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2010-04-26 12:40 AM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
thanks...I saw a lot of used ones on ebay too.

do you know if Saris honors the warranty if you buy it second hand?  That was my biggest concern..buying one that may not be working properly and no warranty for it.  I guess I could call their customer service.

2010-04-26 12:48 AM
in reply to: #2816034

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
honestly have no idea on that one.
2010-04-26 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2815888

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-25 10:38 PM things to think about. the zipps (you said come wiht tires), are good in that they are some of the fastest wheels, the rear is basically a disk. and you have tires (roughly 200 dollar value if they are decent). The SRAM set is nice too and i missed that in my first post. Or, you could do what i would, get either a disk cover (100$), or a renn disk (500 new, way less used), and a used front race wheel (HED, flashpoint, etc for 250-350) leaves a decent amount left over.

Thanks for the advice.  I think I may go with the SRAM set, because I want to upgrade to power next year.  Not sure if you can have a SRAM wheel built up with a PT.  I also don't know if you can get a wheel cover for the S80.  I'll have to call about that one.
2010-04-26 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2816007

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tri808 - 2010-04-25 11:52 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-25 5:51 PM
DirkP - 2010-04-25 9:55 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-24 8:35 PM Took the new tri bike out this morning and fell in love.

As far as my concern for took me a few miles to get the hang of it, but no big deal.  I was a littly "squirrly" at times on the bars because the position is a little different from the aero bars on my road bike.  Just a matter of getting used to it.

here's the pics

That bike is SICK!!!
Some day maybe I'll have somethin like that.

I bet it'll be sooner than you think.  Bikes are addicting.  Once I started dreaming about a future bike, I found myself actually making the purchase.  That being said, it was one of the best purchases I've ever made.

Earlier today I bought a brand new KK Road Machine off someone on craigslist who bought it but couldn't use it due to injury.  It came with the Spinervals DVD and a climbing block.  It retails for $320 and I paid the guy $205.  Since I want to do IMLP next summer, I figured that I need to be riding from now until then to be able to survive the hills and then perform on the run.  I've been looking at trainers for a while and wanted to invest in one of the best so I could spend hours of solitude on it in my dorm room over the winter.  This is definitely a step up from my hand-me-down Travel Trac mag trainer.  I did the 30min sprint/power session about an hour ago and I ended up soaked in sweat.  I think this is going to turn out to be a great investment.

I bought my first bike since HS in May 2009...a hybrid.  Sold that in September 2009 and bought my first road bike...and just picked up my P2 this week.  Yes, it is expensive.  But it's also something I get much more value from. 

I also have drastically changed my spending habbits.  I used to just buy all kinds of useless stuff.  Like video games, digital cameras (I never take pictures), and other stuff just to "have" them.  I also used to buy nike and other name brand workout I just buy champion or russell athletic because it's very similar quality at less than half the price.  So really, with this bike purchase, my overall spending hasn't gone up...but because I have a motivation to pinch in other areas, I can now afford what was once "unaffordable".

Besides, a new bike improves your overall health.  There's no price on that.

So true.
I look back at so many things I have bought in the past that were probably unnecessary. Craigslist is usually the first place I go. Right now, I'm riding a used road bike I bought for $500. I'm already wanting to buy a tri bike.
My oldest starts kindergarten in August and my middle son will hopefully be out of diapers around that time. Not having to pay for daycrare and diapers will save me $180 a week. So hopefully I will be able to get a tri bike by this time next year.

Robin-Sorry about your race getting canceled. I will probably be very jealous of you in July when I'm sure it will be beautiful in Montana and it will be 115+degrees here in Vegas.

Update on me: I have just 3 weeks before my first tri, so now reality is setting in. Looks like it is actually going to happen. I went biking yesterday, my friend took me on some major hills. At points, I was crawling up the hill at like 3-4 mph. But I didn't get off and walk my bike which my friend said he was impressed by (at least something I am doing is impressive). But I asked for a tough bike ride because my tri is in a very hilly area, so I may as well practice. I went on a short 2.5 mile run later that day. I've been better about keeping my training logs up to date. My biggest challenge remains managing my time and making sure I get in the training hours. My goal is to try get up to 8 hours a week consistantly, which is not much compared to a lot of people but it is what I can commit to now. 
2010-04-26 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Well this week has started out well for me so far. My class was cancelled today. (YES!!!) So i was flipping through our mentor group and I re read the topic of racing flats. It occured to me that I still had a pair that I kept from high school in the basement. (It was my pair I broke the 2 minute mark on the 800). So I went down and got them out and tried them on, and they still felt perfect. So I went out on an easy 4 miler with them and it was awesome. I have decided to run in them this weekend at my half marathon and maybe they will bring some extra speed from my high school days. (maybe pull some 430 mile splits?) Haha, probably wont ever happen again but I can still hope. Hope everybodys week has started out like mine.
2010-04-26 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2817336

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jpbis26 - 2010-04-26 9:14 AM

Update on me: I have just 3 weeks before my first tri, so now reality is setting in. Looks like it is actually going to happen. I went biking yesterday, my friend took me on some major hills. At points, I was crawling up the hill at like 3-4 mph. But I didn't get off and walk my bike which my friend said he was impressed by (at least something I am doing is impressive). But I asked for a tough bike ride because my tri is in a very hilly area, so I may as well practice. I went on a short 2.5 mile run later that day. I've been better about keeping my training logs up to date. My biggest challenge remains managing my time and making sure I get in the training hours. My goal is to try get up to 8 hours a week consistantly, which is not much compared to a lot of people but it is what I can commit to now. 

I got 3 weeks to my second tri (first OLY) and can't wait.  Good idea to train those hills, and way to persevere without stopping. 

2010-04-26 2:14 PM
in reply to: #2817463

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-26 9:49 AM Well this week has started out well for me so far. My class was cancelled today. (YES!!!) So i was flipping through our mentor group and I re read the topic of racing flats. It occured to me that I still had a pair that I kept from high school in the basement. (It was my pair I broke the 2 minute mark on the 800). So I went down and got them out and tried them on, and they still felt perfect. So I went out on an easy 4 miler with them and it was awesome. I have decided to run in them this weekend at my half marathon and maybe they will bring some extra speed from my high school days. (maybe pull some 430 mile splits?) Haha, probably wont ever happen again but I can still hope. Hope everybodys week has started out like mine.

you used to run 4:30 miles?  THAT'S SICK
2010-04-26 5:31 PM
in reply to: #2817554

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tri808 - 2010-04-26 1:14 PM

Thomasski - 2010-04-26 9:49 AM Well this week has started out well for me so far. My class was cancelled today. (YES!!!) So i was flipping through our mentor group and I re read the topic of racing flats. It occured to me that I still had a pair that I kept from high school in the basement. (It was my pair I broke the 2 minute mark on the 800). So I went down and got them out and tried them on, and they still felt perfect. So I went out on an easy 4 miler with them and it was awesome. I have decided to run in them this weekend at my half marathon and maybe they will bring some extra speed from my high school days. (maybe pull some 430 mile splits?) Haha, probably wont ever happen again but I can still hope. Hope everybodys week has started out like mine.

you used to run 4:30 miles? THAT'S SICK

I've done one of them........... that is nuts.
2010-04-26 5:44 PM
in reply to: #2818034

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
newbz - 2010-04-26 1:31 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-26 1:14 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-26 9:49 AM Well this week has started out well for me so far. My class was cancelled today. (YES!!!) So i was flipping through our mentor group and I re read the topic of racing flats. It occured to me that I still had a pair that I kept from high school in the basement. (It was my pair I broke the 2 minute mark on the 800). So I went down and got them out and tried them on, and they still felt perfect. So I went out on an easy 4 miler with them and it was awesome. I have decided to run in them this weekend at my half marathon and maybe they will bring some extra speed from my high school days. (maybe pull some 430 mile splits?) Haha, probably wont ever happen again but I can still hope. Hope everybodys week has started out like mine.

you used to run 4:30 miles? THAT'S SICK
I've done one of them........... that is nuts.

This just got me thinking...4:30 is a 13ish mph pace.  5:30's (~11 mph)are commonly run by elites in sprints, and maybe even OLY's.  Has anyone ever seen an elite run past someone on their mtn bike in a race?  That would be so morally deflating.
2010-04-26 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
4:30!?  For real?  That is ridiculous!!!  My week did start off pretty well actually.  I got a solid 4 mile run in today with no issues in about 36 minutes.  That's huge for me with my stupid shins.   I followed that up by a quick 30 minute spin/call of duty game.  Then followed that by a solid swim workout of a warmup, 4 x 300 and managed the last one in under five minutes.  And I have NO idea why today's workouts were good.  I DID however take yesterday off.  Nothing to do with nutrition though....ate like two pounds of gummi bears today.
2010-04-26 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
I've had a minor medical setback......but it's nothing too serious.  It's just kept me from training (except for 2 runs) for a WEEK!  Ughh....

I'm gonna get back on the horse, tomorrow.  I won't get to bike until Friday.....but I have a new steed when I get back home from business!

Here's my new ride!

2010-04-26 9:57 PM
in reply to: #2818444

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
nc452010 - 2010-04-26 10:19 PM I've had a minor medical setback......but it's nothing too serious.  It's just kept me from training (except for 2 runs) for a WEEK!  Ughh....

I'm gonna get back on the horse, tomorrow.  I won't get to bike until Friday.....but I have a new steed when I get back home from business!

Here's my new ride!

Dude, that is awesome!  I love that bike.  Welcome to the Cannondale family!!!  I'm sorry to hear about the setback.  Hope everything is all right.  Now go take a picture of that bike from the drive side!!! 
2010-04-26 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Pfafftown, NC
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!

Sorry....I "hear" it's still incomplete!

2010-04-26 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2817336

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jpbis26 - 2010-04-26 2:14 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-25 11:52 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-25 5:51 PM
DirkP - 2010-04-25 9:55 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-24 8:35 PM Took the new tri bike out this morning and fell in love.

As far as my concern for took me a few miles to get the hang of it, but no big deal.  I was a littly "squirrly" at times on the bars because the position is a little different from the aero bars on my road bike.  Just a matter of getting used to it.

here's the pics

That bike is SICK!!!
Some day maybe I'll have somethin like that.

I bet it'll be sooner than you think.  Bikes are addicting.  Once I started dreaming about a future bike, I found myself actually making the purchase.  That being said, it was one of the best purchases I've ever made.

Earlier today I bought a brand new KK Road Machine off someone on craigslist who bought it but couldn't use it due to injury.  It came with the Spinervals DVD and a climbing block.  It retails for $320 and I paid the guy $205.  Since I want to do IMLP next summer, I figured that I need to be riding from now until then to be able to survive the hills and then perform on the run.  I've been looking at trainers for a while and wanted to invest in one of the best so I could spend hours of solitude on it in my dorm room over the winter.  This is definitely a step up from my hand-me-down Travel Trac mag trainer.  I did the 30min sprint/power session about an hour ago and I ended up soaked in sweat.  I think this is going to turn out to be a great investment.

I bought my first bike since HS in May 2009...a hybrid.  Sold that in September 2009 and bought my first road bike...and just picked up my P2 this week.  Yes, it is expensive.  But it's also something I get much more value from. 

I also have drastically changed my spending habbits.  I used to just buy all kinds of useless stuff.  Like video games, digital cameras (I never take pictures), and other stuff just to "have" them.  I also used to buy nike and other name brand workout I just buy champion or russell athletic because it's very similar quality at less than half the price.  So really, with this bike purchase, my overall spending hasn't gone up...but because I have a motivation to pinch in other areas, I can now afford what was once "unaffordable".

Besides, a new bike improves your overall health.  There's no price on that.

So true.
I look back at so many things I have bought in the past that were probably unnecessary. Craigslist is usually the first place I go. Right now, I'm riding a used road bike I bought for $500. I'm already wanting to buy a tri bike.
My oldest starts kindergarten in August and my middle son will hopefully be out of diapers around that time. Not having to pay for daycrare and diapers will save me $180 a week. So hopefully I will be able to get a tri bike by this time next year.

Robin-Sorry about your race getting canceled. I will probably be very jealous of you in July when I'm sure it will be beautiful in Montana and it will be 115+degrees here in Vegas.

Update on me: I have just 3 weeks before my first tri, so now reality is setting in. Looks like it is actually going to happen. I went biking yesterday, my friend took me on some major hills. At points, I was crawling up the hill at like 3-4 mph. But I didn't get off and walk my bike which my friend said he was impressed by (at least something I am doing is impressive). But I asked for a tough bike ride because my tri is in a very hilly area, so I may as well practice. I went on a short 2.5 mile run later that day. I've been better about keeping my training logs up to date. My biggest challenge remains managing my time and making sure I get in the training hours. My goal is to try get up to 8 hours a week consistantly, which is not much compared to a lot of people but it is what I can commit to now. 

Nice work on the hills.  The more you do, the easier it gets.  Speaking of that, I gotta get to some hills. 
2010-04-26 10:05 PM
in reply to: #2818444

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
nc452010 - 2010-04-26 9:19 PM I've had a minor medical setback......but it's nothing too serious.  It's just kept me from training (except for 2 runs) for a WEEK!  Ughh....

I'm gonna get back on the horse, tomorrow.  I won't get to bike until Friday.....but I have a new steed when I get back home from business!

Here's my new ride!

sweeeeeet! you all are making me jeolous! my husband would first kill me if I bought a new bike and then turn around and buy one for himself! ENJOY!

Edited by robingray_260 2010-04-26 10:06 PM
2010-04-26 10:07 PM
in reply to: #2770346

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
ahhhh....another nice new bike.    I also had a good start to the week with a little bit of everything (run, bike, swim).   I've got my first 10km race in nine years on Thursday (national holiday here in Japan), so I'm planning to take it kind of easy the next two days. 


2010-04-26 10:12 PM
in reply to: #2817336

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
jpbis26 - 2010-04-26 1:14 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-25 11:52 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-25 5:51 PM
DirkP - 2010-04-25 9:55 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-24 8:35 PM Took the new tri bike out this morning and fell in love.

As far as my concern for took me a few miles to get the hang of it, but no big deal.  I was a littly "squirrly" at times on the bars because the position is a little different from the aero bars on my road bike.  Just a matter of getting used to it.

here's the pics

That bike is SICK!!!
Some day maybe I'll have somethin like that.

I bet it'll be sooner than you think.  Bikes are addicting.  Once I started dreaming about a future bike, I found myself actually making the purchase.  That being said, it was one of the best purchases I've ever made.

Earlier today I bought a brand new KK Road Machine off someone on craigslist who bought it but couldn't use it due to injury.  It came with the Spinervals DVD and a climbing block.  It retails for $320 and I paid the guy $205.  Since I want to do IMLP next summer, I figured that I need to be riding from now until then to be able to survive the hills and then perform on the run.  I've been looking at trainers for a while and wanted to invest in one of the best so I could spend hours of solitude on it in my dorm room over the winter.  This is definitely a step up from my hand-me-down Travel Trac mag trainer.  I did the 30min sprint/power session about an hour ago and I ended up soaked in sweat.  I think this is going to turn out to be a great investment.

I bought my first bike since HS in May 2009...a hybrid.  Sold that in September 2009 and bought my first road bike...and just picked up my P2 this week.  Yes, it is expensive.  But it's also something I get much more value from. 

I also have drastically changed my spending habbits.  I used to just buy all kinds of useless stuff.  Like video games, digital cameras (I never take pictures), and other stuff just to "have" them.  I also used to buy nike and other name brand workout I just buy champion or russell athletic because it's very similar quality at less than half the price.  So really, with this bike purchase, my overall spending hasn't gone up...but because I have a motivation to pinch in other areas, I can now afford what was once "unaffordable".

Besides, a new bike improves your overall health.  There's no price on that.

So true.
I look back at so many things I have bought in the past that were probably unnecessary. Craigslist is usually the first place I go. Right now, I'm riding a used road bike I bought for $500. I'm already wanting to buy a tri bike.
My oldest starts kindergarten in August and my middle son will hopefully be out of diapers around that time. Not having to pay for daycrare and diapers will save me $180 a week. So hopefully I will be able to get a tri bike by this time next year.

Robin-Sorry about your race getting canceled. I will probably be very jealous of you in July when I'm sure it will be beautiful in Montana and it will be 115+degrees here in Vegas.

Update on me: I have just 3 weeks before my first tri, so now reality is setting in. Looks like it is actually going to happen. I went biking yesterday, my friend took me on some major hills. At points, I was crawling up the hill at like 3-4 mph. But I didn't get off and walk my bike which my friend said he was impressed by (at least something I am doing is impressive). But I asked for a tough bike ride because my tri is in a very hilly area, so I may as well practice. I went on a short 2.5 mile run later that day. I've been better about keeping my training logs up to date. My biggest challenge remains managing my time and making sure I get in the training hours. My goal is to try get up to 8 hours a week consistantly, which is not much compared to a lot of people but it is what I can commit to now. 

jpbis.. no worries w/ the race it was rescheduled for Saturday.  And I know what you mean w/ hills.  I did a grouling ride last week with a few short 9% grades - I was going 4mph.  I made it though and it felt awesome!  Next time will be easier.
2010-04-26 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2818558

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
dcon - 2010-04-26 10:07 PM ahhhh....another nice new bike.    I also had a good start to the week with a little bit of everything (run, bike, swim).   I've got my first 10km race in nine years on Thursday (national holiday here in Japan), so I'm planning to take it kind of easy the next two days. 


dcon - good luck on your 10k! You will do awesome.  Would love to get a recap after it is said an done.
2010-04-26 10:33 PM
in reply to: #2770346

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
My best friend and I went and paid for our local gym memberships for the summer today.  Like a true swimmer, I realized in the locker room that I packed everything but my suit.  We did an upper body workout instead.  We then ran around all day doing errands.  I just got off my new drainer and did(10'Z1, 10' Z2, 10'Z3, 10'Z2, 10'Z3,10'Z1).  IT HURT!  IMO the drainer feels harder than the road.
2010-04-26 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2818596

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-27 12:33 PM My best friend and I went and paid for our local gym memberships for the summer today.  Like a true swimmer, I realized in the locker room that I packed everything but my suit.  We did an upper body workout instead.  We then ran around all day doing errands.  I just got off my new drainer and did(10'Z1, 10' Z2, 10'Z3, 10'Z2, 10'Z3,10'Z1).  IT HURT!  IMO the drainer feels harder than the road.

Have you done a test to get your heart rate zones on the trainer?  I hear they are different than what you do on the road (but I haven't benchmarked either road or trainer yet myself).  
2010-04-26 10:41 PM
in reply to: #2818604

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
dcon - 2010-04-26 11:39 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-27 12:33 PM My best friend and I went and paid for our local gym memberships for the summer today.  Like a true swimmer, I realized in the locker room that I packed everything but my suit.  We did an upper body workout instead.  We then ran around all day doing errands.  I just got off my new drainer and did(10'Z1, 10' Z2, 10'Z3, 10'Z2, 10'Z3,10'Z1).  IT HURT!  IMO the drainer feels harder than the road.

Have you done a test to get your heart rate zones on the trainer?  I hear they are different than what you do on the road (but I haven't benchmarked either road or trainer yet myself).  

I have only done an LT test on the road.  And come to think of it, I'm overdue for a re-test.  If I ever muster up the urge to inflict that much pain, I'll do a test on the drainer.

2010-04-26 10:46 PM
in reply to: #2818605

User image

Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
carlwithac - 2010-04-26 10:41 PM
dcon - 2010-04-26 11:39 PM
carlwithac - 2010-04-27 12:33 PM My best friend and I went and paid for our local gym memberships for the summer today.  Like a true swimmer, I realized in the locker room that I packed everything but my suit.  We did an upper body workout instead.  We then ran around all day doing errands.  I just got off my new drainer and did(10'Z1, 10' Z2, 10'Z3, 10'Z2, 10'Z3,10'Z1).  IT HURT!  IMO the drainer feels harder than the road.

Have you done a test to get your heart rate zones on the trainer?  I hear they are different than what you do on the road (but I haven't benchmarked either road or trainer yet myself).  

I have only done an LT test on the road.  And come to think of it, I'm overdue for a re-test.  If I ever muster up the urge to inflict that much pain, I'll do a test on the drainer.

The "drainer" thats a good one - hadn't heard that before.  Is it b/c it sucks the fun out of the ride?
2010-04-26 11:28 PM
in reply to: #2817554

User image

Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
tri808 - 2010-04-26 2:14 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-26 9:49 AM Well this week has started out well for me so far. My class was cancelled today. (YES!!!) So i was flipping through our mentor group and I re read the topic of racing flats. It occured to me that I still had a pair that I kept from high school in the basement. (It was my pair I broke the 2 minute mark on the 800). So I went down and got them out and tried them on, and they still felt perfect. So I went out on an easy 4 miler with them and it was awesome. I have decided to run in them this weekend at my half marathon and maybe they will bring some extra speed from my high school days. (maybe pull some 430 mile splits?) Haha, probably wont ever happen again but I can still hope. Hope everybodys week has started out like mine.

you used to run 4:30 miles?  THAT'S SICK

When I was in school I took track very serious until I got in trouble my senior year. When I said the 430 as a split was a joke. 4:30 was my fastest mile during a race. I also weighed 145 back then, I would have to drop 50 pounds to even think about getting my legs to move like that again.
2010-04-27 1:15 AM
in reply to: #2818610

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
robingray_260 - 2010-04-27 6:46 AM  

The "drainer" thats a good one - hadn't heard that before.  Is it b/c it sucks the fun out of the ride?

I also learned "dreadmill" from this site. Both are very good


After some down-time from illness last week, I've been back at it starting Friday. My cycling fitness is getting good again, but nearly as good as last year. I simply cannot bike that much with tri-training this year.


Let me share with you this Sunday's group ride event. We did a 85-90 km group ride with 5 people. We passed a police car with a radar going out and on the return (1 or 1,5 half hour later) the cops stopped us. They told us we were doing "speed", and got caught with 48 km/h speed (the radar-ed section is smooth hence the speed). Then they chatted with us, saying what a great sport cycling is, why we are going in a line and change, etc and sent us on our way  This is the second time I have this kind of chat with police officers, and it was good to see that they are aware of us and cycling as a sport.

2010-04-27 1:25 AM
in reply to: #2818639

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z summer mentor group is FULL!!!!
Thomasski - 2010-04-26 7:28 PM
tri808 - 2010-04-26 2:14 PM
Thomasski - 2010-04-26 9:49 AM Well this week has started out well for me so far. My class was cancelled today. (YES!!!) So i was flipping through our mentor group and I re read the topic of racing flats. It occured to me that I still had a pair that I kept from high school in the basement. (It was my pair I broke the 2 minute mark on the 800). So I went down and got them out and tried them on, and they still felt perfect. So I went out on an easy 4 miler with them and it was awesome. I have decided to run in them this weekend at my half marathon and maybe they will bring some extra speed from my high school days. (maybe pull some 430 mile splits?) Haha, probably wont ever happen again but I can still hope. Hope everybodys week has started out like mine.

you used to run 4:30 miles?  THAT'S SICK

When I was in school I took track very serious until I got in trouble my senior year. When I said the 430 as a split was a joke. 4:30 was my fastest mile during a race. I also weighed 145 back then, I would have to drop 50 pounds to even think about getting my legs to move like that again.

To clock a 4:30 mile...even once...back in HS...50 pounds ago...IS STILL SICK!!! 
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