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2009-02-23 2:48 PM
in reply to: #1977084

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Newtons1st - 2009-02-23 11:26 AM

Good morning all. I am feeling pretty good this morning after the Dual yesterday. I had 2 main goals of, 1. Dont forget something Major 2. Finish. I was successfull on both of them. I am surprised on how well my calfs felt after the race and today, They started to bother me during the race but they dont bother me at today. I still plan on taking some time of running. 2 mile run 16 mile bike and 2 mile run all done in 1:36.

I did do a full race report and posted it in that forum section.

The bike mount went real good. As I was jogging to the bike mount I passed 2 guys who were running in thier bike shoes. I also passed about 5 at the mount line when they stopped to get on and I just ran and jumped on. I felt that part went real well.

Even though the course whas fairly flat there were some slopes up and down. I found that vs the people that were around me I do alot better going down hill than up hill. A couple would pass me going up and I would pass them plus a few more going down. Also my speed sensor was not working to start so that sucked, but at least I did have the cadence part.  Overall I need to work on my biking.

I had a great time and am working on planning my next one. I really think I will do 2 and maybe 3 more this year. Also I think droppping some extra weight will help. Its hard carring around 210 lbs.



I posted in your log, but I'll stick it here too, congrats on the great race!  Glad to hear the calf held up.

2009-02-23 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1977530

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Newtons1st - 2009-02-23 2:37 PM

I guess I thought everyone did the flying mount. I only saw a few bikes in the racks with thier shoes clipped in. When I first started looking I didnt see any and I was getting worried that I couldnt have my shoes clipped in to start. Then I saw some that were.

I saw it on a video on here somehwere but this is how I do it.  I take 2 rubber bands. Not the industrial strength ones but ones that hold but dont break. I wrap the band around the left pedal and the rear lock down latch on the rear skewer. Then the 2nd one goes around my shoe and my bottle cage. This holds the right shoe horizontal. I jog holding the seat until I was past the line, then moved my hands to the bars. While running jump and swing right leg over as my rump lands on seat and right foot lands on shoe. Start peddling and catch the left shoe as it comes up. Both rubber bands snap and I have both feet on my shoes and pedling.  My shoes have 2 velcro straps and I start them off real loose. Get up to a decent speed and slide each foot in while it is a 9 0'clock. Hope that helps.



Yah see, I value the skin on both my face and my butt.  I won't be attempting this any time soon.

2009-02-23 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1977707

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-02-23 2:50 PM
Newtons1st - 2009-02-23 2:37 PM

I guess I thought everyone did the flying mount. I only saw a few bikes in the racks with thier shoes clipped in. When I first started looking I didnt see any and I was getting worried that I couldnt have my shoes clipped in to start. Then I saw some that were.

I saw it on a video on here somehwere but this is how I do it.  I take 2 rubber bands. Not the industrial strength ones but ones that hold but dont break. I wrap the band around the left pedal and the rear lock down latch on the rear skewer. Then the 2nd one goes around my shoe and my bottle cage. This holds the right shoe horizontal. I jog holding the seat until I was past the line, then moved my hands to the bars. While running jump and swing right leg over as my rump lands on seat and right foot lands on shoe. Start peddling and catch the left shoe as it comes up. Both rubber bands snap and I have both feet on my shoes and pedling.  My shoes have 2 velcro straps and I start them off real loose. Get up to a decent speed and slide each foot in while it is a 9 0'clock. Hope that helps.



Yah see, I value the skin on both my face and my butt.  I won't be attempting this any time soon.

I think that is where my ignorance helped me out. I just never thought it would be hard and I just tried it. It was actually pretty easy.

2009-02-23 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1976992

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-02-23 9:59 AM

Eric is able to get away with the baggy clothes, and the plastic bag shoe covers, becuase he can flat crank it out on the bike... no one's gonna say much - other than, just think how fast you would be if you were all decked out in the latest high-speed, low-drag, super hot kit... Rock Racing esque...  He doesn't have to "look" like he knows what he is the rest of us!   Hey, you can win if you don't look good - is how I justify my bright pink "look at me" I am secure in my manhood - racing gear... ; p


Rock Racing!  Someone has been watching the Tour of California.  I bought some of their stuff and use their bottles on my bike.


Congrats on the Dual Newton!!!!!

Edited by Epyon 2009-02-23 9:10 PM
2009-02-24 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I follow the GC's and I am a fan of RR.  They have the coolest kits among any of the teams.  There are some serious haters though, when it comes to this team and of course Lance.  RR being the bad boys - and the label of doping that Tyler Hamilton brought.  Just like the allegations against Mt Armstrong.

You bought some of their stuff?... I like it, but damn they are proud of it.  I just wanted a hoodie and it was like $75.  I am curious to see if RR will be allowed to race at the Tour de France this year, they weren't last year.

2009-02-24 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1978284

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

In keeping with this theme this is a link to the RR commercial...get ya a little pumped about riding the bike...

Epyon - 2009-02-23 9:09 PM
Tri_n_2_b_fast - 2009-02-23 9:59 AM

Rock Racing!  Someone has been watching the Tour of California.  I bought some of their stuff and use their bottles on my bike.


2009-02-24 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Awesome ad!!!

Yeah its a up hill battle when you hire those riders.  There was a rumor that Floyd Landis was going to join them but looks like he didn't.  I do like that most of team is American riders.  I hope they get a Pro Tour License some day.

I bought 2 bottles at 4 bucks each, and 2 tee shirts are 15 bucks each.  I want their track jacket that is black and white with all the sponsor logos on the right sleeve.  Their Jersey's are ridiculous cool but really expensive your right.  I need a BMC Jersey more then I need a Rock Racing one.

Speaking of video's that make you want to ride.

Love this vid, and the music is sweet too.  It's awesome to see Tyler Hamilton being chased by the Cadillac CTS!!!

Edited by Epyon 2009-02-24 11:43 AM
2009-02-25 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Why is it that some days 5:30 doesn't seem that early, and some days it feels like I just fell asleep?


Does anyone else have problems with insomnia, and what are you fixes?

2009-02-25 10:07 AM
in reply to: #1980921

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-02-25 10:12 AM

Why is it that some days 5:30 doesn't seem that early, and some days it feels like I just fell asleep?

I totally hear you on this one!!! 

The biggest thing for me, if I'm planning on an early AM workout, I need to get to bed early.  If I don't, the chances of pulling myself out of bed are slim. 


2009-02-25 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

I have confirmed with uppermanagment (The Wifey) and have set my next tri for July 5th. It will be a sprint 500m/12mi/5k. A few cool things after the dual came out. I have 12 yo twin boys and a 14 yo step son. They all want to do one. So they are going to do the kids one on the 4th. Should be a fun family weekend.

With it being 4 months away gives me time to rest the calf and still get a good 3 months worth of running in. I want to get the mph ave up on the bike as well. I know my workout intensity needs to pick up on the bike. Is 2-1/2 mph in 4 months feasible? I went ahead and took a few days off after the race on sunday so today I am working on my trianing plans and getting them all set up. Another goal is to get below 190lbs. 20 lbs in 4 months shouldnt be too bad.  The competitve side has really come out now. All my stuff has been by myself and after I was racing with others I am ready to get back at it.

2009-02-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1980921

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Nicole83 - 2009-02-25 9:12 AM

Why is it that some days 5:30 doesn't seem that early, and some days it feels like I just fell asleep?

Does anyone else have problems with insomnia, and what are you fixes?

Yes - some mornings I am up (without an alarm clock) and ready to knock it out.  Other days - like Monday & Tuesday of this week...blah!  Lathargic - waking up through out the night and checking the clock.  Last night, I was out... I didn't even feel myself stir.  I just got to a point where I was THAT tired.  I woke up this morning - with no problems!

Insomnia - I used to take Tylenol PM occasionally, and I have also used Simply Sleep.  When I am working out pretty regularly though, I don't seem to really need it.  My body just seems to know that I need the rest for recovery sake.  On the days I don't get training mind races, I toss and turn, etc... Then I wake up all tired and slow. 

I don't know if that really helps any, but I do feel your pain.  I hope you are able to get a good pattern set and be fully rested.

2009-02-25 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1981211

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Congrats on scheduling your next event.  It sounds like a blast!  I have a 12 yr old son as well, that has done a Du and a kids Tri.  He had a blast.  He did a little training, and found out that it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.  My 17 (18 on 3/20) yr old son, has done a Du, and has talked of doing a Tri, but can't seem to pull himself away from the XBox long enough to get any training in.  My oldest is tall and lean - like Matty Reed - a perfect physique, but he doesn't want to put it to use...too much work.  So, I guess he'll continue to just talk about it.

News Flash - however - the wife got in the pool and tried swimming - she did about 400m total.  She is gonna need some work, but she seem to like it... she did mention that muscles were hurtin' that she didn't realize she had. :           It's a start!

Newtons1st - 2009-02-25 11:12 AM

I have confirmed with uppermanagment (The Wifey) and have set my next tri for July 5th. It will be a sprint 500m/12mi/5k. A few cool things after the dual came out. I have 12 yo twin boys and a 14 yo step son. They all want to do one. So they are going to do the kids one on the 4th. Should be a fun family weekend.

With it being 4 months away gives me time to rest the calf and still get a good 3 months worth of running in. I want to get the mph ave up on the bike as well. I know my workout intensity needs to pick up on the bike. Is 2-1/2 mph in 4 months feasible? I went ahead and took a few days off after the race on sunday so today I am working on my trianing plans and getting them all set up. Another goal is to get below 190lbs. 20 lbs in 4 months shouldnt be too bad.  The competitve side has really come out now. All my stuff has been by myself and after I was racing with others I am ready to get back at it.

2009-02-26 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Sarasota FL
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Good morning all...

So since it looks like our fearless leader is actually *gasp!* working while at work, I figured I would throw this out there.

It's almost the end of the month, anyone care to do your self evaluation?


For me- I need to continue to work to improve my immune system.  That is going to be such an important key to being able to train regularly.

Despite sickness, I almost met my active goal, but did not make it to the pool once this month.  That needs to change, and quickly.

Finally, I am considering not racing in the olympic distance race I'm signed up for at the end of April.  I have not been able to do nearly enough training on the bike/long rides, and am getting apprehensive about my ability to finish the race.  Part of that, I'm sure, is how competitive I am with myself and my desire to not just do it, but to race it... and the other part is a bit of fear and anxiety.  This is something I will have to put more thought into over the next week.


Anyone else?

2009-02-26 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Self evaluation huh?  I'll take the bait...

February... way too much of a roller coaster ride, when it came to training.  I had some REALLY good sessions, followed closely by some serious flat spots.  I am very happy to have gotten back into the pool, and I am enjoying the swim training.  My runs, well they are still on par...but that is the easiest sport for me.  Both to do as well as fit in to the schedule...  I was able to get in some really decent long runs, which I haven't done in months.  So, that is a plus.

The two things I absolutely have to change!  More Biking, more biking, more biking!  I enjoy it, but it seems to be the hardest - logistically - to fit in.  Also for March - much better consistency!  I really need to try to stick to the training plan better...even if that means suffering through the AM workouts.  Oh yeah - almost forgot... the Push-Up & Sit Up  Challenges... I need to some how figure out a way to get these back on track, or simply start all over.


2009-02-26 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1982942

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Sorry guys, things have been insane at work and I've been barely squeezing in training with 12-14hr days 6-7days/wk.  Looks like I've at least passed on some things to ya so I don't have to remind about the self-assessments

February was great, made nearly all the workouts that I planned on... recovery week definitely helped me re-charge and made it so I was able to continue through the build period.  Pushup challenge has fallen off and I've noticed my core strength has decreased. I HAVE to fit in my core exercises regularly, especially with the race ~5weeks away. Hope to be able to squeeze pushups into this time slot as well but at the very least core must get stronger!

My biggest upcoming concern is the next couple of weeks, work will continue to be crazy until early/mid March. I also have a snowboarding trip schedule next week Thurs-Sun and I can't foresee much biking/running going on I am doing my long bike/run prior to the trip and hope to be able to get at least a run in while there but we shall see. Originally the work surge was supposed to be after the race which would have been perfect, of course nothing works out that way so I've got to some how balance the two...

Nicole83 - 2009-02-26 8:29 AM

Good morning all...

So since it looks like our fearless leader is actually *gasp!* working while at work, I figured I would throw this out there.

It's almost the end of the month, anyone care to do your self evaluation?


For me- I need to continue to work to improve my immune system.  That is going to be such an important key to being able to train regularly.

Despite sickness, I almost met my active goal, but did not make it to the pool once this month.  That needs to change, and quickly.

Finally, I am considering not racing in the olympic distance race I'm signed up for at the end of April.  I have not been able to do nearly enough training on the bike/long rides, and am getting apprehensive about my ability to finish the race.  Part of that, I'm sure, is how competitive I am with myself and my desire to not just do it, but to race it... and the other part is a bit of fear and anxiety.  This is something I will have to put more thought into over the next week.


Anyone else?

2009-02-26 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1856928

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New user
St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

We this month wasn't exactly the best month on record for me.  Begin sick really hosed up me schedule big time.  All in all though it wasn't terrible.  I did my first 3k run this month, on the treadmill.  So I proved to myself that I could do it!  I have been working on speed in the running department.  My swimming has been crawling...  I feel like I have made almost no improvement.  I'm sure I have but I can hardly notice.  Cycling has been good, apparently I'm in the big chain ring, didn't even know till I looked today HEH.


I'd say you should stay with your plan and go for the race.  I'd say there is nothing wrong with walking.  If you get there and can't do it you are that much farther ahead for the next event.  You may be able to to do the event anyway maybe not as fast as you like but...


If you live in a area where you can ride (we are gunna get 4-8 inches of snow today, shoot me please) get out on some group rides.  Push yourself!!  Find those riders that are one level above you and ride with them.  If you know that you are good in another sport then take some time from that and put it in your cycling.  Eat right, get some sleep, set some goals and run hard at those goals.  You can do it, you just have to apply yourself!  We didn't pick this sport cause we like easy stuff like football heh.  I'm very much looking forward to this cycling season!  a local racer wants me to train with him so I'm gunna be in a lot of pain this year!!!!

2009-02-26 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Overall I'm happy with how February turned out.  I'm most pleased with my consistency and my swimming improvement this month!  Getting a swim coach with such a great investment, I so happy I decided to do it.  It's definitely made a noticeable difference.  On the running front, I've been slowy increasing my weekly mileage and for the most part keeping up with one long run a week.  The early AM workouts have been touch and go, so that's definitely something to work on.  I also need to start spending some more quality time with my bike.

Next month I'm going to be joining the "nice pool" where I had my lessons.  Yay   There's also a fitness center there, so I'm just going to quit my gym and join here.  It's a lot closer to home, so I really think this will ultimately result in (much needed) more time in the water and less skipped swim sessions.

My goals for March are pretty loose.  I'm leaving Monday to go on vacation for 2 weeks.  I can say for sure that there won't be any biking going on while I'm away, it's quite likely that I can get some swims in and I should definitely be able to get runs in here and there.  I'm nervous about going through BT withdrawal   My only goal for while I'm away is not to gain any weight!  Once I get home, I'm back on the wagon and the HIM training plan starts shortly after.

2009-02-26 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Self evaluation sounds fun.


With my first event under my belt I feel like I did alright. I come from no running, biking or swimming background. All my run training was to be a better sprinter. But that was years ago for college sports. I had never ridden a 10 speed bike until late Oct when I bought my Tri bike. This might be weird but I thought my transitions went real well and was proudest of them. I knew I wouldn’t be top in Running or biking but felt I had a good shot at being pretty close to the fast guys in T1 and T2 and I was. Just need not to be so winded coming into T1.


Running plans are to take some time off and get the calf to 100%. That was my "Achilles heal" (no pun intended) for getting my running in. Then when I do get back start slower and keeping the HR lower.


Biking plans. Start adding in some intensity to the workouts. Add some intervals and get the weekend long rides in every weekend. Racing on the bike turned out to be way more fun than I thought it would be. I will also look for a group to ride with. That will give me people to try and keep up with and make me push harder.


Swim time. I can swim but I have never had a lesson. A question for me is would it be better to swim for a month and build some swim fitness then get a Session or two from a coach or get the coaching first then work on training. Good thing is I live right by a lake when it gets warmer, and can do swim workouts at lunch. The SMU pool is right down the road and they give alum discounts.


Diet – I need to drop some poundage. I think ti would make all parts of a race better by shedding some unneeded resistance. Get back to my 5 meals per day and eat the right foods. Stay hydrated.


2009-02-26 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1983609

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Epyon - 2009-02-26 11:55 AM


If you live in a area where you can ride (we are gunna get 4-8 inches of snow today, shoot me please) get out on some group rides. 

Looks like mid 80s here in Dallas today. We might have to shed our long sleeves...

2009-02-26 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1983737

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Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Definitely recommend getting a coach first, space out your lessons so you can get at least 3-4 swims in between so you have time to practice what you learned.  There's not really much point in doing the bad technique longer to get into shape, it'll just ingrain bad habits. 

That's sweet location with the lake, you get to board/ski on it at all? Water is one thing Houston doesn't have much of so I have to drive ~45mins to launch the boat

Newtons1st - 2009-02-26 12:34 PM 


Swim time. I can swim but I have never had a lesson. A question for me is would it be better to swim for a month and build some swim fitness then get a Session or two from a coach or get the coaching first then work on training. Good thing is I live right by a lake when it gets warmer, and can do swim workouts at lunch. The SMU pool is right down the road and they give alum discounts.

2009-02-26 1:22 PM
in reply to: #1983771

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
I have no boat but have mooched off of friends and gone out with them. I usually just get on the wakeboard and go. Just never get to do it as much as I would like.

2009-02-26 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1983741

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New user
St. Louis Park, MN
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Newtons1st - 2009-02-26 12:36 PM
Epyon - 2009-02-26 11:55 AM


If you live in a area where you can ride (we are gunna get 4-8 inches of snow today, shoot me please) get out on some group rides. 

Looks like mid 80s here in Dallas today. We might have to shed our long sleeves...


And now I officially hate you HEH.

2009-02-26 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1983970

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Rowlett, TX
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
Epyon - 2009-02-26 2:10 PM
Newtons1st - 2009-02-26 12:36 PM
Epyon - 2009-02-26 11:55 AM


If you live in a area where you can ride (we are gunna get 4-8 inches of snow today, shoot me please) get out on some group rides. 

Looks like mid 80s here in Dallas today. We might have to shed our long sleeves...


And now I officially hate you HEH.

Dont worry come July I will be hating it at 110 and you will be telling me it mid 80s up there.  


2009-02-26 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1983771

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL
evondo - 2009-02-26 1:45 PM

Definitely recommend getting a coach first, space out your lessons so you can get at least 3-4 swims in between so you have time to practice what you learned.  There's not really much point in doing the bad technique longer to get into shape, it'll just ingrain bad habits. 

That's sweet location with the lake, you get to board/ski on it at all? Water is one thing Houston doesn't have much of so I have to drive ~45mins to launch the boat

Newtons1st - 2009-02-26 12:34 PM 


Swim time. I can swim but I have never had a lesson. A question for me is would it be better to swim for a month and build some swim fitness then get a Session or two from a coach or get the coaching first then work on training. Good thing is I live right by a lake when it gets warmer, and can do swim workouts at lunch. The SMU pool is right down the road and they give alum discounts.


I definitely agree with Eric!  If you already know that you want to get a coach, there's no time like the present.  If you have any bad swimming habits, there's no reason to keep continuing with them.  Better to build your endurance with proper technique.

I got a coach earlier on the month, and it's one of the best tri investments I've made.  I'm so happy I did it!  In hindsight, the one thing I would have done differently would be to space the sessions farther apart.  I picked up everything pretty quickly, so it wasn't a problem, but it would have been nice to have more practice time in between.

2009-02-26 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1856928

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Evondo's Group - FULL

Why is it that some races go by your race day age, and others use your age as of the end of the current year?? 

I just got bumped up an age bracket!!  Surprised

Don't get me wrong, getting older doesn't really phase me and I'm actually excited about turning 30 (I know...not everyday that you hear that!).  I just thought I still had some more time to cruise the 25-29 bracket.

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