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2007-04-05 10:48 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Yeah today was cold.  Cold and ugly.  I am still looking forward to tomorrow's race, but I am going to bundle up! 

I am also signed up with a 'running clinic' at my gym over the next 4 weeks.  Its fairly entry level and focuses on injury prevention, shoe buying, etc.  The goal is to be able to finish a 5k by the end, which isn't a big deal but I am going to try and make it out to a few classes.

Sounds like everyone is getting sick.  I got stuck on the phones at work today and had to listen to people complain about their ailments.  (its a telephone nurse help line)   You will be amazed by the stupidity of the human race when it comes to abusing free medical care. 

Pene, sorry to bug you about the bike.  I know you are a busy girl and I am just jealous that I don't have a hot new bike to ride.  I am still amazed that you find the time to get any training in, and you are far more dedicated to this stuff then a lot of us.  I can baby sit your kids and pretend to be a chiropractor for a day so you could ride if you want.  And just think, the family will be gone before you know it just in time for some nice weather.

2007-04-06 7:34 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yup- as well have a stinking cold!!! Woke up Thurs with a sore throat and today- the nose is running like crazy ( should be me running like crazy!!) I'm off to the big city to again move some furniture etc ( that should count for stregnth training shouldn't it gang??) and the plan is to get a long slow run in Sat up and down some rolling hills. Where I live- it is flat as a pancacke. I'm not kidding you- just flat- so makes it hard for hill training biking/running. But saying that- it does get very windy- so that is our training quirp here in SW Ont.

Watergirl- so sorry to hear of your episode with the duck- can't say I'v ever come across a duck- have been chased by dogs- and that is scarry!! (will even be more intimdating with me clipped into my pedals) - hopefully wil be able to pedal faster to get away from them!!)

Happy Easter everyone- I'll be away this w'end moving kids!!!

2007-04-06 7:48 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
watergirl dont worry about the duck there pretty tuff are u sure u heard the foot quack??? i mean crack? dont worry the person who was there will take it to the vet and im sure they will put the treatment on his bill! ahahah lame i know but i had to say it
ducks are tough so it will be right

been sick most of this week looking at a training session tommorow morn had 3 friends comming but they all pulled out man that annoys the crap outta me!

have a good easter all
2007-04-06 8:51 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Very funny, Malph! Hope the Easter Bilby leaves you some candy (they don't have rabbits down under anymore due to eating up all the greenery, so they have the bilby instead).

Okay--new question--there's this twilight criterium in Grafton, Wisconsin, the Giro d' Grafton, June 16 and it looks really fun with blues bands and kids races, etc. Don't worry, I know I'm not anywhere near good enough to compete, but it looks fun to watch. However, I don't understand the categories? There are the Pro men and womens 1, 2 and 3. Then there's categories 4 and 5. Anyone understand how one qualifies with these categories? Isn't there an entry level category just to get your feet wet. I mean, some day.........and I have a young man, Noah, age 9 on Saturday who will, I think one day be SOMETHING on a bike. His dad was rather gifted on a bike. And I'm not just exactly all that horrible, either. Anyway, I'd love to take the kids and just observe and see if they get the bike bug. Or maybe I'll get it...... help me understand the categories, please

Helen, where oh where do you get your energy? Do you drink whale milk or something? I'm impressed!

We were talking about swim lessons last night. Mose is a Pike, Micah is a Polliwog, Noah is a Blue Gill. And Micah piped in and said, and Mom is a whale!! Out of the mouths of babes......
2007-04-06 2:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Phoenix, I know what you mean. My kids haven't really grasped the differences between whales and dolphins either, bless their little cotton socks!

There will come a time soon when Micah will understand that Mommy is a dolphin and that's that.

Have a good Easter everyone.
2007-04-06 2:48 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark, thanks for that! But I really want to be a SHARK in the water! Well, it will happen in time. Guess to be a shark at the Y you need to be able to swim an 800. By August I will be doing 1000 in a lake, so then I will inform Micah that her mom is indeed a shark

Okay everyone--get this--I'm like 99% commited to doing a FULL marathon October 21! Team in training called me and convinced me to do the Nike's women's marathon in San Fran! They provide all the transportation, lodging, meals and training (plus the purple team outfits--purple IS my color!) for fundraising efforts on my part! Well, I've already gotten commitments from two patients for donations!! And one of my patients owns a bar and he'll let me put a donation box there, and team in training helps you put up a web page for fundraising. So......San Francisco here I come! (you can walk the marathon if you have to and you get a Tiffany box at the end, so mystery is solved for me where Watergirl is concerned--her picture is with her holding her box!) AND--there is a woman in LaCrosse who is also doing it, so I'll have a running partner, plus there are two others near here who are also considering it. And the coach is the UW Madison marathon trainer! It just keeps getting better and better!! Helen--you inspired me Guess now I'll HAVE to join that running club in LaCrosse. I AM A RUNNER...

God this is gonna be SOOOOO hard...................

2007-04-06 3:31 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Holy cats!! Someone get me OFF the computer today!! I'm feeling a bit manic again today (obviously) and sooooooo..........I signed up for a century ride September 2, labor day weekend--the Wright century ride near Mount Horab, Wisconsin sponsored by the Bombay Bicycle Club, which has nothing to do with anything, but I just like the name of the club, so I joined the club, too Rob--I challenge you to do it with me!! (since I was snooping on your log and noticed it is a goal of yours to do a century ride). You have 5 months to commit, so just think about it

Tomorrow when I come back on after going out on my bike in the freezing wind (it was a whopping 7 degrees this morning) and am feeling very HUMBLED and realize just exactly what I did today, I'll likely need a MAJOR pep talk from someone, so get ready, please

2007-04-06 4:53 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Well I had my first race today.  Its was cold and windy but overall had a very positive experience.  I was expecting a lot more, 'first timers' and out of shape blokes like myself, but everyone there looks pretty professional.  I was the only one there with a thick hat and sweat pants.  There were even a few with Boston Marathon jackets!  The results were posted and I finished 337/400ish so not TERRIBLE seeing as I ran my first 5k only a week ago.  I think another month of running would have made a huge difference, but oh well.  Goal was to finish without walking and I did :D

Good news is, is that there were only 8 people in my age group, which means even though I came last in my age category, I still get 16points for the season (first place was only 30).  There are 6 races this year and I think as long as I make it out to most of them I could have a chance at top 5 if not top 3 for the season.   

Pene, you are a deadly shark!  That century ride sounds like fun but I want to try it on my mountain bike, meaning I would be pretty slow, meaning I wouldn't keep up with a huge crowd.  If I end up buying a road bike (which is getting very likely) I am in for sure though!  I would love to take a trip down there.  Find me a tri or something to do with you so I can show you up :P

I am going to have to keep working on running this month as the next race is a 10k April 28th.  I THINK I can do it, again the goal being going without stopping lol.   I feel pretty good at the end of a 5k, feeling like I have a little more in me.  We'll see how it goes.

2007-04-06 5:40 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yeah Rob!!!! I think I will have a hard time keeping up with you even on your mountain bike!! I can't run the whole 5K yet, and I'm slow at best. But I'm having fun anyway Welcome to the club--you've now lost your tri cherry I'M PROUD OF YOU!!
2007-04-07 6:35 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oops, Rob, I thought you just did a tri, but realized that it was a run. Well done anyway! The run is the hardest part for me. Even the swim isn't as much of a challenge because I can rest/float and just keep going on my back but slower. Running is all or nothing. You are either running or (god forbid) walking, which has negative connotations for some odd reason. When you rest pedal on a bike is called coasting, and that's considered normal. And when you flip on your back during the swim, you are just doing a different stroke So, I'm going to redefine "walking" on a run. Let's see, what to rename it--how about "pacing". Because when you slow down and let the heart go back to aerobic vs. anaerobic, it should be a GOOD thing. You want to live to see 70 or so, right? I, personally am going to live to 106. Unless I'm a burden on society, in which case my children have strict orders to take me out back and shoot me Put the poor bird out of her misery and all that.

I have a supersprint tri July 4 in Wautoma, Wisconsin that I am to promote to friends and family! It is only it's second year and it is 200 meter swim (not sure how that converts to yards--I'm SUCH a yank!) 9 mile bike, 2 mile run. There were only like 10 people that did it last year and they are looking for a better crowd this year. I signed on because July should be hot, and I'm not very good in the heat, so the supersprint distance really appealed to me. Usually my ex goes AA camping in this area and takes the kids over the 4th, so it seemed like a vacation for me! Soooo, I'm promoting it!

Active advantage just sent me an email reminding me that my 90 day trial membership is done now. I had no idea is was 3 months ago that I started signing up for tris! Where did the time go? Now I'm signed up for a century ride, a half and a full!! Yikes! If I survive this summer/fall, I'll kind of be in the running for a half ironman, won't I? Maybe I'll achieve my 25th class reunion goals after all? (they were to be an athlete, look great in a catwoman outfit and have a hunky guy on my arm, even if I have to rent him for the day) It's in 2009, so I have a bit to find/rent/borrow the guy You see, David DeSutter called me a hippopotomus in third grade, and I had this HUGE crush on the tall blond athletic smart popular superintendant's son, and he DESTROYED my little third grade ego that day. AND he was the one sending out the reunion letters!! Hrmmph! I hope he's got a beer belly, lost all his blond hair, and his wife is frumpy..........(no, I don't need counseling, thank you very much)
2007-04-07 6:45 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I have my april 5k today, will report later. I am excited, I am getting an award at this race for my signfigant weight loss. Will check in later. BGT

2007-04-07 7:10 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Wow, active Easter w/end or what. Well done Robb and good luck to BGT. Picking up a medal as well. Go you!

Nothing happening here except vast amounts of chocolate Easter eggs although I have booked Satan and the kids ("Cost Centre One" and "Cost Centre Two") flights to France for the rest of the week so should be able to get some serious training in whilst I "work from home"!

Slacker jobs rule!
2007-04-07 11:43 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yeah BGT!! Wow! Bet that feels great!! Just how much weight did you lose in total?

Watergirl--I just spent several minutes trying to find your post of where and when you signed up for the Nike Women's run--are you doing San Francisco October 21? And are you doing a full or a half? I'd just love to meet you, if you are going!! Since you talked so positively about your experience with the Nike run, I decided to that one. Even passed up Dublin for it (maybe next year).

The October 21 marathon is officially sold out--they filled 15,000 slots almost immediately, but opened up an additional 5,000 just for Team In Training! So that's the only way I'll get in. I downloaded the registration forms today and am off to put them in the mail now.

I ONLY NEED TO RAISE $3800 total by October 10 or I either forfeit or have to put up the remainder myself. And since I'd rather DIE than forfeit, I'm gonna be asking ya'll for a little support coming right up here, as soon as I get my fundraising webpage going. Otherwise, my kiddos will be eating peanut butter sandwiches for the next five years.........

Hey, it's for cancer! My dad died of cancer. So did my grandpa, aunt and uncle. And some others in my family survived some cancer. I only have 2 kinds of cancer insurance now and drink the Xango juice faithfully as it was adopted as an anticancer agent. (not paranoid or anything, just trying to do what I can).

I'm actually kidless today and through Monday some time. My ex showed up (gasp!), and informed me that he actually sprang for a room and that the kids needed to bring swim suits (amazing!). Wow! I could actually take my sister out tonight for her birthday, or go catting around looking for Toms (yeah right). I flirt well, but actually live a pitifully tame life So, of course, I'll get some awesome training in, me thinks
2007-04-07 12:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey team, did a 5k this morning, set my PB, what was my will have to check my log page to find out. See the buttons underneath my name, one says log, click that, find today's date and your will see the race log. I do have photo's but it will be a while before they are up- computer drama.
weight loss, it 1998 I was 420, in May 2003 I had come down to 349 and I had gastric bypass and got as small as 230, but gained weight back, getting up to 271, that was when I ralized I might have a problem with food, I joined OA. In Aug of 2005 I weight 261, I weighted in yesterday at 211. so overall I have lost 210 pounds from my heaviest weight. But truth be told I have gained and lost so much weight over the years it is sick.
I am trying to dedcide if I should nap and then go on a 20 bike ride so I can met my training goals this week.... ummmm
That is this addiction. BGT
2007-04-07 2:23 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

I am speechless with admiration.

2007-04-07 7:05 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
^ Me too!!! BGT, you should write a book!

2007-04-08 4:04 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Well, this week was a bit of a 'rest' week, as well as very cold weather with a lot of snow, so I didn't get much done.

Here are my 1st week of April totals

Bike: 39.5km or  24.6mi
Run:  12.5km or 7.8mi
Swim:  nadda  

This week will be better I hope, but there's still a lot of snow on the ground.  Also got a set of full slicks for the bike which I am looking forward to trying out.  I think it should add the couple MPH I am looking for.

2007-04-08 5:48 AM
in reply to: #752395

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-04-07 1:47 PM

Hey team, did a 5k this morning, set my PB, what was my will have to check my log page to find out. See the buttons underneath my name, one says log, click that, find today's date and your will see the race log. I do have photo's but it will be a while before they are up- computer drama.
weight loss, it 1998 I was 420, in May 2003 I had come down to 349 and I had gastric bypass and got as small as 230, but gained weight back, getting up to 271, that was when I ralized I might have a problem with food, I joined OA. In Aug of 2005 I weight 261, I weighted in yesterday at 211. so overall I have lost 210 pounds from my heaviest weight. But truth be told I have gained and lost so much weight over the years it is sick.
I am trying to dedcide if I should nap and then go on a 20 bike ride so I can met my training goals this week.... ummmm
That is this addiction. BGT

Applauding -- good job!
2007-04-08 5:57 AM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Well, quick pity party for me, I'm fighting a cold, and all I want to do is sleep.

Now to the rest of you: I'm so impressed with all you've done this week, especially our 2 racers. Personal bests were set, and achievements were accomplished. Good work, and a round of applause to you both!

I see family time is a priority this week, as it should be. Even if we call them Satan.

Mark gave us both an interesting mileage reference, and a credible one -- you who offered the fantastical imagery, you know who you are!

So Mark, what's it going to be then? Running? Swimming? Perhaps napping (which I could really use as I continue to fight this bug)? And when do we begin?

Have a great week!
2007-04-08 8:17 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Prof--sorry about your cold. I'm on round three myself. It really DOES take the wind out of your sails, doesn't it! Now it's dripped down into my lungs and I have a cough that sounds like I'm dying. Speaking of which, on Friday a patient that hadn't been in for a year asked my secretary, "So, is Pene really sick? I mean, is she dying? She's gotten so skinny!". It made my entire year I picked up some homeopathic penicillin and some Xylitol stuff to squirt up my nose at the Amish doctor lady's house (she sells supplements). So, hopefully I'll kick round three in the redbike and be healthy the rest of the year.

I saved my car from blowing up yesterday. Got the oil changed and had to have a cleaner put in because I was like 5000 miles overdue and the oil was all gunky (oops). And my radiator needed to be flushed because I put the green kind of stuff in there with the pink stuff and that was bad (oops). And they tried valiantly to get the fuel filter off as it was so rusted, but after 45 minutes and a whole bunch of grunting down there, they gave up and actually apologized to me for the time and gave me a discount! Gosh, I was feeling like they all needed free chiro treatments for all that effort! So, I need to get the lines replaced to get it off, and there is a differential leak, AND a little transmission leak. Yippee! Just love being female and stupid about cars. My dad tried to give me a crash course once, but it sounded like Chinese to me and my eyes glazed and I just wanted to go back to playing Barbies. (I was 9, I think). And I know that all that has little to do with tri's, but I'm proud of myself for not procrastinating further, or I won't be able to GET to all my events!

So, here's a little poem that lives on my refridgerator door and came from my sister, who found it when she was a kid:

I have a fault
I know it's bad
It's one I really hate.
It gets me down and stresses me
You see, I procrastinate!
No matter what the task may be
Whether its easy or it's tough
I like to try to put things off
Just to make it rough.
It's not that I can't get things done
It's starting I don't like.
Sometimes to even think of it
takes a bit of psyche.
So I make a vow
to try to break
my procratinating streak.
But I don't feel like starting now
So I think I'll try next week!!

However, since I'm trying to focus on what I DID do, I did make my mile swim this week! I'm still painfully slow and after awhile I lose my form because I'm just plain worn out.

And I ran outside yesterday, but only made 2 miles. My lungs wanted to spazz in the cold (asthma) even with the inhaler, so I ran a lap, walked a lap. It was 25degrees here.

And I went to the West Salem course and looked at the lake I'll be swimming in and tried to figure out the bike and run courses. I'm taping the little map to my bike I think. I hope they rope off those streets for the actual event! I don't really want to have to dodge cars, too. 274 other bikers and runners will be enough, thank you very much. I needed some little hex wrenches to put my water bottle cage on, my fanny pack with the spare tires and CO2 cartridges on, and to loosen those darn pedals (which were cranked as tight as they could be--see, I'm not just a total clutz with clips). So, TODAY, no more procrastinating, even if it is just 30 for a high today, I'm going out with my bike. Not promising big miles, though.

Of course, I should do MOUNDS of paperwork, tax crap, and clean my house today, too..........nahh. Next week
2007-04-09 4:56 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Very nice poem Pene.  Sorry about the car.  Anything exciting happening in your neck of the woods?  It is looking like I am going to have A LOT of time off in May and looking to take a couple trips lol.  Thinking about heading to BC for a week or two, but I want to bring my bike somehow.  Could throw it on top of the BMW but I was hoping to fly as its a loonnng drive from here.

Well with my new found love for running I am now signed up for a 10k run.  I have 3 weeks to get my self ready for it which I am not sure if I can do.  Also thinking of doing another 5k race this weekend coming up.  I figure a race is still training, and its a little more interesting.   


Heres my challenge for everyone this week.  Post up 1 (or more) song that you LOVE to train to.  Doesn't matter the genre, just something fun and gets you pumped up.

I am always switching it up but right now like running to:  ok go - Here it goes.  Its the song from the famous 'treadmill dance video' and its on if you want to check it out.

2007-04-09 8:04 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Oh Robb, I never know if you are teasing or not. But of course you are welcome to come on down and take tours of all the different kinds of horse and cow yellowbike and stare at the Amish (they are used to it--people do tours all the time) and visit their little wood and quilt shops. Or, you could take me dancing in Madison at Club Inferno for their bondage ball You know, extremes....I love em! And I have a mountain bike you can borrow (or we can rent you one at the bike shop(s)--I'm well thought of there (yeah, she brought her checkbook!). May 6 is Noah's duathlon, but I'm not competing because I just want to go and cheer him on. Quiet life here, but we have hills that are fantastic training tools for bike and run!

I've decided that every single mile of any sort is going to be torture for me forever. Can one get hypnotized to be in better shape instantly and not have any more lung burning, tendon aches and the feeling that you will just plain collapse if you go any further? I'm actually thinking of checking that out Or maybe a subliminal for endurance. I know it's mostly mental and my mind just listens a lot to my body, which complains continually. I did bear three children with 17 hours labor, then 9, then 8.5. And I hated every minute of that, too Guess I'm now addicted to pain! Or maybe just the exhiliration you feel when you overcome it and finish your goal (Just don't hand me a newborn at the finish line, please).

Well, about music....Last night I biked (indoors, yes I'm a big sissy, but it was COLD) to the Gorillaz! They remind me so much of The Clash! Wonder if I still have Combat Rock in that pile of old albums.........I have two Gorillaz CD's and they are perfect to keep you pedaling fast and steady. I biked for over an hour after I ran 5 miles (but I "paced" a lot, too). And that with a cough that would scare you! But once it goes down into the lungs, it's on its way out. I'll be healthy as a horse again in no time!
2007-04-09 9:03 AM
in reply to: #753417

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey everyone - I just finished reading all of the posts that I missed out on over the last week or so. You are all doing so well !!!

I pulled a calf and thigh muscle in my right leg last Monday during my weight training and was unable to do much of anything at all except walk with a significant limp and grumble about not being able to train. Overall, it's probably not a bad thing since my body was paying the price for too much training and I feel like a new person now that I've had some real rest.

I am looking forward to my first triathlon coming up on the 14th so I will not be training very heavily this week. I'll probably limit myself to a few miles of running to help loosen up and stay loose prior to the race. Plus, I need to make sure my bike is in working order and my wetsuit is reserved. I'll let you know how things go afterwards.

Good Luck to you all this week.

2007-04-09 9:34 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey Sean, Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your leg. You are very brave to do a tri injured! I'll be pulling for you this weekend, at least with happy thoughts directed your way
2007-04-09 10:22 AM
in reply to: #753340

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BGT: That is truly amazing! I'm so impressed at your continued drive and picking yourself up when you fall back into bad habits. Way to go!
SPc (etc.): Sorry to hear about the injury. When's your race coming up?
Prof: BTDT with the cold... take a good nap one day and then get yourself back up and moving, or it will settle in.
Robb: Congrats on your first race! Nicely done. Re Music: I'll give you a few of my current faves that make you move (but no laughing allowed): Outkast (Hey Ya, Idlewild Blue, Morris Brown), Gorillaz (I'd agree with Phoenix), Bodyrockers (I like the way you move), The Police (Every little thing, Da do do do, a couple of others off Synchronicity), U2 (Beautiful Day), Beck (Black Tambourine, E-Pro, Girl), Gnarls Barkley (Gone Daddy Gone, Smiling Faces), Gomez (How We Operate, Girlshapedlovedrug), Caesars (Jerk It Out), Jane's Addiction (Nothing Shocking and Ritual de lo Habitual albums), The Vines, The White Stripes, The Teddybears (Punk Rocker, Cobrastyle)...

I could go on, but I won't! Yes, music is very much a part of my life. Always looking for new suggestions.

I'm so glad that my sick little girl is finally healthy again - I've been chomping at the bit to get back out there. Plan for today is a swim at lunch and an evening trainer ride. Will the snow up here EVER go away again?
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