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2010-06-16 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2924931

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Way to go Meggan!   Knew you would do it if we just hounded you enough. 

Mrschach - 2010-06-16 8:47 AM Just registered for a 5k for next Sunday!!  I might run it with Logan so who knows what kind of time I will do.  We start our vacation down the shore the day before.  There is a big kids fitness festival on the next island over on Sunday.  John and I decided we will take the boys over and I will run the 5k.  There are 3 waves to start, competitive, non competitive, and family friendly.  I can decide that morning what I am doing.  It will depend on how Logan is.  I don't mind running with him if it makes things easier for John.  I know he will tell me to do it without him so we will see.  It should be a fun day.  Joey's karate school is doing demonstrations at the festival too.

2010-06-16 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Holy cow Tim!  Glad to hear you are okay.  That is scary stuff and don't tell your wife.  I would freak out if something like that happened to my hubby and I wouldn't want to know.  Some things are better left unsaid.

Erica-You are going to be super busy, but again like others have said, you will find the time to train if it is something that you really want to do.  Early mornings are tough, but once you get into a routine it will be fine and we will be here to support you in what ever you decide to do!

So I need help with accountability for the next few days.  Tonight I am going to see my most favorite band ever, Dave Matthews Band!!!!!  I am super pumped!!!

So this starts a crazy begin to my week-end.  I leave for Chicago on Friday morning and will not be home until Monday.  So instead of taking two days in a row off I am taking today off and doing some cross-training tomorrow.  Will take Friday off and run 3-4 miles on Saturday, take sunday as a normal rest day and run again on Monday.  It is just one extra rest day, but I feel "guilty".  I guess at least I am going to run while I am there.  So I am putting it out there so you all know and I will get it done while I am visiting family!  No excuses.

2010-06-17 7:17 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tim - Glad nothing happened with the car issue.  That is always on the back of my mind.  I am just starting to get comfortable on the bike nad on the road but I kind of get the sense that you don't ever really want to get to get too comfortable becasue of things like what happened to you.  I kind of get worried that after a really long hard ride you kind of lose that sense of awareness from being tired? 

I also have a RoadID and wear it all the time.  People always ask me what it is and give a weird look at me but I find that if I don't wear it all the time I forget it when I run out the door to workout.  With my liuck the one time I would need it i wouldn't have it on and then end up in the hospital as John Doe -haha.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2010-06-17 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2924911

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Erica - I totally wanted to do that Oshkosh race but my wifes cousin is getting married on Saturday before.  They also have the kids triathlon that I wanted to get Evan into.  The bike course goes right by my place up there.  I have really enjoyed biking up there this year but I guess I'll have to wait til next year   I have heard that the last couple of years have been really HOT for that race so be prepared.

Luckily, Ryan starts work on MONDAY!!!  We've already spent his first paycheck (his laptop finally died, so we had to buy a new one), but we have a long list of tri stuff that we want next, and we're signing up for the Oshkosh Triathlon on August 8th!  Our lease in West Bend starts on July 1st, so that's when we're moving.
2010-06-17 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

No more excuses from me!  I just registered for SheRox Tri in Philly in August!  I was hoping to do an Olympic but as always, something came up on that date.  Glad I had not registered for it already because I would have been fumbling for childcare that weekend!!  I was on the fence between that one and SheRox and family stuff made up my mind!  I just registered for it so now if something comes up for that weekend, oh well!!!

2010-06-17 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2928814

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well it's been a stressful, eventful week.  Last night I let my bootcamp boss know that I would not be signing his non-comp agreement and that I quit.  He right away jumped to the conclusion that I was starting my own bootcamp and taking everyone with me, to which I let him know that he did not know me at all  and nor has he ever shown any interest in who I am as a person, because if he had, he would have known that I would never do anything like that and that I was choosing to hang up my instructor hat and that was that.  I lost my cool, raised my voice and let a few curse words go throughout our final conversation, and in the end I just walked away. 

Again, he did all of this in front of my group.  After I walked away, he went to them and they all told him that they would not return for another set. 

It was sad to see something so positive and good in my life, end so badly, but I walk away with great friends and memories of a lot of laughter, the grunts associated with hard work and a ton of positive results and now I will have more time to focus on my own training!

Meggan, congrats on signing up for the Tri!

2010-06-17 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan-Congrats on signing up for the tri!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
2010-06-17 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2928814

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Congrats on signing up for the race!  Now the easy part is over.  That is the only way to do it though.  If not there will always be something else going on that will come up.

Mrschach - 2010-06-17 3:31 PM

No more excuses from me!  I just registered for SheRox Tri in Philly in August!  I was hoping to do an Olympic but as always, something came up on that date.  Glad I had not registered for it already because I would have been fumbling for childcare that weekend!!  I was on the fence between that one and SheRox and family stuff made up my mind!  I just registered for it so now if something comes up for that weekend, oh well!!!

2010-06-17 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So I took it somewhat easy in my last race and was dissappointed at myself for leaving some in my tank at the and of the race.  Just wasn't sure what to expect.  During my ride this morning I decided that next week in my Olympic distance I will do the exact opposite and push it to the limit to see what happens.  I need to push the bike harder but I am finding it difficult to find that fine line where you leave enough for the run.  We'll see what happens but I either expect to collapse or be throwing up at the finish line   Just thought I would share that thought with everyone haha
2010-06-18 5:56 AM
in reply to: #2929222

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-06-17 8:12 PM Congrats on signing up for the race!  Now the easy part is over.  That is the only way to do it though.  If not there will always be something else going on that will come up.

Mrschach - 2010-06-17 3:31 PM

No more excuses from me!  I just registered for SheRox Tri in Philly in August!  I was hoping to do an Olympic but as always, something came up on that date.  Glad I had not registered for it already because I would have been fumbling for childcare that weekend!!  I was on the fence between that one and SheRox and family stuff made up my mind!  I just registered for it so now if something comes up for that weekend, oh well!!!

  And that is why I finally just signed up for it!  I am tired of something always coming up!!
2010-06-18 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2929556

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Good job on signing up, Meggan.  Now you have a goal, as you know when you have to be race ready!  We're all here for you if you need any help!

Tim, good luck.  I know, for me, if I pushed myself, I would definitely be the guy puking on the side of the road.  That being said, I find the bike fairly easy (maybe I'm not pushing myself hard enough?), so I can probably push the swim pretty hard, use the bike as a 'recovery', and then go all out on the run...  I look forward to seeing which plan works better for you!  For me, I will probably be relatively conservative on the swim, start pushing on the bike, and take it easy for the first 1/2 of the run.  I want to have a bit left in the tank so that I can cross the finish line full speed ahead!  haha

What does everyone have planned for the weekend?  My roommate is gone for the weekend, and the weather is going to be great, so I have a big weekend planned.  Hard bike ride tonight, maybe with some core work thrown in afterwards...  40 minute swim in a 50 m outdoor pool tomorrow, followed by a 90 minute run (longest run I'll ever have done...  wish me luck!), and a rest day on Sunday, where I'll probably do some yoga and walk around town, maybe catch some rays in a local park.  What are you guys up to? 

2010-06-18 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2929706

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-06-18 8:04 AM Good job on signing up, Meggan.  Now you have a goal, as you know when you have to be race ready!  We're all here for you if you need any help!

Tim, good luck.  I know, for me, if I pushed myself, I would definitely be the guy puking on the side of the road.  That being said, I find the bike fairly easy (maybe I'm not pushing myself hard enough?), so I can probably push the swim pretty hard, use the bike as a 'recovery', and then go all out on the run...  I look forward to seeing which plan works better for you!  For me, I will probably be relatively conservative on the swim, start pushing on the bike, and take it easy for the first 1/2 of the run.  I want to have a bit left in the tank so that I can cross the finish line full speed ahead!  haha

What does everyone have planned for the weekend?  My roommate is gone for the weekend, and the weather is going to be great, so I have a big weekend planned.  Hard bike ride tonight, maybe with some core work thrown in afterwards...  40 minute swim in a 50 m outdoor pool tomorrow, followed by a 90 minute run (longest run I'll ever have done...  wish me luck!), and a rest day on Sunday, where I'll probably do some yoga and walk around town, maybe catch some rays in a local park.  What are you guys up to? 

We have a crazy weekend.  My husband is working late tonight so just me and the boys.  My sister sucks and bailed on taking my three year old to a minor league baseball game tonight so now I am taking both boys by myself.  Logan's birthday party is tomorrow so I still have some last minute cleaning and cake decorating to do tonight after the game. 

I am getting a quick run in today at lunchtime.  My mom is taking Joe to karate tomorrow morning and then keeping him until they come over for Logan's party.  John has some prep work to do on the food tomorrow so I will take Logan for a run once Joe leaves for karate. 

And then family bbq at our house on Sunday for Father's Day!  Busy busy busy here!!
2010-06-18 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2929763

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I was up cleaning carpets til 1am last night because we also have my daughter Sophia's 3rd birthday party on Saturday.  I wussed out when my alarm went off at 4:30 for my swim this morning.  I have a show tonight so it is going to be a long day/night already since I won't get home until 4am then I have to get up at 7am with the kids and do some last minute stuff for the party.  Sunday is going to be my workout day and I will try to get in a 2 hour bike ride and my missed swim.  I might try to sneek the swim in Saturday morning but my wife will kill me if she finds out.  I really dread the weekends lately since it completely throws off my workout schedule.

We have a crazy weekend.  My husband is working late tonight so just me and the boys.  My sister sucks and bailed on taking my three year old to a minor league baseball game tonight so now I am taking both boys by myself.  Logan's birthday party is tomorrow so I still have some last minute cleaning and cake decorating to do tonight after the game. 

I am getting a quick run in today at lunchtime.  My mom is taking Joe to karate tomorrow morning and then keeping him until they come over for Logan's party.  John has some prep work to do on the food tomorrow so I will take Logan for a run once Joe leaves for karate. 

And then family bbq at our house on Sunday for Father's Day!  Busy busy busy here!!
2010-06-18 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
My weekend is going to be full. Doing my last bootcamp Saturday morning, followed by the Grouse Grind that is 2.9KM(1.8M) up the face of a mountain with an elevation gain of 853 metres(2,800 ft), with some friends, with the reward of a beer and a plate of nachos at the top.  Sunday is just a 7km run in the morning and depending on the weather a nice afternoon bike ride. 

Next week I will be stepping up my workouts, I'm looking to lose another 10 lbs and do a little more strength work and begin upping my run distances.  I'm kind of excited about it all.

Have a great weekend everyone!
2010-06-18 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2928887

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-06-17 4:08 PM Well it's been a stressful, eventful week.  Last night I let my bootcamp boss know that I would not be signing his non-comp agreement and that I quit.  He right away jumped to the conclusion that I was starting my own bootcamp and taking everyone with me, to which I let him know that he did not know me at all  and nor has he ever shown any interest in who I am as a person, because if he had, he would have known that I would never do anything like that and that I was choosing to hang up my instructor hat and that was that.  I lost my cool, raised my voice and let a few curse words go throughout our final conversation, and in the end I just walked away. 

Again, he did all of this in front of my group.  After I walked away, he went to them and they all told him that they would not return for another set. 

It was sad to see something so positive and good in my life, end so badly, but I walk away with great friends and memories of a lot of laughter, the grunts associated with hard work and a ton of positive results and now I will have more time to focus on my own training!

Meggan, congrats on signing up for the Tri!

It stinks it ended that way!  And this guy will wonder why he loses people!!
2010-06-18 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sandra, sorry the boot camp is officially over, but I am glad you gave that idiot a piece of your mind.  Karma's a b***h and he'll get his. 

Everyone is very busy and hope we all find some time to get our workouts in. 

I got lazy yesterday and just crashed after getting home from work.  But it's my taper so I can do that.   Just got in a small 25min bike, 10min run brick.  Gonna do an easy swim Sat then race on Sun.  Gonna have some family there to watch me race for the first time.  I am excited and want to do well for them.  Then I only have to work 3 days next week then it is off to the mountains of Colorado to enjoy some nice 40-70 degree weather!  Wife and I are going to a resort/spa and have absolutely nothing planned except to relax.  We've never taken a vacation where we didn't do a bunch of site seeing and then end up being so busy we come home worn out.  This is all about the relaxation and cool weather. 

So I've been watching the Tour of Suisse bike race on TV this past week and it really has me more motivated than ever to improve on the bike.  This is a warmup for the Tour de France in about 2 weeks.  I'll be watching that religiously. 

T2, try to squeeze some sleep in there when you can!  And about how to pace yourself for a race...that is something that every triathlete struggles with.  Even the experienced ones.  Especially on your first race there is really no way for you to know how your body will respond, so holding back is completely normal.  It would've been worse had you gone out too hard then struggled through the rest.  Here is my philosophy...I tend to go easier on the swim (although this race I am going to push it a little more than normal), push the hardest on the bike, then survive the run.  I am experimenting with it on every race I do.  Play to your strengths.

Meggan, really happy to see you sign up for both a 5k and tri!

Enjoy the weekend!

2010-06-18 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Good luck on Sunday Tim!!!  Can't wait to hear about it!!!!  I am drinking my last glass of wine for the next 5 months!  It tastes so good!!!
2010-06-19 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Has anyone here done the Couch to 5k program, or knows someone that did?  Ryan and I are at my parents' house this weekend, and I FINALLY convinced my brother to run with me this morning.  My family NEVER works out and eats very unhealthily.  My brother has health issues already (hypertension), and he's been gaining a ton of weight lately, so it was a big accomplishment that he even went.  So anyway, we "ran" 1.25 miles, and I literally didn't even break a sweat or start panting at all.  We walked about half of that, probably.  I'm hoping I can find something to keep him motivated to workout every day, instead of just when I come home because he really needs it.  I wish there was something easy to keep him to stick with it because he just hates feeling discouraged, which he definitely was when his baby sister was urging him just to jog a little big further...

Also, didn't workout yesterday, but did yard work all day with my mom and did sprints up the hill in our yard every time I had to make a trip to the front yard.  So, not totally wasted!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and great races!

2010-06-20 6:31 AM
in reply to: #2931730

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
SoccerGK - 2010-06-19 1:03 PM

Has anyone here done the Couch to 5k program, or knows someone that did?  Ryan and I are at my parents' house this weekend, and I FINALLY convinced my brother to run with me this morning.  My family NEVER works out and eats very unhealthily.  My brother has health issues already (hypertension), and he's been gaining a ton of weight lately, so it was a big accomplishment that he even went.  So anyway, we "ran" 1.25 miles, and I literally didn't even break a sweat or start panting at all.  We walked about half of that, probably.  I'm hoping I can find something to keep him motivated to workout every day, instead of just when I come home because he really needs it.  I wish there was something easy to keep him to stick with it because he just hates feeling discouraged, which he definitely was when his baby sister was urging him just to jog a little big further...

Also, didn't workout yesterday, but did yard work all day with my mom and did sprints up the hill in our yard every time I had to make a trip to the front yard.  So, not totally wasted!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and great races!

  I have not but quite a few women in my moms group are doing it right now and having some success with it!  Two of them just ran/walked their first 5k last weekend!  The problem I have with it is I don't think everyone can actually run a 5k at the end of it.  Both of these women are pretty slow runners, I think the one was doing a 14 minute mile so the last week of the program she only ran 2 miles and could not run the whole 5k she did!  Good luck to your brother!!
2010-06-20 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
My A race is in the books and it went awesomely!!  Had my best ever swim and bike, and 2nd best ever run to finish top 17% (78 out of 479)!!  I am pumped.  Left it all out on the bike course and finished with a 20.8 avg, but it hurt me a little on the run.  Overall though it could not have gone any better. 

My goal was 1:21, or 1:20 if I got lucky.  Ended with a 1:18:47!  Shaved 7min off this same race and course from 2 years ago.

A lot of times after big races I tend to have a little let down and ease off the training, but this time I am so excited about how well I did (on a BT plan!) that I don't want to lose this fitness.
2010-06-20 7:43 PM
in reply to: #2932779

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Congrats on the PR!  Doesn't seem like the bike hurt you that much on the run if you finishd in top 20%.  Maybe you need to bring the family out more often to give you support !!  How did you do in your age group?  Keep up the good work. 

I've also been watching the biking on tv.  I ended up getting the VS. channel for the Blackhawks Stanley Cup so I am able to watch those.  It definitley does help with the motivation.  The bike has been my weakest and most uncomfortable event so far.  I did get out with the guys from my swim group this morning and rode hard.  We did 3-1/2 hours 63 miles then a 3 mile run.  Felt good and was able to keep up for about a little more than half.  These guys kept doing pulls and would average 24/25 mph.  I think I can really improve if I keep riding with them.  Maybe you can find a group like that over the next year while you focus on your bike training?

chichitao - 2010-06-20 3:20 PM My A race is in the books and it went awesomely!!  Had my best ever swim and bike, and 2nd best ever run to finish top 17% (78 out of 479)!!  I am pumped.  Left it all out on the bike course and finished with a 20.8 avg, but it hurt me a little on the run.  Overall though it could not have gone any better. 

My goal was 1:21, or 1:20 if I got lucky.  Ended with a 1:18:47!  Shaved 7min off this same race and course from 2 years ago.

A lot of times after big races I tend to have a little let down and ease off the training, but this time I am so excited about how well I did (on a BT plan!) that I don't want to lose this fitness.

2010-06-21 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2932779

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Wow, big, exciting weekend for everyone!  

Great job, Tim!  That must feel amazing!  Congrats, and that's great that motivated you to really stick to it and stay on the bandwagon!  Awesome awesome awesome!  Do you have any more races planned for the summer?

I had a fairly laid back weekend.  I went for a 90 minute run on Saturday morning before the heat and rain hit (sure, it tooke me 1:50 to do the 90 minute run, but I'm fine with that).  I got about 16.5k, and felt...  as good as expected...  throughout.  I didn't feel great, but I thought it was a good run.  I have never ran for more than an hour at a time (safe 1 day a year for 4 years in high school when I would run a charity half mary with my school).  I was in a lot of pain all day, my hips and hip flexors specifically.  But I managed to survive, which is a good sign!  I then went to watch a roller derby, and I had to sit on a concrete floor, which never bodes well with me.  

I have a 4 day week this week!  Provincial holiday on Thursday, so I get a pretty sweet day off.  I will need it, even though work is going a lot better these days than it had been going.  This is week 2 of 3 for my hard training, before tapering into my race on July 10.  Woke up this morning for an interval training workout, and I have a 60 minute swim and a 45 minute run tonight.  Going to be a long day!

Happy Monday, everyone! 
2010-06-21 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
T2 - That is exactly what I told my family.  I need them out there for motivation!  My brother in law kept saying...I think I could do one of these!  haha  I probably lost about 30sec or so on the run, as my first mile was 8:30, then my last two were 8:00.  Still, the time I gained on the bike was worth that 30sec.  Ended up having a very hard age group.  Ended up 13 of 39, so only top 33% there. 

Something I have been noticing on my races and it is kinda annoying, but it is my opinion that if you are a very fast racer competing for the top spots then you should be in the open group, not the age groups.  Has anyone noticed this before?  4 of the top 10 overall were in my age group (just checked and the open group only had 3 in the top 10).  I know why they do it, to try and get on the podium in the age group is easier than in the open.  But then that makes it harder for the rest of us.  Nothing I can do about it.

I do have a bike group that I am part of that rides 2 days a week, but this year I only rode with them once so far b/c it wasn't fitting in with my workout schedule.  But after I get back from vacation I will be joining them.  It sounds like the same as your group...really fast guys (usually about 10-20 riders) who really push the pace.  We do a very hilly 27mi route.  They are crazy fast and I can usually only keep up for about the first 8-10 miles.  I hope to be able to stay with them eventually.  It will only help to make me faster. 

I don't have any races officially planned the rest of the year, but I have a few I am looking at doing.  At minimum I will do one more tri.  Also will be planning some bike races and a marathon relay (that a group of us do every year).

I had another night of terrible sleep.  4hrs Sat night before the race then 5hrs last night even though I was exhausted.  I am hurting today.  Gonna see if the doc can get me in today.  We leave for vacation on Thur so I won't be logging in again until next Tue.  I will check in on everyone here today or tomorrow.  Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

Edited by chichitao 2010-06-21 9:37 AM
2010-06-21 9:12 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I just had to come on here and tell you guys.  I think I just had my best workout EVER, including my P90x days.  I don't know what it was, but I was in the zone today.  An hour swim, felt amazing all the way through, could have kept going longer if a) the pool didn't close and b) I didn't have to do a 45 minute run afterwards.  I got 2500m in, and probably could have gone a bit faster for my 2x750 TTs.  I had good form, not really fatiguing at all...  overall, just amazing.

From the pool, I didn't even touch my towel, just washed off some of the chlorine, put on my running gear and booked it out of there.  Less than 4 minutes between leaving the pool and running.  I had an amazing run, as well.  For my race, I think I'm going to aim for about 5'15"/km, and I hit 5'17"/km over an 8.5k run, so I think it's well within my reach.  Again, I felt like I could just keep going, but I was getting tired and hungry, so I did the smart thing and cut it at 45 minutes, like my plan said to do.  I also ran the full time with no breaks, which I have NEVER done, so it was an amazingly positive run.  I had a smile on my face the whole drive home.  Can't wait to do it again!  I hope all of you experience a day like I had today in the near future.  It is such a motivating feeling!

Hope you all had a good Monday! 
2010-06-22 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2935690

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-06-21 9:12 PM I just had to come on here and tell you guys.  I think I just had my best workout EVER, including my P90x days.  I don't know what it was, but I was in the zone today.  An hour swim, felt amazing all the way through, could have kept going longer if a) the pool didn't close and b) I didn't have to do a 45 minute run afterwards.  I got 2500m in, and probably could have gone a bit faster for my 2x750 TTs.  I had good form, not really fatiguing at all...  overall, just amazing.

From the pool, I didn't even touch my towel, just washed off some of the chlorine, put on my running gear and booked it out of there.  Less than 4 minutes between leaving the pool and running.  I had an amazing run, as well.  For my race, I think I'm going to aim for about 5'15"/km, and I hit 5'17"/km over an 8.5k run, so I think it's well within my reach.  Again, I felt like I could just keep going, but I was getting tired and hungry, so I did the smart thing and cut it at 45 minutes, like my plan said to do.  I also ran the full time with no breaks, which I have NEVER done, so it was an amazingly positive run.  I had a smile on my face the whole drive home.  Can't wait to do it again!  I hope all of you experience a day like I had today in the near future.  It is such a motivating feeling!

Hope you all had a good Monday! 

Sounds like a great workout!  I hope you have many more like that.
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