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2009-09-10 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2399404

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Sorry about the format -- can't crack the code in Safari 4

2009-09-10 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Hey Justin and Matthew, you both have young kids - they will not be young for long and soon you will only see them for a few minutes in the car, or when they are asking you for money :-) Then there will be more time for training. In the meantime you do what you can do. When I was working, early early morning workouts were what worked best for the family. BTW you are both employed which is very cool: if I were employed it would be a. really. good. thing; as that is not the situation there's all this time to train. So that's good for my fitness but not so good for our checkbook. Justin, my kids have been blessed with some excellent coaches who have taught them so much more than the game of soccer. It's a wonderful thing that you do.

Good luck to our racers this weekend. Locally there are a couple huge tris this weekend and I seem to be wishing folks 'good luck!' left and right. Myself, this weekend will be Big Training Day for my Olympic in three weeks. And about which I have a question, Gordo: I can do this BTD starting at noon (race would be early morning start, of course) but with giant T1 and T2's - meaning, I will have to drive from the pool to a place to ride (20 minutes at least) and likewise to a place to run. OR I can do it all indoors with T1 & 2 being just a couple minutes. Is that a better way to do this, and to get a feel of the sustained level of effort a 3+ hour race will take?

I did a BTD in June with the giant T1 & 2 - it was fine, no particular fatigue until a few days later, but mild. Of course, it was not at race pace.

Oh and as I am not yet up to a 6 mile run in my return to running after injury, I will run the prescribed 4 miles, but add about twenty minutes to the bike to compensate. Make sense?




2009-09-10 7:12 PM
in reply to: #2398824

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
cjhild - 2009-09-10 11:01 AM

Sounds like a good strategy for Saturday

How are you feeling just one day out from the race?  Best of luck!

Thanks Justin.  I'm ready!!!!  This is a BIG weekend; the HIM on Saturday, Volunteering at IM WI on Sunday and then I am signing  up for IM WI '10 on Monday morning.  Very excited about the whole thing.  The athletes are starting to arrive so Madison is going it.

I am sure you can get back on track working out.  Even if you find 30 minutes it is a step in the right day at a time.
2009-09-11 2:54 PM
in reply to: #2399604

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Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
BabsVa - 2009-09-10 3:04 PM

Oh and as I am not yet up to a 6 mile run in my return to running after injury, I will run the prescribed 4 miles, but add about twenty minutes to the bike to compensate. Make sense?




I think that works -- something I also do is bracket the run with walking (before/after).g
2009-09-12 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Hi All!

I'm officially a half ironman!  A 6:22 gave me #2 AG which is really remarkable....the beauty of small races.  This was the swim right before we started, pretty amazing.  Swim went well and I stuck to the bike plan G layed out which meant slowing down the pace, but today the run was my undoing.  Yeah, the course was tough, but I got such stomach pains from swallowing air on the swim that I ended up walking many, many times. My legs felt great, but the rest of me felt like crap. Not defeated, even more determined.  Signing up for IM WI on Monday after volunteering all day tomorrow.

G--I know I asked you once before about the swallowing air thing, but your advice of "dont swallow air" doesn't seem to get me to stop doing it.  Any other ideas? maybe breathe less often? currently breathing every right stroke.  Seems to get worse on the bike when consuming Perpeteum, maybe diluting the protein to aid digestion?

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-09-13 6:13 AM
2009-09-13 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Congrats Suzy! That was a hilly course, too? I used to have the swallowing air issue too when I started swimming. I don't know why and I don't know why it's stopped - perhaps I'm more relaxed now when I swim? Sorry that's not much help, I know. Good job girlfriend on executing the race according to the best of your ability given the circumstances. - B

2009-09-13 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2402758

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Air Swallowing -- relax, slow breathing rate, accept a slightly lower pace until you settle. When we are swallowing air we are frantic -- frantic isn't efficient so if you dial back a touch, you'll save energy. Probably an advantage (overall) to get under your frantic threshold in the swim/bike. Gives you more for the run.+++Congrats on the result -- that's a real achievement.g
2009-09-13 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Congratulations Suzy. That is really great. That is very exciting.
I have had a lot of luck swimming calmer since I worked on bilateral breathing. It was hard to get used to, but I think it has helped me control my speed.
2009-09-13 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2402960

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
BabsVa - 2009-09-13 7:23 AM

Congrats Suzy! That was a hilly course, too? I used to have the swallowing air issue too when I started swimming. I don't know why and I don't know why it's stopped - perhaps I'm more relaxed now when I swim? Sorry that's not much help, I know. Good job girlfriend on executing the race according to the best of your ability given the circumstances. - B

Hey Babs...thanks.  Yep, the run had 4,400ft of climbing which I knew would be hard under normal circumstances, made worse by the stomach stuff.

Spent 5 hours volunteering at IM WI today.  It was HOT and the vast majority of athletes were spent mid afternoon. Saw lots of friends and a few BT'ers so that was fun.  Most amazing, a woman I know who started swimming four years ago took #1 AG in the 45-49 category.  She has won a couple of marathons, but moving up to this is amazing.   Not only does she have talent, she has the mental toughness of a bulldog.  

Thanks for the advice G.  I will put it into practice.
2009-09-16 6:00 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hi g--- (and all)

Two questions today.

What advice do you usually give your athletes regarding recovery after a HIM?  Had a couple days of soreness, but other than a nasty blister, I feel pretty good (probably a result of walking way too much of the run).  Of course, I would like to get back to business, but I don't want to risk injury.  The only things on my '09 roster are running events and the first one, a 15K  isn't until mid October.

What's your thought on incorporating other strokes into your swim plan?  I talked to a couple coaches who were in town for IM WI and both strongly recommended them, esp back and breast as alternatives.  I have a long way to go to become a really accomplished freestyler, is this really beneficial?

2009-09-18 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2408998

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 5:00 AMHi g--- (and all)

Two questions today.

What advice do you usually give your athletes regarding recovery after a HIM?  Had a couple days of soreness, but other than a nasty blister, I feel pretty good (probably a result of walking way too much of the run).  Of course, I would like to get back to business, but I don't want to risk injury.  The only things on my '09 roster are running events and the first one, a 15K  isn't until mid October.

What's your thought on incorporating other strokes into your swim plan?  I talked to a couple coaches who were in town for IM WI and both strongly recommended them, esp back and breast as alternatives.  I have a long way to go to become a really accomplished freestyler, is this really beneficial?

Post HIM recovery -- depends on a few factors. I know athletes that recover in days and others in months from these events. Look to your mood, and nutrition, for signs if you are ready to return to training.The main tip is that it is normal to get the urge to do something silly in the 12-17 day window after your event. So watch for that and save your best efforts for your races. Random, high intensity training can really set-back your recovery.I like the other strokes in your swim plan. However, they are supplemental to the skills/fitness required in this article: other strokes are very beneficial to your development as a swimmer. However, I believe, the fundamental aspects of freestyle development for triathlon are included in that article.Cheers,g

2009-09-18 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
2009-09-22 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hey Gang...Off line for my annual cyber retreat -- two weeks starting tomorrow.Take care,g
2009-09-24 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Suzy, if I remember right you ran a marathon, (Boston I think) right before you started your tri season this year. Did you feel the training complimented? I am thinking of a half marathon in March  especially since running is easier to get to in the winter.  
Although on today's run to and from the library my daughter insisted on running then walking next to me the entire way home. It was cute. Luckily I had run the long way there.
2009-09-26 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2424701

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
mtntord - 2009-09-24 1:57 PM Suzy, if I remember right you ran a marathon, (Boston I think) right before you started your tri season this year. Did you feel the training complimented? I am thinking of a half marathon in March  especially since running is easier to get to in the winter.  
Although on today's run to and from the library my daughter insisted on running then walking next to me the entire way home. It was cute. Luckily I had run the long way there.

Yes, I did Boston and then started tri training in May.  Personally, I think marathon training through the winter and having to take time for recovery delayed the start of my tri training quite a bit. I thought I could start really getting down to business two weeks after Boston, started to ramp up and had issues--high HR, fatigue and some of my earlier injuries started cropping up.  Didn't really get into it until late May.

I am changing my strategy this year.  My A race is IM WI so I am deferring running Boston '10 to actually have an off-season and then starting to tri train again in late January.   I am having a little bit of a struggle with the reduced hours, but I am really trying to stay true to the plan my coach puts in front of me.  I've also added some weight training which is new for me.

Having said all that, I think a half marathon is different beast.  The training does not need to be as rigorous (to me).  I am planning to do a half in November and another in March as part of my program.  My advice, listen to your body and don't push it.  If I learned anything in '08 and '09 it is moderation will get you across the finish line.

Make sense?
2009-10-01 7:46 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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New user
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hey gang:
Well.... while I appreciated being part of the triathlon forums, I guess this season was not meant to be for me...

Not sure what got in the way (other than my thinking, and maybe stress), but I just never could get any steady momentum for training this year.  It was spotty at best. 

And now, I have zero motivation to do anything.  I have not worked out in probably a week, and simply have no desire to do a workout.  I am not sure where this is coming from...  the cycle of being tired > not sleeping > not working out > being tired > .... seems to be a continuous and vicious one, and I am not sure how to break it. 

It is very weird... I had a PASSION for triathlon, a yearning to train every day -- only 3 or so years ago.... since that time period, I have not been able to string together any type of pattern of workouts.   Thankfully, I have stayed around 195 lbs and not gotten uber-fat.  Just the typical 'waistline' that never seems to go away....

Gordo, if you have any pearls of wisdom or advice (I am sure I am not unique here), I am surely open to it. 

Just not quite sure where to go from here.  Nothing seems to be lighting the flame permanently.  Could it be nutrition?  Not enough 'quiet' time for my brain?  Weird, but I would like to figure it out at some point...

Sorry for falling off the face of the Earth (internet?) here... hope you are all doing well...


2009-10-02 5:57 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Hey Ken

Tough issue.  Is there any physical activity you feel passionate about?  Maybe start there and see where it takes you over the winter.  You live in a great area to be able to take advantage of anything year round compared to us snowbirds.  Now that it is starting to cool off, maybe some great hiking to get the juices flowing?????

2009-10-02 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Edited by BabsVa 2012-06-13 7:44 PM
2009-10-02 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Got my big race tomorrow, first time for International distance. It's gonna be sunny and 79 degrees.  I feel quite prepared and ready, even though there were some bumps in training this summer that will reduce my ability to run at my best. I've debated strategies, either going all out on the bike and jogging the run, or pacing the bike for an optimal run. Whatever way it happens, the swim will be at my go forever pace, draft off my super fast friends best as I can and stay on course.

Happy to have been sharing some of my runs with my kids. My nine year old son particularly loves the trails, he's an animal out there, keeps going and going. Until he's done and I have to practically carry him home.

What's everyone got in mind for the off season? Gordo I'll check in with you and take a peek at how your Silverman training is going, I'm sure you are rockin it. Take care all.

2009-10-02 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Great feedback, Suzy and Barbara -- thanks.

Suzy, I tend to take for granted the gift I have here of weather.  Passionate?  I still like to bike, and maybe hiking may be a good way to enjoy time with my wife and get that movement.  I also kind of fell out of regular weight training, and was thinking of just diving into that again.  Jessi Stensland is doing a "Movement U" workshop next month at Athletes' Performance and I may attend and treat myself for my birthday.  I also, when I was training, was so ANAL about my Heart Rate and keeping it below 135 that I think it made working out a chore rather than a joy.

Yes, Barbara -- I am with you on the iPod, but may have to upgrade.  I am out of room on mine (only a 4G I think) and like the idea of putting some learning things on there as well as music.

Thanks guys, making me think and get some ideas!

2009-10-02 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2072085

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Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

One more thing... I know that one of the major de-motivators for me is lack of sleep.  I have been waking at 3 or 4AM every night and can't fall back.  It's exhausting (especially when going to bed at 10 or 1030 the night before)...  Happened last night as well.  I was all set to ride this morning but am just exhausted. 


Hope everyone has a great weekend -- and Babs, kick BUTT at your Oly!



2009-10-04 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2437897

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Ken in AZ - 2009-10-01 6:46 PM Hey gang:

And now, I have zero motivation to do anything.  I have not worked out in probably a week, and simply have no desire to do a workout.  I am not sure where this is coming from...  the cycle of being tired > not sleeping > not working out > being tired > .... seems to be a continuous and vicious one, and I am not sure how to break it. 

Gordo, if you have any pearls of wisdom or advice (I am sure I am not unique here), I am surely open to it. 


Couple ideas for you.  Start by focusing on what you control.  Generally... time of day you wake up, your overall schedule, quality of nutrition, intensity of exercise.  Use these variables in increase the quality of your recovery (sleep/nutrition) and lower life stress (avoid over-scheduling).

As well, pull all the draining aspects out of your exercise routine - this means avoid long and/or intense workouts.  The symptoms you describe fit a burnt out athlete.  Whether you "deserve" to be burnt out, isn't really the point.  It's easy to get down on yourself when fatigued.  So break the cycle of fatigue.

Then start with at least a walk every day.  Temps are cooling so this should be easy to achieve.  Place this walk into your morning routine.

The #1 thing that I tell myself is that I have to take charge of my recovery when feeling toasted.  I am the only one that can change the direction I am heading.

Hope this helps,
2009-10-04 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2438682

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Ken in AZ - 2009-10-02 8:41 AM

One more thing... I know that one of the major de-motivators for me is lack of sleep.  I have been waking at 3 or 4AM every night and can't fall back.  It's exhausting (especially when going to bed at 10 or 1030 the night before)...  Happened last night as well.  I was all set to ride this morning but am just exhausted. 

Get up and clean your house, or do some other chore.  It will be tough for a couple of days but you'll get tired enough that eventually you'll fall asleep earlier.  That or you will completely finish your "to do" list and you can get satisfaction from that.

Normally only takes me two days of this policy to get my sleep right.  No naps when nighttime sleep is impaired.

2009-10-04 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2072085

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Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring
Great stuff Gordo.   Thanks so much, I needed that.

Really focusing on cleaning up my diet, and definitely adding the walking... not even concerned if I get a "swim, bike or run" in, just MOVE.  If I feel like riding, I can ride, etc.   I also want to get back to the gym more, and really get my core and body bulletproof. 

Also the getting up at the same time every day makes sense.  I just never want to do that if I am up at 3 or 4 AM and the alarm goes off at 5:45 ... 

Thanks again for all your help.  By the way, the RD at the Amica Tri Sprint race could not refund my race fee, but agreed to give me a comp entry for next year's race.  I thought that was pretty nice. 

2009-10-05 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2072085

Subject: RE: GordoByrn's Group Full for the Spring

Edited by BabsVa 2012-06-13 7:43 PM
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