BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!! Rss Feed  
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2010-12-23 4:26 AM
in reply to: #3258513

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

lbishop - 2010-12-22 10:51 PM Wow guys! Sounds like some of you have been real busy.

IceMan - way to go on the HIM and a great time - well done. Shame about the injury now, but you'll work through it.

TriRsquared - thoughts with you man, that's rough. Just glad there's no real damage there...

I managed to get my HIM done in 6:39 - just 9 minutes over my intended 6:30 so am happy with that (was quite windy on the bike leg). Not going to do a full report, but really enjoyed it and will sign up for it again next year. And i'm not sure if i want to do a full distance event yet although i do feel like a 1/2 is kinda not quite there! Foot in mouth Maybe in a few years when i've got more time to train...

Hope you all have a great xmas and new year and forward into the training in 2011!


Good to hear from you Lewis!! Congrats on the HIM!!  Windy bikes on a HIM distance can certainly drain the legs and the mind!

Merry Christmas to you too!

Merry Christmas to all of you in the group as well!  2010 has been a fun year for me tri wise and you all have been a part of that. 

2010-12-23 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Hey guys!  How are you all.  I've started ramping up the workouts again.  The IT band seems to be holding up OK.  Lost a little aerobics from not running but I've improved the swim by quantum leaps and the bike is going pretty good considering.  Bought a treadmill so my wife and I can share it.  She is back in Weight Watchers (clap, clap, clap.)  All good here.  I signed up for another group starting up.  What are you all doing?
2011-01-21 3:16 AM
in reply to: #3259906

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Hi guys,

Good to hear some of you are still going. We had a heck of a end of year so kinda lost the momentum a bit as my wife was diagnosed as having MS (phase 1/RRMS) and we've been going through the mental rollercoaster since finding out. Anyhow life does go on and i could still train but being honest about it i wasn't focused 100% on it anymore.

However, saying that my family came and supported me at Taupo HIM and it was a good but really busy weekend. My timings were pretty much spot on (despite the windy conditions on the bike) and i really only slowed down on the run. Final time was 6:39:35 with the breakdown being 47:36/10:08/3:23:16/5:37/2:12:58 - i was expecting 6:30 with the swim+t1=1hr, bike+t2=3.5hrs & run<2hrs so was happy with all but the run - did walk a bit on the run though. Loved the aero bars and overall the game plan went well but looking back i can see that i did not fuel well during the bike leg and felt it during the run.

Since then i finally got round to getting a run/gait analysis and found out that my shoes are too small - i run in US10's but should be using US10.5's-US11's - that kinda explains losing toenails after the marathons! ;-) So, just got my new shoes and looking forward to keeping my toenails at the next marathon...

I haven't signed up with another mentor group for this next season but think i'll be a regular lurker though! For me over the next year i'm considering an Olympic in March, Marathons in April, June and August, a century bike in November and the the HIM again in December. Will probably drop the June marathon though and do some strength and base building over winter as well as taking a swim course.  

Also, i'm seriously considering signing up for Taupo Ironman in March 2012 as well but am concerned with the family situation and whether or not i could fit in the training. My wife is happy for me to do it which is a start - and as she happily reminded me i'm not getting any younger! ;-)

Anyway, hope you all have great starts to 2011 and reach those goals throughout the year!

2011-01-21 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Hey there,

Sorry to hear about your new challenge.  LiveSTRONG is more than a catch phrase, isn't it.  It becomes a way of life.  What I've found is that devoting time to the training keeps me mentally and spiritually fit to face the challenges as they come.  My family is better off that I train.  Thankfully they know it.  My wife encourages me.  So I was ready when my mom died about a month after the HIM.  Have had two more aunts die since then, my son in laws mom and grandfather, too.  Lots of uphills but all made smoother because of the strength and focus of triathlon.

I've been dealing with pain lately.  The IT band from Oct. to the first of the year, still not completely healed but way better.  Not sore really, just a tightness over the knee that comes and goes. I stretch and use foam rollers everyday now.  I've learned a lot.  Also have had back pain - rrecurring injury from 35 years ago.  I have been doing the chiropractor with great results.

Using a computrainer and a treadmill I bought over the past few months. Good tools.

I hope you all have a great year.  My A race is Madison IM Wisconsin on 9/11.     Stay in touch. 

2011-01-21 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Like Scott said, sorry to hear about your new challenge Lewis.  But keeping fit gives you an outlet and it sounds like you have a great plan for 2011 and the home support! Good luck with all of your goals.

Scott, I saw your volume lately, your 2011 is off to a great start.  I know you use a coach, so I don't have to tell you to be careful building back up as you return from your injury.  But be careful, you have a big race on 9/11! 

I didn't join or start a mentor group this year, at least yet.  I was prepared to start one, but the ones that were started were real slow to fill up and I beleive there are still several open.  They usually do another round of them in the spring so maybe I will do it then.

Good to hear from you guys, stay in touch!!

2011-01-21 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I'm all for keeping this going.  Hate to lose touch.

Yes, trying to ramp up as easily as I can.  The bike coach really puts it to me on the bike, 4X with 2 drills and two longer rides.  I've been using the Computrainer for it all. 

I've been trying to run three times.  Bought a treadmill.  I do two drills and a longer run.

With the IT band, I could swim so I focused there for two months and have kept a 3rd swim when I can because the progress has been tremendous just adding one more swim and focusing on speed work with Masters and then one longer weekend swim. 

Also added yoga and stretching.  Really helps.

Edited by IceManScott 2011-01-21 8:35 AM

2011-03-07 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3312991

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Hi guys,

Thanks for the thoughts, the wife has been approved for government funding for the 1st years course of modifying drugs so we're starting that this week. Life's curve balls eh?

Have re-entered the Half in december and waiting for the 2012 taupo IM entries to open next week. Will be entering as long as i get in in time.

A question re bike setup. My trek 1200 is setup as a road bike again (i.e. no aero bars etc). Considering that the IM in March will be my focus, and that i may or may not enter a 160km bike race in November, i'm wondering wether i should leave it in road-bike-mode for the moment or set it up in tri-mode?

Tri mode consists of setting up the aero bars, fast forward post and adamo seat. They only change to it at the moment is that i have lowered the bars to their lowest position so that the aero bar pads are low when attached - i need to tweak and play with the setup of course but i can ride it with the bars low without any back issues so will leave them low.

+1 for the yoga and stretching. I also recommend foam-rollers/myofascial workouts... i haven't done them in the last year and really feel that my recovery was not as successful as previously. They certainly will be added to my plan again...

Cheers, Lewis.


2011-03-08 7:23 AM
in reply to: #3387416

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
lbishop - 2011-03-07 9:37 PM

Hi guys,

Thanks for the thoughts, the wife has been approved for government funding for the 1st years course of modifying drugs so we're starting that this week. Life's curve balls eh?

Have re-entered the Half in december and waiting for the 2012 taupo IM entries to open next week. Will be entering as long as i get in in time.

A question re bike setup. My trek 1200 is setup as a road bike again (i.e. no aero bars etc). Considering that the IM in March will be my focus, and that i may or may not enter a 160km bike race in November, i'm wondering wether i should leave it in road-bike-mode for the moment or set it up in tri-mode?

Tri mode consists of setting up the aero bars, fast forward post and adamo seat. They only change to it at the moment is that i have lowered the bars to their lowest position so that the aero bar pads are low when attached - i need to tweak and play with the setup of course but i can ride it with the bars low without any back issues so will leave them low.

+1 for the yoga and stretching. I also recommend foam-rollers/myofascial workouts... i haven't done them in the last year and really feel that my recovery was not as successful as previously. They certainly will be added to my plan again...

Cheers, Lewis.


Glad to hear the treatment is moving forward for your wife, I hope all goes well on that front.

Not knowing the course, the number one issue is which position are you most comfortable in for the distance?  The other thought is besides being comfortable, does either position leave your legs feeling better for the run after the bike?

When I did Lake Placid IM, there were as many road bikes as tri bikes, and I classify road bikes with a tri set up as a tri bike.  Lake Placid is a hilly course so those on road bikes felt it was better to be in that set up.  Florida is as flat an IM course as there is and as such, aero is important.  Subsequently there were very few road bike set ups.  I used a tri bike for both and it worked for me both times.

Whatever setup you decide on, make sure to get as much training as you can in that position. 

I am sure and hoping that Scott and any of the others will chime in on this.

Enjoy the journey to IM Lewis!!
2011-03-08 7:35 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Hang in there Lewis.  Funny those words.  People told me that when I was in excruciating pain from cancer and I thought to myself, ", where else can I go?  What else can I do?"  But I said, "Thank you, will do."    

The bike questions:  Isn't there time to do both?  Set up to train for the upcoming tri and shift back to a road bike for the road races?  I don't see a down side.  Love the Adamo.  I use it on all my bikes and have since the cancer in 2006.  I was one of the first disciples.

I am religious about the yoga and foam rollers these days.  Can't tell you what a difference they make in how my legs feel.  They are strong - my threshold power is back to within 2% of peak last year and it's only March.  Yet, my legs feel relaxed and supple when I'm not working out. I'm using the Triggerpoint Grid and bought the new Rumble Roller.  Look it up.  It looks like a Dark Ages torture device and it really gets down into the muscle like a good massage therapist.  But seems to work well. 

The run is going well.  I'm at 14 miles a week in three sessions, two speed workouts and one long run at an easier tempo pace.  Bought different shoes...I use Brooks Addictions but bought a pair of Brooks Adrenalines.  Used them for the first time last night.  They seem fine - less support, - so they are gong to be for short runs for now and the Addictions for longer.  If I develop any problems, I'll stay with Addictions. 

The swim - the masters coach is great and keeps tweaking stuff.  This time it was pulling my legs together to eliminate body twist and drag.   Really helped.  Times are down.  Effort is down.

The bike - my Vision Quest coach is really good.  Working on strength exercises over winter really helped.  Low cadence, high power.  Shifted to lactate threshold drills last week.  They are long endurance efforts near threshold power, then a short recovery and more LTs.   Just for fun, they toss in some VO2 max in the middle of it, 30-90 secs.  I feel really strong when I'm done. 

Overdoing is always my issue.  I'm sticking right to the plan I'm given.  I add one short run because I need to get that speed up so my endurance cruising speed will be respectable.  If anything goes, it will be that 3rd short run.  But the reason I got hurt last fall was I peaked, did the HIM in 6 hours and 9 mins and then just kept right on training.  They told me to take it easy without firm direction and let me drift so I cut from like 17-18 hours a week to 10 and thought that was "easy."  Not.   After I was hurt they said I was supposed to do nearly nothing.  Now they tell me. I just kept at it because I love this stuff now.  I didn't know.  Now I do.  So I am relying on the massage therapy, the rollers, the yoga, the rest day (strictly obeyed) and working on workout nutrition before during and after to insure recovery. Using Hammer Recoverite and Whey Protein on major workout days.  

Good to hear from you guys.  Ken, let me know if you start a group.  I am paying attention to three. IM Wisconsin and two mentor groups.  I joined one before seeing the guy had closed it, then joined another and then the first guy said to stay because he lives only 40 miles away.  The second mentor is in IM Wisconsin.  So what the heck.  I stayed in both. 











2011-03-08 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Not knowing the course, the number one issue is which position are you most comfortable in for the distance?  The other thought is besides being comfortable, does either position leave your legs feeling better for the run after the bike?

Whatever setup you decide on, make sure to get as much training as you can in that position.

Thanks Ken - if i do do the bike race 3 weeks before the HIM i would endeavour to do as much of it as possible in aero mode (certainly no aero in bunches though that's for sure) but i think it likely i will not do it and go straight to the HIM. The HIM course itself has a minimal amount of small hills (certainly nothing big) so the answer would be that it is mostly flat. I'm pretty sure i can get used to the aero position as i held it for about half of the HIM just gone. There we go, decision made, tri-mode it is... ;-)

I'm using the Triggerpoint Grid and bought the new Rumble Roller.  Look it up.  It looks like a Dark Ages torture device...

Scott, that looks brutal! I really like the advice in one of the reviews - "I would not recommend someone start off using it. Standard rollers are a good place to start softening the tissue without causing discomfort and bruising" ;-)

Just checked out your training logs Scott and looks like you're going really well - well done!

Enjoy the journey to IM Lewis!!

I hope so! Looking at the plans the time commitments do seem daunting though! I've looked at a number of plans and liked the look of the 29 week plan at but i think i've decided on going with weeks 20 through to 9 of the BT HIM plan and then into week 20 and down of the BT IM plan - this'll give me 30 weeks and the merge points seems to fit well and incorporate the HIM in week 13. I'm pretty sure it'll be modified in some ways as i go though!


2011-04-11 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Just an FYI if anyone in this group is looking for a spring mentor group.  I have signed on as a mentor again.  Currently it is in the staging area as they release them on a first in first out manner. 

I would love to have anyone of you join again, but there are other good groups too if you want a different perspective.

I hope everyones training is off to a great start this spring!

2011-04-11 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3440384

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

kenj - 2011-04-11 1:40 PM Just an FYI if anyone in this group is looking for a spring mentor group.  I have signed on as a mentor again.  Currently it is in the staging area as they release them on a first in first out manner. 

I would love to have anyone of you join again, but there are other good groups too if you want a different perspective.

I hope everyones training is off to a great start this spring!


Is KenJ in the title?


2011-04-11 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3440415

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
IceManScott - 2011-04-11 2:54 PM

kenj - 2011-04-11 1:40 PM Just an FYI if anyone in this group is looking for a spring mentor group.  I have signed on as a mentor again.  Currently it is in the staging area as they release them on a first in first out manner. 

I would love to have anyone of you join again, but there are other good groups too if you want a different perspective.

I hope everyones training is off to a great start this spring!


Is KenJ in the title?


Yes it is Scott, here is a link to it here

BTW Scott, I did the Gran Fondo in San Diego yesterday, with the way you like to ride, that event was right up your alley! 
2011-04-11 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3440429

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Welllington, NZ
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

I just signed up with another group yesterday as i wasn't sure where this group was going. I assume there are no issues with joining 2 groups? If not, then i'd love to join up and see how everyone is going...

Cheers, Lewis.

2011-04-11 5:36 PM
in reply to: #3440851

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
lbishop - 2011-04-11 5:48 PM

I just signed up with another group yesterday as i wasn't sure where this group was going. I assume there are no issues with joining 2 groups? If not, then i'd love to join up and see how everyone is going...

Cheers, Lewis.

What ever you are comfortable with Lewis is ok!  I would love to see you with us again!!
2011-04-12 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
The new mentor thread has gone live in the current BT mentor forum for anyone that is interested!

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