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2010-06-22 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Great news Pete!  Those kinds of days are the days you have to remember when you have the tough days.  The good days are the days that keep you going.  Good to see your training is right on track and stick to what it tells you to do.  I've done more before then end up paying for it the next few days. 

Got to the doc yesterday and got some meds to help me sleep.  Took one last night and slept like a baby.  Got a good 8.5hrs in and I feel back to normal today.  Going to try without tonight cuz I don't want to get hooked on them.  I'll just take them when I really need to.  One more hour of work then I am off until next Wed!!!  Wahoo!!

2010-06-22 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2937237

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-06-22 3:04 PM Great news Pete!  Those kinds of days are the days you have to remember when you have the tough days.  The good days are the days that keep you going.  Good to see your training is right on track and stick to what it tells you to do.  I've done more before then end up paying for it the next few days. 

Got to the doc yesterday and got some meds to help me sleep.  Took one last night and slept like a baby.  Got a good 8.5hrs in and I feel back to normal today.  Going to try without tonight cuz I don't want to get hooked on them.  I'll just take them when I really need to.  One more hour of work then I am off until next Wed!!!  Wahoo!!
  Nice!!!  Where are you going for vacation??
2010-06-22 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
A little town called Avon in the Colorado Rockies, near Beaver Creek/Vail area.  Never been there before.  Highs around 70 and lows in the 40s.  Gonna do some light hiking and a lot of relaxing.  It's been a while since I've looked forward to a vacation this much. 
2010-06-22 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2937595

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-06-22 6:28 PM A little town called Avon in the Colorado Rockies, near Beaver Creek/Vail area.  Never been there before.  Highs around 70 and lows in the 40s.  Gonna do some light hiking and a lot of relaxing.  It's been a while since I've looked forward to a vacation this much. 
  Enjoy!!!  We head to the beach Saturday until the 5th of July!  I am also in the process of booking a long weekend to New Orleans for November for an early anniversary trip!  I am so excited but crazy because it is 2 1/2 weeks from the marathon!
2010-06-22 9:16 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I'm so jealous of you guys who get to go travel!  Colorado sounds WONDERFUL right now!  But we're just going to Michigan to see Ryan's family over the 4th, which is still a good time.  I love relaxing by the lakehouse!

FINALLY got to play some soccer tonight!  I miss it, and I LOVED IT!  Who needs straight up running when I can run with a purpose?  Tongue out
2010-06-23 6:50 AM
in reply to: #2937842

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Tim-glad to hear you got some sleep!  It does make a difference.  Vacation sounds wonderful....Colorado is such a beautiful place.  We are not doing a vacation this year, but next weekend is my big 30th birthday weekend and we have a great weekend planned in town!  We have friends coming in town and a winery day trip planned.  I am super excited about it! 

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being so wonderfully inspiring and supportive and that I am so glad that I joined this group!  It has really helped me and is helping me everyday!!!

Off to a conference this is here in town and they are going to teach us about Character Education!  Should be a good two day conference.  Full of even more motivation. 

Edited by debbiereid06 2010-06-23 6:51 AM

2010-06-23 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Have a great vacation Tim, it is well earned!  I'm not doing a real vacation this year, but will probably turn a lot of my weekends into long weekends.  Including the last weekend in August when my husband and I are heading up to Penticton to volunteer for IM Canada with our daughter.  We will be catching and our daughter will be holding the finishline banners, I'm very excited about that.

Now let's hope we actually get some summer seems to be eluding us here in Vancouver.
2010-06-23 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am now out of here until Mon evening.  Good luck to those that have races and keep up all the great work you all are putting in.  I expect to see lots of peaches on the calendars when I get back.

I am taking running shoes and swim gear so I will do some while I am there.  But nothing scheduled as far as distance or time, just gonna go out and do it and not worry about anything other than enjoying the moment. 

Have a great weekend!
2010-06-28 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Where is everyone?  What is going on?  Not much going on with us, we are at the beach until next Monday! 
2010-06-28 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2948416

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Yea, it's been pretty quiet around here.  I had a fairly lazy weekend.  Wend for a LONG run (17.75km) on Saturday morning, but other than that, it was a lot of cleaning up and watching movies, which was pretty good.  Not great nutrition wise...  for the first time since moving to Montreal over a year ago, I broke and had a poutine.  It was delicious, but not worth it.  I am glad I did it, as now I know that I'm not missing much.  Back on track today.  Going to be avoiding processed foods for a while.  My long drives this weekend and next will make that tough, but I'll figure something out!

I hope everyone had a good weekend!
2010-06-28 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2948416

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I had a busy weekend, and I'm a bit wiped today. Saturday was out for an early morning run, then a day running around and shopping, and an early evening.

Sunday I was up at 4:30AM to get my husband and a few friends out to a race(half mary) that was starting at 7AM.    I went along to cheer them on and stop them from having to use the shuttle bus to get back to their car at the end of the race because it wasn't a loop.  Had a great time, cheering everyone on, hubby did great with a 1:39 time and my MT did a 1:21, crazy fast in my opinion, but he was disappointed in his time...go figure.

It was a long and exhausting day, hadn't been sleeping well all week and didn't get much chance to make up for any of that this weekend, have a short week this week, with Canada Day on Thursday and I'm taking Friday off work too, for a nice long weekend, hopefully I'll be able to catch up on some rest this week.

2010-06-29 6:55 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Had a busy weekend.  Got my workout in on Saturday and then my sister had a housewarming/birthday party.  Recouped on Sunday and did absolutely nothing.  Busy week this week.  Getting ready for my big birthday party.  We are having 40 people over on Saturday for a BBQ after a winery trip.  I am excited but hate getting everything ready and hubby is working late every day this week.

Got a great run in this morning.  It was low 70's and NO humidity!!!  Awesome!  Hope everyone else is doing good!
2010-06-30 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So I had my first day of training for Ironman 70.3 and if it was any sign of whats to come I am in trouble for the next 12 weeks.  I was exhausted when I got home last night and slept from 7pm to 7am.  I think I might still be recovering from Sunday's race and traveling.  Hopefully I can get through this training and still have somewhat of a life left -haha
2010-06-30 3:46 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ran on the beach this morning and LOVED it!!  This opens up a few more race options for me around here!
2010-07-01 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well, I am officially back.  Got in late Monday and crashed, then spend Tue getting everything unpacked and ready to head back to work.  Came down with some allergies on Wed so didn't go into work but am back today. 

We had a great trip.  Weather was perfect (40-80 degrees).  Just relaxed most of the time.  Hung out at the pool/hot tub, did a lot of reading, drove around the mountains taking lots of great pictures, got in a lot of walking, did a 7mi, 3.5hr hike up a mountain (3000+ft of elevation gain), and even did an early morning run.  It still went by way too fast.  The food was good and I managed not to gain a pound. 

And then we get back and we are having unseasonably cooler weather due to all the rain from the hurricane.  It is very nice right now.  Anytime we don't reach the 90s (or 100s) this time of year is a miracle!

So is everyone doing and how is all the training going?

Sandra - your husband is really fast!  hope your week is going better and is not so busy for you.
Pete - good work with the training.  looks like you are really enjoying it, and that always helps!
Debbie - happy early birthday!!  hope you have a great time and now you've got me craving bbq!
Tim - way to go on your race, considering the tough weather conditions.  that was one awesome swim and bike!  I've been very lucky to never had to race a tri in the rain. 
Meggan - wahoo, a beach run!  how was your 5k?
2010-07-01 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Don't know if I will be on again before the weekend so I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!  I am looking forward to the festivities beginning tomorrow with our out of town friends coming in and then the winery/BBQ on Saturday.  I am just so excited to be so lucky to celebrate my birthday with my family and friends.

I am planning on running tomorrow and saturday morning.  Don't want to get behind in training and it will make me feel better knowing I excercised since I am sure I will be eating and drinking plenty.

What is everyone's plans for the holiday?

2010-07-01 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Not really doing much here after the vacation.  Might meet some friends for lunch/dinner Sun but that is about it.  You've seriously got me craving bbq.  Talked the wife into going and getting some tomorrow!  So how old (young) will you be? 

Just found out that my new tri bike has a faulty front fork (they had 7 incidences of them cracking) and is being recalled.  I won't have to pay anything to get it replaced but was told not to ride it at all until it is.  Glad nothing happened while riding it in my race.  Gonna swing by my LBS on the way home from work today to fill out a form to get it done.  If you know anyone that owns a 2009 Felt S32, B16, or B12, then let them know about the recall.  Here is the link.
2010-07-02 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2956063

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I have a show tonight and then starting tomorrow I am on vacation for 1 week.  We are going up to my place in Wisconsin so I plan to do a whole lot of nothing execpt boating, bike riding, running, working on my OWS and the occasional sipping of a cold alcoholic beverage (afer my workouts of course Laughing).

Happy Birthday Debbie if I don't get back on here before the weekend.  Enjoy your party - sounds like fun.

Tim - glad you had a nice trip.  You have to do that everyonce in a while to not burn out.. Sounds like it was really nice.  Too bad about the faulty fork.  At least nothing happened.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend.

debbiereid06 - 2010-07-01 12:06 PM

Don't know if I will be on again before the weekend so I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!  I am looking forward to the festivities beginning tomorrow with our out of town friends coming in and then the winery/BBQ on Saturday.  I am just so excited to be so lucky to celebrate my birthday with my family and friends.

I am planning on running tomorrow and saturday morning.  Don't want to get behind in training and it will make me feel better knowing I excercised since I am sure I will be eating and drinking plenty.

What is everyone's plans for the holiday?

2010-07-04 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Wanted to wish all you Americans a Very Happy and Safe Fourth of July!  Hope everyone has a great day!
2010-07-05 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2960697

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hope everyone had/is having a great long weekend!  I had Friday off for Canada Day, and went to my cottage for the weekend.  I had a pretty bad experience with my first OWS, though, to be honest.  Here is the story (it can also be read in my inspire to Tim):

Saturday, I was going to do a practice race, doing a s/b/r workout, with transitions and everything.  I was also planning on getting together with some friends around 10 in the morning.  My mom agreed to help me on my swim, and she met me at the local marina at 7 or so on a SeaDoo to lifeguard my swim.  I waded slowly into the water, which was much colder than I was expecting.  I didn't really have a planned distance.  I knew where I wanted to go, and we always called it the 1/2 mile swim for our regatta, but we didn't know how far it actually was.  So I started swimming, and was going to do an out and back, which would have made it a "full mile" swim.  First mistake.  I was going fine, having minor problems with sighting, and my lungs were getting a little phlegm-y during the swim, but nothing that I couldn't go through.  I went out and back, and felt pretty good.  When I got back to the marina, I got myself out of the water, and all of a sudden got VERY light headed, and I actually blacked out on the pier.  According to my mom, I was out for about 4 or 5 seconds before coming to and responding to her.  We got some OJ, and that was the end of my practice race.  

We mapped it out afterwards, and it turns out the 1-way swim is about 0.3mi, so the round trip is about 0.6, or 1000m, and I did it in 18 minutes, which is about my race pace for 750, so I clearly have to work on my OWS pacing...  

It was very discouraging, but definitely an eye opener!  I have had some bad experiences in the water before, and it always took me a while to get my confidence back (so this wasn't what I needed to have a week before my first race...)  I managed, though, to force myself back into the water on Sunday to do a much more leisurely, shorter, slower swim, with no goal in mind.  I just swam out, took a break, and swam back.  I don't know how far it was, how long it took etc, but it was great for my confidence.  I have one more OWS planned before my race next weekend.

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and have an amazing week!  Be careful this week, and NEVER, NEVER, NEVER swim alone!
2010-07-05 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend...Canadians and Americans alike.  I am actually back at work today, but am the only one here.  It seems funny to me to get a Monday/Friday off when the holiday is on the weekend.  But, I like it this way.  It is very quiet, I can wear casual clothes, and tend to get a lot of good work in. 

My workouts have been back on track.  I don't really have any set workout plans right now, which is a nice change. 

Pete, look on the bright side, at least you got out and practiced it ahead of time as opposed to doing that in a race!   And I know exactly how you feel.  I've never completely blacked out, but I've gotten so light-headed/dizzy that I've had to stop swimming and sit down on the ground.  Took me a good 30min before I could even drive home. 

Some of it could be from having to sight differently than you do in a pool.  Having to lift your head up to see and then quickly to the side to breathe can cause dizziness.  Also the fact that your eyes have to constantly adjust from focusing up close while underwater to focusing far away while sighting/breathing.  One thing that really affects me (and just discovered it) is to not have my swim cap down over my ears.  I don't know if it applies to you or not, and it doesn't seem to bother very many people, but having the cap trap water in my ear causes the dizziness to act up more. 

One trick I used in my latest tri was to sight when you are not breathing.  Most people lift there head up to see, then turn it sideways in the same motion to breathe.  My trick is to sight in between your breathing.  I would go several strokes without sighting breathing normally (bilateral breathing also helps reduce the dizzy), then during a middle stroke where you normally have your head straight down in the water...lift you head up just enough to get your eyes out of the water.  Nose and mouth were still underwater, and then lower your head and continue the stroke.  It really helped me and was probably the first time I had ever done an OWS without feeling a little light-headed.

Here is a video showing both techniques for breathing.  The breathing section starts around 3:20 in the video.

I hope it gets better for ya.  Keep us posted!

2010-07-05 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

Hi again all!!!  I didn't disappear, but life has been hectic.  Ryan started his new job on the 21st, I had a paper due on the 25th (to see if I can make it on the Law Review for the fall), and then we just moved last week, and then traveled to see family over the weekend.  If you saw our new apartment right now, you'd gag, it's that messy and we haven't had time yet to unpack.  Not to mention there's still some stuff in Milwaukee that we couldn't fit in the moving van.  Ugh.  So our workouts have been SUPER sporadic, and I haven't logged the couple I did yet.  Hopefully tomorrow will start back up some normal routines.  We've both been miserable without good workouts.

It seems like I've missed a lot in everybody's lives, so I hope everyone is doing great!

2010-07-06 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I am back from vacation!!  I checked in but did not post much because my little devil child has attacked the keyboard on our laptop!  Several keys are missing including the "m" "." and enter key.  It makes for an interesting way to type out messages!  We are waiting for a replacement keyboard from Dell.

Vacation was great, we survived 9 days at the shore without coming home early like we normally do, and I did not kill my children or husband.  I took it easy with the workouts last week but I think we figured we walked at least 30 miles down there!

2010-07-06 3:23 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
So anyone watching the TDF?  I am a junkie and record and watch them every day.  Wife knows not to mess with me and my TDF during the 3 weeks!   Pretty darn motivating for me.  If you do watch, don't tell me what happened today in Stage 3!  Stage 2 was crazy though.  People crashing all over the place, and they expect more of it in 3 when they have to ride 8+ miles on very rough cobblestones. 

I don't like it when people crash, but you have to admit it did shake things up and create a very interesting/fun watching experience. 

Staying on the TV topic...what shows do you watch? 
2010-07-06 3:47 PM
in reply to: #2964123

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I have never watched the TdF, but I think that this tri thing might get me interested, that's for sure!  I don't know, though, because I can't see myself PVR-ing it, and I can't watch at work, so we'll see...

As for shows I'm into, I love How I Met Your Mother and the Big Bang Theory (yea, I'm a nerd, so I can appreciate it even more  :P ), and I also am a closet fan of reality TV, but only reality TV about impressive feats.  I personally don't find much impressive, because the way that I see it, if I focused all my time to do one thing, I think I can get pretty good at most things.  But I must say, the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance, and pretty much anyone on America's Got Talent definitely have my respect! 
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