Other Resources Challenge Me! » Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-10-01 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2436512

indian land, South Carolina
Silver member
Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 11:20 AM

jaxbamf73 - 2009-10-01 5:06 AM Hello TEAM!  Just entered my goal miles for the challenge.....100 miles!  Feel free to stop by my blog and give me a little motivation from time to time as I'm sure I'll need it.  I've never done 100 miles in a month and have averaged about 35 miles for the last few months.  But I have a 70.3 this weekend and start the marathon training on Monday.....


wow! that is quite the feat! will do what I can to keep you going forward! good luck in your half iron man this weekend! where is it?

It is the Atlantic Coast Triathlon on Amelia Island (Northeast corner of FL).  My first 70.3.  Keeps sounding longer everytime I say it

2009-10-01 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2437378

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge

kromanowski - 2009-10-01 1:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 10:28 AM

kimk - 2009-10-01 5:45 AM As for music I listen to the I-pod most of the time.  I live in the city and use it to drown out the noise! If I am at the cabin and running the trails then no music just nature! It is my favorite place to run! Just wish it wasn't 4 hours away!

cabin.....sounds like many of us have cabins...any others?

time to do a cabin swap!

I don't have a cabin, but if any of you want to invite me to yours I wouldn't say no!

invitation is open! we have one in Texas and access to one in Tahoe...bet I know which one you will choose! haha

2009-10-01 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2437389

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 1:25 PM
iowagander - 2009-10-01 2:43 PM Lunch time! Sushi and pineapple chunks today.

a white chicken&vegetable spring roll and noodles!

must have been an Asian sorta day. 


or mexican.....i had nada!

2009-10-01 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2437400

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge

kromanowski - 2009-10-01 1:32 PM
wgraves7582 - 2009-10-01 11:15 AM

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 10:55 AM

disturbed275 - 2009-09-30 6:53 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-09-30 7:58 PM

disturbed275 - 2009-09-30 5:08 PM Well, I'm off to the grocery store.  I hope they don't have Halloween candy out yet otherwise I won't be able to resist grabbing a couple of bags of something.  I blame you all  

grab a few extras for us.....come on be a team player!!!

Somehow I managed to resist their sweet siren call.  The bakery fresh pumpkin bars though, well that's a different story......

Im intrigued....pumpkin bars!?

I like pumpkin...

I like bars....

you sharing???

At a local deli they had Pumpkin Butter.  I should have bought it to see if it was any good - maybe this weekend!

My DW makes a delicious Pumpkin Roll - yummy!

Speaking of Pumpkin - Thanksgiving is coming - YES!!!

It's odd I LOVE pumpkin baked good but don't like pumpkin pie!

Im with you on that one! never have been a pumpkin pie eater! now any other type...IM all over it! my all time favorite...butterfinger icecream pie! easy as pie to make too!

2009-10-01 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2437490

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Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 4:04 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 3:30 PM
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 2:48 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 7:30 AM
aspeelma - 2009-10-01 7:15 AM For those of you that run with music what kind of stuff do you listen to? I need to find some good workout tunes.

heres some of my favs:

Viva la Vida Coldplay

O....Saya from the Slumdog Millionaire Soundtrack (if you like that sorta music)

Beautiful Day U2

Sweet Surrender  (DJ Tiesto Mix)  Sarah McLachlan  [i love cycling to this song, too when im on the indoor trainer....]

Alegria   Cirque du Soleil

Free Fallin (Live)    John Mayer

I love all of those too and I think most are on my ipod right now!

really, KATIE?

how cool is that.

you have GOOD taste in music

[seriously, even the song from Slumdog, i didnt think anyone listened to that, except me, fell in love w the soundtrack when i fell in love w the movie.  GREAT speedwork music]


I have the whole slumdog sound track on my ipod!  I love Indian music!

we'll i'll be....

another reason to think your really groovy, KATIE.

2009-10-01 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2437406

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 1:36 PM
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 3:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 10:28 AM

kimk - 2009-10-01 5:45 AM As for music I listen to the I-pod most of the time.  I live in the city and use it to drown out the noise! If I am at the cabin and running the trails then no music just nature! It is my favorite place to run! Just wish it wasn't 4 hours away!

cabin.....sounds like many of us have cabins...any others?

time to do a cabin swap!

I don't have a cabin, but if any of you want to invite me to yours I wouldn't say no!

oh you dont want to cabin swap w me JULES...

hunting cabin.

mostly occupied by men.

who hunt.

and other asundry activities (burp, fart, drink, drink, and drink some more, smoke cigars et al)

say no more.

now.  your cabin.

is it a glorified man cave or something more....suitable?

im w KATIE, if your invitin' i'd SO be there!    especially since you'd be there, and we'd have a FABULOSO HALS GALS/BT CHICK WEEKEND!!!!! 

they dont want me there either! I am the one who warns bambi to RUN AWAY!!!!! 

thanks for the warning....

you are still welcome to join me at either cabin!!!!!

2009-10-01 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2437459

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 1:50 PM SHOW US YOUR GHOULIES TEAM QUESTION:  whats for dinner?

jambalaya.....with cornbread, salad...TEQUILA shooters!

2009-10-01 5:23 PM
in reply to: #2437497

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 4:08 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 3:50 PM SHOW US YOUR GHOULIES TEAM QUESTION:  whats for dinner?

Hmmm...not sure...I will have to think of something...DH is not going to be home tonight!

dh not gonna be home, you say.

sounds like a perfect excuse to...


2009-10-01 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2437435

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 1:43 PM

i ran 10 miles....

another 10 miles! dang girl!!!!!

2009-10-01 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

how are you stacie

2009-10-01 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

what you up to

2009-10-01 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2427106

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

stole the topPAGE ^^^^^^^^^^ right out from under Stacie....

The whats stacie up to TOPpage ^^^^^^^^^^^^

2009-10-01 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2437502

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Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 4:09 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 3:48 PM
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 3:46 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 12:48 PM

kcarroll - 2009-10-01 9:20 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 11:37 AM

kcarroll - 2009-10-01 6:06 AM
kimk - 2009-10-01 8:34 AM I am Kim and I have been doing tri's for 2 yrs. Just finished my season on Sunday with 2nd in my age! First time I have gotten hardware! I want to do a 1/2 mary the beginning of November so this run challenge will do me good! Need to still figure out my goal. Will look at the training plans here or if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them! The longest I have ever run was a 10 mile but that was in June. I have only been doing 5k's since then. So I need to start from there. I am also a fitness instructor at the Y and need to adjust my workouts for when I teach a lot of classes.

Kim, congrats on the AG hardware!!!!

x2~ also kim there is a program I followed called Hal Higden...wanna join us hals gals? he makes it simple to train...just follow his daily program...if you are too late just count backwards from the day of the race and see where you should be....


and my sister who is a marathon runners SWEARS by the run 5min walk 1..run 5 min walk 1...for the entire race...says she totally beats her times of trying to run the whole thing!?! I have trained to run it...so I personally am goint to try and run the entire race!? hoping no walky for me!

I am a big fan of the Hal Higdon plans.  I'm on week 5 of the Novice Half Marathon plan.  Am running the Philadelphia Half in November.

so we have lots of hals gals on this team... Here is a big ol' HIP HIP for hals gals!!!!!

Me too!  I am using the novice HM plan!




Yep...so I definately think we should have that cabin Hals gals weekend!

BTW GREAT JOB on the 10 miler!



any of the other GHOULIE LADIES want to join us?

get a-packing cuz its a HALS GALS/BT CHICKSTER WEEKEND.

ill bring the wine and the buffalo chicken dip!!!

2009-10-01 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2437484

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

owl_girl - 2009-10-01 2:00 PM

Holy Cow!!!  Finally got through all the pages!  Here we go.........

CANDY....I love Snickers!

COLD WEATHER RUNNING GEAR.....Dress for how you will feel mid-run.  Layers.  I never worry about my feet.  They don't get cold.  Headband for ears and neck gaiter.  (I used to live where it got cold, cold, cold.  Now I just have to deal with rain, rain, rain.)

MUSIC.....I get lots of my music off emusic.com.  Lots of indy stuff and hard to find stuff.  It's cheaper than itunes.  I have an ecclectic taste due to teaching Spinning.  I love the electronic stuff and hard rock while running.  Soul to Squeeze and Breaking the Girl by Red Hot Chili Peppers have the perfect beat to get you running at an optimal cadence.  So does Black and White by Sarah McLaughlin.  Anything by Asura puts me into a total zone on long runs.  Hmmmm.  I've got lots.

RUNNING TODAY?.....Nope.  I don't run on consecutive days yet.  Still trying to get my milage back up after having a baby.


nice run down!! bet you look great after the baby...Im still blaming my daughter for my large hips! after her birth!!!! its now only 28 years after she was born! LOL~ I dont see a problem with pointing the finger!!?? do you!????

2009-10-01 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2437553

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
kns57 - 2009-10-01 4:36 PM Tennis on tap for tonight.  Can I count running after tennis balls as running? 

running after anything counts as running...

running after tennis balls.

handsome men.

cute grandchildren (it was you that mentioned grandchildren.  dear me i hope so....)


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-10-01 5:30 PM
2009-10-01 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2437585

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
disturbed275 - 2009-10-01 4:50 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 1:12 PM all those posts and not one single TOPpage.

what up with that?  im losing my touch...and perhaps my Queenly status as well.  sigh.

toppage aside, i did get my 10 miler in.  what a trip!  first off, its was butt-ugly cold this morning and i couldnt find my favorite base layer since well its been put away for months and months now.

i made do w some second string apparel.  heading out to stash my stuff along the route.  and then came back, parked and started off.

it was one of those weird runs where i felt great in parts, and just horrible in parts, and then so-so in parts.

i did notice that the Gummi Bears i ate at around mile 6ish got my lower GI in a wad.  seriously.  Gummi Bears???

welcome to my world.  i cant eat any of the packaged gus and gels cuz they totally mess w my system (believe me ive tried just about every brand/flavor out there...)

and now even some of the 'real' stuff isnt working either.  im seriously getting to the point where im at a loss.

the one consolation.  ive gotten to the point where i can drink full-strength GATORADE w/out feeling like im gonna hurl (a little, tiny bit at a time...)

ive been working on that all summer now, cuz i knew they would be serving Gatorade at the 1/2 im doing in NOV.

at least this year i wont have to pack/bring me own, homemade sports drink like i did last year.

maybe they can hook me up intravenously to a PEPTO BISMAL DRIP the entire race.  LOL.

it wasnt my best run.

but it wasnt my worst run either.

like i said, it was good, bad and ugly

all rolled into one.




The good news is it's done and you scored some mileage for the team.  There will be plenty of great runs just waiting for you!

a GREAT WAY to look at it.

thanks NEAL.


2009-10-01 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2437650

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 3:26 PM
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 4:09 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 3:48 PM
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 3:46 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 12:48 PM

kcarroll - 2009-10-01 9:20 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 11:37 AM

kcarroll - 2009-10-01 6:06 AM
kimk - 2009-10-01 8:34 AM I am Kim and I have been doing tri's for 2 yrs. Just finished my season on Sunday with 2nd in my age! First time I have gotten hardware! I want to do a 1/2 mary the beginning of November so this run challenge will do me good! Need to still figure out my goal. Will look at the training plans here or if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them! The longest I have ever run was a 10 mile but that was in June. I have only been doing 5k's since then. So I need to start from there. I am also a fitness instructor at the Y and need to adjust my workouts for when I teach a lot of classes.

Kim, congrats on the AG hardware!!!!

x2~ also kim there is a program I followed called Hal Higden...wanna join us hals gals? he makes it simple to train...just follow his daily program...if you are too late just count backwards from the day of the race and see where you should be....


and my sister who is a marathon runners SWEARS by the run 5min walk 1..run 5 min walk 1...for the entire race...says she totally beats her times of trying to run the whole thing!?! I have trained to run it...so I personally am goint to try and run the entire race!? hoping no walky for me!

I am a big fan of the Hal Higdon plans.  I'm on week 5 of the Novice Half Marathon plan.  Am running the Philadelphia Half in November.

so we have lots of hals gals on this team... Here is a big ol' HIP HIP for hals gals!!!!!

Me too!  I am using the novice HM plan!




Yep...so I definately think we should have that cabin Hals gals weekend!

BTW GREAT JOB on the 10 miler!



any of the other GHOULIE LADIES want to join us?

get a-packing cuz its a HALS GALS/BT CHICKSTER WEEKEND.

ill bring the wine and the buffalo chicken dip!!!


i will bring chocolate, a desert port, and MORE wine! never have enough wine! or is that I never whine enough! I am getting old and forgetful and cant remember!

2009-10-01 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2437504

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

kromanowski - 2009-10-01 2:10 PM WOW  I am now finally caught up...wheww...keeping up with you all is going to be hard work!

sure if you were to lose the yellow dress...you would be running circles around us! that big petticoat and those ruffles have to get in the way when you run, no????

Edited by Girl Passing on Left 2009-10-01 5:34 PM
2009-10-01 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2437612

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 5:09 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 12:01 PM
serendipity - 2009-10-01 1:56 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 2:54 PM GEESH.

thats was exhausting.

It was exhausting watching. 

i seriously think i sustained an overuse injury.

i may have to cold laser my pointer finger for hitting the submit button so often/ fast!!!!!

THAT was painful. 

oh crap...that means you now need an IV with Pepto Bismal and icing the fingers....you sound like you belong in my community....wondering which community that would be?????


dare i ask, JULESY.

2009-10-01 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2437659

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 3:34 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 5:09 PM

skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 12:01 PM
serendipity - 2009-10-01 1:56 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 2:54 PM GEESH.

thats was exhausting.

It was exhausting watching. 

i seriously think i sustained an overuse injury.

i may have to cold laser my pointer finger for hitting the submit button so often/ fast!!!!!

THAT was painful. 

oh crap...that means you now need an IV with Pepto Bismal and icing the fingers....you sound like you belong in my community....wondering which community that would be?????


dare i ask, JULESY.

AARP!!!! of course!

2009-10-01 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2437617

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 5:10 PM






2009-10-01 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2437509

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge

aspeelma - 2009-10-01 2:11 PM
kromanowski - 2009-10-01 3:59 PM
aspeelma - 2009-10-01 7:15 AM For those of you that run with music what kind of stuff do you listen to? I need to find some good workout tunes.

Do you like country?  Because if you do I have some that I like, but most people I know don't like country!

I listen to anything but jazz.


what....no jazz? my husband who graduated from tulane would be devastated! but I will never tell!!!! Im sure you were very worried, though!!! 

2009-10-01 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2437592

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Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge
disturbed275 - 2009-10-01 4:53 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 1:56 PM of course....

i make TOPpage.

and mr w. graves isnt around to see it.

he's probably working.

no.  couldnt be working.

when he's working he's here on BT.

he must be on his way home to take his son to football, and then get his run in.



love ya BILL

Just keep the toppages coming.  He'll be present for one eventually

*Toppage toppage* Hmmmm, that seems redundant

but he wasnt THERE for that one.

[sounds of whining like a little girl makes, and stomping of feet]



2009-10-01 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2437516

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Show us your Ghoulies - Halloween Run Challenge

aspeelma - 2009-10-01 2:14 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-10-01 4:50 PM SHOW US YOUR GHOULIES TEAM QUESTION:  whats for dinner?

I'll probably throw in a pizza for my son and I when we get home from his soccer practice.

I heart pizza!!!! especially veggie!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

2009-10-01 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2437622

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Subject: RE: Team 3 Halloween Run Challenge
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 5:12 PM

kromanowski - 2009-10-01 1:22 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-10-01 10:28 AM

kimk - 2009-10-01 5:45 AM As for music I listen to the I-pod most of the time.  I live in the city and use it to drown out the noise! If I am at the cabin and running the trails then no music just nature! It is my favorite place to run! Just wish it wasn't 4 hours away!

cabin.....sounds like many of us have cabins...any others?

time to do a cabin swap!

I don't have a cabin, but if any of you want to invite me to yours I wouldn't say no!

invitation is open! we have one in Texas and access to one in Tahoe...bet I know which one you will choose! haha




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