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2007-04-03 12:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I am in for the swim but I will go 13 miles in 13 weeks and pass the baton to someone willing to do the other half of the english channel. Anyone interested?

2007-04-03 3:59 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BGT,I know just what you mean about the strangeness of becoming an athlete. I find myself getting really excited by little things like the dude from UWL writing back and telling me I'm IN for the swim clinic! Like going under scrutiny with video and doing drills in front of really GOOD swimmers would be considered "fun" by ANYONE else, except another tri person.....but there were only 35 slots and that's between bluff buster's and UWL swim team, so I was worried that they were already full! Others in my life are amused by me, but have no idea WHY I do the stuff I do. Oh, well. I'm glad you understand

Sorry Jeannette, but I'm committed for the whole 25 miles, but I'm not doing it in 17 weeks, unless I start to gain some endurance and find myself suddenly growing gills and flippers. (I've prayed for that!) I may have to be Aquawoman instead of Catwoman........
2007-04-03 11:25 PM
in reply to: #747271

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Jeanette I can take the rest for ya :D  So you are going to do 1mile a week for 13 weeks then I will take over?  That should be doable for me.

Helen, thanks for the heads-up on the Friday race.  I just signed up 2 mins ago and set to go.  Wish me luck as its also my birthday this Friday so hopefully that gets me a head start   If you do make it out I will be wearing a black shirt, with a blue hat or visor.  I'm also very tall so you can't miss me lol.  I am excited for the t-shirt! 

Pene, you crazy cat.  Post up some videos of you swimming to give us all some tips  

2007-04-04 6:19 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
HAHAHA WHAT A PEP TALK!!! im ready to go now let me at em grrrrr! all those things u mentioned are all true! nails and stuff are nothing hahah
10 days till my first try should i still be trainin hardcore or easing up a little? when do i ease up and what exactly is easing up????



p.s happy birthday robb best of luck and to every1 else

10 dayz untill my tri cherry is broken !
2007-04-04 7:29 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Malph--Tri cherry?? Wow! Madonna will be taking up tri's now Glad if I cheered ya up a bit, mate! Had to read the kids the Aussie books my mom sent me after she lived a year down under. I can actually do the accent pretty well.....

Rob--Happy birthday!!! Hmmm, maybe you are old enough for me, you want a pic of me in my swimsuit, eh? Better yet, just come on down for the swim clinic, too (I know, I better get some serious help soon, or just take the poor dude up on his offer and be done with all the man chasing.....) By the way, I'm making all the women on here WANT you--or want you for their daughters--and I'm NOT kidding

WHERE ARE THE REST OF MY TEAMMATES?? Monkeyboy disappeared, so did Sean, haven't heard from Kanders lately, Helen must be resting and gearing up for the 26.2, and I have a feeling I'm forgetting someone else.....GLAD that BGT is back on the grid, and Mark's silliness is a blessing again! And Prof--WE LOVE YOU--you know just what to say and you are very wise and High Priest/Chieftain-like. How's YOUR training going lately? We can give you a pep talk, too, once in awhile
2007-04-04 10:19 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I just had a traumatic bike ride- I set out on the paved trail next to my house and was half asleep because its was early and I hadnt had my beloved caffeine yet. I was getting into a groove and suddenly look up to see a man standing in the trail looking at or talking to 2 ducks- a male and female duck to be specific. Of course this is where the trail is narrow, and I dont want to yell and scare the man and i figure the ducks will fly away as soon as I get near them (ducks ALWAYS fly away when you run at them!) so I choose to go on the side of the trail near the ducks rather than run over the man and I realize last second that the ducks ARENT flying and I end up running over one of the male ducks little webbed feet- or at least thats what I think i hit because I heard a crunch and the duck squawked and the man yelled at me and I was like "I thought they would move!" but I didnt stop to see. I just couldnt. I really had no excuse, I should have slowed down till I really made sure they moved but I really didnt have the thought process at that moment to do it. I ended up feeling guilty the rest of my ride and went home a different way just to avoid the spot in case they were all still there hanging out. I realized thats is Spring and the male duck was probably trying to woo the female duck and wasnt paying attention to the multitude of cyclists on the trail. Which also leads me to point out that Spring time has apparently hit our little tri-forum too, as evidenced by the last post by Pene

2007-04-04 12:10 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl- I hope you are doing better. The duck will be more aware of its surroundings before falls hunting season. I don't agree with hunting. A duck dosn't know where a state border is located.

Robb- We should both start swimming now and passs the baton in the middle of the English Channel. That way there is no procrastinating. Unless your calender is allready full for 13 weeks. By the way I am curious... How tall are you? LOL

Pene- I also am doing tri's to relive stress and also to shapen up. Hang in there for this too shall pass. Flirting is a good thing!!!

The Chicago accenture triathalon is August 26th. If anyone is interested go to the search engine and type in chicago accenture triathalon. Super sprint, sprint, and International distances. I did the super sprint in 2001 when it was called Mrs. T's (but there was no medal), which seems like eons ago. This year I am in for the sprint distance based upon a dare/challenge from a friend. I got her to walk 1/2 marathon in the rock and roll marathon.
It was great- every mile they had a different band playing.

Have a good week!

2007-04-04 1:20 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watergirl--now that was some SERIOUS funny! (which is a contradiction, but oh well) Maybe it is spring that's gotten into me, but may I remind you all that Rob started it I'm a sucker for all that baby, hun sweet talk! That and the tall dark and handsome stuff.....throw athletic, supportive, sweet and funny into the mix and I'm HOOKED! But, he'll probably go and marry Helen's daughter now, because that makes much more sense Don't feel too guilty about the duck, I ran over a cute little squirrel in the car the other day and that was really a nauseating feeling....I was glad the kids were asleep and didn't notice! I'm starting to like the swim a lot, Liz! When does the endurance happen? I still get winded after one measly lap. And sometimes even a length and a half! But then, my run is painfully slow, too, so I figure it is just a matter of conditioning, which I hope happens before I'm 50 (I'm 40 now).

Jeannette--You have loads of time before your race! Don't worry, you are going to WIN it! I might just have to come there and cheer you on! Rob is 6'4" by the way Those tall fellows just make a girl feel so petite in comparison (and it's usually the guys 2 inches shorter than me that want me, but I feel like an amazon next to them).

CMCKEE--Where are you, thin mints girl? I miss your bubbly personality! You are a cheerleader, too! Did you sign up for a race yet? Come on, you can do it! We are all pulling for you
2007-04-04 2:15 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Good evening from finally sunny Yorkshire. Don't worry about running things over unless they are bigger than you. Or inedible! Mmmm duck pie. My ditzy sister ran into an elephant whilst jogging and a herd of cows whilst driving. The insurance claim was a little gem of fiction as the cows were still in their field!

I can tell from the tone of the posts that Spring has definately sprung for us all. Phoenix, Robb, get a room!

Good luck to y'all this weekend (I think some of us are racing).

Re wildlife massacre. I put those clickers on my spokes that kids use to try and warn pedestrians of my approach (I have the attributes of an oil tanker when I'm on my bike) and that seems to keep even the doziest of tourists alerted to my arrival. Maybe you could train the ducks to step politely out of the way if they really hear you coming but it sounds like any duck prepared to listen to a man prepared to talk to them should be shortlisted for an early bath in the race of life.

Toodle pip my friends, I'm off to the gym.
2007-04-04 11:43 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Hello and hope everyone is well.

I came out of work tonight to see 2inches of snow on the ground.  I must say I was a little pissed off but what can you do.  Last week I was outside in shorts in low 70s temperature.  Tonight is high 20s...  what a country...

I did another 5k run at the gym last night to make sure I am still able to do it, and I must say it was actually quite easy.  I have a 5k run for the abused woman's shelter on Friday morning.  They are calling for -6C and flurries, but oh well.  I'll show 'em how it's done. :D

Pene hun you are making me blush over here lol.  And I am pretty sure you started it all :P  And when do I get to meet this princess of a daughter that you keep raving about   What are your training plans for this weekend?  Going to take out that sexy bike or what?  I don't think its getting used enough you better ship it my way!  I'll put some miles on it for ya if you want. 


2007-04-04 11:59 PM
in reply to: #748183

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Malphh - 2007-04-04 4:19 AM

HAHAHA WHAT A PEP TALK!!! im ready to go now let me at em grrrrr! all those things u mentioned are all true! nails and stuff are nothing hahah
10 days till my first try should i still be trainin hardcore or easing up a little? when do i ease up and what exactly is easing up????



p.s happy birthday robb best of luck and to every1 else

10 dayz untill my tri cherry is broken !

Yet another example of the spring like air around here...."tri cherry"! Malph Im very excited for you, I cant wait to hear what you think of the whole thing. I am biased here, but I think for the next 10 days you should get yourself in the pool at least 2-3 times because its easy to fake a bike and run but just getting more of a feel for swimming will help IMMENSELY. I cant remember where you swim for your race, but if its open water than practice an open water swim. All my friends say it makes a huge difference.

Pene- I think your swim clinic will make a huge difference for you. BTW, I saw they are having a chi running clinic here in Seattle. I am thinking of going if I can arrange my work schedule- so you definitely think its worth it??
Someone asked about counting laps earlier and I didnt have time to answer. BGT's idea is good but I personally just break it up in my head into smaller parts- since i am used to counting the distances instead of "laps" I usually keep track of how far I go for each set- like I did 10 x 100's and then I know it was 1000 yds.

Thanks for all the reassurance about the duck situation. I still am reeling a bit but I have moved on. Mark says he has a noisemaker for his bike which just cracks me up imagining this sleek tri-bike with Mark on it honking away

2007-04-05 4:58 AM
in reply to: #749718

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl777 - 2007-04-05 12:59 AM

Someone asked about counting laps earlier and I didnt have time to answer. BGT's idea is good but I personally just break it up in my head into smaller parts- since i am used to counting the distances instead of "laps" I usually keep track of how far I go for each set- like I did 10 x 100's and then I know it was 1000 yds.

I do the same. I start the timer on my watch when I get in the water, and as I'm doing my sets, I click my watch at every 100. It's easy to keep count of 4 lengths in my head, but sometimes I get distracted when I start hitting big numbers. Problem solved as long as I remember to click it.

Or I'll do a specific set of something -- say 1950 yards, which involves a literal swimming of 1 less length each time, e.g., 300, then 275, then 250, etc. It's easy to count that down.

Someone else told me that they do the alphabet in their head, one letter per length, and the whole time they are doing that length, they think of words that start with that letter. Apple, arachnaphobia, banana, beer, Canada, cookies. They know they've done 26 when they've finished the alphabet.

At some point, you find what works best for you!

And sorry about the duck. You really heard a crunch?
2007-04-05 5:12 AM
in reply to: #745523

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
JeanetteJ. - 2007-04-02 12:22 PM

Prof- The date is Aug 26. Very very early in the morning. Is it common to start when the sun is rising? I am giving myself a lot of time to train. 5 years ago I did a super sprint tri. That was a while ago and I was in excellent shape. That was my first tri. This one is a longer one, and I am a little older and sit at a desk most days. If I do a tri I want a small medal to show my friends so they believe I actually did the tri. The super sprint had no medal and this one does.
This way my friends will believe me.

Bump a shark in the nose with metal and it is more likely to leave you alone.

Some races mandate that you're dressed and out of the transition area by a certain time so it can start bright and early. I recall setting up by flashlight at a Florida race, and working under flourescent lights in a West Virginia one. However, it seems most sprint races start off at a more decent hour of 9:00 am. Personally, I like the earlier starts. I don't eat much in the morning, and probably not much after 5:00 pm the night before, so I just want to get the thing started and finished so I can go off and have breakfast somewhere on the drive home!

You don't need hardware to prove you do these things, you know (although you're right, it is nice!). The confidence you carry, the rippling muscles of your calfs and forearms, the occassional bruise/road burn on your elbows and knees -- they all say athlete better than a piece of medal on a ribbon!

Thanks for the shark advice, which I'll remember when I do Alcatraz in June. Does that tip work for sea lions too?
2007-04-05 5:22 AM
in reply to: #745102

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-02 8:44 AM

This new REST regimine is working!! I actually dreamed last night! A lot! That hasn't been happening lately, so my sleep hasn't been effective. I woke up feeling way less achy, almost no pain at all in comparison (and I didn't even use the laser or do the stretching or massage yet). AND my attitude is better! ...But, I'M BACK! Weird, sassy and happy Try the rest thing this week and see what it does for you!!!!

Glad to see it's working for you.

Sometimes taking it easy has more recuperative effects than you'd imagine. (Hmmm, affects? Effects? I always get those 2 confused.) A good rest, or a much lighter week, prevents me from turning super cranky if I've really been pushing my mileage or effort. Same with ignoring form and heart rate and just doing. Exercising can be spiritual if you let it be. After all, it's your time, your body, your thoughts (provided you turn off or ignore your cell phone, which lately I have not been able to do!). Just enjoy the moment.

2007-04-05 5:29 AM
in reply to: #748234

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-04 8:29 AM

And Prof--WE LOVE YOU--you know just what to say and you are very wise and High Priest/Chieftain-like. How's YOUR training going lately? We can give you a pep talk, too, once in awhile

Ah, sound like some of my students now that we're 25 days away from finals week!

My training is going well, although I've been fighting a cold, and so I'm avoiding the pool. Swimming always seems to encourage the viruses to fight me even harder. The plan for the day is to work, and then nap, and then go to bed early.
2007-04-05 7:10 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watergirl--Yep, I'd definitely recommend the chi running seminar. If nothing else, it may show you where your imbalances are. I "knew" that my inside leg muscles were weak, but the seminar really cemented that for me and gave me "proof" that I needed to strengthen them. I can press 65-70 pounds on the cybex machines with those muscles, but apparently I don't use them on a daily basis to stand and walk properly and so I need to continually remind myself to stay in form. If you have any experience with tai chi or Quigong, then you will get a lot more out of the seminar. All that stuff looks easy, but to continually practice the form is harder than one thinks. Prof is right--exercise IS spiritual! BTW, I laughed ALL DAY about your duck post! I don't know why, it just struck me as hilarious and I had to shed laughter tears about it--my patients and my sister thought I'd lost it......well, I lost it years ago actually and I'm happier in my insanity


If you stumble, make it part of the dance.

2007-04-05 7:49 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Did early morning club run. glad I ran this morming. Hill work is important. I did not eat before I went so I was hungry the whole time. I walked a few times but I ran all 6 of the planned hills, there were more on the back in. Lazy training week, not going to reach goals but that is life sometimes. BGT

2007-04-05 2:06 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof40- Wow when is the Alcatrez swim? 2 years ago I visited there, it was very interesting, hopefully your swimming away from the prision?@! During my visit I went to Catalina Island in Late July, I went snorkeling there with friends. There was a sea lion playing in the Kelp, I dove down 30 ft and was so focused on the kelp and sealion that I didn't see the glass botom boat with 50 people watching above me. The water was so clear! My friends were like oh my God and latter people on the island were talking about it all evening. They still talk about it. LOL
The best way to avoid a sea lion is to ignore it, they are very curious and playful though.

You can rent a video on Qigong and Tai Chi at your local library. However I havn't seen one on chi running-Yet.Except on utube.

Everyone-Thank you for the laps counting advice.

2007-04-05 2:16 PM
in reply to: #749842

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I'm still here... barely. We've been on horrible vacation here. Take Mark's vacay, remove all fun and exotic locale (we had to stay home because DH's work is short-handed), add 6 inches of snow and sub-twenty high temps (snow! After 70 degree days? That's too cruel) and throw in one daughter with an ear infection that won't go away and you've got my last 5 days. Ugh.

So I've gone totally off the tracks on my training program this week - part pity party, part lazy, part no sleep due to sick child. I'll get back on next week. In punishment/catch-up, I'm going to do a brick today when my MIL comes over to watch the kids. She's so great- she knows that not training makes my eyeballs itch.

Watergirl, I've been meaning to let you know I got the package - thanks! Now I just need to figure out how to put them on. Will probably go do that right now, as I wait for my MIL to come over. The snow will melt eventually... right?

In other news, I ordered my wardrobe. I had picked up a trisuit on super clearance last year after I decided to do this, but after much thought decided a 1-piece wasn't a good choice for me (as I WILL be hitting the portapotties during T2). So if anyone wants a never worn Danskin trisuit, size 12/L, let me know. After trepidation, I went with a Descente bra top, Zoot bottom combo. So I have every added incentive now to get my abs in shape. 3 pregnancies have taken their toll...
2007-04-05 3:10 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hang in there, Kanders! I'm a mom, too, so I completely understand about the chaos of family life. We'll just have to NOT compare ourselves to others less encumbered and really pat ourselves on the back for everything we DO manage to accomplish.

I'm having an emotionally ICKY day. My ex is coming some time today and that brings up lots of ickiness for me. And my mom and stepdad are here, and I love my family, but.......they sort of push your buttons without meaning to, and there is just so much judgement there. Anyone else know what I mean? For example, my house. I don't give a crap about cleaning it. My mom does. So she won't stay at my house, she stays at my sister's apartment. Which is fine, but still.....and she does NOT understand just exactly what I'm doing here with all this tri stuff. I mean, did I REALLY NEED the new bike???? So, I find myself not knowing what in the world to talk to her about. That and the "So, you haven't heard anything from Mark lately?"--the boyfriend that broke up with me unexpectedly after christmas. (Mom liked him quite a bit and sort of figures I screwed it up somehow--more judgement!) Okay, I'm off it.

I swam today for the first time in a week. No flippers. I can swim a tiny bit longer before swallowing water now, but my endurance still basically sucks!! I did pick up my ironman in March T-shirt--yeah! But I'm taking a sharpie marker and crossing out the "I only did it in 31 days" and putting 15 days. So there:P

Actually, today I questioned whether I'd have the endurance to survive the weekend. Family. Ick! I'm moving to a desert island somewhere close to the Bermuda triangle.

Prof--I think we all went in March from Liz's house in Seattle all the way over to Niagara Falls near the Canadians and Mike Hall, and then to Chicago where we ran through the underground tunnels under the city (I'm convinced they really do exist) dodging mafioso people and Lionfaced people (remember that one tv show?) all the way to the ocean where we scuba dove with Jeannette, the sea Lion and the kelp and surfaced at Kona Hawaii where we all watched the ironman and drank ourselves into a sex-on-the-beach or fuzzy navel stupor, waking up on a pirate ship the next day by the Bermuda triangle. There we saw the dead Kennedys, Marilyn, Elvis, and Princess Di, had tea and crumpets with them and were then zapped back home just in time to watch American Idol where they FINALLY got rid of Sangaya How's that for creativity?
2007-04-05 5:19 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I was snooping around and found an article about spiritual triathloning, and because Prof said something about exercise being spiritual, and because I've studied and/or participated in every known religion or spiritual practice (and found them all equally valid), I clicked on the article. And decided to find out more about Team in Training, which is coaching/mentoring/transportation/team outfits in exchange for fundraising for Leukemia and Lymphoma. You can train to do a marathon, half marathon, century ride or triathlon, and they are recruiting in April for the fall season. One of the tri's you can train for is the Accenture tri in Chicago that Jeannette is doing. And one is in Dublin in October! I don't know much about it all yet, but it seems doable and for a worthy cause, and FUN. I'd do just about anything to actually go to Ireland, even if it is to drink lake water SO-- my challenge to you all is to find a cause and tri for it! BGT has the 25 mile swim (and I'm commiting at this very moment to send money for that), Mike Hall has the Sandy's run. What are the rest of ya gonna commit to???

2007-04-05 7:35 PM
in reply to: #749842

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-04-05 8:49 AM

Did early morning club run. glad I ran this morming. Hill work is important. I did not eat before I went so I was hungry the whole time. I walked a few times but I ran all 6 of the planned hills, there were more on the back in. Lazy training week, not going to reach goals but that is life sometimes. BGT

Well, look at you! Nice job on the cold morning run. Was it snowing where you were, too?
2007-04-05 7:43 PM
in reply to: #750705

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-05 6:19 PM

What are the rest of ya gonna commit to???

Funny you should mention that. I've had three separate and unrelated "contacts" (for want of a better word) with the Special Olympics in the last 3 days, and now I've learned of some upcoming events close to home. I'll keep you posted of how I decide to assist.
2007-04-05 7:46 PM
in reply to: #750441

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
kanders - 2007-04-05 3:16 PM

So if anyone wants a never worn Danskin trisuit, size 12/L, let me know.

Not my style, but thanks for the offer.

Hang in there -- life always balances out.
2007-04-05 9:13 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
not snowing, that was two days ago and is all gone now. She made us doa damn good hill routine. It was great. was going to swim later but me and my non pregnant stomach have been fist fighting. I lost. I do not want to have a " fecal incident" in the pool if you know what I mean.

Prof how are classes and finals going, where do you teach agian?
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