Subject: RE: Maureen - FullI have tried once on my trainer, but I did not get good nutrition prior and ended up getting dizzy from a low sugar. So I need to try again. I was following the LT test from Mike Ricci the USAT support forum coach. Interesting about your HR in the heat and cold. That is totally appropriate in my eyes. Your blood vessels will expand more in the heat causing a rise in HR, but the same holds true when hypothermia sets in due to the body trying to create heat causing the heart to pump faster, but in the case of doing exercise in the cold, the exercise is keeping your body warm with no added heat keeping your HR from reaching the max??? That is my take on it, now I wonder Mike Ricci has to say about this??? Oh yeah your paces for a 5K was probably faster than the 10 miler another reason for a lower heart rate in the longer run... I have been following this for my zones until I actually get a LT test done. THE TRAINING ZONES There are five general heart rate training zones of different levels of training intensity, each of which corresponds to various metabolic or respiratory transport mechanisms within your body. The heart rate can be tracked by using a variety of methods: 1. Determining heart rate by palpating the carotid or radial artery. 2. Rating of Perceived Exertion 3. Using a heart rate monitor.
Calculating Intensity Levels Measured Resting Heart Rate (MRHR) __55___________ Estimated Maximum Heart Rate (EMHR ) 205 – (.5x age ) = ____186________________________ Heart Rate Reserve (HRR): EMHR - MRHR= HRR ___131___________
Level Formula For Heart Rate Values Calculated HR’s HRR x .60 + MRHR= ______134________ Zone 1 HRR x .70 + MRHR= _______147_______ ___________________________________________________________________________ HRR x.71 + MRHR= _____148__________ Zone 2 HRR x.75 + MRHR= _____153__________
HRR x.76 + MRHR= ____154___________ Zone 3 HRR x.80 + MRHR= ____160___________
HRR x.81 + MRHR= _____161__________ Zone 4 HRR x.90 + MRHR= ______173_________
HRR x.91 + MRHR= _____174__________ Zone 5 HRR x 1.00 + MRHR= _____186__________