BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-08-04 8:22 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Training has been good but heat has caused two overuse injuries to my right calve.  Half IM coming over Labor Day.  I'lll be good to go.  Had a bike fit that helped considerably.  Back pain issues lessening on the bike. I hope they are behind me.

Did they start up new groups?  If so, they need more mentors because they are all closed.  I'm keeping up with some folks on Face Book.   But I enjoy the support here too.

Hope all is well on your end Ken.  I plan to stick here for a while and see if anyone shows back up.

HELLO, hello, hello...hello...

2010-08-05 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3022520

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Hey Guys,

I'm still around now.  I haven't been keeping up lately because of work and life.  My wife is pregnant with our 2nd (due in september) and they found a defect with my wife's heart.  She and the baby are fine and not expecting any complications, but she will need surgery after recovery from delivering the baby.   I've been doing a lot of juggling her dr. appointments, work, and everything else, but things are getting back into some degree of normalcy.  I've managed to continue running and biking pretty regularly. The original race I was going to do fell apart because of my wife's health concerns, bike being broken, and general stresses of life.  I'm back on the horse though and I have my first tri this Sunday, and am starting to get really excited and nervous.  I'm confident on the bike and the run, but haven't trained nearly enough to be comfortable for the swim.  It will be a good first race:  the swim is in a shallow lake (~ 5ft) so even though I'm not too confident for the swim I'll be fine. My goal for this first race is to finish without walking (granted it'll be at a slow pace, but I'll be able to tell the difference even if no one else can :-). 
2010-08-05 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Good luck with the baby and your wife's health and your race.  You have a full plate, my friend.
2010-08-09 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Been a while since I had a chance to do much of anything.

Anyway I mentioned a while ago the baby finally came so this is good.


Have Baby arrive  Check
Settled into a routine with new baby Check
Baby is amazing Check
My wife is amazing Check  
Land a new job Check
Back on the C25k BIG Check.

Having a wife that runs with you and a baby that will join us in a few months= PRICELESS

Its great to be back on a program...we feel great about it.

Edited by selonimes 2010-08-09 9:37 PM
2010-08-10 6:44 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Congratulations.  That is AWESOME!
2010-08-14 3:06 PM
in reply to: #3033469

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

selonimes - 2010-08-09 10:37 PM Been a while since I had a chance to do much of anything.

Anyway I mentioned a while ago the baby finally came so this is good.


Have Baby arrive  Check
Settled into a routine with new baby Check
Baby is amazing Check
My wife is amazing Check  
Land a new job Check
Back on the C25k BIG Check.

Having a wife that runs with you and a baby that will join us in a few months= PRICELESS

Its great to be back on a program...we feel great about it.


I see you had a good week of getting back on plan!! Good for you Dan!!

2010-09-05 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Great Illini Half IM - Mattoon

2nd in 55-59 age group  6:08. 

Weather was 72 degrees with 15 to 20 mph sustained winds with gusts over 25. 

SWIM:I stayed with the others and it worked.  They paced me.  Got off course for a minute when we turned on the first loop toward shore.  Some rocket scientist had left an orange buoy far to the left and several of us were sighting on the wrong thing.  Figured it out and corrected.  Time was about 44:30.  Good for me.  The cramp hit about 300 yards from shore.  I just kept swimming. It went away as soon as I was on land.

BIKE: As far as execution went, the bike went really well. I stayed aero 98% of time. I came up to stretch a few times due to the cramps. Otherwise I was down and pedaling. Should be few dead spots. Some were necessary at turnarounds - there were two sections that were straight out and backs on the same road. Power was at 80% (240) before the hamstring issue. I was into the wind when that happened on the second loop, turned toward home, so I let up a little until it passed. I remember telling the cramp to either knock me over or go away - I don't have time for you. It eased. Lost the water bottle cage.  I looked at it last night.  Nothing broke.  The screw must have rattled loose.    2:58
RUN: I kept running, no stops but for two water stops at the end. Just walked through them and kept going.  Encouraged others and that encouraged me.  2:20

NUTRITION:  Worked perfectly.   Had Fiber one and yogurt, mini bagels with peanut butter thanks to Kathy's planning.  Mixed up everything. Had a Gu before and after the swim.  Carried a Gu flask as back up on the bike. Glad I did.  Had it to use when the Heed bottle was lost.  Drank everything, a bottle of Perpetulum, a Heed, water bottles and the Gu on the bike.  On the run, had a flask of Perpetulum, Gu, two HEEDs and water from the stops (never skipped one.) Felt strong to the end. Only issue was sore legs. Go figure.
MENTAL:  Really proud of this.  I was upbeat, encouraging to others, never let any of the problems carry over.  It was like slamming a door on one section when I went to the next but for being aware to take the tabs to help avoid cramps.  I was smiling big at the end.  A great day!

2010-09-05 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Great job, Scott!! I'm happy that you worked through the cramping and took control of your body. Way to be smart on the nutrition and adjust when you lost the bottle. Way to finish strong and finish with a smile. Love it!!
2010-09-05 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Yes Scott, great race and nice job executing your race plan!  Sounds like your day went your way, that is awesome!

Thanks for sharing your race report!

2010-09-15 5:46 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I just signed up for Ironman Wisconsin 2011.  Sept. 11, 2011.  The 10th anniversary of the attacks.  I am so excited I could pee my pants.
2010-09-15 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3100950

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

IceManScott - 2010-09-15 6:46 PM I just signed up for Ironman Wisconsin 2011.  Sept. 11, 2011.  The 10th anniversary of the attacks.  I am so excited I could pee my pants.

That is awesome Scott!! It will be an awesome year for you, enjoy the journey!!! I am glad you were able to sign up ok!  The first one is always the best!!

2010-10-19 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

One of our own (TriRsquared) had his comeback half this weekend!  It didn't go as planned so stop by and give him some well wishes!

Here is the link to his forum thread describing the incident:

2010-10-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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New user
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
So I finally got a BIKE!!  After some serious thinking...I purchased a Scott CR1 Comp...I have to say it is so much better than going to the gym spinning...its just not the same at all, especially when you are clipping in, which I did for the first time.

Super excited about it and really working on the cycling stuff.  I think its going to be a great segway into losing the weight and testing the waters with a sprint or the like. 

Hope all is well with everyone! 
2010-10-25 3:05 PM
in reply to: #3169325

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

selonimes - 2010-10-24 4:45 PM So I finally got a BIKE!!  After some serious thinking...I purchased a Scott CR1 Comp...I have to say it is so much better than going to the gym spinning...its just not the same at all, especially when you are clipping in, which I did for the first time.

Super excited about it and really working on the cycling stuff.  I think its going to be a great segway into losing the weight and testing the waters with a sprint or the like. 

Hope all is well with everyone! 

Great news Dan!! Enjoy the cycling and the new bike!!

How is the running? 

I am down to 12 days till my IM!!  Looking forward to that!

2010-10-25 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Ken - Good lcuk to you , my friend.  You'll do great.

NEW BIKE!  Love new bikes.  it will be a great tool for fun and weight loss.

I'm down from running and bike for at least another week and aI fear maybe longer.  Orthopedic doc says IM band.  Over use.  No warning.  Running fine one minute and in pain the next.  Have tried to ride through dice.  Finally went to the doc and got permission to swim and lift weights only, which has been good.  Also stretching and using the Stick more and foam rollers (ouch) and a massage therapist (double ouch.)  Hopefully will come out of it with more dedication to injury prevention.  I can tell you it sucks not to run or bike.
2010-10-25 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Are you doing Ironman Florida, Ken? Are you feeling strong and ready to take on the challenge? Good luck to you! Above all, I hope you stay healthy and safe and are able to enjoy the whole experience. I look forward to reading your race report. Oh, and thanks for your comment on the regular forum on my DNF question.

Congrats on your new bike, Dan. It's always motivating to get a new piece of equipment. Have fun putting on the miles.

Bummer on your injury, Scott. At least you're not in the height of tri season so resting your body overall is a good thing. Do what the Doc says.

I'd read TriRSquared's summary race report and was really saddened to hear of his accident. It's so disheartening to train and train to do something and then have it all turn in a second. I'm so thankful he's OK and hope he'll take his next HIM by storm.

I have a couple half marathons I'm running the next few weeks and I found an IM finisher about 30 miles away that comes highly recommended for swimming lessons. I start them on Thursday. I want to do an IM in the next couple years but it took me 55 minutes this summer to swim in my HIM so I need help. Other than those couple things, all's well in our household. Hope all is well with everyone else out there.

2010-10-26 12:38 AM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Been a long while since I've checked in but rest easy my friends I am still active as ever, maybe even more so. Hard to believe that about a year ago I had never (since high school 20+ yrs ago) ran or swam a city block worth. My first event was a local 5K on Thanksgiving morning last year. Since then, I have participated in 17 different events. Mostly sprint triathlons, a couple Olympic triathlons, one HIM in Branson and two half marathons. Most recent half marathon this past weekend, I totally smoked my goal. I set a goal of beating the 2 hr mark from my first half marathon i did down in St. Louis. I did that by finishing with a time of 1:44:19. I was and still am stoked with that. And a side bar note, you get the chance to do Branson,, jump on it. Wow what a rush. As of now, I'm still short one goal I had set and that's to make a 21:00 5K run. Maybe the return to the race that started all this will be the goal breaker??Next years goal, two HIM one in spring and one in summer. One full marathon around early summer maybe a couple Olympic tris. But the grand event next year will be IM Wisconsin on Sept 11 2011. Where I along with our very own Iceman Scott will compete for that elusive phrase "________ you are an Ironman"

Edited by DougJ 2010-10-26 12:41 AM
2010-10-26 4:59 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Wow, Doug, talk about getting bit by the bug big time!! Moving from a 5K to the big IM in a 2 year span is impressive. Congrats on blowing by your goals. Good luck getting your 21 next month.

2010-10-26 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3171749

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

bswcpa - 2010-10-25 9:20 PM Are you doing Ironman Florida, Ken? Are you feeling strong and ready to take on the challenge? Good luck to you! Above all, I hope you stay healthy and safe and are able to enjoy the whole experience. I look forward to reading your race report. Oh, and thanks for your comment on the regular forum on my DNF question. Congrats on your new bike, Dan. It's always motivating to get a new piece of equipment. Have fun putting on the miles. Bummer on your injury, Scott. At least you're not in the height of tri season so resting your body overall is a good thing. Do what the Doc says. I'd read TriRSquared's summary race report and was really saddened to hear of his accident. It's so disheartening to train and train to do something and then have it all turn in a second. I'm so thankful he's OK and hope he'll take his next HIM by storm. I have a couple half marathons I'm running the next few weeks and I found an IM finisher about 30 miles away that comes highly recommended for swimming lessons. I start them on Thursday. I want to do an IM in the next couple years but it took me 55 minutes this summer to swim in my HIM so I need help. Other than those couple things, all's well in our household. Hope all is well with everyone else out there.

Yes, Ironman Florida!  Looking forward to getting down there and enjoying the whole IM atmosphere!  This will be my 2nd!

Great news on your swim lessons, I am sure that will help you out a lot!!  Good luck and enjoy your upcoming races Brenda!!

2010-10-26 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Sorry to hear you are out with an injury Scott!  Hopefully it clears up quickly so you can get back to training. 

Doug, great to hear from you and congratulations on a great season!  Sounds like you have a super season planned for next year with the big one as the finale!!! Awesome!!

2010-10-26 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Doug, we gonna make it! 

Good luck Ken.  You rock.  Have fun!  

Did you guys join another group when they opened?  Haven't heard a lot from anyone.  Frankly, I wish they would let us stay together lots longer.

2010-11-09 6:16 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

I hope all of you that have signed up for IM's enjoy yours as much as I have enjoyed mine!!  I will let you know when I get the race report up!!

I think I will probably do another mentor group for December.  I will let you guys know ahead of time so if you want to join again, you can get a head start!



2010-11-09 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Congrats for finishing, Ken! I watched it on Very cool. I gotta do one before I die. Yes, please let us know when you have your race report up so we can celebrate with you. Again, Congratulations!!

2010-11-12 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

I finally did my race report!  It is here!

Have a great weekend!

2010-12-22 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Wow guys! Sounds like some of you have been real busy.

IceMan - way to go on the HIM and a great time - well done. Shame about the injury now, but you'll work through it.

TriRsquared - thoughts with you man, that's rough. Just glad there's no real damage there...

I managed to get my HIM done in 6:39 - just 9 minutes over my intended 6:30 so am happy with that (was quite windy on the bike leg). Not going to do a full report, but really enjoyed it and will sign up for it again next year. And i'm not sure if i want to do a full distance event yet although i do feel like a 1/2 is kinda not quite there! Foot in mouth Maybe in a few years when i've got more time to train...

Hope you all have a great xmas and new year and forward into the training in 2011!

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