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2007-03-27 10:07 PM
in reply to: #739489

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BGT - Maybe you could swim to  Sorry, not helping.  Don't know what's got into me today.

Edited by cmckee 2007-03-27 10:08 PM

2007-03-27 10:15 PM
in reply to: #739567

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Hang in there Phoenix -

IMO you are superwoman already - and even she deserves a slack day.  You will be bouncing around again before we know it - I for one am counting on it - your enthusiasm and can-do attitude is an integral part of this forum.  I felt a little like a fraud when I joined this site - was really looking for articles and using tri-training to get off a weight-loss plateau under a time-crunch - you are one of the posters who got me really interested in doing it for its own sake (and mine) - I still have the weight-loss and recovery to get through, but I fully intend to train for (and enter) a tri after that, even if I have to drive to another state to find one (which I probably

There - I am not as good at it as you, but I hope that cheers you up!

2007-03-27 10:55 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I didn't run but I biked 10 miles.
Right now I live near the city, 1 block away. I have also lived in small towns before. Each has it's positives in their own way. The great thing about the Amish.. they know lemons are sour but they know how to make great lemonaide and lemon meriange pie to help make life a little sweeter.

O.K. yes I have a little sweet tooth. But I am doing a tri!!!
2007-03-28 5:36 AM
in reply to: #739194

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-03-27 4:53 PM

It's Official I mailed my race entry and paid the fee so I am commited. The deadline is in April.
I am trying a tri for accenture triathalon.

Congratulations on registering! Okay, now give us more info -- race date, place, distances, is it an open water or pool swim, etc, so we can cheer you on!
2007-03-28 7:22 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks CMCKEE I originally had weight loss in mind with all this, too. What happened is I actually gained 5 pounds. Or right around there. I still find little places are getting more streamlined and less pudgy, but I'm gaining muscle, so the scale is very misleading. If I went solely with the number, I'd have given up! And I'm eating better, but I HAVE to eat quite a bit several times a day just to have the energy to do the workouts. I really could give a crap what people think about how my body looks now. I'm more interested in what my body can DO! But, I still would like to have the two or three little globs of fat that I can pinch OFF. I just have to have faith that with conditioning, they'll melt away. Or not. whatever will be, will be. But, thanks for the pep talk!

I've been thinking maybe I should just sit on my hands and not post for awhile so you all don't get totally sick of me and groan when you see yet ANOTHER post from me. Maybe just write one post a week instead of 50.................But I do enjoy what you all write
2007-03-28 7:28 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
post away i like reading it !

best way to see your weightloss is not by weight but by body fat scales there the 1s that give u the good numbers i promise!

2007-03-28 8:33 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
i like being back in the grove of working out. I did laps and used that swimmers tool which makes you focus on arms only. It really helped me concentrate on my back stroke. I had 10 min so I tried aqua jogging, it was nice, got in some more cardio. Tommorw I am going to run for the first time since the 8k, it will nice to get out there. I am also travling this weekend to camp outside of chicago, can not wait to try my hand at trail running.

CM: be sassy as you want to be, I wish I could swim to work, no wait it is about 3 miles, I'll stick to laps in the pool.
glad you are all here to make me smile so early in the morning.
2007-03-28 10:56 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
For years, I used to dream that I could swim through the air- i would do it whenever I needed to get somewhere fast and it was always faster than trying to walk somewhere for me (in my dreams at least!) I'd wake up and wish that it was really possible to swim places since my body feels about 20x better in water than in the air. The strange thing is I stopped having those dreams a few years ago, I always wondered if it was cuz I conquered my fear of running (I spent most of life believing there was no way I could be a runner because i was too big, slow,etc) Im sure it has some deep seated psychological base but basically, I would LOVE to be able to swim as a form of transportation!

Im on day 3 of my 12 week training plan. So far so good. One question I have for anyone (prof?) is that the swimming for the plan is about 1/2 the distance I have been swimming for my workouts. (Ie- yesterday's was for 1200yds, Ive been doing 2000-2400yds) Do you think I should stick to the plan since maybe i dont want to overdo the swimming or should I keep on doing the longer workouts?
2007-03-28 1:39 PM
in reply to: #740088

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watergirl, I'd keep your distances up. Just scale them to reflect the effort the 12 week plan has in mind. So do your short swim as a short (for you) swim, etc.

I've taken the 12 week plan and modded it out to suit my needs. I think that if you have a better than basic fitness level in a discipline, it doesn't make sense to backtrack. I'm also just using the times as guidelines. Basically I've just jimmied up the whole thing.

The one thing I'd say should be sacred is having rest days and recovery weeks. Your body needs a point at which it can accrue the changes. (She says, having just done what will likely amount to an extra run on her recovery week. Bad me.)

Of course, I could be totally wrong, too!

BGT, I hope you have fun getting back to running. I had such a nice run today... i was just itching to get out there.

Phoenix, the place wouldn't be the same if you did sit on your hands. You've got a natural effervescence.

Mark Stanley, hope you're having a nice holiday!

CMcKee and Jeanne, welcome aboard!

Yum. I'm eating my lunch right now, which is a lovely strawberry mango smoothie. What do you all do for the nutrition piece of training?
2007-03-28 6:05 PM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watergirl -- I agree with Kanders on this one. Why cut back if you're used to the longer distances, and it is not hindering your other workouts?

Remember, some of the training plans are meant for true beginners without the experience, stamina, and training you have. But keep it all in moderation -- no 15,000 yard weeks when you're also running 25 miles and biking 100, or you'll definitely feel it. And probably not in a good, I'm so macho, way!
2007-03-28 8:48 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I'M SORE, TIRED AND GRUMPY! Did another little brick, this time run 20 minutes, bike 20 minutes, run 20 minutes, bike 10. Ran out of gumption after that. So, I decided to take a little break and look for something to fill up my August race calendar opening. I want to push myself with the swim, so I found this cool event in Madison in August called an Aquathon. It's an Olympic size swim (1000 yards I think) in a lake in the evening followed by a 5K run and it was cheap--$15 to register. And it's on a Thursday, and I don't work Thursdays, so it is perfect for me! Not quite an Olympic tri, but close enough for me There's another one two weeks after that if I get REALLY ambitious.......So now I just have to keep working my redbike off with the swim. Maybe I should sign up for a duathlon, too--just for variety? Maybe when I need another break from my workouts

So, to complete my March two week ironman goal I have left: 20 laps swim, 15 miles bike and 4.25 miles run by the end of Saturday. Sure would be nice to get all that over and done tomorrow. Less running to LaCrosse, more time to veg with my kids and do really fun stuff like get them all haircuts and haul about a month's worth of garbage to the dump........

In addition to a pizza/movie date with my kids, I've committed to a blue gill fish supper at one of my patient's restaurants Friday night with my kiddos. Blue gills are about the ONLY fresh water fish I can stand. The rest taste weird. See, Mark, I'm getting a life.........well, sort of

Tonight I had Puerto Rican rice with red beans and surprising little tidbits like peppers, bacon and green olives----yum! Thanks to Carlos and Barb for that! It like TOTALLY turned a really Yellowbike-like day into a pretty okay one I'm really very easy to please......

I'm glad you all haven't gotten totally sick of me. Thanks for liking my silly posts! I've been having a bit of a pity party lately--think I'll eat some your kind words DO make a big difference. I really think I'm going through flirt withdrawal! I'm NOT kidding here

2007-03-28 9:07 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
There is so many conversation going on that I can I keep up.
My stuff... I am leavig my home at 5:30 AM for a 5:45AM YWCA club run, Hoping to run about 4 miles! Can not wait. BGT
2007-03-29 3:42 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

ugh, another bit of overnights for me starting tomorrow.  My body must hate me these days lol.  Oh well, I get more sleep at work anyway  :P

I watched the IronMan Hawaii on TSN (canada version of ESPN) tonight.  Very emotional stuff!  There was one guy who swam with his disabled son in a boat attached to his waist.  There was also a 75 year old nun who finished with less than a minute left.  And seeing the faces as they cross the finish line, makes me want to go out and race tomorrow!

Cmkee, how dare you pass up Spaceballs.  You could learn a new motivation for when you are running that last mile: 'ludicrous speed, GO!'.  Yes I am a nerd. 

watergirl, I agree that you should train to your potential with swimming, but watch that other sports don't lack because of it.  I think alot of people will sort of fall back and focus too much on the stuff they are good at, while they should be focusing on their weaker areas.  But as long as your other disciplines are not suffering because it, swim all day!

Pene, I tried to think up a cheer for you today, but nothing was coming to me.  It went something along the lines of, RA-RA-RA....but then I got cheer/writers-block.  Maybe tomorrow!

Okay, bed time for me.   

2007-03-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay Rob, I'm going to do a cheer for you--Rob, Rob, he's our man, if he can't cheer us up, no one can! I agree with you, the Ironman is very inspiring! It's my long-range goal. But as soon as I do more than 5 minutes of a run, I lose all my high faluting attitude and just realize how VERY hard it would be to push my body for 12 hours or more! I'm going to keep pushing though--5K in about 2 weeks, sprint tri outdoors in 10 weeks, another one in July (no wetsuit), 7 mile run in July, Olympic distance swim with 5K in August, half marathon in September. Goals continue: full marathon spring 2008 (Grandma's in Duluth), Olympic tri's summer 2008, half Ironman end of summer 2008, full ironman 2009. Unless at any point I decide otherwise I'm giving myself permission to change my mind if my body seems to be getting wrecked, or we are in jeopardy of losing a roof overhead or my kids just can no longer roll with their goofy mom's workout schedule. I'm going to look at Heelies for them today. The bike shop has a big buy one pair, get another half off or whatever sale. I figure I can run on the track and they can skate along with me. Bribery. It works. See, I'm being very good and NOT flirting with you! It's really a hard habit to break You'll have to be a pig. That will stop my flirt impulse entirely, as I only flirt with cute nice guys! Oops, I think that was just a little flirt.............
2007-03-29 2:37 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
New problem--right calf cramps! Think I've been pushing just a wee bit too hard lately. I did complete 22 laps today, but with a lot of pain! Kept stretching and tried to just swim left legged or no legged. My arms are getting a lot better and I'm starting to really get the hang of that pushing the water thing.

On the bike I've been trying to squeeze my thighs together more for more streamlining and stronger adductors. And I'm getting that whole scraping gum off the bottom of the shoe thing, too. Finally.

Just pushing myself as much as possible with the run, and my tendons are simply not used to such mileage yet. But my form is better. Softer steps, more pushing with my hips and better lean.

SEAN--finally picked up the Glutamine today. Hope it helps the upper respiratory thing AND the cramps. Any more advice for my poor muscles? Spose it just takes time? Also picked up some fish oil, CoQ10, selenium, hawthorn berry, motherwort, etc. for the heart. It's been broken so many times I figured maybe it could use some extra support! lol

PROF--I still have 10 miles bike and 2.7 miles run to do by the end of the day Saturday. Should I just plow through it tonight and rest a few days after that, or should I just walk the 2.7 and do little bike increments at a time, or slower with the bike? Or should I take off tonight, tomorrow and then nail it Saturday? Never had cramps right ankle is way weaker because I sprained it badly many years ago. Making myself use it equally with the left leg, and then making myself use those adductors is probably why righty is hollering. I do have a wobble board--do you think that will be enough to strengthen that ankle?
2007-03-29 8:59 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
hey team: I am off the grid (no internet or cell phone) for a few days. I am going to a conference in Illnios. I will be teaching tommrow and Saturday and Sunday I will be running. I will report all when I return.
I know many of you are not log heads, but I am. Here are my feb totals:
Bike: 49.11 Mi
Run: 20.47 Mi
Swim: 3600 Yd

and I am proud to say I have increased all my totals for March:
Bike: 60.52 Mi
Run: 21.98 Mi plus the 4 I am hoping to add!
Swim: 4750 Yd

it pays to log, Now back to your regualry scheduled blog. BGT

2007-03-30 5:00 AM
in reply to: #742147

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-03-29 3:37 PM

PROF--I still have 10 miles bike and 2.7 miles run to do by the end of the day Saturday. Should I just plow through it tonight and rest a few days after that, or should I just walk the 2.7 and do little bike increments at a time, or slower with the bike? Or should I take off tonight, tomorrow and then nail it Saturday? Never had cramps right ankle is way weaker because I sprained it badly many years ago. Making myself use it equally with the left leg, and then making myself use those adductors is probably why righty is hollering. I do have a wobble board--do you think that will be enough to strengthen that ankle?

I vote that you take off Friday and just do it on Saturday. But I don't know if this a lot, or a little, distance for you. Am I wrong in thinking that you're talking about 1.5 hours here of exercise? Listen to your body, it will tell you what you should do!

Of course, if you still feel the pain on Saturday, you should skip it all, and resign yourself to the fact that you did not hit your planned distances this month. I'm at that point now. If I skip what my life has planned for today and tomorrow and go work out, I'll hit 4 of my 5 training goals for March. But is it worth it? When I'm old, rocking in my chair in the sun, and looking back at my life, what will mean more to me -- the family time I had this weekend, or the time I spent sweating to achieve my planned mileage?

No opinion on the wobble board.

By the way, I thought of you when I was in the pool the other day, and started analyzing my swim. And here's what I realized -- I cannot focus on the components like you do. I can't count how many times I kick per stroke, I can't coordinate my left leg to kick when my right arm moves, and as for breathing, I just do it. I'm going to turn to WATERGIRL for her advice on this matter, and ask that she take a look at your swim questions/ideas and offer her critique. And I do recognize that a month ago you weren't even putting your face in the water, so you've made some seriously huge achievements in the pool. But here's my point, idea, whatever you would call it -- do you spend too much time focusing on the details that you just forget to swim?

For the next week, I just want you to do. No thinking allowed. Just feel your body swim, bike and run, and enjoy it. On April 7, you can go back to analyzing it all. I'm curious if you'll see any difference.

Edited by prof40 2007-03-30 5:12 AM
2007-03-30 5:14 AM
in reply to: #742728

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-03-29 9:59 PM

and I am proud to say I have increased all my totals for March:
Bike: 60.52 Mi
Run: 21.98 Mi plus the 4 I am hoping to add!
Swim: 4750 Yd


Nice job! Tell the truth -- in January, would you have believed you would do those numbers?
2007-03-30 8:42 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I have a new swim strategy for when I'm in the lake--I'm going to strike up a casual conversation with the people next to me and tell them jokes. They'll never be able to breathe in the water and laugh at the same time! I know this because the guy in the lane next to me swimming was telling me jokes and it was nearly impossible to do the crawl after that! Here are the jokes: What do you call a midget fortune teller who just escaped from prison?.........a small medium at large A proctologist goes into a bar and at the end of the night wants to pay his tab with a check. He reaches into his front pocket and pulls out a rectal probe and says, "Some redbike-hole has my pen!" I just love using any and all excuses to use redbike on here!

MARK--You should be proud of me. I took the night off from all tri stuff and took my kids out to eat at a local restaurant that one of my patients owns. And I ended up having dinner with the new Veterinarian in town who just happens to be single no kids and was there eating, too. I was able to pick his brain about cow pelvises because I took an animal chiropractic seminar awhile back so I could do a research project on adjusting cow pelvises to correct breech birth presentation. I turn breech (human) babies all the time and even published THE case series on it. But, in order for the medical profession to embrace chiropractic as the treatment of choice for in utero constraint, I think the technique needs to be proved on animals first. was sort of a little bit of a date, kind of......and my kids were there and kept giving him peanut m&m's, which I took to mean they liked him. Probably won't go anywhere, but....ya never know! He does absolutely nothing tri related, of course.
2007-03-31 8:27 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Ok so I hate the weather network. 

Let me ask this.  If you read that the wind was: E 35km/h.  Which way would you think the wind was going?  Because I assumed it meant the wind was blowing east, when in fact it was blowing west.  Hard.

I hate riding in a strong headwind.  I kept looking down thinking I had a flat-tire I was going so damn slow lol.  Miserable day out too.  Cold.  off-and-on rain.  windy as crap.  ugh.  Couple that with the NO sleep I got a work last night.  It was like, no one knew their from a hole in the ground, and it was my job to show them.  Ok enough whining. 


So, its the end of the week.   AND it's the end of the month!   So here are my totals for my first 4 weeks of training.


B:  106.5km
R:  7.5km
S:  1008m

Month total:

B:  376.50 KM - 20h 41m
R:    36.70 KM -   3h 38m
S:  2939.00 M -   3h 02m

Total:   416.1km  -  27h 21m

Overall I am very happy with what I accomplished this month.   April is going to concentrate more on running endurance, biking speed, and swimming form/endurance. 


So lets have it people.  Post up your month totals and how you feel about it and your plans for next month. 

2007-03-31 9:21 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
ROB--At least you are getting outside to train! I'm too much of a whimp! It's been COLD and RAINY and WINDY here. Arrrgghh. And I've been trying to find creative ways to get the kids outside and happy with me. Did get the older two heelies, which they love. The little guy will have to wait, as the bike shop had a clearance sale on them and none in his size. Noah got his brand new birthday bike and is happy. Micah had won one last year, so she's set. Little guy is the problem again. I may try to get one of those third wheels so he can pedal along behind me and "help" me and the other two can ride their own bikes. With all the extra weight, I'll be going pretty slow. But at least its out there and exercise. So, young grasshopper, just be thankful that you only have yourself to drag along in the headwinds! I'd trade places with you in a millisecond. But, this morning I'm sinus-y and tired and sore and grumpy and not much of a fun mom. And not feeling especially hopeful about anything.

However, a look at my totals makes me feel a tad bit less numb:

S 1700 y
B 49m
R 14.75

S 5600
B 215
R 49.78

Compared to February:
S 1500
B 109
R 13.8

No wonder my body is tired and sore..........

2007-03-31 10:11 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
March Totals:

Bike: 5h 22m - 34.84 KM
Run: 21h 43m 16s - 123.03 Mi
Swim: 5h 22m 18s - 7901 M
Strength: 5h 15m

and this weeks totals-
Swim- 1.25 miles
Bike- 9 miles
Run- 29 miles

I got my long run in today- did a 10:1- took forever (3:56) but did it- 20 miles !!! Wasn't the prettiest- however 'got er done' !!!

- as well- rather exciting- found a tri-suit on the clearance rack - my size, my colours- scored big time!! Don't ya love finding a deal when it is just perfect!!!

cheers gang


Edited by HelenR 2007-03-31 10:26 PM
2007-04-01 5:14 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Well, another week, and here we are:

BGT had not 1, but 2, bad haircuts this week. I know, its not triathlon related, but I find it interesting nonetheless. And she kicked her man's butt on a bike ride.

PHOENIX offered a review of her running seminar, gave a prep talk, and flirted shamelessly.

MONKEYBOY said hello.

ROBB is working on increasing his speed, and extolled the virtues of "Spaceballs."

MALPHH had an amazing run.

SEAN offered advice on supplements.

WATERGIRL gave us a link for a mapping site to help determine our outdoor mileages.

CMCKEE suggested squats to increase biking and running strength, and suggested that "Galaxy Quest" was the movie to see.

KANDERS fixed the issue with our bike total, and posted some good numbers herself.

MARK posted a big bike number, and gave us a great challenge. I spent my free day -- actually 2 days -- with family. And I didn't consider a single calorie. It was lovely.

JEANETTE said hello, and asked for advice for her August race. Did you say something about making lemon meringue pie?

HELEN ran 20 miles for her long run of the week. Twenty miles. Wow! And here I was feeling proud of my 12. I have to start running again.

Once again, another great week of tips, motivation, and self-analysis. Keep up the good work!

If you're not following a training plan, I want you to pull it back some this week. Take it easy. Give your body a break with lower numbers and slower speed. These "off"weeks are necessary, and I want you to commit to it, even if you feel invincible on Wednesday and want to go all out on your run. You can go crazy next week, I promise.

And here are the tallies as of March 31:

S 85,578 yards
B 2,233.04 miles
R 439.85 miles

Add your numbers and post.

Once the final numbers are posted, whoever works out the total distance and comes up with the most exciting/original point-to-point journey (as judged by me, of course) can choose the challenge to begin on April 8.

2007-04-01 7:59 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
WOW!! Those numbers are huge! Helen, you are a machine! But then, everyone here seems to be just going great guns! Anyone else miss Mark's often surprising, always interesting comments? And without BGT's fire, this is going to be an off week for reading purposes! And where are all the rest of ya? Too pooped out from all the work and resting, probably. Well, rest and post! I need the daily encouragement, or I start to question why in the world I'm doing this! And I'm competitive enough that when someone goes past his/her previous best, then I start to think maybe I can do it, too!

About bike clips--at the women's only bike clinic, I bemoaned the crashes due to clips and my bike fitter explained that you can loosen the pedals with an allen wrench so they clip in and out easier! Who knew? I'm not just Norweigan and clutzy! He said he went on a bike ride with this super athlete basketball star chick and she kept crashing. After the fourth time he couldn't stand it anymore and examined her pedals and they were way too tight. He fixed them and she did just fine after that. There are even little plus and minus signs on the pedals to show you which way to turn them! He said he usually loosens them for Newbies like myself, but I reminded him that when I went to pick up the bike, I also bought the shoes and the guys matched the pedals to the shoes then. The dude that was working that day is a total stoner--I know because I know his girlfriend. His brain is sort of gone. He kept bringing me shoes that were too big because he was going with the Euro sizes. Duhhh!

And, I've discovered the perfect post workout food--Mounds or Almond Joy! They have the dark chocolate AND the coconut I have actual permission to eat my favorite candy bars. How cool is that? I ate pizza yesterday and didn't worry about it, too. I'm still losing weight, but it's coming off the wrong end. My bra keeps getting bigger. Oh well.

I did buy a new helmet. It matches my bike better, has a visor and the strap in the back to tighten it perfectly, was only like $30, and it is even a "women's" helmet (with little flowers on it if you look closely). Of course, I HAD to get new shades that matched, too, because I love the shades I bought before for in the car and that's where they are staying! And I got the perfect sunscreen, as promoted by the bike shop owner (a redhead) and the bike shop fitter (a redhead). And I'm not exactly a redhead, but there's red shades in the sunlight and my skin BURNS bad! I just hate it. Would love to be absolutely ANY other ethnicity with some melanin pigment. I swear I must be partly albino! So, add that to your lists, if you haven't already. We also live in mosquito land, so I'm ordering some Avon Skin-so-soft for the bike bag, too. Only thing worse than a flat tire is a flat near a mosquito nest with no repellant! Also got another cage for each bike--Robb--go out and get another one so you don't scare the gas station attendants gulping copious amounts of fluid again

You all better start posting, or I'll just keep rambling on and on about nothing here! It's still raining and cold here--uggghh!
2007-04-01 3:38 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

well a quick post to please pene :P

Just woke up and its high 60s out so I am going to go play outside again.  Its the begining of april and I already have a tan lol.  However, after my first success of patching my front tire on my dance, I awoke to see my rear flat.  I can never win.  Whats that hindu godess again that keeps getting in my way?  Well she needs to take a day off I think lol.

And, some other good news.  My mom is unhappy where she is living right now and just signed to move into an apartment down town.  I could care less but this new place has a 24hr indoor and outdoor pool, gym, and hot tub.   So it looks like I will be hanging out at mamas instead of the gym from now on lol.

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