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2007-04-01 4:36 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks Rob! If nothing else this can just be the Rob and Pene forum! We can totally hog it and turn it into a sitcom or a soap opera. I'll take the soap end:) So, Kali gotcha, huh? Well, she got me, too. I was all set to go shop and put on my swimsuit at home (saves time) only to have the d*^% zipper break! RIP Zoot swimsuit:( Well, that just gave me the perfect excuse to roadtrip to the Dells to the Nike Factory Store and get not one, but TWO new suits! (Hey, they were really cheap!) I took only cash with me or I would have come home with the entire store, and I'm not kidding here! I could have bought 5 pairs of running shoes-----but, I didn't. Give me some praise, everyone!

Prof, I think you are right. I've been GRUMPY all week, even when I was trying my best not to show it. It's because my body was just plain pushed beyond it's limits and was pissed at me. So, my goal for the week is to lay off the skip until my leg is feeling GREAT. And I even made a chart so I can give myself stars when I complete each thing. It is a chart of SELF CARE stuff like: stretching/breathing, Yoga, using the rollers, bellydancing, massage (got one scheduled with my baby sister who works out of my office!), drinking lots of water, eating less sugar/carbs, eating more fruits and veggies, getting enough protein in, TAKING MY VITAMINS, tanning(for the vitamin D mainly--boosts immunity), 8 hours rest (I'm bad with that), taking care of myself with haircuts, lotions, nails, etc. You wouldn't think I'd need to work that stuff into a goals chart, but I am a care giver for everyone else, not myself. Hopefully at the end of the week, I'll feel rejuvenated and stronger. I'll use my laser on my leg (I have one of those awesome cold lasers that stimulates the mitochondria of the cell to heal faster--it works, I just don't use it on myself). And maybe get an adjustment from a colleague if we can work it into our mutual schedules. I'm pretty sure I put my right hip out when I fell off my dance.

As far as tri goals this week: I want to shop for fun and not even stress about how many laps I do, and get my tribike out on the 17 mile course in West Salem, but just for fun and not to beat Lance Armstrong (I know, in my dreams).

Oh yes, SEAN, I'm using my netti pot now. I've had one for a long time and just sort of forgot about it, but it's on the self care chart now, too! Kind of hard to skip a lot when you can't breathe very well through your nose, and your lungs are congested.

Since Prof said to take it easy this week, I would further challenge my teammates to write up their own self care charts and see how many ways you can baby your body this week! What do you all think of that???

By the way, this site is playing with us and uses shop for the thing you do with your arms and legs in the water, skip for the thing you do when you are out on the road and walking but a lot faster, and dance for the thing you do on wheels! Very cute, but ANNOYING! I thought I'd lost my mind there for a bit and even tried to edit it.........

Edited by phoenixrising404 2007-04-01 4:43 PM

2007-04-01 7:17 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi Everyone!!
The Accenture sprint distance is .75 K shop, 22K or 13.6 mile dance and 5K or 3.1 mile skip.
The shop is in Lake Michigan's Monroe Street Harbor. Just south of the landmark of Chicago Yatch Club. The Tranisition area is north. The dance is on Lake Shore drive and the skip is on the park's lakefront trail with a tour of outside Shedd Aquarium on the lake.

I didn't make lemon pie. The point is to make a sour lemon sweet. An example of this is:
Think of your favorite song, it must be one that makes you smile and feel good.
When you are running and it's a challenge On the mile marks you sing outloud the whole song or your favorite part of a song. If your in a group you talk about the song of the day and all sing. Who cares if you can sing or not, the point is that it makes you smile

I tried my first brick and I biked 10 miles and jogged 1 mile. It took me awhile but I had the whole saturday. I am taking Sun off. I have never logged my workouts so I went and bought a pocket sized notebook for August and beyond.

Swimgirl- How do you keep track of how many meters you swam? I shop laps but I loose count.

Question? What is redbike/ yellowbike. I thought yea I have a red dance I ride too!!!
I kick red dance !
But obviosly it also means something else. I have a red mountain dance I ride on all rides. But would like to try a race dance, However I don't like the rounded handles that you lean forward to. I don't like the head first feeling going 20 MPH, How do you accostomize yourself to this? All of my previous rides are on straight handle bars except once. I read that you can use a mountain dance. What do you think is better? What are your viewpoints on this and why?

Tri ing- Next time your in Chicago Let me know ahead of time and we can meet somewhere for tea.

Have A great week everyone.

You cannot direct the wind..... but you can adjust the sails.

2007-04-01 7:26 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
2007-04-01 7:29 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
There is something wrong with the computers.

S W I M, B-ike, R-UN is what I typed. This shows up in other previous posts too.
2007-04-01 8:05 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
IT"S APRIL FOOL"S!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Whew! It'll all go back to normal tomorrow more than likely Geez, haven't played a joke on anyone at all today. Guess I could tell you all more jokes.....a patient Friday told me about being an egg. You all can be grateful you are not an egg. Because if you were: only your mother would sit on your face, you'd only get laid once, you'd only get eaten get the picture Yep, even the old married farmers flirt with me.......I do think April 1 must be Kali's national holiday!!

Jeannette--it will take me awhile to get used to my tribike, too, but they just LOOK so much cooler, don't they? I mean, really, don't you sort of go, "oh, that person's a SERIOUS biker" when they race past on one of those skinny tired things? Or they wear one of those tapered helmets? ( I didn't get one, don't worry) Supposedly, those road/tri b i k e s are just plain faster because they are so much lighter. But, go with whatever feels best to you! I'm a Leo girl, so I HAD to get a skinny little impressive looking expensive thing (Madonna is a Leo, need I say more?). Material girl.......

Come on, serious people, someone else post some jokes or something. I'm downloading iTunes (finally, I've only had the iPod Nano since Christmas, but have had an aversion to using it because my old boyfriend gave it to me and then dumped me--guys are strange!) so I'm stuck online watching the % complete thing go on for hours. Ho hum......
2007-04-01 9:04 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Pene hun we can't keep up with you!  :P

Well your little godess is pushing it.  I made it about 5km before it was *flop flop flop* flat tire lol.  It was a nice little walk home.  My rear tire had 3 leaks which I tried to patch, but I think I will just need to pick up some new tubes tomorrow.


It was a light rain tonight so I went for a skip.  By far my new favourite thing, running in a light rain on a warm night.  No music, no watch.  Just a nice light 30min jog.

AND I got a little ego boost tonight.  On my way home I got my first whistle.  Didn't turn to see her I just put the picture in my head it was some super hot model.  :D

Oh well, off to work.  Last night of overnights for a while which is nice. 

2007-04-01 9:34 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Rob--It was ME whistling at ya! Just couldn't resist........
2007-04-02 5:12 AM
in reply to: #744778

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-01 8:17 PM

I tried my first brick and I biked 10 miles and jogged 1 mile. It took me awhile but I had the whole saturday. I am taking Sun off. I have never logged my workouts so I went and bought a pocket sized notebook for August and beyond.

Swimgirl- How do you keep track of how many meters you swam? I shop laps but I loose count.

Question? What is redbike/ yellowbike. I thought yea I have a red dance I ride too!!!
I kick red dance !
But obviosly it also means something else. I have a red mountain dance I ride on all rides. But would like to try a race dance, However I don't like the rounded handles that you lean forward to. I don't like the head first feeling going 20 MPH, How do you accostomize yourself to this? All of my previous rides are on straight handle bars except once. I read that you can use a mountain dance. What do you think is better? What are your viewpoints on this and why?

Good job on the brick! How'd your legs feel coming off the bike? Admit it, that wobbly feeling was both scary and cool, wasn't it?

You get used to the road bike, and in fact, you start to love it. The mountain bike will feel big and heavy to you after a bit. Sort of like driving an SUV after you've been in a sleek convertible. But most races allow you to use your mountain bike, so my advice is to ride what you have, enjoy the race, and just have fun pushing your body. You have the rest of your life to buy and train on a road bike.

2007-04-02 7:44 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
This new REST regimine is working!! I actually dreamed last night! A lot! That hasn't been happening lately, so my sleep hasn't been effective. I woke up feeling way less achy, almost no pain at all in comparison (and I didn't even use the laser or do the stretching or massage yet). AND my attitude is better! Woke up sassy and rebellious! I'm wearing a sort of "Pene" outfit that will likely drive my 23 year old receptionist crazy. She's all into the feminine look, and I'm......not. So, because I'm self-employed and can wear anything I want, I'm wearing the army sneakers with no laces and little embroidered flowers Not that this has anything to do with tri's! But, I'M BACK! Weird, sassy and happy Try the rest thing this week and see what it does for you!!!!
2007-04-02 7:53 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
good to be back, taking a half day and spending some time reading and responding. But how to count laps (I count laps and convert to yards later), here is what I did and now have several friends (okay only 2) who did the same. Get some string or ribbon (something water proof) and and some beads (kids hair or art beads from Michael's). Tie one end and add on beads for the maxuim laps you would ever do- mine has 33 which is one mile in my pool. I have one color of a quater mile, half mile, 3/4 and a mile. I swim a lap, move a bead, swim three move three beads. It is really nice to be thinking about my stroke and NOT how may laps I have swam. It fits right in my goggles case and was free to make because I know some kids who already had beads that their parents were happy to get rid of ( they are small and painful when stepped on) Maybe Pene can snail mail us some beads from her kids art supplies box.
2007-04-02 8:58 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi Kids

My totals for March are.......

B: 381.88 Mi
R: 72.65 Mi
S: 1800.00 Yd

Which makes our group totals thus far….

S 87,378 yards
B 2,614.92 miles
R 512.50 miles

Now that is pretty amazing and a testament to us all for sticking with this madness.

I make that to be a total distance of 3177.07 miles which is longer than the distance between New York and San Francisco (2582 miles) by the distance that is between my house in Yorkshire and my house in France!

I don’t know if everyone has posted their totals yet but if that’s the final figure, we are kicking red bike!

Jeanette, Red bike/yellow bike was a by product of the puritanical moderators of this site who didn’t feel that we should be able to use certain words on the forum. They replaced two relatively inoffensive words whilst leaving the remaining canon of Anglo Saxon invective free to all! Red bike is what came up if you typed the vulgar terminology for “bottom” and yellow bike replaced the vulgar term for poo. However the system has now been updated to automatically deletes these and certain other words that may, ahem, be a tad offensive whilst others (which the moderators clearly have never been exposed to so clearly don’t take taxis in New York) are allowed through without being tampered with! In the land of enshrined free speech I am someone disappointed. You see, I can say that but I can’t say that my boss is an or that I’m feeling today because I have a cold. Subversion through eloquence seems to be the way forwards!

On a personal note I too feel that I need to join in on this twelve step program. Hi, my name is Mark and I’m addicted to running, cycling and swimming (and looking like a whale in lycra at any opportunity!)

By god, I love this addiction.

I had a wonderful break in the Lake District and, thanks to cmckee's encouragement, ran around (some) of the lake at the bottom of the garden as well as taking the kids up their first mountain so all in all a good break away. The only downside is that it seems that I am going to the Far East for a couple of months. I am not sure if this is a good thing or not but we will see.

Well done to everyone on their bricks and I hope that you all made good use of your days off and did nothing tri related.

As I had a fairly light week last week I hope that prof will excuse me from a light week this week. I need to get some serious bike time in and see if I can work out how to strap my hand up to get in the water!

2007-04-02 11:22 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Phonixrising- Yea I see a tri bike and think they must do at least 5 tri's a year. They do look cool! GO LEO, GO LEO, FLY BY ON THE TRI!!!!!

Mark- Thank you for the eloquent explanation of red and yellow bike. I support free speech as long as it is an idea and directed at an individual. Good luck with the hand. Give it time to heal.
You could try strapping it to a kick board and kicking with both feet and pulling with one arm.

Extreme vetran- Yes my legs were wobbly I took a 5 minute waterbreak to get fresh cold water. During the tri there is a 450 meter run to the transition area. After my swim my whole body is wobbly so the brick is a good idea to get used to that feeling. I can only imagine what an astronaut feels like when returning to terra firma from space.

Tri-ing- Thank you for the bead idea. Do you tie it onto the swim lane floats? near the wall in the water? Or is it on the deck near the pool?

Prof- The date is Aug 26. Very very early in the morning. Is it common to start when the sun is rising? I am giving myself a lot of time to train. 5 years ago I did a super sprint tri. That was a while ago and I was in excellent shape. That was my first tri. This one is a longer one, and I am a little older and sit at a desk most days. If I do a tri I want a small medal to show my friends so they believe I actually did the tri. The super sprint had no medal and this one does.
This way my friends will believe me.

Bump a shark in the nose with metal and it is more likely to leave you alone.
2007-04-02 12:00 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-02 5:22 PM

Mark- Thank you for the eloquent explanation of red and yellow bike. I support free speech as long as it is an idea and directed at an individual. Good luck with the hand. Give it time to heal.
You could try strapping it to a kick board and kicking with both feet and pulling with one arm.

Bump a shark in the nose with metal and it is more likely to leave you alone.

In all my years as a lawyer I have never been so insulted! Eloquent indeed. Next someone will say that I am comprehendible, concise or even worse, polite (shiver down spine).

I fully expect that those who read my posts (and to be frank I don’t believe many do) are bemused by the tone and somewhat exasperated by the peculiar language and choice of words. Eloquent just will not do.

PS Thanks for the tip about the hand, I may well try that towards the end of the week once I get up the nerve to take the splint off.

PPS "Everybody favours free speech in the slack moments when no axes are being ground." Heywood C. BROUN U.S. journalist and author (1888-1939)
2007-04-02 6:13 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark, we missed you! The place just wasn't the same without you. And yes, we DO read your posts. Every word. Not only are you eloquent, but gentile, encouraging, fascinating, flippant, rebellious, and even kewl. Which is supposed to be ever so much better than cool. So there! Deal with it! If you go to the far east, you are hereby ORDERED to take a laptop with and write to us! (pretty please)

My computer(s) at work had Gremlins today. Damn that Kali! I couldn't read a single email all day, or get onto the net. It was hell! I'm not kidding. I not only need a 12 step for recovering computer sluts, and tri addicts, but also for internet junkies. Yikes! I used to think people that hung on the computer all day were seriously DERANGED..........ooops, be careful not to judge people
2007-04-02 8:06 PM
in reply to: #742859

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
prof40 - 2007-03-30 5:14 AM

Nice job! Tell the truth -- in January, would you have believed you would do those numbers?

nope, I would of never guessed in 100 years I was going to do anything athletic. This is all a shock to me. When I was coming home from Chicago this weekend, I was ready to send some of my stuff home with my friends who was driving to make sure I got my running shoes came home on me. Heck, I packed more layers to run than I did for clothes to wear for a professional conference; I might be an addict but I am in darn good shape to be an addict. BGT
2007-04-02 8:15 PM
in reply to: #745523

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-02 11:22 AM

Tri-ing- Thank you for the bead idea. Do you tie it onto the swim lane floats? near the wall in the water? Or is it on the deck near the pool?

Bump a shark in the nose with metal and it is more likely to leave you alone.

I lay them on the deck at the top of the lane. BGT

2007-04-02 8:32 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, I re read and got filled in.
So on top of the mini tri in 27 days, my first 10K (6 miles) in 35 days, I have also signed on to swim one mile a week for 25 weeks.
It is a sympathy swim for a fund rasier. The YWCA of Mpls is sending 15 people (8 youth on one relay team, 6 adults on another relay team and 1 guy who is going to swim a double) to swim across the english channel to raise money for kids of color to get free swim lessons.

I have talked about this before, but now the 25 miles in 25 weeks, sympathy swim is starting NOW. Here is an idea maybe we can all commit to swim 25 miles over the next 25 weeks (note 25 miles is the distance of the chanel). Think about it. Also here is the website for more information:

also if you feel moved you could make a financial contributuion to the cause- one girl is 13, as far as we know, she will be the first AA women to swim the chanel. VERY COOL!
rested today, back to the grind tommorw. Swim in the Am and run at night.
2007-04-02 11:30 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I'm in!! So, that's 33 laps in a 25 yard per length pool? I just contacted someone for a swim clinic hosted by my tri group and the UW-L swim team April 15. They video tape your swim, give feedback and then send you back in for drills. Yikes! At first I was intimidated. Even having Carlos around makes me nervous. I do better when it's just me. But, I don't grow that way. And swim clinics aren't for those who have it all together, right? They are exactly for folks like me that could use some decent feedback before the bad form is engrained and I can't unlearn it. That's what I told myself anyway. A mile per week for 25 weeks should really help me get ready for those Aquathons (that also have me intimidated but I tell myself it is 17 weeks away so there's time). Good idea, Quiana!

I also looked at the bike and run maps for my June 10 tri. I should have time this weekend to do the bike and run courses in West Salem because the kids' dad will (supposedly, if he can get his yellowbike together and actually follow through) have the kids over Easter. He lives in Ohio and hasn't seen them since last July. So, we'll see. He is court ordered to stay in Wisconsin for visitation, so if there is a problem, Wisconsin authorities can step in (he just isn't a nice fellow). It actually has me weirded out about him coming. We just don't get along and the idea of being subjected to his comments, even momentarily, makes me feel like throwing up. Will he try to break into my house or office (again)? Plus, I worry about the kids. Will he twist their poor little minds further, or feed them something other than McDonalds, and will they camp in April in a tent because he can't afford a know, the basics. Sorry, venting......not going to get a good sleep in tonight. Now you all know why I train so much--I need the stress relief!!!!
2007-04-03 1:52 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

BGT:  That sounds like a really cool idea they are doing.  I have actually thought about changing gyms and start going to the Y since they seem to do so many more charitable events, but they cost about twice as much as I pay now.  I wish I could commit to your challenge but I really don't get in the pool enough yet. 


Pene:  Hate to break it to you, but you are actually looking at about 70laps there.  But we know you can do it and you already said you would, so now you have to!

Also, we BOTH have a tri on June 10th, as well as Helen.  So we will all have to have a pre-race cheer that week


Went to the LBS to get a new tire for the bike.  The last time I was there was when I was still very new to biking, and didn't understand alot of it.  This time was different as I was  drooling over all the sexy sexy road bikes which cost so much but look so fast.  Oh well, my gary fisher with fat tires will do just fine.

BUT I also saw that the bike shop rents wetsuits!  And its only $25/weekend so I may give it a try for June after all. 

2007-04-03 2:41 AM
in reply to: #746489

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-04-03 2:32 AM

Okay, I re read and got filled in.
So on top of the mini tri in 27 days, my first 10K (6 miles) in 35 days, I have also signed on to swim one mile a week for 25 weeks.
It is a sympathy swim for a fund rasier. The YWCA of Mpls is sending 15 people (8 youth on one relay team, 6 adults on another relay team and 1 guy who is going to swim a double) to swim across the english channel to raise money for kids of color to get free swim lessons.

I have talked about this before, but now the 25 miles in 25 weeks, sympathy swim is starting NOW. Here is an idea maybe we can all commit to swim 25 miles over the next 25 weeks (note 25 miles is the distance of the chanel). Think about it. Also here is the website for more information:

also if you feel moved you could make a financial contributuion to the cause- one girl is 13, as far as we know, she will be the first AA women to swim the chanel. VERY COOL!
rested today, back to the grind tommorw. Swim in the Am and run at night.

I'm in. I took off my splint last night and everything so far seems to be fine. I plan to duct tape my fingers together and go swimming later. As you know duct tape is one of the six Fundamental Forces of the Universe, with the other five being gravity, magnetism, whining, remote control, and the force that pulls dogs toward the groins of strangers so I think that I should be fine.

An English comedian swam the channel last year for a charity called Comic Relief which is aimed towards helping projects both in the UK and overseas and raised a shed load of money in doing so. I hope that your event does the same.
2007-04-03 5:09 AM
in reply to: #746646

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-03 12:30 AM

I'm in!! So, that's 33 laps in a 25 yard per length pool?

72 lenths of a 25 yard pool = 1800 yards = 1 mile. Approximately.

2007-04-03 5:18 AM
in reply to: #746683

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-04-03 2:52 AM

Went to the LBS to get a new tire for the bike.  The last time I was there was when I was still very new to biking, and didn't understand alot of it.  This time was different as I was  drooling over all the sexy sexy road bikes which cost so much but look so fast.  Oh well, my gary fisher with fat tires will do just fine.

BUT I also saw that the bike shop rents wetsuits!  And its only $25/weekend so I may give it a try for June after all. 

I hear what you're saying about the bikes. I stumbled upon a store last week that had rows of these amazing bikes, and all I wanted to do was take them out for test rides!

Good find on the wetsuit rental, and that's a good price. It's definitely worth the rental fee if the water is cold. Think about it -- you don't want to drain all your energy before you even get on your bike.
2007-04-03 6:48 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

weekly totals... dismal feel like a feather weight comeing into a heavy weight battle looking at all the numbers monthly totals for me are as follows

Bike: 2h 35m 18s - 52.75 KM fell short of my goal by 172.25kms but in saying that i did alot more bricks riding then running in prep for my tri

Run: 3h 43m 24s - 37.23 KM beat my total by 7.23kms
Swim: 1h 21m - 3000 didnt make by over 9 something hours but happy enough first time i tried swimming and am pretty good at it even if i do say so myself

so my monthly totals are
bike 52.75kms
run 37.23
swim 3000

can some1 please convert these total and add them up ive been trying to do it but im all over the shop

i also have been sick this week which is dissapointing and i have my tri in like 11 days!
oh crap
im soooo dead!


2007-04-03 7:21 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
72 lengths=36 laps. Cool beans. No Problemo!

June 10 is going to be a real milestone for quite a few of us! If I drank, I'd say we all have to have a toast to our success. But, I don't drink, so I'll just have to send you Canooks a mental hug instead And Rob, I discovered wetsuits are sexier than Victoria's Secret underwear (at least to men) so you'll have to have someone photograph you in one! They make you feel so sleek and streamlined! I really am going to design eveningwear made of lighter wetsuit material and maybe in pastels........

MALPH--here's YOUR pep talk! Cut it out! You've been a machine! You have leaned up, hardened up, and trained well! Remember--you are THE ROCK! Rocks are tough and in the water, you are magically transformed into pumice, which is still a rock, but is lava with holes in it so it is very light and buoyant And when you finish the race, you'll feel like a diamond! You'll be able to dazzle the chicks with your smile, wit and TRIATHLETE status!! So get out there and rock the race world. You'll do just fine Besides, I didn't think Aussies had any insecurities--my professors from down under were THE most opinionated, passionate blokes around. I think they slept on nails and fire walked each morning before breakfasting on vegemite, hamburgers with pickled beets and a fried egg, and wombat stew. So no more bunyip attitude out of you!! Or I'll send you on a walkabout through the desert barefoot (which will make you grow hooves due to the sharp thistles embedding themselves into your flesh repeatedly--I read a book about it)
2007-04-03 11:02 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, so I was glad Margret was at the pool, I got to ask some questions and get some answers. A mile is more like 35 laps and I have 17 weeks to do it NOT 25! That means 52 laps per week, 26 laps twice a week to make it 25 miles before the team swims. I am scared but up for the challange. I was going to close the day with a run, but it suppose to SNOW so I am not sure, I did not pack for a winter run. I might go another set of laps to get me closer to a mile this week.

Also I timed my tri swim- I did 12 laps in 18:30 min. which is not great but that is my base time for the tri.

Last thing- the new TC Sports (free local sports mag) came out, I saw it when I can in the morning- I was gushing. I never knew I was althletic and now I am reading sports porn... what a long strange trip. BGT
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