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2010-04-18 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Congrats on a successful first race, Claire! They'll find your times for you. Can't wait to see how you did!

2010-04-19 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2799532

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvq - 2010-04-18 12:35 PM

hlipusch - the odd numbers do seem kind of strange but I have been working with them for a while now so guess I have gotten used to them.

Question for you.  In planning race strategy, I am planning to go off of target HR for the bike and pace and target HR for the run.  Going to have to go off of RPE for the swim.  So the question is, how much should you go up or down for your bike and run in the race from  what you are doing on bricks?  I was going to try to determine the optimal HR from training distances similar to the race distances.  Any ideas here?


A couple of questions...have you been doing any speed work with regards to running? biking? In a sprint distance event you can push yourself a lot more than you can for a longer race. You can go anaerobic for an extended period before bonking. If you've never pushed yourself to that point for a period of time though you could have problems. Are you hr numbers recorded in your training log? If so let me take a look at that and then we can get a good idea of what you could handle in a race.

I ran an indoor half marathon in January and my hr was at about 187 the entire race (2 hours). Typically when I do a long run my hr is at about 135-145. So it really depends on what you can handle.

Overall, race pace is generally around 85-95% of your max hr.
2010-04-19 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2799898

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
cggale - 2010-04-18 5:35 PM

Hey guys,

I did my first triathlon today and overall I really enjoyed it!!!  However.......

My results did not show up because I later found out my timing chip number did not match my bib number.  I was pizzed because I gotta remember so much stuff anyway, the last thing I thought I needed to do was make sure my timing chip matched my bib number.  Who knew??  This has never happend to me before.  Anyway, I e-mailed the event people and hopefully they'll get it figured out so I can actually post something later.

It's frustrating because you work so hard for something and actually finish, but it's not even recognized.  Yell

Overall, I think I did pretty well.  I felt smooth and steady the whole time.  I got through the swim part which took forever to start btw.  My bib number was high, so my start was waaaaaaay in the back.  LOL, my sister did the race and she was finished with the whole thing by the time I was done with the swim!!  She got second overall in the womens....dayumm she's fast. 

The bike was cold but it was sunny, so it wasn't bad at all.  My husband and kids were cheering me on which was super. 

The run was steady, but my legs of course felt like lead weights.  I finished with my sister waiting for me with a big hug and congratulations.  I felt really good after the race.  No pain or soreness which is a plus.

I will for sure continue on this tri journey. 


Sounds like you had a great time! So what's the next step on your journey?
2010-04-19 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Thanks guys!! 

The race people got my timing chip/bib number mess sorted out.  I posted a race report. 

As far as my next triathlon, I'm thinking maybe a sprint in June. 

Hope everyone is having a good day.

2010-04-19 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2801839

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!

I just saw your race report.  Congratulations on completing your first race.  The report looks like you had a great time!  Good information too for those of us that are getting ready to do one shortly.  I am glad the race people got your chip #/bib # straightened out.  I will certainly double check that now!
2010-04-20 2:45 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Claire - Awsome job!! I am so envious of your under 7:30min/mile run!!! Wow!

Went for a bike ride on Sunday!! 21miles! Felt good to get on the bike! We hope to start biking 2-3x/week in a week or so.

Next race - June 5th -TRI for Fun #1 (Sprint) in Sacramento,CA.

- Kristina

2010-04-21 12:56 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey All,

Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.  I got a question about swimming drills.  I saw an example of "catch up drill" on you tube and thought it might be a good drill to do.  Should I start this drill using a pull bouy so I'm concentrating on the upper body only or not?  

I'm trying to improve my swim, so any advice would be great.  I do know I need to spend more time in the water.    

2010-04-21 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Congrats on your first tri, Claire.  Way to go!

Tomorrow I go to see the periodontist and I'll find out if I'm cool to train again.  I've got serious ants-in-the-pants from being so sedentary so I'm hoping he gives me the go ahead. 
2010-04-22 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2801835

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Just saw your post.  Sorry, for some reason I missed it!  Speed work, hmm, that is a good question.  I am always pushing in my three events except for the long days when I do back off a little on pace in the run.  I do have HR documented in my log, except for the swim so feel free to take a look!  the way I have been trying to do speed work is to reduce my pace in the bike and the run and slowly push my HR up over the course of the entire distance.  Haven't been doing any drills within the workout if that is what you mean by speedwork. 

But, earlier in my runs, I was doing intervals, tempos and LSDs.
2010-04-22 8:58 AM
in reply to: #2807646

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey Spleen.  I'll keep my fingers crossed hoping he clears you!!!
2010-04-24 11:45 AM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Sorry I don't have much to contribute right now.  Doc told me I need to abstain from exercise for one more week so I'm sitting on my ever-increasing butt right now.  Looks like I'll have a sprint at the end of May and that Oli in early June, so not that much time to get myself back on track before I have to race.   The good news is the tri season here in FL is exceptionally long, so I will have events in to November and plenty of training time in between.

2010-04-25 5:42 PM
in reply to: #2772211

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hi Everybody!
First tri of the season for me today. Took 3rd place in my age group! The weather was crap and I almost bagged on the race because I was debating if it was worth the was. ) Hope everybody had a great weekend. Let's hear how you're doing?!
2010-04-25 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2815426

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
hlipusch - 2010-04-25 5:42 PM Hi Everybody! First tri of the season for me today. Took 3rd place in my age group! The weather was crap and I almost bagged on the race because I was debating if it was worth the was. ) Hope everybody had a great weekend. Let's hear how you're doing?!

Congratulations on your race!!!!  My weekend went o.k.  It rained a lot, so I had to workout at the gym.  I am going to start to taper these next two weeks before the half mary May 8.   My goal is to run under two hours.  I think I can do it this year.  I decided to seed myself and get into a better corral (sp?).  Ha, I was in corral (T) last year and it took me over 40 minutes to get to the start of the race.  I spent six miles dodging and passing walkers.  Kind of frustrating when there are literally thousands of people around you.  

Oh well, bring it on!!  Cool 

Hope everyone is doing well!!
2010-04-25 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2815426

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Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
hlipusch - 2010-04-26 3:42 PM Hi Everybody! First tri of the season for me today. Took 3rd place in my age group! The weather was crap and I almost bagged on the race because I was debating if it was worth the was. ) Hope everybody had a great weekend. Let's hear how you're doing?!

That's awsome. Congrats on the place.

2010-04-25 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2815472

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
cggale - 2010-04-25 6:13 PM

hlipusch - 2010-04-25 5:42 PM Hi Everybody! First tri of the season for me today. Took 3rd place in my age group! The weather was crap and I almost bagged on the race because I was debating if it was worth the was. ) Hope everybody had a great weekend. Let's hear how you're doing?!

Congratulations on your race!!!!  My weekend went o.k.  It rained a lot, so I had to workout at the gym.  I am going to start to taper these next two weeks before the half mary May 8.   My goal is to run under two hours.  I think I can do it this year.  I decided to seed myself and get into a better corral (sp?).  Ha, I was in corral (T) last year and it took me over 40 minutes to get to the start of the race.  I spent six miles dodging and passing walkers.  Kind of frustrating when there are literally thousands of people around you.  

Oh well, bring it on!!  Cool 

Hope everyone is doing well!!

Don't be too disappointed if you don't PR. I've heard it's near impossible because it's just way too crowded. I guess you've done it though so you know what I"m talking about! I'm just using it as a training run and I'm not too worried about time. Have a great week!

Thanks StrayDog!
2010-04-25 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2815426

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Congratulations on your triathlon Heather!  Third place for your age group - awesome!  Cool

I have a question for anyone in the group - I messed up my back on Thursday - lower back.  Was the end of my first taper week.  Made it to the doc and got on meds Thursday and camped on the floor.  So the big question is this.  My race is May 1.  I am trying to decide if I should just let the taper weeks slide and race expecting to be better or if I should try to work in some biking and running.  I actually got well enough to get in 1000 meters swimming last night.  That made me feel tons better.  Any thoughts or ideas on how people have handled this in the past would be great.  Pain has gone away for the most part.  Some stiffness and reduced range of motion though.  Haven't tried to get on the bike or run again yet but was considering it today!


2010-04-26 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2815874

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvq - 2010-04-25 9:26 PM

Congratulations on your triathlon Heather!  Third place for your age group - awesome!  Cool

I have a question for anyone in the group - I messed up my back on Thursday - lower back.  Was the end of my first taper week.  Made it to the doc and got on meds Thursday and camped on the floor.  So the big question is this.  My race is May 1.  I am trying to decide if I should just let the taper weeks slide and race expecting to be better or if I should try to work in some biking and running.  I actually got well enough to get in 1000 meters swimming last night.  That made me feel tons better.  Any thoughts or ideas on how people have handled this in the past would be great.  Pain has gone away for the most part.  Some stiffness and reduced range of motion though.  Haven't tried to get on the bike or run again yet but was considering it today!


Is your back muscular aches or more hip/joint aches? How did you mess it up?? If it was me and the pain was gone I would try and get back to business as usual paying extra close attention to any clues that I need to stop. I would probably keep the training less intense and keep it indoors for at least a week too. Did your Dr. give you any follow up instructions?
2010-04-26 1:44 PM
in reply to: #2816425

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
It is muscle and that is how they treated it.  This is an old injury - did it ski racing a long time ago.  Hurt it on my medium distance run last week.  Was running on the road and took a step and just felt a burning pain run from spine lower back to the top of my pelvis.  I  went in today and he said to ease back into it and if all goes well I could race this weekend.  They are referring me to  PT now.  I did swim 1000m Saturday and that went well.  Took it easy.  Just did a short ride (a few minutes ago) and it responded well to being on the bike.  Guess tomorrow is the big one.  Try to run on it again.  I think I will start with a fast walk and go into a slow run before I try to speed up.  Any other thoughts?  I am going for a massage this evening to see if I can speed it along.
2010-04-27 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2817449

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Sounds like you're doing everything right! Enjoy the massage! I am getting a deep tissue sports massage on Friday afternoon...first one ever. I can't wait. Hope your run goes well.
2010-04-27 5:05 PM
in reply to: #2815426

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New user

Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Congrats on placing. That is awesome. I am on vacation in St. Maarten and unfortunately slacking. The only real exercise I've done over the last week has been 2 hours of tennis. I've swam a bit at the pool but it is much to small for laps. I will be back Sunday and back in the swing of things. We got here Thursday and will be back Sunday. I feel like I am losing ground and should probably take a run. We will see.
2010-04-29 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2820011

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Thanks for looking it over Heather.  Run went well.  Ended up with 9:05s and have been averaging 8:25s.  If you have a good masseuse I think you will really like the deep tissue massage.  It helped me tons!  Do expect to be sore the next day - in a good way.  Like you worked out but you should come off the table feeling a lot more relaxed, physically and mentally - or at least I did.  Let me know what you think.

2010-04-29 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2772211

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West Palm Beach, FL
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
The Doc said I'm cool to exercise again!  Not sure if I should swim bike or run tomorrow.  I feel so antsy I want to do all three.

With one or two races coming in the next 5 weeks I have some work to do just to get myself back in to the shape I was in a month ago.   My diets been OK but I have gained a bit of weight and my pants are snugger.  I wish I could really commit to eating better.  My goal weight is 200 by the end of season and I'm 225 right now, 10 over where I should be for this time of year.  I don't like "dieting" but I am feeling pressure to get the weight off really fast since it has such a positive impact on my speed.
2010-04-29 11:17 PM
in reply to: #2825652

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey Spleen.  Congratulations on getting the OK to start training again!  Once you get back into your workout routine the weight will start coming off.  Are you using the nutrition logs.  I have found that when I hit sticking points or don't think I am eating well, they really help me to police my intake and carb to protein to fat ratios.
2010-04-30 12:58 PM
in reply to: #2772211

Round Rock
Silver member
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
Hey guys, tomorrow is my first triathlon.  I'll post a race report probably on Monday.  You all have a good weekend and good training!
2010-04-30 4:48 PM
in reply to: #2828845

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Between Madison and Milwaukee
Subject: RE: hlipusch mentor group - FULL!!
kz9jvq - 2010-04-30 12:58 PM

Hey guys, tomorrow is my first triathlon.  I'll post a race report probably on Monday.  You all have a good weekend and good training!

Good luck can't wait to hear all about it!!
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