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2011-04-07 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
I'll be here for a bit I'm sure.  My big race is in May too, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of freaking out to do between now and then.  And I'd like to see how everyone's season comes together.  It's an excititng time of year.

2011-04-07 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3432456

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
peterssonb - 2011-04-06 12:38 PM

Just so we're clear, are you talking about the beginner (rpe?), intermediate, or advanced 20 week BT plan?

Good point - the RPE plan.  thanks

Ok, well it looks like there's a few things to consider with these two.  Be IRon Fit (I have the book and have heard a lot of good feeedback from the results) is going to be a little less hours, which might be something that's appealing to you.  Also, it has a little more detail for the workouts whereas the BT plan does not have detail at the bronze level. 

Have you been training by HR thus far?  While they are easily converted, I like the detail the HR plan gives.  Sometimes my PRE can be off for various reasons.  HR doesn't lie.  Just something to take into consideration.

So I guess what I want to ask is, what does the BT plan have that you like the other doesn't?

I think the decision should be based on which one you think will fit best with your lifestyle and how you like to train.  The easier it is for you to follow, the more likely you will be to follow it to a tee.  And I think that's key.  You need to trust the plan, whichever you choose, beginning to end.
2011-04-07 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Hope you're recovering quickly, Cory!
2011-04-07 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3433940

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Nicole83 - 2011-04-07 8:41 AM We've been archived.    Is everyone still going to stick around?  I could use the pom poms thru my race next month.

I'm in and will fluff up my pom poms for Nicole (and others)Laughing


2011-04-08 7:42 AM
in reply to: #3435125

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
JoePetto - 2011-04-07 7:17 PM

Nicole83 - 2011-04-07 8:41 AM We've been archived.    Is everyone still going to stick around?  I could use the pom poms thru my race next month.

I'm in and will fluff up my pom poms for Nicole (and others)Laughing


Why thank you.  Half marathon for me on sunday so feel free to break out the toe touches and hurkeys. 

2011-04-08 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3433940

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Nicole83 - 2011-04-07 6:41 AM We've been archived.    Is everyone still going to stick around?  I could use the pom poms thru my race next month.


I'll cheer for you!

2011-04-08 7:17 PM
in reply to: #3431338

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
peterssonb - 2011-04-05 2:35 PM
Kido - 2011-04-05 2:18 PM

 I tried the BT plans, and they were good, but looking for a change.  So I will have a moderately aggressive IM plan in a month or so you can have.


I am about 5 days from beginning the BT 20 week plan leading up to IMLouisville.  I have been using a "be iron fit" plan for the last 10 weeks in it's base phase.  Really not sure if I should stay with that or use the BT 20 week plan.  Would you take a look at this one and compare it to the BT one you have used and give a recommendation.  Thanks - I have been going back and forth on this for a few weeks.

Iron Fit 2010 8_28_11.xls

OK, I took a look.  I'm can't say what's right or wrong for YOU, but I know what works for me and I can give my two cents.

I did the BT int plan and advanced plan for my two IM's.  Looking back, I liked the int plan a LOT.  They alternate long rides and run on the weekends.  So you never do a long ride AND long run on the same weekend.  I also like that the int plan really had an average of only 15 hours a week most of the time, BUT, no recovery weeks.  I don't feel like I needed recovery weekds but at the same time, didn't like the idea of doing 18-20 hours weeks like in the begginer plan.

The advanced plan was nice, but honestly, I don't think I was fit enough to do it.  It would call for 5-6 hour rides, and I could put in the time, but I would never get in the distances I needed.  I think it expects you to be more fit so you can do 100 miles or more in 6 hours or less.

For the record, I finished my IM's in about exactly the same time, using the Int plan and the advanced.

Now, looking at your ironfit, it looks VERY solid.  But I would ask myself, "am I up for a long ride AND long run every weekend?"  Probably not, then head back to the BT int plan.  But let me also say, I noticed that the long rides never really exceed 5 hours and the runs never exceed 2:30.  That's good and bad.  Good, because then you CAN do them both every weekend.  But bad, I think you need longer rides and runs.  Especially if your pace is not that great.

As for me, I'm leaning towards a plan in my Essential Week by Week, book.  Long rides peak at 6:30.  Long runs peak at 3 hours.  I DO have each one every weekend, but I think I'm ready to takcle that, since this is my third (and final?) hurrah at the IM distance (or at least till I sign up for the next one!)

Just my 0.02


2011-04-08 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
I'm in too. BUT if you guys keep embarrasing me with your massive monthly goals, I may need to find a Beginner Beginner Triathlete forum :/
2011-04-11 7:30 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey everyone, we are 1/3 of the way through April.  How are you doing on your goals.

I am right on track with biking and running.  A bit behind in swim, but my plan starts 3 days of swim this week.  I am going to make that up in  a hurry.

Keep up the training, the fun part of the year is coming soon!

2011-04-11 9:14 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Hi gang!

First race of the season, half marathon, in the books for me.  Race report is in my logs, but I'm feeling pretty good about it.

And I'm officially excited for FL 70.3 next month.  I forgot how much fun racing is!

2011-04-11 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Hey gang, sorry I have been out but with travel for work and everything it has been tough.


Yes we have been archived, which means they are going to start a new spring/summer mentor group. We will still have access to this page and we can still continue to post if you guys want to. I will be around (I like you guys) and I really want to see this race season and how everyone progresses.

If you want out to find another group, then we will talk abd about you, but we will understand.

2011-04-11 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3439891

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Sin City
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

My first race is in the books too!  Phew, nice to get one out of the way and know my offseason work has paid off...

Top 10 overall and crushed my division (yes, sounds like bragging, sorry).  Granted, it was a small field (only 52 in my race), and I competed as a clydesdale.  Mistake on hindsight even though I'm still 30 lbs over the limit.  I was 17 minutes in front of the next clyde and IF I would have raced my AG, still placed 2nd.  Oh well...

AND, only crashed my bike once!  lol!  (it was an XTERRA).  Scars and scrapes are sexy right?    Nice to have streaks of blood mixed with dirt running down your leg for all the race pics, no?

Nice to know the training and weight loss paid off.

2011-04-11 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3439969

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Kido - 2011-04-11 11:24 AM

My first race is in the books too!  Phew, nice to get one out of the way and know my offseason work has paid off...

Top 10 overall and crushed my division (yes, sounds like bragging, sorry).  Granted, it was a small field (only 52 in my race), and I competed as a clydesdale.  Mistake on hindsight even though I'm still 30 lbs over the limit.  I was 17 minutes in front of the next clyde and IF I would have raced my AG, still placed 2nd.  Oh well...

AND, only crashed my bike once!  lol!  (it was an XTERRA).  Scars and scrapes are sexy right?    Nice to have streaks of blood mixed with dirt running down your leg for all the race pics, no?

Nice to know the training and weight loss paid off.


Great job!  I would love to try an XTERRA some time! and I would take a win in any group!

2011-04-12 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

The only blister I got in my entire race is between my big and second toe on my left foot.  How I got a blister there I will never know, but holy carp this thing is inconveinent.  It's making it difficult to wear my 4 inch heels without screaming out in pain every step I take.

Grrr.  Note to self, bodyglide between toes at HIM.  Won't THAT look fun in transition?

2011-04-12 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3441823

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

That has to be one of the oddest...AND most uncomfortable places for a blister I have heard of.  I hope it heals quickly!

I have my post op appointment today for the jaw surgery and hope I am released to exercise.  I have been going crazy eating only pudding, cottage cheese and yogurt for the last week....all the while being very inactive.  I am however at an al time low weight-wise (210lbs).  I have dropped a total of 26lbs thanks to SBR!! (and jaw surgery!)

My next race is May 22nd and I'm a little unsure of how to train.  I need to beg for your advice again guys.  Do I just continue to train at my max program numbers with a rest week thrown in there every 4th week, or should I be doing something different?


2011-04-12 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3441843

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
harberc - 2011-04-12 9:43 AM

That has to be one of the oddest...AND most uncomfortable places for a blister I have heard of.  I hope it heals quickly!

I have my post op appointment today for the jaw surgery and hope I am released to exercise.  I have been going crazy eating only pudding, cottage cheese and yogurt for the last week....all the while being very inactive.  I am however at an al time low weight-wise (210lbs).  I have dropped a total of 26lbs thanks to SBR!! (and jaw surgery!)

My next race is May 22nd and I'm a little unsure of how to train.  I need to beg for your advice again guys.  Do I just continue to train at my max program numbers with a rest week thrown in there every 4th week, or should I be doing something different?


Fingers crossed you get released!

Refresh my memory- what are your max #s like and what is the distance of your next race?

2011-04-12 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3441862

Blacklick, OH
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

I hope so too!

My max numbers in the program were 1000yds swim (3 times a week), around 12 to 15mi running per week and around 40 to 45mi on the bike a week.  This had me ready for my race and I felt I could do well....until the stupid leg cramp anyway!

My next race is a sprint as well but the swim is only 500yds which should be a piece of, cake sounds good right now , then 12.4 on the bike and the 5k run.

2011-04-12 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3266050

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

Well did my century ride. Did 61 miles in 4 hours and a couple minutes. Really wanted to do the full 100 BUT I had to use my MTB shoes and SPD's which I was told is why my knee was in agonizing pain. so hopefully when my Look Blade Pedals come in I won't have that as an excuse on my duathlon May 1st... even though it's only 28.8 miles

Thanks ladies (Nicole and Jessice) for the advice on the gel etc. It was great to have someone chime in on what to expect. Being a beginner-beginner, that really helped out. I actually some how missed a rest stop at a park on the 2nd leg and didn't have any water for the last leg... Survived on gu and power bars!

2011-04-12 1:02 PM
in reply to: #3441918

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
harberc - 2011-04-12 9:09 AM

I hope so too!

My max numbers in the program were 1000yds swim (3 times a week), around 12 to 15mi running per week and around 40 to 45mi on the bike a week.  This had me ready for my race and I felt I could do well....until the stupid leg cramp anyway!

My next race is a sprint as well but the swim is only 500yds which should be a piece of, cake sounds good right now , then 12.4 on the bike and the 5k run.


If I understood you right, you have only missed a week, so I would continue back following your plan. I do not think a week off will have that dramatic of a setback!


Train, race and then cake!

2011-04-12 1:41 PM
in reply to: #3441823

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Nicole83 - 2011-04-12 8:37 AM

The only blister I got in my entire race is between my big and second toe on my left foot.  How I got a blister there I will never know, but holy carp this thing is inconveinent.  It's making it difficult to wear my 4 inch heels without screaming out in pain every step I take.

Grrr.  Note to self, bodyglide between toes at HIM.  Won't THAT look fun in transition?

Injinji socks (those odd toe socks) will do the trick as well. Never had a toe blister.

2011-04-12 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3442651

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
JoePetto - 2011-04-12 2:41 PM
Nicole83 - 2011-04-12 8:37 AM

The only blister I got in my entire race is between my big and second toe on my left foot.  How I got a blister there I will never know, but holy carp this thing is inconveinent.  It's making it difficult to wear my 4 inch heels without screaming out in pain every step I take.

Grrr.  Note to self, bodyglide between toes at HIM.  Won't THAT look fun in transition?

Injinji socks (those odd toe socks) will do the trick as well. Never had a toe blister.

Sadly I've tried these and they do not work for me.  I end up with blisters everywhere.

I think it's because I get so many pedicures and keep my feet all dainty and girly and callous free... but that means I have to slather glide on every inch of them when I race or else I hate life for a week after.

2011-04-12 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3442431

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
mwhitlatch - 2011-04-12 1:19 PM

Well did my century ride. Did 61 miles in 4 hours and a couple minutes. Really wanted to do the full 100 BUT I had to use my MTB shoes and SPD's which I was told is why my knee was in agonizing pain. so hopefully when my Look Blade Pedals come in I won't have that as an excuse on my duathlon May 1st... even though it's only 28.8 miles

Thanks ladies (Nicole and Jessice) for the advice on the gel etc. It was great to have someone chime in on what to expect. Being a beginner-beginner, that really helped out. I actually some how missed a rest stop at a park on the 2nd leg and didn't have any water for the last leg... Survived on gu and power bars!

Not positive, but knee pain might have more to do with your saddle height and position than your shoes.  IF you keep having problems once you have your new set up, you might need to have a professional fitting.

And you're welcome.  Great job on the 61 miles.

2011-04-12 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3442853

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
Nicole83 - 2011-04-12 4:09 PM
mwhitlatch - 2011-04-12 1:19 PM

Well did my century ride. Did 61 miles in 4 hours and a couple minutes. Really wanted to do the full 100 BUT I had to use my MTB shoes and SPD's which I was told is why my knee was in agonizing pain. so hopefully when my Look Blade Pedals come in I won't have that as an excuse on my duathlon May 1st... even though it's only 28.8 miles

Thanks ladies (Nicole and Jessice) for the advice on the gel etc. It was great to have someone chime in on what to expect. Being a beginner-beginner, that really helped out. I actually some how missed a rest stop at a park on the 2nd leg and didn't have any water for the last leg... Survived on gu and power bars!

Not positive, but knee pain might have more to do with your saddle height and position than your shoes.  IF you keep having problems once you have your new set up, you might need to have a professional fitting.

And you're welcome.  Great job on the 61 miles.

I agree with the position of shoes and saddle height.  My old bike would give me knee pain after an hour of riding.  I have corrected the height and gotten shoe placement correct - no more knee pain while riding.

2011-04-13 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3266050

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Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed

This week starts the build phase of my program leading up to IM.  Started off yesterday with a longer than usual swim.  Finished off with a speedwork run.  I have not done speedwork since marathon training in the fall.  I felt great for it - able to realy pickup my pace for fast intervals and go faster than normal during the recovery times.  Better yet, I don't have any lingering soreness today.

2011-04-13 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3443377

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: JFord's Mentor Group-Closed
peterssonb - 2011-04-12 8:23 PM
Nicole83 - 2011-04-12 4:09 PM
mwhitlatch - 2011-04-12 1:19 PM

Well did my century ride. Did 61 miles in 4 hours and a couple minutes. Really wanted to do the full 100 BUT I had to use my MTB shoes and SPD's which I was told is why my knee was in agonizing pain. so hopefully when my Look Blade Pedals come in I won't have that as an excuse on my duathlon May 1st... even though it's only 28.8 miles

Thanks ladies (Nicole and Jessice) for the advice on the gel etc. It was great to have someone chime in on what to expect. Being a beginner-beginner, that really helped out. I actually some how missed a rest stop at a park on the 2nd leg and didn't have any water for the last leg... Survived on gu and power bars!

I had knee problems as well on the bike, which have been cured when I changed to SpeedPlay Zeros.  These lollipop shaped pedals are odd at first but were recommended to me by numerous riders with knee issues.  Can't say enough good things about the pedals. 

Not positive, but knee pain might have more to do with your saddle height and position than your shoes.  IF you keep having problems once you have your new set up, you might need to have a professional fitting.

And you're welcome.  Great job on the 61 miles.

Had similar knee issues which all went away when I moved to SpeedPlay Zeros.  Odd at first, but have had none of the knee soreness.  Spoke with many riders who had knee problems and they were universally touted as a cure.

Edited by JoePetto 2011-04-13 7:09 AM
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