BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!) Rss Feed  
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2009-11-11 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Justin an amazing race you completed!  I ran my first 2 marathons this past month and I can not even imagine doing one after the long swim and bike.  You have to be an iron man to do that !! You did great!

I ran as hard as I could on Sunday and was so excited to reach my goal of qualifying for Boston.  I had that goal listed as a long term goal for next year, not this year.  It is a great experience crossing that finish line after 26.2 miles!

2009-11-11 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2508969

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Awesome job on the BQ!!!!  WOW!!!!!!!!!
2009-11-12 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Hi guys...

Still high on the IM among us.  Really inspiring, my man.  I've been doing 2 swims, 4 bikes and 2 runs a week.  All of it is going really well.  I feel really strong.  Adding some core work - yoga exercises and crunches with weights lifting.  We have a cyclocross season here...four events on a make-shift course.  I've never done it before - last winter I was only starting to run. (God, it seems like a long time ago now)  I have an old hybrid Trek I'm tuning up for the first race Nov. 22.   I'm looking for some other cross training.  Maybe cross-country skiing.  Never did that before either.   

I started adding running up a elevated parking garage to my runs.  I should be able to do that most of the winter because it will be dry in there. 

Life is sweet ladies and gentlemen.

What are your plans for the "off season." 

Are we keeping this group going (my vote), maybe opening it up to more people? or will he have to migrate to another group?  If so, can we migrate en mass?  It is working for me.

Also, some of us are hooked up on FaceBook.  If you aren't yet, join and then find me in a search, Scott Richardson, under Champaign Urbana, IL.  I can hook you up with the folks who I know about already. 



Edited by IceManScott 2009-11-13 7:13 AM
2009-11-13 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
CONGRATULATIONS, TERPS!!! Wow...this group is just so amazing.  I came here once again for inspiration and there it is! I'm still really struggling to fit in workouts but I am constantly re-inspired by all of you.  If I could get to bed before midnight (logistically sooo tough...) I would have a much better chance of fitting in AM workouts.  However, I've started to do late, late night workouts  (finishing at 10PM) or run during my lunch break.  Where there's a will, there's a way.
2009-11-15 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
I'd love to keep this group going.  I'd also be happy to mentor another group...but realistically I will be taking next year off.  With a new born in February, my house for sale, and the prospect of buying a new house I will have no time to really train like I want.  My goal is to at least run the Detroit Half Marathon next fall.  Looking forward to buying a baby jogging stroller and building up my stamina pushing my new baby girl around town.  Whatever you guys want to do is fine, but I will say this is a great group and I continue to find inspiration in all of you!
2009-11-18 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
I vote we stay together.  We can always open it for more people to join and if someone wants, they can link up with another group.  What say all of you? 

Winter workouts so far have been great.  Still riding outdoors on the weekends.  Indoors during the week because it gets so dark so early.  Which frankly is fine because the coach has been having me do some really hard workouts that would be very tough to replicate on the road.  On the trainer, I can hit the watts for the time specified without fear of traffic or cross roads or darkness. 

Also running and swimming still.  Picking up some yoga from books and vids.  Mostly steretching and core work, like planks.  Really works.  The first cyclosecross didn't happen but this Sunday is another.  We have had so much rain here and the course os all dirt.  Mud now.  I'm going to go and see about it.  Might wind up doing a story for the paper if I get good pictures.

Edited by IceManScott 2009-11-18 10:19 PM

2009-11-20 10:21 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
I am all for keeping the group together.  I think we have a great support system set up here and to be honest I like reading about everyone's accomplishments.

I began working with a coach two weeks ago as I finally figured out I didn't know what I was doing .  My workouts are now a lot more structured and it is funny how much slower he has me going on my runs.  I am going to put my trust in him and work the program .

So what are everyone's plans for next year?  Right now I have 4 tris planned.  In May I have the Floriday 70.3, In June I have the Tri-Sharks sprint/Olympic(?), In July I have the Evergreen Olympic, and (gulp) in September IMMOO.  Of course if I get really lucky and win a lottery spot I may have plans in October lol!!!

Keep up the training and messages!!!
2009-11-23 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Wow Dewey, that is an exciting Tri Calendar!  The tri coach is awesome, you are gonna have a great 2010 methinks!  I vote to keep the group together as well, as I would like to continue to see the progress of everyone (especially with pending events like Dewey has!)  It is a great source of inspiration and motivation to see goals laid out and then achieved like the champs that y'all are! 

I am taking 2010 off from the 140.6... as the time and monetary commitment is such that I owe my family some vacation time (sans the IM).  I fully plan to return to that distance in 2011 and my goal is to break 11hrs.  I know more about what to expect, what to work on and how to approach the that's advantage me

2010 Goals are really based around the 70.3 distance... I want to break the 5hr mark for that distance, I want to redeem my running ability at BSLT, and I wanna crush my first HIM at Ironstar (a kinda small, local HIM).  My mantra for 2010 is "Forty & Faster!"  I would love to podium at a Sprint, but that is a secondary goal.  I came very close in 2009, with a 4th place in Corpus Christi... so if I get my mind right, get in the training and stay focused ~ anything is possible.

I would like to wish all my mentor group peeps a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday week.  Enjoy your family, friends, pets or whatever you are thankful for!  

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all ~ all the way from TEXAS!  
2009-11-25 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

Hey Justin, I have a question about nutrition.  What was your fuel plan before Ironman and did you follow the plan?  Also, did you bonk and when was that?  When I ran my 2nd marathon, I ran out of some speed around mile 20.  So I am thinking after swimming a few miles, and biking over 100, how do you fuel for the final 26.2?  Do you eat any real food like a PB & J sandwich or just gels? Smile

2009-11-25 9:31 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  I'm in I work on T holiday of all to volunteer for.  Little happens - usually. 

I did cyclocross last Sunday for the first time.  The course here is on a recycled wood company's lot.  Lots of mud, the hills are wood chips and very high and steep and the woods are very thick its a combination of mountain biking single track and running through mud, water and climbing hills carrying a bike.  Really a great workout and really fun. 

I'm using an old Trek hybrid that is more mountain bike than road bike...perfect for this. but steel and heavy.  Still, I bought it years ago for less than $100 and I can knock it around without worry.  Worked great.  The wheels are narrower than mountain biking so it is better to handle where you can go faster yet still handles the mud and single track through the woods just fine. 

Going to do another in a couple of weeks.  This time, no camera and notebook so I can just race.  I'll have a story on the experience in the paper in a week or so. 

Have a great holiday.  I plan to work, then ride Friday through Sunday.  I only need 40 miles for 5000 for the year.  Not anywhere close to the max for a year for me, but I'm happy because there's not a century in it.  All hard shorter workouts of 30-70 miles.  That's a lot of trips, my friends.

2009-11-30 1:13 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Got the 5,000 miles.  Working hard on Vo2 max drills and lactate threshold stuff.  Running 3 times/wk, swimming 2 times, still biking outdoors 2 times and indoors 2 times. 

2009-11-30 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Had a bit of a setback last week as my back gave me problems again.  Didin't hurt it working out but I missed a week of workouts because of it...I am going to try and do a little core strengthening exercises so this doesn't happen again.  Other then that Thanksgiving went great.  Hope everyone has a great Christmas season.
2009-12-01 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2531097

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Linda - for a stand alone marathon I just live off of 3-4 gels and mix in gatorade in between with no GI issues or bonking. For the IM I ate Payday candy bars cut in half with a couple roctane gels in between. I started to have an uneasy stomach toward the end of the bike & it carried over into the run for a while. I never really 'bonked' or ran out of energy... Everytime I pushed my pace below 8:30 my stomach felt nausous. Pretzels on the run helped eliviate that but by then fatigue & soreness in my legs was setting in. The food on the bike is what I trained on... But I am now seriously considering spending the money and going with Infinit or Cytomax. This happened at my 70.3 in June too, and I think it is a combo of solid food, heat & the stress of sustained exercise. For the Houston Marathon it has always been cool or cold so GI issues ha ve never plagued me. I prefer to run in 40-50 degree temps. I have also used Shot Bloks & GU Chomps on training runs with success. The SB Margarita flavor has a higher salt content. Over the long haul of IM the sweet taste of all that junk & Gatorade... Sucked! Rinsed out with water a lot on the run. Training is the time to test & refine what works have a lot of good training time b/w now & Boston. Which I am VERY excited & jealous of . Boston envy! Good luck & I hope that helped a little.
2009-12-01 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2536324

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Dewey ~ I hope it heals up quickly. Don't fret over the missed time, you still have a good base and can be back in the groove in no time. The core work will definitely help with fending off the injuries in the back.

Scott ~ wow 5K miles & I thought 2100+ was making some head way... That is awesome! Keep up the solid 'off season' work & you will be golden for 2010. The cyclocross thing sounds fun & challenging... There is one being held here in Houston this coming weekend ~ although I will not be partaking, it does sound fun. I wouldn't mind giving that a try or maybe an Xterra Tri. Did the Adventure race last December and that was a blast. Best of luck, be safe and enjoy!

Edited by Trin2bfast 2009-12-02 10:08 AM
2009-12-03 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Thanks Justin!!  Got a run in last night and plan a swim tomorrow.  Coach told me to go really slow because we have plenty of time and the worst thing would be to push to fast and really injure myself...
2009-12-03 9:50 PM
in reply to: #2070412

Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

I hope everybody had a g reat Thanksgiving.  I know I did, spent the day at the Lions Packers game.  I have been in hiding for a little while now and want to get back to training.  I have been reading everybodys great accomplishments and it really encourages me to workout.  For that I thank you and keep up the good work.  I have set up my bike trainer in the basement and am looking forward to riding again.  Also I want to find a x-mas run maybe to keep me going.  I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for giving me the motivation I need to get back to working out. 


2009-12-09 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Just wanted to share a positive experience... Garmin International rocks!

My Garmin Forerunner 305 was acting up, shutting off when I hit the mode button and such (it's 3 years old I think).  So I contacted Garmin and inquired about their repair policy...

I sent in my 305 last week for repair/replacement ($85 out of warranty cost - but better than $160+ for a new one). They received it Friday of last week and I got the new one in the mail yesterday.  It looks brand new, although I know it is refurbished.  Anyways, I was a little concerned I would be without it for a while (even though I haven't been doing any activity that requires it).  I am glad to have it back and this just reinforces my love for my 305!

Way to Garmin, way to go!
2009-12-13 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2550443

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
I'd like to second JWheat's sentiments.  This group has gone from sweating our first Sprints to discussing nutrition for IM's, HIM's and Marathons!  Also, some of us have invested in coaches, major equipment and also major time.  In addition some of us have adjusted goals, etc. to balance the rest of our fabulous lives...and the beat goes on.

I'm feeling great today.  I'm back on track and feeling great.  I'm gearing up for the grueling 1/1 10K and I'm doing it right with the Hal Higdon plan and the invitation of new work out buddies.  I've yet to synchronize a time for the tri expert at the gym I work at for a consult but I may even invest in some personal training hours.  I've also given up sugar for this week and have gone 2 days without the stuff.

I am continually inspired by you all.  It's wonderful to see us using our "off season" so well.  Waddle on, friends
2009-12-15 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

So are you guys staying here or joining another group or both?  I plan to stay here with you guys as long as you are here.  Might stick my foot into one of the other groups if you guys are going to disband.  Hope you don't.

My off season rocks.  Vision Quest coaching has me riding the trainer 4X a week, swimming 2X and running 2X.  Feel great.  Working on strength, learning yoga for flex, concentrating on stroke in the pool, and running harder and longer outdoors still.  Cold here but not a lot of snow or ice yet.  Done two cyclocross races.  Basically just an excuse for us to go get muddy and have fun riding bikes on single track.

I have had great contact with Garmin, too.  My new 310 lost connection with the upload.  They had it fixed after an email, phone call and a computer connect where the guy somewhere else entered my computer and straightened things out.  Worked every time since but one upload.  It's really helped on the running pace work, which is why I got it.  Also great to share my bike courses with my coach. 

I'm loving this stuff

Working on my schedule for next year.  Looks like 4 tris here in Illinois, 1 sprint in June, Oly in July, half IM over Labor Day and maybe an Oly or another Half IM in Oct. I'd like to run a marathon too so I have that in my head that I can get it done, but it's up to my coach.  Big recovery commitment from that. What I have to give up for training as a result has to be weighed against the mental plus of knowing I can do one. Unsure of my first should come in 2011 after a 2.4 m swim and a 112 m bike race :/

Have a great Christmas y'all.


2009-12-16 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
I'll be hanging with this group as long as everyone is still around.  just getting back into training as I was hurt then sick (what the @#$???).

As Scott said it is cold here, ran in single digits last night BRRRR!!!  I am definately going to have to get some cold weather gear that is better than what I have now!!!

Keep working and let us know what your schedule is for next year when you get it.
2009-12-16 7:19 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Elizabethtown, KY
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)

I'm still here as well . . .

Yep, the weather's getting cold, but I actually love it.  Biggest problem is heating up during the run and having to carry the hat and gloves.

Only firm plans for next year are:

1. April - Derby Mini Marathon (it's a revenge thing)

2. October - Indianapolis Marathon (for sentimental reasons)

With the marathon goal out there, I'm concentrating on increasing my run frequency to a consistent 4-5 times per week, and a SLOW build up in mileage to avoid injury.

2009-12-16 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
It certainly is hard to get motivated and out the door when the wind and temps are below freezing, but I tell myself "Just do it!".  Spring will be here b4 you know it and we will be ready to race!  I hope all of you have a nice holiday with your families and keep on training!
2009-12-16 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2070412

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
I am double dipping ~ just as I did with this group initially.  I am in evondo's group, which is just a restart from two groups ago... never really quit that one.  We have a pretty tight group of local peeps in that group so it's just a natural draw.

I plan on keeping an eye on this group and continue to encourage, observe and cheer on all of y'all on as we continue our tri endeavors.  There are some great things to be had by y'all and I look forward to witnessing it.

So post when ya can!
2009-12-16 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2562081

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Terps421 - 2009-12-16 10:12 AM It certainly is hard to get motivated and out the door when the wind and temps are below freezing, but I tell myself "Just do it!".  Spring will be here b4 you know it and we will be ready to race!  I hope all of you have a nice holiday with your families and keep on training!

It's gets way too cold for me here in Texas, so I don't know how y'all do it up north!  Just brutal!  I guess that's y'alls way of staying mentally tough!  Our time comes in the summer!

Way to go Scott!  I must say between you & Linda ~ y'all are the most dedicated training enthusiasts I know!  I am hoping to find a little more of y'alls work ethic in me somewhere!  Y'all crush some serious miles/hours/laps/steps/pedal turns/etc...  Another great reason to keep this going ~ y'all inspire us! 

Merry Christmas to all! I hope you have a wonderful holiday ~ enjoying time with family and friends!  and like Linda said - keep on training!  It's quite the investment! 

Edited by Trin2bfast 2009-12-16 10:44 AM
2009-12-16 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2070412

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Subject: RE: Dangremond's April 2009 Mentor TEAM - CLOSED (WE'RE BUSY WORKIN' IT!)
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Roaring Ramadan and Krazy Kwanzaa to everyone as well (I apologize if I left anyone out...tired of saying Happy Holidays).  Anyway, I will definitely be checking this thread with regularity next year.  I don't think I have any races planned for next year...with the newborn my training has been put on probation by my Admiral.  I think with a BOB Jogging Stroller I can get in shape for the Detroit Half in the fall, so I hope to sneak that in.

Honestly, I wish all of you the best and I look forward to keeping up with everyone over the next year.
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