Subject: RE: Capital punishment??? Opus - 2006-01-06 2:34 PM
I'll go out on a limb here and state categorically that any philosophical debate on this triathlon website is inherently pointless, unless you consider that its diversionary qualities provide a point.
But pointless doesn't mean bad, or boring, it just means pointless. Having said that, in degrees of pointlessness, this thread ranks far above burritos and chipotle... or is that below? It is less pointless, therefore lower on the pointlessness scale.
Ahhh, but that's why we have we can discuss philosphical topics off the triathlon topic. I've been reading this thread with much interest/entertainment because I always get a kick out of these discussions. I think this thread is pointless only in the sense that one person will never be able to dissuade another from his/her point of view. It's like trying to discuss politics and religion, or the abortion debate (which conveniently covers both politics and religion). I do think the discussion has been handled very eloquently, without anyone's undewear getting too wadded up. Very adult-like gentlemen.
Now this particular post is extremely pointless (is extreme pointlessness similar to extreme uniqueness?) so I'd be better off stopping right now... |