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2012-06-14 5:58 AM
in reply to: #4258632

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-06-12 8:42 PM

suzimmer - 2012-06-11 2:34 PM 

My shoes last anywhere from 250 to 300 miles.  I currently am running in Nikes which do break down faster (confirmed by my friend who works in a running store)  When I ran in Brooks I seemed to get about 350.  Then they went on changed my shoe, I hate that.  I too can tell when certain aches and pains start happening that it's time for a new pair.


Thanks Suzi,

I have heard some folks buy there shoes in pairs to help increase the life?  Have you or any one else tried that.. any success to it?

You should always have at least 2 pair and rotate them. Shoe should sit for 48 hours minimum between runs. You'll get more miles out of them.

2012-06-14 6:03 AM
in reply to: #4253875

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Zbridget - 2012-06-10 11:14 AM



I'm still so jealous of the 'run for beer' thing, I can't stand it.
Tuesday's at 6 pm at the Dog Watch Cafe in Stonington CT. See you this week?

I love Stonington! There's an ice cream place there that I like... can't remember the name of it. I lived in Groton for a year and then New London for a year while Pfizer was a client. I was in GREAT shape, I used to ride Bluff Point State park every monday morning with my spin instructor. Such a beautiful area!!

Thanks for the memory!
2012-06-14 6:09 AM
in reply to: #4254070

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-06-10 3:51 PM


Im wanting to buy a GPS trainer, but not sure which one to get.  I know that Garmin seems to be the top dog on the block.  But after searching several ones, I have found that I am liking the Motorola Motoactv.  Not only does it have all the features the Garmin has, it also has a smart mp3 player that remembers which songs pump you up and make you run faster and creates a special play list with them.

I dont know how you guys download your workout data via your GPS on this site yet, I was wondering if the Motoactv can do that too?

Dont want to spend all that money on a GPS if it isnt what I am expecting it to be.

Does anyone know anything about the Motoactv? 

Or any suggestions on which GPS would be a great buy?




TOTALLY depends on what you want it to do. If it's just for running, then Timex, Garmin, and others all make perfectly nice watches. If you also want to add a cadence monitor for your bike or a footpod for running.... and if you want to also add swim data

So, it depends. Don't you hate that answer? There's also the money thing. It's a $pendy sport.

DO you want to come home and plug your watch into the computer (or do it wirelessly) and get all kinds of data... and a little map of where you were?

BARE MINIMUM, you should capture heart rate data.
2012-06-14 6:13 AM
in reply to: #4254085

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
awk1987 - 2012-06-10 4:15 PM

stephsprint - 2012-06-10 8:50 AM Can't wait to hear how Terri the awk did on her race.

5:45 is so early, but that's the way we do it down here...don't want to be out much past 6:30am.

Hey all,

Done.  Fini.  And still alive to talk about it.  A well-run all women's race, lots of bright sunny skies and no real issues other than my poor swim performance.  Terrible sighting on the dogleg first length into the sun trying to get clear of the wave.  Hope I didn't impede anyone or mess them up too badly.  Embarassed  2 lap bike course was uneventful, i'm just slow - not enough bike time yet and I don't use a road bike.  Run course was hot, but there were 4 or 5 aid stations (in a 5K!) plus 2 misting stations, 2 stations with ice and 1 with wet towels.   Well planned for the weather conditions.

Surprisingly, based on just a wild guess on my estimated bike time, I finished 1 minute under the total time I had predicted.  Who'da thunk?  

I am definitely an over-thinker, over-packer, over-planner etc. when it comes to races.  2 things I won't do again - 1) race belt-didn't work for me, ended up spun around at the finish. :p  2) don't try to eat GU and change gears with the same hand.  duh  

Thanks to everyone for all the support and good wishes!

I have decided I will S/B/R in exchange for cheesecake.  Wink

WOW, that's my kind of race? more than one aid station for a 5k? and I've never had a misting station... and the towels??? I'm doing one of these She Rox things. FOR SURE.

I hear you on the packing. I looked like I was going camping. I made some tough decisions when leaving the car, thank gawd, or they would have tossed me out of the transition area!!

Cheesecake, you and my husband.

Gu is an art I haven't managed, and since I don't like it, I try to put more ceralyte in my drink bottles instead. Still working that out.
2012-06-14 6:22 AM
in reply to: #4260977

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Stonington, CT
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
stephsprint - 2012-06-14 7:03 AM
Zbridget - 2012-06-10 11:14 AM  


I'm still so jealous of the 'run for beer' thing, I can't stand it.
Tuesday's at 6 pm at the Dog Watch Cafe in Stonington CT. See you this week?
I love Stonington! There's an ice cream place there that I like... can't remember the name of it. I lived in Groton for a year and then New London for a year while Pfizer was a client. I was in GREAT shape, I used to ride Bluff Point State park every monday morning with my spin instructor. Such a beautiful area!! Thanks for the memory!


Small world!  I bike with my spin instructor and some friends from Mystic Y to Pequot trail (ugh, the hills) on Tuesday mornings- we really need to change that to a day without the fun run.  

I cannot think of a ice cream place here other than Mystic, Sea Swirl?  Drawbridge?  How long ago were you here?

I have lived here for 17 years, and didn't appreciate how really cool it is here until I started running and biking.  

Missed the fun run on Tuesday- came home Tuesday morning on the midnight train from Washington DC with dd, was exhausted, fell asleep in my running clothes at 5pm- woke up at 4:30am to go spinning, only to have the power out at the Y- went home and slept a few more hours after that.  

Updating the tunes on my running mix...


2012-06-14 6:28 AM
in reply to: #4260891

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
cislfamily - 2012-06-14 12:40 AM

Planning my first ever race next weekend (24th June), was going to do a sprint tri, but I don't have a bike, and not feeling very confident about it, so thinking I'll just run the 5km instead....

Welcome back. If I were you, I'd beg someone to lend you a bike for the event. It might be my plan. I didn't have a nice bike to begin with, but now it is really trashed. I heard a spring pop out of the gear selector while riding the other day. It was a 21 gear bike. Now it has 4 gears. Maybe just S/R for me for a while. I'm going to count my pennies and maybe get a bike soon.

Had an enjoyable swim yesterday. Stopped mid lap to play with a dog in the water. That was fun, but every time I swam to where the dog was, I had break form to make sure he wasn't swimming out to drown me play. A welcomed rest, but a little annoying. Trying to get 100 yds non stop. Almost ran head first into two separate people on different occasions. Guess I need to work on my sighting a bit more. I am also enjoying the 1.5 mile round trip run I need to do on the trail that accesses the pond. 

2012-06-14 6:34 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Hey Suzanne, welcome back! Yep life is hectic at times.... glad to see you are powering through!!

It's thursday already and I don't know where this week has gone. I've managed to skip 3 workouts already, gah! Have FINRA auditors in on Monday and then I'm off to Minnesota to see my sister a week from today. I hope I can get in a good set of run/swim workouts. It will be 4 days of biking in Minnesota and I can't wait. My niece is on the UM cycling team and she's lending me a fast bike! yee haw!

Equipment. Over the last 2 1/2 years I've amassed some stuff. I have some things that I would never have purchased (because I'm cheap) but my husband bought for me, because he likes to do that.

Trek Madone road bike. Sweet, got a great deal because my best bud works for the company. (remember, I'm cheap) I had a cat-eye monitor on my hybrid so I put one on the Trek... found out I can't see anything at 5:30 am in the dark. Hmmm. By this time I had my

Garmin 310xt watch. GPS, Ant+ stick for wireless connectivity... so I got the thing to mount it on the bike (never took it out of the box) and a cadence monitor so I can get my cadence data. I'm a spinner so that's fun. AND recently, I got the matching foot pod to put on my shoe laces, so I can monitor run cadence as well. It comes with a HRM too... I like to see how far, how fast, and how efficient. I'm nutty that way.

Newton Lady Isacc trainers. I love my Newtons.

Brooks Cascadias... it's a trail shoe and I LOVE LOVE them, this is my second set. I am STILL a heavy runner so the sturdy shoe is a must. If you are 30+lbs overweight, you are going to kill a regular running shoe. AND DON'T WEAR RACING FLATS FOR TRAINING!!!! anyone

I don't wear hats or head bands, but I do use sweat bands on my wrists.

I have a wet suit I've never worn in a race or training. I have 3 tri suits. I love them for training. One piece, easy peasy.

My running only friends like their Nike watches, and Garmin 305 is what my husband uses.... he runs 40-50 miles a week. He's one of those nutty marathoners who does multiple marathons each year. Don't get me started on sleeping in.... grrrr.
2012-06-15 5:29 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Oh, and the Sony Wireless Walkman MP3 player. Only used on trails and in races... never on the road, never on the bike...
2012-06-15 9:42 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

So, 10 weeks until my sprint tri...I did a "super" sprint in may, which was fun, but short, and a pool swim. The one I want to do in August, the Bear Lake Brawl in UT is a 750m OWS (which seems long to me!) and wetsuits are "recommended"

Advice on finding a wetsuit? is it something you can find used? I would rent one just for the race, but I'd like to practice swimming in know, when I get around to practicing open of these days...

2012-06-15 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4263218

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
jessica7378 - 2012-06-15 10:42 AM

So, 10 weeks until my sprint tri...I did a "super" sprint in may, which was fun, but short, and a pool swim. The one I want to do in August, the Bear Lake Brawl in UT is a 750m OWS (which seems long to me!) and wetsuits are "recommended"

Advice on finding a wetsuit? is it something you can find used? I would rent one just for the race, but I'd like to practice swimming in know, when I get around to practicing open of these days...


You could try this site:

They rent and sell, new and used wet suits.  It gives you the options to try something before you one.  I have not used the site and do not own a wet suit. 


Happy Friday 

2012-06-15 10:27 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Its Friday! Its Friday! Its Friday!

So whats the plan for the weekend?

I am doing my first brick tomorrow and a family run on Sunday with some strength at the gym.  

I think I found my swimming mojo.  It was at the bottom of the pool drowning, but I got floating again.   The rhythm is coming back to me, but my left side still needs some help. 



Happy Fathers day!

2012-06-15 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Wow...just got home from camp with my daughter.  Four days working in the much fun lol.  At least it pays for her 3 week camp stay this summer.

So that means four days of not training, and my race is tomorrow.  Oh yeah, this should be fun.  Plus its going to be in the mid 90's.  How do you survive running in extreme heat?  This is going to be extemely hard to shave 48 seconds off my time and break the 44 minute time.

But as they say..."If its easy, everyone would be doing it"

Have a great weekend everyone...and to all the fathers out there...Happy Fathers Day


2012-06-15 10:42 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Picked up my race packet today for tomorrows race.  This will be my third 5k.  The first two the timing chip was located in your bib, this one we have to pick up an ankle band on race day.  Guess its all the same.

This should be a fun race.  Its called Necktie 5K.  They want all the racers to wear a neck tie in honor of fathers for Fathers Day.  They have ties hanging on banners across the roads, and on the cities welcome sign...kind of cool.

2012-06-16 5:56 AM
in reply to: #4263664

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-06-15 1:42 PM

Wow...just got home from camp with my daughter.  Four days working in the much fun lol.  At least it pays for her 3 week camp stay this summer.

So that means four days of not training, and my race is tomorrow.  Oh yeah, this should be fun.  Plus its going to be in the mid 90's.  How do you survive running in extreme heat?  This is going to be extemely hard to shave 48 seconds off my time and break the 44 minute time.

But as they say..."If its easy, everyone would be doing it"

Have a great weekend everyone...and to all the fathers out there...Happy Fathers Day


On hot days they say to forget your PR. So take it slow, and enjoy the race. If you have a heart attack or a stroke...
2012-06-16 5:57 AM
in reply to: #4263314

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-06-15 11:27 AM

Its Friday! Its Friday! Its Friday!

So whats the plan for the weekend?

I am doing my first brick tomorrow and a family run on Sunday with some strength at the gym.  

I think I found my swimming mojo.  It was at the bottom of the pool drowning, but I got floating again.   The rhythm is coming back to me, but my left side still needs some help. 



Happy Fathers day!

Ha ha ha!! Sounds like a great weekend, ENJOY!!
2012-06-16 6:08 AM
in reply to: #4264530

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

 Its Friday! Its Friday! Its Friday!

So whats the plan for the weekend?

I am doing my first brick tomorrow and a family run on Sunday with some strength at the gym.  

I think I found my swimming mojo.  It was at the bottom of the pool drowning, but I got floating again.   The rhythm is coming back to me, but my left side still needs some help 


Good work, Marcus. I have to work hard on my swimming. I had to reduce yardage just as I was feeling the flow. My go to water is a private pond that belongs to a local 5 star historic hotel where it is posted 'No Swimming'. Now all I've got is sneaky ninja swimming during mid week. I forgot to mention that during my last swim workout someone was smoking a cigarette on shore, and I breathed in the second hand smoke while swimming. YUCK.

oak73 - 2012-06-15 11:42 PM

This should be a fun race.  Its called Necktie 5K.  They want all the racers to wear a neck tie in honor of fathers for Fathers Day.  They have ties hanging on banners across the roads, and on the cities welcome sign...kind of cool. 

Happy Father's Day to the Dad's. The necktie thing sounds cool. EXCEPT... I couldn't stand the thought of extraneous clothing during a race. I went to a Komen race where everyone had plastic pink leis (you know, Hawiian flower necklaces) and no more than two minutes in I took it off. So annoying. So karma decided I should end up getting lost on course and give up the lead. D'oh! Good luck on beating your PR. Sometimes you can surprise yourself when you don't expect it. 

2012-06-16 12:36 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Ran in my 3rd 5K today.  The day started out great.  A big turn out, great bunch of people.  The race organizers were great.  We had a big group stretch and warm up before the race started, and had a group dance session to the song "Im sexy and I know it".

Then the race started, and thats when things went down hill.  My daughter was standing off to the side a little ways off from the start with a camera waiting to take my picture.  So when the race started, I was trying to get to the left side so she could get a good picture, and during fight through the crowd, I twisted my ankle in the gravel.

Right before the 1 mile mark, the pain hit hard in my ankle.  I buckled over in pain, took a few more steps and thought there was no way that I was going to make it.  So I started to walk hoping the pain would go away, but it didnt.  So since my girlfriend was there, and it was her birthday today, and she wanted me to break the 44 minute time for her...I couldnt just walk.

Well I made it through the race.  Did not make my goal, I finished in 46:01.  My worse time so far.  Now I am at home nursing a swollen ankle and worse, nursing a broken ego.

I am going to break the 44 time!  Heck, I am going to break into the 30s this year!

2012-06-16 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4264865

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-06-16 1:36 PM


.....  So when the race started, I was trying to get to the left side so she could get a good picture, and during fight through the crowd, I twisted my ankle in the gravel.

DUDE! That hurts sooo bad. R-est, I-ce, C-ompress, E-levate. And you can even add B-eer and/or         J-aegermeister (repeat as needed), but ibuprofen might be better. Seriously, don't go out tomorrow to see if it feels OK. Take the next few days off from running. Maybe go swim instead. Your ankle may twist easier now that it has been turned. If you can be man enough, shave your ankle and foot (trust me) and put some sports tape on to support it. I found the best way is to do a figure 8 under foot and around the ankle stirrup type wrap. Not too tight. If you don't want to shave, then get used to how much it hurts to pull the tape off. It hurts more than any self induced suffering I've ever been through. And you WILL break into the thirties by the end of the Summer. The way I look at it, just putting your toes on the starting line makes you a winner.  

2012-06-17 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
2012-06-17 8:24 AM
in reply to: #4264865

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-06-16 1:36 PM

Ran in my 3rd 5K today.  The day started out great.  A big turn out, great bunch of people.  The race organizers were great.  We had a big group stretch and warm up before the race started, and had a group dance session to the song "Im sexy and I know it".

Then the race started, and thats when things went down hill.  My daughter was standing off to the side a little ways off from the start with a camera waiting to take my picture.  So when the race started, I was trying to get to the left side so she could get a good picture, and during fight through the crowd, I twisted my ankle in the gravel.

Right before the 1 mile mark, the pain hit hard in my ankle.  I buckled over in pain, took a few more steps and thought there was no way that I was going to make it.  So I started to walk hoping the pain would go away, but it didnt.  So since my girlfriend was there, and it was her birthday today, and she wanted me to break the 44 minute time for her...I couldnt just walk.

Well I made it through the race.  Did not make my goal, I finished in 46:01.  My worse time so far.  Now I am at home nursing a swollen ankle and worse, nursing a broken ego.

I am going to break the 44 time!  Heck, I am going to break into the 30s this year!

Keep it elevated. Ice for a while, then alternate ice and heat.

Boys. ::sigh::
2012-06-17 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4128264

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Stonington, CT
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

This morning I ran 4.64 miles in about 55 minutes.  I would have made better time, but the app on my iPhone was misbehaving- was playing Pat Benatar Promises in the Dark over and over again, then when I tried to fix it- would change the tune anytime I shook the iPhone- took me a while to figure that out- will be better my next run out.  

Ran while nursing sunburn from a day at the beach on Friday, didn't affect the run- the body glide helped tremendously.  The waves were pretty intense, definitely not swimming water!

I had been using the Jeff Galloway method, run 5 min, walk 1 minute.  I like this method for improving distance, not so much time.  However, I also don't like when it is time to walk when I am going downhill (why would I want to walk downhill?), or when it's time to walk when I feel like I have a good stride going on and don't want to break it.  Any thoughts?

Oak- I am sorry about your injury, I like Skibummer's advice- RICE, then add B or J as needed!  You have come so far, don't be disappointed in your time, you can always improve after you are on the mend.  

Happy father's day to all dads in our group, and to the dads in our lives as well


2012-06-17 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4264865

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

oak73 - 2012-06-16 11:36 AMSo when the race started, I was trying to get to the left side so she could get a good picture, and during fight through the crowd, I twisted my ankle in the gravel.

Sorry, Oak! I hope your ankle feels better soon (but tell your ego to get over itself - you still finished while injured! Your ego needs to shut up!). Definitely ice and rest up - after some bad sprains my ankles both can get twisted so easily over and over. At the gym there's something (no idea what it's called) that looks like 1/4 of a bouncy ball on a flat surface - like a balance ball but lacking some ball - anyhoo, I stand on it and just use it to to work on my balance and on strengthening my ankles for when they turn a little. It seems to have helped me, but no idea if it would help you (once you've iced and rested, that is!).

I'm just back from Nebraska, where I did a fun Warrior Dash with my husband last weekend, and now my next race first triathlon! It's still a month away, but I'm excited that it's the next race - the real race - on my calendar. I still need to get a wetsuit (and get in more training), but I'm feeling super excited!


2012-06-17 11:36 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

oak, sorry about your race.... take it easy, and rest up the ankle!  you'll be back out there in no time.

My first 5km is coming up this weekend.  I'm hoping to bring it in around the 40 minute mark.... guess we'll see.

Great weekend - did a 4km and 3km run... 3km went really well... 4km not so well.  but I know the 5km next weekend will be great!

Have a great week everyone!


2012-06-18 5:09 AM
in reply to: #4266259

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
cislfamily - 2012-06-18 12:36 AM

oak, sorry about your race.... take it easy, and rest up the ankle!  you'll be back out there in no time.

My first 5km is coming up this weekend.  I'm hoping to bring it in around the 40 minute mark.... guess we'll see.

Great weekend - did a 4km and 3km run... 3km went really well... 4km not so well.  but I know the 5km next weekend will be great!

Have a great week everyone!


Great!! I'm sure you'll do well. Just don't start out too fast!

it's funny, isn't it... how one run will go so well and then... blah on the next one?
2012-06-18 5:12 AM
in reply to: #4265445

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
garylandry - 2012-06-17 8:23 AM


Hope you had a good one Gary. Were you on Key Biscayne at all?
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