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2009-07-20 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Thanks folks!

I was stoked to go under 6 hours, but it did NOTHING to help me in my AG ranking. I'd have to get down to 5:30 to feel like a tri-stud.  Maybe some caffeine on the run will help.

Nice job Ken!   

2009-07-24 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
If you are following the tour tomorrow is THE DAY when it all shakes out. Love or hate Lance he sure has put the spark back into the tour and has done remarkably well after such a long layoff. Anyhow here's a picture of his time trial bike from yesterday and his mantra for the race. Luv it.


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2009-07-24 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

I think it is great that LA is back in it!!!  Score 1 for us "old" guys!  He has made it easier to watch this year!!!

That is a great mantra!!!

2009-07-24 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2241958

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
I finally read this today... The US is certainly breeding wonderful governors these days! HMPH!

wakehr - 2009-06-25 9:45 AM Thought I'd post a disappointment last Friday regarding our govenor's vetoing the 3 feet passing bill in Texas. Sad thing is this guy is an avid mountain bike rider, he's one of us !! His rebuttal to why he voted the bill is so idiotic.
2009-07-24 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2306507

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wakehr - 2009-07-24 4:35 PM If you are following the tour tomorrow is THE DAY when it all shakes out. Love or hate Lance he sure has put the spark back into the tour and has done remarkably well after such a long layoff. Anyhow here's a picture of his time trial bike from yesterday and his mantra for the race. Luv it.
2009-07-29 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
I'm gonna be an IRONMAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!  I signed up for Lake Placid.  WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!!  Normally, I don't check out a race before I race it.  BUT, going to Lake Placid, watching the race, volunteering at the race and getting in line to sign up for the race - I just could NOT have asked for anything more.  The location was beautiful.  The mountains...OH THE MOUNTAINS!  The crystal clear lake...I had to restrain myself from jumping in.  The people!!!  TRIATHLETES ARE SO KIND!!!  The random acts of kindness were unreal.  The hearts of those who got in to race.  Wow. Just wow.  Women with brain tumors, a man who survived a stroke (at 40 years old), another who had been hit by a bus and almost died... After watching these people attempt this race (I watched the firefighter/bus crash survivor finish with less than 2 minutes to the 17 hour cut off!) I KNEW I had to do this race and that there were people who the average Joe would have said "No way, how could THAT person do such a race?!", but people CAN complete an Ironman.  I saw a 72 year old man finish about an hour ahead of the cut off time. I have NO excuse for the next year!!!!

Tips:  Water bottle between the aerobars or directly behind you.  No one put them anywhere else on the frame.  Bento box on top.  It's true about tri suits...they're a pain in the butt when you use the bathroom.  Lots of athletes used the port o johns in T2 and it's just not fun to crap quickly with one on!  SUNSCREEEEEN!!!!  That's essential.  Anything to maintain comfort is crucial so complete costume changes from one leg to the other, sunscreen, ect.  REAL FOOD on the bike (peanut butter sandwiches, etc).  Families putting inspirational notes in the transition bags to read before the next part of the race.  DON'T KNOT your transition/special needs bags or your shoes together!! Shaky athletes hands don't work and a nervous volunteer make for eating up lots of time if there are knots to deal with.  The mount line was bottle necking because only pros can have their bike shoes clipped in to their bike.  Uhhh...I'm sure more will come to me later...

2009-07-29 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

Sara, like I mention to you already, you are about to begin an exciting adventure!!! I look forward to watching your journey!  You are right about the euphoria being addicting!  When I signed up to do LP the first time I had only completed one sprint the weekend before, but sitting at my computer watching the people finish was inspiring!  I knew I had to participate! 


2009-07-30 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Sarah, thanks for sharing your exciting journey at LP. I'm ready to sign a volunteer! Actually that sounds like a great idea to not only give back but get those IM juices in high gear. Looking forward to keeping up with your training next year....nice tips about transition !! All those bags to pack for T1, T2, SNB,SNR, sounds like detailed lists are needed.
2009-07-30 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

Yeah, volunteering is such a smart idea.  The swim stuff seemed to fill up the quickest, so I picked transition area.  I wanted to see what people did in T1 and T2 (well, not ALL that they did, lots of nudey rudey folks!).  T2 transition worked great because I got to see the swim start, the last swimmers out of the water, some cycling, the first pros across the line, had easy access to the volunteer tent (lots of Subway subs there, haha) and I had enough time to grab some dinner in a restaurant, walk around Mirror Lake and find a spot to cheer on the finishers for the last two hours.  I have 34 pictures from the race, but I don't think there's a way to get all of them posted on BT. Hmm...

2009-07-30 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2316834

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

wakehr - 2009-07-30 9:28 AM Sarah, thanks for sharing your exciting journey at LP. I'm ready to sign a volunteer! Actually that sounds like a great idea to not only give back but get those IM juices in high gear. Looking forward to keeping up with your training next year....nice tips about transition !! All those bags to pack for T1, T2, SNB,SNR, sounds like detailed lists are needed.

Funny story (at least now it is ), I think I had 3 or 4 different lists for different scenarios of what to pack in the bags.  Spent quite a bit of time the Saturday before packing the SN bags after dropping off the T1 and T2 bags.  Realized approaching SNB that I had forgotten to drop them off Sunday morning!!!  As it turns out there was nothing in them that I needed anyhow, but it did create some anxiety for a few hours!

2009-07-30 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2317022

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

WittyCityGirl - 2009-07-30 10:23 AM

Yeah, volunteering is such a smart idea.  The swim stuff seemed to fill up the quickest, so I picked transition area.  I wanted to see what people did in T1 and T2 (well, not ALL that they did, lots of nudey rudey folks!).  T2 transition worked great because I got to see the swim start, the last swimmers out of the water, some cycling, the first pros across the line, had easy access to the volunteer tent (lots of Subway subs there, haha) and I had enough time to grab some dinner in a restaurant, walk around Mirror Lake and find a spot to cheer on the finishers for the last two hours.  I have 34 pictures from the race, but I don't think there's a way to get all of them posted on BT. Hmm...

You just need to resize the pictures down to 200 KB (I think).  I use the free program that BT uses.  It is pretty easy once you figure out the software.  Here is the link

2009-07-30 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2317049

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
We had folks put each individual item in a baggy in case it rained, man oh man...people certainly do plan ahead!

kenj - 2009-07-30 10:29 AM

wakehr - 2009-07-30 9:28 AM Sarah, thanks for sharing your exciting journey at LP. I'm ready to sign a volunteer! Actually that sounds like a great idea to not only give back but get those IM juices in high gear. Looking forward to keeping up with your training next year....nice tips about transition !! All those bags to pack for T1, T2, SNB,SNR, sounds like detailed lists are needed.

Funny story (at least now it is ), I think I had 3 or 4 different lists for different scenarios of what to pack in the bags.  Spent quite a bit of time the Saturday before packing the SN bags after dropping off the T1 and T2 bags.  Realized approaching SNB that I had forgotten to drop them off Sunday morning!!!  As it turns out there was nothing in them that I needed anyhow, but it did create some anxiety for a few hours!

2009-07-30 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Okay, so Ken and all you other fellas.... isn't there a way to post a picture if your blog the same way as a thread?  Isn't it just "img src = http://address"> ??
2009-07-31 8:11 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
We are praying for rain here. One way cyclists can get back at motorists passing too close.


2008.gif (27KB - 10 downloads)
2009-07-31 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2319004

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
wakehr - 2009-07-31 8:11 AM We are praying for rain here. One way cyclists can get back at motorists passing too close.

That is so me!!!
2009-08-06 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Gear: If you have been looking for a way to get rid of the cord to your headphones there is pretty good option. Mine seem to always flap around getting in way or tangled up. Works with I-pod. Snowboarders came up with them. Might be on the long wish list. Could some fast runner snatch it off coming from behind you and sprint away with it?

2009-08-06 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2331670

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
DAMMIT! Why didn't I think of that first?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wakehr - 2009-08-06 11:42 AM Gear: If you have been looking for a way to get rid of the cord to your headphones there is pretty good option. Mine seem to always flap around getting in way or tangled up. Works with I-pod. Snowboarders came up with them. Might be on the long wish list. Could some fast runner snatch it off coming from behind you and sprint away with it?
2009-08-07 4:30 AM
in reply to: #2331670

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

wakehr - 2009-08-06 11:42 AM Gear: If you have been looking for a way to get rid of the cord to your headphones there is pretty good option. Mine seem to always flap around getting in way or tangled up. Works with I-pod. Snowboarders came up with them. Might be on the long wish list. Could some fast runner snatch it off coming from behind you and sprint away with it?

Hmmm, interesting idea!  I wonder the same thing Wayne!  On the other hand, I've lost a couple ipods because due to sweat, I wonder if it would be better or worse behind my head!

2009-08-09 11:26 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
I did my first tri this morning... a sprint.  The write-up is here:

I've got a ton of thoughts about this race.  I'm very disappointed in my performance in the swim and moderately unhappy about the run.  The bike was OK but nothing to write home about.  I'd say my effort was uninspiring at best, embarrassing at times, and overall not at all what I'd hoped for.  After I finish beating myself up over my effort, I'm left with three thoughts about the event:
1)  The folks participating were the nicest, most supportive people I've ever encountered.  It was uplifting to hear the athletes pull for each other all during the race.  So different from the events I'm used to.
2)  The people who really earned my respect are the ones who finished in 2:30+, the really large folks who stuck with it and did the whole thing.  It must be incredibly difficult to finish the run while everyone else is loading their bikes to go home. 
3)  If I do another one of these I absolutely, positively must learn to swim better.  If this had been a 1,000 yard course I don't think I could have finished it.  Open water swimming in a crowd is really nothing like swimming alone in a lane at the pool.

Will I do another?  I don't know yet.  I've got to focus on marathon training right now.  Maybe over the winter I'll forget how much I hated the swim and be ready to try again next spring.
2009-08-10 4:34 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

The one thing about triathlons that I find amazing is how supportive everyone is!!!  It never gets old!

Unfortunately, no matter how short the swim is, nothing makes up for experience and time in the water.  I have the same problem as I would rather be on the bike or running (or slamming my finger in a door! ), .  Fortunately I have enough friends that swim in the lake in the summer that get me to the water to swim with them. 

Good luck with the marathon training!  Enjoy the experience!

2009-08-10 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2337851

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Congrat on completing your first tri Chip. OWS is very different but you got through it and had a nice bike and run. You're no longer a tri newbee....hope you will be proud of your accomplishment. On to another goal, completing your first marathon. How exciting having all these first athletic endeavors in your life.

2009-08-13 7:23 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
2009-08-14 4:43 AM
in reply to: #2345630

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

That is good!!!!

I think that dude must have been reading some of the BT forums to get ideas for a couple of the verses!!

Thanks for sharing that Chip!

2009-08-16 2:03 PM
in reply to: #2345630

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Luved it !!! funny.
2009-08-20 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
I'd try this Saturday but way too hot besides the BO factor would be a killer ! Added note, you'd fight off anyone else wanting to pull.

Edited by wakehr 2009-08-20 1:08 PM


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