she is mending quickly so my services are almost complete.

My best workouts have been shoveling snow! Should have the snowblower back in action for the next storm?

I hope to get my run TT done sometime in the next few days, but have to work this weekend also.

We must love the snow, or we wouldnt live in the NorthEast, Right?

Have a Great weekend!


Snowbound.jpg (50KB - 9 downloads)

2011-02-05 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good job to everyone this week.  Looks like everyone has been productive.  Me, not so much.  I think this snow thing is really getting to me.  I really don't like running on the treadmill.  Actually, I have flat feet and it kills my ankles.  Also, running on the snow it's the best either.  At this rate, the snow isn't going to melt until June. 

Itzia, we are supposed to have another big storm on Thursday.  If you go to my profile, I posted one of the videos of me finishing IMAZ.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  My wife is going to the Cape for the night with the girls, so I have the kids for 2 days.  

2011-02-05 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Josh, great video!

The pictures don't lie, everyone. its really piled up that high. Insanity. and knowing more is on the way is crazy. last winter we had one storm of note, and spent most of the season without any snow on the ground.

Most of my workouts have moved inside, despite my deep desire to get out on the road. Weekday runs are now all on the treadmill, bike is on the trainer, and swimming, well...I'm not a polar bear, so that was inside no matter what . The only outside thing I have going on now is my long runs on Sunday AM, and of course, snow removal.

Today's workout was 45 min on the bike trainer. Its obvious after doing this I need to really be bike centric over the next few months to get that fitness level up.

2011-02-05 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere, British Columbia
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hey all,
sorry, it's been a while but life does not always let you do what you want...
Last week, a personal problem oblige me to cancel my trip to Miami the day before boarding the plane...
I was litteraly devastated: training for a race and not being able to crush it, planning a WE with your best buddy and letting him down but also, and most important some issue that just blow your mind right away...
Anyway, it's over now and I start recovering from that. It's behind me and that's all that matters for now. 
Back on track, back on the training pattern and back here

Have a good one and have some good shovelling session So far, we've been pretty much saved
2011-02-05 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Had a great work out today.  Called for 1200 yards in the pool.  200 warm up, 6 x 50 fingertip, then 300/200/100 at race pace, then 100 cool down.  Followe up with 45 minutes on treadmill including 3 x 5 minute pick ups.

During the drills I really started to feel balanced in the water.  I was worried about the 300/200/100 at pace as my target was 2:30 / 100 yards and I don't "picture myself" as that fast.  After the drills, the first 300 started out great.  Through 150 felt relaxed, balanced and fast.  Ended up at 7:48 / just a bit off.  200 was 5:07 and 100 was 2:25.  Cool down was an "easy" 2:54.  Now while the times suck, they are crazy good for me.  I was thinking that I could not even think about pulling off the 1000 TT in the pool.  Based on what I'm seeing/feeling feel pretty good that I could actually break 30 minutes (OK Itzia, maybe I've passed you now; BUT, I'm not going to bet on it as you're probably sandbagging me to sucker me in to some sort of wager!).

The run was a bit challenging as I don't ever do much over 30 minutes.  But it worked out fine, just had to push through the intervals.

Tomorrow calls for 1 hour on the bike with 30 minutes of intervals and a 15 minute run.  Three weeks ago I was wondering how I'd do it, now I'm not really too worried about it.

Hope everyone else had a good day.
2011-02-05 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3340967

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
croixfan - 2011-02-05 7:08 PM Had a great work out today.  Called for 1200 yards in the pool.  200 warm up, 6 x 50 fingertip, then 300/200/100 at race pace, then 100 cool down.  Followe up with 45 minutes on treadmill including 3 x 5 minute pick ups.

During the drills I really started to feel balanced in the water.  I was worried about the 300/200/100 at pace as my target was 2:30 / 100 yards and I don't "picture myself" as that fast.  After the drills, the first 300 started out great.  Through 150 felt relaxed, balanced and fast.  Ended up at 7:48 / just a bit off.  200 was 5:07 and 100 was 2:25.  Cool down was an "easy" 2:54.  Now while the times suck, they are crazy good for me.  I was thinking that I could not even think about pulling off the 1000 TT in the pool.  Based on what I'm seeing/feeling feel pretty good that I could actually break 30 minutes (OK Itzia, maybe I've passed you now; BUT, I'm not going to bet on it as you're probably sandbagging me to sucker me in to some sort of wager!).

The run was a bit challenging as I don't ever do much over 30 minutes.  But it worked out fine, just had to push through the intervals.

Tomorrow calls for 1 hour on the bike with 30 minutes of intervals and a 15 minute run.  Three weeks ago I was wondering how I'd do it, now I'm not really too worried about it.

Hope everyone else had a good day.

Fantastic job!  the bold part above is what its all about -- hard work paying off and progress being made! Congrats!! Those breakthroughs are always a huge confidence boost!

2011-02-05 11:37 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wow, all these pictures of snow are making me remember my childhood. I loved the snow because I used to ski a lot, but I also remember what a pain in the butt it was to live in (scraping ice off my windshield in the pitch dark, praying my car would make it out of the driveway without getting stuck). So my sympathies go out to all of you in cold climates.

Alex- Great to have you back. Sorry about Miami. I hope things are looking better for you now.

Itzia- I wrote about the accident in my blog. The link is in my signature.

Good job getting oin the training Croix!

I finally did my 5k TT tonight. 27:18. So I was able to take off a minute from my last time of 28:32. I'm happy seeing as I have not been getting in as much running as I would like. Down another pound as well which puts me at 157 lbs. 145lbs is my goal, so hopefully I can get there before the summer.

Got a new bike. It's my first "real" bike. Mark & Glen (cycling buddies) helped me pick it out. It will be ready to pick up at the end of this week. I will post pics when I get it. Very excited. 
2011-02-06 7:33 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Jackie- Looking forward to seeing the bike picks, so I can live vicariously through you! Glad you are still feeling fine.  

Mike D - you are always such a positive force. Thanks.

Itzia-good job on the swimming front! 

Alex-I am so sorry that you had to bail. I know in the grand scheme of things it is not a big deal to miss a race, but it sure feels that way when you have been planning and training on it. Hope all is well in your world.

Curt- Congrats on the times/distances. WoWo. Improvement always feels GREAT!

Josh- Hope you have had fun Dad time with your ladies.  That was probably a workout in itself 

Mtn Dan- LOVE the pics, am really jealous of you guys. And snow shoveling is a great workout...

Dan in PA - How did you fair?

Marcus - nice TT on the bike.

As for me, well I swam a mile yesterday. It was awesome.. Not that impressive in terms of time, but I swam a mile. First time in a long time that I have done that. Not since I was a kid I think.  Today I think I am going to try to hit a spin class and then do some weights. My left foot had a weird little pinch on it, so not gonna run today. I am sure it is just a kink, no worries! 

2011-02-06 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Can't wait to see the bike pics Jackie -- kind of like Christmas when you get to watch the other kids open their new toys.
2011-02-06 10:46 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mountain Dan – Wow!  It looks like you’ve been very busy shoveling snow!

Josh - I hope you are having a nice weekend with your kids.  Be patient…  Wink  I saw your video. That must have felt incredible. 

Mike -  Your polar bear reminded me of a question. Do you guys have to wear wet suits for your swims even during the summer months?

Alex -  I’m sorry you missed your race.  I’m sure that was tough on you. When is your next one?

Curt -  Great job on the swimming!  You got me!  My goal in February will be to do the 1,000 m in 30 mins.  Is that too ambitious?  What about you?

Jackie – I read about the accident. That you are in one piece is just amazing!  I’m so glad for you and your family.  I hope to see your bike photos soon.  I wonder why mine is not here yet…

Ails – Congratulations on swimming a mile!

On Friday I squeezed in a little 5Km ride on my mountain bike at a ridiculous hour of the night in the double security area I live in.  It sounds like a prison, LOL.  I guess it is, in a way.

I was advised to start with elliptical rather than running outside until my ankle is stronger.  So I did only 2Km yesterday, but I entered as a run because I like the way it looks on the graph.  It makes me feel there is some progress going on.

Steelers are winning the SB tonight, so that should be nice, LOL and it’s a long weekend for us in Mexico which is even nicer.  No work for me tomorrow!!

I hope you all have a great week!  Laughing


2011-02-06 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Yes, many races still allow (or mandate) wet suits here, even in summer. Especially ocean swims.

My long run is unlikely to happen today. This AM the road conditions were very unsafe due to last nights rain storm, and subsequent freezing. Now I have a million family things to do, so I'll have to pass on the run today, and just hit it next week.

2011-02-06 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Itzia -- I'd like to be able to do 1000 yards in 30 minutes.  Think I might be able to hit 27 / 1000m in 30 minutes.

Just finished up today's workout.  An hour on the bike followed by 15 minutes of running circles in the basement.  Glad to be done for the weekend / legs need a break.  On the good news front, lungs feel fine/cardio system is doing great.

2011-02-06 5:08 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Finally got around to writing the review on Carmichael's "Time Crunched Triathlete" book:

Hopefully some folks will get a bit of benefit from it / it'll be a way to give back to all of those that have helped me so much over the past year.
2011-02-07 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
Curt - thanks for the review. Sounds like a great plan for those on a time budget, and lays out a good plan. And great for you for hitting it so hard for the past 3 weeks. When is your first scheduled race?

Itzia -- I read this AM it snowed in a couple places in Mexico this weekend. Glad to see its just not us!

Had a short, but strong swim this AM. Did 1200 yards in under 20 minutes. It wasn't continuous, but the pace worked out to 1:38/100 yards, which for me is as fast as I've ever swam. I did feel like my balance was good, but I really need to work on my left arm stroke. Did my last 50 yards flat out, and came in at :42 seconds or so. No way I keep that pace for more than 100 yards or so .
2011-02-07 6:43 AM
in reply to: #3256072

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Good Monday Morning Everyone.  I hope you had a good weekend.  

Jackie, nice job on the TT improvement.  1 min is a big deal for 5k.  You are killing us, what kind of bike?

Ails, nice swim

Curt, awesome job in the pool.  I find swimming is all about momentum.  Out of the 3, it's really the best sport where you can build off your last workout.  Keep it up.  I am can't wait to read the review later today.

To my Northeasterns, it looks like we may make it through a week without some heavy snow.  Just a couple of inches tomorrow.

I am planning on doing my 5k TT tonight.  Better late than never.

Have a great week.

2011-02-07 2:18 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Question for everyone --- do you do flip turns when you are swimming?  I don't, but feel like I should. I'm currently using the tried & true "touch the wall, turn around, put down a foot, then push off" method. Seems to me the flip turn would make things more smooth and not take as long, and I'd feel less like i was 'cheating' in some way

2011-02-07 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3343465

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Athens, GA
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
I have gone back and forth on this issue. I understand that being able to do a flip turn makes me a more efficient swimmer and works on holding my breath on the turns, but in most races you cannot have the wall to push off, and distance/time that you get from a flip turn is huge. So even thought I know how and can do them quite well, 90% of the time I do not use them. I just touch the wall and spin around, trying not to use my legs for a push that I would not get in the open water if I was to stop. Also in the races I have done in a pool you are changing lanes when you get to the end of a lane, so flipping and changing lanes is quite hard and they advise you not to do it. 

But that is just me Laughing
2011-02-07 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3343465

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Hingham, Ma
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

Mike_D - 2011-02-07 3:18 PM

Question for everyone --- do you do flip turns when you are swimming?  I don't, but feel like I should. I'm currently using the tried & true "touch the wall, turn around, put down a foot, then push off" method. Seems to me the flip turn would make things more smooth and not take as long, and I'd feel less like i was 'cheating' in some way

If you're a swimmer and have done them forever, keep doing it.  If not, don't worry about.  I would focus your efforts more on things like bilateral breathing and siting.  Those are more useful in a race than flip turns.

2011-02-07 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Extreme Veteran
Naperville, IL
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED
No flip turns here -- took some lessons last year and they tried to teach us.  After three attempts where I forceably placed 1/2 the pool up my nose and nearly passed out decided they were not for me.  The water and I are getting closer to agreeing that I belong in it / it's allowing me to swim.  However, suspect it still has a few punishments waiting for me.
2011-02-07 6:36 PM
in reply to: #3256072

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Cuernavaca, Mexico
Subject: RE: BB's Really Beginner Mentor Group - CLOSED

I do flip turns when I manage to swim continuously, but I’m afraid that doesn’t happen very often at the moment.    They do make things easier and I just love the feeling when I push myself from the wall.  It took a lot of practice to learn to do them and lots of headaches from water up my nose.  But I agree that they are not very useful to train for tris.  Not like an endless pool would.

By the way, the meaning of my name is “crystal clear water”.  I've always identified with that elelment.  Maybe that’s why I enjoy it so much. Smile

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