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2012-02-14 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

How's everyone doing on the nutrition challenge?

I've done horribly. I'm a stress eater and without endorphins from workouts turn to often  to food.

2012-02-14 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Nutrition wise, i'm losing some weight but its not because I'm doing a great job of watching what I eat . I put on pants today for work which seemed a bit bigger than they did a week ago. If I actually tried not be be an eat-everything-asaurus, I'd probably be 10 pounds lighter.

Kathy - just keep a positive attitude, and know you'll get better soon. To paraphrase your sig line -- PT consistently, and find some joy in the journey. Congrats on the swim!! IMFL look out!
2012-02-14 8:59 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

edit -- dp

Edited by Mike_D 2012-02-15 8:12 AM
2012-02-15 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Are you keeping all 5 puppies as well? Should make things lively to have that much energy buzzing about the house! We're getting a puppy in a couple months, but just 1  

Swim session today was lots of fast intervals, mostly 100's & 50's. Set a PR for 100 (1:27) and for 50 (41 sec). I really feel  like my swimming is make huge strides forward the past couple months.

How is everyone feeling? Everyone on the rebound from the colds & other issues that have cropped up lately?

I'm really looking forward the long weekend -- a good time to get a bit of extra sleep, and get in my workouts w/o having to worry about getting to work on time, or getting up at 4 AM.

Was told yesterday by 2 folks at work that I was crazy for following my training schedule. I know they wish they could be so crazy....
2012-02-15 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4048582

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Mike_D - 2012-02-15 9:45 AM Are you keeping all 5 puppies as well? Should make things lively to have that much energy buzzing about the house! We're getting a puppy in a couple months, but just 1  

Swim session today was lots of fast intervals, mostly 100's & 50's. Set a PR for 100 (1:27) and for 50 (41 sec). I really feel  like my swimming is make huge strides forward the past couple months.

All 5 puppies are taken 4 have families and one might be held back for breeding dog. The breeder has about 40 puppies reserved for families for upcoming litters.

Super cool that you had PB for both 100 and 50s today. That is awesome! Very encouraging that your training is making you faster.

2012-02-15 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hey All,

Struggling with motivation here. I'm actually doing ok on the challenge - keeping to no sugar pretty well, and the one treat a week thing... the hunger thing is still needing more work. Very hard to stick to any kind of diet when stressed out and out of town. Skiing in Utah was a lot of fun even despite the lack of snow this year. We're looking forward to returning next year.

I finished the first part of the big animated opus i'm working on yesterday, and submitting it to the experimental film fest here today. Keeping my fingers crossed. That's a big stress off my back. The rest of the film can now be produced at a more leisurely and normal pace.

Have to get back on the wagon - today I'm mandating that I do at least 5 mins of something to get me rebooted again. I know once I start something I'll be fine, but getting over that feeling blah is proving to be more difficult than it should.

Happy training everyone!


2012-02-15 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up


Did you get your 5 minutes in to help get rebooted?

Sounds like a big project to be done with and satisfied with accomplishment.

2012-02-15 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hey everyone-

NH was great. It is so wonderful to be in New England.  Manged to get in two half way decent runs of 5.5 and 6 miles.  Love the rolling hills and farmland.  Can't wait to get back there this summer.

Yesterday we did a timed 1000 in MIW.  Improved again by about 40 seconds or so. After the 1000 we did a bunch of various drill and kick sets.  I was surprised because I felt sluggish from travel and way too much rich food.

Today was eight on the mill.  Tomorrow is MIW again. 

Are the beginner tri programs available through this site good?  While I know I wont' follow any program terribly closely, it would be good to have some general direction.

Kathy-how cool to have found homes for the pups.  Must be a relief.

Mike-you are doing terrific.


2012-02-16 2:05 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hi Susan, welcome back and glad you had a great break, what does MIW stand for?

Kiri, you're film sounds really exciting - as a totally non-creative person, I admire the ability in others.  I will be adding my own crossed fingers that it flies.

Kathy, I'm doing okay with the challenges; have been logging and haven't finished the Munchkin's leftovers once, finding it hard to give up butter though.  My eating goes all to bollox too when I'm not training - the training seems to reset my appetite and without that and the routine, I find it really easy to overeat.  I can understand the stress you are under making you reach for the unhealthy stuff.

Mike, wonderful that your swimming is continuing to improve, and you are the best kind of crazy.

Tracy, hope you are feeling better and that the cold didn't materialise.

Anna, great news on the weight-loss

Patrick and everyone else who left me inspires about my upcoming race, thank you so much, it is a real boost.  Whoever it was said "trust your training", thank you, this has become my mantra when I get the heebee jeebees thinking about it.  I'm very nervous; it's only my 5th tri, my first for 2 years and only the 2nd time I've done this distance.  

Although it says "long course" that's what they call the sprint distance at this event.  It's a women's only tri and attracts about 1000 women.  It really is to get women to "try" with events starting at 150/5/1.5.  It's a gorgeous event with participants of all ages, sizes and abilities and the atmosphere is brilliant.  The event supports the Esther Foundation which operates a program for young women aged 14-35 wanting to get their lives back on track. The program provides support and accommodation for young women to overcome issues relating from substance abuse, self-harm, family breakdown, domestic violence, sexual abuse and mental health problems - in a safe and structured environment. The Esther Foundation Recovery Program aims to empower and enrich young women with self-worth, skills and the confidence to lead successful lives within the community. Part of the recovery program is training for the tri and some talk about their experience at the after party which is really humbling and inspiring.  

This was the first tri I ever did with a very tearful 300m breaststroke when I panicked in the water, a slow 10km on my mountain bike and then a 3km shuffle, having never done a brick, I had no idea my legs were supposed to feel like that!  

We have been having hazy hot days here - there's a bushfire burning a couple of 100km south of here and the smoke is drifting up to us.  I woke to my son saying "why does everywhere smell like bacon?"  Luckily the sea-breeze clears it in the afternoon.  It's all bush land so the firies have set up containment lines and are letting it burn itself out as that's how our flora here regenerates but they reckon that'll take about 5 days.

Take care all

2012-02-16 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Gwen - the race sounds fantastic as a way to get more women involved. I'd love for my oldest daughter to try a full tri. She did the run leg of our local sprint last year on a relay team. She is a great athlete, a strong swimmer, and could do well if she wanted to.

I'm feeling quite inspired by everyone here -- lots of great stories about pushing to get better, and keep improving. I think its great, and everyone should be feeling great about what they are doing!

I missed my workout last night and again this AM. Forgot about a family thing last night which took up all my time, and this AM I splept right through my alarm for an extra hour. I can probably get it in tonight, though.

Found out yesterday one of the guys at my office is signed up for the same HIM I'll be doing. He is a multiple IM finisher, including Kona, and a few overseas races. He's not gone 140.6 in 10 years or so, but he's a mad cyclist, and will probably be a fast finisher in this race.

2012-02-16 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Someone asked about core workouts. Here is one Gordo posted that you may want to consider.

2012-02-16 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Well my two weeks of uninterrupted training and getting some routine in kind of went out of the window at 3:30pm on Tuesday when my boss asked if I could fly out that same night 3,5 hrs later) and then fly on to Spain the next day to take some flights from Madrid to the Canary Islands! Well you don't say no to something like that. He said I might be back Saturday...

I went straight home that day and did my killer bike workout followed by a hard brick and since then I have been travelling and without a bike or pool. I have only been able to run!

Yesterday we got the news then that we won't be back home until Tuesday but at least we get 2 days rest on the Canary Island where it is warm

I told them I can only do if they find me a hotel with a real gym which has a stationary bike hopefully that works out!

I am sure glad my coach made the decision that I should rather do the Sprint Distance in Abu Dhabi and I signed up for that this week.If he would have decided otherwise I probably would be a nervous wreck now! But once again everything happens for a reason!Hope you are all doing good

2012-02-17 6:40 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Biggest lesson learned so far in my training -- SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP is in great need. In the past I've always operated well on 6 hours or so a night, even when training for races (shorter distance). BUT, things have changed, and I'm finding a need to get more. Particularly after I do an evening workout, and need to do something the following morning. I am also finding I sleep so deeply my alarm doesn't wake me up!! .


2012-02-17 8:42 AM
in reply to: #4052293

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Today's 26 mile ride is complete!  Now it's time to get cleaned up to celebrate the wild child's 17th birthday!!  We are off to St. Louis to eat healthy and shop!
2012-02-17 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Did any one see this on GMA? What a blank blank blankety blank!

Edited by T1 rider 2012-02-17 5:19 PM
2012-02-17 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
I watched that video and am amazed what he did. Not much jail time for that intentionally hitting a cyclist.

2012-02-17 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
I watched that video and am amazed what he did. Not much jail time for intentionally hitting a cyclist.

Edited by KathyG 2012-02-17 5:22 PM
2012-02-18 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

GOOOOOD Saturday AM everyone

I just finished a 1:40 ride on the trainer and discovered something -- I sweat quite a bit on the bike. My shirt felt like I'd stood in a shower for a while. Gross, yes, but surprising. Also bought some HEED last night, and figured I'd try it out on the 'ride'. Worked fine, no stomach issues, and I'll likely buy more to train with (my HIM is using it on the course). Anyway, I did another "Sufferfest" workout, this one called "Fight Club" and my legs are toast. But in a real good way.

Has been an up-and-down training week. Missed my run yesterday, but I'm back on track today w/ the trainer ride. Tomorrow is another run, and back at it. Have a few days off with the upcoming school vacation, so it should be a nice ralaxing week, hopefully.

can't get the link to work, but if its the one of the bus driver hitting the bike rider intentionally, its really disturbing.

Have a great weekend everyone!! I'll check back in tomorrow.


2012-02-18 4:18 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Mike, do you have a fan on you for your trainer rides? It makes a big difference as to how sweaty I feel. I first used a regular fan I could buy at Home Depot. After a couple years I upgraded to a commercial fan that is much better.

Monet and her 5 puppies are coming tomorrow. We need to help them learn how to use the litter box and adjust to new surrounding next few days.

In making space for the puppy set up I found a refund check from LL BEan dated 2005 for $138. They said it's okay to cash it.

2012-02-18 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Just finished a local race.  It's a super hilly 5.3 mile course.  I did it in 42:53! Laughing

Unfortunately, one of our oldest runners collapsed just after he started.  Other racers performed CPR on him until the ambulance arrived.  Just heard that he is in ICU so he survived.  Please send some prayers and well wishes to him in hopes that he pulls through.  Crap. Frown

2012-02-18 8:01 PM
in reply to: #4054769

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
owl_girl - 2012-02-18 5:15 PM

Just finished a local race.  It's a super hilly 5.3 mile course.  I did it in 42:53! Laughing

Unfortunately, one of our oldest runners collapsed just after he started.  Other racers performed CPR on him until the ambulance arrived.  Just heard that he is in ICU so he survived.  Please send some prayers and well wishes to him in hopes that he pulls through.  Crap. Frown

Well done on the race! Nice time as well.

Sucks to hear about someone going down in an event. Best wishes to him.

2012-02-18 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Fantastic job on the race!!! Nice time. Hope the fallen racer recovers fully. Sad

Kathy -- no fan. I have a problem with lack of electrical outlets near my trainer (no other options for placment) so I've just gone without. You have no idea how nice it feels for me to actually ride outside

2012-02-19 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4054769

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Owl girl---great job on the race!  Hate for any competitor to go down on the race...sad.

Mike...ref to no fan.  I have my trainer set-up in the garage--no fan and still sweat disgustingly--even at 40 degrees.

Just finished my workout for the day!  Now we can go see a movie this evening.  Tomorrow we tour another just a short run when we return.  Of course, there is a mall by the university...will need to shop again so it might just be a lot of walking vs the run on Monday!

2012-02-19 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hey everyone:

This was a fairly consistent exercise weekend.  Friday was a spin session in the morning and a 4.75 mile loop during lunch   I am getting faster as my average was 8:50 per mile.  Yesterday swam 40 laps, ran 4.25 and did a quick spin on the trainer.  This morning was a killer yoga class and an eight mile run.

Worked on daughter #3's science fair project all day.  She is the kind of kid (4th grade) who needs me to be beside her all the time while she does her work.  I am also in the midst of sewing a Sacajawea costume for her living history project. 

So I need someone to disabuse me of the crazy idea that swimming really isn't all that great a form of exercise.  I recall a conversation many, many years ago with someone who asserted that because it is not a weight bearing or gravity resisting exercise it doesn't burn that many calories or develop  muscle tone.  Today after yoga I was chatting with another regular and we got to talking about swimming.  She said she gave us swimming because she noticed that when she swam a lot she tended to put on weight. 

So what does everyone think?  I think unquestionably swimming is a great cardiovascular workout but wonder if there is something to the argument that otherwise it is not terrific.  I absolutely love swimming but think one must run and bike to achieve real toned fitness.


2012-02-19 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Puppies are here!

They settled in well and are fun to snuggle with.  All our kids are loving having them here. They sit in the puppy area and hold and play with them for hours.

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