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2016-03-02 5:08 PM
in reply to: crusevegas

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

You guys still think he doesn't have a chance at the nomination?  Looks like some bookmakers are already paying out for his win.

Hey, at least it will be entertaining.  

Oh he has chance - a very good one - but it is not a done deal. He has only won about 34% of the R vote so far across all states, so hardly a mandate yet. The RNC can also change rules at the last minute if they choose. If Trump stays below 40%, I would expect to see a fight at the convention.

It was a few months back I saw an interview with Reince Preibus where he said there won't be any fight at the convention unless there are two or three people that are very close in delegates.  If Trump comes in with a non-majority, but a huge lead it will be his period.  I'm paraphrasing, but that's essentially what he was saying.

The reason being is that if Trump comes in with a big lead, but not a majority/mandate and they put a Rubio or Kasich in place (which they can technically do) they will completely alienate the Trump supporters and lose big time.

So, it's kind of a catch 22 for the RNC.  I do believe that they really do want to put in somebody else, but they recognize that they really can't.


It will be interesting to see. I think they may try something in an effort to force his VP pick. The RNC has been cutting it's nose off to spite the face for years, it wouldn't surprise me if they do it again. But you are correct, they won't have a chance in hell of getting anyone else elected if they do.

I could see that playing out.   "you must pick Rubio as your VP".  OK, no problem.  Wins the nomination and the election starts kicking in.  Press conference... "Hey Rubio, you're fired.  I'm replacing you with XXXX"   haha

2016-03-02 5:10 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Trump

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by crusevegas

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by ejshowers
Originally posted by tuwood

You guys still think he doesn't have a chance at the nomination?  Looks like some bookmakers are already paying out for his win.

Hey, at least it will be entertaining.  

Oh he has chance - a very good one - but it is not a done deal. He has only won about 34% of the R vote so far across all states, so hardly a mandate yet. The RNC can also change rules at the last minute if they choose. If Trump stays below 40%, I would expect to see a fight at the convention.

It was a few months back I saw an interview with Reince Preibus where he said there won't be any fight at the convention unless there are two or three people that are very close in delegates.  If Trump comes in with a non-majority, but a huge lead it will be his period.  I'm paraphrasing, but that's essentially what he was saying.

The reason being is that if Trump comes in with a big lead, but not a majority/mandate and they put a Rubio or Kasich in place (which they can technically do) they will completely alienate the Trump supporters and lose big time.

So, it's kind of a catch 22 for the RNC.  I do believe that they really do want to put in somebody else, but they recognize that they really can't.


It will be interesting to see. I think they may try something in an effort to force his VP pick. The RNC has been cutting it's nose off to spite the face for years, it wouldn't surprise me if they do it again. But you are correct, they won't have a chance in hell of getting anyone else elected if they do.

I could see that playing out.   "you must pick Rubio as your VP".  OK, no problem.  Wins the nomination and the election starts kicking in.  Press conference... "Hey Rubio, you're fired.  I'm replacing you with XXXX"   haha


I completely DISAGREE!!!!






He would say Lil Marko, your fired!

2016-03-02 8:41 PM
in reply to: #5138650

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Subject: RE: Trump
As ya'll know I am a firm supporter of President Obama...but I have to admit, I am extremely jealous of the GOP right now.
My party's candidate can't communicate effectively. Donald Trump can, and does.
I really hope Hillary can show improvement over the next few months.
  • ..just my two cents.
  • 2016-03-02 9:23 PM
    in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy As ya'll know I am a firm supporter of President Obama...but I have to admit, I am extremely jealous of the GOP right now. My party's candidate can't communicate effectively. Donald Trump can, and does. I really hope Hillary can show improvement over the next few months. ...just my two cents.

    Does pleading the 5th loud and clear count?

    2016-03-03 5:43 AM
    in reply to: crusevegas

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    Brooklyn, NY
    Subject: RE: Trump
    Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means.

    So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...
    2016-03-03 6:29 AM
    in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

    2016-03-03 6:34 AM
    in reply to: tuwood

    User image

    Brooklyn, NY
    Subject: RE: Trump
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

  • ..I guess...

  • It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't actually take a firm position on anything. Everyone thinks you're on their side.
    2016-03-03 6:58 AM
    in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

    User image

    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

    ...I guess... It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't actually take a firm position on anything. Everyone thinks you're on their side.

    In all seriousness it's exactly what Obama did.  He had some vague specifics such as Healthcare for all whereas Trump has his "Build a wall".
    But most of Obama's platform was about Hope and Change and everyone interpreted it to mean what they wanted it to mean.  I remember a lot of interviews on the street poking fun of what people thought he was going to do.  Many were whacked out thinking they were going to get free houses, cars, college, etc when of course none of it was true.
    I'm almost certain that in the coming months we'll see interviews of Trump supporters doing the same thing where they think all these great things are going to happen to them because it's what "Trumps gonna do"

    2016-03-03 7:13 PM
    in reply to: tuwood

    User image

    Brooklyn, NY
    Subject: RE: Trump
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

    ...I guess... It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't actually take a firm position on anything. Everyone thinks you're on their side.

    In all seriousness it's exactly what Obama did.  He had some vague specifics such as Healthcare for all whereas Trump has his "Build a wall".
    But most of Obama's platform was about Hope and Change and everyone interpreted it to mean what they wanted it to mean.  I remember a lot of interviews on the street poking fun of what people thought he was going to do.  Many were whacked out thinking they were going to get free houses, cars, college, etc when of course none of it was true.
    I'm almost certain that in the coming months we'll see interviews of Trump supporters doing the same thing where they think all these great things are going to happen to them because it's what "Trumps gonna do"

    That's really not objectively true about Obama. I know it s a common GOP talking point that he sold all us idiots with a bunch of vague hopey-changey messaging, but if you want to be objective about it, he was actually fairly specific about some of his goals in both 2008 and '12. Far, far more than Trump has been about anything other than his stupid wall.
    2016-03-03 7:54 PM
    in reply to: tuwood

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

    ...I guess... It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't actually take a firm position on anything. Everyone thinks you're on their side.

    In all seriousness it's exactly what Obama did.  He had some vague specifics such as Healthcare for all whereas Trump has his "Build a wall".
    But most of Obama's platform was about Hope and Change and everyone interpreted it to mean what they wanted it to mean.  I remember a lot of interviews on the street poking fun of what people thought he was going to do.  Many were whacked out thinking they were going to get free houses, cars, college, etc when of course none of it was true.
    I'm almost certain that in the coming months we'll see interviews of Trump supporters doing the same thing where they think all these great things are going to happen to them because it's what "Trumps gonna do"

    If Trump gets elected I'm getting free guns.......wait.....I meant I'm buying more ammunition.

    2016-03-03 8:04 PM
    in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

    User image

    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

    ...I guess... It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't actually take a firm position on anything. Everyone thinks you're on their side.

    In all seriousness it's exactly what Obama did.  He had some vague specifics such as Healthcare for all whereas Trump has his "Build a wall".
    But most of Obama's platform was about Hope and Change and everyone interpreted it to mean what they wanted it to mean.  I remember a lot of interviews on the street poking fun of what people thought he was going to do.  Many were whacked out thinking they were going to get free houses, cars, college, etc when of course none of it was true.
    I'm almost certain that in the coming months we'll see interviews of Trump supporters doing the same thing where they think all these great things are going to happen to them because it's what "Trumps gonna do"

    That's really not objectively true about Obama. I know it s a common GOP talking point that he sold all us idiots with a bunch of vague hopey-changey messaging, but if you want to be objective about it, he was actually fairly specific about some of his goals in both 2008 and '12. Far, far more than Trump has been about anything other than his stupid wall.

    He definitely put specifics out there on some things, but I honestly don't recall the timelines of the plans so I can't argue either way.  We are still early with this election season.
    I will say that Obama's "Hope and Change" was the primary driver for his popularity, IMHO.  Don't get me wrong, he didn't get all his support just because he was vague in areas.  He was a great campaigner and speaker who energized crowds. (I guess Trump has that too)  lol

    2016-03-03 8:05 PM
    in reply to: Left Brain

    User image

    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

    ...I guess... It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't actually take a firm position on anything. Everyone thinks you're on their side.

    In all seriousness it's exactly what Obama did.  He had some vague specifics such as Healthcare for all whereas Trump has his "Build a wall".
    But most of Obama's platform was about Hope and Change and everyone interpreted it to mean what they wanted it to mean.  I remember a lot of interviews on the street poking fun of what people thought he was going to do.  Many were whacked out thinking they were going to get free houses, cars, college, etc when of course none of it was true.
    I'm almost certain that in the coming months we'll see interviews of Trump supporters doing the same thing where they think all these great things are going to happen to them because it's what "Trumps gonna do"

    If Trump gets elected I'm getting free guns.......wait.....I meant I'm buying more ammunition.

    And you get a free illegal.  Sending them back is really "code" for turning them into indentured servants. 

    2016-03-03 8:17 PM
    in reply to: tuwood

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn
    Originally posted by tuwood

    Originally posted by jmk-brooklyn Honestly, I have to stop thinking "This election cycle can't get any weirder," because clearly there's plenty of headroom left. Now Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump (he stopped short of calling it an endorsement) for "not taking Jewish money". Whatever that means. So, for those of you scoring at home, in less than a week, Trump has drawn praise from David Duke and Louis Farrakhan. I don't even think I have a joke here...

    Hillary's going to be very upset if she doesn't get the Farrakhan endorsement.  He's been solid Democrat for decades.

    Hey, I guess we can say this is more evidence that Trump truly is breaking new grounds of bringing people together when he gets the absolute fringes of hate from both parties to like him.  lol

    ...I guess... It's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't actually take a firm position on anything. Everyone thinks you're on their side.

    In all seriousness it's exactly what Obama did.  He had some vague specifics such as Healthcare for all whereas Trump has his "Build a wall".
    But most of Obama's platform was about Hope and Change and everyone interpreted it to mean what they wanted it to mean.  I remember a lot of interviews on the street poking fun of what people thought he was going to do.  Many were whacked out thinking they were going to get free houses, cars, college, etc when of course none of it was true.
    I'm almost certain that in the coming months we'll see interviews of Trump supporters doing the same thing where they think all these great things are going to happen to them because it's what "Trumps gonna do"

    If Trump gets elected I'm getting free guns.......wait.....I meant I'm buying more ammunition.

    And you get a free illegal.  Sending them back is really "code" for turning them into indentured servants. 

    Well, if I get a servant, he can spend his time reloading.

    2016-03-03 9:43 PM
    in reply to: #5170214

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump
    Ahhh, Fox News leading the charge tonight in an all-out effort to take Trump down and "elevate" Rubio.
    It's laughable. Has anyone noticed that when they go to the split-screen, they make Rubio taller in his box? Hmmm, I wonder why?
    This is a joke.
    ...don't even get me started on Meghan Kelly's eyes...does she know tarantulas are gnawing at her eyelids?
    2016-03-03 9:51 PM
    in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

    User image

    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Ahhh, Fox News leading the charge tonight in an all-out effort to take Trump down and "elevate" Rubio. It's laughable. Has anyone noticed that when they go to the split-screen, they make Rubio taller in his box? Hmmm, I wonder why? This is a joke. ...don't even get me started on Meghan Kelly's eyes...does she know tarantulas are gnawing at her eyelids?

    Hey, don't talk about my girl.  Even though she's been mean to my Trumpy I still love her and left her on my "list".  

    2016-03-04 8:15 AM
    in reply to: tuwood

    User image

    St. Louis
    Subject: RE: Trump

    I couldn't watch the debate, but caught the highlights this morning. Trump will order our military to commit war crimes, Cruz ate a booger, Trump guaranteed everyone that he doesn't have a small penis, and Rubio won't shake anyone's hand because he's a fist-bumping guy. Did I miss anything?

    2016-03-04 8:30 AM
    in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by ChineseDemocracy Ahhh, Fox News leading the charge tonight in an all-out effort to take Trump down and "elevate" Rubio. It's laughable. Has anyone noticed that when they go to the split-screen, they make Rubio taller in his box? Hmmm, I wonder why? This is a joke. ...don't even get me started on Meghan Kelly's eyes...does she know tarantulas are gnawing at her eyelids?

    I spent 2 hours wanting to reach through the screen to tear those things off her eyelids.  Hideous.

    2016-03-04 8:39 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

    User image

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Trump

    But don't worry, in the general election Hillary will assure everyone that her penis is even larger than Drumpf's!

    2016-03-04 8:46 AM
    in reply to: dmiller5

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by dmiller5

    But don't worry, in the general election Hillary will assure everyone that her penis is even larger than Drumpf's!


    what.jpg (26KB - 3 downloads)
    2016-03-04 8:50 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

    User image

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Trump


    Originally posted by dmiller5

    But don't worry, in the general election Hillary will assure everyone that her penis is even larger than Drumpf's!

    As a candidate, she is always willing to change positions.  No one wants a candidate that stays in the same position all the time.  She is really willing to bend over backwards for your vote!

    2016-03-04 8:55 AM
    in reply to: dmiller5

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by dmiller5


    Originally posted by dmiller5

    But don't worry, in the general election Hillary will assure everyone that her penis is even larger than Drumpf's!

    As a candidate, she is always willing to change positions.  No one wants a candidate that stays in the same position all the time.  She is really willing to bend over backwards for your vote!


    no.jpg (57KB - 3 downloads)

    2016-03-04 3:42 PM
    in reply to: dmiller5

    User image

    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by dmiller5


    Originally posted by dmiller5

    But don't worry, in the general election Hillary will assure everyone that her penis is even larger than Drumpf's!

    As a candidate, she is always willing to change positions.  No one wants a candidate that stays in the same position all the time.  She is really willing to bend over backwards for your vote!

    please don't... I need to get that image out of my head now...

    2016-03-06 11:53 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by bootygirl

    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by bootygirl

    my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

    I have no comment either way on you and your husband leaving if that is your choice.....but can I ask, asylum from what??  I'm just trying to understand  how you came to the idea that you'd need/want to leave.

    my husband is Muslim.   if my fellow Americans elect such a hate monger, we won't want to be living here to see how far it goes.   Asylum from the hate.   

    I see, thanks.

    Politics are a funny thing.  My family is friends with quite a few folks who are Muslim, including a few that are counted among my children's absolute best friends.  All of them are Bosnian's who were relocated into our area.  In the times we've talked about politics, I'd say about 1/3 of them favor Trump for the next President.

    I'd vote for Trump over Clinton, but I'd stand and fight next to any Muslim who was discriminated against just  for their religious beliefs.  I doubt I'm alone.


    I have not had time for a more  fully formed discussion about our views on choosing to live elsewhere for a while, until now.   My husband is from Suriname, and can work anywhere in the CARICOM. Living and working internationally would not be anything new for us (I was working in Suriname when we met). He still has a house and other property there that we don't want to neglect. The company I work for has Caribbean offices, and I mentioned this on my last performance review. I lived for three years in West Africa, and my experience was quite positive with respect to living amongst Muslims as a nonMuslim. I could go on about that. Suriname is a split roughly 50-20-15 Christian-Hindu-Muslim, with a smattering of others. The National Mosque is next door to he national Jewish Temple. It is a unique place.

    None of that is to say there would not be a causal relationship with Trump's election and our timing in going away for a while.

    Trump's rhetoric has set a tone where it is ok to say and do hateful things. The place on the Venn diagram where "political correctness" and "basic social decency" is pretty blurred right now. As soon as Trump said we should stop letting Muslims in, other elected officials started talking internment (thankfully, there was a backlash). A protester being removed from a rally? Let's all give him a push! Kids shouting Trump Trump Trump to taunt the opposing team of predominantly Hispanic students - where did they learn that? (http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/01/us/midwest-trump-school-chants/). My nieces and nephew are all Hispanic. The 16 YO niece is listening intently when Mexican immigrants get described as criminals by someone who wants to be president.

    In my own social circle I have heard a vitriol against "Muslims" without differentiation of radical Islamists from the Muslim people who are their (ISIS's etc) primary victims that I had not heard before. Same with "illegals". It is ok now to denigrate the "other"- we hear it everyday on network TV.

    Mr. Booty has actually embraced his Muslim identity more, publicly, as a response to the news - he feels the need to stand up to it. Many in our professional/social circle did not know he was Muslim. On the whole, we are not a religious bunch, we geologists, so our personal church going does not come up often. It has lead to a few interesting moments. We were talking, in a group, about the process of becoming a citizen (another couple was there with a Peruvian wife, while another person was born Brazilian). We said that while we were frustrated with the timing and lack of knowing how long each step took, at least we knew there was a sure path. Someone said, sarcastically, "well, I am sure if you were Muslim, Obama would have rolled out the red carpet with no waiting". mr. b responded "first of all, immigration does not ask your religion at any point in the process, but they DO ask if you are a Nazi. (Pause) And, by the way, I am a Muslim".

    At Mosque, the FBI has come to talk to the people several times. Mr. B believes they are more worried about the place being a target of terrorism than the people becoming enemies of the state themselves. He senses a lot of fear there among the people, most of who are recent immigrants.

    2016-03-06 12:14 PM
    in reply to: 0

    User image

    Subject: RE: Trump

    Originally posted by bootygirl

    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by bootygirl

    Originally posted by Left Brain

    Originally posted by bootygirl

    my husband an I are looking into living in his country of origin if Trump wins.   I have googled how to bring my dog and cat there, and he has renewed communications with some professional contacts.   Maybe I will start a guesthouse for Americans seeking asylum.

    I have no comment either way on you and your husband leaving if that is your choice.....but can I ask, asylum from what??  I'm just trying to understand  how you came to the idea that you'd need/want to leave.

    my husband is Muslim.   if my fellow Americans elect such a hate monger, we won't want to be living here to see how far it goes.   Asylum from the hate.   

    I see, thanks.

    Politics are a funny thing.  My family is friends with quite a few folks who are Muslim, including a few that are counted among my children's absolute best friends.  All of them are Bosnian's who were relocated into our area.  In the times we've talked about politics, I'd say about 1/3 of them favor Trump for the next President.

    I'd vote for Trump over Clinton, but I'd stand and fight next to any Muslim who was discriminated against just  for their religious beliefs.  I doubt I'm alone.


    I have not had time for a more  fully formed discussion about our views on choosing to live elsewhere for a while, until now.   My husband is from Suriname, and can work anywhere in the CARICOM. Living and working internationally would not be anything new for us (I was working in Suriname when we met). He still has a house and other property there that we don't want to neglect. The company I work for has Caribbean offices, and I mentioned this on my last performance review. I lived for three years in West Africa, and my experience was quite positive with respect to living amongst Muslims as a nonMuslim. I could go on about that. Suriname is a split roughly 50-20-15 Christian-Hindu-Muslim, with a smattering of others. The National Mosque is next door to he national Jewish Temple. It is a unique place.

    None of that is to say there would not be a causal relationship with Trump's election and our timing in going away for a while.

    Trump's rhetoric has set a tone where it is ok to say and do hateful things. The place on the Venn diagram where "political correctness" and "basic social decency" is pretty blurred right now. As soon as Trump said we should stop letting Muslims in, other elected officials started talking internment (thankfully, there was a backlash). A protester being removed from a rally? Let's all give him a push! Kids shouting Trump Trump Trump to taunt the opposing team of predominantly Hispanic students - where did they learn that? (http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/01/us/midwest-trump-school-chants/). My nieces and nephew are all Hispanic. The 16 YO niece is listening intently when Mexican immigrants get described as criminals by someone who wants to be president.

    In my own social circle I have heard a vitriol against "Muslims" without differentiation of radical Islamists from the Muslim people who are their (ISIS's etc) primary victims that I had not heard before. Same with "illegals". It is ok now to denigrate the "other"- we hear it everyday on network TV.

    Mr. Booty has actually embraced his Muslim identity more, publicly, as a response to the news - he feels the need to stand up to it. Many in our professional/social circle did not know he was Muslim. On the whole, we are not a religious bunch, we geologists, so our personal church going does not come up often. It has lead to a few interesting moments. We were talking, in a group, about the process of becoming a citizen (another couple was there with a Peruvian wife, while another person was born Brazilian). We said that while we were frustrated with the timing and lack of knowing how long each step took, at least we knew there was a sure path. Someone said, sarcastically, "well, I am sure if you were Muslim, Obama would have rolled out the red carpet with no waiting". mr. b responded "first of all, immigration does not ask your religion at any point in the process, but they DO ask if you are a Nazi. (Pause) And, by the way, I am a Muslim".

    At Mosque, the FBI has come to talk to the people several times. Mr. B believes they are more worried about the place being a target of terrorism than the people becoming enemies of the state themselves. He senses a lot of fear there among the people, most of who are recent immigrants.

    Thanks for that......nicely written and interesting.  And yeah, I agree on your comment regarding the Venn diagram. 

    I was simply raised to treat people the way I wanted to be treated....it has served me well.  The older I get the more I learn to keep my own prejudices and bias' to myself in the interest of, as you said, "basic social decency".  In the end, we DO have to all live with each other.....no point in making it (more) miserable.

    Edited by Left Brain 2016-03-06 12:15 PM
    2016-03-09 10:56 AM
    in reply to: Left Brain

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    Omaha, NE
    Subject: RE: Trump

    Great video of those racist, homophobic, hate filled Trump supporters:



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