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2010-06-09 8:39 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Excellent news.  The hardest part of recovery is to avoid the urge to "test" it and overdo.  Easy does it. 

2010-06-09 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2910310

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

TriRSquared - 2010-06-09 9:06 AM First run last night since the knee surgery.  We have a summer beach run series (a kid's 1 mile run and then followed up by an adult run of various diustances).  Every Tuesday night for 12 weeks.  It's a great time.

So I ran the 1 mile run with my 8 year old.  Had the knee in a soft sided brace (probably for more peace of mind than anything else).  Went good.  Took it very easy at 9:20/mile.

Each step produced some weird pang but nothing I'd call pain.  Just unnerving.  After the run I had no pain so that's all I can ask for.

Thus begins a LONG, frustrating road to running recovery (swim is back, bike is almost there).  Last piece of the puzzle.

This is one place that patience will definately pay off!  I can imagine though that you are acutely aware of every twinge!  Good luck and we are glad to have you back running again!

2010-06-20 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Its been a week or so since any activity here!  Just checking in to see how everyone's training and racing is going! 

2010-06-20 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
We are in the midst of a kitchen remodel and my boat was damaged in storage, so dealing with stuff and less time to post.  All is good.  Hard VO2 drills and LT drills, sometimes at the same time.  Paying off.  More comfortable at high watt outputs. Better bike skills, racing around corners, etc.

Swim is good.  Working on opening the stroke up into a superman style reach to move the arms out a bit.  The result is a transfer of the work onto the long muscles on the sides of my core rather than the arms.  Also focusing on higher cadence just like on the bike and the run.  Result the same - better speeds.

The run - My Garmin failed yesterday - low charge - so I wound up going father than planned, I think.  Judging by time and what I know about distances between certain points from other runs I was at or over 12 miles.  I wanted 11.   That was after a VO2/LT drill of 35 miles n the bike.  Not too shabby.  I am feeling tired this week.  So I took electrolytes yesterday and slept more the last few nights.  I am recovering.

Hope all is well with you guys.  I didn't join another group.  Frankly, I see no point why they keep changing things up. 

 Going out for those challenging escalating cadence/power drill.  I go from 60% @W 85 rpm to 75% at 100 in two hours with no breaks.  Constant spinning.  Hard on the back cause I can't move much.  I call it Spin Cycle.   When I'm done I feel like I've been through the wringer. 

Have a great day.

2010-06-20 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2932512

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

IceManScott - 2010-06-20 11:06 AM We are in the midst of a kitchen remodel and my boat was damaged in storage, so dealing with stuff and less time to post.  All is good.  Hard VO2 drills and LT drills, sometimes at the same time.  Paying off.  More comfortable at high watt outputs. Better bike skills, racing around corners, etc.

Swim is good.  Working on opening the stroke up into a superman style reach to move the arms out a bit.  The result is a transfer of the work onto the long muscles on the sides of my core rather than the arms.  Also focusing on higher cadence just like on the bike and the run.  Result the same - better speeds.

The run - My Garmin failed yesterday - low charge - so I wound up going father than planned, I think.  Judging by time and what I know about distances between certain points from other runs I was at or over 12 miles.  I wanted 11.   That was after a VO2/LT drill of 35 miles n the bike.  Not too shabby.  I am feeling tired this week.  So I took electrolytes yesterday and slept more the last few nights.  I am recovering.

Hope all is well with you guys.  I didn't join another group.  Frankly, I see no point why they keep changing things up. 

 Going out for those challenging escalating cadence/power drill.  I go from 60% @W 85 rpm to 75% at 100 in two hours with no breaks.  Constant spinning.  Hard on the back cause I can't move much.  I call it Spin Cycle.   When I'm done I feel like I've been through the wringer. 

Have a great day.


A lot on your plate Scott!! Good for you keeping your training at the level you are with all the extra distractions.

I agree on the mentor groups, should last through the season at least.

2010-06-20 11:23 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I'm hanging here!

2010-06-22 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Hi guys,

Not much in way of an update from me. My marathon is scheduled for Sunday and looking back through my data i can see i have done more preparation but somehow i feel less optimistic! Perhaps 2nd time round i have higher expectations about what i want to achieve - still we'll see.

Missed running on Monday so have decided to just do some biking in this lead up week. Will let you know how it goes.


2010-06-22 10:23 PM
in reply to: #2937923

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

lbishop - 2010-06-22 11:16 PM Hi guys,

Not much in way of an update from me. My marathon is scheduled for Sunday and looking back through my data i can see i have done more preparation but somehow i feel less optimistic! Perhaps 2nd time round i have higher expectations about what i want to achieve - still we'll see.

Missed running on Monday so have decided to just do some biking in this lead up week. Will let you know how it goes.



I think 2nd time always leads to higher expectations!! Good luck Sunday Lewis, you are going to do well!!  Don't be afraid to get some short runs with some strides thrown in sometime in the next day or 2!

2010-06-22 11:27 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Shin splint.  Over use injury.  No running
2010-06-22 11:49 PM
in reply to: #2937973

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Scott - ouch! Take it easy on those. I found glucosamine sups helped when i first started and had *mild* shin splints!

Ryan - yea, we'll see, i might fit in a small one...

Cheers, Lewis.
2010-06-23 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2937973

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

IceManScott - 2010-06-23 12:27 AM Shin splint.  Over use injury.  No running

That would drive me nuts, I feel for you!!

I hope it clears up quickly!!

2010-06-25 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Good luck this weekend Lewis!!

And anyone else racing this weekend!!!

2010-06-27 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Hi everyone,

Did my race yesterday, so here's my report from the 2010 Wellington Harbour Marathon - sorry it's ended up longer than expected!
The weather was not forecast to be great but was supposed to be clearing up throughout the morning. We've had exceptionally bad weather patterns hitting NZ over the last 4 weeks so not only has that affected training but also the general feel and positivity for outdoor pursuits! Also, there's been lots of colds and flus and i was fighting one off myself which the whole family had just had. Oh boy - there's a way to start!
Anyway, luckily i had managed to avoid the colds and had found time to do a reasonable amount of training and some long runs which all went well. My maximum long run was 27k and there were no signs of fatigue or aches etc so i was pretty happy with that. So on the morning i got up early and had a quick bowl of cereal and checked the forecast - it wasn't good. Raining and a cold southerly wind would mean tough conditions round the harbour bays. It was expected to clear during the morning but with a 7:30am start i'd be lucky if it cleared for me! Anyway, nothing i could do about that so headed back to bed for a last hour.
Got to the event and it was freezing - officially 7 degrees but with that pesky cold southerly blowing it felt a lot colder. I had 3 layers on torso and legs, hat and gloves so i felt fine about heading out - this is after all a mid-winter event! So together with the other 400 marathon entrants we headed out from the stadium to the start and then it's starts to rain on us! Oh great - until this point it had only been drizzling... murmurs of discontent were everywhere! ;-)
A few minutes later after some announcements we head off. There's was plenty of water on the concourse by that time and my feet were pretty wet within about 5 minutes - this was not boding well! However, after 10 minutes the rain stopped and we carried on. The group was pretty bunched for the first 5k, so as my training has been mostly solo it was nice to run with others for a change. Running round the bays the wind certainly kept us on our toes - head round one bay and you're pretty sheltered, go around the next corner and you get hit by it! Oh well, living here, that's always expected.
So things went well for the first 15k or so. As i was running round i could see heavy rain at certain points around the course but luckily i never ran into it. At this stage i started to feel a lump under my left foot around a varucca i had - it felt like a large lump under the forefoot. Not really sore, but pretty uncomfortable and it just got steadily worse through the run.
Now we're at the 20k mark and i see my wife and kids, say a quick hi and then continue on to Brandas Pass and then down for maybe 600m to the half way point. But BANG! At Brandas Pass after running up and expecting a bit of assistance downhill, the wind was ferocious! Had to stick the head down, hold on to the hat and power downhill!!! Once down, the wind eased a little and i was looking forward to turning around and being on the way back, but alas they had decided to make the turn point at 23k and mentally that really mucked me up. I don't know why but running for another 2k when i thought i should be heading back was really tough!
Anyway, turned around at the turn point, then back to the pass. Got a little bit of assistance from the wind to get back up the hill and then i was running back to where the family were. At this point, a couple of my toes are getting pressured where i put plasters around them to stop them getting cut so the plasters needed to come off! As i was warming a little by then i decided to do that and drop off my running longs/pants, rain jacket, woolly hat and gloves when i got back to them. I sat down, took off stuff and handed it over, removed the plasters and changed socks - now that FELT GOOD!
Continuing on, i can still see the rain bursts throughout the harbour but apart from continuing light drizzle we're not getting hit by the proper rain so that's all good! But now the southerly is picking up and i'm feeling pretty cold - nothing i can do about it now, my gear is gone!!! ;-) I get to the 34k marker and all of a sudden i've lost all momentum - i've slowed right down. Till now, my timings have been pretty good and i'm on for under 4 hours. For the whole race i've been taking in gels and jelly-beans and feel like i'm doing everything right. But i can feel my quads burning and then suddenly i know what it is - running into the wind (head down, bending forward etc) continually has made this more of a strength session than a run and i'm not used to that. On i go... counting down those markers every 2k. I work it out and think i can still make my 4 hour target.
On and on, it's getting hard now but having done the same marathon in 2008 i know this time i'm not going to lose the mental battle and stop - last time, i stopped and walked a bit from 40k on - this time, i'm not walking any of it! 38k, 39k, 40k... 41k and i'm on 3:52! I'm not thinking of where i am on the course - i'm just looking at those markers - oh yea i'm gonna make it - this is just an easy jog now to get inside my target time! About ½k on and, hold on wait a minute, a 2k to go marker show's up - what??? Turns out they had mucked up some of the distance markers! So at this point i look at my watch - 3:55 - and think about where i am on the course! Damn! It's too far - i'm not going to make it.
Like many events, this one has multiple options, kids-1k, 10k-run, 10k-walk, half-run, half-walk, marathon-run and marathon-walk. We joined the rest of the participants around about the 35k point and foot traffic has been pretty heavy since then. In front of me taking up all the space are 3 walkers. Ok, so they're storming along, fair enough but i need to get past if i want to keep trying to make my time - i can't afford to slow down behind them! There's a small gap before the pathway thins so i go for it - i get level with them and then PING - oh, there's my left calf going! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow - i must've looked like a right fairy almost skipping along in front of them! ;-) Luckily i manage to get it under control and after about 50 metres continue at my earlier pace, but now i know i can't speed up - so, head down i continue for the finish and there it is. I cross the line in 4:03:22 - i couldn't have gone faster. Gutted not to make my target and sore, but pretty happy overall.
At this point, i make my way into the stadium, collect my finishers pack and start walking to get my gear so i can get a shower. I'm already starting to seize up - my quads are rock solid, there's no give in them at all and they are pretty painful. My wife is there and we catch up but she has to dash off so she doesn't get a car parking ticket. I can hardly speak. The walk to the gear collection is about 10 times further than it was to drop off (well it's not really but it feels like it and i'm going pretty slow) and by the time i've got my gear i am shivering - i'm cold, wet, sore, dizzy and showing mild early signs of hypothermia. Looking around i'm not alone, there are a few runners being seen to by the St Johns ambulance people.
Heading off to the showers i now remembered that you need to walk down 3 flights of stairs to get there - it's like torture! There's a stream of people all crab-walking and groaning down the stairs after seizing up - phew at least i'm not the only one! ;-) After a shower, some naff stadium food, a coffee and a coke i'm starting to feel a bit better. I'm hanging around for the prize-giving hoping to win something (i never win at these things) - the all expenses trip to the London marathon would be nice - and i'm starting to warm up at last. I don't win anything but a friend is the first name out of the box - a new pair of running shoes of her choice - nice.
So. I guess my feeling is that i lost some respect for the marathon - i know that now and it sure won't happen again. I'd done one before and thought i knew what i was in for - i was wrong. This one felt VERY different to 2008's. This was not only because of the weather - peak gusts of 100k/hr (averaging 35k/hr) and wet to boot. I won't pretend otherwise, i am gutted to miss my target but at the same time i am happy with the performance given the conditions. Overall, this is sure an event to remember!
So, once again, thanks for your support during the training. A little bit of rest these next 2 weeks and maybe some light bike spinning... then i'll consider getting back into it. I recall i have 5 weeks before the HIM 20 week plan starts...


Edited by lbishop 2010-06-27 9:20 PM
2010-06-28 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Great report Lewis and congrats on a fine race!! Thanks for sharing your race report!

2010-06-28 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Lewis - you rose to conquer tough conditions.  Great job!

My shin splint is improving to the point that the pain is gone...left with some tightness.  Going to ride (I've been riding all through it and swimming too.  Hard workouts just no running) and once warm, I'll stretch the muscles and try an easy walk jog just to test things.  Then stretch more, ice, soak and see.  Tuesday, I have to get to a 40K time trial.  It's the same 20K course I did a PR at 22 plus on a couple of weeks before my first tri of the season, just doing it two times.  Next tri is July 17, an Olympic. Then half IM over Labor Day.

What I don't like about these overuse injuries is that they give you no real warning.  I feel strong and like things are good and the next day, bang. Preciousness counts in more than horseshoes.      
2010-07-03 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2947811

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Just an update from me -

  • Muscles
  1. Calves felt pretty okay the next day and are all good.
  2. Quads took a couple of days to feel okay.
  3. Abs were tender after the race but no problems after a few hours.
  4. Knees felt okay but as the week has progressed and i've used them i can feel that they are pretty whacked - think they'll need more time to feel okay.

  • Feet
  1. Left is all okay - the feeling from it that i thought was a lump from around my varruca was actually a blister that had form under my foot between the big toe and toe 2 - very strange, never had one there before. All gone and cleared up now.
  2. Right has an injury - went to see a podiatrist and there is some muscle damage on the mid-outer section. After that dangerous internet self-diangnosis we all do i suspected a stress fracture but he was sure there was no bone damage. He's strapped it (really well!) for me and it's feeling marginally better but basically it starts aching and then hurting with weight bearing (i.e. walking) activity. Got a follow up appointment this week but at the moment it looks like overtraining, impact-related or shoe-related - or a combination of all. I suspect the shoes had part to do with it as they're probably overdue being replaced. 
  3. Couple of toes feel slighter tender from toe-bunching. ot sure if that'll result in any lost nails (lost 2 last time) but i don't think so at this stage!

So i've not done anything this week! Feel lazy but to be honest want to get this foot better as i'm supposed to be doing a 10k night-time event with my daughter (for me should be an easy run-walk time event) in 5 weeks.

Hope everyone is getting into it!


2010-07-03 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I did 35 miles on the bike with 2 sets of 5 X 2 mins @ 115% plus with 3 mins rest at 50% between efforts and a 6.5 mile brick today.  Leg was great.  Hip on the other side is sore today.  Didn't bother on the run or the bike so no freaking clue....I must have slept on it or something.  Ice, heat repeat.  
2010-07-03 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Lewis - Thanks so much for taking the time to post your race report. I love reading those things because I can relate to so much of what happens to others - both the mental games and the physical challenges. Congrats on finishing in those brutal conditions. And only 3 minutes off your goal - don't kick yourself for that. I sure hope your right foot heals properly so you can tackle your next event.

Ryan - I don't know if you're still getting on here, but I enjoyed reading your race report from your first tri at Welland that you posted on your blog. Good job! I was most impressed with you taking the time in T1 to help the girl beside you get her wetsuit off. You'll get a gold star in heaven because of that.

Hope everyone else is enjoying a busy, fun summer. I'm tackling my first Half Ironman in a week and am feeling ready. My goal - to FINISH with a smile and to cross the finish line on 2 feet.
2010-07-03 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2960130

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Brenda - thanks, overall i am actually happy with the time! And good luck with the HIM - i look forward to hearing all about it as it's my next TRI goal in December!!!

2010-07-03 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Good luck on the HIM, you rock!

Any of you on facebook.  If so, find me, Scott Richardson.  Fun way to keep up to date every day.
2010-07-08 4:09 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Thanks for the update Lewis!  A couple of weeks of downtime is good after a big race!!

Good luck this weekend Brenda!  Enjoy the race!!

I have my first tri of the season this weekend too!  HIM nearby!  Anyone else racing? 

Scott, new to facebook, haven't quite figured everything out yet.  But I will look for you!!

2010-07-08 4:25 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Good Luck to you too, Ken! You're starting out with an HIM?! Wow!

Scott, when I searched your name on Facebook, there are over 500 Scott Richardsons. Are you in a network or have any other distinguishing feature to narrow down the search?

Hope everyone else has something to smile about today
2010-07-08 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Scott Richardson listed under Champaign Illinois.  Brenda tried to find you too...several by your name and I couldn't find any listing Indiana. 

Hip pain is minor, comes and big issue.   I raced a time trial in pouring rain Tuesday.  25 miles.  Waiting for results.  Not great because I slowed to a crawl every turn to avoid crashing.  Over that length, just that minor change will add time like crazy.  Maintained 75% plus @ 95 rpm.   I felt like Bill Murray in Caddy Shack.  I don't think the really bad stuff has come in yet.  
2010-08-03 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Has this group faded? Everyone gone elsewhere?  Hello?  The new groups are all closed.  Wonder if not enough mentors or what?
2010-08-04 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

I guess everyone is busy with thier races! 

How is your season going Scott?

Between work and IM training, not much time for anything else for me this summer!!

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