BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open Rss Feed  
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2014-07-10 9:05 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
btw thx for the zip tie trick. I'm going to try that.


2014-07-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Well done for all the reports of getting key workouts in folks.

I doubled up on the bike yesterday to move up to 7/28 with half hour rides to and from work. Both had segments above 30kph which means there was some quality in there as well.

10k run tonight and then hopefully another double on Friday.
2014-07-10 9:25 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Hitting the training hard in the next 4 weeks, the last push to IM Tremblant. I've built a solid base in the swim and bike so I'm going to focus on the run in the next few weeks. Will be doing mostly easy long runs leading up to the race and some top-end work on the bike to try and push out a few more km/h on race day. I've started racing in my local cycling club's weekly criterium races in order to work on VO2 and threshold. 

Anyone following Le Tour? It consumes most of my time which should be spent on my research paper. It's one of the most exciting tours I've seen in years.

Good luck to you on your final push towards IMMT! What's your goal time. I think if I have a great day, I might be able to break 15 hours depending on the wind and conditions.

I've never gotten into the tour but my cousin goes out of his mind for it. Glad you're enjoying it!

Let's make sure we set up a time to meet before the race for an icy cold beverage.
2014-07-10 9:27 AM
in reply to: badmo77a

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by badmo77a

Well done for all the reports of getting key workouts in folks.

I doubled up on the bike yesterday to move up to 7/28 with half hour rides to and from work. Both had segments above 30kph which means there was some quality in there as well.

10k run tonight and then hopefully another double on Friday.

Sounds like you're really killing it this week! Nice work! You're well on your way to completing the 28 day challenge!
2014-07-10 9:34 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
7/28 with a 3.7 mile run this morning at an easy 9:11 pace. Felt nice and comfortable. About time for new shoes as my right knee is starting to tweak - my best indicator for new shoe needs!
No more chances for a workout today with running kids everywhere and a swim meet tonight for one of them.
2014-07-10 9:36 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 Good luck to you on your final push towards IMMT! What's your goal time. I think if I have a great day, I might be able to break 15 hours depending on the wind and conditions. I've never gotten into the tour but my cousin goes out of his mind for it. Glad you're enjoying it! Let's make sure we set up a time to meet before the race for an icy cold beverage.

My goal time is 10h19m. These are with realistic training numbers but I have a feeling that an 1-1.5 hours slower could be likely. 

My swim time is a consistent 1:40 but I manage closer to 1:31/100m in races. My bike time with sub threshold pace is 33km/h in strong winds and my easy run pace is 5:00-5:30min/km but my half marathon race pace is 4:45min/km.

I'm arriving on Thursday night, so we should get together for a pint Thursday or Friday night. Are you staying right in the village? We booked a cottage about 10-15 from the village. 



Edited by adempsey10 2014-07-10 9:38 AM

2014-07-10 9:37 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Thanks for the boost, Dave, I don't feel fast! A couple of my friends race and are pretty fast - one is one of the strongest cyclists in the northeast. This is my first year on a road bike (probably 10 rides - maybe less - under my belt - all under 30 miles) and I constantly ask them how to go faster. Just keep riding! I was hoping to try a time trial race tomorrow night for the fun of it (I won't be competitive but what the heck, why not), but the youngest has his first swim race and the older one has a birthday party to go to so I'll be running kids around. All good things to those who wait!

I look forward to hearing about your race in....40 days? Heck, my first sprint is in 2 1/2 weeks and I'm a wreck - so motivated by what you're doing and hoping maybe I can do a HIM someday. Baby steps. You're a mentor for a reason.

Cheers. Its sounds like I need to send you some libation.


Thanks for the kind words - but I'm just paying back the debt I owe to people like DH, Thor, Kevin, and Cynthia who helped me and held me accountible. Thanks for the offer for some beer - but you should keep it for yourself. You're earning it and your doing it in spite of the fact that you have kids counting on you!

Why the nerves? It's only natural to be apprehensive about doing something that you've never done before. But the truth is - you've done it dozens of times. Every time you head out for a run, you learn something and grow stronger and faster. Focus on those small victories every time you get nervous and they will help sustain you until you crush the tri and cross the finish line. You're goal for your first tri is really simple - HAVE A BLAST. There will be other races where you can focus on speed and technique.

2014-07-10 9:42 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by Qua17 Good luck to you on your final push towards IMMT! What's your goal time. I think if I have a great day, I might be able to break 15 hours depending on the wind and conditions. I've never gotten into the tour but my cousin goes out of his mind for it. Glad you're enjoying it! Let's make sure we set up a time to meet before the race for an icy cold beverage.

My goal time is 10h19m. These are with realistic training numbers but I have a feeling that an 1-1.5 hours slower could be likely. I'm arriving on Thursday night, so we should get together for a pint Thursday or Friday night. Are you staying right in the village? We booked a cottage about 10-15 from the village. 



Sounds like a plan. Let's shoot for sometime on Friday. Maybe we could meet at the Expo. We are staying in the village - it was over priced but hopefully the peace of mind and the fact that it will be easier on my wife who will be watching our three kids will make it worth it.

A sub 10:30 time is Bad a## fast. I hope you beat it and have a blast!
2014-07-10 9:50 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
I ran around our lake this morning - 13.5 miles. Right now, it's all about testing my plan and things seem to be working. I need to dial in my hr... For example, I was hoping to keep my HR under 125 for the first 5 miles today but that wasn't possible. I was close but my alarm kept going off because my hr kept rising to 128-130. And this was early in my run. I have no clue what my hr will be on race day coming off the bike. I would think it would be higher having just finished the bike. The goal is to keep it really slow so I've got plenty of energy to burn on the 2nd 13 mile loop. What do you all think. I'm wondering if playing around with perceived rate of exertion might help.


My hip hurts again and I need to start doing all the small things (like icing and rolling more - plus I'm not eating great (and I'm drinking crappy beer)). I feel like I'm so close but in reality - anything could happen in the next five weeks. Might need to set up a coors light penalty for myself if I don't keep it on the straight and narrow.

I'm off to visit my cousin and his kids. Should be able to get in a bike ride and a swim. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

2014-07-10 2:35 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
11/28 today after a nice run this morning. Boy did I need a positive experience too. I did a swim/bike brick yesterday that just was nothing short of tedious....honestly, it feels like I'm getting slower on the bike if anything, and I'm NOT happy with the adjustments I've made to it (new saddle that just doesn't seem to ride well with the bike...when I really have to dig in, I find myself shoving my body backward so I think the saddle has really thrown off the way I sit on the bike...I've tried to stick with it for the past several weeks but it's not working. And of course, I can find my original saddle exactly nowhere.). I'm trying to remind myself that this is my first race and I should just focus on finishing and having fun. I failed at that yesterday.

I'm going to try to find a place to OWS this weekend, and am entering a 5K. I think I'll get to the race an hour early and get a bike in, and then go race immediately afterwards.


2014-07-10 3:37 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
sorry for the multiple post, but do races count as workouts toward my 28? I'm skipping my run tomorrow for my back to back races.

2014-07-10 4:17 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by b2b14 sorry for the multiple post, but do races count as workouts toward my 28? I'm skipping my run tomorrow for my back to back races.

Absolutely. If they make the minimums, you are good to go!!

What races are you doing?

2014-07-11 6:35 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
tri Ballantyne in Charlotte NC and Rex wellness in Garner NC. Both are sprints, but I'm slow enough that it will take me the minimums to complete it.
2014-07-11 8:59 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
8/29 this morning with a nice 2000 yd swim including 1000 straight.

bike planned for tomorrow morning (part will be the tri route)
and an ows in the afternoon (2nd attempt in the wetsuit)

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I'll be thinking of you!!

2014-07-11 9:19 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

I'm not sure if it's just David and I training for Ironman but maybe others can relate to this little anecdote:

One of the most troublesome aspects of training has been the psychological effect caused by friends and family. Often I find that they (my wife in particular) express concern about how much activity I do in a day and warn me not to overdo it. Yesterday I did a 30km bike, an 8km run and then a set of high intensity sprint intervals. When I tell people about this I often a get concerned response, "Take it easy, you don't want to overdo it and hurt yourself." At first these little quips genuinely affected me and made me question my training plan. I even stopped doing so much for awhile. But then I realized that come race day I have to swim 4000m, bike 180km and run 42km in one long continuous stretch. If I can't do 30km bike, 8km run and a high intensity workout in the same day, I'm in trouble for Ironman. 

Anyway, the point is that Triathlon, unlike most other sports, requires a lot of multi-sport training. It seems obvious to us, but if you consider other sports, most at the amateur level devote only 1-2 hours per week working on their sport and that may be all they need. Even amateur marathon runners only run 3-4 times a week and often are diligent about having a day between each one. To do a bike ride and a run in the same day is beyond comprehension for athletes of other sports but it's a necessary and normal practice for us.  

Triathletes truly are bada$$.

2014-07-11 11:20 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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St Catharines, Ontario
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

8/29 this morning with a nice 2000 yd swim including 1000 straight.

bike planned for tomorrow morning (part will be the tri route)
and an ows in the afternoon (2nd attempt in the wetsuit)

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I'll be thinking of you!!


When did this become a xx/29 month and not xx/28 ?!?! I thought we got the extra day for free!!

Either way I will be up to 10 with my ride home this evening. Glad to have caught up some missed days.

2014-07-11 1:05 PM
in reply to: badmo77a

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Typo on my part - hadn't had my coffee yet! Still a xx/28 month! Sorry about that. It would be really confusing in February...on a non-leap year.
2014-07-11 1:23 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Typo on my part - hadn't had my coffee yet! Still a xx/28 month! Sorry about that. It would be really confusing in February...on a non-leap year.

Too late! Now we need to shoot for 29 workouts in the month of July!

2014-07-11 3:37 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

I'm not sure if it's just David and I training for Ironman but maybe others can relate to this little anecdote:

One of the most troublesome aspects of training has been the psychological effect caused by friends and family. Often I find that they (my wife in particular) express concern about how much activity I do in a day and warn me not to overdo it. Yesterday I did a 30km bike, an 8km run and then a set of high intensity sprint intervals. When I tell people about this I often a get concerned response, "Take it easy, you don't want to overdo it and hurt yourself." At first these little quips genuinely affected me and made me question my training plan. I even stopped doing so much for awhile. But then I realized that come race day I have to swim 4000m, bike 180km and run 42km in one long continuous stretch. If I can't do 30km bike, 8km run and a high intensity workout in the same day, I'm in trouble for Ironman. 

Anyway, the point is that Triathlon, unlike most other sports, requires a lot of multi-sport training. It seems obvious to us, but if you consider other sports, most at the amateur level devote only 1-2 hours per week working on their sport and that may be all they need. Even amateur marathon runners only run 3-4 times a week and often are diligent about having a day between each one. To do a bike ride and a run in the same day is beyond comprehension for athletes of other sports but it's a necessary and normal practice for us.  

Triathletes truly are bada$$.

This is so true. My wife doesn't understand why I train so much, but what is worse is that the trainers that started at work see no benefit to endurance training. They constantly tell me to stop running and biking so much b/c it won't help me get stronger. They even tried to convince me to give up tri and pick up Olympic weight lifting.
2014-07-11 3:44 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by b2b14  This is so true. My wife doesn't understand why I train so much, but what is worse is that the trainers that started at work see no benefit to endurance training. They constantly tell me to stop running and biking so much b/c it won't help me get stronger. They even tried to convince me to give up tri and pick up Olympic weight lifting.

I suppose that's true if you want to become a rippled muscle dude but for overall health endurance has the greatest benefit in my opinion. It's weird they would try to dissuade you from Tri. Running and biking are up there among the best exercises for heart health, blood pressure and general fitness. 

2014-07-11 8:13 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

I'm not sure if it's just David and I training for Ironman but maybe others can relate to this little anecdote:

One of the most troublesome aspects of training has been the psychological effect caused by friends and family. Often I find that they (my wife in particular) express concern about how much activity I do in a day and warn me not to overdo it. Yesterday I did a 30km bike, an 8km run and then a set of high intensity sprint intervals. When I tell people about this I often a get concerned response, "Take it easy, you don't want to overdo it and hurt yourself." At first these little quips genuinely affected me and made me question my training plan. I even stopped doing so much for awhile. But then I realized that come race day I have to swim 4000m, bike 180km and run 42km in one long continuous stretch. If I can't do 30km bike, 8km run and a high intensity workout in the same day, I'm in trouble for Ironman. 

Anyway, the point is that Triathlon, unlike most other sports, requires a lot of multi-sport training. It seems obvious to us, but if you consider other sports, most at the amateur level devote only 1-2 hours per week working on their sport and that may be all they need. Even amateur marathon runners only run 3-4 times a week and often are diligent about having a day between each one. To do a bike ride and a run in the same day is beyond comprehension for athletes of other sports but it's a necessary and normal practice for us.  

Triathletes truly are bada$$.

I can so relate to this and it drives me nuts but don't think you have to be doing lots of training to hear this kind of talk. I think it happens when you are doing anything that other people either don't understand or feel threatened by. Alan - I think you're right on when you say that what we do is beyond comprehension to most.

I hear this a lot when it comes to weight. I might say something like, yea, I need to drop a few more pounds and the response is "Oh you don't need to lose any more weight or you're already thin enough or that wouldn't be healthy. Not only are they wrong but their comments are disempowering.

Either support me or keep your comments to yourself.

2014-07-11 8:24 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by b2b14

tri Ballantyne in Charlotte NC and Rex wellness in Garner NC. Both are sprints, but I'm slow enough that it will take me the minimums to complete it.

2 tris in one day is a first for the BDAAS! How'd they go?
2014-07-11 8:33 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by sandishr

11/28 today after a nice run this morning. Boy did I need a positive experience too. I did a swim/bike brick yesterday that just was nothing short of tedious....honestly, it feels like I'm getting slower on the bike if anything, and I'm NOT happy with the adjustments I've made to it (new saddle that just doesn't seem to ride well with the bike...when I really have to dig in, I find myself shoving my body backward so I think the saddle has really thrown off the way I sit on the bike...I've tried to stick with it for the past several weeks but it's not working. And of course, I can find my original saddle exactly nowhere.). I'm trying to remind myself that this is my first race and I should just focus on finishing and having fun. I failed at that yesterday.

I'm going to try to find a place to OWS this weekend, and am entering a 5K. I think I'll get to the race an hour early and get a bike in, and then go race immediately afterwards.


Sandi - sorry to hear about your problem with the bike. Biking has a lot of variables - each of which can impact both your training and enjoyment. When you add in the fact that you tend to be in the saddle for so long, it only compounds problems like your saddle. I would suggest going to your local bike shop and getting a fitting. It made all the difference in the world to my training. Plus, I feel more comfortable and safer on the bike. Even if you don't want to shell out the $$ for it - maybe they could at least give you a few suggestions.

Good luck in your race. I hope you crush it and have a blast!
2014-07-11 9:00 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Thanks, David. I'm headed to the bike shop tomorrow. Am going to both address the saddle issue as well as look at wheels/tires. I don't want to spend a ton more on THIS bike, since I already know it's not a great tri bike (and is a pretty expensive hybrid already)....I'd rather wait and just get a really good tri bike down the road. I'm just really surprised that if anything, I'm slower after all this training. My HR is lower, but I'm just not able to get any speed improvement. Keep in mind, I've been working my tail off at really high altitudes, so I expected more once I got to sea level.

Basically...I don't know if it's something *I'm* doing--gearing, maybe--training, or just limitations of the bike. I'm going to need to get to a place where I can just mentally accept it for the upcoming race though. Which is tough--I'm competitive and it burns to know I'll come in close to last because I'm going to be 20 minutes behind the crowd on the bike (which is really a big number) when I'm right up there on the swim/run. Am just trying to put it behind me....
2014-07-11 10:38 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

I ran around our lake this morning - 13.5 miles. Right now, it's all about testing my plan and things seem to be working. I need to dial in my hr... For example, I was hoping to keep my HR under 125 for the first 5 miles today but that wasn't possible. I was close but my alarm kept going off because my hr kept rising to 128-130. And this was early in my run. I have no clue what my hr will be on race day coming off the bike. I would think it would be higher having just finished the bike. The goal is to keep it really slow so I've got plenty of energy to burn on the 2nd 13 mile loop. What do you all think. I'm wondering if playing around with perceived rate of exertion might help.


My hip hurts again and I need to start doing all the small things (like icing and rolling more - plus I'm not eating great (and I'm drinking crappy beer)). I feel like I'm so close but in reality - anything could happen in the next five weeks. Might need to set up a coors light penalty for myself if I don't keep it on the straight and narrow.

I'm off to visit my cousin and his kids. Should be able to get in a bike ride and a swim. I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Your diet plays a huge role...try some quinoa and veggies added to your diet...check your protein. Just a thought.
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