BT Development Mentor Program Archives » KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up Rss Feed  
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2012-02-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4072341

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike_D - 2012-02-29 9:35 AM

owl_girl - 2012-02-28 11:36 PM I've got one HOT looking bike with the borrowed race wheels!!!!  I'll post a picture tomorrow.  She's lovely. Laughing

Cool! Post it asap! Always good to see new bike photos!

Speaking of race wheels, a guy here at work is going to *give* me a set of Zipp 404 wheels he doesn't use. They are his 2nd set, and he said they're just sitting at home.

Swim today was spectactular. Felt so smooth, fluid, and as if my endurance was really taking off. I think I need to ramp up the intensity of my swim workouts starting next week. Masters swim is the BEST!!!

You are fortunate to have such nice friends. Zipp 404s just sitting around....glad they will find a new home with you

2012-02-29 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Here she is!!! Cool  HOTNESS!!!!!


2012-02-29 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Very hot!!!!
2012-02-29 11:09 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
SMOKIN' hot bike pic!! Awesome!!! Love the reflector flashes on the wheels.
2012-02-29 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

very, very nice, looks positively evil, but in a good way


first day of Autumn here but not much "mists and mellow fruitfulness" - blazing sunshine but with a cold wind from the Southern Ocean.

2012-02-29 11:40 PM
in reply to: #4067806

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Mike_D - 2012-02-27 4:08 AM Trainer rides in the dark?Off to masters swim...

Mike, my trainer is in my workshop w/ no windows. Only light is from my stereo display. It's a very Zen sort of experience.

2012-02-29 11:44 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Back in the saddle after 3 days at an indoor water park with the family. All had a great time. My 1 yr old daughter (turned 1 last week!!!!!) loved the water swings and slides. My 3 yr old daughter who is really not much of an adventurer discovered some of the bigger slides and nearly wore a groove in them. What a joy to see both of them have soooo much fun!

And now, back on night shift starting Thursday.

Have a great week everyone!

2012-02-29 11:46 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
THAT is one MEAN looking ride Tracy! Make it scream.
2012-03-01 12:48 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Thank you, mentor friends!  I'm going to try to get the women's course record this time.  The stars and planets need to align perfectly and the weather needs to cooperate.  I need to shave 45 seconds off my fastest course time to make it happen.

Please send fast vibes.  It's early in the season so you miss them. Wink

In other February SUCKED!!!!  I hope I pull my head out of my butt for the next month.

2012-03-01 6:29 AM
in reply to: #4074309

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
owl_girl - 2012-03-01 1:48 AM

Thank you, mentor friends!  I'm going to try to get the women's course record this time.  The stars and planets need to align perfectly and the weather needs to cooperate.  I need to shave 45 seconds off my fastest course time to make it happen.

Please send fast vibes.  It's early in the season so you miss them. Wink

In other February SUCKED!!!!  I hope I pull my head out of my butt for the next month.

Fast vibes headed your way!! Ride it like you stole it!!

Make March your best ever!

2012-03-01 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4074309

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
owl_girl - 2012-02-29 1:48 AM

Thank you, mentor friends!  I'm going to try to get the women's course record this time.  The stars and planets need to align perfectly and the weather needs to cooperate.  I need to shave 45 seconds off my fastest course time to make it happen.

Please send fast vibes.  It's early in the season so you miss them. Wink

In other February SUCKED!!!!  I hope I pull my head out of my butt for the next month.

You can get the record - just believe that you can! With that spectacular bike - you are on your way there.

Yeah - for many years February was my least favorite month - it always seemed like truly crummy things happened to me during Feb. The good news is - it's the shortest month so it's all behind you now!

I actually got to the pool on Tuesday and had a great swim. I had planned on swimming today (Thursday), but now we are being blanketed in snow, the Y is closing for the day so my streak of swimming (1 day) is over. I'm thinking about taking the day off from work tomorrow (Mental Health Day!) and may try to fit the swim in if I can - but Friday is usually my bike and run day. This weekend is the State swim meet for my daughters so I'm going to have to really be motivated to fit the long run in on Saturday before heading to UMaine and the long bike in when we return on Sunday. Thank goodness I've got a little time before the Patriot HIM to get my crap together.

2012-03-01 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Forgot to mention earlier - I am getting sick. Woke up today with my usual tell tale signs --- inkling of a sore throat, coughing up some nasty stuff, runny nose, general 'blah' feeling. With that in mind, I still have some solid training I want to get done over the next few days. So, what do I do? Just fight through it? Take a couple days to be sure I'm OK? Take each workout as it comes?  Thoughts appreciated!!
2012-03-01 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

How was your February? What are your positives for the month? What did you learn from February that you can use to improve?

Goals for March?  Races planned for March?

2012-03-01 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Whee speed demon bike, slay em!We had 16" of <8% wv powder yesterday, so I'm headed up to Mt Hood again today for some deep powder skiing! I love winter cross training. Have fun out there and I'll be back later with March goals...
2012-03-01 1:15 PM
in reply to: #4074531

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Mike_D - 2012-03-01 7:44 AM Forgot to mention earlier - I am getting sick. Woke up today with my usual tell tale signs --- inkling of a sore throat, coughing up some nasty stuff, runny nose, general 'blah' feeling. With that in mind, I still have some solid training I want to get done over the next few days. So, what do I do? Just fight through it? Take a couple days to be sure I'm OK? Take each workout as it comes?  Thoughts appreciated!!

Take it one at a time. I believe I have avoided most of the crud going around the house b/c I sweat it out. Lots of fluids to run whatever it is through you fast.

2012-03-01 2:16 PM
in reply to: #4075532

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
T1 rider - 2012-03-01 2:15 PM

Mike_D - 2012-03-01 7:44 AM Forgot to mention earlier - I am getting sick. Woke up today with my usual tell tale signs --- inkling of a sore throat, coughing up some nasty stuff, runny nose, general 'blah' feeling. With that in mind, I still have some solid training I want to get done over the next few days. So, what do I do? Just fight through it? Take a couple days to be sure I'm OK? Take each workout as it comes?  Thoughts appreciated!!

Take it one at a time. I believe I have avoided most of the crud going around the house b/c I sweat it out. Lots of fluids to run whatever it is through you fast.

Based on how I feel at the moment, my bike will be lonely this evening. I feel like garbage. The worst part is feeling so so tired. Felt fine last night. Today? Just awful....

2012-03-02 6:15 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Ugh....went home and went to bed. I'm back at work today, but probably could have stayed home, too. No workouts yesterday, and there won't be any today. Not hungry, feel unenergized, and have a really bad runny nose & eyes.  Plan on resting until I feel better. chances are I'll take tomorrow off too, and get back at it Sunday. Very disappointing, but getting sick happens.

As for my plan, next week was supposed to be a 'recovery' week, but I'm thinking I may just repeat what I should have been doing this week, then jump back on the plan where I should be for week following week.

2012-03-02 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Couple of our group are racing this weekend....

Steffi (joblin)is racing Abu Dhabi

Tracy  (owl girl) is doing a TT with goal of setting women's record

Good luck to both of you!

2012-03-02 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike, wise to back off and let your body recover before training. First day back go easy and modify length of workout just to make sure you are fully recovered.
2012-03-02 7:44 AM
in reply to: #4076621

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-03-02 8:37 AM

Couple of our group are racing this weekend....

Steffi (joblin)is racing Abu Dhabi

Tracy  (owl girl) is doing a TT with goal of setting women's record

Good luck to both of you!

+1,000!!! Go, ladies, go!!!!

Taking it real easy this weekend. Sunday if it happens will be a shortened run. I'm seriously thinking about punting on the half mary since its 2 weeks away, and I was really hoping to get in some good runs today & Sunday, and they are unlikely to happen. Lets see what happens in the next 10 days. If anything, I bought a t-shirt

2012-03-02 8:46 AM
in reply to: #4076638

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike_D - 2012-03-02 8:44 AM

KathyG - 2012-03-02 8:37 AM

Couple of our group are racing this weekend....

Steffi (joblin)is racing Abu Dhabi

Tracy  (owl girl) is doing a TT with goal of setting women's record

Good luck to both of you!

+1,000!!! Go, ladies, go!!!!

Taking it real easy this weekend. Sunday if it happens will be a shortened run. I'm seriously thinking about punting on the half mary since its 2 weeks away, and I was really hoping to get in some good runs today & Sunday, and they are unlikely to happen. Lets see what happens in the next 10 days. If anything, I bought a t-shirt

Tracy - good luck and have fun! Steffi - whoohoo, can't wait to see some pics, destination races are so cool.

Mike_D - heal up and rest up, and be sure to do a little research about boosting your immune system when endurance training. Getting sick is my biggest enemy in training, way more than injury, and it's part of learning the balance.

I've been spread REALLLLLLYYYYYY thin in my face life, so sorry I've been so scarce here, something had to give. I hope in the next couple of weeks that things will settle a bit, and I MAY even be looking at a teaching position for next year! WHOOOOOP!!!

As for me, walking program going great, running program not happening past ten days or so. Today is a brand new day!

2012-03-02 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4076621

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-03-02 5:37 AM

Couple of our group are racing this weekend....

Steffi (joblin)is racing Abu Dhabi

Tracy  (owl girl) is doing a TT with goal of setting women's record

Good luck to both of you!

Thanks everyone!  Just to let you know, the women's record is 29:58.  My best time on the course is 30:38.  (The men's record is 24:48.)  It's 11.6 miles.  Unfortunately, a slight headwind on the fast part of the course is anticipated.  Blargh.  I'm gonna freeze my heiney off, too!  Thankfully, no rain in the forecast!  Yay for no rain.  Cheers!

2012-03-03 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Steffi did great at Abu Dahbi.....5th women over all and 3rd in her AG. 3rd fastest bike split of all the women.

Sounds like a fun race

2012-03-03 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
way to go! Great pic, and tough AG! Hope you had a great time!
2012-03-03 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4078027

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
owl_girl - 2012-03-02 8:06 PM
KathyG - 2012-03-02 5:37 AM

Couple of our group are racing this weekend....

Steffi (joblin)is racing Abu Dhabi

Tracy  (owl girl) is doing a TT with goal of setting women's record

Good luck to both of you!

Thanks everyone!  Just to let you know, the women's record is 29:58.  My best time on the course is 30:38.  (The men's record is 24:48.)  It's 11.6 miles.  Unfortunately, a slight headwind on the fast part of the course is anticipated.  Blargh.  I'm gonna freeze my heiney off, too!  Thankfully, no rain in the forecast!  Yay for no rain.  Cheers!

How did it go? Was weather good? Did you freeze?

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