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2014-04-14 6:46 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
John glad to see you getting back to swimming. I think you'll be able to pick up pretty quickly after the long layoff and you'll be swimming the way you were before in no time.

Dirk that sounds like some ride especially coming off of surgery a couple of weeks ago. Doesn't sound like you've lost any fitness at all and that's pretty impressive tail wind or not to be hitting the upper 20's to 30 mph. Geez I think averaged like 14 mph on my hills ride this past weekend lol.

Derek it sounds like you also had a great weekend of training getting the longer training session in as well as the long run. Nice work taking advantage of the day off to S/B/R. It sounds like you had a great swim, bike and run today. Also pretty impressive outriding the local pro to take the KOM.

Matt, Dirk and Derek all sounded like they killed there rides even with the brutal windy condiitions.

The pool reopened tonight so I went and swam. It was nice that is was pretty empty tonight. All I can say is I got in about 2200m's and didn't drown so I'll call it a success after the two week layoff and the weekend hills ride and trail run adventure. I'm pretty fried right now I think I'll be heading to bed early for sure.

2014-04-14 7:47 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79Nice job Dirk and Matt, I guess I'll post mine as well, lol. I took Friday of work and figured I'd get in a good swim, bike, run brick since i had the time. Did a 10x100y in the pool on 20secs rest and felt great. Times were about 4-6secs faster per hundred then they were the week before. The extra swimming is starting to bring me back around I think. Then hit the road on the bike. Into 30-40mph winds. Unlike matt I took the early push and ended up stealing a KOM from a local pro with a 42kph effort over 5 minutes that included a nice uphill section. Had I known I was going to take the KOM I would have buried myself on the effort way worse then I did, lol. Unfortunately the the ride home was at about 24kpm. Ended up only riding for about 50 minutes. Then put down a nice 10k run to round it all off. Saturday I managed a 2h40m trainer session and 4k run then on Sunday I completed the longest run I've ever done, 22k, and it felt great, held 5:30/km pace for most of the run a kept my heart rate pretty constant at 150, z1/z2 off me. Best feeling long run I've had in a while. Hopefully I can keep up the training over the next 3 months and I should be good to go.I'm away with the family this weekend for Easter, and I think I managed to find a 10k I can race in on Saturday morning. It's a down week so I wasn't planning a long run this weekend anyway. Should be a good indicator of where my run is right now.
those dang KOM! I went for one last week and thought I had done the entire segment but turned around about 100ft short! And I had crushed the time up the hill! I think one of my goals this summer is to get all the KOM that are in my normal routes. I am only off pace by a short bit so it should be attainable! All the small goals add up to crushing the big goal.
2014-04-15 8:48 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Welcome back john! Sorry to hear about your freind, how is he doing?

Looks like you all got in some great training over the weekend, I got in a nice run on sunday morning then went to the pool, I have got to learn to do flip turns. I am going to try to add an extra half hour this week and figure out how to do them!

Dirk how's the knee feeling after the ride?

Jeff hows the foot doing?

I got in another good ride tonight, I have been paying attention and not cramming my feet down so this seems to be helping with the foot issue I had
2014-04-15 9:27 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Thanks JoAnne. My friend Trevor is doing really well. A couple of guys from our office visited him this morning and they said his spirits are up. The hospital has had a prosthetic expert see him a few times already to make sure he is healing properly to use one when the time comes. Our boss talked to him and said they were talking about moving him to a recovery/rehab center as early as this afternoon.

2014-04-16 7:50 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

I have been reading up on the posts from everybody for the past week but comments have been brief for the most part.  Last weekend was pretty busy as I was trying to diagnose and repair Laiken's car........unsuccessfully.  I am in no way shape or form a mechanic with diagnostic skills.  After spending a few hours on it and sinking money into items that essentially did not do anything we took it to a mechanic.  We had, what some of you have seen I suppose, a lot of pictures to take of our youngest daughter and her boyfriend before the ROTC Ball.  Trust me, that was far more fun than working Laiken's car!  Anyway, it was all time away from anything else.

News for my knee;  I completed my third PT appointment tonight and it was another successful night, I suppose I can say it that way.  Todd beat the trash out of me tonight with some insane exercises, some of which I'll not be able to duplicate at home.

It seems I am gaining strength in rapid fashion and he's ready to let me go to 8-10 reps with heavier weights to continue to rebuild my VMO in my left leg.  I can also go 100% on the bike now!  This is probably about as encouraging news as I might have expected before surgery.  Had I been asked if I might be riding at 100% in 16 days following surgery 4 weeks ago I might have laughed, or more likely thought that could only happen in a some dream world.
And even more good news is that I have been cleared to use the arc trainer again.  I plan to give it a shot tomorrow morning for a short time, maybe 15 minutes and see how it feels later.  I'll take it slow to be sure there are no issues.  I can use the machine in the glide (striding) form or the stair climbing form, whichever I choose.  The glide would mimic a running stride more, so I'll see how that goes.
Todd mentioned that next week we may do some running (on the treadmill) to see how things look.  If this happens it would seem I might be a little further ahead and I'll also have a little better feel for how things are progressing in that direction.  It's kind of exciting to see that I'm progressing so quickly but it's also equally terrorizing because I don't know what's going to happen in the future.  I'm still trusting things will be fine.
 Vero,  I'm very pleased that your buddy's doing so well.  I pray his recovery goes even better than what mine appears to be going.  He's got a lot harder time ahead than I will!  I can stop running but he can't stop walking as easily.  He'll have my prayers for a long time.
Matt, Derek, Joanne and Tony,  The riding all of us are doing is going to serve us all well in the coming racing season.  I think it would be something to be able to see exactly what our FTP was 2 years ago versus today.  We all have obviously gained all kinds of fitness but I'm not sure any of us had a firm idea of what our FTP was that far back.  Staying focussed on our goals has allowed us to become far more ready to meet our personal goals.  (I love training and racing!!)  I can't wait to put this stuff to the test in the coming months.
2014-04-17 1:54 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

Welcome back john! Sorry to hear about your freind, how is he doing?

Looks like you all got in some great training over the weekend, I got in a nice run on sunday morning then went to the pool, I have got to learn to do flip turns. I am going to try to add an extra half hour this week and figure out how to do them!

Dirk how's the knee feeling after the ride?

Jeff hows the foot doing?

I got in another good ride tonight, I have been paying attention and not cramming my feet down so this seems to be helping with the foot issue I had

My foot is about the same. Broken bones don't just feel better quickly do they? I've never broken one before (at least that's been diagnosted...although I wonder about a knuckle and my wrists..). I'm 2 1/2 weeks post break now and I suppose it feels much improved when I'm just curling my toes, but as for putting weight on it, no go.
Which is fine. I know it's going to take time to heal and that it's probably going to be well down the road to healing before the pain subsides.

I have an appointment for an x-ray again in about 3 weeks and then I will get feedback on my progress.

This week swimming bothered my foot more than the week before. This is with a very light 3-beat flutter kick for stability and not propulsion. It's probably one of the varagies of healing, but half-way through practice on Monday I grabbed the pull buoy to use from then out.

Doc said no cycling, but I have been on the spin bike every day. I'm sweating up a storm and getting many more hours than normal in...even getting nauseous and saddle sores. ;(
The way I'm approaching it is a light resistance that stays nearly constant the whole time and remaining seated. This way I never need to push down really hard and I can pronate my foot and tuck my knee near the top tube which puts the weight on the big-toe area and way from the baby-toe area.
I don't pull up, and as needed I can lighten up the right leg and take up the slack with my left leg.
I guesstimate I can pedal around 250 watts this way without bothering the foot.
I've seen some of my most respectable average HRs in the last 2 weeks doing it this way. But not getting off the saddle intermittently is tough!

2014-04-18 6:21 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

I'm glad to see you're getting some workouts in Jeff but I'm not sure I would do the same thing.  I guess your injury is different than mine in that mine has become chronic (kind of).  I am slowly learning that I have placed myself into a category (with my knee) that if I have issues I won't be able to push through anything any longer.  I'm curious if you're wearing cycling shoes or street shoes on a spin bike at the gym.  I guess really what I'm asking is if your foot is in a soft cast/walking boot and are you on crutches so that you have to change your footwear to ride?  

Obviously your racing plans for this year have been changed.  Had you sunk a bunch of money into registrations prior to this injury?  Part of my struggle this season has been whether to register for races early or not.  Most of the races I do aren't ones that are likely to sell out but I can get a discount for early registration for a few of my normal races.  I have actually just begun to look into my race schedule a little more seriously this week.

You'll be back up and running soon enough, just keep healing up well.

2014-04-18 8:42 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Jeff I'm glad to hear that your recovery is progressing well and that you have been able to get some workouts in. I kind of figured that you'd be able to swim but I'm surprised to hear that you did feel some pain in your foot while doing that. I'm actually more surprised that you've been able to ride the bike and do it in a way that it has not aggravated your injury. More impressive is the fact that you're able to ride at 250 watts! I can't do that and I'm healthy lol. I hope this doesn't put a damper on the entire season for you and that you are able to get healthy and get some racing in.

Dirk I have to agree with you. It seems like everybody in the group has really stepped up there training especially on the bike. For me it is like night and day. I can't believe how much progress I've made now going into my third season. It is so noticeable when I ride now I still am pretty amazed at the progress I've been able to make. It would definitely be interesting to know what FTP I started at as compared to now. The other thing is this didn't happen over night and goes to show that it really take a lot of time and effort to continually improve.

Well so much for swimming today, I totally forgot the pool would be closed because of Good Friday. One swim in the last three weeks so I am kicking myself because I could have gone last night. I can't worry about it too much though there is plenty of time to swim. I guess I'm gonna run today.
2014-04-19 2:00 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Had a pretty good 10k race this morning. The course was pretty much pancake flat, 2 loop, 5k out and back. I was hoping to get close average below 4:30/km and came pretty close. My race time I believe was 45:58 however my garmin had the course at 10.15. My guess is this was due to a bit of weaving back and forth on the course because everyone wanted to be on a different side of the road. (Closed course). My garmin time had me at 45:25 for 10k. Or a 4:32/km pace. I felt pretty good about the run since I dropped at least :50 seconds of my 10k pr last August, and I still have quite a few pounds to come off before race season. Oh well one race down, more to come.
2014-04-20 6:42 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Great race Derek.  Any PR should prove a successful race and training strategies.  I'm sure the time you have been riding the bike over the winter paid of running.  If the this race is an indicator of how well you'll perform in the coming race season, you should be pretty successful.


I just finished a pretty solid week of training.  According to the time graph in my training log I spent over 13 hours doing some type of training last week.  I'm sure it's not the biggest week of training I've ever done but it's higher than average.  The bulk of my training was in the strength category but the bike was only a few minutes behind.  This week I hope to be able to get on the Arc trainer a little more and keep some of the cardio work going to keep that engine developing and get my running muscles feeling a little more of those types of stressors.

2014-04-20 10:37 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Happy Easter everyone!!

2014-04-20 12:13 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Derek congrats on the PR. Great race, I agree with Dirk the work you've done on the bike has and will continue to help your run. I've no doubt you'll continue to build and improve on this.

Another great training weekend for me, four hour North Shore hills ride yesterday. We always ride out to the infamous Oakwood Rd. 3/4 mile hill. Did 6 repeats yesterday and again didn't have to limp back home. The work this outseason is paying off. The weather was awesome yesterday. I also got a two hour trail run in this morning for just over 11 miles. We ran the entire perimeter of the Pine Barrens and once again the weather is awesome here today. Glad to be training some outdoors and enjoying the great weather.

I hope every has a safe and Happy Easter and has the opportunity to celebrate and spend the time with family and friends.
2014-04-20 3:38 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Hey, can everyone post the races they have planned?

I had planned to do a HIM this month, but cancelled due to being out of town for things and not being able to train. Currently I have been swimming and running once a week and trying to bike 3X per week. I've got a 100 mile bike race in 2 weeks. I also want to do the Little Rock 100 mile in the Fall again. Beyond those, I dont currently have anything else planned... might try to find a late fall HIM or OLY. What's everyone else got brewing?

2014-04-20 4:56 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Ft. Lauderdale
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Happy Easter

Dirk and Jeff... keep the rehab and conditioning going. sounds like its all coming along nicely....
Derek... great finish.

I had planned to do a HIM this month, but cancelled due to being out of town for things and not being able to train. Currently I have been swimming and running once a week and trying to bike 3X per week. I've got a 100 mile bike race in 2 weeks. I also want to do the Little Rock 100 mile in the Fall again. Beyond those, I dont currently have anything else planned... might try to find a late fall HIM or OLY. What's everyone else got brewing?

I finished the Swim Miami 5k OWS yesterday.... about 30 minutes off my planned pace (2:22:34). At the first mile I was at 34 minutes but I got elbowed in the jaw around mile 1.6 and had to stop a few times to get it aligned because I couldn't open my mouth... after that I couldn't really find a rhythm.

next weekend its:
4/26 I have a 200k bike

4/27 a 30mile bike and 10k brick (2x5k)

That is all..... thee may be a 30 mile run on May 1, the Law Enforcement Torch Run for special Olympics if my work clears up, then really nothing until the HIM on June 8.

the photo are of myself and some teammates who all swam.....


10264258_10152101202826172_1104053311191156051_o.jpg (283KB - 6 downloads)
2014-04-20 5:28 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Happy Easter, Junkies!

I just got home from church where I was on security patrol for the late service. I took my mountain bike like I almost always do and rode 6 miles on patrol, then after services were over I rode the 7 or so miles home and turned it into a brick with a 3 mile run.

As for upcoming races I only have the Olympic in June and HIM in July planned for now. I might do a couple of sprints or super sprints in August and September. If I really get crazy after the HIM I might train for my first Marathon in January 2015.



2014-04-20 7:12 PM
in reply to: 0

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Tony, sounds like the bike work is paying off. Keep at if and I'm sure you will see huge improvements. Terry, good looking group. I've had to put my jaw inline during a few hockey games, but never a swim! That's toughing it out. I'm pretty undecided about my race schedule. Here are the possibilities: HM in May, 2 sprints in June, would have to be used like brick training days, HIM on July 6th, possibility a sprint at the end of July, Olympic in the middle of August and another Olympic in early Sept. Throw in a few other running events and it's a full slate. I'm gonna just see what works and mist events, like this weekend will be last minute decisions.

Edited by BigDaddyD79 2014-04-21 6:54 AM

2014-04-20 9:33 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Jeff, hopefully the workouts are going ok, but a broken bone is a little different than other injuries. The beauty is once it's healed, if it completely heals properly, it's often as good as new forever. On the other side, if it heals incorrectly, a ex-break can be a real problem going forward. I'm not a doctor, don't play one on tv, and wasn't at a holiday inn recently, but I'd let that thing heal completely and resume activities once there is no pain. I'll obviously defer to a real doc if one has given you different advice.

Derek, super 10k - a PR is a PR, and always a positive.

Tony, there's no doubt that your working this winter is paying off. Work works.

Terry - 5k swim? That's an incredible effort you pulled off.

My races/challenges are the Bonefrog SEAL obstacle race 5/17, 103 mile ride for diabetes 5/18, Eastman sprint (relay with my sons) 6/21, Mad River in between distance (.4 S, 20 B, 4.5 R) tri 8/2, Kingston Sprint 8/10, Timberman Sprint 8/16, Rev3 HIM, 8/24. I'll be honest - the Bonefrog scares me.

Hope everyone has had a great Easter.
2014-04-21 8:03 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Terry congrats on completing that 5K swim especially after getting hitting like that. It's hard enough to swim that distance much less getting whacked in the jaw doing it. Great job sticking with it and getting it done and no wetsuit, impressive. I'd probably drown.

John that sounds like a pretty good workout getting in the miles on the MTN bike and then following it with a good run. Nice work.

Warren you're gonna do great at the Bonefrog race. You've been preparing and training for it all outseason. Don't worry I'm sure you're going to a lot better than you expect to.

So my schedule is pretty simple right now. I'm only signed up for four races so far. I may add a few shorter distance races to the schedule as well. I am pretty sure I am going to attempt a 15K trail run a week after the NYC marathon. It's a home race over at Manorville Hills so I want to try and give it a go.

5/4 - Hither Hills Half Marathon trail run
6/22 - Syracuse 70.3
8/17 - Ironman Mont Tremblant
11/2 - NYC Marathon
11/9 - Greenbelt 15K - (Registration hasn't opened yet but will sign up, running it may be another story)
2014-04-21 8:54 AM
in reply to: #4919947

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Good morning
I hope everyone had a great day yesterday.

Dang you guys are over achievers
And Warren with the bone frog just remember to have fun!!! I know it is longer and has more obstacles than the spartan or warrior dash but if I can finish you will do great!!!

John security patrol at the service??

Terry congrats on the 5k swim.
Derek same to you on your PR
looks like everyone got some good training in.

I ended up having to so a 3 hr ride on the trainer on Saturday not fun but again got it done. Maria and I got a good run in yesterday almost 7.5 I am still pretty slow but this past year is the first year I have been consistent with everything so hopefully times will start coming down.

I am debating about doing a HM with my daughter Amanda and Maria on the 5th of May otherwise my schedule is:
June 22 pleasant Prairie Olympic distance
July 20 Racine 70.3
Sept 7 IMWI
Nov? Spartan at Miller park
2014-04-21 9:45 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63  John security patrol at the service?? 

About a year ago someone broke into a couple of cars in our church parking lot during sunday worship service so a group of us organized a schedule where we always have at least 2 people in orange vests patroling the parking lots while services are going on. Each of us takes one service a month on patrol. It's more of a deterent to theives than anything. We are not actually supposed to physically prevent theft or vandalism, but our presence is enough to make those looking for a full parking lot of unattended cars think twice about it. More often than not I'm pointing people to empty parking spots, giving people a welcoming smile and chat as they arrive, and then cruising around the lot looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Wow! 3 hours on the trainer? That is true dedication to workout.

Terry - Good job on that swim. It would have been too long for me, especially getting your bell run halfway through, ouch.

Dirk and Jeff - Good job, guys. Stay patient with your healing!

Derek - Great job on the 10k race. That is a smokin fast time in my book!

Tony - Hill repeats on the bike and a long trail run. Thats some serious training. Nice work.


I hit the pool for 30 minutes this morning to start the first day of my 12 week buildup to Vineman 70.3. Starting to get excited.

Have a great day everyone!

2014-04-21 10:00 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
JoAnne great job getting the long trainer ride done as well as the run this weekend. Those long trainer rides are not only physicallly demanding but mentally challenging anytime you can complete them it's a victory. As far your training goes you're doing great. You've been training consistently which is the key. Don't worry about speed just keep working hard and it will come. You're doing all the things you need to do to get yourself ready for IMWI.

2014-04-22 4:47 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Originally posted by pistuo Hey, can everyone post the races they have planned? I had planned to do a HIM this month, but cancelled due to being out of town for things and not being able to train. Currently I have been swimming and running once a week and trying to bike 3X per week. I've got a 100 mile bike race in 2 weeks. I also want to do the Little Rock 100 mile in the Fall again. Beyond those, I dont currently have anything else planned... might try to find a late fall HIM or OLY. What's everyone else got brewing?

My race schedule is virtually undetermined other than Ironman Wisconsin.  I have a few I would like to do but I won't commit until I've done some running and feel like I can handle the impacts and stresses of racing.  I am fairly certain I will be doing a TT next month.  The way I have been able to ride the bike the past couple of weeks leads me to believe I will be just fine for that style of racing.

May 18, Colavita TT

June 28, Warsaw Sprint

July 26, Challenge New Albany HIM

Sept 7, Ironman Wisconsin.

2014-04-22 2:40 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

I'm glad to see you're getting some workouts in Jeff but I'm not sure I would do the same thing.  I guess your injury is different than mine in that mine has become chronic (kind of).  I am slowly learning that I have placed myself into a category (with my knee) that if I have issues I won't be able to push through anything any longer.  I'm curious if you're wearing cycling shoes or street shoes on a spin bike at the gym.  I guess really what I'm asking is if your foot is in a soft cast/walking boot and are you on crutches so that you have to change your footwear to ride?  

Obviously your racing plans for this year have been changed.  Had you sunk a bunch of money into registrations prior to this injury?  Part of my struggle this season has been whether to register for races early or not.  Most of the races I do aren't ones that are likely to sell out but I can get a discount for early registration for a few of my normal races.  I have actually just begun to look into my race schedule a little more seriously this week.

You'll be back up and running soon enough, just keep healing up well.

Dirk, yes I'm wearing cycling shoes when I ride the spin bike. The hard soles at the very worst would spread the weight evenly over my foot. But I'm going one better, I'm rolling my knee and ankle in to prone a little bit and all of the weight stays on the other side of my foot and there's not pain whatsoever. I never stand up and I never pull up.

I am officially in a boot....however, I have found that the boot spreads the weight over my whole foot and hurts to walk in. But if I walk barefoot or in an unlaced pair of lightweight athletic shoes, I can do what I do cycling and limp around with all the weight on the inside edge of my foot and off the affected bone. Again, no pain.

I'm confident that I'm doing NO damage or hindrance to the healing process this way.

I'm not sure when I will be OK to ride a real bike....I feel that I need to be able to get out of the saddle and climb a hill without pain to be free to do that.
My foot does feel about 50% better now than it did last week and prior.

I am guessing that the discomfort I feel when swimming is harmless. I'm not really kicking and the forces applied by the water are very mild. Nonetheless, I am trailing that foot behind me as 'dead' as I can. I'm very glad to be able to cycle.
If the way I'm doing it hadn't worked out, I would probably wear running shoes and place my arch or heel on the pedals and try that.

Crutches might have been a good thing to do, to maximize my healing time...I still may use them, especially in a situation where I will have a lot of ground to cover, or might be off of smooth pavement (such as spectating at sports).

Don't worry about my intelligence (or lack of). I have proven that I'm tough enough to run on a splintered foot bone, I need to baby it to the maximum level to get myself back to full function as soon as possible. So at this point my gung-ho tendencies are geared toward I'm gung-ho to be a wuss if that makes sense.
2014-04-22 8:29 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

I had a fantastic run this morning. 5 miles at easy pace and I was on a serious runner's high when I finished it.

I had negative splits for each mile except mile 3 (I had to wait for traffic to cross the street during that one) and I finished with a sub 9 minute per mile pace average. That's the first time I have been sub 9 m/m pace for an easy run that I can remember. I'm seeing the results of the slow build up after the shin issues earlier in the year.

I posted it here right after but it appears the internet doesn't like me today and the post disappeared.

2014-04-22 10:57 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED
John, just curious... I know you said you're not supposed to stop a robbery but are you carrying any sort of weapon?

I live in TX, so I'd guess about 30% of our members are packing heat each week... ha!
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author : mikericci
comments : 1
This program is for a second year or greater athlete who wants to improve their run. The athlete must be able to run for at least 1 hour and should be able to complete 4 weekly run sessions.
date : October 2, 2005
author : KevinKonczak
comments : 1
So which one is best for you? It boils down to the aforementioned questions only you can answer and, ultimately, to what extent you will use it as a tool for winter cycling fitness.
date : January 30, 2005
author : Glenn
comments : 0
Many of us do not enjoy the ‘pleasures’ of training on a stationery trainer. “Boring”, ”mind-numbing”, “a drag” are three phrases often associated with indoor trainers.