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2014-04-20 9:03 AM
in reply to: Dunn Right

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by Dunn Right Side note, where did everyone from our group go??


Good question

2014-04-21 9:44 AM
in reply to: Dunn Right

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Dunn Right

So I may or may not have signed up for IM Maryland this afternoon...



Get excited!

P.S. Where did everyone go?
2014-04-21 9:46 AM
in reply to: Dunn Right

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Dunn Right

Originally posted by uhcoog
Originally posted by crissy_jo

Originally posted by Dunn Right So I may or may not have signed up for IM Maryland this afternoon...

OMG.  So how long does it take the average person to finish an IronMan? Is this your first IM. I can not remember.  I say I'd NEVER do one, but I race for 12 hours cross country without even knowing where the heck I am going.  Can't be much different right?  heck I might as well sign up.  The run is optional on those things right?  jk

Seriously though, I can't work the nerve up to even sign up for an olympic distance tri.  Sticking with sprints again this year. :-)

 1.  Congrats AJ.  Big step, BIG STEP

2.  Average person takes probably 13-16 hours for an IM.  AJ has a huge advantage in that the swim won't take a huge toll on him.

3.  Olys aren't that different from sprints.  Pull the trigger and have fun.  


I signed up for my first Oly less than a week before the race. To say I was unprepared would be a huge understatement -- it hurt...a lot. You just gotta do it!!

And thanks guys!! I'm so glad I'm in this group. Your support has been so awesome through this season so far.

Oh man, I am seriously so excited for you AJ! And Crissy, I will add a x3 you can totally do an oly. Especially with your activity level for the adventure races. Those things are so hard!

Good work so far everybody!
2014-04-21 9:55 AM
in reply to: MechEChick

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

So speaking of Olys, I'm getting kicked off a boat about a mile from shore this Sunday.  Hopefully I can get a modicum of retribution from NOLA.  

2014-04-21 3:25 PM
in reply to: MechEChick

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Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks! Maybe some excitement now. That may turn into anxiety!
2014-04-21 7:34 PM
in reply to: #4916036

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Is that for the Kemah that you mentioned on your list in your first post?

2014-04-21 7:40 PM
in reply to: #4984824

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
AJ - Have you run a marathon before? (In re: to "may or may not have signed up for an IM")

I'm getting worried about Lake Stevens HIM in 4 months. I haven't run past 7 miles yet and my IT bands have not really stopped complaining from my last long(er) run over a week ago. However, I ran 5 miles this morning (and did bike after) - stretched A LOT, then sat in the hot tub with my IT bands in the jets - and they aren't feeling as bad right now. I also ran with compression shorts today, and it was only in the last mile that my IT bands started hurting a bit, and not as much as they did during that 7 mile run. I'm also thinking of going to a Hot Yoga class tomorrow. A couple of my running friends say it helps them with their leg issues.
2014-04-21 7:46 PM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by kathleenkp
AJ - Have you run a marathon before? (In re: to "may or may not have signed up for an IM")
Nope. Hopefully I'll get one in (at least in training) between now and September.
2014-04-22 8:23 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by kathleenkp Is that for the Kemah that you mentioned on your list in your first post?


Yep.  You board a boat at 6 AMish and they drop you 1500 meters off shore.  Having a straight shot in is nice depending on the size of the surf.  

2014-04-22 8:36 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

Originally posted by kathleenkp AJ - Have you run a marathon before? (In re: to "may or may not have signed up for an IM") I'm getting worried about Lake Stevens HIM in 4 months. I haven't run past 7 miles yet and my IT bands have not really stopped complaining from my last long(er) run over a week ago. However, I ran 5 miles this morning (and did bike after) - stretched A LOT, then sat in the hot tub with my IT bands in the jets - and they aren't feeling as bad right now. I also ran with compression shorts today, and it was only in the last mile that my IT bands started hurting a bit, and not as much as they did during that 7 mile run. I'm also thinking of going to a Hot Yoga class tomorrow. A couple of my running friends say it helps them with their leg issues.


Kathleen do you foam roll or use a lacrosse ball for therapy?  While you can't really loosen up an IT band because it's a tendon like band that doesn't stretch, you can loosen up the hip muscles it attaches to as well as the thigh muscles it runs over.  After Lake Stevens I'd encourage you to go see a sports focused physical therapist and see what the root cause of your issue is.  When I had ITBS it was due to inflexible/weak hip muscles and a quad dominant running style.  Basically I was in for lots of hip exercises in regards to strength and range of motion and lots of lifting focused on bringing up my rear chain (hamstrings, glutes, back).  No real issues since.  Also if you want to look into yoga look at the stuff by Sage Roundtree.  Most "hot yoga" classes have few to no poses that focus on hips and other running stressed muscles.  Sage is a marathoner and triathlete.  Her stuff is endurance sports focused.


In regards to running a marathon during IM training.  Most coaches discourage it.  The issue with running the full 26.2 miles is that the recovery time is generally a week to two weeks until your fully back on top of your game.  No one has that time to give during a 140.6 training cycle.  I think the longest I've ever had an IM athlete run is 3:30.  Most of the time I'll peak their running at 3 hours and even then I might split it into a 90 minute session in the morning and one in the evening.  IM centers a lot around the bike.  You need your bike fitness in a place that if you pace it/feed it correctly you get off and run.  It is much more about routine and the mental aspect of being on the move for 10+ hours by the end of the marathon.

2014-04-22 9:56 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by kathleenkp
AJ - Have you run a marathon before? (In re: to "may or may not have signed up for an IM")

I'm getting worried about Lake Stevens HIM in 4 months. I haven't run past 7 miles yet and my IT bands have not really stopped complaining from my last long(er) run over a week ago. However, I ran 5 miles this morning (and did bike after) - stretched A LOT, then sat in the hot tub with my IT bands in the jets - and they aren't feeling as bad right now. I also ran with compression shorts today, and it was only in the last mile that my IT bands started hurting a bit, and not as much as they did during that 7 mile run. I'm also thinking of going to a Hot Yoga class tomorrow. A couple of my running friends say it helps them with their leg issues.

Don't forget that 4 months is still a long time. I also have dealt with ITBS in the past. With some good PT and increased biking, the issue is much much better now. And foam rolling has helped as well. Yoga seems to always help me, though I've tended towards Vinyasa Flow classes in the past.

Don't worry about the marathon. I'll be doing IM #2 in 10 weeks (don't remind me, ack!) and have yet to do a stand alone mary. The most I did before the last one was a 22 mile run. I'm much more concerned about bike fitness as I know that will make or break the day. But I also despise running... Congrats again on signing up!

I got my neoprene cap yesterday in the mail. So I'm officially set for race day gear for IM CdA. Other than my $2 Target knee socks repurposed as arm warmers. Waiting to see a crazy design for those first. And I'm thinking about joining a local OWS club for a swim in Puget Sound near my house on Saturday. Pretty sure it'll be a very short swim for me since the water is reading about 51 degrees. I'm not hardcore enough for much at that temp.

2014-04-22 12:17 PM
in reply to: MechEChick

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New user
Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Back pedal back pedal back pedal
2014-04-22 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4984827

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks for the info on Sage. I will look her up. Of course since I'm here with endurance sports people, that sounds like what I would need.

You are probably right about getting to see a sports PT (repeatedly). One of the bike class instructors is a PT (for children, usually) and she helped me get set up with some IT band stretches. She said she can talk to me at the club any time, but I feel that is taking advantage of her, so I only talked with her about it during an office visit. It would help if I talked with her again (before Lake Stevens) and get a next set of stretches. I also need to make sure I am doing them every day, which I had slacked off on when my training increased a couple months ago. Also, I stopped going to her class for the time being since it is during the group rides on Saturday mornings. I miss her and the class, but I need the group ride instead.

I went to the yoga class this morning. Since it was all new to me, I didn't get too much out of it. It was peaceful. I'll give it a couple tries and see what happens. They did mention the words Vinyasa, and also that I might like Power Yoga. I'm not looking for more aerobic or strength activity, though. What I need is stretching and injury prevention. So I need to remind myself that I don't have to be dripping in sweat and have a HR >150 for an hour in order to be doing something beneficial for my body.

Tomorrow I can make it to the MELT class, which uses foam rollers. I usually have a schedule conflict with that class. I think the compression shorts, stretching and hot tub jets yesterday helped.

I think really that I need to make time - at least 15-20 minutes every day - to stretch. I have the Be Iron Fit book, so at the very least, I should do the routine in that book.

Yay! For the comments from both you and MechEChick about focusing on bike. I like the bike!
2014-04-22 3:23 PM
in reply to: #4985317

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Now I get why the Be Iron Fit plans didn't seem to have large amounts of running in them. I think they max out at 3-3.5 hours running. I just figured they were planning on some fast running paces - which I don't have. Or that they were assuming most people were accomplished runners. (Neither of those describes me.)

But that makes sense about the bike focus and the recovery time for that amount of running not being available during IM/HIM training.
2014-04-22 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4985321

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
AJ - What are you back pedaling about?
2014-04-22 3:34 PM
in reply to: #4985322

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Christina - I'm excited for you!! CDA is beautiful. Which local group are you going to OWS with? Will you be on Lake Washington? Do you know about Mill Creek Running and Multisport Group on Facebook? (I think there has to be such a group down your way, too.) There are some triathletes on it and maybe you can find someone to bike or swim with. Sometimes people post activities for the Eastside area as well. Anyone can post if they are looking for someone. (Longer bike route posts have been going up lately - like 35-50 mile rides.) Most of the posts are running related and I must admit my eyes glass over a little when I see them. I don't despise running or anything, and actually enjoy it, but it doesn't make my heart beat faster quite like the swimming and biking posts do.

Thanks for sharing your ITB/related stories. I love hearing from other people what happened/how they solved it.

2014-04-22 4:02 PM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by kathleenkp

Christina - I'm excited for you!! CDA is beautiful. Which local group are you going to OWS with? Will you be on Lake Washington? Do you know about Mill Creek Running and Multisport Group on Facebook? (I think there has to be such a group down your way, too.) There are some triathletes on it and maybe you can find someone to bike or swim with. Sometimes people post activities for the Eastside area as well. Anyone can post if they are looking for someone. (Longer bike route posts have been going up lately - like 35-50 mile rides.) Most of the posts are running related and I must admit my eyes glass over a little when I see them. I don't despise running or anything, and actually enjoy it, but it doesn't make my heart beat faster quite like the swimming and biking posts do.

Thanks for sharing your ITB/related stories. I love hearing from other people what happened/how they solved it.

I found this group "Western Washington Open Water Swimmers" on facebook and they swim every Saturday from the bath house here at Alki Beach. I haven't gone yet since - well - BRRR. I live walking distance from there, so it's about time I gave it a try.

I'm pretty active with the Green Lake Running Group and the spin off Tri group, which post all of their events on I do a track workout with them once a week and my long runs as well. I'll probably do more group rides with them after the race. I get a bit too Type A about my long training rides and prefer to do them by myself or with well established partners. Though, weather permitting, I'll do the first 48 miles of my long ride with them on Saturday. I'll have to check to see if there are other groups as well.

Sorry again about your IT band issues. Those can be super painful! Hopefully you'll find a yoga routine to your liking soon!
2014-04-22 6:26 PM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Haha no mary before IM Maryland
2014-04-22 8:51 PM
in reply to: Dunn Right

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

I don't know if this has been brought up before or not, but is anyone eating the Paleo way, or however you say it?  Last year a couple guys in the group I was in were doing in, on had great success with it, and the other was just about to start when the group vanished. I'm kind of curious to find out if it is as good as they say it is.  I've begun to eat so much healthier the last couple months.  I would say 98% of all calories that go into my body are unprocessed - primary impact was to the type of grains going into my body and added sugar (wow there is a lot of added sugar in everything processed).  I've dropped my body fat % by a few points and added muscle, so I'm pretty happy about the change.  I'm not going to lie, it is a little tougher to make meals because you have to plan a bit in advance, but I feel great.

I recently looked at what Paleo is exactly, and it appears that dairy, grains and legumes are a no-go. WHAT!?  Couldn't do it.  Right there, I'm not willing to give up all dairy, all my grains, nor my chili. So anyway, after all my blabbing, anyone eating Paleo?

2014-04-23 12:16 AM
in reply to: #4985333

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Not me! I couldn't give those things up, either.

I'm currently struggling with my weight. It's gone UP and it should be going down. Like 6-7 pounds over 4 months, slow and steady. Maybe it's all in my hamstrings (from the increased biking) b/c that's the only place my clothes feel tighter. I need to meet with a sports nutritionist, I think. We make most of our food from scratch, although I do use protein powder and buy store bread.
2014-04-23 8:18 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed

So here's my spiel on Paleo.  If you're going to do long course triathlon you need processed sugars to race (fuel).  Because you need them during races you need to see what works for you and train your gut to handle what you're putting in.  Also two of the main causes of GI distress on long training days are protein and fat, both of which are staples in Paleo living.  IF you're willing to work more off a Paleo for Athletes type of guideline where you utilize simple sugars in the window before/during/immediately after training I can get on board.  That said the diet kind of loses it's altruistic angle and cult like following if you do so. 


I am all for eliminating as much processed food as possible in the everyday portions of your life.  It will make you thinner, happier, and healthier.  Something I need to get back to as much as possible.  Recently life has made the temptations of quick/convenient foods much too appealing.

2014-04-23 9:56 AM
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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Well, managed to not grab my main course for my lunch today. You do one thing outside of your routine (like stack the next three days lunches together on one side of the fridge, next to your stack of breakfast/snacks for the next day) at night and you completely forget it at 4:40 in the morning. But hey! I had a good swim workout. Jimmy John's sandwich for lunch for me today.

Crissy, I have had friends do Paleo/Whole 30/other low carb fad diets who are not typical endurance athletes (mainly Cross Fit people). Most with great results. Then I've seen the same people fade and bonk on long mountain bike rides they used to crush. And usually I, the cyclist or the endurance runner in the group will hand over granola bars/gels at that point. I do think cutting back on processed foods is great! I agree with Scott, just don't underestimate your body's need for sugar in endurance activity. That said, I have basically cut out dairy and am very pleased with how I feel. Granted I've actually gained 5 pounds lately because I've been overeating. Trying to get back on track again.

Also, had a guy ask to split the lane with me at the very end of my workout this morning. No problem at all! And then he tried to claim the rope side of our wall lane. I'd been swimming on the rope side only the whole workout rather than down the middle. For the first time, I said "You know, if you don't mind taking the wall side, I only have a 100 left." Now I feel a bit like a jerk, but I hate swimming next to the wall.


Edited by MechEChick 2014-04-23 10:16 AM
2014-04-23 5:24 PM
in reply to: MechEChick

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New user
Manassas, Virginia
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by MechEChick
Also, had a guy ask to split the lane with me at the very end of my workout this morning. No problem at all! And then he tried to claim the rope side of our wall lane. I'd been swimming on the rope side only the whole workout rather than down the middle. For the first time, I said "You know, if you don't mind taking the wall side, I only have a 100 left." Now I feel a bit like a jerk, but I hate swimming next to the wall.

Don't feel like a jerk. Newcomers never get dibs!
2014-04-23 7:03 PM
in reply to: #4916036

Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
HE should feel like a jerk. First for asking that question. Then for making YOU feel like one. Nobody comes into the wall lane and claims the rope side. Can you tell I'm getting irked for you yet?
2014-04-24 9:11 AM
in reply to: kathleenkp

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Scott and Kelly's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by kathleenkp

HE should feel like a jerk. First for asking that question. Then for making YOU feel like one. Nobody comes into the wall lane and claims the rope side. Can you tell I'm getting irked for you yet?

Thanks for making me feel better guys!

Swam my first continuous 3500 of the year. And a few minutes under an hour!!! So excited!!! Super hungry now, time for a hearty breakfast.
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