General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-04-08 10:08 AM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Great job everyone, it's killing me that things are so crazy my pace on here has slowed but not my workouts at least! Right on track or even over I guess on my 12 week program, the prescribed workouts at this point are just to easy so I have ramped them up to my curent level and am maintaining till it catches up with where I'm at!

Donna, deep breath and let go! Focus in the moment and let everything around you just disappear. Not that I am an expert at triathlon prerace jitters but in my past I was a very accomplished ski racer and sailing racer and have represented myself at all levels of competition from local to international and I'll tell you what the jitters were the same as the first time I did the bike leg in a team tri! They are what they are and you have to let yourself accept them, you should be nervous I would be more worried if you weren't But take those nerves and focus them into energy and power and after a few minutes on course, take a second, catch your breath, realize your not drowning and then go like hell!!!! You will look back on these threads post race and laugh at yourself for ever wondering or questioning or even doubting that you could ever do it, but then when you next race comes you will do it ALL over lol nature of the beast!!! You will do great, YOU ROCK!!!!!

Web, kicking is the killer and after working with a coach, learning what a proper kick is and how to use it I went from 2:10 100s down to 1:42 100s and my distance has increased exponentially! If your not doing kick board drill, add them! Like yesterday add them! Spend at least a 4 x 50 set of kick board drills during your work out as well as a 4 x 50 of pull buoy drills. These 2 drills will isolate your 2 halves and tell you where you are going wrong, if you use a pull buoy and can now swim a cpl hundred yards with no issue you know you are over kicking. If you do the kickboard drill and go nowhere or even worse backwards(like I did) then you know your kick is so inefficient that your are fighting your stroke and just exhausting yourself. Spend the money to work 1 hour with a coach and it will change your swim forever and another good resource my coach gave me was go to watch his youtube swimming videos, they are great!

Well ran a 5k last Saturday in my home town and HOLY HILLS!!!!! I did however run a personal best of 30 flat so just a sub 10 min mile and while that in amongst itself was impressive for me the EVEN more impressive part is the course had a 600' vertical change so MAJOR HILLS. Felt great and was super happy to see that every race I make a little more progress, in addition lost 6.6 lbs last week and am leaving for vacation tomorrow! Sunny warm FL here I come!!!!!

Have a great week everyone, keep up the positive progress and I'll touch base throughout vacation!

2014-04-08 10:43 AM
in reply to: diablo243

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Ledyard, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Hey 1 more thing, I have registered for the 2014 Run to Home Base 9k in Boston. This is a major fund raising event for helping Veterans out and providing service to our men and women as they return from combat. I'm trying to raise a minimum $750 but hope to exceed that, if you can contribute anything at all or know anyone that would like to help our military men and women please pass this link along! Thank you in advance to anyone that can help contribute!!!!
2014-04-08 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4977435

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Dave - great job on the 5k - 30 flat or sub 30 is my goal for my next one. Congrats on the weight loss as well!

For me - I feel good / I'm down to 219 - can I still hang here?
2014-04-09 8:30 PM
in reply to: #4978512

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Nice easy 800 swim in the pool today!

2014-04-10 7:40 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Great job on the swim today.  I have not had time for anything in the last three days and I will be either working or on the road for my second job/hobby until way past my normal time to try and get some sleep and I am booked with wedding/art/music until Sunday.  I hope everyone else has some time to get some exercise in.


2014-04-10 8:19 AM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
I'm kicking myself a little over this week. I passed out early (tired, not drunk) last night and neglected to set my alarm for my run this morning. So tonight will be a my group ride and my run. Not a Brick though... I ride from 6-7ish and will run after the 3 youngest are in bed like I do on Tuesdays. Of course, this all started on Sunday when I missed my AM ride, but running a small brick that night made up for it. Decided against my swim on Monday because the only backup pool that is close to work is... just... nasty... and to top it off, I just plain forgot strength training that night too. Tuesday went well, and yesterday was my first scheduled rest day, so...

I've gotta kick it up a notch for tonight and tomorrow so I can at least finish the week strong.

5 weeks, 2 days until MIM Sprint!

2014-04-10 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4979411

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Three days and IM FREAKING out!
2014-04-10 8:53 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by Clarkey77 Three days and IM FREAKING out!

BREATHE... you will do great.

BREATHE... remember that this is something that you want to do.

BREATHE... remember, there is no way to fail. No way at all.


2014-04-10 11:24 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by ceilidh

BREATHE... you will do great.

BREATHE... remember that this is something that you want to do.

BREATHE... remember, there is no way to fail. No way at all.


Take one of these as needed for anxiety and call us in 4 days to tell us how AWESOME you did!!

2014-04-10 10:30 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by Clarkey77

Three days and IM FREAKING out!


2014-04-11 6:34 AM
in reply to: luvschips

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by luvschips
Originally posted by Clarkey77 Three days and IM FREAKING out!

BREATHE... you will do great.

BREATHE... remember that this is something that you want to do.

BREATHE... remember, there is no way to fail. No way at all.


2014-04-11 8:52 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by luvschips
Originally posted by Clarkey77 Three days and IM FREAKING out!

BREATHE... you will do great.

BREATHE... remember that this is something that you want to do.

BREATHE... remember, there is no way to fail. No way at all.


Take one of these as needed for anxiety and call us in 4 days to tell us how AWESOME you did!!

2014-04-11 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4979563

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

I'm feeling pretty good this morning. As messed up as my week has been, last night and this morning were quite nice.

I made all 3 of my interval runs (90/90, 180,180 and repeat.) on all 3 days, incl warmup, I went 2.1 miles with 13.49, 14.21 and 14.22 avg mile times. Also my calf pain, while not gone, is quite manageable.

I just finished swimming at the Y in Olive Branch, MS (NIIIIIICE) and I'm back to where I was. I swam 50, 100, 150 (called out to change a diaper), 100, 150, 100, 50 then did kick drills for 50x2 for a total of 800. Not my best, but 2x the distance needed for May.

Quick question. On the last 50 I gassed it just for giggles and by the clock I did that 50 in :58. Is that any good? I wish I could keep that pace all the time, it was actually easier to breathe... For the record, my goal for the 440 swim is 20:00.

5 weeks, 1 day
2014-04-11 11:53 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Southwest Iowa
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by WebFootFreak ROFLMAO!!! I'm feeling pretty good this morning. As messed up as my week has been, last night and this morning were quite nice. I made all 3 of my interval runs (90/90, 180,180 and repeat.) on all 3 days, incl warmup, I went 2.1 miles with 13.49, 14.21 and 14.22 avg mile times. Also my calf pain, while not gone, is quite manageable. I just finished swimming at the Y in Olive Branch, MS (NIIIIIICE) and I'm back to where I was. I swam 50, 100, 150 (called out to change a diaper), 100, 150, 100, 50 then did kick drills for 50x2 for a total of 800. Not my best, but 2x the distance needed for May. Quick question. On the last 50 I gassed it just for giggles and by the clock I did that 50 in :58. Is that any good? I wish I could keep that pace all the time, it was actually easier to breathe... For the record, my goal for the 440 swim is 20:00. 5 weeks, 1 day

Is that good for you or good for me of good for Michael Phelps or good for????  :-)   I would say that if you do that your time would be well under your time of 20:00 for the swim.  Is it fast, no, but is it a decent pace, yes.  It will be much better than some, and much slower than others.  Good luck and enjoy.  When you work on your breathing and work on reaching out and keeping your head down and your feet up and making your pull perfect and etc......:-)  It will all come, but will take time.  I made much better improvements in my open water swim times when I worked hard and learning to breath from both sides and it also fixed some of my stroke problems.  It was very hard for me to learn that for some reason though.  I breathe every 3rd stroke and it makes a difference, and sometimes I will stretch that to 5, because I feel like I am breathing too often and then go back to the three.

2014-04-11 1:08 PM
in reply to: #4980180

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Hehehe I figure that's good for me... It'll get therd
2014-04-11 6:19 PM
in reply to: #4980296

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Last workout before race day

6 miles on the bike rental to get a feel for it - it's a nice bike Fuji 2.3 - way better than what I ride!
Then off the bike and into the run for five minutes -

After that a few jump and get my feet into the toe clips for practice.

Wish me luck

2014-04-11 10:37 PM
in reply to: luvschips

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by luvschips

Originally posted by Clarkey77

Three days and IM FREAKING out!


I have one thing to say, and it applies to both of you:

2014-04-12 6:54 AM
in reply to: WebFootFreak

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by WebFootFreak
Originally posted by luvschips
Originally posted by Clarkey77 Three days and IM FREAKING out!
I have one thing to say, and it applies to both of you: YOU GOT THIS.



2014-04-12 12:09 PM
in reply to: flip18436572

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Good luck to everyone that is racing this week!

We ran the Ryan's Quest 5K this morning. This is our race team's "home race". I had a goal of 31:00 (10 min/mile). My previous best finish in a 5K was last year in just under 35 min. I finished in 29:06 (9:26/mile). Feeling great! Also a shout out to Randi and my son Danny for running their first official 5k race. They both did great.
2014-04-12 2:00 PM
in reply to: Mfechter67

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by Mfechter67

Good luck to everyone that is racing this week!

We ran the Ryan's Quest 5K this morning. This is our race team's "home race". I had a goal of 31:00 (10 min/mile). My previous best finish in a 5K was last year in just under 35 min. I finished in 29:06 (9:26/mile). Feeling great! Also a shout out to Randi and my son Danny for running their first official 5k race. They both did great.

CONGRATS!!! Good job for your good cause!
2014-04-13 5:35 AM
in reply to: Clarkey77


Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
If this group is open, hoping to join!

NAME/USERNAME: Jeff / happygilmore

STORY: I'm 40 years old and have been a big athlete my whole life, 240 in my teens to getting up to my heavyist in the spring of 2012 @ 428lbs. After the birth of our first daughter, knew things had to change or I wouldn't be around for her. I began a lifestyle change and started w/ tracking my food intake & working out again, in the spring of 2013 after losing 100lbs, decided to get back into competitive athletics, I started running, and did the first of several 5ks after never being a runner in my life, after some feet issues last summer, picked up biking again, and now I'm ready for a new challenge, and my wife, who is also running, and up for a challenge, said lets try a sprint triathlon, so we are registering for a sprint tri here in VT on 07/27/14.

FAMILY STATUS: Married w/ a 2 y.o. little lady

CURRENT TRAINING: running 3-4x/week x-training days/ week.

2013 RACES/ results

J.M.M.Y. Run -5k - 32:17
Vermont City Marathon Relay (5k)
Colchester Causeway 5k
St. Albans Glow Run

2014 plans and RACES:

Tampa Gasparilla 8k - 54:53
J.M.M.Y Run - 10k - 05/10/14
Vermont City Marathon relay (5.5mile) - 05/27/14
St. Albans Bay Day Tri - Kayak/Bike/Run
Colchester Sprint Triathalon - 07/27/14
Rock N Roll Philadelphia 1/2 Marathon - 09/21/14

WEIGHTLOSS: From the heaviest when I started this journey of 428lb in 05/14 to current weight of 274

2014-04-13 10:01 AM
in reply to: Happygilmore

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Yardville, NJ
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Originally posted by Happygilmore

If this group is open, hoping to join!

NAME/USERNAME: Jeff / happygilmore

STORY: I'm 40 years old and have been a big athlete my whole life, 240 in my teens to getting up to my heavyist in the spring of 2012 @ 428lbs. After the birth of our first daughter, knew things had to change or I wouldn't be around for her. I began a lifestyle change and started w/ tracking my food intake & working out again, in the spring of 2013 after losing 100lbs, decided to get back into competitive athletics, I started running, and did the first of several 5ks after never being a runner in my life, after some feet issues last summer, picked up biking again, and now I'm ready for a new challenge, and my wife, who is also running, and up for a challenge, said lets try a sprint triathlon, so we are registering for a sprint tri here in VT on 07/27/14.

FAMILY STATUS: Married w/ a 2 y.o. little lady

CURRENT TRAINING: running 3-4x/week x-training days/ week.

2013 RACES/ results

J.M.M.Y. Run -5k - 32:17
Vermont City Marathon Relay (5k)
Colchester Causeway 5k
St. Albans Glow Run

2014 plans and RACES:

Tampa Gasparilla 8k - 54:53
J.M.M.Y Run - 10k - 05/10/14
Vermont City Marathon relay (5.5mile) - 05/27/14
St. Albans Bay Day Tri - Kayak/Bike/Run
Colchester Sprint Triathalon - 07/27/14
Rock N Roll Philadelphia 1/2 Marathon - 09/21/14

WEIGHTLOSS: From the heaviest when I started this journey of 428lb in 05/14 to current weight of 274

Welcome Jeff! Glad to have you
2014-04-13 11:38 AM
in reply to: #4980443

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Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!
Welcome Jeff!

I finished my Ron Jon Coco Beach Sprint Tri!

Ironically I finished in the same time as I woke up this AM!
1:35 - I feel great!

1 swim - AWEful AWEful AWEful!

I started back in the first timers group - for me it was my first Ows! Problem was after letting everyone go - I caught up and didn't know what to do! And then I had a panick attack - a real one! So I back stroked half of the return leg around the buoy!

Came out of the water and said I am never doing this again!

Transitioned to the bike very smoothly and calmed myself down! Then hammered the bike!
I rented a Fuji 2.3 an it was blazing fast! I passed a ton of folks and was passes by two girls and then quickly overtook them again.

Transitioned to the run very smoothly - started off into the run and forgot to stretch my calfs! Cramps - found a tree and stretched them out! Finished the entire run at a good pace - watch said about 10:30 miles. Ran the entire thing and kicked across the finish line.

Will I do another one - hell yeah!
Just need to work on my Ows!

Thanks for all the help and tips!
2014-04-13 12:16 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77


Casselberry, Florida
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Hi everyone!

I was hoping to join this group if possible.

NAME / username: Shawn/shawng568

STORY: I was not very active for a while. Occasional mountain biking but nothing serious. Always on the heavy side of where I wanted to be. I was entered into a mud run with my office in 2011 which was crazy since I was never much into running but it sounded like a good way to get in better shape. So after that first I then did all of them at varying distances. From warrior dash to tough mudder and after suffering from plantar fasciitis I decided that was enough of that. A friend then said come and do a triathlon and the rest was history. I completed.the inaugural Rocketman Tri in Florida the ncompleted a couple more sprint distance local tri's where I have found there is quite a close group of people that compete there. I was dead last at the 2 local tri's. But I felt like that was better than not even showing up. I am currently weighing in at 248 and would like to get some of that gone this year.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 kids 13 and 4

CURRENT TRAINING: just started, 5 days per week, run/cross fit /bike, and I manage a few bricks when I can, swimming not as often as I like. But I make it out to Lucky's Lake about every 2 weeks. Need to find a closer place to home to swim so I can get more efficient.

2013 RACES/ results
Rocketman Triathlon - 4:03 - classic distance included a 34 mile to trough Kennedy Space Center
Moss Park tri - 2:14. Sprint
Believe Strong Tri - 2:03 Sprint

2014 plans and RACES:
Going big this year
Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Registered
Rocketman triathlon - Registered

WEIGHTLOSS: would like to get down to 215

2014-04-13 1:11 PM
in reply to: Clarkey77

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Clyde/Athena Tri-N-4- Weight Loss Mentor Group -OPEN AGAIN!!

Originally posted by Clarkey77 Welcome Jeff! I finished my Ron Jon Coco Beach Sprint Tri! Ironically I finished in the same time as I woke up this AM! 1:35 - I feel great! 1 swim - AWEful AWEful AWEful! I started back in the first timers group - for me it was my first Ows! Problem was after letting everyone go - I caught up and didn't know what to do! And then I had a panick attack - a real one! So I back stroked half of the return leg around the buoy! Came out of the water and said I am never doing this again! Transitioned to the bike very smoothly and calmed myself down! Then hammered the bike! I rented a Fuji 2.3 an it was blazing fast! I passed a ton of folks and was passes by two girls and then quickly overtook them again. Transitioned to the run very smoothly - started off into the run and forgot to stretch my calfs! Cramps - found a tree and stretched them out! Finished the entire run at a good pace - watch said about 10:30 miles. Ran the entire thing and kicked across the finish line. Will I do another one - hell yeah! Just need to work on my Ows! Thanks for all the help and tips!

Fantastic job! Finishing with a smile on your face is what it is all about.. Ignore the mid-race mind-screwing talk!


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date : August 26, 2011
author : Nancy Clark
comments : 1
Research provides insight into struggles with shedding weight while training.
date : May 22, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 0
Are you getting adequate rest after your workouts? Rest and over-training effects on weight loss, weight gain.
date : March 21, 2007
author : acbadger
comments : 2
Interval training for weight loss. Weight training for weight loss. These interval workouts can be done in 15 to 20 minutes and have huge caloric expenditures for those who are crunched for time.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
For most age-group triathletes, getting the most out of there time for quality workouts can be daunting. Think outside the triangle to get a little more.
date : November 27, 2005
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 0
Tri clubs offer all of us, from beginner to advanced athlete, a venue in which we can realign our perspective of what “fast” and “far” are, pushing us to new and greater heights of performance.
date : February 13, 2005
author : JeremyLikness
comments : 9
Losing fat is not difficult. So why does this continue to be an elusive goal for so many people, who “struggle” just to lose a few inches?
date : September 19, 2004
author : Michael
comments : 0
I’m a C-L-Y-D-E-S-D-A-L-E! Many people in the sport know the division is there, but many of them think that it's a 'fat boys division.' So what constitutes a Clydesdale? Why even have this class?
date : September 3, 2004
author : Ron
comments : 0
What happens in your body when you eat, fast or workout?