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2009-08-25 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
IM Lou Sunday. a local reporter and triathlete provides some interesting facts. I like the bicycle value, may even be a little low and then add race wheels, PM and all kinds of other fancy techno stuff.

John Boel is a local news anchor, triathlete (this is his 3rd IMLOU) and runner.

They make a lot of money, drink a lot of water, and need a lot of volunteer help. Here are some of the more interesting facts John Boel found in his preparation for Ironman Louisville coverage:
•Average yearly HH income for Ironman entrant: $161,000
•Estimated value of bicycles in transition area: $5 million
•5 men are attempting Ironman Louisville who are ages 70 - 76
Water - supplied by Louisville Water Company:
•Bike Course: 42,240 bottles (24 oz) That's 14 per athlete
•Run Course: 37,000 bottles (34 oz)
That's 12 per athlete
•Finish Line: 9,000 bottles (500ml)
•Police: 625 different police shifts for the race, just in Louisville, not counting Oldham County.

Total Volunteers: 2,600 Including:
•60 for body marking
•35 in kayaks on swim course
•100 other swim monitors
•30 assisting with gearbags
•60 in changing tents
•75 per bike course aid station
•30 motorcycle volunteers
•100 bike "catchers" in transition area
•50 per aid station on run course
•100 at finish line
•5 vans on the bike course picking up non-finishers

2009-08-28 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
$5 million sitting there in the
2009-08-28 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2377046

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

WittyCityGirl - 2009-08-28 4:11 PM $5 million sitting there in the

I thought it sounded like a lot too, but if you figure 2500 competitors it is $2000.00 average per bike.  The number of Zipp wheels alone in Lake Placid would probably eat up more than half that!!!

2009-09-02 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

some thoughts to ponder with my notes in red.....

7 Belly Fat Busting Strategies
  Chris. Mohr

September 1st, 2009

Losing belly fat isn’t impossible.  But there surely are some "tricks" that can make it more simple.

The thought of dieting to lose belly fat is crazy — who wants to focus on everything you CAN’T eat?

Instead, these belly fat blasting tricks are focused on all the simple, positive things you CAN do to still lose belly fat FAST!


1.  Decrease the size of your plates — switch up your dinner plates for smaller, snack plates.  Same with your bowls.  Guaranteed you’ll eat less.  i do this but stll have large plates...for everyone else!

2.  Use smaller serving utensils and eating utensils.
  Ever tried eating with chopsticks?  You go much more slowly — same idea when your fork or spoon is smaller.  And when you can’t serve with a shovel, you’ll get "bored" more quickly and ultimately eat less.  never liked chopsticks, like to shovel.

3.  Use candles
— heck, who doesn’t want a candelight dinner — particularly when doing so can help slash belly fat!  And it’s not because you’ll eat less to impress your date, it’s because research shows that those who eat in a nicer setting practice more portion control. great idea may lead to "burnin more calories" later

4.  Serve individual portions, not family style
— when you have the option to go back for seconds and thirds, you will (think Thanksgiving).   smaller portions is why I justify seconds...

5.  Brush your teeth — well, hopefully you’re doing that now — but do so immediately after each meal (and snack) to incinerate belly fat.  More food, or dessert, won’t sound so appealing with minty fresh breath (and your company will like it too). don't see this as a deterrent

6.  Eat with your non dominant hand
– seriously.  Go ahead and try.  It’s great for your mind, but will also slow down the speed you eat, which correlates to less belly fat in the long run. wear bib

7.  Surround yourself with positive, active, healthy people –  1 simple strategy is is sure to keep belly fat at bay.  Research shows WHO you spend time with will dictate fat loss success. less in-law visits. 

As you can see, these 7 simple belly fat breakthroughs couldn’t be easier.

These are each baby steps.  I didn’t say don’t eat X.  I didn’t say go out and start running now. When added together, these will all help you reach your ultimate goals … lose belly fat, maintain that healthy body, and have more energy than 6 year old child on a sugar high. I think we got the exercise thing down.

Edited by wakehr 2009-09-02 4:21 PM
2009-09-02 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

They always make it seem so simple!

2009-09-03 11:49 PM
in reply to: #2385170

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Your thoughts cracked me up. =)

wakehr - 2009-09-02 1:15 PM

some thoughts to ponder with my notes in red.....

2009-09-15 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

A pic at a lake near Waco reported as a Loch Ness like creature. Surprised



---------------- (30KB - 19 downloads)
2009-09-17 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

if you hate buns...KFC has the answer..........ahh!!

If you have ever thought to yourself, "you know I'd love this chicken sandwich but I can't stand the bun," and you live in Omaha, Nebraska or Providence, R.I.---than KFC has your dream sandwich.

The new KFC $6.99 "Double Down" Chicken sandwich (which is currently being test marketed in Nebraska and Rhode Island) features two finger-lickin' pieces of chicken and two slices of bacon, melted slices of swiss and pepper jack cheese and a dollop of "the Colonel's sauce.

"It's so much 100 percent premium chicken, we didn't have room for a bun," according to a KFC commercial posted on YouTube.

Right about now (if you are an endurance athlete) you might be wondering just how much running, for instance, you'd have to do to burn all the calories in the Double Down.

An independent analysis of the sandwich suggests that it has about 1,228 calories!!!

And that means that you'd have to run about 10 miles to burn through all of the cheesy and chicken goodness of the Double Down. !!


6a00d83451b18a69e20120a5cb6db9970c-500wi.jpg (21KB - 20 downloads)
2009-09-17 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2411299

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
That is really, really disgusting.
2009-09-17 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2412718

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

snaproll - 2009-09-17 8:03 PM That is really, really disgusting.


Not a fan of the colonel to begin with!

2009-09-17 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2407767

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Looks like Rstocks on Quaker Lake at 5am!

wakehr - 2009-09-15 3:11 PM

A pic at a lake near Waco reported as a Loch Ness like creature. Surprised


2009-09-17 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2411299

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
The almost forgotten meat-eater in me says, "When are they going to come up with the tofu version so I can try it???". =) I think it looks GOOD! =p

wakehr - 2009-09-17 9:54 AM

if you hate buns...KFC has the answer..........ahh!!

If you have ever thought to yourself, "you know I'd love this chicken sandwich but I can't stand the bun," and you live in Omaha, Nebraska or Providence, R.I.---than KFC has your dream sandwich.

The new KFC $6.99 "Double Down" Chicken sandwich (which is currently being test marketed in Nebraska and Rhode Island) features two finger-lickin' pieces of chicken and two slices of bacon, melted slices of swiss and pepper jack cheese and a dollop of "the Colonel's sauce.

"It's so much 100 percent premium chicken, we didn't have room for a bun," according to a KFC commercial posted on YouTube.

Right about now (if you are an endurance athlete) you might be wondering just how much running, for instance, you'd have to do to burn all the calories in the Double Down.

An independent analysis of the sandwich suggests that it has about 1,228 calories!!!

And that means that you'd have to run about 10 miles to burn through all of the cheesy and chicken goodness of the Double Down. !!

2009-09-21 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

 When you think about leaving it all out on the course, many different images come to mind but this one should be in the hall of tri-fame !

2009-09-23 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

It's called the Mr Smooth Console. an animated view, Mr Smooth's 'ideal' stroke from any angle, at any speed, in amazing clarity.  Pretty cool tool.

2009-09-23 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2422218

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

wakehr - 2009-09-23 1:26 PM

It's called the Mr Smooth Console. an animated view, Mr Smooth's 'ideal' stroke from any angle, at any speed, in amazing clarity.  Pretty cool tool.

That is neat!

2009-09-28 9:08 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Just spent a few days in Phoenix.  How on EARTH do people voluntarily live in the desert?!!  Although, I left 100*+ weather for 55* weather with lots of RAIN.  So, I guess I should question my own sanity?

2009-09-30 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Do you think this would help? I’m not so sure, here in Texas 3 feet may be misinterpreted by some of our anti-cyclist as “ 3 feet deep glad to accomodate"3 Foot Law jersey The US states with "3 foot laws" are: Florida, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Oregon, Illinois, Tennessee, Minnesota, Utah, Wisconsin, Arizona, South Carolina, Washington and Maine...other states aren't far behind
2009-10-02 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Thought this was interesting, not sure if they are NEW rules but a nice reminder. 
 I'm good at applying sunscreen before a long ride/run not good at reapplying it.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin's Fitness and Health E-Zine
October 4, 2009

New Rules for Sunscreens

If you use sunscreens, be sure to reapply them frequently. 
Many sunscreens contain the filters octylmethoxycinnamate,
benzophenone-3 or octocrylene, which reflect ultra violet rays away
from your skin to protect it only when they are on the surface of
the skin.  However, when these sunscreens are absorbed and the
skin is not re-coated, they increase skin production of harmful
oxidants that can cause skin aging and cancer (Free Radical
Biology & Medicine, September 2009).  Reapplying the sun screen 
so some remains on the skin's surface can prevent this damage.

* Before you go out in the sun, apply sunscreens to the areas with
the most exposure to sunlight over your lifetime: the top of  your
ears, your face, the back of your neck, and your arms and hands. 
It is the cumulative exposure to UV light that increases skin
cancer and aging. 

* To meet your daily vitamin D requirements from sunlight, expose
your legs or other areas of your body that have received little
cumulative sun exposure over your lifetime.  Take care to avoid

* Reapply sunscreens every hour or two, particularly when you
are swimming or sweating.

* Some sunscreens contain stronger UVA filters (avobenzone,
mexoryl, titanium dioxide or zinc) that are less likely to be
absorbed into the skin.  You do not need to reapply these if they
leave a visible white paste on your skin.  Check the list of
ingredients.  Information on more than 1000 sunscreen products at:
2009-10-02 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

I can not stress strongly enough the value of using a good, high UV rated sun screen! 

2009-10-05 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Here's an interesting presentation about a 1K swim across the north pole in 30 degree water.  A video of the swim starts at around minute 9.  This is not a wet suit swim.  I really can't imagine.

ps..  If you aren't familiar with, there are some really interesting presentations on the site.
2009-10-05 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
As we continue with our training be it a 5k or or an Ironman, mental piece can be as tough as training. A BT member post that was noteworthy. I want to post a couple of "thoughts" for keeping you in control of your mind, as written by Melanie McQuaid in a recent issue of Triathlete magazine:

Racing is a privilege, not an obligation or chore.  All negative thoughts about failing should pale in comparison to the opportunity to be at the starting line.  Worry less about the outcome and focus on having fun, no matter your race level.  Enjoy this moment in life when you're at this level of fitness and among this group of peers participating in an amazing event. You will find that by living in that moment, you will perfom at your best.

Focus on a breakthrough moment in your training.  Remember how good it felt to achieve and take confidence from that workout that you ARE prepared.  Keep reminding yourself that you are ready to ROCK! 

2009-10-05 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2442843

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

snaproll - 2009-10-05 10:21 AM Here's an interesting presentation about a 1K swim across the north pole in 30 degree water.  A video of the swim starts at around minute 9.  This is not a wet suit swim.  I really can't imagine.

ps..  If you aren't familiar with, there are some really interesting presentations on the site.

They had an article about these cold water swims in the Masters magazine last year!  I don't know how they can do that!  My muscles would lock up in a matter of seconds!

2009-10-05 12:08 PM
in reply to: #2442991

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

wakehr - 2009-10-05 11:23 AM As we continue with our training be it a 5k or or an Ironman, mental piece can be as tough as training. A BT member post that was noteworthy. I want to post a couple of "thoughts" for keeping you in control of your mind, as written by Melanie McQuaid in a recent issue of Triathlete magazine:

Racing is a privilege, not an obligation or chore.  All negative thoughts about failing should pale in comparison to the opportunity to be at the starting line.  Worry less about the outcome and focus on having fun, no matter your race level.  Enjoy this moment in life when you're at this level of fitness and among this group of peers participating in an amazing event. You will find that by living in that moment, you will perfom at your best.

Focus on a breakthrough moment in your training.  Remember how good it felt to achieve and take confidence from that workout that you ARE prepared.  Keep reminding yourself that you are ready to ROCK! 

Good advice!

2009-10-11 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed
Wayne, I like that "It's a privilege" concept! Thanks!
2009-10-12 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1859832

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Subject: RE: kenj group - Closed

With winter upon some of us, the off season is here or fast approaching. The pain cave is that special place we set up the trainer for those early/late sweat and sufferfest bike workouts. I'm lucky to have a spare bedroom or our sitting room as my wife calls it. Pretty simplistic, tv, dvd, mat, trainer, fans and just last week added DVR...oh yea now I can record those movies and shows.  This guy has really elevated the pain cave to a new level, check it out !! For just a few $$$$$  it can be yours, honestly though Im not sure where all the dollars are going?

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