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2011-07-23 2:11 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Whelp, new PR for the 5k for me! Granted, my last 5k had me at 30min I'm pleased to report an improvement with a new time of 26.54. Acheived my 1st and 2nd goals.  1st was to get in before 30min, 2nd was to come in aroun 27min if possible.  Finally broke into the 8s for my running pace!\

Race report here:

2011-07-24 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
congrats wushnut!!
2011-07-25 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

After last weeks junk miles with the class in the heat and this week having my wife's family in town training is taking a hit so my goal for this week is to get my 3 runs in and at least 1 swim workout, I know not reaching for the stars this week but it is a fairly optomistic goal all the same.

It's kind of working in my favor not doing the tri this sunday because I would not be as ready as I'd like and I need to get my new continental 4000 on the bike and the aerobars, pics to be coming

2011-07-25 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I can relate on the frustrations of not getting a workout in (when did that happen?). I used to dread it but now I turn into an ornery old man if I don't get my endorphin fix.  Hopefully you're schedule clears up soon.

Waiting for pics of the bike!


As for me, I'm actually a bit suprised how much that little 5k took out of me.  I'm a bit sore and stiff today.  Granted, I was pushing but I didn't think I'd be stiff the next day.  Good thing this week is a recovery week for me.  Probably do a light easy run today and an easy swim this evening. Swimming always seems to loosen me up.

2011-07-25 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Glad to see I'm not the only one struggling to squeeze in training. I did manage to get a fairly brisk 22 mile ride in yesterday between the thunderstorms....felt pretty good so hopped off and ran for a mile and half for good measure. Now I REALLY need to get in the pool. I havent swam in weeks. Looking for a 5k to fit in my schedule soon...havent competed since the tri.....want to get out and rub Going for a couple days of mountain biking and camping with my son later this week, so I'll just call that cross training.
2011-08-02 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Ryan how have the races gone?

Here is the bike all put together, until I have more money at least...



bike.JPG (38KB - 8 downloads)

2011-08-03 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Just got back into town from vacation in the CO mountains, man the weather out there is just outstanding!  We were loving it, which made coming back to the sauna all the worse.  I'm feeling the pressure of only being 11 days from my race and not feeling like I'm at all ready.  Between all of the time off I've taken to chaperone two different kid summer camps, another week for vacation, and now just beastly heat that I don't handle well I'm feeling very unready.  But I'm trying to remind myself of my goal for this race, to get myself into better shape (check), lose a reasonable amount of weight (check), and finish the race while learning whether I want to do this for the long term (find out in 11 days).  So, when I look at this through my original lens I'm doing pretty well I guess. 

But I also accomplished another of my big goals this summer so I have to give credit for that too.  While we were out in CO my 12 year old son and I hiked up Pikes Peak and back down.  A 10 hour, 14 mile round trip (and you bet I logged it!) with spectacular scenery, an incredible workout, the experience of almost dying in a lightning storm, and the thrill of finishing together.  So it was one heck of a day that I am going to repeat (hopefully without the lightning) on more of the 14,000' mountains, it was just too awesome not to do again.  So if my race day performance is not what I want it to be I'm just going to have to deal with it I guess.  But I really don't want to suck on race day.....

Enough whining.  I'm hitting my predawn workouts pretty hard this week to beat the heat.  Next week I plan on scaling back starting on Wednesday to get ready for my Sunday race.  Thoughts on when to start scaling back?

2011-08-03 3:37 PM
in reply to: #3625693

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Tripopo - 2011-08-02 1:05 PM

Ryan how have the races gone?

Here is the bike all put together, until I have more money at least...


Nice looking bike.  I understand how expensive this sport can just sneaks up on you!  So far I have only had time to do one tri (last weekend) and it went pretty well.  Although I have one in mid-Aug and one at the end of Aug. The end of Aug is my fun tri since there are over 9000 racers it's a bit too congested to really "compete."

2011-08-04 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Heat is killing me, high heat index yesterday at work flatlined my swim didn't bother finishing it due to cramping issues right off the bat and I think my pool has gone to a salt water system which I don't think I'm a fan of or they just haven't been cleaning it, either one is a possibility...

116 heat index here today anyone got that beat?

2011-08-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Wife's car broke down, I pulled out a crown and had to give up over time to get it fixed so decided to drop out of next week's tri since I hadn't registered and the account is looking a little light...  Which I don't mind, disappointed but don't mind as it is also the wife's b-day and I have not been fantastic when it comes to training...


Hope everyone has a good week...  if anyone is still around haha

2011-08-08 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
After doing nothing but whining about the weather I thought I would put a good note out here.  A buddy and I went for a 20 mile ride last night, leaving at 6:30.  We both figured we were just going to get torched in the heat.  A front moved through right when we started and brought cool breezes, and then the clouds moved out leaving the most gorgeous sunset I've seen in a long time.  It turned into a great evening for a ride and we both were ecstatic when we were done.  Just thought I'd put some positive weather comments on the forum.  Have a great day everyone...

2011-08-10 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

OK about 6 weeks to my Oly so time to HTFU as BT says, made it to the pool last night and confirmed that they went to a saltwater filtration system, not a big fan but at least I know that taste is supposed to be there...  began swimming and well sun went down and a storm hit but I forgot to turn the lights to the pool on so my last 500 was in the dark, almost like trying to see in the Atlantic so I'm calling it OWS practice...

Stay hydrated yall

2011-08-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

OK, my first tri is this Sunday and I'm working on my hydration and food plan.  It's a short sprint, 300 yd swim, 19 mile ride, 5k run.  I figure I'll take around 2:30 to finish mainly because of the run.  I haven't been able to train the way I wanted because of a minor injury, and the course is pretty hilly.  So my run time is going to stink big time.  I know I need to eat some stuff along the way so here is my tentative plan. 

5am breakfast: whole wheat bagel and a bannana.

T1: eat half a bannana and get on bike, half gatorade half water in the bottle on the bike.

During ride: consume (can't call it eating) 150 calorie energy gels as needed, at least three over the course of the 75 minute ride.

T2: drink more half and half as needed, maybe just water if I have that iron stomach feeling.

During run: water only.

Obviously it's not a huge race but I know I need to be getting some calories into my stomach.  I need some feedback from people who have done this before.  Any thoughts and suggestions would be very welcome.  Thanks all!

2011-08-10 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3637391

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
dnoble - 2011-08-10 10:11 AM

OK, my first tri is this Sunday and I'm working on my hydration and food plan.  It's a short sprint, 300 yd swim, 19 mile ride, 5k run.  I figure I'll take around 2:30 to finish mainly because of the run.  I haven't been able to train the way I wanted because of a minor injury, and the course is pretty hilly.  So my run time is going to stink big time.  I know I need to eat some stuff along the way so here is my tentative plan. 

5am breakfast: whole wheat bagel and a bannana.

T1: eat half a bannana and get on bike, half gatorade half water in the bottle on the bike.

During ride: consume (can't call it eating) 150 calorie energy gels as needed, at least three over the course of the 75 minute ride.

T2: drink more half and half as needed, maybe just water if I have that iron stomach feeling.

During run: water only.

Obviously it's not a huge race but I know I need to be getting some calories into my stomach.  I need some feedback from people who have done this before.  Any thoughts and suggestions would be very welcome.  Thanks all!

That sounds like a solid plan, that was about what I tried to do for my tri although I had issues actually drinking on the bike, too caught up in the moment, so try to remember to drink the gatorade mix.

Good luck this weekend I'm sure you'll nail that goal time let us know how you do!

2011-08-11 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

This past weekend was the tax-free weekend for SC and I took the opportunity to finally get a new pair of shoes since my old ones were way too tight and had me dreading running, more so than ususal Laughing, so I went to the local tri store where they did an actual fit with the treadmill measuring angles and everything and got a new pair of shoes, it seems I'm a 'neutral' runner and had been running on support shoes so that could have been part of the issue.  Well went running last night and actually enjoyed it, slower than I want to be but with the lack of running the last few weeks it shoes.

OK HTFU time just over six weeks until the next tri, good luck dnoble and Ryan this weekend

2011-08-15 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

I survived my first Tri!!  The course absolutely kicked my @#$, but I made it through.  I was warned by veterans I'd talked to about the hills on this race and man they weren't kidding.  I knew I wasn't as ready as I wanted to be but I thought I was more ready than I was.  My times in the greater scheme of things were terrible, but compared to my times in training, and looking at where I was 4 months ago when I started I am ecstatic at my day.  The whole family came out to be there at the finish with me and it sure was helpful knowing they were there when I was dying out on the course.

I think I've caught the bug too.  I was hoping to find out if this was something that I wanted to do and can do for the long haul, and it is.  For now I'm going to focus on the Sprint distances, after having done one I know that I can get all the physical challenge I need doing Sprints.  Maybe in late next year I'll think about an Oly.  But I'm now an official triathlete, so I have that monkey off my back, and can just go back to training.  On more hills this time....  Thanks to everyone on here for keeping the momentum going all summer long.  I have to say, I'm loving this triathlon world!

2011-08-15 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Congrats dnoble sounds like an awesome race
2011-08-16 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Congrats on the race dnoble! Sounds like you're hooked.


Sorry I haven't been around guys.  I've been kind of in a training rut.  I just can't seem to find the time anymore.  Still getting my swims and runs in, for the most part, but just haven't had any time to ride. At all.  I guess that makes me kind of cranky because the riding is my favorite part.  Part has to do with work schedule and part has to do with my wife's work schedule.  I'm seriously thinking of investing in a trainer at this point though a part of me is revolting at the idea of riding indoors when it's nice and sunny outside. 

Also rethinking my plans to do another race on October 1.  My wife's due date is September 20th and I'm just not sure how much training I can get in the few weeks just before and after birth.

Sigh, why couldn't I have been blessed with the genes to let me be a professional triathlete?

2011-08-16 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3276373

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New user
NW Indiana
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Congrats Dnoble! I know how you times would be an embarassment to most, but I felt great just knowing I finished my first. And now I have no place to go but to get faster.

Wushunut....I'm in much the same boat, but you at least have a good reason with your little 'un coming. I still run and bike but really cant say I've done any real "training" I'm just going to see what happens....maybe do a couple running events and I have a couple centuries coming up this fall.....May just wait for next year for the next tri.....but I will definetly be doing more.

2011-08-18 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Training has gotten better at least on the actually get it done side, although last night was real close to saying no on my training run, was supposed to be 55 min, but the dog was way too excited as he had figured out that I was proabably going for a run and actually grabbed his leash and tossed it at me so I figured at least do the run with the pup, he only comes with me on my 1st mile, and after that figured ok I'm out and I feel good let's continue for the rest of the run and actually used it as my long run going for 1h9m and 6.5 miles thanks to the pup.

Swimming tonight, need to remember to turn on the lights haha

2011-08-24 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Hello? Anybody here?


Well, on an impulse (shakes fist at impulse) I've registered for another tri.  October 8 is the target date.  Let the training in ernest commence once again!

2011-08-27 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3276373

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL
Yup I'm still here...  That's great wushnut what distance?  I have my 2nd tri 1st Oly sept 18th so right in the middle of peak training and am getting ready for the race
2011-08-29 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Doing another sprint on October 8th.  I'm registered so no turning back now.  Day 1 of training begins in earnest today! Got in a 30 minute swim @ 1550yds at lunch today.  Hopefully can get my run in this afternoon. 

I'm impressed that you're already up to training for an Oly! I'll probably wait for next year though.  I pretty confident I can cover the swim and the bike at this point but the run will probably be no bueno. I'm getting up to 5-6miles on my "long" runs now but I feel like death eatin' a cracker at the end of it each time.  Can't imagine doing that at the end of a swim and run at this point.

Down to a couple of weeks! Let me know how it goes (it seems like we're the only ones around now...)

2011-08-30 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3276373

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Got my run in last night but on the "dreadmill."  It wasn't too bad actually.  Did 4miles at a 9:03pace, which felt easier and somewhat comfortable.  Still that may or may not translate to real world running though.  I have a suspicion that my treadmill is calibrated so that you're not quite going as fast as it says you are. 


Just got back in from a lunch time ride.  15.27miles at a 19.4mph average.  I was just taking it easy and riding in traffic this time, not my usualy trail.  Still farily pleased with my pace.  Though about turning it into a brick but ran out of time.

Back to work!

2011-08-30 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3665841

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Allison and Ryan's Beginner Mentor Group - FULL

Hey you two.  I am a bad mentor as I just raced on Sunday with very little training haha.

Sounds like you two are keeping up the training which is great! Good luck in your next race in Sept!  It sounds like you're well prepared for the Olympic distance.

Edited by blackledge 2011-08-30 12:43 PM
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