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2013-06-06 7:35 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Ironman Raleigh 70.3
Originally posted by smithat05

Just read your race report Clempson, as others have said great bike. Really sucks your legs locked up. I have no idea what to tell you. I would tend to think you rode too hard but sounds like you usually ride that hard. I think you did pretty well for your first HIM. Now you could refocus on OLY and try to podium.

I am doing my first OWS tomorrow morn in Lake Erie as long as the storms hold out.
Then my Tri on Sunday. My parents are coming to watch, I am hoping to get them motivated to lose some weight. they are typical baby boomers, overweight.

Ran a quick 5k this morn for Nat Run Day, 22:something.


i would love to be able to swim somewhere like Erie! thats going to be a great OWS experience.

good luck on your race and give us the details

2013-06-07 8:59 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Been trying to get back into it lately. House stuff has settled down. My hip is still kind of bothering me when I try running so I'm giving it a break for a week or two. My tri is on June 23rd, so I'm going to take it easy on the run until then. It's been tough to get swims in since we moved further away from the Y but I'm thinking I'll get there tomorrow morning. I've been getting in a decent amount of bike rides and they feel great, so that's pretty much going to be my focus for right now. Whole year totally changed around with the house but I think I can still hit some pretty significant goals for the 3 or 4 Tris I'll be able to sneak in. It's still only my first FULL year, so realistically I'm still looking for experience.
2013-06-08 12:45 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Got a swim in this morning. Awesome swim (for me). I did 100, 200, 300 all around 1:30, then during my 400 I felt good. So I just kept going. 500, eh keep going. Forrest Gump. Just kept going. 18 laps, eh, that other guy in the next lane is still swimming, I'll go until he stops. He stopped, I felt good so kept going. 32 minutes and I think 1900-2000 yards, I may have mis-counted somewhere in the 20's. Definitely the longest swim I've ever done. It's always been about just getting over that mental barrier that I can keep swimming, so I did. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend.
2013-06-09 3:04 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
My OWS on Thursday was cancelled due to storms. but went up Sat morn to Lake Erie with the wife and kiddo and swam a little bit just to get the feel of my Wetsuit. Temp in Erie is about 59 Degrees F.

Jon might I suggest doing some OWS's if you can. the pool def builds up your strength but nothing gets you prepared like the open water.

Home from my Tri today. 2:41:56
Don't know my swim time somewhere between 31 and 34 mins for 1500 meters

Bike 26 miles 1:17:00

Run 6.5 miles was a Crushing 46:49

Fastest 10k ever and since only my second Tri a New PR!!

Will do my Race Report tonight or tomorrow. I might wait till I get T1 and T2 times and accurate swim.

What a mess the swim was I cannot believe I swam that fast. I wasnt even in the water nor did I have my cap or goggles on when the siren went off.

2013-06-09 3:06 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Heck yeah, can't wait to read the report!

But an early congratulations never hurt

2013-06-10 9:06 PM
in reply to: 0

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Just posted my race report

Feel fine today. Wanted to spin the legs out on the trainer. My wife came in and saw me hooking my bike up and said " ohh I was just going to ask you to hook mine up" so I hooked hers up and then she didn't go ride it . Then she goes and runs instead and I didn't do anything but put the kiddo to bed and read forums on here.

Edited by smithat05 2013-06-10 9:06 PM

2013-06-11 8:34 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Great job out there :P Us single guys definitely have the advantage on what we have to remember to take with us!
2013-06-11 9:20 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
just read your race report. i would have been freaking out with 15 minutes to set up transition and the 5 minute warning. sounds like it all came together though!
2013-06-12 8:33 AM
in reply to: Clempson

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Time Trial (8 miler) tonight and a short race on Saturday. I love getting to race 2x a week!
2013-06-12 9:32 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Any prediction for the TT tonight? They have an indoor TT near me every year that I keep meaning to try out just for fun.

Got a few decent bike rides in the last couple days. Too late at night to be outside, but I've made it through rewatching the second season of Walking Dead while on the trainer. My hip feels 100% but I told myself I'd rest it this entire week so it's just bike and swim. I'm psyched for my tri next weekend. Just ordered a new tri top the other day because I've been hearing that the lake is warm enough that a wetsuit isn't going to be needed. Picked up a new bike jersey and some other stuff too. Signed up for my next race on July 13th too. After that I'm going to see if I want to do an oly in September or just stick to sprints this year. A lot of it depends on the hip and how the run goes, and what I have for time for training this summer. I'm positive I could step up to the oly distance, but the race I have is a week before this awesome sprint around here that everyone does. Choices.
2013-06-12 10:52 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by jonD81

Any prediction for the TT tonight?


2013-06-12 10:58 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by Leegoocrap

Originally posted by jonD81

Any prediction for the TT tonight?


Go get em, Clubber.
2013-06-12 8:40 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Good Luck Chris, although by the time im typing this you are already done.

So I hope you raced well

2013-06-12 8:48 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
thanks guys!

I edged out the fastest time tonight by 4 seconds. (19:22) It was pretty brutal for an 8 miler... 91 degrees! I was kind of hoping to break 19 minutes but it just wasn't in the cards today.

As predicted, there was pain
2013-06-13 7:08 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Do you have any data for the ride, like power/speed/cadence/anything because that's a pretty insane time. Congrats, those are some speedy miles you threw down. Is this on a track or on predictible course outside? Do you pretty much hold that pace (roughly 25 mph avg) for the whole thing or are there certain times where you are pushing a lot harder than that? I assume any corners would kill your speed, but I didn't know if it was common in these things to really go after at certain times and see what your splits are to see if you're in the running for the top and then you really have to push it.
2013-06-13 7:44 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by jonD81

Do you have any data for the ride, like power/speed/cadence/anything because that's a pretty insane time. Congrats, those are some speedy miles you threw down. Is this on a track or on predictible course outside? Do you pretty much hold that pace (roughly 25 mph avg) for the whole thing or are there certain times where you are pushing a lot harder than that? I assume any corners would kill your speed, but I didn't know if it was common in these things to really go after at certain times and see what your splits are to see if you're in the running for the top and then you really have to push it.

My Powertap recorded my warmup AND the TT together (user error :/ ) so this weeks is hard to read, but from last week's power file

(differences from this week - no rain this week and 20 degrees hotter - 91 degree vs. 72 - I was also more familiar with the course and better warmed up this week though)

duration:19m 28s
distance:8.00 miles
pace:24.66 Mi/hr
time:7:00 PM

avg:243 | max: 541 | y: 261
score:44 | factor: 1 | cad:86

It looks like my avg. power was also 3-7 watts lower this week (probably heat related)

The course is an out and back, fairly serious rollers (522ft gain/lost) so you can't JUST hold a steady gear/cadence/power output. In my experience these are a lot harder than flat out and backs, since pacing becomes a LOT more difficult (it's easy to be pushing 400+ watts going uphill the first half and feel great, then it catch you coming back when you blow up.) I was going as slow as 18mph and as fast as 32.

The key to a good TT is not going out too hard (I try to stay 1 gear below what I think is comfortable the first half) and to suffer through the last mile and a half at a faster pace than the rest of the ride.

* also my power on my Tri bike is significantly lower than on my road bike at this point. It usually takes me at least a month of pretty dedicated riding on my tri bike (in position) to get accustomed to the drop. Then my power usually creeps back up as my comfort level increases. Neck and back are sore this morning

2013-06-13 5:04 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Wow, congrats Chris that is freaking fast.
25 mph average is awesome.
2013-06-14 4:43 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Racing tomorrow morning in a sprint. First OWS since my disaster in Panama City... here we go
2013-06-15 7:15 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
I hope you have a better experience Chris.
Wife and I signed up for a last min 5k this am. She is pushing our son

Hope you kill it chris.

2013-06-15 10:19 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Back from my 5k, guess who got a new PR!! and 7th overall.
20:45, was 65 degrees, but sun was beating down really hard. was super hot. Took a cup of water at mile #1 and took a sip and poured rest on head.

I really really really wanted to go sub 20 but I guess it was not meant to be. first mile was 6:13 and I knew I had to hold a 6:23 or so to get sub 20's and I knew I couldn't hold that for the whole race. Started fast with the young high school punks then they dropped back like they always do.

Chris I hope it is overcast where you are.

Question, My HR peak was 190. I have never been that high. Is that dangerous?
2013-06-15 10:45 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
really quick check in.

Another DNF for me today.
My swim went marvelous (a great swim for me any time, but excellent after my wariness)
I got out on the bike and the rider directly in front of me was side swiped by a truck (actually the trailer behind it) so I ended up pulling myself from the race to make sure he was ok and wait for the police/ambulance to arrive.

He got out of it with a couple of cuts and some nice road rash. Sadly I doubt the motorist will even get a citation, despite trying to pass on a double yellow line.

I'm 50% finishing my tri's so far this year...

2013-06-15 10:55 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by Leegoocrap

really quick check in.

Another DNF for me today.
My swim went marvelous (a great swim for me any time, but excellent after my wariness)
I got out on the bike and the rider directly in front of me was side swiped by a truck (actually the trailer behind it) so I ended up pulling myself from the race to make sure he was ok and wait for the police/ambulance to arrive.

He got out of it with a couple of cuts and some nice road rash. Sadly I doubt the motorist will even get a citation, despite trying to pass on a double yellow line.

I'm 50% finishing my tri's so far this year...

wow thats crazy. good job on making sure he was ok; if you have to take DNF thats probably the best excuse
2013-06-15 10:58 AM
in reply to: Clempson

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Did a local tri this morning. Ended up finishing 13/~300 and second in my AG. Not sure what the split times were since the live results were just displaying overall time, 49:49, was a short swim/bike. Not sure if I liked the way the bike course was handled by the organizer since there was a half mile section going out and coming into transition where you weren't allowed to pass anyone, really cost some time since it was a TT swim start and i'm not the fastest swimmer....
2013-06-15 8:04 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by Leegoocrap

really quick check in.

Another DNF for me today.
My swim went marvelous (a great swim for me any time, but excellent after my wariness)
I got out on the bike and the rider directly in front of me was side swiped by a truck (actually the trailer behind it) so I ended up pulling myself from the race to make sure he was ok and wait for the police/ambulance to arrive.

He got out of it with a couple of cuts and some nice road rash. Sadly I doubt the motorist will even get a citation, despite trying to pass on a double yellow line.

I'm 50% finishing my tri's so far this year...

That's some serious class. Honestly, I don't know how many people would stop and do the same thing. I'm sure it meant a ton to the person that got hit too. You should be proud of yourself for that one. Good karma vibes are definitely coming your way.
2013-06-16 9:13 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by smithat05

Back from my 5k, guess who got a new PR!! and 7th overall.
20:45, was 65 degrees, but sun was beating down really hard. was super hot. Took a cup of water at mile #1 and took a sip and poured rest on head.

I really really really wanted to go sub 20 but I guess it was not meant to be. first mile was 6:13 and I knew I had to hold a 6:23 or so to get sub 20's and I knew I couldn't hold that for the whole race. Started fast with the young high school punks then they dropped back like they always do.

Chris I hope it is overcast where you are.

Question, My HR peak was 190. I have never been that high. Is that dangerous?

Great race!
You've got sub 20 in reach! It was a big hurdle (mentally) for me to break 20 minutes, but once I got it my times started falling again pretty quick. I think "sub20" is just such a milestone for a lot of us non-runners that it becomes a wall.

I have never done a ton of HR training but that doesn't sound just "crazy" high for a short hard race like a 5k as a peak.
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