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2013-08-29 9:56 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Hey gang!

Here we are at a Thursday already. I hope you've got some stellar plans for the weekend. It's finally college football season again, so I can bask in the glorious thought that from now through December every Saturday will be game day. Ahhhhhh. So, my wife and I will probably head out wine tasting with the goal of getting back to a local sports late in the afternoon for the kick off of my alma mater taking on Auburn.

I had to cut back training this week. I woke up Monday morning with a very sore knee. This was probably a result of ramping up the run training last week while continuing to push on the bike. Monday is a rest day anyway so I was hoping I'd be better by Tuesday....Nope. So, while I got up at 4:45, ate and dressed to get to the Tuesday morning track session on time, I pulled the plug and didn't go. With an aching knee I pretty much knew a track workout was the absolutely wrong thing to do. So I ate Ibuprophen and iced my knew throughout the day instead.

Wednesday...about the same so I again took the day off. Thursday morning I hit the pool for 3000 yards (which bother my knee as well) and then I dropped into the Docs office for an xray. The good news from the doc is my knee looks good so it's probably just a repetitive motion issue that we gray folks now get to deal with on a recurring basis.

While the minor injury sucks, there is some comfort in the fact that I was at least smart enough to act on the message I was getting from my aching knee and not let my training schedule dictate. So, the lesson of the day boys and girls is to listen to your body. That's sooooooo true for gray guys and girls and I think I've gotten better at it over the years....probably from those many times when I let my marathon training schedule override intuition and thereby caused a minor injury to blow up into a season-ending problem. There is a big difference between things like fatigue, soreness, and pain.

To avoid knee stress I'll probably swim again today and tomorrow, maybe hit the elliptical trainer at the gym but keep all running biking on hold. I've got 9 weeks until my Duathlon, so a lost week to 10 days now won't matter much.

The knee is better with the rest, so hopefully I'll be back at training a close to full speed next week. Saturday, September 7 there is a local 10K race I want to run as a training race just to test my fitness Then later that morning there is a 1.5 mile open water swim race at Lake Chelan. So, that could be a banner day to just get out and have fun running and swimming.

Have a great weekend!


2013-08-29 8:40 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: The weekend approaches

Originally posted by lutzman

I had to cut back training this week. I woke up Monday morning with a very sore knee . . . While the minor injury sucks, there is some comfort in the fact that I was at least smart enough to act on the message I was getting from my aching knee and not let my training schedule dictate.

Injury setbacks SUCK!  Pardon my language.  Having suffered two setbacks in the past year, I feel your pain.  Kudos for doing the right thing so the down time is limited.  Hope your better quick!

2013-08-29 9:15 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: The weekend approaches

Sorry, I have to tell this to somebody that might understand, so please don't take it as bragging!  It is just that I was pleasantly surprised and have to tell someone.

Did a 1,000 yard TT in the pool this morning.  I told my wife my time and she just said, "That's nice."  I suppose I should have not expected any more since she knows less about swimming then I do about running.

Anyway, my time for 1,000 yards was 9:57.7 which averaged out to just under 59.8/100.  I did not swim the TT as if it were the first leg of a triathlon, rather I approached it like I would have approached a long race back in the day.  It was an absolute max effort.  I could not have held the pace for another lap, let alone another 100.  I am pretty happy with where my swim is at and today was faster than I dared hope in my wildest dreams.  I can hold a 1:10/100 pace until the cows come home, which would work out to something like a 49 minute IM swim.  NOW, if I can just get my running up to something that actually approximates actually running, I might have something.

So, all of you other gray guys/gals - it can be done.  Just because you are gray on top does not mean you can't swim decent times.  It just takes the time in the water and working on perfecting your stroke!  See you in the pool!

2013-08-29 10:47 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by k9car363

Did a 1,000 yard TT in the pool this morning.  Anyway, my time for 1,000 yards was 9:57.7 which averaged out to just under 59.8/100.  I did not swim the TT as if it were the first leg of a triathlon, rather I approached it like I would have approached a long race back in the day. 

Holy Moly man, that is crazy fast! I swam a 100 yard time trial this week at a time of 1:20 which would work out to 13:20 on 1,000, IF I could maintain that pace which I couldn't. If you can just keep working that bike and run, you'll be killing it very soon.

Nice work!

2013-08-30 4:19 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by k9car363

Anyway, my time for 1,000 yards was 9:57.7 which averaged out to just under 59.8/100.  I did not swim the TT as if it were the first leg of a triathlon, rather I approached it like I would have approached a long race back in the day.  It was an absolute max effort.  I could not have held the pace for another lap, let alone another 100.  I am pretty happy with where my swim is at and today was faster than I dared hope in my wildest dreams.  I can hold a 1:10/100 pace until the cows come home, which would work out to something like a 49 minute IM swim.  NOW, if I can just get my running up to something that actually approximates actually running, I might have something.

So, all of you other gray guys/gals - it can be done.  Just because you are gray on top does not mean you can't swim decent times.  It just takes the time in the water and working on perfecting your stroke!  See you in the pool!

Well Scott, I do know what that means. In my swimming "prime" (meaning 54 / 100) I could not do that... really impressive. That's a fabulous time and to be able to maintain sub 1:00 for 1000 yards (at our age) is crazy fast. Congrats... you should be EXCITED!!! I was pretty psyched to be able to maintain sub 1:30 pace for 500 yards a few years ago... and now that pace seems unreachable... lol.

Sorry I've been so quiet for the last month or so... way too much traveling. Seems I was in every state on the East Coast. Just now starting to get back into the swing of things. Last week, my final "trip" was biking the Skyline Drive in a 24 hour period with my Ironman BIL (115 miles in total - we went all the way to my house at the end). The first day (a mere 50 miles) was the toughest bike ride I've ever done in my life... lots of steep up and down and total accent of over 8000 ft. I was so relieved to finally get to the Big Meadows Lodge! I'm sure part of the challenge was also not enough training the last month and being very weary overall. Anyway, that's been a goal of mine for over 30 years, so glad to have finally taken the time to do it. Lovely ride other than the pain, too!

Can't believe it is Labor Day weekend already. The summer flew by. Have a great weekend everyone and I hope to catch up on all the posts and news soon!

2013-08-30 9:54 PM
in reply to: juneapple

Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Scott and Steve thank you for the guidance regarding swimming. i definitely need more time in the pool and some 1 on 1 instruction.

I have a sprint triathlon in the morning. it is a pool swim but split into two segments - 300 m followed by bike than 200 m than run. we will see how it goes. Good luck to everyone who has races this weekend!

2013-08-31 9:29 AM
in reply to: juneapple

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by juneapple

Originally posted by k9car363

Last week, my final "trip" was biking the Skyline Drive in a 24 hour period with my Ironman BIL (115 miles in total - we went all the way to my house at the end). The first day (a mere 50 miles) was the toughest bike ride I've ever done in my life... lots of steep up and down and total accent of over 8000 ft. I was so relieved to finally get to the Big Meadows Lodge! I'm sure part of the challenge was also not enough training the last month and being very weary overall. Anyway, that's been a goal of mine for over 30 years, so glad to have finally taken the time to do it. Lovely ride other than the pain, too!


Stu--that sounds like a pretty awesome bike ride. It's even more amazing when you consider that 99% of the population wouldn't even dream about trying something like that...let alone do it. YOU are the 1%! Thanks for sharing!

2013-08-31 6:19 PM
in reply to: lutzman

Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
I completed my second triathlon of the season. I came in third in my age group. More importantly, i felt like i did well. I am more committed to keep trying to strive to consistency in training.
2013-09-01 8:07 PM
in reply to: charlotte hobbs

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Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by charlotte hobbs

I completed my second triathlon of the season. I came in third in my age group. More importantly, i felt like i did well. I am more committed to keep trying to strive to consistency in training.

2013-09-01 9:30 PM
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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by k9car363

So, all of you other gray guys/gals - it can be done.  Just because you are gray on top does not mean you can't swim decent times.  It just takes the time in the water and working on perfecting your stroke!  See you in the pool!

And if Scott isn't inspiration enough, there's always Diana!!!

Edited by juneapple 2013-09-01 9:32 PM
2013-09-01 9:31 PM
in reply to: charlotte hobbs

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by charlotte hobbs

I completed my second triathlon of the season. I came in third in my age group. More importantly, i felt like i did well. I am more committed to keep trying to strive to consistency in training.

Way to go Charlotte! Bringing home the hardware!

2013-09-02 9:31 AM
in reply to: juneapple

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Subject: tri Hard
yeah Scott n Charlotte.

So I hv missed a lot of training lately. partly b/c I am avoiding biking due to an aggressive driver on my bike route.
I think it has become to warm to safely do OWS here due to parasites.

so...I will run run run at seven AM. The track, the trail, the shaded greenbelt. I am thinking of running twice a day b/c my w/o's have become so short due to excessive # of missed training days.

Neighborhood five K in a month. My ex husband will likely be running. hehe
2013-09-02 6:58 PM
in reply to: dustytrails

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: tri Hard

I celebrated Labor Day by REALLY falling off the training wagon this weekend.  It started Saturday with perhaps the worst thunderstorm I have ever seen in California.  There were several moments where I thought I was back in Indiana in the midst of a good ole fashion mid-west severe thunderstorm!  I wasn't about to go bike, run, or swim in the midst of a thunderstorm so day one without a workout.  The power went out so the only real option for dinner was go out (and hopefully find a place that had power) or the BBQ.  We opted for BBQ and I enjoyed the moment WAY to much.  Then Sunday, the kids and grand-kids were coming over so I had to cleanup after the storm, which left me wiped so another workout went by the wayside (unless cleaning the pool, cleaning the yards and finishing off a tree the storm started to bring down counts for a workout).  Of course, you can't have the little ones over without sugary treats right?  Isn't that a law?  Anyway, day two with no workout and way too much junk food.  Then today, I had the best intentions, REALLY!!!  I was going to do today's workout plus make-up at least one of the missed ones . . . until my lovely wife told me her sister and her sister's kids and grand-kids were coming over to swim and a BBQ.  OK then, another workout missed, another wholesome day eating WAY to much BBQ.

There was a day when that would have set me off and ruined my psyche for a week.  I would have beat myself up for days over the missed workouts and the food over indulgence.  I guess I have finally matured a bit.  Yeah, I am a bit disappointed that my weekend did not go according to plan, but I got to spend time with family.  And really, what is better than that?

I figure if I don't eat again until Friday I will be good on the calories!  (OK, all you nutrition police, just joking).

Didn't really put me off track training wise as I am just coming to the end of my 'train-to-train' phase.  Ironman Louisville was last weekend and that is my 'A' race next year so I have a year.  While I hope to not have too many training lapses over the next year, my plan does allow for a couple.

How did everyone else spend the holiday weekend?  Did anyone else send the summer out with a bang?

2013-09-02 7:05 PM
in reply to: dustytrails

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: tri Hard

Originally posted by dustytrails

So I hv missed a lot of training lately. partly b/c I am avoiding biking due to an aggressive driver on my bike route. 

That is such a bummer.  Wouldn't be cool if we could mount grenade launchers on our bikes for occasions like aggressive drivers?  What do you think?  I bet a grenade launcher trumps aggressive driving!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, grenade launchers are illegal.  But it is still a nice thought isn't it?

2013-09-02 7:06 PM
in reply to: charlotte hobbs

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches

Originally posted by charlotte hobbs I completed my second triathlon of the season. I came in third in my age group. More importantly, i felt like i did well. I am more committed to keep trying to strive to consistency in training.

Way to go!  Podium finish!

2013-09-02 7:15 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches

Originally posted by juneapple

Sorry I've been so quiet for the last month or so... way too much traveling. Seems I was in every state on the East Coast.

Having just gotten done with my little traveling binge, I empathize with you.  The traveling messes up everything, even though it may be necessary.

Originally posted by juneapple

Last week, my final "trip" was biking the Skyline Drive in a 24 hour period with my Ironman BIL (115 miles in total - we went all the way to my house at the end). The first day (a mere 50 miles) was the toughest bike ride I've ever done in my life... lots of steep up and down and total accent of over 8000 ft. I was so relieved to finally get to the Big Meadows Lodge!

Awww man, I wanna go do that ride!


2013-09-02 10:09 PM
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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by charlotte hobbs

I completed my second triathlon of the season. I came in third in my age group. More importantly, i felt like i did well. I am more committed to keep trying to strive to consistency in training.

Congrats Charlotte!

Just got back from a long weekend vacation with the family up in BoothBay Maine. Ate a lot of bad food but did get in a couple of run workouts and did a little swimming. Did my tempo workout and long runs for the first time and I was a little disappointed with my times but it was very hilly and at least I got out there. I also have to keep telling myself this is my first time training like this (track repeats, tempo and long runs) and it just may take some time getting used to. If it was easy everyone would be doing it.

According to my schedule I got to do a 6 mile long run next weekend so I might sign up for a local 10k that I have done in the past just to have some fun.
It is a pretty cool race where the last three miles goes along a nice beach road.

What is everyone else doing this week?

Edited by JREDFLY 2013-09-02 10:23 PM
2013-09-02 10:20 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by k9car363

Anyway, my time for 1,000 yards was 9:57.7 which averaged out to just under 59.8/100.

Congrats Scott!

I know you are working out with that trainer on your running, how is ti going?
2013-09-03 5:08 PM
in reply to: charlotte hobbs

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by charlotte hobbs

I completed my second triathlon of the season. I came in third in my age group. More importantly, i felt like i did well. I am more committed to keep trying to strive to consistency in training.

Nice. And as you point out, regardless of finishing position, you felt good getting it done!


2013-09-03 7:11 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches

Originally posted by JREDFLY

I know you are working out with that trainer on your running, how is ti going?

I believe my running coach is a sadist.  He seems to draw intense pleasure from reducing me to a quivering pile of flesh at the end of a workout.  That said, I think we are making very good progress.  We are planning to do an 'official, unofficial' 5K in the near future.  I thought we were doing it at the beginning of this month but he wants to hold off a couple more weeks.  He seems to think we can get my time down to sub 30 minutes.  I am not so sure, that is over 20 minutes faster than my run in July, but, he is the coach so we will see what we will see.  I do know that I am running faster, further, and with more confidence than I ever have so that is something to be happy about.

Thanks for asking.

2013-09-04 7:01 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by JREDFLY

I know you are working out with that trainer on your running, how is ti going?

I believe my running coach is a sadist.  He seems to draw intense pleasure from reducing me to a quivering pile of flesh at the end of a workout.  That said, I think we are making very good progress.  We are planning to do an 'official, unofficial' 5K in the near future.  I thought we were doing it at the beginning of this month but he wants to hold off a couple more weeks.  He seems to think we can get my time down to sub 30 minutes.  I am not so sure, that is over 20 minutes faster than my run in July, but, he is the coach so we will see what we will see.  I do know that I am running faster, further, and with more confidence than I ever have so that is something to be happy about.

Thanks for asking.

Great job Scott, sounds like you are doing a lot of good work, keep it going.

Ran with a friend of mine last night and learned a lot about pacing myself at the track. I was kind of all over the place and keeping my laps consistent is key for the run less run faster training I am doing. Feeling pretty good about this and now know I have start using my watch more as opposed to just going by feel, just not there yet.

Still kind of feeling frustrated in the pool. This morning in masters class he had us doing that follow the leader drill going up and across lanes and I was lagging behind. Coach says he is seeing progress but I am not feeling it. Of course I must be better than when I started (I think) but I am wondering if I would be better off getting a couple of private lessons and practicing by myself. Any thoughts on that one Scott or whoever else might have some experience with this?


2013-09-04 9:23 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches

Originally posted by juneapple

And if Scott isn't inspiration enough, there's always Diana!!!

Don't know how I missed this.  Throughout my swimming career, I had the good fortune to train with the Lakewood Aquatic Club under Jim Montrella, arguably the finest swimming coach in the history of the sport.  During the 70's and 80's, LAC was recognized world wide as THE place to train if you had aspirations of National, International, or Olympic success.  Back in the mid 70's, I want to say something like '75 or '76, there was this wild woman that showed up one day and wanted to train with Jim, because he was the best of the best.  Seemed she had this crazy idea that she was going to swim the Florida Straits.  I remember swimming with her, but sadly, never really got to know her.  Even then she was an inspiration.  My recollection is that she was ALWAYS first in the water and LAST out of the water, and she was a machine while she was in the water - she just wouldn't stop.  She only trained with LAC for a couple months and I never knew what happened to her after that, other than she popped up on the news now and again still trying to complete her crazy dream of a swim.

Glad she finally succeeded.  Given the athletic hopes and dreams that many of us have, how appropriate that a gray hair lady finally achieved her dream after literally decades of trying and showed us all - NEVER give up!

2013-09-04 10:07 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches

Originally posted by JREDFLY

Still kind of feeling frustrated in the pool. This morning in masters class he had us doing that follow the leader drill going up and across lanes and I was lagging behind. Coach says he is seeing progress but I am not feeling it. Of course I must be better than when I started (I think) but I am wondering if I would be better off getting a couple of private lessons and practicing by myself. Any thoughts on that one Scott or whoever else might have some experience with this? Thanks, James

I don't know what that 'follow the leader' drill is so I can't comment on that.  I do know that back in the day, we didn't do drills.  We swam.  We rarely used kickboards or pull paddles.  We swam.  We swam lap after excruciatingly boring lap.  At the height of my swimming career I was putting in 12-15,000 meters/day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  On Christmas we got a break and only had to be in the water one time as opposed to two or three a days.  My point is, there are two things, and two things only that are going to improve your swimming.  One is the yards you put in.  While it may seem like a long time, you really have not been swimming all that long, and you have really not put in that many yards yet.

The second thing that will lead to improvement is perfecting your stroke technique (am I sounding like a broken record?).  A swim coach, even the best ones, simply do not have the time to give the individual attention necessary for a beginning swimmer to rapidly improve - there are too many swimmers in the water at any given workout.  The by-product of that lack of one-on-one time is the development of all these drills that are in use today.  We will save my opinion on all the drills for another day.  In my opinion, if you can get one-on-one time with the RIGHT instructor/coach, you will make far more progress in a very short period of time than you could in a years worth of masters team workouts.  That is not to say you should not be training with a team.  Training in a team environment provides a certain amount of accountability to get the workout done, thereby putting in the necessary yards.  However, putting in the yards if your stroke technique is not perfect (OK, maybe not perfect, but above average) is counter productive as you will be training the wrong muscle groups and creating the wrong 'muscle memory.'  The 'RIGHT' coach is one that has YEARS of experience - preferably as a successful swimmer, is able to convey his/her knowledge to you so that you understand it, and is patient while you master his/her direction.  Working one-on-one with that person once a week for a few weeks and then following up once a month over the next six months will do more for your stroke and speed than ANYTHING else you can do at this point.

Just my two cents.

2013-09-05 8:39 AM
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Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by k9car363

At the height of my swimming career I was putting in 12-15,000 meters/day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

Just my two cents.

That is a crazy amount of meters in a day. I guess I will stop about trying to do two little workouts in a day.

That 2 cents was worth at least a dollar (Ha! Ha!). Great advice Scott, I will start asking around to see if anyone I know has found a good swim coach. I know it takes a great deal of time in the water and I have a long way to go. I have been trying to get more consistent and get into the water 3 times per week because I think you stated that is the least you should do if you want to make any progress. I just thought after 6 to 9 months of getting up at 4:45 to get to master class I would be able to swim 20 lengths without stopping and I am not even halfway there. It has been really frustrating and I have been thinking I just really suck at this. I am hoping that your advice of getting private lessons with a coach and more time in the water will do the trick. Like Steve's Tony Robbin's quote ."If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten."

Once again, thanks for the help and I will keep you updated on my progress.


Edited by JREDFLY 2013-09-05 10:37 AM
2013-09-05 12:49 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: The weekend approaches
Originally posted by JREDFLY

Originally posted by k9car363

At the height of my swimming career I was putting in 12-15,000 meters/day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. 

Just my two cents.

I know it takes a great deal of time in the water and I have a long way to go. I have been trying to get more consistent and get into the water 3 times per week because I think you stated that is the least you should do if you want to make any progress. I just thought after 6 to 9 months of getting up at 4:45 to get to master class I would be able to swim 20 lengths without stopping and I am not even halfway there.

James--finding a coach has really helped me. I was able to get one on one instruction for 30 minute blocks once a week. It really did help me on getting the worst of the mechanical flaws straightened out. I still have a long ways to go, but my progress really took a step forward with a coach because she could watch me and see what I couldn't--basic flaws that I had no idea even existed.

Go for it if you can.

Good luck!

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